Why does everyone love the New Year, but I don't? What to do if you do not like the new year People do not like the new year

Someone plans to start life from scratch, someone rushes for gifts and already in early December draws up a menu for the festive table, and someone is looking for a fabulous place where they can spend this holiday in a special way. But there are people who can't stand New Year and the pre-holiday fuss is like torture for them.

They sincerely do not understand why everyone around is so worried about this simple change in the calendar date. Well, there was one year, there will be another. So what? The question of how you will celebrate the New Year makes them nervous, and friends, colleagues and acquaintances shrug their shoulders in bewilderment, sincerely not understanding how this is possible. You can, and here's why:

1. One of the main questions of this period is where to celebrate? This is where the "breaking of copies" begins, serious quarrels and. A loved one wants to celebrate the New Year in the company of friends, but it seems to you that this is a family holiday and it’s generally good at home, but you can also go to your parents. It’s good if, as a result of all these domestic wars, you manage to find a compromise, and most often it turns into exhausting quarrels with statements: “Well, go to your friends!”, “I’ll celebrate well without you!”, “If so, then we need to break up right now!”, “I prefer to love your mother from a distance!”...

If you do not consider the New Year as a great holiday, this problem disappears in principle. You can sleep sweetly while the whole country listens to the president's speeches, drinks champagne and makes masks from Olivier, and in the morning, unlike many, you will be disgustingly cheerful and cheerful. Or celebrate it modestly, without incurring waste. In general, give a minimum of strength and nerves, unlike everyone else.

2. New Year is an active holiday, and the end of the year, as you know, is a time of emergency, pulling "tails" and breakneck speed. Those whose work is connected with close communication and people, by December 31, frankly want it to be like in the story of Ray Bradbury: wake up in the morning and no one was there. Cooking for a bunch of people, however, as well as searching for gifts, is considered by them as a universal evil. Someone, if they are lucky, prudently hides in their dwelling and clogs the door from the inside with nails, and someone pretends to have fun with friends or family and curses himself for agreeing to this when he could just not go anywhere and, finally something, get some sleep. Which is better, judge for yourself.

3. If you work as a doctor, lifeguard or police officer, then you definitely have reason not to like the New Year. A magical New Year's Eve for others most often becomes a nightmare for you, because the number of injuries, poisonings, lost money and phones, as well as those who first create problems for themselves, and then, like a Chinese pioneer, successfully solve them, is growing exponentially. Even if the next watch does not fall on the New Year, it is quite possible that there will be little joy from the holiday, because many knowledge means many sorrows. There will always be those who can ask for help.

4. Traditional menu, including bathers in mayonnaise, herring under a fur coat and mimosa, cuts of all kinds and uncountable bottles of alcohol, can also prevent you from falling in love with the New Year. If you have gastritis or allergies, there is always a person at the festive table who thinks that these are insignificant trifles, and you simply have to try the wonderful salad prepared by the hostess. And since you don’t drink (for one reason or another), you don’t respect everyone present at all. Telling everyone what the matter is is very tiring, so many in such cases are forced to simply avoid noisy and crowded feasts.

5. The approaching change of the year is fraught with the need to look for gifts. At least that's how it's done. Many are ready to give gifts with pleasure, but not to coincide with the holidays, and the forced necessity causes them only anger and indignation. In addition, prices in stores before the New Year rise like the temperature during a cold. I recall with horror some seventh water on jelly in the form of Aunt Klava, who had to be presented with a gold chain last year, and she brought you a Soviet service as a gift, which was re-gifted more than once. It may not be possible to portray joy and warmly thank you, so it would be best to do without gifts and Aunt Klava. To avoid killing.

6. In addition to the frantic search for gifts and attempts to fill the refrigerator in advance, which also requires tremendous patience and strength, the stored food must also be prepared in order to impress relatives or guests with culinary delights. Yeah, make it chic New Year's table- this is a whole story, and the fact that not every housewife loves this business. Yes, and it may not always be appreciated. Once my friend, having a richly laid table and being in full dress, decided to take a nap for five minutes to take a break from the labors of the righteous. She woke up in the morning and then for a long time did not understand who all these people were in her apartment, where the food had gone and what was happening in general. Since then, she stopped celebrating the New Year.

7. For some, persistent intolerance to the New Year is associated with certain sad events, that happened on that day, or rather night. Someone was flooded exactly at midnight, and the neighbors, whose pipe burst, were not at home - that’s what had to be new year's eve crawling on the floor with a rag... Unpleasant associations can remain for a long time. And especially sensitive people with the approach of the holiday begin to get nervous - what a nuisance awaits them this time. These people breathe a sigh of relief on January 1st.

8. What is the New Year without congratulations? No matter how. The need to invent something in itself is annoying. If you can still wish something original for the first ten close people, then fantasy may not be enough for the rest. In addition to relatives, there are also colleagues, relatives from Kamensk-Uralsky and Nakhodka, teachers of children and a veterinarian who treated your beloved dog. What if you don’t congratulate him, and then he will remember all year? An exchange of banal text messages begins in the spirit of “Happy New Year! I wish you happiness and joy!” or just "Happy New Year!" Replying to 50 identical messages is beyond good and evil. Therefore, some simply do not send holiday spam and urge loved ones to avoid doing the same.

9. When you watch “Enjoy Your Bath!” and "Blue Light" for the first time, then it's exciting. When you watch the second one, it may well be interesting again. The third time it becomes dreary, but it's a tradition! Once my friend took and threw away the TV. Relatives twirled a finger at the temple and hurried to evaporate. Now every year he downloads films that he has long wanted to watch and watches with his wife while drinking delicious tea. And no relatives.

10. Among other things, there are those who consider it pointless to wait for a miracle on the New Year., because Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden do not exist, and great hopes are the lot of children and dreamers. It is difficult to call them even pessimists. Rather, they are realists, confident that any miracle is the result of hard work. And in most cases you can't argue.

For some, New Year's Eve is a holiday, for others it's just a normal day. Someone looks forward to champagne and oranges, a crowd of friends, and someone dreams of peace and quiet (although what silence, when firecrackers under the windows are torn one by one, and the neighbors from above seem to be dancing hopak!). Yes, on New Year's Eve it is difficult to remain indifferent to what is happening. And yet the most important thing is that those who love the New Year, and to whom it is a burden, really

Why on this day it is necessary to celebrate it somehow especially, to make wishes? What does it give and to whom? And it is still completely incomprehensible why the highest degree of joy for people is the opportunity to eat to satiety, drink to the point of passing out ...

Outside the window is December, which means that every day it increases exponentially New Year's tinsel, and sadness and emptiness grow in the soul with the same speed. Indifference to the New Year turns into a clear dislike for it and comes to mind-breaking hatred for everything connected with this day and for those who invented it. Why do most people love this day, wait for it, prepare carefully? What drives people when they spend so much time, effort and money preparing for this "stupid" holiday. Looking at the crowds of people in stores sweeping away an insane amount of food, alcohol, tinsel, gifts for the New Year, I want to run away somewhere far away, where no one even knows about the existence of this holiday.

After all, what is all this for? What to celebrate? The fact that one figure in someone invented chronology was replaced by another? Why does this day need to be celebrated in some special way, make wishes? What does it give and to whom? And it is still completely incomprehensible why the highest degree of joy for people is the opportunity to eat to satiety, drink themselves to sleep, gather in crowds, laugh at stupid jokes, watch stupid New Year's programs with primitive music? Do they really enjoy it so much that they are ready to prepare so much for the celebration?

And these stupid signs like “you will spend the New Year the same way”, observing idiotic rules about the composition of the menu or the color of clothes depending on what year the zodiac is coming, the tradition of drinking champagne (even if you can’t stand it) with a burnt piece of paper on which a cherished wish is written! But even worse are the deafening fireworks and the joyfully screaming drunken crowds of people!

It does not matter whether you take part in it or remain an outside observer - every year during mass new year celebrations from the depths of the soul, a clear thought rises into consciousness that you are not like everyone else, a stranger at this holiday. This thought gives rise to a strong internal contradiction: on the one hand, at such moments you consider all people to be a stupid herd of animals, for which an abundance of delicious dishes and other simple entertainments is enough, on the other hand, awareness of one’s own difference from others exacerbates the feeling of emptiness and loneliness.

Uncovering the causes of New Year's depression

Such an attitude to the New Year and to all solemn holidays in general is not accidental and is quite understandable with the help of the knowledge that we receive at the training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan. Although we are all the same in appearance, our psyche, according to " System-Vector Psychology”, has enormous differences and is divided into 8 types - vectors. Standing apart among them is the so-called sound vector. Its most important difference from the other seven is that not a single innate desire of the sound vector has the slightest relation to the material world.

A modern person usually has several vectors, but the sound vector is dominant, therefore, even in the presence of other vectors, it is he who mainly determines the behavior and thoughts of a person. often seem strange, not of this world, precisely because their nature in relation to this world is like a parallel line - it does not intersect with it in anything. The most important desire of the sound vector is the knowledge of the meaning of life. This may be realized or not, it may be expressed in different ways: some are looking for meanings in the exact sciences, languages, others simply deny the existence of the meaning of life and go headlong into gambling addiction or drugs.

The common and most important thing for all people with a sound vector is one thing: even if they are given all the riches of the world, love the size of the Universe, the highest recognition and glory, this is not enough for them, one can say, for them it is simply nothing. Since only sound people always feel the illusory nature of our world and the finiteness of life in this body. Of course, from early childhood they feel how different they are from other people.

Such vital moments as holidays emphasize the irresistible contrast between people with a sound vector and other people. While everyone else is happily preparing for the holiday, sound people are more and more immersed in themselves, they are more and more tormented by questions about the meaning of life. At the same time, since we live in a society where there are generally accepted traditions and norms, it is simultaneously difficult for sound engineers both to adapt to the rest and pretend that they enjoy what they absolutely do not care about, or to be constantly misunderstood, white crows , strange in the eyes of others.

Proofreader: Galina Yurkanova

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»

We received a letter from the editor. Ordinary, in an envelope. Handwriting, I must say, so-so. A letter from a certain Luda Skorlupkina. She writes absolutely incredible things. Words can't describe how awesome! Nothing is sacred to man! New Year, he says, I do not like it! But something we were too excited ... Here, read it better yourself.

Hello , dear editors of "Cosmo Ural"! I am writing to you for the first time and immediately with a complaint. Why do you pay so much attention to the New Year? Is this holiday so wonderful to prepare for it since August? What did everyone find in it? Personally, I just hate him ... Why, you ask? As in the song: “and you have five reasons for this.” Here they are:

New Year is extremely disgusting to meet alone.

Trust me, I know I did. It's disgusting when you're boyfriend-girlfriend and suddenly - hop! - quarreled exactly before December 31st. You pout at each other, and each secretly prepares a gift and wants the opposing side to give up and call ... But he is holding on to the last of his strength. And now the chimes are beating, the president is making a toast, and you are alone! It's horrible.


But it’s even worse when you’re just alone… No one quarreled with you, no one met with you. You are a lonely bird in the urban jungle, and whatever you cook, you will eat yourself. And you will clink glasses with Dmitry Anatolyich. And you will cry. About how you hate the New Year.

New Year's Eve is killing my diet.

For some reason, it so happened in our country that seeing off the old and meeting the new year is a celebration of the stomach. Tables break, cheeks swell, culottes burst at the seams. And I can’t sacrifice my tortured, hard-won figure for the sake of table madness! You can’t eat it in such quantities and in such order, and in general for so long! But you can’t get away - the New Year without Olivier and without caviar on a bun does not seem to be considered the New Year either. Rating - unsatisfactory! And then I have an unsatisfactory waist! Wow, I hate New Years!

The new year is robbing me clean.

The New Year is celebrated as if for one day, but the money goes away like for a month of life. It all starts, of course, with little girls from the trade union committee who go around with their requisitions: “for champagne”, “for a gift to the boss” ... Ugh. Then tantrums begin under the name “Did you buy gifts?”. After work, you run around like a wound up rabbit from advertising, and beat the drum from the prices of all these knick-knacks. And you still buy, because if you don’t give New Year’s presents to everyone, everyone, everyone, these everyone, everything, everyone will be offended. For life.

But with sin in half, gifts are purchased. Wholesale sizes. The next torture is to buy products on festive table. Welcome to hell called "supermarket" and "hypermarket"! Wherever you go, it's the same everywhere: a crowd of demon-possessed people demolishes everything from the shelves. And it seems to be not free (not even free!), but excitement, as if everyone is stocking up for the last time.

And finally, you need to look appropriate, you want to spend the holiday as a well-groomed fashionista, so you try, you run around shopping centers in search of a dress. At the same time, the same unfortunate people are running around with you, you already recognize each other ... One gets the feeling that your dress is specially hidden in the farthest corner, and another zero is added to the price tag every day ... Phew, I found it, pulled it out. I signed up at the salon for styling, also with a fight, although in the salon the prices were raised so that they are about to fly into the sky. Tired. I hate New Years.

This day would not have been better! Everyone would wake up at once on the second day, vigorous! Of sound mind and clear memory and not feeling the presence internal organs. That would be beauty! And it’s not like in reality: you wake up, it’s dark, it’s as if a company of soldiers spent the night in the apartment ... And, most likely, then they moved into your head, otherwise why is there a ringing in your ears, but a taste of iron on your tongue?

With difficulty, I turn over to the other side, covering my head with a blanket. To forget ... It was not there: a call! If it is Santa Claus calling to inquire about my health, I will tell him everything I think about the New Year. Namely, I hate him!

In preparation for the New Year, MCH will not lift a finger.

If I met the New Year not alone, then the New Year pissed me off. Because I did everything myself, all the preparation fell on my fragile, size 42 shoulders! From cooking to cutting snowflakes, from washing floors to ordering Santa Claus at home! And the MCH wandered around the apartment, watched “The Irony of Fate” or whatever, chewed tangerines ... I was silent, I thought he would understand that he could help, but no, he didn’t understand!

By midnight I was so exhausted that when it was time to clink glasses and light sparklers, I didn't care. But at MCH energy hit over the edge! Then I could not stand it and showed him such sparklers that, I think, he cringed for a long time. Separated. But he was a good guy...

Dear editor! I hope you take my letter seriously. There are many more reasons why I hate the New Year, I even think of writing a dissertation about it ... I wonder if you can find something to object to me?

We passed this letter from hand to hand, groaned, gasped and did not know what to answer. How can you not love New Years? It's the same as not to love ... at this point we stumbled. Because they did not come up with anything that we would all love. Except life. Therefore, we decided not to flog the fever and answer point by point.

Editorial response

Dear Luda! We are very pleased with your letter, honestly, honestly! You opened our eyes! You say you don't like New Year's, and maybe our other readers don't either. So we just have to write about it! Although ... do you really not love him, and in general, is it the case? Let's figure it out.

New Year is extremely disgusting to meet alone.

Indeed, the New Year is a collective holiday. One is boring. But after all, in addition to a loved one, who at the time of December 31 may not be "at hand", there are friends, parents and a great many relatives! One of the workers of our valiant editorial staff, Ksenia, also celebrated the last New Year without MCH: the last disappeared, and the new one did not have time to appear. And what now, sit down, take a basin and cry a liter of tears into it, how lonely and unhappy you are, there is no one to feel sorry for you? So there will be no one! Because only an experienced burglar thief can find you in an apartment behind seven locks, and we suspect you don’t need such an MCH ... You need to go to people, and not play a recluse! Here is our Ksyusha that New Year met with her family, and then went to her friend, because. she organized a spontaneous party. While getting to her, about 55 complete strangers managed to congratulate her, right on the street. 50% of them asked for her phone number, 10% received the coveted number (if you want to stretch your brains, count how many lucky people she gave the number; the answer is at the end of the article). And one even gave a rose. Frozen but cute.

This is what else! We swear, a real incident that happened to one of our friends Anna: she also celebrated the New Year without young man in the absence of such. In the company of friends, she went to the 1905 Square to drink champagne "with the people" at exactly midnight. If you ever met the New Year on the Square of 1905, you have a good idea of ​​how many people there are! Well, 12 o'clock, hip-hip-hooray, Anya drinks champagne, kisses on the cheek with friends. And then the neighbor on the right (well, what else to call him? - Neighbor in the Square!) Looks carefully at Anya and says: “And me?” Anya didn’t even understand right away and therefore answered in Odessa, with a question to the question: “What about you?” - "Kiss in honor of the New Year!" Anya thought for a second and kissed him on the cheek ... That's how they live. Laughing, kissing, both happy. So do not sour at home alone on New Year's Eve! Company and more company!

New Year's Eve is killing my diet.

And here, Lyudochka, you are cunning! Nobody is forcing you to eat! The New Year can be turned into a holiday of gluttony, but it is not his fault. And by the way, nothing will happen to you if you eat lean chicken or meat! Seafood, caviar - please, but make sandwiches with grain bread, set aside the bun, do you still want a cake, we suppose? We repeat, nothing will be done to you from one piece! Especially if you don’t sit like a dead weight in place, but move, and it’s best to dance!

The new year is robbing me clean.

And here you are right anyway. New Year's Eve spending is going through the roof for everyone. But something can still be corrected and reduced, because often we spend so much because of our own laziness and the habit of putting everything off until the last day. For example, who bothers to buy gifts in advance? Then, firstly, we will really be able to choose something we need, and not grab what is left on the counter. Secondly, attention: the more time until the New Year, the lower the prices. Buying gifts before the start of the December hype, you will really save both money and nerves, and this is also important.

The same goes for grocery shopping. Why is everything on the last day? Did you just remember today that it's New Year's Eve? Or do you enjoy meeting him in the kilometer-long line at the checkout? We agree that not everything can be bought in advance, but start stocking up as early as possible. The same champagne, pickled cucumbers, caviar (overseas squash). Although it's hard not to eat it all before the deadline...

We are starting to become predictable… Luda, you won’t believe it, but it’s better to make an appointment with the hairdresser ALSO IN ADVANCE! Then it will be possible to negotiate the price of the issue, so that it suits both parties, and not to worry at all that on the eve of the holiday you will be left without styling ... And the dress ... You will laugh, but we advise you to buy a dress not on December 29! Then you will really like it and fit it (because you will try on fifteen more in front of it). And if you reach out and buy the only thing left there, keep in mind: 5 more people may be wearing the same dress! Which just ran with you together, in the foam, sweeping away the remnants of collections ...

Just imagine: the janitor Petrovich had a birthday yesterday. And today he has a small death. Tomorrow, for example, is World Janitor Day. So the day after tomorrow he has another little death. And then the salary, and again a small death. Question: who is to blame?

It’s clearly not a birthday, not a janitor’s day, and even more so not a salary day - this is generally a holy day, how can you hate it! How can you hate the New Year because of a hangover on January 1st? Hangover is the root of all evil! In order not to come face to face with him, please do not interfere with drinks and do not get carried away with cocktails. Or better yet, don't get carried away. Although you probably know “your” drink, after a moderate amount of which you don’t get a headache. Be true to him.

But even after drinking just a couple of glasses of wine, in the early evening of January 1, you may feel unwell.

This is because you woke up unusually late, the normal regimen of the body has gone astray. The recipe for vivacity is simple: juice, shower and sex. In any order, according to taste.

In preparation for the New Year, MCH will not lift a finger.

He will never hit if you remain silent and pout. Not because he's an emotionless monster who only let you into his lair so you could work three shifts while he chilled. And simply because men need to say everything. That's the way their brains work. They will not read your proudly closed eyes, follow the angry turn of the neck and puzzle over what's the matter - do you have PMS or do you want a fur coat ... Say it straight, but without hitting: I can’t cope, I need reinforcements! And indicate the location: in the kitchen at the sink - a potato peeling operation; in the living room at the table - the operation of bringing this very table into a formal view. And for a 100% effect, it would be nice to say “please, dear” and kiss somewhere. A particular girl always knows where to kiss a particular man so that he thaws.

It turns out that a man who was gently and intelligibly asked has the ability to do a fairly wide range of activities in the kitchen. It is scientifically confirmed that a rare man does not know how to keep track of a chicken in the oven (if you first tell him that this is the main dish that he himself will eat). Approximately half of the men are great at slicing a salad (just show first what size and shape you want to see the ingredients, otherwise they will get carried away and cut the tomatoes into strips, thinner than spaghetti ...).

In fact, everyone copes, but some people strive to cut their own fingers as well, and fingers must be protected - they still open champagne!

Well, in general, and all our answers. We sincerely hope that you will read them and see that everything is not so bad. After all, to be honest, Lud, it’s not about the New Year at all, right? You hate not him, but the inconvenience and trouble associated with any holiday. But these are small things compared to the joy it brings! We will remember now, maybe not the most New Year's, but Coco Chanel's favorite saying: “There is a time to work, and there is a time to love. There is no other time left." Do you see the word "hate" here? It doesn't exist, and there shouldn't be time for it either. There will be a New Year, and there will be a time to love. And even if now there seems to be no one to love, first love the New Year itself. He won't be in debt!

P.S. Especially if you come to the 1905 Square!

P. P. S. The promised answer to the problem about the phone: Ksyusha gave her number to five young people (one of them was with a child, so he was considered one and a half people, total 5.5!).

Waiting for the New Year has always been a difficult time for me. Here is the question I like to answer most of all in December: “Where will you celebrate the New Year?”

And this is what I like to answer most of all: “At home. I'll bury myself in blankets and wait for you to calm down with your New Year.

Is there anyone else here who doesn't love New Years as much as I do? If yes, then you will agree with me: the New Year is very tiring. Firstly, household fuss, queues and traffic jams. Secondly, excessive obsession with consumption. Third, insincerity: formal congratulations, formal trinket gifts, formal corporate celebrations.

But I also have a happy experience - the experience that says: “We create the holiday ourselves. So come on, Marina, let's do something to make New Year's Eve great!"

How is the New Year?

I think people who love the New Year do not love it for the moment they live, when - bam! - Coming January 1st. This moment is so fleeting that we do not even have time to feel it. People love preparations: all the surroundings that are associated with the holiday. In other words, we love waiting for a miracle. But here's the problem - modern man does not have time to stay in this state. It's hard to expect a miracle while standing in line for tangerines and champagne.

How to be? Make your own miracle. Pay attention to this. Devote your time to this. This year, under the guise of a miracle, my family and I decided to implement the NG Cookies project. The idea is simple: make a holiday otherwise.

Great new year concept:

  • Refuse the fuss and useless gifts.
  • Return the joyful aroma of the New Year.
  • To practice “chaotic goodness” is to cook something beautiful, pleasant, sincere for friends and acquaintances.
  • Make it so that the memories of how we prepared for the onset of 2014 remained in the memory.

Project Mechanics

  • We bake two buckets of New Year's gingerbread cookies, which can be eaten or used to decorate the Christmas tree.
  • Making a photo essay while making cookies.
  • We pack cookies in boxes, put a leaflet with photos and a couple of kind words in each box: let the recipient see that we have put our soul into preparing the gift.
  • We give cookies to friends, colleagues and everyone we can reach. They eat New Year's bears and remember us: ha ha, cookies with pepper!

Your time has come!

The time to give gifts has not yet come, but there are still a few days to prepare these gifts. Do you have friends for whom you have not prepared a gift yet? You can come up with your own New Year's project: for example, New Year's baking or a special greeting ritual for your closest friends.

If (suddenly!) you are inspired by my little story and decide to do something amazing on this New Year's Eve, write to me about it.

P.S. The next series has already matured in my head - the project "Green by March 8". Invent and give gifts - good way life is fun :)