Mysteries of the origin of diamond deposits (8 photos). Diamond Diamond is a rare, but at the same time quite widespread mineral. Industrial diamond deposits are known on all continents except Antarctica

Option No. 2617841

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. The answers to tasks 1-26 are a figure (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers).

If the option is specified by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of completing tasks with a short answer and will be able to evaluate the downloaded answers to tasks with a long answer. The scores assigned by the teacher will appear in your statistics. The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Indicate the numbers of sentences in which the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) For the production of diamonds and in the manufacture of cutting and sharpening tools, diamonds are used, which are particularly hard.

2) Diamonds are used for the production of diamonds and dental equipment.

3) Diamond chips, due to their hardness, are used as the main component of dental burs.

4) Diamonds, which are particularly hard, are used for the production of diamonds and in the manufacture of cutting and sharpening tools.

5) The well-known dental bur, like many other cutting instruments, is coated with diamond chips.


Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in the blank in third proposal? Write this word down.

In a word,

Due to the fact that

Contrary to this

For example


Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word PRODUCTION. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.


1. see produce.

2. The social process of creating material wealth, covering both the productive forces of society and the production relations of people. Commodity item Growth, decline in production.

3. Manufacturing, development, creation of some kind. products. P. steel. Factory made item.

4. A branch of activity that produces some kind of products. Steelmaking village. Agricultural village.

5. Work on direct production of products. Work in production.


In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel is highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write this word down.





In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

CHOOSE the only right path, the path that is destined for you from above, guess it, do not turn away from it...

A real teacher should strive to ENCOURAGE all his students.

Presented in the music salon huge SELECTION discs with recordings of famous performers and beginning singers.

The plan drawn up by the project manager has undergone major changes in the process of its development.

I definitely remembered an EXTRACTION from this musical piece, but I could not reproduce it completely, no matter how hard I tried.


In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.


for BOTH students

in the year one thousand ninety

Happy birthday


Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) Anyone who has studied the process of language development knows about various historical changes at the level of phonetics and grammar.1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
B) Children rarely listen to and follow the advice of their elders.2) violation of the connection between subject and predicate
C) He asked what I knew about my mother’s illness.3) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application
D) Among the scientific works of F. I. Buslaev, first of all, his book “Historical Grammar of the Russian Language” should be mentioned.4) error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
D) The picture shows a girl who has just gotten up.5) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases
6) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases
7) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Identify the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


exchange..receive (product)




Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

be..protective, in..product;

present, barrier-free;

pr..bring closer, pr..miracle;

n..measure, climb..climb;, oh..abandon.


Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.

grind (flour)


take your leave


kneaded (dough)


Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.



Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write out this word.

The ground, which had not seen rain for a long time, was cracking.

The sun was (un)bearably hot.

The river, not yet frozen in ice, gloomily rolled its leaden waters.

(There is) no one to ask when you yourself are to blame.

I (haven’t) been in my native country for a long time.


Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

She tried to understand WHAT exactly the strange smell was coming from, which soon became even more noticeable.

Different historians often look at the same thing (SAME) (DIFFERENTLY)

(AT) AT THE BEGINNING we were annoyed by Vera’s eccentric behavior, but (B) SUBSEQUENTLY we got used to it.

After (HALF) AN HOUR, the squad found themselves (AT) THE TOP of a long, gentle hill.

The wood was crackling in the fireplace (AT) HOME, and the clock was ticking peacefully at its side.


Indicate all the numbers replaced by one letter N.

In my room there is an iron bed with nickel(1) knobs, an old(2) bedside table, on it a clay(3) jug with flowers, on the wall there is a fabric(4) rug - swans are swimming on the sea, on the shore stands Bova Korolevich.


Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) Morning came and the golden reflections of the young sun danced on the barely noticeable waves of the calm sea.

2) An old friend invited me to stay with him and for the first time I had the opportunity to visit the upper reaches of the Volga.

3) He carefully took his shoes out of his bosom and was again amazed at the expensive work and the wonderful incident of the previous night.

4) In a few hours he will leave the house and farm and go somewhere south.

5) Islets of coltsfoot and wormwood and thin bushes of yellow sweet clover enlivened the slope of the ravine.


Above the endless sea (3), which had not yet subsided (1) after the recent storm (2), rose the sky (4) dotted with (5) brightly twinkling stars.


Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

My brother (1) seems (2) to be beginning to understand the importance of the upcoming events. Sometimes our class (3) seems (4) to me like a big friendly family.


Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Khlestakov managed to carry out (1) even the mayor's (2) trickery (3) whose (4) was known to the whole city.


Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Everyone loved me (1) and (2) although I was incredibly naughty (3) I was forgiven for everything (4) no matter what I did.


Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? List the answer numbers in ascending order.

1) Konstantin Nikolaevich and Anastasia Petrovna have been married for 35 years.

2) Over the years, Anastasia Petrovna began to treat her husband arrogantly.

3) Konstantin Nikolaevich is annoyed that his wife does not look after the house well.

4) Konstantin Nikolaevich felt embarrassed because of his irritation.

5) Anastasia Petrovna didn’t clean the house because she was messy.

(21) There are cobwebs in the corners.

(22)− Where is the web?

look for cobwebs in the corners.

(29)− Are you blind, or what?

(According to S. A. Voronin*)


Which of the following statements are true? Specify the answer numbers.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) Proposition 16 explains the content of sentence 15.

2) Sentences 12−14 present a narrative.

3) Sentences 32−33 present the reasoning.

4) Sentences 18−21 provide a description.

5) There are no descriptive elements in sentences 43-44.

(1) No, not right away, but somehow from time to time he began to notice cobwebs in the most hidden places, gray mounds of dust on the floor in the corners, stuck hard crumbs on the edge of a washed cup or plate. (2) “Only this wasn’t enough yet,” he thought irritably, “has it really been like this all my life, I just didn’t notice, and now, sitting in retirement, with nothing to do, I see everything...”

(4) She sat with her head bowed low over her sewing. (5) Lately she has developed some strange need to mend torn socks and put patches on washed towels. (6) No, she became completely different from how he knew her all thirty-five years after the wedding. (7) Not at all like that.

(8) When she married him, her girlfriends told her that he, Kostya, was not a match for her. (9) For some reason they considered him less significant compared to her. (10) But in the end - an apartment, a car, a dacha, and all this he, and now he also helps his daughter, whose husband turned out to be a frivolous person, and he also has to help his son. (11) So if we talk about kindness, then here it is - not an impulse, but from month to month, when you deny yourself for the sake of your children.

(12) Konstantin Nikolaevich looked at his wife. (13) She still sat with her head bowed low. (14) I was putting on another patch. (15) Lately she has developed a lot of strange things. (16) At least these patches are bright. (17) Then - squint your eyes, as if looking down at the person you are talking to.

(18)− Better take care of the house. (19) There is dirt all around. (20) You have become sloppy.

(21) There are cobwebs in the corners.

(22)− Where is the web?

(23) And again this disgusting squint.

(24) − Here, here, here! (25)− Konstantin Nikolaevich began to point his finger at

(26)− It can’t be... (27)− Anastasia Petrovna squinted and began

look for cobwebs in the corners.

(28) “There’s nothing there, you’re just being picky,” she said to the usual tired

(29)− Are you blind, or what?

(30) Konstantin Nikolaevich shook his head in irritation and went into his room. (31) He stood at the window, mindlessly looking out at the street. (32) “Devil knows what,” his heart was seething, “and she’s still being ironic. (33) No, we need to go back and make her take off the cobwebs, poke her with her nose, otherwise you’ll “nitpick”... (34) And he went to his wife. (35) But what he saw made him freeze.

(36) Anastasia Petrovna stood in the corner and tensely, as happens to a person with poor vision, peered at the walls, apparently looking for cobwebs. (37) There was something pitiful and helpless in her face and in her whole figure.

(38)− Nastya! - Konstantin Nikolaevich called alarmedly.

(39) She shuddered, turned around, and he saw her confused eyes. (40) They were wide open, then narrowed their eyes, as if making their gaze arrogant.

(41) “I... I don’t see the web,” she said.

(42) “How can you not see?” - he wanted to say. (43) He saw even from the door this black thread, trembling at the slightest movement of air. (44) But he remained silent, suddenly realizing that his wife had begun to see poorly and that she had long since ceased to be that clever, cheerful, young woman, but an elderly, if not old, woman, and he said guiltily:

(45)− You're right, there really aren't any cobwebs... (46) Sorry...

(According to S. A. Voronin*)

*Sergei Alekseevich Voronin (1913–2002) - Russian Soviet prose writer.


Write down synonyms from sentence 37.

(1) No, not right away, but somehow from time to time he began to notice cobwebs in the most hidden places, gray mounds of dust on the floor in the corners, stuck hard crumbs on the edge of a washed cup or plate. (2) “Only this wasn’t enough yet,” he thought irritably, “has it really been like this all my life, I just didn’t notice, and now, sitting in retirement, with nothing to do, I see everything...”

(3) Konstantin Nikolaevich looked at his wife. (4) She sat with her head bowed low over her sewing. (5) Lately she has developed some strange need to mend torn socks and put patches on washed towels. (6) No, she became completely different from how he knew her all thirty-five years after the wedding. (7) Not at all like that.

(8) When she married him, her girlfriends told her that he, Kostya, was not a match for her. (9) For some reason they considered him less significant compared to her. (10) But in the end - an apartment, a car, a dacha, and all this he, and now he also helps his daughter, whose husband turned out to be a frivolous person, and he also has to help his son. (11) So if we talk about kindness, then here it is - not an impulse, but from month to month, when you deny yourself for the sake of your children.

(12) Konstantin Nikolaevich looked at his wife. (13) She still sat with her head bowed low. (14) I was putting on another patch. (15) Lately she has developed a lot of strange things. (16) At least these patches are bright. (17) Then - squint your eyes, as if looking down at the person you are talking to.

(18)− Better take care of the house. (19) There is dirt all around. (20) You have become sloppy.

(21) There are cobwebs in the corners.

(22)− Where is the web?

(23) And again this disgusting squint.

(24) − Here, here, here! (25)− Konstantin Nikolaevich began to point his finger at

(26)− It can’t be... (27)− Anastasia Petrovna squinted and began

look for cobwebs in the corners.

(28) “There’s nothing there, you’re just being picky,” she said to the usual tired

(29)− Are you blind, or what?

(30) Konstantin Nikolaevich shook his head in irritation and went into his room. (31) He stood at the window, mindlessly looking out at the street. (32) “Devil knows what,” his heart was seething, “and she’s still being ironic. (33) No, we need to go back and make her take off the cobwebs, poke her with her nose, otherwise you’ll “nitpick”... (34) And he went to his wife. (35) But what he saw made him freeze.

(36) Anastasia Petrovna stood in the corner and tensely, as happens to a person with poor vision, peered at the walls, apparently looking for cobwebs. (37) There was something pitiful and helpless in her face and in her whole figure.

(38)− Nastya! - Konstantin Nikolaevich called alarmedly.

(39) She shuddered, turned around, and he saw her confused eyes. (40) They were wide open, then narrowed their eyes, as if making their gaze arrogant.

(41) “I... I don’t see the web,” she said.

(42) “How can you not see?” - he wanted to say. (43) He saw even from the door this black thread, trembling at the slightest movement of air. (44) But he remained silent, suddenly realizing that his wife had begun to see poorly and that she had long since ceased to be that clever, cheerful, young woman, but an elderly, if not old, woman, and he said guiltily:

(45)− You're right, there really aren't any cobwebs... (46) Sorry...

(According to S. A. Voronin*)

*Sergei Alekseevich Voronin (1913–2002) - Russian Soviet prose writer.

(3) Konstantin Nikolaevich looked at his wife.


Among sentences 30−38, find one(s) that is related to the previous one using a possessive pronoun. Write the number(s) of this offer(s).

(1) No, not right away, but somehow from time to time he began to notice cobwebs in the most hidden places, gray mounds of dust on the floor in the corners, stuck hard crumbs on the edge of a washed cup or plate. (2) “Only this wasn’t enough yet,” he thought irritably, “has it really been like this all my life, I just didn’t notice, and now, sitting in retirement, with nothing to do, I see everything...”

(3) Konstantin Nikolaevich looked at his wife. (4) She sat with her head bowed low over her sewing. (5) Lately she has developed some strange need to mend torn socks and put patches on washed towels. (6) No, she became completely different from how he knew her all thirty-five years after the wedding. (7) Not at all like that.

(8) When she married him, her girlfriends told her that he, Kostya, was not a match for her. (9) For some reason they considered him less significant compared to her. (10) But in the end - an apartment, a car, a dacha, and all this he, and now he also helps his daughter, whose husband turned out to be a frivolous person, and he also has to help his son. (11) So if we talk about kindness, then here it is - not an impulse, but from month to month, when you deny yourself for the sake of your children.

(12) Konstantin Nikolaevich looked at his wife. (13) She still sat with her head bowed low. (14) I was putting on another patch. (15) Lately she has developed a lot of strange things. (16) At least these patches are bright. (17) Then - squint your eyes, as if looking down at the person you are talking to.

(18)− Better take care of the house. (19) There is dirt all around. (20) You have become sloppy.

(21) There are cobwebs in the corners.

(22)− Where is the web?

(23) And again this disgusting squint.

(24) − Here, here, here! (25)− Konstantin Nikolaevich began to point his finger at

(26)− It can’t be... (27)− Anastasia Petrovna squinted and began

look for cobwebs in the corners.

(28) “There’s nothing there, you’re just being picky,” she said to the usual tired

(29)− Are you blind, or what?

(30) Konstantin Nikolaevich shook his head in irritation and went into his room. (31) He stood at the window, mindlessly looking out at the street. (32) “Devil knows what,” his heart was seething, “and she’s still being ironic. (33) No, we need to go back and make her take off the cobwebs, poke her with her nose, otherwise you’ll “nitpick”... (34) And he went to his wife. (35) But what he saw made him freeze.

(36) Anastasia Petrovna stood in the corner and tensely, as happens to a person with poor vision, peered at the walls, apparently looking for cobwebs. (37) There was something pitiful and helpless in her face and in her whole figure.

(38)− Nastya! - Konstantin Nikolaevich called alarmedly.

(39) She shuddered, turned around, and he saw her confused eyes. (40) They were wide open, then narrowed their eyes, as if making their gaze arrogant.

(41) “I... I don’t see the web,” she said.

(42) “How can you not see?” - he wanted to say. (43) He saw even from the door this black thread, trembling at the slightest movement of air. (44) But he remained silent, suddenly realizing that his wife had begun to see poorly and that she had long since ceased to be that clever, cheerful, young woman, but an elderly, if not old, woman, and he said guiltily:

(45)− You're right, there really aren't any cobwebs... (46) Sorry...

(According to S. A. Voronin*)

*Sergei Alekseevich Voronin (1913–2002) - Russian Soviet prose writer.

(3) Konstantin Nikolaevich looked at his wife.


Read an excerpt from the review. It examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the blanks with numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list.

Author's Spotlight difficult relationships heroes who are revealed with the help of (A)_____ (sentences 18–29). The author conveys the feelings of Konstantin Nikolaevich with the help of (B)_____ (“boiling… in the heart” in sentence 32, “poking his nose” in sentence 33). The image of Anastasia Petrovna is created using such lexical means as (B)_____ (“something pitiful” in sentence 37, confused eyes” in sentence 39), as well as (D)_____ (sentence 44).

List of terms:

1) metonymy

2) epithets

4) metaphor

5) appeal(s)

6) antithesis

7) comparison

8) introductory words

9) phraseological units

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


(1) No, not right away, but somehow from time to time he began to notice cobwebs in the most hidden places, gray mounds of dust on the floor in the corners, stuck hard crumbs on the edge of a washed cup or plate. (2) “Only this wasn’t enough yet,” he thought irritably, “has it really been like this all my life, I just didn’t notice, and now, sitting in retirement, with nothing to do, I see everything...”

(3) Konstantin Nikolaevich looked at his wife. (4) She sat with her head bowed low over her sewing. (5) Lately she has developed some strange need to mend torn socks and put patches on washed towels. (6) No, she became completely different from how he knew her all thirty-five years after the wedding. (7) Not at all like that.

(8) When she married him, her girlfriends told her that he, Kostya, was not a match for her. (9) For some reason they considered him less significant compared to her. (10) But in the end - an apartment, a car, a dacha, and all this he, and now he also helps his daughter, whose husband turned out to be a frivolous person, and he also has to help his son. (11) So if we talk about kindness, then here it is - not an impulse, but from month to month, when you deny yourself for the sake of your children.

(12) Konstantin Nikolaevich looked at his wife. (13) She still sat with her head bowed low. (14) I was putting on another patch. (15) Lately she has developed a lot of strange things. (16) At least these patches are bright. (17) Then - squint your eyes, as if looking down at the person you are talking to.

(18)− Better take care of the house. (19) There is dirt all around. (20) You have become sloppy.

(21) There are cobwebs in the corners.

(22)− Where is the web?

(23) And again this disgusting squint.

(24) − Here, here, here! (25)− Konstantin Nikolaevich began to point his finger at

(26)− It can’t be... (27)− Anastasia Petrovna squinted and began

look for cobwebs in the corners.

(28) “There’s nothing there, you’re just being picky,” she said to the usual tired

(29)− Are you blind, or what?

(30) Konstantin Nikolaevich shook his head in irritation and went into his room. (31) He stood at the window, mindlessly looking out at the street. (32) “Devil knows what,” his heart was seething, “and she’s still being ironic. (33) No, we need to go back and make her take off the cobwebs, poke her with her nose, otherwise you’ll “nitpick”... (34) And he went to his wife. (35) But what he saw made him freeze.

(36) Anastasia Petrovna stood in the corner and tensely, as happens to a person with poor vision, peered at the walls, apparently looking for cobwebs. (37) There was something pitiful and helpless in her face and in her whole figure.

(38)− Nastya! - Konstantin Nikolaevich called alarmedly.

(39) She shuddered, turned around, and he saw her confused eyes. (40) They were wide open, then narrowed their eyes, as if making their gaze arrogant.

(41) “I... I don’t see the web,” she said.

(42) “How can you not see?” - he wanted to say. (43) He saw even from the door this black thread, trembling at the slightest movement of air. (44) But he remained silent, suddenly realizing that his wife had begun to see poorly and that she had long since ceased to be that clever, cheerful, young woman, but an elderly, if not old, woman, and he said guiltily:

(45)− You're right, there really aren't any cobwebs... (46) Sorry...

(According to S. A. Voronin*)

*Sergei Alekseevich Voronin (1913–2002) - Russian Soviet prose writer.

(18)− Better take care of the house. (19) There is dirt all around. (20) You have become sloppy.

(21) There are cobwebs in the corners.

(22)− Where is the web?

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite original text without any comments, such work is assessed 0 points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) No, not right away, but somehow from time to time he began to notice cobwebs in the most hidden places, gray mounds of dust on the floor in the corners, stuck hard crumbs on the edge of a washed cup or plate. (2) “Only this wasn’t enough yet,” he thought irritably, “has it really been like this all my life, I just didn’t notice, and now, sitting in retirement, with nothing to do, I see everything...”

(3) Konstantin Nikolaevich looked at his wife. (4) She sat with her head bowed low over her sewing. (5) Lately she has developed some strange need to mend torn socks and put patches on washed towels. (6) No, she became completely different from how he knew her all thirty-five years after the wedding. (7) Not at all like that.

(8) When she married him, her girlfriends told her that he, Kostya, was not a match for her. (9) For some reason they considered him less significant compared to her. (10) But in the end - an apartment, a car, a dacha, and all this he, and now he also helps his daughter, whose husband turned out to be a frivolous person, and he also has to help his son. (11) So if we talk about kindness, then here it is - not an impulse, but from month to month, when you deny yourself for the sake of your children.

(12) Konstantin Nikolaevich looked at his wife. (13) She still sat with her head bowed low. (14) I was putting on another patch. (15) Lately she has developed a lot of strange things. (16) At least these patches are bright. (17) Then - squint your eyes, as if looking down at the person you are talking to.

(18)− Better take care of the house. (19) There is dirt all around. (20) You have become sloppy.

(21) There are cobwebs in the corners.

(22)− Where is the web?

(23) And again this disgusting squint.

(24) − Here, here, here! (25)− Konstantin Nikolaevich began to point his finger at

(26)− It can’t be... (27)− Anastasia Petrovna squinted and began

look for cobwebs in the corners.

(28) “There’s nothing there, you’re just being picky,” she said to the usual tired

(29)− Are you blind, or what?

(30) Konstantin Nikolaevich shook his head in irritation and went into his room. (31) He stood at the window, mindlessly looking out at the street. (32) “Devil knows what,” his heart was seething, “and she’s still being ironic. (33) No, we need to go back and make her take off the cobwebs, poke her with her nose, otherwise you’ll “nitpick”... (34) And he went to his wife. (35) But what he saw made him freeze.

(36) Anastasia Petrovna stood in the corner and tensely, as happens to a person with poor vision, peered at the walls, apparently looking for cobwebs. (37) There was something pitiful and helpless in her face and in her whole figure.

(38)− Nastya! - Konstantin Nikolaevich called alarmedly.

(39) She shuddered, turned around, and he saw her confused eyes. (40) They were wide open, then narrowed their eyes, as if making their gaze arrogant.

(41) “I... I don’t see the web,” she said.

(42) “How can you not see?” - he wanted to say. (43) He saw even from the door this black thread, trembling at the slightest movement of air. (44) But he remained silent, suddenly realizing that his wife had begun to see poorly and that she had long since ceased to be that clever, cheerful, young woman, but an elderly, if not old, woman, and he said guiltily:

(45)− You're right, there really aren't any cobwebs... (46) Sorry...

(According to S. A. Voronin*)

*Sergei Alekseevich Voronin (1913–2002) - Russian Soviet prose writer.

Solutions to long-answer tasks are not automatically checked.
The next page will ask you to check them yourself.

Complete testing, check answers, see solutions.

Diamonds are a rare, but at the same time quite widespread mineral. Industrial deposits diamonds are known on all continents except Antarctica.

Every year, about 25 tons of industrial and jewelry diamonds are mined from kimberlite pipes on the planet, worth about $12 billion in rough form. The lives of tens of millions of people are connected in one way or another with diamonds: they search for them, mine them, process them, and sell them. Diamonds serve not only to satisfy the immense human vanity and craving for shiny, expensive trinkets.
It is estimated that the use of diamond tools more than doubles the economic potential of any developed country. But a simple question: how are diamonds formed in nature? - there is still no answer. It is believed that diamonds crystallized in unknown depths of the mantle, and kimberlite “explosion tubes” carried them to the surface of the planet.
In this generally accepted version, everything is unclear: the mechanism of diamond formation, the placement of diamond-bearing rocks on the planet - kimberlites, and the reasons for the emergence of “kimberlite pipes”, rooted in the depths of the Earth.

Thousands of scientific articles are devoted to diamonds and diamondiferous rocks of the mantle - kimberlites. But they do not answer the three main mysteries of primary diamond deposits. First: why are kimberlites located only on “platforms,” the most stable and powerful blocks of the earth’s crust? What monstrous forces forced the heavy rocks of the Earth’s mantle to violate the great law of Archimedes, rush upward and pierce, like an armor-piercing projectile of unprecedented power, 40 kilometers of lighter rocks - basalts, granites, sedimentary rocks? And why do kimberlite pipes “pierce” the thick crust of the platforms, and not the thin 10-kilometer crust of the ocean floor or the transition zone at the border of continents with the oceans, where hundreds of volcanoes smoke on deep faults and lava flows freely to the surface?.. Answer to Geologists do not have this question.

Another mystery is the amazing shape of the cyberlite tubes. In fact, these are not “pipes” at all, but rather “champagne glasses”, cones on a thin stem that goes into the depths of the planet. Geologists call them “explosion tubes,” although it is difficult to come up with a more ridiculous phrase: after all, underground explosions do not form tubes at all, but spheres! Numerous so-called “camouflage chambers” have now been drilled - voids left after powerful underground nuclear explosions. All these cameras are spherical in shape. But kimberlite “cone pipes” really exist! How did they come about? There is no answer to this question either.

The third mystery concerns the unusual shape of mineral grains in kimberlites. It is known that the minerals that crystallize first from molten magma always form well-cut crystals. Such minerals include apatite, garnet, zircon, olivine, and ilmenite. They are also common in kimberlites, but here they always lack crystalline edges, their grains are rounded and resemble rounded pebbles in shape. Geologists are trying to explain this mysterious feature by saying that the minerals were melted by hot magma. Melting, as is known, leads to the transformation of minerals into an amorphous glass, devoid of a crystalline structure. However, no one was able to find any traces of “vitrification” or loss of crystalline structure in these rounded grains.

But diamond crystals are presented at beneficiation factories with whole mountains of sparkling, ideally formed octahedrons or rhombic dodecahedrons with sharp edges, which are so convenient for cutting glass. But they, according to existing views, arose in the depths of the mantle and were carried out “ready-made” along with kimberlite magma from a depth of 150-200 kilometers. For some reason, these crystals survived, despite their fragility, the abundance of internal stresses and the ability to easily split along certain planes,

It turns out that diamond crystals, which have gone through a very long and thorny path with molten magma, look as if they had just come off a factory assembly line. But the crystals of garnet, zircon, apatite and other minerals, which seem to have separated from the melt directly in the tube, are deprived of their legitimate edges. Why did such a paradox arise?

The first version is considered the most plausible - diamonds are born at monstrous temperatures and pressures deep under the earth's crust. Carbon formations collided with hot magma, which led to the formation of wonderful stones. This hypothesis is confirmed, first of all, by the fact that this is precisely the technology for growing synthetic diamonds. And everything would be wonderful if it weren’t for the facts that contradict this version.

One of them is that some Siberian diamonds contain organic inclusions and even branches of ancient plants! This suggests that the formation of these stones occurred quite close to the surface of the Earth. Certainly not in magma.

Microscopic diamonds are also found in meteorites. True, their cosmic origin still remains in question: until recently it was believed that they were formed from a terrible impact of a celestial body on the earth - this gives the necessary pressure and temperature for a split second. However, diamond inclusions were recently discovered in a meteorite that fell in Antarctica, where such conditions could not have arisen.

The most amazing thing about meteorite “babies” is their age. It can exceed the age of the Earth and even the Sun!

Scientists have learned to determine the approximate date of birth of stones based on indirect signs. And then we came across new amazing things. It turned out that the most ancient diamonds are not Indian, where they were first discovered, but African. They are 3.3 billion years old.

Younger ones - 2.9 billion years old - are already found on all continents. They owe their appearance to ancient marine organisms, which, having turned into coal and graphite, somehow fell into magma, where they completed the miraculous transformation from black and brittle to transparent and durable.

The youngest diamonds are about one hundred million years old. Very few of them have been found, and the nature of their occurrence is completely unclear.

Diamond is a mysterious child of the Earth, presenting us with new discoveries. But the most important thing that all scientists agree on is that today our planet no longer produces these stones. In the world's swamps, peat still continues to form, which has every chance of becoming coal and oil someday (not in our lifetime), but there will be no more diamonds - diamond-bearing rock is found only in the most ancient deposits. Maybe our planet was once hotter, maybe other geological conditions changed... But what we got will end someday. For good.

This does not mean that there is no longer a chance of finding a diamond that will outshine in its magnificence the best examples - the African “Cullinan” (the largest in history), the Indian “Great Mogul” and other legendary stones. However, the exhaustion of reserves is obvious - the mines of India and Brazil have already left the arena. Who is next? Africa? Russia?

And when the last diamond is extracted from the ground, prices will skyrocket! This will be the peak of celebration for those who purchased diamonds today.


Educational portal “SOLVE the Unified State Exam” (http://russian.reshuege.rf) Option No. 1257007 1. A 27 No. 635. Diamonds, rare, but at the same time quite widespread minerals, are extremely hard stones . Therefore, they are often used not only for the production of diamonds, but also for the production of cutting and sharpening discs, wheels and other tools. For example, the familiar dental bur is coated with diamond chips. Read the text. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text? 1) Diamonds are used for the production of diamonds and dental equipment. 2) Diamond chips, due to their hardness, are used as the main component of a dental bur. 3) Diamonds, which have special hardness, are used for the production of diamonds and in the manufacture of cutting and sharpening tools. 4) The well-known dental bur, like many other cutting instruments, is covered with diamond chips. 2. A 27 No. 1775. Read the text. Many objects that surround us are made from natural materials - one or several. Since ancient times, people have used these materials: they made fabrics from natural fibers, built houses from reeds and wood, processed stones and metals, creating various objects. A modern person who uses natural materials today must think about the fact that their reserves are not limitless. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text? 1) Objects made from natural materials were used by ancient people in everyday life, and today many objects that surround us are also made of stone and metal, wood and natural fibers. 2) Modern people must remember that the reserves of natural materials used from ancient times to the present day are not unlimited. 3) People must remember that reserves of natural materials may run out, so they also need to use artificially created materials. 4) Ancient people used only natural materials: they made fabrics from natural fibers, built houses from reeds and wood, processed stones and metals. 3. A 27 No. 483. Sometimes in the mountains it is not small fragments that break off, but huge blocks of rock; Having fallen down, they break into smaller parts and, cluttering the valleys. This phenomenon is called a collapse. Most often, rocks composed of layers of sedimentary rocks collapse in this way, and these layers should not lie horizontally, but at an angle to the horizontal - along these layers, cracks pass, leading to a collapse. Read the text. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text? 1) A landslide is the cluttering of valleys with huge blocks of rock, which were broken into smaller parts. 2) A collapse - the collapse of rocks and cluttering them with fragments of valleys - is usually caused by the appearance of cracks in layers of sedimentary rocks lying at an angle to the horizon. 3) Rocks composed of layers of sedimentary rocks always fall into valleys and clutter them with huge boulders. 4) A landslide is a phenomenon that occurs as a result of the collapse of small fragments of sedimentary rocks into valleys. 05/06/2014 Page 1 of 6 4. A 27 No. 2538. Read the text. Educational portal "SOLVE the Unified State Exam" (http://russian.reshuege.rf) In 1904, at the very beginning of the Russo-Japanese War, the cruiser "Varyag" tried to make its way past the Japanese squadron in Port Artur, but in During the battle with the Japanese, he received 5 underwater holes and was then captured. Designed by Charles Crump by order of the Russian Empire and launched in 1899 in America, this cruiser, it would seem, had every chance of breaking through to Port Arthur: “Varyag” showed a record speed for its time in tests - 23 ,5 knots. However, due to major design flaws of engineer Crump, the ship’s steam boilers soon after the cruiser was put into operation became unusable and the maximum speed of the Varyag by the time of the battle was reduced to 14 knots, which was clearly a disadvantage at face-to-face for a breakthrough. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text? 1) The cruiser “Varyag”, designed by Crump for the Russian Empire, showed during tests a record speed for its time - 23.5 knots, however, due to major design flaws of Crump, after five years the speed of the cruiser was reduced reached 14 knots. 2) The cruiser “Varyag”, which showed a record speed for its time during testing, probably would not have been sunk and would have been able to break through to Port Arthur, if not for the design flaws of engineer Crump, As a result, the ship's speed by 1904 was reduced to 14 knots. 3) Posted according to last word The technical equipment of the cruiser “Varyag”, however, did not have enough maximum speed and in order to break past the Japanese squadron to Port Arthur, the ship received 5 holes and was sunk. 4) The cruiser “Varyag” was sunk in 1904 while trying to break through to Port Arthur, and the ship from the moment of construction had no chance of this: the estimated speed of the “Varyag” was It made only 14 knots, which was clearly not enough for a successful breakthrough. 5. A 27 No. 1509. Read the text. Napoleon loved to read, which was quite unusual for a military man. In each residence he had a library composed of the same books, and therefore the emperor could continue reading any book, moving from place to place. He became addicted to reading as a child, at a military school: his relationships with his peers did not work out, and books allowed him to forget about loneliness and everyday troubles. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text? 1) Napoleon often spent time reading books in one of his residences. 2) In each residence Napoleon had a library made up of different books. 3) From childhood, Napoleon became addicted to reading, which replaced his communication with his peers, so in each residence the emperor had the same library. 4) Napoleon loved to read the same books, from which all his libraries were compiled. 6. A 27 No. 2459. Read the text. In ancient times, the prosperity of a state largely depended on whether there were deposits of minerals, especially metals, on its territory. It was the rich reserves of “metallic” ores that often became the reason why entire peoples moved to new lands. The ancient Greeks, for example, were in need of gold, silver, tin, copper, and iron. Therefore, they began to colonize the Black Sea coast. After all, iron can be mined on the Kerch Peninsula in Crimea, and gold sand can be mined in the rivers of the Caucasus. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text? 1) Mineral deposits were so important for the state in antiquity that the desire to possess them could become the reason for colonization. 2) The Black Sea coast attracted the ancient Greeks primarily with its reserves of iron ore. 3) The ancient Greeks needed iron; they also lacked tin, copper and precious metals. 4) In ancient times, entire peoples moved to new lands, and the reasons for such migration were different. 05/06/2014 Page 2 of 6 Educational portal “SOLVE the Unified State Exam” (http://russian.reshuege.rf) 7. A 27 No. 977. Read the text. Camels can go for a long time without food, and, what is especially important, they can go without drinking for several days, and scientists have long speculated about the reasons for their amazing ability to withstand thirst. The assumption that the stomach of the animal retains water turned out to be unproven - and the camel drinks a lot and quickly: in 10 minutes it absorbs 10 buckets of water at once, and the assumption that the fat accumulated in the humps allows the camel to endure thirst, because, “ burning,” it provides water and thus protects the body from dehydration. It turned out that the phenomenal resistance of a camel to thirst depends on its ability to lose up to a quarter of its body weight due to water, while moisture is retained in the blood in a much larger amount than in others animals. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text? 1) Camels can go for a long time without food and without water, and scientists have put forward various guesses about the reasons for this amazing ability, only one of which has been proven. 2) The resistance of camels to thirst is due to the fact that they are able to lose up to a quarter of their body weight due to water, and the moisture in their blood is retained in a much larger amount than in other animals. 3) Regarding the resistance of camels to thirst, scientists have put forward two assumptions: the animal’s stomach holds water and the fat accumulated in the humps allows the camel to endure thirst. 4) The camel drinks a lot and quickly: in 10 minutes it absorbs 10 buckets of water at once, and its ability to go without water for a long time is explained primarily by its ability to absorb moisture in a much larger amount, unlike others animals. 8. A 27 No. 1167. World experience shows that at the present stage of development of nanotechnology, one of the key places is occupied by the deposition of thin films in a vacuum. By varying the thickness and number of layers in such films, it is possible, regardless of the chemical composition, to obtain dielectric or semiconductor properties of metals and achieve higher strength and hardness. Using multicomponent and multilayer films, it is possible to form nanocomposite materials with a very wide range of applications. Read the text. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text? 1) World experience shows that at the present stage of development of nanotechnology, one of the key places is occupied by changing the properties of metals using thin films. 2) Today, the deposition of thin films in a vacuum occupies one of the key places in the development of nanotechnology, making it possible to control the properties of metals and create nanocomposite materials for wide purposes. 3) By varying the thickness of the films, it is possible, regardless of the chemical composition, to change the usual properties of metals, achieving higher strength and hardness. 4) Using multicomponent and multilayer films, it is possible to form nanocomposite materials with a very wide range of purposes. 9. A 27 No. 1243. Read the text. Rice requires slightly less fertilizer compared to other agricultural crops. This is explained by the fact that specific nitrogen-fixing bacteria live in the root zone of rice plants. As a result, even without the application of nitrogen fertilizers, a rice plantation can maintain productivity for a long time. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text? 1) Compared to other agricultural crops, rice requires slightly less fertilizer. 2) A rice plantation can maintain productivity for a long time without applying nitrogen fertilizers thanks to nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which reduce the need for rice plants for fertilizers. 3) Rice plantation can maintain its yield for a long time thanks to bacteria. 4) Specific nitrogen-fixing bacteria live in the roots of rice plants. 05/06/2014 Page 3 of 6 Educational portal “SOLVE the Unified State Exam” (http://russian.reshuege.rf) 10. A 27 No. 293. Preserving the cultural environment is a task no less important than preserving the surrounding nature. Losses in nature are recoverable to a certain extent, in contrast to cultural losses. Therefore, modern scientists (archaeologists, historians, ethnographers, philosophers, writers, linguists, etc.) say that the protection and preservation of the cultural characteristics of peoples and nations is becoming a key point of human progress and self-expression. Read the text. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text? 1) Saving environment- a task no less important than the preservation of the culture of peoples and nations. 2) The key point of human progress and self-expression becomes the protection and preservation of the cultural specificity of peoples and nations. 3) Archaeologists, historians, ethnographers, philosophers, writers and linguists study the cultural characteristics of peoples and nations. 4) According to modern scientists, losses in nature can be restored to a certain extent, in contrast to cultural losses. 11. A 27 No. 787. Archaeologists find many treasures in the Slavic lands. The value of a treasure lies not in the quantity of treasures, but in the quality jewelry(among them there are real masterpieces). But the most valuable thing for archaeologists is the idea of ​​the life and way of life of the ancient Slavs, which is formed in the process of studying jewelry found during excavations. Read the text. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text? 1) Archaeologists find many treasures, the value of which is determined primarily by the quality of jewelry. 2) The most valuable thing for archaeologists is not the quantity of jewelry found, but its quality. 3) For archaeologists, jewelry found in Slavic lands is important primarily because it gives an idea about the life and way of life of the ancient Slavs. 4) Among the jewelry found in the Slavic lands there are real masterpieces, and archaeologists pay great attention to their study. 12. A 27 No. 711. The number of sciences is increasing, but the emergence of new ones is not only due to differentiation and specialization, but also due to the emergence of related disciplines. Physics and chemistry are merging, forming a number of intermediate full-time disciplines, mathematics is connected with neighboring and non-neighboring sciences, and the “mathematization” of many sciences is taking place. And this is no coincidence: the advancement of our knowledge about the world occurs precisely in the intervals between “traditional” sciences. Read the text. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text? 1) The growth of the number of sciences in modern world is explained by the emergence of a large number of related disciplines. 2) The advancement of our knowledge about the world occurs through the specialization of sciences. 3) In the modern world, related disciplines are emerging: physics and chemistry are merging, forming a number of intermediate full-time disciplines, mathematics is connected with neighboring and non-neighboring sciences, and “mathematization” of many sciences is taking place. 4) The growth in the number of sciences reflects the specifics of the advancement of our knowledge about the world: not only the differentiation of sciences occurs, but also the emergence of related disciplines. 13. A 27 No. 217. Bacteria are truly ubiquitous. Thousands, or even millions, of bacteria live in the air and water, in any lump of soil and in every living organism. They can be detected in the upper layers of the atmosphere at an altitude of several tens of kilometers and in deep underground wells; in boiling volcanic springs and in the thickness of Antarctic glaciers. Read the text. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text? 1) 2) 3) 4) Bacteria Bacteria In every Bacteria 05/06/2014 live everywhere. can live in the harshest conditions. A living organism is inhabited by thousands, or even millions, of bacteria. live in every living organism St. p. 4 of 6 Educational portal “SOLVE the Unified State Exam” (http://russian.reshuege.rf) 14. A 27 No. 5505. Read the text. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text? If the conditions of existence and the direction of action of natural selection are similar in animals of different groups, then in the process of evolution they sometimes acquire similar adaptations to their environment. This process is called convergence of features (convergence). For example, the front burrowing limbs of moles and mole crickets are very similar, although these animals belong to different types, they strongly resemble each other in the body shape of cetaceans and fish, the limbs of swimming animals are also similar, from belonging to different classes. (1)−Kill!.. (2)Shoot!.. (3)Now shoot the scoundrel!.. (6)Kill him! - shouted the male and female voices of the crowd. (4) Without mercy!.. (5) Murderer!.. (7) A huge crowd of people was leading a bound man down the street. (8) This man, tall, straight, walked with a firm step, raising his head high. (9) On his handsome, courageous face there was an expression of contempt and malice towards the people around him. (10) This was one of those people who, in the war of the people against the authorities, fight on the side of the authorities. (11) He was captured or now led to execution. (12) - This is about the policeman, he was shooting at us this morning! - shouted in the crowd. (13) The crowd did not stop, and they led him further. (14) When they came to the street where yesterday’s bodies of those killed by the troops, which had not yet been removed, lay on the pavement, the crowd became furious. (15) − There is no point in pushing back! (16) Now here and shoot the scoundrel, where else should we take him? - people shouted. (17) The prisoner frowned and only raised his head higher. (18) He seemed to hate the crowd even more than the crowd hated him. (19) − Kill everyone! (20) Spies! (21) Kings! (22) Popov! (23) And these are their scoundrels! (24) Kill, kill now! - women's voices squealed. (25) But the leaders of the crowd decided to take him to the square and deal with him there. (26) It was already close to the square when, at a quiet moment, a crying child’s voice was heard in the back rows of the crowd. (27) − Damn me! Bang me! - the six-year-old boy shouted, sobbing, rushing into the crowd to get to the prisoner. (28)−Bat me! (29) What are they doing to you? (30) Wait, wait, take me, take me! the child is getting closer and closer to his father. (32)−How old are you, boy? (33) -What do you and your dad want to do? - the boy answered. (34) “Go home, boy, go to your mother,” one of the men said to the boy. (35) The prisoner already heard the boy’s voice and heard what was said to him. (36) His face became even gloomier. (37)−He has no mat eri! - he shouted at the words of the one who sent the child to his mother. (38) Moving closer and closer in the crowd, the boy reached his father and climbed into his arms. (39) The crowd kept shouting the same thing: (40) “Kill! (41) Hang him! (42) Stop the scoundrel!” (43) And the prisoner let go of the boy and approached the man who was in charge of the crowd. (44) “Listen,” he said, “kill me how and where you want, but not in front of him,” he pointed to the boy. (45) - Untie me for two minutes and hold my hand, and I will tell him that you and I are walking, that you are my friend, and he will leave. (46) And then... then kill him however he wants. (47) The leader agreed. (48) Then the prisoner took the boy in his arms again and said: (49) - Be smart, go to your neighbor Katya. (50) - What about you? (51) -You see, I’m walking with this friend’s tree, we’ll walk a little, but you go, and I’ll come. (52) Go, be smart. (53) The boy stared at his father, bent his head to one side, then to the other, and thought. 05/06/2014 Page 5 of 6 Educational portal “I WILL SOLVE the Unified State Exam” (http://russian.reshuege.rf) (54) − Go, honey, I’ll come. (55) −Will you come? (56) And the child obeyed. (57) One woman led him out of the crowd. (58) When the child disappeared, the prisoner said: (59) “Now I’m ready, kill me.” (60) And then something completely incomprehensible and unexpected happened. (61) Some kind of one and the same spirit woke up in all of these cruel, merciless, hateful people in a matter of minutes, and one woman said: (62) - Who knows what. (63) Let him go. (64) “And so, God be with him,” someone else said. (65)− Let go. (66) − Let go, let go! - the crowd thundered. (67) And the proud, merciless man, who minutes before had hated the crowd, began to sob, covered his face with his hands and, as if guilty, ran out of the crowd, and no one stopped him. (according to L.N. Tolstoy*) *Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1828−1910) is a world-famous Russian prose writer, dramatist, and publicist. 1) Similar conditions of existence and the direction of action of natural selection determine the similarity of the body shape of cetacean mammals and fish. 2) The similarity in the front digging limbs of the mole and the mole cricket, which belong to different types, is explained by similar living conditions. 3) Convergence is the process of convergence of characteristics of closely related groups of animals, explained by similar living conditions. 4) Convergence – the convergence of characters in animals of different groups – is explained by the influence of similar living conditions on these animals and the general direction of natural selection in this case. 15. A 27 No. 5544. Read the text. For the Antarctic voyage under the command of Bellingshausen, the Admiralty equipped two ships: the sloops “Mirny” and “Vostok”, which turned out to be not the best choice and had a negative impact on the plans of the expedition. If "Mirny", built according to the design of Russian engineers Kolodkin and Kurepanov and fortified by captain Lazarev before the start of the expedition, showed itself brilliantly during the ice voyage, then "Vostok", designed by British engineers, fell in quality " Mirny" and turned out to be so weak for navigation in polar ice that by the end of the expedition the condition of the sloop was unsatisfactory. This prompted Bellingshausen to think about ending the expedition early, and then forced him to decide to return. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text? 1) The Mirny sloop, built according to a design by Russian engineers, turned out to be much stronger than the Vostok, which was designed by the British. 2) For Bellingshausen’s Antarctic expedition, the Admiralty selected ships built according to different designs and at different shipyards. 3) The not very successful choice of ships for Bellingshausen’s Antarctic expedition was the reason for its early end: the Vostok sloop turned out to be too weak to sail in the ice. 4) The commander of the Russian Antarctic expedition, Captain Bellingshausen, had at his disposal two ships of different seaworthiness: the sloops “Mirny” and “Vostok”. 05/06/2014 Page 6 out of 6

OPTION 26 Unified State Exam 2015

Part 1

The answers to tasks 1-24 are a number, a word, a phrase or sequence of words, numbers . Write the answer in the answer field in the body of the work, and then transfer

in ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell, Write each letter and number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.

Read the text and complete tasks 1 – 3.

(1) Diamonds, rare, but at the same time quite widespread minerals, are extremely hard stones. (2) Therefore, they are often used not only for the production of diamonds, but also for the manufacture of cutting and sharpening discs, wheels and other tools. (3) the familiar dental bur is coated with diamond chips.

1. Which of the following sentences correctly conveysHOME information contained in the text?

1. Diamonds are used to produce diamonds and dental equipment.

2. Diamond chips, due to their hardness, are used as the main component of dental burs.

3. Diamonds, which are particularly hard, are used for the production of diamonds and in the manufacture of cutting and sharpening tools.

4. The use of diamonds for the manufacture of sharpening and cutting tools, and not just for the production of diamonds, is due to their special hardness.

5. The well-known dental bur, like many other cutting instruments, is coated with diamond chips.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

On the contrary, Despite this, But However, For example,


3 . Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word TOOL. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

TOOL , -a, m.

1. A tool for the production of something. worksManual and., Machine and. Control and measuring and. Surgical and.

2. collected Same as tools.

3. Same as a musical instrument.Stringed instruments. Shock and.

4. trans. A means, a method used to achieve something. (book).I. cognition.


4. One of the words below contains an error in stress placement:WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down.

beard rings quarter pampered accepted


5. In one of the sentences belowWRONG The highlighted word is used.Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

Flooding from jam-type floods, which depend little on the water level of the year, should be EXPECTED in April and May.

There is a proven method for cleaning short-pile fur: the dirty fur should be wiped with hot mashed potatoes, and then SHAKED OFF thoroughly.

The greatest misunderstanding of Moscow SUBSCRIPTIONS is the need to pay a subscription fee for using the line.

The new company was registered under a beautiful, sonorous name.

A FISHING vessel went out to the open sea.


6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form.Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

FOUR HUNDRED lines all DIRECTORS of gymnasiums


WILL TRY to solve


7. Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) Those who work passionately in any field of knowledge are drawn to innovation.

B) When leaving on a business trip, my father promised that he would definitely return for the holidays.

IN)Due to the long absence of the boat, an airplane was sent to search for the vessel, which went out on a special mission during a storm.

D) Thanks to the use of the new method, brilliant results were achieved.

D) In ​​the family archive there is a message from the actor Shchepkin, in which he writes that “it is with heartache that I announce the closure of the theater in Tiflis.”


1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

2) violation of the connection between subject and predicate

3) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

4) error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

5) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases

6) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover

7) incorrect sentence construction with indirect speech







8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

zar..if applied to..combination hardened..hardened warmed up


9. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

pr..possible, pr..noted the white..voice, and..died along the..piral, o..fenced

pr..abled, pr..sek under..sent, n..break


10. E .

amorous.. annoying.. appropriate.. bewildered.. turn.. turn


11. Write down the word in which a letter is written in place of the blankAND . eye..getting tattoo..finished..


12. Determine the sentence in whichNOT with the word it is writtenFULL . Open the brackets and write out this word.

Our companion also (NOT)SITTED with his hands folded.

There were (NOT) ENDING vineyards all around.

The travelers came to a shore that was still (NOT) overgrown with ice.

(NOT) LAGING even a minute, the guys packed their bags.

The house, which grew before our eyes in just six months, was (NOT) IMMEDIATELY accepted by the commission.


13. Identify the sentence in which both highlighted words are writtenFULL . Open the brackets and write down these two words.

SO as not to see what was happening, I closed my eyes, but at the SAME instant the thunderclaps deafened me.

WHATEVER amateurs say, to understand classical music you have to be prepared, BECAUSE it is not so easy to master a complex art.

The father did not dare to ask what was the matter, and at the SAME time he did not understand WHY the house became so deserted.

The Great Silk Road began in China, (THEN) went through Central Asia, Persia, the Middle East, and (FROM) THERE to Europe.

The entire work of the writer Evgeny Nosov (IN) WHOLE is (THE) BIGGEST wise book that helps people to be kinder and more generous.


14. Indicate all the numbers in whose place it is writtenNN.

In the heroes of his paintings, Pablo Picasso wanted to see the bearers of a truth hidden from ordinary people, accessible only to the inner (2) gaze of a person, his sublime (3) nature.


15. Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of the proposals in which you need to putONE comma.

1) The violin melody rang in the darkness of the night and its gentle echoes gradually dissolved in the sound of the surf.

2) There are different versions and hypotheses about the origin and meaning of the name of this plant.

3) On long autumn evenings we read aloud or just sat by the fireplace.

4) The knights either conquered new cities, then lost all their acquisitions, or again prepared for campaigns.

5) Rudolf Nureyev masterfully mastered the techniques of both classical and modern dance.


16. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

The road (1) turning to the right (2) went through a huge field (3) sown with spring crops (4) and went deeper into the forest.


17. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences.

L. Tolstoy’s painful sincerity and dissatisfaction with himself (1) of course (2) part of his living soul, but most important for us (3) perhaps (4) is how he escapes spiritual development the writer sprout in his work.


18. Place punctuation marks : indicate the number(s) that should be replaced by a comma(s) in the sentence.

Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” (1) differed favorably from the morally descriptive stories of the natural school in the thoroughness and “monographic nature” of the picture (2) the natural beginning (3) of which (4) was the image of the hero’s ordinary day.


19. Place punctuation marks : indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Those greeting him constantly looked at their watches (1) and (2) when a train appeared in the distance (3) the crowd moved towards him (4) although this could not speed up the meeting with loved ones.


Read the text and complete tasks 20 – 25.

(1) It was late evening. (2) Home teacher Yegor Alekseich Svoikin, in order not to waste time, went straight from the doctor to the pharmacy.

(3) Standing behind a yellow, shiny desk was a tall gentleman with his head thrown back solidly, a stern face and well-groomed sideburns, apparently a pharmacist. (4) Starting from the small bald spot on his head and ending with his long pink nails, everything on this man was carefully ironed, cleaned and as if licked. (5) His frowning eyes looked down on the newspaper lying on the desk. (6) He read.

(7) Svoykin went up to the desk and handed the ironed gentleman the recipe. (8) He, without looking at him, took the recipe, read to the point in the newspaper and, making a slight half-turn of his head to the right, muttered:

It will be ready in an hour.

(9) Isn’t it possible to hurry up? – asked Svoykin. – (10) It is absolutely impossible for me to wait.

(11) The pharmacist did not answer. (12) Svoykin sat down on the sofa and began to wait.

(13) Svoykin was sick. (14) His mouth was burning, there were nagging pains in his legs and arms, and foggy images like clouds and shrouded human figures wandered through his heavy head. (15) Frustration and brain fog took over his body more and more, and in order to cheer himself up, he decided to talk to the pharmacist.

(16) I must be starting to have a fever. (17) My other happiness is that I got sick in the capital! (18) God forbid such a misfortune occurs in a village where there are no doctors or pharmacies!

(19) The pharmacist did not respond to Svoykin’s appeal to him either in word or movement, as if he had not heard.

(20) Having not received an answer to his question, Svoykin began to examine the stern, arrogantly learned physiognomy of the pharmacist.

“(21) Strange people, by God! - he thought. “(22) In a healthy state, you don’t notice these dry, callous faces, but when you get sick, like I am now, you’ll be horrified that a holy cause has fallen into the hands of this insensitive ironing figure.”

(23) Get it! – the pharmacist finally said, without looking at Svoykin. - (24) Deposit a ruble and six kopecks into the cash register!

(25) A ruble and six kopecks? – Svoykin muttered, embarrassed. - (26) And I only have one ruble... (27) What can I do?

(28) I don’t know! – the pharmacist rapped out, starting to read the newspaper.

(29) In that case, you’ll excuse me... (30) I’ll bring you six kopecks tomorrow or send you eventually.

(31) This is impossible! (32) Go home, bring six kopecks, then you’ll get your medicine!

(33) Svoykin left the pharmacy and went to his home. (34) While the teacher got to his room, he sat down to rest about five times. (35) Arriving at his place and finding several copper coins in the table, he sat down on the bed to rest. (36) Some force pulled his head towards the pillow. (37) He lay down, as if for a minute. (38) Foggy images in the form of clouds and shrouded figures began to cloud my consciousness. (39) For a long time he remembered that he needed to go to the pharmacy, for a long time he forced himself to get up, but the illness took its toll. (40) Coppers poured out of his fist, and the patient began to dream that he had already gone to the pharmacy and was again talking with the pharmacist there. (According to A.P. Chekhov*)

* Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860-1904) - an outstanding Russian writer, a classic of world literature.

20. What does Svoykin’s statement mean:« In a healthy state, you don’t notice these dry, callous faces, but when you get sick, like I am now, you’ll be horrified that a holy cause has fallen into the hands of this insensitive ironing figure.”? Specify the answer numbers.

1) Svoykin believes that the manifestation of callousness and heartlessness does not touch healthy people as much as sick people.

2) According to Svoykin, the “sacred” duty of a doctor is to treat not only the body, but also the soul of the patient.

3) Svoykin believes that healthy people The pharmacist is attentive and sympathetic.

4) Svoykin believes that pharmacists are only at first glance callous and heartless people.

5) The teacher believes that a sacred cause - helping the sick - should not be in the hands of insensitive people.


21. Which of the following statements are true? Specify the answer numbers.

1) Sentences 7-8 present the narrative.

2) Sentences 3-4 provide a description.

3) Sentences 21-22 contain reasoning.

4) Sentence 33 contains an explanation of what is said in sentence 32.

5) Sentences 34-35 present the reasoning.


22. From sentences 39-40, write down the phraseological unit.


23. Among sentences 1-6, find one that is related to the previous one using a demonstrative pronoun and contextual synonyms. Write the number of this offer.


Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while completing tasks 20 23.

This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert into the blanks (A, B, C, D) the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. Write down the corresponding number in the table under each letter.

Write down the sequence of numbers in ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of task number 24, starting from the first cell, no spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

24. “Anton Pavlovich Chekhov describes an everyday scene in a pharmacy. Tropes: (A)___ (“with well-groomed sideburns” in sentence 3, “frowning eyes” in sentence 5) and (B) _____ (“as if licked” in sentence 4) – create the first touches to the portrait of the pharmacist. The syntactic device – (B) ____ (sentences 24, 31, 32), which becomes the main one in such a form of speech as (D) ____ (sentences 23-32) – gives completeness to its image.”

List of terms:

1. epithets

2. metaphor

3. hyperbole

4. colloquial vocabulary

5. parcellation

6. dialogue

7. exclamatory sentences

8. series of homogeneous members of a sentence

9. comparison






Part 2

25. Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid excessive quoting).

Formulate position of the author (storyteller). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the text you read. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on reading experience, as well as knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

The answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers. Write the answer to the right of the assignment number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Read the text and complete tasks 1–3.

(1) Diamonds, rare, but at the same time quite widespread minerals, are extremely hard stones. (2) Therefore, they are often used not only for the production of diamonds, but also for the manufacture of cutting and sharpening discs, wheels and other tools. (3) _____ the familiar dental bur is coated with diamond chips.


Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. Diamonds are used to produce diamonds and dental equipment.

2. Diamond chips, due to their hardness, are used as the main component of dental burs.

3. Diamonds, which are particularly hard, are used for the production of diamonds and in the manufacture of cutting and sharpening tools.

4. The use of diamonds for the manufacture of sharpening and cutting tools, and not just for the production of diamonds, is due to their special hardness.

5. The well-known dental bur, like many other cutting instruments, is coated with diamond chips.


Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

1. On the contrary,

2. Contrary to this,


Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word TOOL. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

TOOL, -a, m.

1. A tool for the production of something. works Manual and., Machine and. Control and measuring and. Surgical and.

2. collected. Same as tools.

3. Same as a musical instrument. Stringed instruments. Shock and.

4. transfer. Means, method used to achieve something. (book). I. cognition.


In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel is highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write this word down.



In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1. Flooding from jam-type floods, which depend little on the water level of the year, should be EXPECTED in April and May.

2. There is a proven method for cleaning short-pile fur: the dirty fur should be wiped with hot mashed potatoes, and then thoroughly SHAKEN OFF.

3. The greatest misunderstanding of Moscow SUBSCRIPTIONS is the need to pay a subscription fee for using the line.

4. The new company was registered under a beautiful, sonorous name.

5. A fishing vessel went out to the open sea.


In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.


all DIRECTORS of gymnasiums

Shortest way


WILL TRY to solve


Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) Those who work passionately in any field of knowledge are drawn to innovation. 1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
B) When leaving on a business trip, my father promised that he would definitely return for the holidays. 2) violation of the connection between subject and predicate
C) Due to the long absence of the boat, an airplane was sent to search for the vessel, which went out on a special mission during a storm. 3) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application
D) Thanks to the use of the new method, brilliant results were achieved. 4) error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
D) In ​​the family archive there is a message from the actor Shchepkin, in which he writes that “it is with heartache that I announce the closure of the theater in Tiflis.” 5) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases
6) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover
7) incorrect sentence construction with indirect speech

Write your answer in numbers without spaces or other symbols


Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.





Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

on..piral, o..fenced

pr..aided, pr..sec

under..sent, n..break


Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.

in love






Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.

take a look..look at it



Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write out this word.

1. Our companion also (DID NOT) sit with his hands folded.

2. There were (NOT) ENDING vineyards all around.

3. The travelers came to a shore that was still (NOT) overgrown with ice.

4. (DON’T) hesitate for a minute, the guys packed their bags.

5. The house, which grew before our eyes in just six months, was (NOT) IMMEDIATELY accepted by the commission.


Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

1. SO as not to see what was happening, I closed my eyes, but at the SAME instant the thunderclaps deafened me.

2. WHATEVER amateurs say, one must be prepared to understand classical music, BECAUSE it is not so easy to master a complex art.

3. The father did not dare to ask what was the matter, and at the SAME time he did not understand WHY the house became so deserted.

4. The Great Silk Road began in China, (THEN) went through Central Asia, Persia, the Middle East, and (FROM) THERE to Europe.

5. The entire work of the writer Evgeny Nosov (IN) WHOLE is (THE) BIGGEST wise book that helps people to be kinder and more generous.


Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

In the heroes of his paintings, Pablo Picasso wanted to see the bearers of a truth hidden from ordinary people, accessible only to the inner (2) gaze of a person, his sublime (3) nature.


Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. The violin melody rang in the darkness of the night and its gentle echoes gradually dissolved in the sound of the surf.

2. There are different versions and hypotheses about the origin and meaning of the name of this plant.

3. On long autumn evenings we read aloud or simply sat by the fireplace.

4. The knights either conquered new cities, then lost all their acquisitions, or again prepared for campaigns.

5. Rudolf Nureyev masterfully mastered the techniques of both classical and modern dance.


The road (1) turning to the right (2) went through a huge field (3) sown with spring crops (4) and went deeper into the forest.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences.

L. Tolstoy’s painful sincerity and dissatisfaction with himself are (1) of course (2) part of his living soul, but what is most important for us (3) perhaps (4) is how the shoots of the writer’s spiritual development sprout in his work.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” (1) differed favorably from the morally descriptive stories of the natural school in the thoroughness and “monographic nature” of the picture (2) the natural beginning (3) of which (4) was the image of the hero’s ordinary day.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Those greeting him constantly looked at their watches (1) and (2) when a train appeared in the distance (3) the crowd moved towards him (4) although this could not speed up the meeting with loved ones.


Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by eliminating the extra word. Write this word down.

A torrential downpour turned a small stream into a raging torrent.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-26.

(1) It was late evening. (2) Home teacher Yegor Alekseich Svoikin, in order not to waste time, went straight from the doctor to the pharmacy.

(3) Standing behind a yellow, shiny desk was a tall gentleman with his head thrown back solidly, a stern face and well-groomed sideburns, apparently a pharmacist. (4) Starting from the small bald spot on his head and ending with his long pink nails, everything on this man was carefully ironed, cleaned and as if licked. (5) His frowning eyes looked down on the newspaper lying on the desk. (6) He read.

(7) Svoykin went up to the desk and handed the ironed gentleman the recipe. (8) He, without looking at him, took the recipe, read to the point in the newspaper and, making a slight half-turn of his head to the right, muttered:

It will be ready in an hour.

- (9) Isn’t it possible to hurry up? - asked Svoykin. - (10) It is absolutely impossible for me to wait.

(11) The pharmacist did not answer. (12) Svoykin sat down on the sofa and began to wait.

(13) Svoykin was sick. (14) His mouth was burning, there were nagging pains in his legs and arms, and foggy images like clouds and shrouded human figures wandered through his heavy head. (15) Frustration and brain fog took over his body more and more, and in order to cheer himself up, he decided to talk to the pharmacist.

- (16) I must be starting to have a fever. (17) My other happiness is that I got sick in the capital! (18) God forbid such a misfortune occurs in a village where there are no doctors or pharmacies!

(19) The pharmacist did not respond to Svoykin’s appeal to him either in word or movement, as if he had not heard.

(20) Having not received an answer to his question, Svoykin began to examine the stern, arrogantly learned physiognomy of the pharmacist.

“(21) Strange people, by God! - he thought. - (22) In a healthy state, you don’t notice these dry, callous faces, but when you get sick, like me now, you’ll be horrified that a holy cause has fallen into the hands of this insensitive ironing figure.”

- (23) Get it! - the pharmacist finally said, without looking at Svoikin. - (24) Put a ruble and six kopecks into the cash register!