How long does it take for nail scratches to heal? How to Remove Scratches on Skin - Effective Ways

Scratches on the hands are one of the most common household injuries. Superficial damage to the skin can be obtained while walking in nature, playing with pets and in many other situations. Usually we take scratches lightly, and in vain. What you need to know about superficial skin lesions and how to properly treat them?

Why are scratches dangerous?

Every child gets new scratches almost daily. For some, they are a "serious injury", and for someone - signs of military prowess. Adults try to be more circumspect and careful. But even they sometimes fail to avoid scratches. And not everyone likes it, because purple stripes do not adorn the image of a respectable person at all. How to remove scratches on the hand quickly? This question worries everyone accidentally scratched. But do not forget that any scratch is not only cosmetic defect. Any damage to the integrity of the skin is an open gate for infections. It is for this reason that every cut or scratch needs timely antiseptic treatment. Even those that seem insignificant at first glance.

First aid for superficial injuries of the skin

How to properly treat scratches on the hands and face? Start by washing the wound with an antiseptic solution. Any remedy from your first aid kit will do: alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin.

Please note that alcohol-free antiseptic solutions have a gentle effect on the skin and at the same time disinfect the wound with high quality. Alcohol and alcohol lotions can dry out and burn sensitive skin. If you "lucky enough" to scratch while gardening, it makes sense to start by washing the affected limb in plain water with antibacterial or laundry soap. After that, use an antiseptic. Then grease the scratch with iodine or brilliant green.

For deep or large skin lesions, it is recommended to apply a bandage. If the scratch is small, but located in an "uncomfortable" place, it makes sense to seal it with a band-aid.

How long do scratches and cuts on the skin heal?

The healing time of superficial lesions of the skin depends on many factors. One of the most important among them is the individual ability of the body to regenerate tissues. It is believed that abrasions and scratches on the hands heal the fastest in childhood. Superficial skin lesions pass quickly enough and without consequences in people with good immunity, leading healthy lifestyle life. Do not forget that the healing period also depends on the depth of the scratch and its type. Shallow wounds heal in a matter of days without special care. How long does a scratch on the hand heal on average? If you disinfect the wound in a timely manner, after about 3-7 days there will be no trace of it. It is believed that scratches left by domestic and wild animals take the longest to heal. There are many folk and pharmacological agents that can accelerate the process of tissue regeneration. How to help a scratch heal faster?

Folk recipes

Nothing worth scratching while walking in nature. What to do if you forgot to take a first aid kit with you? Find a juicy psyllium leaf, rinse it, and apply it to the wound. It also has antiseptic properties indoor plant aloe. Cut the leaf lengthwise and apply to the wound. Scratches on the hands heal faster if a person can boast of good immunity. Prepare an infusion of birch buds to maintain health and accelerate healing. Take a tablespoon of raw materials for half a glass of boiling water. Instead of buds, young birch leaves can be used. Pour boiling water over the selected raw materials and infuse in a thermos for 2 hours. Ready infusion should be taken orally 2 tablespoons three times a day. The course of taking this remedy is 5-7 days.

Pharmacological preparations

In the home first aid kit must be antiseptic solutions for external use. It is much more convenient to take sterile alcohol wipes with you on trips and long walks. After the initial treatment of the wound, the use of healing ointments and creams is allowed. The most popular among them are: "Rescuer", actovegin ointment and "Methyluracil". You can also speed up healing by applying any agent containing panthenol to the site of damage. To prevent scarring, the scratch can be treated with castor oil. How to use creams and ointments for superficial skin lesions? If the scratch is on the arm or face, apply the chosen product liberally at night. On top, apply a bandage with an insulating layer that prevents the composition from being absorbed into the bandage or patch.

Cream "Rescuer": instructions for use for scratches and abrasions

"Rescuer" is a healing balm made from natural ingredients. You can buy this cream today in all major pharmacy chains in our country. The product can be used for abrasions, scratches, cuts, bruises, as well as irritation and dry skin. What is especially pleasant, the drug has practically no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance. How to use the Rescuer cream for scratches? Instructions for use suggests applying a moderate amount of balm to the affected area and gently rub into the skin. When the product is absorbed, you can spread it again. Also, "Rescuer" is suitable for application to the skin, followed by bandaging.

How to avoid scarring with deep scratches?

Deep or very long scratches can take a long time to heal. Often, after their complete healing, scars and scars remain on the skin. How to prevent such a phenomenon and make the scratches heal without a trace? The first rule of caring for superficial skin lesions: never peel off the crust that forms on the wound. If the scratch is in a movable place or constantly rubs against clothing, be sure to cover it with a plaster. Never cover up superficial skin lesions with decorative cosmetics. Most likely, it will not be possible to hide them qualitatively anyway. So why once again disturb the wound? At the healing stage, you can use chemical peels and masks. Please note: abrasive scrubs should not be used on damaged skin. But the funds based fruit acids help to rejuvenate the skin.

Are scratches a reason to see a doctor?

If there is a scratch on the hand, what should I do? Very few people take superficial skin lesions seriously. When do these injuries require specific treatment? It makes sense to see a doctor if the scratch is very large or deep. Sometimes, with such injuries, even suturing may be indicated. Do not postpone a visit to the hospital even if the general condition of the victim has worsened after the injury. If small scratches on the hands are festering, swollen and sore - this is also a reason to visit a doctor. Probably, an infection has entered the body and it is immediately necessary to start taking antibiotics. Be attentive to your health, because even the smallest scratch in the absence proper care can cause big problems!

Hello, friends! Today we will talk about how to get rid of scratches on the face. The face is our calling card, the state of which we have to constantly monitor. Even something as small as a scratch can ruin appearance the most beautiful part of our body.

Unfortunately, in everyday life it is impossible to do without curious cases, which in the end can present such “surprises”. Let's try to figure out how to quickly get rid of scratches on the face, and dot the "and" in this matter.

How to remove a scratch from the face? First steps

After you have scratched the skin, be sure to clean the wound from dirt. To do this, you can use the simplest antiseptic that is available - hydrogen peroxide.

The first step is to rinse the wound under cold water, and only then apply antiseptics. Scratch treatment protects against bacteria and the development of various infections, so in no case do not skip this procedure.

Some tips:

  1. You should not seal a “fresh” scratch with adhesive tape, because bacteria will begin to multiply under it very soon and the wound will rot.
  2. Never prematurely remove the crust formed on the wound, otherwise you risk infection and leave an ugly scar.

How to cure scratches on the face?

For quick healing, you can use pharmaceutical preparations or folk remedies. ethnoscience, due to its effectiveness and simplicity, is very popular today. So let's follow her methods.

Propolis is a wonderful remedy for scratches

Pour two teaspoons of two hundred milliliters of alcohol. Put this mixture in some cold dark place and let it brew for three days. Wipe the wound with the finished product three times a day - and very soon the scratch will disappear without a trace.

Tea tree oil will help

Soak a small piece of cotton wool in oil and apply to the wound for 5-10 minutes. After the required time has elapsed, rinse the problem area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin under running cold water. Instead, you can use sea buckthorn or castor oil. This procedure should be done twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. Very soon you will notice a positive result.

Clay - useful and effective

It is possible that after completely getting rid of the scratch, a small pink spot will remain. To remove this defect, you can use cosmetic clay:

  • mix 100 grams of this product with a small amount of water (as a result, you should get a mass similar in viscosity to boiled condensed milk);
  • add two teaspoons of lemon juice there;
  • gently apply the product on the speck;
  • after 15 minutes, the clay can be washed off.

This procedure must be carried out once a day before bedtime. After 1-3 such "rituals" the result will be "on the face" in every sense of the word.

So, here we figured out how to quickly get rid of scratches on the face at home. Do not try to disguise this problem under tons of cosmetics, otherwise you risk causing irritation. Better use the above tips - and the result will not be long in coming!

You may be interested in ten ways and scars on the face at home.

Be healthy!

You can get scratched at any age, however, if in childhood a couple of scratches on the face or body don’t “annoy” us at all, then as an adult, show up at work or in public place with such a "decoration" is not very pleasant. In addition, deep cuts or scrapes can leave unsightly scars.

Scratches on the face can appear as a result of a showdown with a beloved (beloved), communicating with a pet, going to a forest or garden, and you never know what else.

The main thing is to carry out the necessary procedures in time, which will prevent unpleasant consequences in the form of inflammation. After all, it is the inflammatory process that leads to the long healing of the wound and the formation of a scar.

Treatment of scratches must begin with disinfection. The wound must be treated with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution or an alcohol-containing liquid (vodka will do).

If the scratch is deep and bleeding heavily, you should see a doctor. You may need a surgical intervention and suturing. If there is no peroxide or alcohol at hand, rinse the wound under running clean water.

No need to treat the wound surface with iodine - get a burn. But at night it is necessary to lubricate the protracted wound with a solution of iodine. This will dry the scratch and speed up healing and resorption.

How to get rid of scratches on the face if they are left by human nails or cat claws? You are out of luck - such wounds heal for a very long time and often become inflamed.

The fact is that under the nails of a person there are a lot of harmful microorganisms, which, of course, will get into the wound. There is nothing to say about cats - their claws are sharp and far from the ideal of cleanliness.

In this case, after treating the wound with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol, you can lubricate it with synthomycin ointment or Solcoseryl ointment by applying a bactericidal adhesive plaster on top.

Pharmacies also sell effective means"Rescuer" and "Actovegin". They must be used according to the instructions that come with the drug.

Very soon, a crust forms on the surface of the skin. And here, many, especially girls, wanting to get rid of a boring scratch as soon as possible, make a major mistake. They rip off the scab.

This should not be done in any case - the healing process can drag on for a long time, and the scar will remain for sure.

If it is possible to purchase propolis, then you can prepare a wonderful infusion that perfectly heals wounds.

Pour one teaspoon of propolis with a glass of vodka and insist for three days. Such a remedy is stored indefinitely and is suitable for treating any wounds.

How to hide scratches on the face, if you need to appear in front of people? Let's make a reservation right away: if the scratch is fresh enough, and the crust has not yet fallen off - no way!

Girls with long hair you can try to hide the scratch with your hair, but it all depends on its location. Any foundation, alas, will only emphasize the wound, and it will look terrible.

How to remove a scratch from the face, if it has completely healed, only a scar-trace remains? You can go to a beauty salon, where the scar will be removed with a laser or deep chemical peeling.

But you can try folk remedies.

A very good result is the lubrication of the scar with castor or sea buckthorn oil. You need to do this several times a day with a cotton swab.

It is not uncommon for girls to resort to decorative cosmetics, let go of their bangs and make an appropriate haircut, wanting to mask scratches. Of course, this is the right decision, but we must not forget that wounds need proper care and constant treatment. Minor injuries will heal quickly, but as for deep abrasions, they should be given closer attention.

How to get rid of scratches on the face in a short time

Necessary materials: iodine; chlorhexidine or 3% hydrogen peroxide solution; cosmetic tampons; regenerating ointment.

  1. First you need to treat fresh abrasions with hydrogen peroxide. Apply a lot of product to the cosmetic swab and press it against the wound, wait 1 minute. Treat the scratch by spreading the skin a little so that the peroxide can penetrate. Disinfection can be considered finished when the agent stops hissing. If this drug is not in your medicine cabinet, use a chlorhexidine solution. In cases where neither one nor the other is available, wash the scratch with melted or boiled water. It is important to understand that this is only a temporary measure, as soon as you get to the pharmacy, purchase an antiseptic.
  2. Now you need to apply a regenerating ointment to the scratch. The "Rescuer" will perfectly cope with this task. It costs a penny and is sold in every pharmacy. The ointment prevents the development of infection, kills viruses, tightens even deep damage. Of the more expensive drugs, it is worth giving preference to Actovegin, Levomekol and Solcoseryl. They are available in the form of a gel, cream and ointment, choose what you like best for the price. Means activate metabolic processes in tissues, regenerate cells and stimulate rapid healing. In cases where you have received an abrasion for a long time, and it has already seized with a crust, use Boro Plus gel. Its cost varies from 600 to 1000 rubles, depending on the dosage, but the remedy quickly restores cells, it can even eliminate old scars.
  3. Last and milestone which cannot be skipped. Before going to bed, treat the scratch with iodine. Apply it on cotton swab, walk several times over the abrasion. Do not worry about possible yellow marks, iodine is completely absorbed into the skin in 5 hours, so you will wake up with a clean face. This step must be done in order to dry and disinfect the damage. Please note that deeper abrasions cannot be treated completely, you only need to cover the edges with iodine.

Pharmaceutical products are not the only way out for all girls, many trust “grandmother's” recipes that have come to us since ancient times. We have collected for you the best folk remedies that will cure scratches in a matter of days.

  1. Yarrow leaves. Grind the plant in a blender or tear into small pieces. Put the composition on the wound, fix it on top with 2 layers of bandage so that the mixture does not fall out. Wait 1.5 hours, remove the compress, rinse the wound with water and treat with iodine.
  2. Natural oils. Sea buckthorn, olive, castor and corn oils will help heal abrasions and disinfect them well. Choose the option that is closer to you, apply the product on cotton pad and wipe the abrasion daily. Oils are good because they do not leave scars and crusts, they penetrate inside the scratch and tighten it gradually.
  3. Propolis tincture. Dilute 15 ml. means with 140 gr. vodka, leave for 1.5 days, after which you can begin to treat abrasions. In addition to the fact that propolis disinfects the wound, it also helps to get rid of herpes and pustules on the face.
  4. Aloe vera. Take 2 stalks of aloe, cut them lengthwise and apply one half to the wound. Hold for 10 minutes, take a second and reattach. Do the same with each half, the procedure will take 40 minutes, you need to perform it 1-2 times a day.
  5. Kalanchoe. Squeeze the juice from the plant, pour it into a dark container, wait 2 hours. After the time has elapsed, shake the bottle, treat your fingers with peroxide and apply the product to the scratch. Repeat simple manipulations 5 times a day.
  6. Tomato juice. Crush a third of the tomato with a fork, after removing the peel. Cover the scratch with porridge, fix with 2-3 layers of gauze, hold for 1 hour. Wash your face and rub the wound with tea tree oil. Carry out the procedure three times a day.
  7. Lemon. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon, rub the inside of the zest on the wound. Apply the juice to a cosmetic swab and make a lotion, wait half an hour. You can also place a thin slice of lemon on the scratch to save time. Use the remedy 2 times a day.
  8. Infusion of medicinal herbs. Mix 20 gr. birch bark, 10 gr. St. John's wort, 10 gr. sage and 5 gr. chamomile flowers. Water the plants with 110 ml. boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Soak a cotton pad in the composition, do not squeeze it strongly, attach it to the wound and fix it in a convenient way. The exposure time is a quarter of an hour. The frequency of the procedure is from 3 to 6 times a day.
  1. You can slightly change the haircut to hide a temporary skin defect. Wear bangs, make a cascade or other hairstyle with flowing strands.
  2. It is not recommended to glue the adhesive plaster at night, the skin must breathe. As mentioned above, treat the scratch with iodine before going to bed.
  3. In cases where you need to go outside with a fresh abrasion, cover it with adhesive tape with a special breathable surface.
  4. If you have a very deep wound that cannot be treated at home, see a doctor. It is important to eliminate the infection in time and prevent the growth of bacteria.
  5. When the scratch is taken with a crust, mask it with corrector, concealer or matting powder. Give preference to products with an antibacterial complex, they are sold in a pharmacy.

Do you want to get rid of scratches in a short time? Disinfect the abrasion and treat it with a regenerating ointment. Before going to bed, cover the scratch with iodine, by morning it will be completely absorbed. Don't forget about folk remedies They are easy to prepare at home.

Video: how to get rid of scars and scars

When a scratch is received, a specific rupture of soft tissues occurs, so the healing process of this microtrauma is quite long. And in case of infection, improper first aid and reduced immunity, tissue regeneration will occur even more slowly. Since the skin needs time to recover, it takes about 2-3 days to heal scratches, and not everyone knows how to quickly cure scratches.

When a scratch is formed, it must first be disinfected, this will prevent infection. Treat scratches with 3% hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine. Especially carefully should be washed wounds received from animals or due to contact with rusty iron. You can smear a scratch with iodine, brilliant green or fucorcin. good remedy, preventing infection - skin glue "BF-6" or "Super Glu".

If the scratch is deep and there is blood, you need to clamp it with a bandage or a clean cloth for a few minutes. If this does not help stop the bleeding, it is necessary to wet the cloth in hot water and apply to the scratched area.

It is possible to bandage scratches only with modern dressings based on the collagen-chitosan complex. They will have not only an antiseptic, but also an analgesic effect, and at the same time they will not stick and dry to a bleeding scratch. Dressings with sorbent properties (Gelevin, Anilodiotevin, Diovin, etc.) will cope well with bleeding scratches, prevent suppuration and promote rapid healing.

Ointments will help to quickly restore damaged tissues. The most effective are: "Rescuer", "Panthenol", "Metilluracil", Comfrey ointment and actovegin ointment. Thanks to their anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties, they are able to quickly heal any scratches.

In addition to treatment with pharmaceutical preparations, traditional medicine can be used to heal scratches. The most effective are: St. John's wort and calendula oils, as well as fir and sea buckthorn oils, propolis solution and aloe juice.

But, since it may be necessary to quickly cure scratches in conditions where none of the listed remedies are available, you need to know the medicinal herbs that can be used for this purpose. The main thing to remember is that herbal medicinal raw materials can be a source of tetanus, and it must be thoroughly rinsed with water before use.

Plantain juice will help the quick healing of scratches. To do this, you need to fix the mashed leaf of the plant with a bandage in the place of the scratch for several hours. In a similar way, you can use beet leaves, as well as bindweed and yarrow leaves.

If the scratch or the area around it is inflamed, it is necessary to treat the affected area with a decoction of oak bark. Due to the presence of a whole complex of phenolic compounds in the oak bark, its decoction has disinfectant properties. And the astringent action provides an anti-inflammatory effect.

It is not recommended to mask a fresh scratch with cosmetics, this can only be done when it has dried up. In this case, powder with a drying effect is suitable for the role of a corrective agent. Also, pharmacies sell correctors that contain antibacterial components in their composition, such a tool will not only hide the injury, but also help the healing process.

How to Heal Scratches Quickly - Questions and Answers

Alina 05/04/2015 at 13:30:20

You can do everything much easier - if there is a fresh scratch, immediately treat it with sulfargin ointment. This ointment will pull microbes out of the wound and will not allow it into the wound. And such a wound will heal faster. Even children are allowed to use this ointment from one year old and it does not pinch like iodine or brilliant green. So there will be no screams during processing.

Valentine 05/04/2015 at 13:30:32

Sulfargin helps my child very well from wounds, scratches and abrasions, it contains silver, has a wide spectrum of antibacterial action, namely, it inhibits the growth and division of bacteria.

Kolya 05/04/2015 at 13:44:31

After scratches, the place of scratches remains, these ointments will help

Tiona 05/24/2015 at 14:33:37

oh, and I also smear the whole family with Sulfargin) the ointment is just cool, without further ado) and we take a tube with us to the street with a child, and on a hike, and in the country there) and what: scratched, injured - washed the wound with some water, smeared it with ointment (you can also under a bandage) and that's it, walk on)