Brothers Grimm biography fairy tale. Brief biography of the Brothers Grimm. Studying in Kassel

Wilhelm Grimm (02/24/1786 - 12/16/1859) and Jacob Grimm (01/04/1785 - 09/20/1863) were famous German writers and linguists. They collected numerous folklore of their native country, which was reflected in their fairy tales. Their pen belongs to such works as "Snow White", "The Bremen Town Musicians", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Cinderella". The Brothers Grimm are also the creators of the first dictionary of the German language.

Oh, how many different doubts and temptations there will be, Remember, our life is not a child's game. Drive away temptations, and know the unspoken law: Go, my friend, always go along the path of goodness.


The Grimm brothers were born in Germany just over a year apart. The elder Jacob was born on January 4, 1785, and the younger Wilhelm on January 24, 1786. Their father worked as a lawyer in the city of Hanau, he was a legal adviser to the local ruler. In total, the family had six children - in addition to future writers, another boy and three girls.

From birth, the brothers did everything only together - they played, walked, studied. Their favorite pastime was the study of everything that was around. So, they enthusiastically collected herbariums, observed the habits of animals, and then drew what they saw. And they were very fond of listening to various mythological stories and parables that adults told them.

When Jakob and Wilhelm were 11 and 10 respectively, their father passed away. The family was on the verge of death, as they lost their only breadwinner. But a distant relative came to the rescue maternal line. This woman took care of the children. She sent her older brothers to study at the Kassel Lyceum, and after that they entered the University of Marburg. And they followed in the footsteps of their father - they began to study law.

Study and the beginning of creativity

While studying at the university, the Grimm brothers showed great talent for science. They were very diligent, and absorbed all the new information with pleasure. The teachers predicted a great future for them in the legal field, but in the end everything turned out differently.

At some point, Wilhelm and Jacob became interested in collecting myths and legends. They met with a number of philologists, who gave them rich food for research. The brothers began to study the origins of numerous fables and parables. They were wondering where the roots of these stories "grow". Professor Friedrich Carl von Savigny had a huge impact on the future of writers. He himself was engaged in the study of ancient manuscripts and often attracted brothers to this occupation.

After graduating from university, Grimm's career paths diverged a bit. Jakob began to work as a lawyer, and Wilhelm as a secretary in the library of the city of Kassel. Moreover, the younger brother was a little jealous of the elder, since the law weighed on him, he wanted to be closer to books. Therefore, at the age of 31, he retired from the service and even rejected tempting offer about teaching at a university. Instead, he got a job in the same library where Wilhelm worked. And together they returned to their favorite pastime - the study of German folklore.

Tales of the Brothers Grimm

Their first collection of folklore was published in 1812, it was called Children's and Family Tales. It includes works known to the whole world today - "Snow White", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "The Bremen Town Musicians". There was also the famous Little Red Riding Hood. The literary world already knew this story, since it was written by Charles Perrault more than a hundred years before the Brothers Grimm. But it was the version of Wilhelm and Jacob that became the fairy tale that every child and adult knows today.

All Grimm stories were a reflection of ancient legends, myths and parables. And in their debut collection, they indicated in detail what this or that story was based on. But at the same time, the brothers quite seriously altered the original source, giving it a more literary look and removing absolutely terrible scenes from it. As a result, the collection "Children's and Family Tales" became a real sensation in the philological environment. All the experts who read it noted the main thing - the fairy tales were written in a very lively and simple language, and therefore they fell in love with themselves from the first lines and did not let go until the very end.

In 1815, the second volume of Tales was published. It was supplemented by such works as "The Brave Little Tailor", "Cinderella", "Sleeping Beauty". And the story "About the fisherman and his wife", which was later used as a basis by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in his "Golden Fish".

In total, two volumes of "Tales" contained more than 230 different stories. And many of them have become real classics. These works of the Brothers Grimm were reprinted many times, they were filmed many times. And almost all parents read these fairy tales to their children at night.

German dictionary

But, carried away by the study of folklore, Wilhelm and Jacob did not forget about scientific activities. In the course of their research, they came across such a situation that in Germany at that time there were many different dialect languages. But at the same time there was no single, understandable to all peoples.

The Grimm brothers were born in Hanau, in the Landgraviate of Hesse-Kassel - Jacob on January 4, 1785, and Wilhelm on February 24 of the following year. The boys' parents Dorothea and Phillip Wilhelm Grimm produced nine children by marriage, of whom three died in infancy.

In addition to Jacob and Wilhelm, the younger brother Ludwig Emil, who became an artist, achieved some fame.

Studying in Kassel

In order to give the eldest sons the appropriate education for their subsequent career as a lawyer, the mother sent them in the autumn of 1798 to Kassel to her aunt. The boys' father had died of pneumonia two years earlier. The brothers graduated from the Kassel Lyceum, after which, with a difference of one year, they became students of the University of Marburg, where they began to study jurisprudence.

One of their teachers, Friedrich Carl von Savigny, allowed inquisitive young people to use his private library from time to time. The brothers, who had previously become acquainted with the work of Goethe and Schiller, found here an extensive source of works of romanticism and minnesang.

Johann Gottfried Herder, who had his own point of view on folk poetry, had a significant influence on the views of Jacob and Wilhelm. However, the brothers did not turn into romantics who raved about the "Gothic Middle Ages", but became realists who saw the roots of modern events in the distant past. They studied the historical development of German literature (legends, documents, poetry) and laid the foundations for a scientific interpretation of this area. In the spirit of Herder, they did not limit themselves to documents in German, using English, Scottish and Irish sources.

The beginning of the creative path

After graduation in 1806, the brothers continued to lead a modest, solitary life. Two years later, Jacob managed to get a place as a personal librarian under the King of Westphalia, Jerome Bonaparte (Napoleon I's brother). Job duties did not take much time, which allowed the brothers to calmly focus on literary and scientific research. After the death of his mother in 1808, Jacob Grimm becomes the head of the family.

In 1807 Jacob and Wilhelm published an essay on the Minnesang. The brothers published their first independent works in 1811, and joint books followed in 1812, including the first volume of Children's and Family Tales. From 1813 to 1816, the brothers published three issues of the magazine Aldeutsche Walder, where they published samples of old German literature.

Tales of the Brothers Grimm

It was during this period that the work began, which made their last name known to every educated person - Jacob and Wilhelm began to collect folk tales and legends.

Dorothea Wiemann, whom they met by chance in 1813 in a small peasant village near Kassel, became a real fount of information for the brothers. Dorothea's father kept an inn through which an endless stream of travelers flowed. The girl who helped her father with the housework had a chance to listen to many wonderful stories and fairy tales that passers-by shared with each other while passing long evenings.

At the time of meeting the brothers, Mrs. Wiemann was already over fifty, but the fairy tales heard in her distant childhood remained unchanged in her memory, which, along with the talent of a born storyteller, aroused the unchanging admiration of Jacob and Wilhelm. Of the two hundred tales published in total by the Brothers Grimm, more than seventy were told by Dorothea Wiemann.

In the year of the publication of the first volume of fairy tales, Napoleon Bonaparte suffered a crushing defeat in Russia, which redrawn the map of Europe anew. In 1813, the Allied troops expelled the French from Hesse, and Jacob was forced to break away from his literary pursuits, going to the Congress of Vienna as secretary of the Hessian delegation. While the older brother worked in the field of diplomacy, the younger one received the position of secretary of the library of the elector of Hesse, who returned from exile.

In 1815, the brothers published the second volume of fairy tales, and in 1819 they republished the first, significantly revised and supplemented: new fairy tales were added, about a quarter of the stories were deleted.

Almost half of the remaining tales have been revised to eliminate erotic allusions perceived as offensive in secular society.

Notes to fairy tales were published in 1822 as the third volume. In 1825, an illustrated small edition of "Children's and Household Tales" was published, which became widely known. As an artist, Jacob and Wilhelm attracted their brother Ludwig Emil. In 1823, an illustrated English edition of the tales was published. Even during the life of the brothers, the large German edition of fairy tales was reprinted 7 times, and the small one 10 times.

German grammar

During this creative time, Jacob Grimm's attention focused on the German Grammar. The extensive work relates to all Germanic languages, their relations with other languages ​​and historical development. In this seminal work, Jacob explored the development of the laws of sound change, laying the foundations for modern etymology.

Jacob Grimm had predecessors in this matter: in 1787, William Jones in Bengal compared Sanskrit with the ancient Persian, Greek, Latin, Gothic and Celtic languages ​​due to the structure and root of words, but did not do this systematically. The young Dane Rasmus Christian Rask did the same.

Jacob Grimm knew began to compare word formation and sound development in Old Norse with Slavic or Greek. In the "German Grammar" the stages of development of the languages ​​in question were compared for the first time. In the second edition, he was able to explain that Rusk's identified sound correspondences were not (random) isolated phenomena, but followed a certain regularity. This rule is still called Grimm's law to this day.

Prominence in scientific circles

In 1816 and 1818 two volumes of a collection of sagas (German legends) appeared, which, however, were not widely successful. At the age of 30, Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm had already achieved outstanding fame through numerous publications. In addition to official work as a librarian (Jakob) or library secretary (Wilhelm), they were able to carry out their own local research, which was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Marburg in 1819.

The brothers were assisted in housekeeping by their sister Charlotte, who, however, in 1822 married a family friend, a lawyer, and later the Minister of Hesse, Ludwig Hassenpflug. His sisters Maria, Jeannette and Amalia contributed to the future literary legacy of the Brothers Grimm by sharing the folk tales known to them. After the marriage, Charlotte moved into her husband's house, and the brothers had to manage their own bachelor household, until in 1825 Wilhelm tied the knot with Dorothea Wild. Wilhelm was very lucky - Dorothea became not only a wife, mistress, but also the personal secretary of the brothers, enthusiastically helping their work.

Moving to Göttingen

In 1829, the brothers, who by that time had a reputation as prominent scientists, received a financially advantageous offer from the University of Göttingen in nearby Hannover and left their native Hesse. In 1830, Jacob received a position as a professor and librarian, and William, after working for a year in the university library, took up teaching. In 1835, he, like his older brother, received the position of tenured professor. It was in Göttingen that Jacob prepared several significant works, including The German Mythology.

The political crisis that broke out in the Kingdom of Hanover in 1837 led to the abolition of the liberal constitution. Seven professors at the University of Hanover, including the Grimm brothers, sent a letter of protest to the king. The result was the dismissal of all seven from the university, and the expulsion of three, including Jakob, from the country.

Return to Kassel

The brothers who lost their jobs were forced to return to Kassel to their younger brother Ludwig. The story received a wide response in Europe, and

a special committee was set up at the University of Leipzig to collect donations for the Goetingen Seven.

The brothers were soon invited to begin work on a German Dictionary, which gave them some livelihood. Jacob and Wilhelm decide to move to Berlin, and in 1840 they realize this intention. In the spring of 1842 they began teaching at the University of Berlin.

The improved financial situation allowed Jacob Grim to make several trips to European countries, in which Wilhelm could not accompany him due to poor health. Grimm Sr., 68, visited Italy, Denmark, Sweden (where he stayed with Hans Christian Andersen), France, Austria and Bohemia.

In December 1859, 73-year-old Wilhelm fell ill with a fever and died a few days later, surrounded by his family. The death of his brother was a blow to Jacob, and in order to divert himself from unhappy thoughts, he continued to work on the German Dictionary with even greater zeal. In 1860, Jacob Grimm published the second volume, summarizing his work and the works of his brother - this book was the last joint creation of them. Realizing that he did not have enough time to finish such a titanic work, Jacob nevertheless continued to work hard on the dictionary, publishing in the third volume the section on the letter "E" and the first part of the section on the letter "F".

In September 1863, Jacob Grimm died of a heart attack without finishing the letter "F". The brothers are buried nearby, in the cemetery of St. Matthew in Berlin.

Brothers Grimm - German storytellers, linguists, founding fathers of Germanic philology. Perhaps it will be difficult to find a person who has never heard the tales of these great writers. But if you haven't heard it, you've certainly seen it. According to the plots of the works of the Brothers Grimm, dozens of films and cartoons were shot, many performances were staged. And some of the characters in their fairy tales have even become common nouns -,.

Childhood and youth

Jacob Grimm was born on January 4, 1785, and a year later, on February 24, 1786, Wilhelm Grimm was born. Their father, Philipp Wilhelm Grimm, worked as a lawyer at the Hanau Court of Appeal. In 1791, he was appointed to the post of head of the Steinau district, where his whole family had to move. The man worked day and night, as a result of fatigue and overwork, an ordinary cold developed into pneumonia. He died in 1796, he was 44 years old.

Of course, this was a tragedy for the Grimm family. Dorothea Grimm - the brothers' mother - was left alone with six children. At this time, the father's sister, Charlotte Schlemmer, moved in with them, it was she who provided financial assistance to the family and saved them from eviction from the house.

But trouble came to Grimm again - Aunt Schlemmer suddenly fell ill and died suddenly. Jacob and Wilhelm were the eldest children, and they had to take on part of their mother's duties. But Dorothea understood that the boys are smart and talented, and the only thing she can give them is education.

Her sister, Henrietta Zimmer, lived in Kassel, the woman agreed to accept her beloved nephews so that they could continue their studies at the lyceum of the highest level. In the gymnasium, students studied for 7-8 years. But the brothers were so hardworking and diligent that they managed to master the material many times faster than the others. Therefore, they graduated from the Lyceum in four years.

At school, the boys studied natural science, geography, ethics, physics and philosophy, but the teaching was based on philological and historical disciplines. Nevertheless, studies were easier for Jacob than for his brother. It is possible that the reason for this was his good health. Wilhelm was diagnosed with asthma.

In 1802, Jacob entered the University of Marburg as a lawyer, but Wilhelm had to stay to undergo treatment. On next year Jacob moved his brother to Marburg, and he also entered the university. True, he needed regular medical supervision.

In their free time, the brothers loved to draw, once the pictures were seen by their younger brother Ludwig Emil, who was so inspired by this business that he connected his future with artistic craft, becoming a popular engraver and artist in Germany.


The Brothers Grimm have always been interested in literature. Despite the fact that they graduated from the Faculty of Law, they were attracted by German poetry, which Professor Savigny opened to them. Jakob and Wilhelm sat for hours studying old folios in his home library.

All further activities of the Brothers Grimm were directly related to German literature, philological problems, and research work. Fairy tales are only part of the incredible amount of work that the brothers have done in the field of literature and linguistics.

In 1808, Jacob went to Paris to help Professor Savigny collect materials for scientific work. Wilhelm stayed to finish his studies at the university. From childhood, they were so close to each other that even at this age they experienced unprecedented longing in separation, as evidenced by their correspondence.

In 1808, their mother died, and all the cares of the Grimm family fell on the shoulders of Jacob. After returning from France, he was looking for a job with decent pay for a long time and eventually got a job at the Castle of Kassel, managing the personal royal library. Wilhelm's health deteriorated again, and his brother sent him to a resort. He did not have a permanent job at that time.

Upon Wilhelm's return from treatment, the brothers set to work - they began to study ancient Germanic literature. They managed to collect, process and write down dozens of folk legends that have been passed from mouth to mouth for hundreds of years.

Many women of Kassel participated in the creation of the first volume of fairy tales. For example, next to Grimm lived a wealthy pharmacist - Mr. Wild with his wife and children. Frau Wild knew countless stories that she told Wilhelm with pleasure. Sometimes her daughters Gretchen and Dortchen also joined them. Many years will pass before Dortchen becomes Wilhelm's wife.

The housekeeper, Maria Muller, lived in their house. The elderly woman had a phenomenal memory, and she knew thousands of fairy tales. Maria told the brothers the story of the beautiful Sleeping Beauty and the brave one. But, remembering these tales, it immediately comes to mind. As it turned out, the true author of the tale is extremely difficult to find. In fact, these are European folk tales.

Each compiler, including Grimm, interpreted these stories in his own way. Take, for example, the story of Cinderella. In Perrault's version, miracles for a girl are performed by her fairy godmother. And the Grimm brothers have a hazel tree on the grave of her mother. Later, based on this story, the movie "Three Nuts for Cinderella" will be shot.

In 1812, the first success happened in the life of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm - they published a collection of "Children's and Family Tales", which included 100 works. The writers immediately began to prepare material for the second book. It included many fairy tales heard not by the Grimm brothers themselves, but by their friends. As before, writers reserved the right to give fairy tales their own language version. Their second book was published in 1815. True, the books were reprinted.

The fact is that some fairy tales were considered unsuitable for children. For example, a fragment was removed where Rapunzel innocently asks her godmother why the dress is so tight around her rounded belly. It was about her pregnancy, which came after secret meetings with the prince.

He became the first translator of the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm for the Russian reader.

In 1819 the brothers published a volume of the German Grammar. This work became a sensation in the scientific community, was written for about 20 years - it was she who became the basis for all subsequent studies of the Germanic languages.

But still, the main work of the brothers was the German Dictionary. They started working on it in 1838. It was hard and long work. After 100 years, he called the "Dictionary" a "heroic deed", a "philological monument". Contrary to the name, in fact it was a comparative-historical dictionary of the Germanic languages. Since the writers did not have time to finish work on the dictionary, their work was continued by the next generations of philologists. Thus, the work was completed by 1960 - 120 years after it began.

Personal life

Wilhelm Grimm in the house of the pharmacist Wild met his daughter - Dortchen. At that time, she was still quite a baby. The difference between them is 10 years. But, having matured, young people immediately found mutual language. The girl supported him in all endeavors, becoming, first of all, his friend. The couple married in 1825.

Soon the girl became pregnant. In 1826, Dortchen gave birth to a boy, who was named Jacob, and Jacob Sr. became his godfather. But six months later, the baby died of jaundice. In January 1828, the second son, Herman, was born to the couple. He later chose the profession of an art historian.

But Jacob Grimm remained a bachelor, the man devoted his life to the work and family of his brother.


Wilhelm Grimm died on December 16, 1859. The fatal illness was provoked by a furuncle on the back. He had not been distinguished by good health before, but no one this time expected such a sad outcome. Every day Wilhelm got worse. The operation did not help. The man has a fever. His suffering ceased from paralysis of the lungs after two weeks. Jacob continued to live with Wilhelm's widow and nephews.

Until the end of his life, the writer worked on a dictionary. The last word he wrote down was the word "Frucht" (fruit). The man became ill at his desk. Jacob died of a stroke on September 20, 1863.

World-famous storytellers were buried at St. Matthew's cemetery in Berlin.


  • "The wolf and the seven Young goats"
  • "Hansel and Gretel"
  • "Little Red Riding Hood"
  • "Cinderella"
  • "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
  • "Mistress Blizzard"
  • "Smart Elsa"
  • "Rapunzel"
  • "King Thrushbeard"
  • "Sweet porridge"
  • "The Bremen Town Musicians"
  • "Brave Little Tailor"
  • "Hare and hedgehog"
  • "Golden Goose"
  • "Sleeping Beauty"

Their ancestors were very smart people. His father was a lawyer and graduated from Magbury University. And his name was Philip Wilhelm. In fact, there were nine brothers, but only two became famous.

All the brothers were born in a city called Hanau. Due to the early death of their father, their continued existence could not be the same. But their aunt came to the rescue just in time. Her name is Juliana Charlotte.

The Grimm brothers were able to enter the university located in Marburg. After graduation, they had to go to the service.

They became members of the Berlin Academy in 1840. Almost immediately after joining, they received the right to teach at the University of Berlin.

They also worked on their scientific research. Folkloristics faded into the background, its place was taken by linguistics.

One of the most famous works of the Brothers Grimm is the German Dictionary. But they did not succeed in finishing it - the death of this is to blame. Only sections A, B, C, D, E were fully completed. But even this part required a lot of effort. After all, there are just a huge number of words, and their number is constantly growing. After some time the dictionary was completed with the help of their colleagues. Yet this is not one of, but the most famous and difficult of their work. It is good that the work of the brothers has not sunk into oblivion.

It is impossible not to mention the volume of the German Grammar. For 20 years the brothers worked on it.

I am sure many people know that Jacob and Wilhelm collected legends and fairy tales. The greatest source of information on this part was Dorothea Wiemann. At the time of meeting her, she was already more than 50 years old. She, even after many years, has not forgotten the tales that she heard as a child.

I can't help mentioning the famous legends of the Brothers Grimm. There are only ten of them. They are collected in one collection. Its name is Golden Key. You will be surprised to see the size of these legends. They are very short. But while reading them, it is impossible not to experience deep emotions and appreciate the skill of the authors. It takes great talent and skill to draw the reader into the flow of the story in such a way. Every reader should behold and appreciate their creations.

These people are really great. Patience, work, perseverance are those character traits that are probably inherent in these people. I think this is the secret of their fame.

Wilhelm died on December 16, 1859. The cause was a furuncle on the back. He provoked a fatal disease that took the life of one of the brothers. Jacob died on September 20, 1863. The cause was a stroke.

They found their rest in the cemetery of St. Matthew in Berlin.

Option 2

The Grimm brothers - Jacob and Wilhelm - are well-known German linguists, founders of scientific Germanic studies and collectors of folk tales. Throughout their lives, they were incredibly friendly and seemed to complement each other.

Jacob, the eldest of the brothers, was born in 1785. in the city of Hanau, and a year later Wilhelm was born there. Their father died early, leaving his wife and 6 children in a difficult financial situation.

The mother of Jacob and Wilhelm understood that her sons were very talented and smart, so she tried her best to give them a good education. She sent the boys to her sister in Kassel, where they successfully completed their studies at the Lyceum.

In 1802 Jakob became a law student at the University of Marburg. Wilhelm, due to asthma, could not enter with his brother, but he did it a year later. After graduating from university, the Grimm brothers did not become lawyers, because they were really interested in philology and literature.

In 1808 Jacob began to work as the manager of the personal royal library, but he had enough time for scientific activities. The brothers collected folklore works, processed them and recorded them. And in 1812. published the book "Children's and family tales". After 3 years, its second volume was published. Then they presented the world with a two-volume collection "German Legends". The honor of the authorship of books was divided in half, putting the signature "Brothers Grimm".

But since 18018. each of them chose his own direction. In 1819 Jacob publishes the German Grammar in 1828. - "Ancient German law", in 1835. - The book "German mythology". Wilhelm also works as a secretary of the Kassel Library, continues to collect and comment on the pearls of folk art. In 1825 he is getting married.

For some period the Grimm brothers worked in the library at the University of Göttingen. For open protests against changes made to the state constitution by the new king, they are fired. Later they move to Berlin, become members of the Berlin Academy of Sciences, lecture at the local university and create a German dictionary.

Wilhelm Grimm died in 1859 and Jacob in 1863. They were buried side by side in the cemetery.

Biography by dates and Interesting Facts. The most important.

The names of the Grimm brothers, their talent were noticed in the literary world immediately after the publication of the first works. Over the years, the tales of these wonderful writers have not lost their popularity. And their linguistic research is relevant today.

In this article we will tell you what the names of the Grimm brothers were and what success they achieved in literary and

Brief biographical information

The famous storytelling brothers spent most of their lives in the German town of Hanau. It is located in the county of Hesse-Kassel. This corner of Germany is the birthplace of the brothers. From here began their journey into literature and science. Do you know the names of the Brothers Grimm? Their names are Wilhelm and Jacob.

Jacob is the eldest of the Grimm brothers. He was born in 1785. Wilhelm was born in 1786. Throughout their lives, the brothers were closely linked not only by work, but also by strong friendship. Thanks to this, serious scientific works appeared, ingenious

Even in early childhood, the brothers showed outstanding abilities in the sciences, they showed great interest in learning. Young people received a good education thanks to the efforts of their mother's relative.

To the legal sciences, which the brothers were supposed to study at the university, they gradually cooled off. They were captured by literature, philology, students were keenly interested in folklore, the culture of their country. It was this area of ​​knowledge that became the meaning of the entire life of the brothers.

Wilhelm and Jacob were very different in character. Their contemporaries agree that the brothers incredibly complemented each other. Working together, they were able to embody the ideas of each in their works and achieve grandiose successes in science and literature.

In 1840 the brothers were awarded the right to lecture at the University of Berlin. At the same time they became members of the Academy of Sciences. Their last years of life passed in Berlin. Jacob outlived Wilhelm by four years. He devoted all this time to the work that they had begun with their brother.

Fairy tales in the work of writers

Jacob and Wilhelm, as the Grimm brothers were called, received a philological education. Even during their studies, they showed great interest in the oral art of their people.

Already at the beginning of the nineteenth century, the literary treasury of writers contained about two hundred fairy tales, legends, beliefs heard and written down by them. After the author's processing of the works, the storytellers were ready to publish their first collection. It was called "Children's and household tales".

Later, other books were published, the authors of which were the Brothers Grimm. The writers recorded all the variants of the fairy tales they heard. This made it possible to compare oral works among themselves, find more interesting interpretations, make changes and give new life fairy tales.

Philological research

The names of the Brothers Grimm are known not only to lovers of folklore. Their scientific work in the field of linguistics is unparalleled. Jakob and Wilhelm became the authors of an etymological dictionary of the German language, the material of which was published in 33 volumes. Scientists worked on it all the last years of his life. After the death of his younger brother, Jacob continued research work, but he also did not have time to finish the dictionary.

Its publication began in 1852 during the lifetime of the authors. The dictionary was published in full only in 1962 after its completion by other linguists. Modern philologists, students, schoolchildren to this day use this work in the study of the German language. The dictionary is constantly supplemented, revised, republished.

The second life of the works of the Brothers Grimm

The tales were written down by the brothers and presented to the readers more than 150 years ago. Since then, the works have been repeatedly reprinted in different languages ​​in many countries of the world. Based on the fairy tales, feature and animated films, serials have been created, which are a huge success among the audience. The most valuable is the film production, where the creators carefully treat the source material.

The works of the Grimm brothers, facts from their personal lives encourage modern directors, journalists, writers to create documentaries, where the authors try to explain the gift that storytellers were endowed with, to reveal the secrets of mastery.

Memory of descendants

In the city of Kassel, in the homeland of Wilhelm and Jacob, a museum was created in memory of the writers. Books published in different years. There are copies with the writers' own notes. Some publications feature drawings by the authors.

In addition to books at thematic exhibitions, you can see letters, manuscripts, documents. Their study allows you to more vividly imagine the life and creative research of writers. The museum management organizes exhibitions of materials from the fund not only in German cities, but also in different countries peace.

Now you know the names of the Brothers Grimm. Their works are rightfully included in the treasury of world classical literature.