Care for skin prone to redness (rosacea). Winter care for skin prone to inflammation and rosacea Cream for sensitive skin prone to redness

Hypersensitivity usually occurs against the background of a violation of the body's own defense mechanisms - a decrease in the activity of local immune agents, failures in the synthesis process (natural lipids) and the destruction of the epidermal (hydrolipid) barrier. Against this background, peeling, hyperemia, and tingling appear, as well as a violation of blood microcirculation, which eventually leads to dehydration and activates the processes premature aging skin covers. That is why the choice of a cream for sensitive skin prone to redness is very important, because it requires special care aimed at stopping inflammation and activating regenerative processes, restoring the hydrolipid barrier, strengthening the vascular walls and increasing the resistance of the epidermis to aggressive environmental factors. You can buy a cosmetic product with such a spectrum of action today at a pharmacy.

Features and composition of the cream

Estimated cost - 17 USD.


BIODERMA SENSIBIO AR (France, 40 ml) is a cream with a light texture that helps to eliminate redness that occurs against the background of increased sensitivity of the skin to food, climatic factors or stress. It is included in the complex treatment program for facial skin diseases (rosacea, rosacea-like dermatitis), reduces the likelihood of developing a vascular wall and the appearance of telangiectasias, and has a photoprotective effect.

Estimated price -14 USD.


Yves Rocher Sensitive Vegetal is a herbal cream for sensitive skin, prepared on the basis of Sigesbeckia orientalis leaf extract, which has a calming effect, helps to restore and moisturize the epidermis. Does not contain alcohol, parabens and fragrances, is quickly absorbed and easily penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis.

Estimated cost - 10 USD.


Noreva Sensidiane (France, 40 ml) is a cream with a unique patented formula based on Neutrazen Pro and allantoin, which stops signs of inflammation and irritation, normalizes the sensitivity of the skin and increases its protective properties.

Estimated price - 13-15 USD.


A-Derma exomega DEFI (France, 50 ml) is a cosmetic product based on oat extract, a complex of fatty acids and vitamins of group B. It soothes irritation, reduces the likelihood of development, has a vascular strengthening and antioxidant effect. The patented DEFI system ensures the sterility of the cosmetic product throughout the entire period of its use, which minimizes the risk of allergic reactions.

Estimated cost - 22-24 USD.


PHYTOMEDICA Cream "A-derma" (Russia, 50 ml) - a product for the care of very sensitive skin, which contains milk proteins, plant extracts and vitamin F. Restores the hydrolipidic barrier, suppresses the production of inflammatory cytokines that cause redness of the skin , has a calming and mild anesthetic effect.

Estimated cost - 8 USD.

Among all of the above, it is difficult to single out best cream for sensitive facial skin, because they all have their own benefits. According to reviews, Avene, La Roche Posay and URIAGE brands can be considered the most effective, which are distinguished by their natural composition, favorable price-quality ratio, have a quick calming effect and practically do not cause development side effects. Cosmetics from BIODERMA and Noreva are suitable for patients with dry skin, and A-Derma exomega DEFI cream is recommended for use in patients with oily skin types.

Sensitive skin requires special care. As soon as the air in the room becomes dry (due to radiators, rare ventilation), and frosty weather sets in, many people notice how the skin reacts negatively to such changes. The face becomes dull, areas with redness, dilated capillaries appear, and local peeling occurs. Oily creams clog pores, make the skin look greasy and untidy. How can you avoid all this and keep your skin healthy even in winter?

Professional skin care

You have probably heard many times that you can not save on your own health. Taking dubious medications, you risk worsening your well-being. But why then do many people save on the health of their skin and use prohibited methods of care?

Professional cosmetics cannot be compared with products that are designed for a universal consumer who prefers cheap products. Elite cosmetics are necessary for sensitive skin, like air. The benefits of natural professional tools obvious:

high concentration of nutrients;

constant activity of the components of cosmetics, allowing them to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, solving problems and preventing the emergence of new ones;

Proven efficacy in the fight against photoaging and age-related changes;

The most natural composition;

presence in professional cosmetics UV filters that protect against ultraviolet radiation and burns;

Use of gentle production technologies that allow you to save a maximum of useful ingredients in plants.

Professional products are perfectly absorbed, do not leave an unpleasant oily sheen and really help in the fight against skin imperfections. And all thanks to the natural composition, which contains natural ingredients - plant extracts, infusions, vitamins, amino acids, oils, peptides, ceramides.

Special care requires skin prone to rosacea, acne and irritation. If you take care of it with the help of cheap and conventional means, aggressive cosmetic techniques, then there is a high risk of microtrauma of capillaries and the formation of a pronounced network of dilated vessels located close to the surface of the skin.

Couperose - "winter" skin problem

Couperose is an unpleasant disease that is manifested by weakness of the vascular wall and characteristic manifestations on the face (redness, peeling, dilated capillaries). The situation is aggravated by temperature fluctuations, aggressive actions (peelings, rubbing the face with ice cubes). Weak walls of blood vessels when going outside in winter do not withstand temperature changes and crack. Procedures with hot masks and formulations also negatively affect the skin.

If you have couperosis, rosacea on your face, then avoid:

mechanical peelings;

contrast baths;

The use of ice

alcohol intake;


consumption of spicy foods

The use of low-quality cosmetics.

To care for skin with rosacea and a tendency to inflammatory reactions, use special products that, with regular use, strengthen capillaries and relieve the symptoms of rosacea.

One of the professional products with protective properties. It contains antioxidants, herbal extracts, hyaluronic acid, vitamins, oils. This tool reduces the severity of the vascular network on the wings of the nose and cheeks, strengthens blood vessels and increases resistance to temperature extremes.

It is specially designed for sensitive skin. The drug soothes, relieves irritation, gives energy and removes natural impurities.

With couperosis and rosacea, it is important to strengthen the vessels from the inside by taking vitamin preparations. Pay attention to vitamins K, E and C, as they are responsible for the strength of blood vessels and the protection of the body from negative environmental factors.

Hello. I want to tell you about my favorite. This applies to the cream itself and to the brand in general. Although I have tried only three products from the Cora brand, none of them disappointed. But now about the cream.

Although... first about my skin. skin in adolescence acted just awful. Acne purulent, black dots, oily sheen were my true friends. I struggled with them stubbornly with all sorts of aggressive means against acne. As a result, the skin was overdried, which is why it began to shine with triple tenacity. But the acne is gone.

But with such skin, it was very embarrassing for me to go to the mirror in the morning and look at a wonderful red butter pancake instead of my reflection.

After reading about this problem on the Internet. I diagnosed myself with rosacea) and also decided that my skin is now hyper sensitive, which is no wonder after all my attempts to get rid of acne.

I also came across on the Internet reviews of Russian cosmetics of the Kora brand. So many positive feedback and I made up my mind.

I went to the pharmacy, bought this cream and two more products there, which also became my must-haves, but I will write about them later.

So what does the manufacturer promise us? We will see:

the cream provides effective care for skin prone to rosacea and redness associated with the presence of small blood vessels close to the surface of the skin.

A special complex of ingredients with capillary-strengthening properties:

PHYTOEXTRACTS (containing a natural complex of bioflavonoids), VITAMIN C, RUTIN, NATURAL VEGETABLE OILS - has a targeted effect against rosacea and skin irritation, significantly reduces the intensity of redness and skin sensitivity. Showing antioxidant activity, resists the destructive action of free radicals, slowing down the process of skin aging, protects it from UV rays and external aggressive factors

VERBENA, BETAIN, PANTHENOL enhance the protective functions of the skin, saturate it with moisturizing and nourishing substances, help smooth the skin microrelief and reduce the depth of wrinkles.

THERMAL WATER due to the optimal content of trace elements (manganese, zinc, silicon, etc.) quickly restores the mineral balance of the skin, increases the protective potential of the epidermis, soothes irritated skin.

AFTER 28 DAYS OF APPLICATION: 40% of the women tested noted a reduction in the severity of the vascular pattern, a more even skin tone, a feeling of comfort and freshness.

Active Ingredients: Vitamin C, Rutin, Ginkgo Biloba, Green Tea, Verbena, Japanese Sophora, Shea Butter, Avocado, Soybean, Panthenol, Betaine.

The composition makes me happy. The smell is pretty neutral. fresh, pleasant. The color is yellow as you can see in the photo. Don't be afraid of color. When applied, it seems to dissolve and you get only a fresh face without any redness.

I have been using this product for quite a long time - about a year. Based on the results, I can say that now I can get up in the morning and do useful things, and not immediately run and paint. The complexion is even, I forgot about oily sheen. The cream does a great job of moisturizing the skin! Absolutely non-comedogenic!!!

Sensitive facial skin is very prone to irritation and allergic reactions due to insufficient production of fats by the sebaceous glands. For this reason, the stratum corneum becomes thin, resulting in insufficient protection for the face and neck. Approximately 12% of girls have similar problems, so it is quite difficult for them to choose a cream that will not cause an allergic reaction.

Typical Symptoms

Skin prone to redness can react unpredictably to cosmetics, so it is quite difficult for people to decide on the right choice means of protection. Sometimes a cream that was suitable for facial care yesterday can cause severe allergies tomorrow. Even stress or climatic changes, heat or strong wind can affect the condition of the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin).

To typical features skin prone to irritation include:

  • suddenly appearing red spots on the face;
  • vessels close to the surface of the face;
  • feeling of tightness after washing;
  • allergic reaction to hygienic and decorative cosmetics.

Sometimes such problems can be not only natural, but also acquired. The reason for this may be malnutrition, abuse of peeling, as well as masks with active ingredients, improper facial care.

As a result of such actions, a person, without realizing it, changes the normal skin type to problematic and sensitive.


This disease is most common in women with thin and fair skin, the cause of its appearance is impaired blood circulation in the epidermis. If for some reason a person does not try to overcome the problem, the vessels on the face begin to expand. In this state, they very soon lose their elasticity, and this, in turn, affects the condition of the face.

Couperose can be caused by the following reasons:

  • frequent consumption of hot spices, seasonings and sauces;
  • smoking;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • alcohol abuse.

What should be the care?

For dry skin, you need to carefully select cosmetics and creams, because it needs regular nourishment and protection. In such a situation, a cream with components that will help restore the hydrolipid mantle and nourish the deep layers of the epidermis is suitable.

Since in the daytime the face is exposed to many negative factors (wind, ultraviolet rays), it is necessary to select very delicate cosmetics that will have a moisturizing effect.

At night, it is best to give preference to masks and balms that help strengthen capillaries and soothe the skin of the face. The composition of creams should not include components that can cause an allergic reaction.

With rosacea, it is not advisable to use soap during washing, this will only worsen the condition of the face. It is worth buying a soft washing gel or foam, which will include moisturizing ingredients. It is desirable that the water is distilled or at least bottled, it is not so hard. After the procedure, wiping your face with a towel is contraindicated, it must be gently blotted with a napkin so as not to damage it.

What means cannot be used?

Some people who seek to cope with the problem here and now do not always carefully choose cosmetics. This is fundamentally wrong, because it is the wrong care that can cause rosacea.

If you are the owner of dry and sensitive skin, the following remedies and measures will be a direct contraindication to use:

  • Hardening masks for sensitive facial skin;
  • Creams and tonics containing alcohol;
  • Deep peeling;
  • Solarium and intensive tanning;
  • Oily creams.

Of course, a cream for very sensitive skin prone to redness should not be alone. At a minimum, you need to purchase two creams: day and night. But people suffering from rosacea are not recommended to change the series of facial products too often. It is best to give preference to creams of the same line.

Firstly, then it will be easier for you to determine whether the products help or not, and secondly, it is much easier for the epidermis to adapt to one type of cosmetics than to several at once.

How to keep attractive?

If you want to get rid of problems with your face, you will have to not only change your makeup, but also reconsider your entire lifestyle.

It is important to remember that the following factors have a detrimental effect on the face:

  • ultraviolet;
  • hard water;
  • sea ​​and chlorinated water;
  • decorative cosmetics that clog pores;
  • alcohol;
  • laxatives;
  • smoking;
  • sauna.

It is advisable to exclude all these factors, because they contribute to the evaporation of moisture from collagen fibers, which is why the face ages very quickly, and the epidermis loses its elasticity.

This, of course, does not mean that you need to completely abandon the sea or the pool, but before the session, as a protection, do not forget to apply a water-repellent cream for dry and very sensitive facial skin on your face and neck. To regularly replenish fluid reserves, it is worth drinking at least 2 liters of water per day, then the condition of the face will definitely improve.

Just pay attention to the fact that it is worth using ordinary clean water without gas. But it is advisable to refuse strong coffee and soda altogether. Only in this way will it be possible to maintain youth and attractiveness for many years.

Necessary set of funds

Cuperosis is not yet a sentence, any woman can cope with the problem if she knows what remedies can overcome the trouble:

  • Milk for removing cosmetics. This tool is ideal for delicate makeup removal;
  • Moisturizing tonic. This remedy has a calming effect as it reduces redness. It can sometimes be used as a make-up remover;
  • Cream for overly sensitive skin prone to irritation. It is necessary for the daily nourishment of the epidermis;
  • Moisturizing serum. This is a very concentrated product that instantly moisturizes and saturates the cells with the necessary moisture.

Any girl with sensitive skin is simply obliged to have a minimum set of products that allows you to carry out the necessary facial care. Often, people who ignore the problem face more severe consequences, such as rosacea and early aging of the epidermis.

Every person can face reddening of the skin on the face, as the causes are completely different, from a genetic predisposition to the effects of prolonged stress. Redness is an indicator of existing problems with the capillaries. For various reasons, they become weak and fragile, and a sharp influx of blood causes them to expand. At first, this leads to the appearance of red spots on the face, and in more serious cases, rosacea and the so-called rosacea, that is, small rosacea, appear.

A reservation must be made right away: the natural blush that occurs during excitement or temperature changes is absolutely normal if it passes without leaving red spots behind.

Possible reasons appearance of redness:

1. A genetic predisposition to redness is in those people whose close relatives have encountered this problem. A person who has a predisposition should start thinking about strengthening blood vessels from a young age so that in the future there is a chance to avoid this cosmetic defect.

2. Allergy. Sometimes this disease can manifest itself in such an unpleasant way. If there are no other symptoms, then it can be very difficult to recognize the true cause of facial redness.

3. Bad habits. Alcohol and tobacco negatively affect the health of blood vessels, and the whole body as a whole.

4. The effect that ultraviolet radiation, cold wind, and unfavorable ecology have on the skin.

5. Wrong care: washing too cold or hot water, frequent use of scrubs and, the use of low-quality or inappropriate cosmetics.

6. The presence of certain diseases of the digestive system, for example, low acidity of the stomach.

7. Eating foods that cause vasodilation.

If it comes to rosacea, then it will not be easy to get rid of it, and you will probably have to seek help from specialists, so it is better to think about prevention in advance. The main task preventive measures to prevent reddening of the skin is to prevent vasodilation.

Those who have a predisposition to redness should:

Forget about existing bad habits, as alcohol and smoking destroy blood vessels;
- carefully monitor the reaction of the body to the products. Those that cause redness of the skin must be excluded from your diet;
- if possible, avoid sleep deprivation and prolonged stress, as a constant depressed or irritated state affects the health of the whole organism, and not just the skin.
- Also, if possible, protect the skin from prolonged exposure to frost, sun or wind.
- care for easily reddening skin should be special. Warming masks, steam baths, the use of hard scrubs should be avoided.

Care for skin prone to redness should be discussed separately. It traditionally begins with cleansing.

Skin cleansing

Means need to be selected soft, intended for sensitive skin. It is good if they contain extracts of seaweed, chestnut, mimosa, orange and green tea, as well as vitamins A, C, E, P and K. These substances have a good effect on the condition of blood vessels. Fragrances, preservatives and dyes in such cleansers should be minimal.

The ideal temperature for washing your face is slightly cooler than body temperature. Too cold or hot causes constriction or dilation of blood vessels, which leads to their weakening.

After washing, the face should not be wiped, but gently blotted with a towel, and then wiped with a special tonic.

In the event that frequent water procedures are contraindicated, you can use a special milk or foam for sensitive skin.


Removing dead particles from the skin is a mandatory step in cleansing, but what about those whose face is covered with red spots from such a procedure? Sensitive skin may react in a similar way to the most delicate scrub, it is usually recommended to use a gentle exfoliating roll. Also a great solution would be a homemade scrub made from oatmeal, ground with a coffee grinder. This remedy is easy to make and use, completely natural, does not contain allergens, does not cause irritation and has a very good effect on the condition of the skin.

Nutrition and hydration

In the morning, on cleansed skin, you need to apply a day cream, selected taking into account the type and needs of the skin. In winter, the product should nourish and protect from cold and wind, and in summer it should moisturize and protect from ultraviolet radiation. Evening cream performs other functions. Since at night the skin is actively engaged in the restoration of its cells, it must be saturated with the nutrients necessary for this process. Such a task is assigned to a night cream, which should be applied at least twenty minutes before bedtime so that it can be absorbed into the skin.

When choosing your skin care products, it is important to pay attention to the composition. The less flavors, colors, and artificial preservatives it contains, the better. But vegetable and essential oils, extracts, extracts from medicinal plants, vitamins and similar beneficial ingredients have a positive effect on vascular health and appearance skin. On the other hand, natural ingredients are fraught with the danger of allergies, so it is very important to read the labels carefully. If the list includes, for example, such a wonderful product as honey, this means that the remedy is contraindicated for many allergy sufferers.

Homemade masks also do a good job of nourishing and moisturizing the skin, the ingredients for which are easy to find in any kitchen. Suitable fruits, vegetables, dairy products, oatmeal, rice flour, decoctions of herbs, oils.

Covering imperfections with make-up

1. If there is little redness, then foundation or corrector can hide them. Of course, decorative cosmetics need to buy high-quality. It is desirable that it be special, designed for skin with such problems. Otherwise, the effect of using foundation may be opposite.

2. In the case when there are more reddenings, they are pronounced, and even accompanied by others. cosmetic defects, for example, acne, a light foundation will not be enough. To hide such defects, you will have to use a special greenish tint corrector. It covers the red color and makes it less noticeable. After the corrector has been applied, the turn of foundation cream-powder will come. It contains more pigment than a regular liquid cream, and thanks to this it evens out the tone well and masks imperfections.

3. In order for the face not to look like a flat mask, it is necessary to apply more cream on the protruding parts of the face. light shade or a drop of highlighter, and on the cheeks - a little blush.

So, the skin of the face, prone to redness, can cause a lot of problems to its owner, but with proper care and lifestyle can reduce their number to a minimum. As long as this problem is an unpleasant cosmetic flaw, you can successfully deal with it on your own, but if these efforts are not enough, then you need to contact a specialist in a timely manner. It is important to remember that the sooner treatment is started, the faster and more successfully it will be completed.