Nursery rhymes for the little ones to read the old ones. Poems for the little ones. Bathing and washing

JOKE ROEMS for the little ones


Drip da drip, da drip... With rain
Don't go play ball...
And sand in the sandbox
Darkened and all wet.
Do not reach the swing -
Puddles get wet on the way.
Well, the rain is still walking,
Don't think about leaving!
Is it really alone
Is it good for him to walk?


One two three four five!
Mom and Polya (Katya, Misha...) will sleep.

One two three four!
It suddenly became quiet in the apartment.

One two Three!
Do not say anything.

One, two!
head on the pillow...

Close your eyes and...
Once! Sweet dreams for us...


Here is my sweet
Woke up in bed!
The house welcomes you
The birds are singing
The sun is blue
And mom just loves it!


I whisper almost inaudibly:
"I love you baby!
Your every finger is sweet
Button nose funny
He sneezes like a big one!
Be healthy, my golden!"


Look at your plate
Squirrels have fled from the forests!
Ate a bun, ate porridge
And look at our daughter!
Squirrels ate with appetite
And Polyushenka (Natasha, ...) was ordered:
(or: And Nastya (Petya, ...) was ordered to eat everything!)
Daughter listened
And all the porridge ... ate!


Our baby swallow
Calls mommy.
Our baby with a sweetheart
Calls daddy.
Our baby hare
Called grandma.
Grandpa just said
Strictly and loudly to everyone:
"You spoil so
Our child!
Nothing special
Not in our lyalka!"
For some reason it just fizzles
Looking at granddaughter grandfather.
Sharik Murka saw
And he barked and shouted:
"Hey pussy don't get close!
Otherwise, I'll break off the chain,
I'll catch you in the steppe"
The pussy answered: "Clearly,
Only you threaten in vain.
I won't run across the steppe,
I'll pull back a little from you
Yes, and I will rush straight to the forest.
I'll climb a tree!"
Wash like this:
Water, water, wash my face.
To make the eyes shine, to make the cheeks redden,
So that the mouth laughs, so that the tooth bites.

Well, I broke through. I always thought I had a bad memory.
Smiling at all of us.
Nice day outside
The bucket is called.

Quite old, from my childhood:
Rain, rain, more.
We'll give you thick.
We'll give you a spoon.
Have a little sip.

Our son is small.
Let's buy him boots
Let's put on the legs
Let's go down the track.
Our son will walk
New felt boots to wear.

Vanya is sitting on the sofa,
A raven sits on an oak tree.
A raven sits on an oak tree
And blows his trumpet
He says: "Vanya, Vanya,
What is sitting on the sofa?
Come, I'll tell you]

I'll play the trumpet."

I also really liked the rhyme about the chipmunk, especially if you also show it or gently pat them on the cheeks.
Chipmunk - funny cheeks.
There are five stripes on the back.
And behind the cheeks - bags,
To carry seeds.

It's raining outside
I can't walk
And I decided a little
Count on glass.

Droplets, droplets
Three four five.
droplets, droplets
I can't count.

Once upon a time, well, just laughter,
Bunny took a bite of a nut.
Yes, nuts are not carrots,
It takes skill to gnaw.
Fat Bear came running
Mishka Zaika helped.
And he sniffed and puffed,
But the nut remained intact.
Wolf came to the rescue
What's the point of the Wolf?
Seems to be wrong too:
Don't crack his nuts.
And for the Mouse, for the neighbor,
The nut was too strong
After all, in a bone shell
A walnut grew in the silence of the forest.
And the Fox can not gnaw,
She's trying hard.
Who will help the Bunny?
Only Belochka alone.
She is accustomed to chewing nuts,
She gnaws them perfectly!
White Goat
Walked through the forest
Wolf teased:
- I'm not afraid of the wolf
I'm not afraid of gray
I am from the gray from the wolf
I'll bury myself under a birch.

Oh you, Domnushka -
Red Sun!
Get up off the stove
Look into the oven -
Is it time to bake pancakes?

Pig Nenila
Son praised:
- That's pretty
Something pretty
- Walks sideways
ears up,
crochet ponytail,
Piglet nose!

Send cows
Near the oak tree
Sheep - near the river,
Pigs - near the string,
And the cats are near the hill!

A swan floats along the river,
Above the bank carries a head.
Waving a white wing
She shakes off some water on the flowers.

stomping bear,
Disperse the cloud
Disperse the cloud -
I'll give you a bunch of oats.
Disperse the fog -
Give me a rouge pie!

Geese, geese!
- Ha! Ha! Ha!
- Do you want to eat?
- Yes! Yes! Yes!
- Well, fly!
- No! No! No!
Gray wolf under the mountain
sharpens teeth,
We want to eat!
- Well, fly as you want,
Just take care of your wings!

I will tie the goat
To the white birch
I will bind the horned
To the white birch.
- Stop, don't be afraid!
white birch,
Stop, don't swing!

Fox - red beauty,
I ran by the barn,
I saw a cap with oil.
There is a lid in the cold
In the garden, in the corner.
- How to get into the krynka,
How would you eat butter?

Give me milk, little cow,
At least a little bit - on the bottom.
Kittens are waiting for me
Little guys.
Give them a spoonful of cream
A little creativity!

Ay, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo!
A raven sits on an oak
He plays the trumpet
Turned pipe
- Gilded.
In the morning he blows the trumpet,
And by night he tells fairy tales.
Animals run away
Ears on top
crow listen,
Gingerbread to eat.

needle, needle,
You are sharp and sharp!
Don't prick my finger
Shay sarafan!

The wolf is in pain
The hare is in pain
The bear is in pain
Live with Anya!

cowardly bunny
Running across the field
Ran into the garden
- I found a carrot -
Sitting nibbling
"Hey, someone's coming!"

Our hostess
Was sharp -
Everyone in the hut worker
Given for the holiday!
cupped doggy
Washes with tongue
The mouse collects
Crumbs under the window
There is a cat on the table
paw scratching,
Doormat chicken
Broom sweeps!

Tilly, Tilly, Tilly Bom!
The cat's house caught fire.
The cat jumped out
Her eyes popped out.
Running chicken with a bucket
Fills the cat's house.
And the dog just barks
Nothing helps.

The cuckoos were flying
Through three huts.
How they flew
All the people looked
How they sat down
All the people were amazed.

Wool barrel
Fled through the spruce
Hit the juniper
Tail caught -
Spent the night under a bush.

Tusks, tuches!
Birdies on the mountain.
I will raise my daughter
On a steep hill.
Wow! Rolled -
Fell off the hill.

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
The miller lives on the edge;
He is not poor, not rich,
The upper room is full of guys
And everyone is sitting on the bench
They eat butter porridge,
oily porridge,
Spoon painted;
The spoon bends
The mouth laughs
The soul rejoices.

Ay, lyuli-lyuli-lyuli!
The cranes have arrived
Didn't find a way.
They sat on the gate
And the gates creak, creak...
Do not wake Anya with us,
Anya sleeps with us, sleeps.

Kach, kach, kach -
Let's buy Anechka kalach
Yes, candy
To a meeting!

The cat went into the woods
Found a belt for a cat.
dressed up
He began to swing the cradle: -
Bye bye, bye bye
Lie down, Anyutka, quickly,
Get up, Anyutka, with a dawn
Ay, bainki-bainki -
We will buy boots for our daughter,
Let's buy boots for my daughter -
Run through the rubble
Also, boots
Boots on legs
- Run along the track.

Helps memorize body parts. We sing and stroke the baby's body parts about which we sing.
- Where are our pens? Here are our pens!
Where are our legs? Here are our legs!
And here is Anna's nose.
All overgrown with goats.
Well, what is this? Stomach.
And here is Anna's mouth.
And here are the eyes, and here are the ears.
But these cheeks are thick pillows.
Show me the tongue.
Let's tickle your barrel.

And now we dance with the baby:
- Oh, lyuli, lyuli, lyuli
Timka was brought to mom
Tima is small
Tim maamenkin.

Fingers stood together in a row - show your palms.
Ten strong guys - clench your fingers into a fist.
These two are a pointer to everything - hit your index finger on your index
Everything will be prompted without prompting.
These two are average - we hit the middle finger on the middle one.
Two healthy peppers.
Well, these are nameless - we hit ring fingers about each other.
Silent, always stubborn.
Two short little fingers - we hit the little fingers against each other.
Fidgets and rascals.
The fingers are the main ones among them - we hit the thumbs against each other.
Two large and remote. In! - show Wo!

We knock on the palm with the index finger and say:
- The bird sat on the palm,
sit with us for a while.
sit down, don't fly away.
the bird has flown away!
On last word we hide our hands behind our backs.

We bend the fingers, in order, starting with the little finger:
- This finger is small.
This finger is weak.
This toe is long.
This finger is strong.
- Well, this is a fat man.
- And all together cam

We wake up like this from birth:
- We woke up, we woke up.
Hands to the sides, cross.
- Sweet, sweet stretched.
Pull the handles up
Mom and dad smiled.
We laugh.

Gather guests - clap your hands.
And Ivan come - with the tip of the half-bent index finger of the right hand, run through all the fingers of the left hand in turn; start with your thumb
And Stepan come
Yes, Andrey come,
Yes, and Matthew come,
A Mitroshechka
Oh please! - With the index finger of the right hand, shake the little finger of the left hand four times.
Masha began to treat the guests - clap your hands.
And to Ivan pancake - Turn the left hand with the palm up, press the pads of each finger in turn with the thumb of the right hand,
And damn it to Stepan,
And damn Andrey,
Yes, and damn Matthew,
And Mitroshechka
Mint gingerbread - the thumb of the right hand presses the little finger of the left hand four times.
Masha began to see off the guests - clap your hands.
Farewell, Ivan! - bend the fingers on the left hand in turn.
Farewell, Stepan!
Farewell, Andrey!
Farewell, Matthew!
And Mitroshechka,
My pretty one!

You need at least three players. The players stand in a circle and join their hands in such a way that the right hand of each of the participants, turned palm up, is on the open palm of the left hand of the neighbor player. Got it? Then we start. The first player, by agreement, starts: claps his right hand on the right palm of his neighbor, who, in turn, after clapping, also claps his neighbor. Etc. around the circle while everyone says these words:
Black hands go around the dial
Quickly, like squirrels, the wheels knock.
There are sixty seconds in every minute,
They run, the wheels run. Run, run, run.
On the last word, if you don’t pull your hand back and get slapped on the palm of your hand, you lose and leave the circle.

Our red flowers Open their petals. - Both hands are placed with elbows on the table, fingers are collected in handfuls of flowers. When the flowers open, the fingers move apart.
The breeze breathes, the petals sway. - They wiggled their fingers.
Our red flowers Close the petals. - Fingers again gather in handfuls. shake their heads,
They fall asleep quietly. - They shook handfuls and put them on the table.

Putting the child to bed
on the stomach and start the massage:
Rails, rails - draw longitudinal lines on the back
Sleepers, sleepers - draw transverse stripes
A belated train is coming - we knock lightly with fists along the back
Groats pour out of the last car - with tapping fingers over the entire surface of the back
Chickens pecked - knocking with index fingers
Ducks pinched - we pinch the entire surface of the back.
The janitor came and swept everything - we stroke the back
And all the animals escaped from the zoo:
An elephant, an elephant and a baby elephant ran away - we knock on the back with our fists (it’s hard on the elephant, very lightly on the baby elephant)
A bear, a bear and a bear cub ran away - we twist our fists into the skin. (It’s hard on the bear, and then in descending order)
A hare, a hare and a hare ran away - pat on the back (also from strong claps to weaker ones)
The director of the zoo came and put a table, a chair and a typewriter - with every word we pat on the back
And he began to print: "I bought myself and my son just a cool car" - we print with our fingers on the back
Vzhiik - draw fingers across the back. Point - tickle, whack, point.
"And red stockings for my wife and daughter" - we print again
Whack, point, whack, point.
Wrote, sealed and sent - stroked on the back and slapped on the ass.

The child waves straight arms back and forth
The clock goes like this:
Tick-tock, tick-tock.
Don't rush, don't run.
Exactly at noon they beat loudly:
Stomping foot.


- Make peace, make peace, make peace.
Fight no more.
If you fight
I will bite.
And nothing to bite
I will fight with a brick.
And the brick breaks

it is said when friends quarreled. Friends grapple with the little fingers of their right hand, shake them and say:
- Make peace, make peace, make peace.
Fight no more.
If you fight
I will bite.
And nothing to bite
I will fight with a brick.
And the brick breaks
friendship begins. - On this, the little fingers unhook.

The game is similar to the previous one.
- The little man walked, walked, the little man walked, walked
And I got to Vasya (Tima, Masha, etc.).
we walk along the chin and lips of the baby, as if on steps.
- One two Three.
click on the nose:

Baby jumping on mom's lap
- Let's go, let's go to the forest for nuts.
On bumps, on bumps.
Along narrow paths.
In the hole BOOM!
Extending the knees:
- Crushed forty flies!

The forearm is placed vertically on the elbow. Palm at a right angle. The index finger rests on the thumb, then rises, imitating the movements of the beak of a goose. All fingers are pressed to each other:
- A goose is walking in the meadow.
He shakes his head - we show how he does it.
I'm a little afraid of him:
- He pinches his legs.

We make a bunny: a cam with the index and middle fingers raised to the top:
- The bunny jumped across the clearing - move bunny ears
And I saw a drum.
He grabbed him by the straps
Found two sticks on the grass
And he began to beat: taram-taram - we show how they beat the drum
He jumped three laps with him,
He beat him, jerked his legs - we jerk our legs and jump.
And when, slapped harder,
Our drum took and burst! - clap your hands loudly

Show how the bear walks and rolls:
- bear clumsy
He walks through the forest.
We pretend to collect cones in a pocket:
- Cones collects
And he puts it in his pocket.
Suddenly a bump fell
Mishka right in the forehead.
We knock with a fist on the forehead:
- Mishka got angry
And with the foot - top!
We growl and stomp our feet.

In this game, all the fingers of both hands in turn, starting with the thumbs, jump on the table according to the rhyme.
The fingers went out for a walk.
And the second to catch up.
Well, the third run.
And the fourth on foot.
And the little finger jumped and fell at the end of the path. - Little fingers jump, and then the palms lie on the table

On the mountain we see a house - fold the house out of the palms.
A lot of greenery around - make wave-like movements with your hands.
Here are the trees, here are the bushes - draw tree branches with your hands.
Here are fragrant flowers - make a "bud" out of your hands.
The fence surrounds everything - show the fence with your hands - the ring of hands.
Behind the fence - a clean yard - make smoothing movements with your hands.
We open the gate - show how the gate opens.
We quickly run up to the house - we depict with our fingers a running man.
We knock on the door: we knock fist on fist,
Is someone coming to knock on us? - put your hand to your ear, as if listening.
We came to visit you and brought gifts - make a handful out of your palms, as if you were carrying something.

We move our finger along the palm of our hand and say:
- Magpie-crow stoked the stove, cooked porridge!
And, now, starting from the little finger, we shake our fingers:
- I gave it!
- I gave it!
- I gave it!
- I gave it!
- I didn't give it!
You didn’t carry firewood, you didn’t heat the stove.
You will not have porridge!!!

We wave our hands:
- An owl flew.
Big head.
I flew, I flew
She sat on a stump.
We squat.
- Eyes clap-clap
We blink.
- Top-top legs
We stomp our feet.
- turned her head
And flew on.
We turn our heads and wave our hands.

We connect the index finger of the right hand with the thumb of the left, and the index finger of the left hand with the thumb of the right. Happened? And now we are trying to turn our hands so that the upper connection of the fingers is at the bottom and vice versa. Turn around and say:
Spider web
We weave their pictures.
He weaves, weaves, weaves.
The web is growing.
Here he wove a big shawl,
And in it a butterfly - what a pity.
But we will save the butterfly!
We'll break the web!
On this, we spread our arms to the sides.

How does dad make money? - the kid knocks his fist on his fist at this question.
How does mom spend it? - the kid shows how he blows bills from his open palm.

The sun is shining brightly, - brush into a fist, then spread your fingers and again into a fist - do quickly quickly.
We won't freeze in the summer. - hug yourself
Warms everything in the world - brushes into a fist, then spread your fingers and again into a fist
And the flowers grow faster. - making lanterns

We roll the dough with grandmother, we show with movements how we roll the dough with a rolling pin.
With mom we make pies, - as usual - palm to palm in one direction to the other.
Well, we gobble up with dad
Pies for two - the index finger of the left hand on the left cheek - cheeks. - index right to right.

We jump anywhere and anytime. You can legs on mom's knees:
Jump jump, jump jump.
Across the river to the bridge.
Through fields and woods.
Jump jump, jump jump.

We show the child a "goat" from the fingers and approaching, we say in a terrible voice:
There is a horned goat
There is a butted goat
Who does not eat porridge, does not drink milk -
Gore, gore - tickle the baby.

Reaction game.
Mom makes a lattice of crossed index and middle fingers of both hands. And he says these words:
- Bunny, bunny, stick your finger in!
After these words, the kid should put his index finger into the grate and quickly stick it out until the mother closed her fingers. If successful, mom starts again.

We connect the tips of the index and thumb together, depicting a beak. We straighten the remaining fingers in different directions depicting a cockscomb. And knock "beak" on the table.
Cockerel pecks grain
It is very small.
The cockerel is pecking, pecking,
He takes grains with his beak.

One of the variations on the theme: "Let's go, let's go."
The child jumps on his mother's knees.
I'm going, I'm going
To grandmother, grandfather.
On a horse
In a red cap.
Along the track
On one leg
in the hole - Boom! - we spread our knees.
They crushed forty flies.

you put the child in front of you, you can kneel facing each other:
- Two lambs on the bridge
argue and fight
no one wants to give up
butt heads all day
We butt each other with foreheads:
I gore, I gobble...
(if the baby is not yet sedentary, you can butt his head in the tummy when he is lying down, my Timka likes it. Just hold him by the handles, otherwise an unreasonable child will grab your hair and no butting will work).

Bend fingers alternately, starting with the little finger for each new line of the poem.
This finger went to the forest,
This finger mushroom found
This finger began to clean,
This finger began to fry,
This finger ate everything -
That's why he got fat!

Under this rhyme, you can depict something with your fingers, clench and unclench your fists, tilt the handles to the beat of the lines about the wind.
On the lawn, on daisies,
The beetle flew in a colored shirt;
Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu,
I am friends with daisies.
Quietly swinging in the wind
I bow down low.

Playing with one or more kids, a year and a half, the kids already understand what's what. Mom puts her hand palm down, and the baby puts his index finger under his mother's palm.
- Under my roof
The mice have gathered!
Mom began to count them:
- One, two, three, four, five - at "five" the mother clenches her hand into a fist and catches her finger, and the baby must have time to remove the finger.

There is a lock on the door. - Both handles are foldable.
Who could open it?
Pulled. - Spread your elbows in different directions and, as it were, stretch your arms, but do not unclench your fingers.
Twisted. - In the same position, twist the folded brushes in front of you
They knocked. - Again bring your elbows together and tap your palm on your palm, while not opening your fingers.
And... opened. - Blow on the lock and it will open, the handles will open

The pen looks in the mirror
The pen tells the fingers: - The palms are placed on the edge one opposite the other.
Bend over. - Bent fingers into fists.
Straighten up. - Fingers straighten.
Gather in a handful again - The fingers of both hands are folded into handfuls.
Run away, straighten up. - Again, palms opposite each other, only arms wide apart.
Clench your fists again.
Cam to cam. - One fist is placed on top of the other
Again, palms on the side. - Initial position
And now the palms are lying,
They will rest a little. - Hands are placed on the table with palms down.
Put them on the table
And the end of the game has come. - Put your hands on the table with your palms up.

She showed me a test exercise for a child to enter school. On the possession of coordination and something else there, I don’t remember, but the exercise seemed very funny to me, so I’m sharing it. We say:
- Rings - and at the same time on both hands we connect the thumb and forefinger, synchronously, forming a ring.
- Ears - we show the Latin letter "V" with the fingers of both hands, also synchronously.
- Horns - hands in a fist, only the little fingers and index fingers are raised up, synchronously.

Repeat the exercise at a faster pace.

Children's literature offers a huge variety of wonderful poems that even the smallest children. The poems of Samuil Marshak, Korney Chukovsky, Agnia Barto, Sergei Mikhalkov, as well as Nekrasov and Pushkin are perfectly perceived and easily remembered, they teach children love and kindness. Suitable for kids small, very short poems, but for older children - with deeper content. Pushkin's fairy tales can be read to children from 3-4 years old. Long tales are best broken into parts. You can read one part before going to bed and start the day with lines from Pushkin. Long stories can bore children and reading in parts, they will bring joy to children. Today, on family Internet sites, you can easily find wonderful children's poems - small, several lines or quatrains, for example, about mom, dad, forest animals, even a four-year-old kid can learn by heart.

Before you start memorizing a poem with children, an adult who will do this must first read it expressively himself. It is best if he knows this poem by heart.
If there are unfamiliar or incomprehensible words in the text, you need to explain them to the child. Then read the poem again, dividing it into small semantic passages.
After reading, you need to tell the child about the author. This approach to memorizing a poem accustoms the child to culture and facilitates the process of memorization itself. Below you will find beautiful children's poems about mom, squirrel, hedgehog and other little poems which are sure to please your little one.

You can try to read the same little poem to your child for several days in a row. Thanks to this, the child will be able to easily memorize the text. And then, if he suddenly starts to act up, one has only to read him his favorite children's poem, as his mood will change. He will smile and repeat with the adult the lines that he has already remembered, while forgetting about his bad mood. Read only short poems for children you need to be enthusiastic, showing your true interest. If you are tired or you don’t have time for this right now, it’s better to postpone your acquaintance with poetry for another time.

You can also show illustrations to the poem while the child is looking at them, you can read the poem again. Thus, the child will form a single image of the work. Only after the preliminary stage has been carried out, you can begin to memorize the poem itself.
Favorite poems for the little ones attract the attention of the child and do not tire him.

We would like to bring to your attention wonderful little nursery rhymes for the little ones which will help parents to better acquaint their kids with the outside world in poetic form.


Pear-pear - high!
It is not easy to get to;
All ripe - look!
Pear-pear - fall.

(Kirill Avdeenko)


parrot parrot
dancing merrily,
parrot parrot
Dancing and pampering;
parrot parrot
knocked over the cup
parrot parrot
He ate porridge from a saucer!

(Kirill Avdeenko)


Pigs-pigs are unhappy:
- Oink-oink-oink! - shout-shout,
We don't want noses like that!
Only two holes stick out.

(Kirill Avdeenko)


Cheeks, cheeks, cheeks,
Dimples, lumps;
All day until night
Smile cheeks!

(Kirill Avdeenko)


Noise-noise-noise in the garden
Bunny-bunny: hrum-khrum-khrum,
Jump-jump-jump over the stumps, over the stumps,
I ate a carrot - yum yum yum!

(Kirill Avdeenko)


I'm learning to count in my mind!
What is two plus five?...
Me-me-me, I forgot again!
Mom will be very upset!
Me-me-me - I'm running to study.

(Kirill Avdeenko)


ate soup,
ate soup,
Hurry up and eat the soup!
Eat a lot?
Well then,
Hey soup! Ay good!

(Kirill Avdeenko)


We will pick blueberries
On dad's birthday;
Let's cook for dad soon
Delicious jam!
Dad will say: "Well done!
Gifts for everyone - candy."

(Kirill Avdeenko)


We are walking, we are walking!
Let's take a walk, let's see
Appetite as work up
Let's eat tasty meat.

(Kirill Avdeenko)


Titmouse screams high:
"Oh, how the strawberry has grown!
Needs to be torn down quickly
I flew to call the kids!"

(Kirill Avdeenko)


Chickens-hens: "Ko-ko-ko!
We laid testicles;
Ku-ku-eat, ko-ko,
Little kids!"

(Kirill Avdeenko)

Most children are very fond of holidays, matinees in kindergarten. At these events, as a rule, a lot of children's poems are read and the children really like it when the teacher trusts them to read in front of all the guests. Some kids are embarrassed to speak in front of an adult audience, they forget lines from poetry, adults need to support them. You need to learn the poem with the baby in advance so that he has enough time to remember it. The very preparation for the holiday will be a great incentive for the child to learn poetry, especially if he has not done this before.

Children's poems for the smallest children. These simple little rhymes can be learned by heart in a short amount of time.
Next article:

Toddlers develop rapidly, instantly absorbing information about everything that happens around them. Music, fairy tales and poems come to the aid of mothers. All poems in the collection are selected taking into account age features. Their heroes are familiar and familiar toys, baby animals or the same children as a small listener. With such verses for kids it is easy to interest even the biggest fidget.

One of the important tasks of poems for kids is to make life more interesting. After all, it is much more fun to wash your face in the morning when mom tells a rhyme. Yes, and porridge will be tastier, and compote is sweeter. And the rainiest weather will not seem so gloomy if you pick up Right words.

bear clumsy

bear clumsy
Walking through the forest
(We walk briskly)
collects cones,
Sings songs.
(Squat - collect cones)
The bump bounced
Directly to the bear in the forehead.
(Hold hands on forehead)
Teddy bear got angry
And with the foot - top!
(stomp foot)

Bunny gray

gray bunny sitting
(We sit like a bunny)
And wiggles his ears
Like this, like this!
(We move our ears-palms)
It's cold for a bunny to sit
Gotta warm up the paws
Clap-clap, clap-clap.
(clap hands)
It's cold for a bunny to stand
Bunny needs to jump.
Jump-jump, jump-jump.
(Jump like a bunny)

Two funny sheep

Two funny sheep
They split up near the river.
Jump jump, jump jump!
(joy jumping)
Jumping white sheep
Early in the morning near the river.
Jump jump, jump jump!

Up to the sky, down to the grass.
(We get on our feet, stretch up. We squat, we lower our hands down)
And then they circled
And they fell into the river.

There is a horned goat

There is a horned goat
(We put "horns" to the head)
For the little guys.
Legs - top-top!
(stomp feet)
Eyes - clap-clap!
(Close your eyes and open your eyes)
Who doesn't eat porridge?
Who doesn't drink milk?
(We threaten with a finger)
I'm going to gore, I'm going to gore!
(Butting heads)

Two beetles in the meadow
Hopak danced:
(Dance, hands on the belt)
Right leg top, top!
(Stomp with right foot)
Left foot top, top!
(Stomp left foot)
Hands up, up, up!
Who will rise above all?
(Stand on tiptoes, stretch up)

Top-top - Learning to walk!

Legs, legs,
Run down the path
Pick up peas.
Big feet
We walked along the road:
small feet
Run along the path:

Like Masha has two teeth.
Don't bite them, girl!
Don't bite, eat
Listen to mom and dad.

"Top-top" - Learning to walk!

Our spoon is naughty:
Instead of a mouth, I got into my ear!
Ay-ay-ay, what a spoon!
I'll give her a little.

During sleep

Eyes sleep and cheeks sleep
Tired kids.
Eyelashes and palms sleep
Sleep tummies and legs.
And tiny ears
Sweetly dozing on the pillow.
The curls are sleeping, the hands are sleeping,
Only noses sniffle.


Stomped, stomped -
Topotinochki stopped!
And I'll flood -
I'll stop trampling!
I won't go on the heels
After all, there were topopyatki!
And I will go, I will go again
I stomp on my heels!

Boy - finger

They sort out the fingers of the child in turn, saying:
- Boy - finger,
Where have you been?
With this brother I went to the forest,
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,
I ate porridge with this brother,
I sang songs with this brother.

Two cheerful geese

Lived with grandma
Two cheerful geese.
one grey,
Other white -
Two cheerful geese.

JOKE ROEMS for the little ones


Drip da drip, da drip... With rain
Don't go play ball...
And sand in the sandbox
Darkened and all wet.
Do not reach the swing -
Puddles get wet on the way.
Well, the rain is still walking,
Don't think about leaving!
Is it really alone
Is it good for him to walk?


One two three four five!
Mom and Polya (Katya, Misha...) will sleep.

One two three four!
It suddenly became quiet in the apartment.

One two Three!
Do not say anything.

One, two!
head on the pillow...

Close your eyes and...
Once! Sweet dreams for us...


Here is my sweet
Woke up in bed!
The house welcomes you
The birds are singing
The sun is blue
And mom just loves it!


I whisper almost inaudibly:
"I love you baby!
Your every finger is sweet
Button nose funny
He sneezes like a big one!
Be healthy, my golden!"


Look at your plate
Squirrels have fled from the forests!
Ate a bun, ate porridge
And look at our daughter!
Squirrels ate with appetite
And Polyushenka (Natasha, ...) was ordered:
(or: And Nastya (Petya, ...) was ordered to eat everything!)
Daughter listened
And all the porridge ... ate!


Our baby swallow
Calls mommy.
Our baby with a sweetheart
Calls daddy.
Our baby hare
Called grandma.
Grandpa just said
Strictly and loudly to everyone:
"You spoil so
Our child!
Nothing special
Not in our lyalka!"
For some reason it just fizzles
Looking at granddaughter grandfather.
Sharik Murka saw
And he barked and shouted:
"Hey pussy don't get close!
Otherwise, I'll break off the chain,
I'll catch you in the steppe"
The pussy answered: "Clearly,
Only you threaten in vain.
I won't run across the steppe,
I'll pull back a little from you
Yes, and I will rush straight to the forest.
I'll climb a tree!"
Wash like this:
Water, water, wash my face.
To make the eyes shine, to make the cheeks redden,
So that the mouth laughs, so that the tooth bites.

Well, I broke through. I always thought I had a bad memory.
Smiling at all of us.
Nice day outside
The bucket is called.

Quite old, from my childhood:
Rain, rain, more.
We'll give you thick.
We'll give you a spoon.
Have a little sip.

Our son is small.
Let's buy him boots
Let's put on the legs
Let's go down the track.
Our son will walk
New felt boots to wear.

Vanya is sitting on the sofa,
A raven sits on an oak tree.
A raven sits on an oak tree
And blows his trumpet
He says: "Vanya, Vanya,
What is sitting on the sofa?
Come, I'll tell you]

I'll play the trumpet."

I also really liked the rhyme about the chipmunk, especially if you also show it or gently pat them on the cheeks.
Chipmunk - funny cheeks.
There are five stripes on the back.
And behind the cheeks - bags,
To carry seeds.

It's raining outside
I can't walk
And I decided a little
Count on glass.

Droplets, droplets
Three four five.
droplets, droplets
I can't count.

Once upon a time, well, just laughter,
Bunny took a bite of a nut.
Yes, nuts are not carrots,
It takes skill to gnaw.
Fat Bear came running
Mishka Zaika helped.
And he sniffed and puffed,
But the nut remained intact.
Wolf came to the rescue
What's the point of the Wolf?
Seems to be wrong too:
Don't crack his nuts.
And for the Mouse, for the neighbor,
The nut was too strong
After all, in a bone shell
A walnut grew in the silence of the forest.
And the Fox can not gnaw,
She's trying hard.
Who will help the Bunny?
Only Belochka alone.
She is accustomed to chewing nuts,
She gnaws them perfectly!
White Goat
Walked through the forest
Wolf teased:
- I'm not afraid of the wolf
I'm not afraid of gray
I am from the gray from the wolf
I'll bury myself under a birch.

Oh you, Domnushka -
Red Sun!
Get up off the stove
Look into the oven
Is it time to bake pancakes?

Pig Nenila
Son praised:
- That's pretty
Something pretty
- Walks sideways
ears up,
crochet ponytail,
Piglet nose!

Send cows
Near the oak tree
Sheep - near the river,
Pigs - near the string,
And the cats are near the hill!

A swan floats along the river,
Above the bank carries a head.
Waving a white wing
She shakes off some water on the flowers.

stomping bear,
Disperse the cloud
Disperse the cloud -
I'll give you a bunch of oats.
Disperse the fog -
Give me a rouge pie!

Geese, geese!
— Ha! Ha! Ha!
- Do you want to eat?
- Yes! Yes! Yes!
- Well, fly!
- No! No! No!
Gray wolf under the mountain
sharpens teeth,
We want to eat!
- Well, fly as you want,
Just take care of your wings!

I will tie the goat
To the white birch
I will bind the horned
To the white birch.
- Stop, don't be afraid!
white birch,
Stop, don't swing!

Fox - red beauty
I ran by the barn,
I saw a cap with oil.
There is a lid in the cold
In the garden, in the corner.
- How to get into the krynka,
How would you eat butter?

Give me milk, little cow,
At least a little - on the bottom.
Kittens are waiting for me
Little guys.
Give them a spoonful of cream
A little creativity!

Ay, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo!
A raven sits on an oak
He plays the trumpet
Turned pipe
- Gilded.
In the morning he blows the trumpet,
And by night he tells fairy tales.
Animals run away
Ears on top
crow listen,
Gingerbread to eat.

needle, needle,
You are sharp and sharp!
Don't prick my finger
Shay sarafan!

The wolf is in pain
The hare is in pain
The bear is in pain
Live with Anya!

cowardly bunny
Running across the field
Ran into the garden
- Found a carrot
Sitting nibbling
"Hey, someone's coming!"

Our hostess
She was smart -
Everyone in the hut worker
Given for the holiday!
cupped doggy
Washes with tongue
The mouse collects
Crumbs under the window
There is a cat on the table
paw scratching,
Doormat chicken
Broom sweeps!

Tilly, Tilly, Tilly Bom!
The cat's house caught fire.
The cat jumped out
Her eyes popped out.
Running chicken with a bucket
Fills the cat's house.
And the dog just barks
Nothing helps.

The cuckoos were flying
Through three huts.
How they flew
All the people looked
How they sat down
All the people were amazed.

Wool barrel
Fled through the spruce
Hit the juniper
Tail hooked -
Spent the night under a bush.

Tusks, tuches!
Birdies on the mountain.
I will raise my daughter
On a steep hill.
Wow! Ride -
Fell off the hill.

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
The miller lives on the edge;
He is not poor, not rich,
The upper room is full of guys
And everyone is sitting on the bench
They eat butter porridge,
oily porridge,
Spoon painted;
The spoon bends
The mouth laughs
The soul rejoices.

Ay, lyuli-lyuli-lyuli!
The cranes have arrived
Didn't find a way.
They sat on the gate
And the gates creak, creak...
Do not wake Anya with us,
Anya sleeps with us, sleeps.

Kach, kach, kach -
Let's buy Anechka kalach
Yes, candy
To a meeting!

The cat went into the woods
Found a belt for a cat.
dressed up
He began to swing the cradle: -
Bye bye, bye bye
Lie down, Anyutka, quickly,
Get up, Anyutka, with a dawn
Ay, bainki-bainki -
We will buy boots for our daughter,
Let's buy boots for my daughter -
Run through the rubble
Also, boots
Boots on legs
- Run along the path.

Helps memorize body parts. We sing and stroke the baby's body parts about which we sing.
- Where are our pens? Here are our pens!
Where are our legs? Here are our legs!
And here is Anna's nose.
All overgrown with goats.
Well, what is this? Stomach.
And here is Anna's mouth.
And here are the eyes, and here are the ears.
But these cheeks are thick pillows.
Show me the tongue.
Let's tickle your barrel.

And now we dance with the baby:
- Oh, lyuli, lyuli, lyuli
Timka was brought to mom
Tima is small
Tim maamenkin.

Fingers stood together in a row - show your palms.
Ten strong guys - clench your fingers into a fist.
These two are a pointer to everything - hit your index finger on your index
Everything will be prompted without prompting.
These two are average - we hit the middle finger on the middle one.
Two healthy peppers.
Well, these are nameless - we hit the ring fingers against each other.
Silent, always stubborn.
Two short little fingers - we hit the little fingers against each other.
Fidgets and rascals.
The fingers are the main ones among them - we hit the thumbs against each other.
Two large and remote. In! - show Wo!

We knock on the palm with the index finger and say:
- The bird sat on the palm,
sit with us for a while.
sit down, don't fly away.
the bird has flown away!
On the last word, we hide our hands behind our backs.

We bend the fingers, in order, starting with the little finger:
- This finger is small.
This finger is weak.
This toe is long.
This finger is strong.
- Well, this is a fat man.
- And all together cam

We wake up like this from birth:
- We woke up, we woke up.
Hands to the sides, cross.
- Sweet, sweet stretched.
Pull the handles up
Mom and dad smiled.
We laugh.

Gather guests - clap your hands.
And Ivan come - with the tip of the half-bent index finger of the right hand, run through all the fingers of the left hand in turn; start with your thumb
And Stepan come
Yes, Andrey come,
Yes, and Matthew come,
A Mitroshechka
Oh please! - With the index finger of the right hand, shake the little finger of the left hand four times.
Masha began to treat the guests - clap your hands.
And to Ivan pancake - Turn the left hand with the palm up, press the pads of each finger in turn with the thumb of the right hand,
And damn it to Stepan,
And damn Andrey,
Yes, and damn Matthew,
And Mitroshechka
Mint gingerbread - the thumb of the right hand presses the little finger of the left hand four times.
Masha began to see off the guests - clap your hands.
Farewell, Ivan! - bend the fingers on the left hand in turn.
Farewell, Stepan!
Farewell, Andrey!
Farewell, Matthew!
And Mitroshechka,
My pretty one!

You need at least three players. The players stand in a circle and join their hands in such a way that the right hand of each of the participants, turned palm up, is on the open palm of the left hand of the neighbor player. Got it? Then we start. The first player, by agreement, starts: claps his right hand on the right palm of his neighbor, who, in turn, after clapping, also claps his neighbor. Etc. around the circle while everyone says these words:
Black hands go around the dial
Quickly, like squirrels, the wheels knock.
There are sixty seconds in every minute,
They run, the wheels run. Run, run, run.
On the last word, if you don’t pull your hand back and get slapped on the palm of your hand, you lose and leave the circle.

Our red flowers Open their petals. - Both hands are placed with elbows on the table, fingers are collected in handfuls of flowers. When the flowers open, the fingers move apart.
The breeze breathes, the petals sway. - They wiggled their fingers.
Our red flowers Close the petals. - Fingers again gather in handfuls. shake their heads,
They fall asleep quietly. - They shook handfuls and put them on the table.

Putting the child to bed
on the stomach and start the massage:
Rails, rails - draw longitudinal lines on the back
Sleepers, sleepers - draw transverse stripes
A belated train is coming - we knock lightly with fists along the back
Groats pour out of the last car - with tapping fingers over the entire surface of the back
Chickens pecked - knocking with index fingers
Ducks pinched - we pinch the entire surface of the back.
The janitor came and swept everything - we stroke the back
And all the animals escaped from the zoo:
An elephant, an elephant and a baby elephant ran away - we knock on the back with our fists (it’s hard on the elephant, very lightly on the baby elephant)
A bear, a bear and a bear cub ran away - we twist our fists into the skin. (It’s hard on the bear, and then in descending order)
A hare, a hare and a hare ran away - pat on the back (also from strong claps to weaker ones)
The director of the zoo came and put a table, a chair and a typewriter - with every word we pat on the back
And he began to print: "I bought myself and my son just a cool car" - we print with our fingers on the back
Vzhiik - draw fingers across the back. Point - tickle, whack, point.
"And red stockings for my wife and daughter" - we print again
Whack, point, whack, point.
Wrote, sealed and sent - stroked on the back and slapped on the ass.

The child waves straight arms back and forth
The clock goes like this:
Tick-tock, tick-tock.
Don't rush, don't run.
Exactly at noon they beat loudly:
Stomping foot.


- Make peace, make peace, make peace.
Fight no more.
If you fight
I will bite.
And nothing to bite
I will fight with a brick.
And the brick breaks

it is said when friends quarreled. Friends grapple with the little fingers of their right hand, shake them and say:
- Make peace, make peace, make peace.
Fight no more.
If you fight
I will bite.
And nothing to bite
I will fight with a brick.
And the brick breaks
friendship begins. - On this, the little fingers unhook.

The game is similar to the previous one.
- The little man walked, walked, the little man walked, walked
And I got to Vasya (Tima, Masha, etc.).
we walk along the chin and lips of the baby, as if on steps.
- One two Three.
click on the nose:

Baby jumping on mom's lap
- Let's go, let's go to the forest for nuts.
On bumps, on bumps.
Along narrow paths.
In the hole BOOM!
Extending the knees:
- Crushed forty flies!

The forearm is placed vertically on the elbow. Palm at a right angle. The index finger rests on the thumb, then rises, imitating the movements of the beak of a goose. All fingers are pressed to each other:
- A goose is walking in the meadow.
He shakes his head - we show how he does it.
I'm a little afraid of him:
- He pinches his legs.

We make a bunny: a cam with the index and middle fingers raised to the top:
- The bunny jumped across the clearing - we move the rabbit ears
And I saw a drum.
He grabbed him by the straps
Found two sticks on the grass
And he began to beat: taram-taram - we show how they beat the drum
He jumped three laps with him,
He beat him, jerked his legs - we jerk our legs and jump.
And when, slapped harder,
Our drum took and burst! - clap your hands loudly

Show how the bear walks and rolls:
- bear clumsy
He walks through the forest.
We pretend to collect cones in a pocket:
- Cones collects
And he puts it in his pocket.
Suddenly a bump fell
Mishka right in the forehead.
We knock with a fist on the forehead:
- Mishka got angry
And with the foot - top!
We growl and stomp our feet.

In this game, all the fingers of both hands in turn, starting with the thumbs, jump on the table according to the rhyme.
The fingers went out for a walk.
And the second to catch up.
Well, the third run.
And the fourth on foot.
And the little finger jumped and fell at the end of the path. - Little fingers jump, and then the palms lie on the table

On the mountain we see a house - fold the house out of the palms.
A lot of greenery around - make wave-like movements with your hands.
Here are the trees, here are the bushes - draw tree branches with your hands.
Here are fragrant flowers - make a "bud" out of your hands.
The fence surrounds everything - show the fence with your hands - the ring of hands.
Behind the fence - a clean yard - make smoothing movements with your hands.
We open the gate - show how the gate opens.
We quickly run up to the house - we depict with our fingers a running man.
We knock on the door: we knock fist on fist,
Is someone coming to knock on us? - put your hand to your ear, as if listening.
We came to visit you and brought gifts - make a handful out of your palms, as if you were carrying something.

We move our finger along the palm of our hand and say:
- Magpie-crow stoked the stove, cooked porridge!
And, now, starting from the little finger, we shake our fingers:
- I gave it!
- I gave it!
- I gave it!
- I gave it!
- I didn't give it!
You didn’t carry firewood, you didn’t heat the stove.
You will not have porridge!!!

We wave our hands:
- An owl flew.
Big head.
I flew, I flew
She sat on a stump.
We squat.
- Eyes clap-clap
We blink.
- Top-top legs
We stomp our feet.
- turned her head
And flew on.
We turn our heads and wave our hands.

We connect the index finger of the right hand with the thumb of the left, and the index finger of the left hand with the thumb of the right. Happened? And now we are trying to turn our hands so that the upper connection of the fingers is at the bottom and vice versa. Turn around and say:
Spider web
We weave their pictures.
He weaves, weaves, weaves.
The web is growing.
Here he wove a big shawl,
And in it a butterfly - what a pity.
But we will save the butterfly!
We'll break the web!
On this, we spread our arms to the sides.

How does dad make money? - the kid knocks his fist on his fist at this question.
How does mom spend it? - the kid shows how he blows bills from his open palm.

The sun is shining brightly, - brush into a fist, then spread your fingers and again into a fist - do quickly quickly.
We won't freeze in the summer. - hug yourself
Warms everything in the world - brushes into a fist, then spread your fingers and again into a fist
And the flowers grow faster. - making lanterns

We roll the dough with grandmother, we show with movements how we roll the dough with a rolling pin.
With mom we make pies, - as usual - palm to palm in one direction to the other.
Well, we gobble up with dad
Pies for two - the index finger of the left hand on the left cheek - cheeks. - index right to right.

We jump anywhere and anytime. You can legs on mom's knees:
Jump jump, jump jump.
Across the river to the bridge.
Through fields and woods.
Jump jump, jump jump.

We show the child a "goat" from the fingers and approaching, we say in a terrible voice:
There is a horned goat
There is a butted goat
Who does not eat porridge, does not drink milk -
Gore, gore - tickle the baby.

Reaction game.
Mom makes a lattice of crossed index and middle fingers of both hands. And he says these words:
- Bunny, bunny, stick your finger in!
After these words, the kid should put his index finger into the grate and quickly stick it out until the mother closed her fingers. If successful, mom starts again.

We connect the tips of the index and thumb together, depicting a beak. We straighten the remaining fingers in different directions depicting a cockscomb. And knock "beak" on the table.
Cockerel pecks grain
It is very small.
The cockerel is pecking, pecking,
He takes grains with his beak.

One of the variations on the theme: "Let's go, let's go."
The child jumps on his mother's knees.
I'm going, I'm going
To grandmother, grandfather.
On a horse
In a red cap.
Along the track
On one leg
in the hole - Boom! - we spread our knees.
They crushed forty flies.

you put the child in front of you, you can kneel facing each other:
- Two lambs on the bridge
argue and fight
no one wants to give up
butt heads all day
We butt each other with foreheads:
I gore, I gobble...
(if the baby is not yet sedentary, you can butt his head in the tummy when he is lying down, my Timka likes it. Just hold him by the handles, otherwise an unreasonable child will grab your hair and no butting will work).

Bend fingers alternately, starting with the little finger for each new line of the poem.
This finger went to the forest,
This finger mushroom found
This finger began to clean,
This finger began to fry,
This finger ate everything -
That's why he got fat!

Under this rhyme, you can depict something with your fingers, clench and unclench your fists, tilt the handles to the beat of the lines about the wind.
On the lawn, on daisies,
The beetle flew in a colored shirt;
Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu,
I am friends with daisies.
Quietly swinging in the wind
I bow down low.

Playing with one or more kids, a year and a half, the kids already understand what's what. Mom puts her hand palm down, and the baby puts his index finger under his mother's palm.
- Under my roof
The mice have gathered!
Mom began to count them:
- One, two, three, four, five - at "five" the mother clenches her hand into a fist and catches her finger, and the baby must have time to remove the finger.

There is a lock on the door. - Both handles are foldable.
Who could open it?
Pulled. - Spread your elbows in different directions and, as it were, stretch your arms, but do not unclench your fingers.
Twisted. - In the same position, twist the folded brushes in front of you
They knocked. - Again bring your elbows together and tap your palm on your palm, while not opening your fingers.
And... opened. - Blow on the lock and it will open, the handles will open

The pen looks in the mirror
The pen tells the fingers: - The palms are placed on the edge one opposite the other.
Bend over. - Bent fingers into fists.
Straighten up. - Fingers straighten.
Gather in a handful again - The fingers of both hands are folded into handfuls.
Run away, straighten up. - Again, palms opposite each other, only arms wide apart.
Clench your fists again.
Cam to cam. - One fist is placed on top of the other
Again, palms on the side. - Initial position
And now the palms are lying,
They will rest a little. - Hands are placed on the table with palms down.
Put them on the table
And the end of the game has come. - Put your hands on the table with your palms up.

She showed me a test exercise for a child to enter school. On the possession of coordination and something else there, I don’t remember, but the exercise seemed very funny to me, so I’m sharing it. We say:
- Rings - and at the same time on both hands we connect the thumb and forefinger, synchronously, forming a ring.
- Ears - we show the Latin letter "V" with the fingers of both hands, also synchronously.
- Horns - hands in a fist, only the little fingers and index fingers are raised up, synchronously.

Repeat the exercise at a faster pace.

Poems for newborns and young children for many centuries accompanied the care of the child. Write poems for newborns and the smallest and modern poets. In the article you will find folk and modern poems for bathing, dressing, feeding, waking up, putting to bed, playing with a child.

Poems for newborns and toddlers

For a long time, it has been customary to accompany all actions for caring for babies with songs, pestushkas, nursery rhymes, sayings, rhymes. The rhythm and rhyme of a rhyme or song, their words, a variety of intonations in the mother’s speech (exclamation, question, surprise, chagrin, joy, admiration, etc.) create very favorable conditions for the successful development of the child, give the baby a feeling of comfort, warmth, security, form the prerequisites for successful mastery of speech. Such poems and songs are very important and necessary for intellectual development infant or young child.

At what age should children start reading poetry?

Opinion 1. Now more and more often there is an opinion that a newborn should not be listened to children's poems from birth, but audio CDs with serious poems and literary works for him. early development- "Eugene Onegin", etc., so that he fell in love with literature from the cradle.

Is it so? This is wrong! A complex piece for adults in an audio recording simply tires the newborn and infant and causes his defensive reaction. It seems that he is listening, but in fact the baby simply “turns off” - this is how adults turn off in the evening in front of the TV, and this is very harmful to the health and development of the baby! Our task, on the contrary, is to draw the baby's attention to speech. And for this, he must see the face of his mother, hear her voice, listen to the words repeated in verses, to the rhythm of a living human word. And fall in love with poems that bring him new positive impressions! This is precisely the beginning of "literary" education from the cradle.

opinion 2. There is also an opposite opinion that newborns do not need poetry, since they “still do not understand anything, but as soon as they begin to understand, you can read poetry - from about a year”.

  • The kid perceives not words, namely rhythm, rhyme and intonation, mother's voice.
  • Then, from his mother's speech, he begins to single out individual sounds - vowels, which mother specially pronounces in verses and songs in a drawling, exaggerated way.
  • Then the child begins to isolate individual frequently repeated words from speech, for example, his name.

What poems are suitable for the little ones?

  • Exactly simple verses with frequently repeated simple syllables and words most suitable for the first perception of the child and help speech development baby. Without them, the development of speech is later delayed, the child speaks worse and begins to speak later. The result of reading such verses for newborns and the smallest is immediately invisible. But in a year you will see how much your baby is ahead of his peers, who did not have such verbal communication with their mother!
  • Now more attention is paid to ready-made audio recordings of children's poems on disks or on the Internet. But studies show conclusively that a baby at an early age needs, first of all, not technical progress, but his mother's voice, her warmth and affection, emotional contact with her. Even a tiny baby already distinguishes the mother's voice from the voices of other people and different sounds! And it is this voice that causes the maximum activity of the child - visual, auditory, motor.

How to remember the words of children's poems and nursery rhymes?

People often ask what to do if you can’t remember the words of poems or songs?
Firstly, you can also sentence yourself on your own, as it used to be. After all, these nursery rhymes and poems were not memorized by our ancestors, but were born as a “living word” here and now in communication with the baby. They necessarily mentioned the name of the baby.
Secondly, all the verses do not need to be memorized! You can choose from the proposed those verses that you like and like your baby. For young children, repeatability, recognizability of poetic lines from day to day is very important.
Thirdly, you can write the words of nursery rhymes and poems on a piece of paper with an adhesive strip (such stacks of stickers are sold at any stationery store) and attach to the wall. But: it is strictly forbidden to attach anything to the wall with pins or buttons! There are still serious injuries to children when this pin or button accidentally falls and gets into their hands! Safety is above all, and if it is observed, then communication with the baby will be joyful and will bring both you and the baby a lot of positive emotions! It is very convenient to use reusable adhesive pads for attaching cards with verses on the wall, on the door, on the furniture wall in a place convenient for you. When necessary, you can always unfasten the leaflet.

And here my introduction ends and your creativity and your joy from communicating with the baby begins!