But remember the beauty of nails who said. “You can be a smart person and think about the beauty of your nails.” Bald dandy, enemy of labor

The division into male and female cosmetics has always been conditional - physiologically, the skin of all is arranged in the same way. Regardless of gender, the same problems arise: acne, wrinkles or irritation, the skin needs to be cleansed, moisturized and protected from the sun if you want to look good. Of course, there are nuances - women do not have to shave or groom their beards regularly, which means that itching or irritation from the blades remains a problem for men. However, the desire to give the face a fresh, rested look is equally inherent in everyone - so why should the arsenal of "female" means be many times wider?

This question seems to have been asked by large brands, expanding the range of products for men. If earlier they mainly included foam or gel for and after shaving and deodorant, now there are exfoliating scrubs, moisturizers, and with a sunscreen, and masks that will help make care more effective. The times when a men's shelf in the bathroom could be the size of a palm are gradually leaving, and this is not only the machinations of marketers, but also a tribute to modern realities - untidiness causes less and less understanding and is not encouraged, and masculinity and brutality do not contradict the desire to take care of yourself. Pushkin's "you can be a smart person and think about the beauty of nails" is now more relevant than ever.

For example, today you have an important meeting, but in the morning you found a pimple on your forehead. Special correctors - a cream or paste that perfectly matches the skin color - will help hide this trouble. It is not necessary to have make-up skills, such products are produced in packages that are convenient for application, sometimes with a brush, sometimes in the form of a pencil or stick - you smeared it and went. By the way, some correctors contain antiseptic ingredients that will help treat inflammation.

1.Lightweight Foundation with 97% natural ingredients L’Essentiel, Guerlain 2. 5 in 1 skin care cream with radiance effect Glass Skin, Organic Kitchen x Masha Vorslav 3. Skin-leveling lotion-primer Under (cover), Marc Jacobs Beauty

Dark circles under the eyes equally quickly give out lack of sleep in both men and women. A concealer will help to hide them - a light tinted cream in a plastic tube with a brush or a roller at the end. It is enough just to draw under the eye and lightly drive the product into the skin. Will it be visible on the face? No, if you don't overdo it.

Large laboratories have been creating cream with a tonal effect for years, which would look like leather, only better - as if you had just returned from a vacation. And some succeed. But you can mix the foundation with a moisturizer, the main thing is to know the measure - a couple of drops of both are enough.

Almost any brand has products called primers or bases. For anyone who wants smoother, healthier-looking skin or a light matte finish that hides shine, these will suffice. Makeup artist and founder of the cosmetic brand Bobby Brown directly says that the very name “make-up base” is most often nothing more than marketing. In fact, this is a good moisturizer that instantly creates the effect of well-groomed skin.

Shaggy eyebrows also have something to rein in- It is not necessary to go to the salon for this. It is enough to apply a special gel or wax - they are sold with comfortable brushes. In the same way that we style the hair on the head, they do with the eyebrows. There are also colorless products, and with a coloring pigment - usually there are several of them in the brand's assortment - from light to dark.

We add that you will not need a hundred cans and tubes - the funds intended for men are created so that they perform maximum tasks with a minimum of time and other costs.

4. Concealer that hides dark circles under the eyes Mister Instant, Givenchy
5. Mattifying stick against oily sheen Mr. Givenchy
6. Long-lasting powder to cover gray hair or bald patches on the eyebrows Insta Recharge Wella
7. Transparent gel for fixing the shape of the eyebrows Mister Brow Groom Givenchy
8. Concealer for imperfections Concealer for Men, Tom Ford
9. Pencil with a brush for easy correction of the shape of the eyebrows Boy de Chanel, Chanel
10. Matte colorless lip balm Boy de Chanel, Chanel
11. Gel with the effect of light tan for a fresh complexion Mister Healthy Glow Givenchy

Describing his Onegin, Pushkin also spoke about himself: in the portrait by Kiprensky, the poet has not only a spiritual look, but also rather well-groomed nails. Let us follow the example of a genius and also think about the beauty and health of nails and fingers.

Animals need claws for hunting and defense. Why do we need nails? The ancient Egyptians believed that for beauty. They were the first to paint their nails in a bright scarlet color, symbolizing life. A modern doctor is able to learn a lot about you by looking at your nails: psoriasis, lung diseases, various infections, anemia, diabetes, and even SARS, all this can be determined by your nails. One American dermatologist noticed that his patient's nails turned blue, and this is a signal of a lack of oxygen in the body. The doctor immediately advised to be checked, and the result of the analysis did not surprise him too much. The patient was diagnosed with pulmonary edema. Fortunately, the disease was defeated. And who knows how this story would have ended if the doctor had not looked at the patient's nails.

Nails are made up of keratin. The claws, horns, and hooves of animals also consist of it. If we look at keratin under a microscope, we can see that this protein has a lamellar structure. In the process of growth, the plates fit snugly against each other, making the nail dense. The amount of sulfur, on which the strength of the nail depends, is determined genetically. Therefore, if your nails are brittle by nature, strengthen them - do not strengthen them, but you will not have perfect and living nails. Unless it's acrylic.

Nails are our armor, but armor is porous. Two important processes are constantly taking place in it: suction and sweating (in the literal sense of the word). Yes, our nails sweat, just like our skin, and they produce, by the way, 12% of the total skin effusion per day. Nails actively absorb everything that is on the skin, including water, which the skin “does not drink” during the day. Everything we put on our nails goes straight in. What do you "feed" your nails? Useful oils Or toxic varnishes?

How to care for nails?

1. Nails are afraid of water. Prolonged contact with moisture softens the nails and makes them defenseless. Refuse to use a file and scissors immediately after a shower. Otherwise, the nails will become brittle, and there will simply be nothing to trim over time.

2. Nevertheless, moisturizing is indispensable. Apply every evening vegetable oil on the cuticles and skin around the nails every evening or immediately before bedtime.

3. Wash dishes, wash and do wet cleaning only with protective gloves. Chemicals are a real poison for nails.

4. Trim your nails carefully, making a strictly horizontal line with scissors. Rounding will result in an ingrown toenail that will require treatment and, in extreme cases, removal.

5. Avoid nail polish remover that contains acetone. It will remove not only varnish from nails, but also all protective fatty elements.

6. Give up the bad habit of biting your nails: and the nails will be intact, and microbes will not enter the body.

7. Do not cut the cuticle - you will earn panaritium. To soften the cuticle, you can push it back into place with an orange stick or a special manicure spatula. Manicure tools must be strictly individual!

And finally, think more often about the beauty of nails and pay attention to any changes. If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then the nails are a reflection of our health.

You can be a smart person / And think about the beauty of nails
From the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" (1823-1831) by A. S. Pushkin (1799-1837) (ch. 1, stanza 25):
You can be a good person
And think about the beauty of nails:
Why fruitlessly argue with the century?
Custom despot among people.

In these lines, the poet described not only Onegin, but also partly himself. It was known about him (and the well-known portrait by the artist O. A. Kiprensky is a clear evidence of this) that at one time he very carefully looked after his nails, and on his little finger, where he was especially long and beautiful nail, he, going to bed, even put on a special case so as not to break this object of his special pride.
Quoted: as a response to accusations of excessive concern for one's appearance.

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  • - Wed. Where is your swarthy little face, Who is laughing today? Oh, loneliness is round, I won't promise anyone! Nekrasov. Wed Il bruno il bel non toglia Torquato Tasso. Gerusalemme liberata. 12, 21. Cf. Daughters of Jerusalem! I'm black but beautiful...

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  • - what. Krasnoyar. About big amount of something. SRNG 15, 171...

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I already knew that modern people have a very restless mind, but I didn’t think that this was a problem for all “whites”, that is, Western people. Moreover, I assumed that this was more about women, but it turned out that this feature is no less developed in “European” men.

First, an Ayurvedic doctor mentioned this after testing, saying that, like all Europeans, the brain is working too rapidly. But Asians (not by nationality, but by environment) do not have this, they say. I was surprised. Decided to think about it later.

See how simple it is. Situation - you need help. For example, you are walking from the store and you are carrying a very heavy bag of potatoes. You really need help. And nearby passes, for example, your neighbor. It would seem - ask him to help! But no!

A war begins in our brain: to ask or not to ask? What will he think of me? What if he refuses?

It's awkward to load. But it's too hard to pull. He will say, she bought it herself and drag it. But in the lectures they say you have to ask. Maybe try? Or is it better next time?

And even if she asked, the war does not end. If he agreed, you can break your brain on whether he wants something for it, why he agreed, maybe he has some kind of views on me, and what other neighbors will think when they see this. And if he refused, then you can worry about how to look into his eyes now, and that he is not like that and good man what it seemed.

Indians have it easier. And not only them. Help is needed. Help me? Yes fine. No - good. And that's it. And no complex structures, attempts to predict the thoughts and actions of other people, assessments of decency, and so on. Everything is simple.

This has always amazed me in India, how simple and easy it is for them to ask for help, and how easy it is to contact them.

Take any other situation that could be solved more easily, and you will see how our restless mind can make the simple difficult.

If, for example, you like another person. Like what he does, how he does it, how he looks and so on. What's on your mind? Should he talk about it? How appropriate and correct is this? What will he think? But won't it get hot? Will he laugh at me? What if he comes up with more than he really is? What if someone finds out that you like it? And so on. It would seem - like it - say that's all. The person will be pleased, and you too. But no.

They do it in India. You walk down the street, and strangers tell you what a beautiful sari, how well you wound it, what beautiful children, what a smart mother you are. They do not want to build any relationship with you, they just walk by and say what they feel. They said - and went on, and most likely, they no longer remember you after five meters.

What if you don't like what the other person does to you? Here the key is “with you”, we are talking about situations when a person acts towards you in such a way that causes you pain or inconvenience. For example, they stepped on your foot and stand. You boil internally and wait for the person’s conscience to wake up, because he behaves this way on purpose! The farther, the more you are able to come up with both about a person and about his attitude towards you. And the person simply does not know that your leg is there. Doesn't know, doesn't feel. But you yourself have already come up with something and are offended, angry.

And so in everything, in any of our relationships, the head is capable of complicating everything, inventing something that does not exist, pumping it up. Remember the movie where the heroine told her beloved that they would someday have a son, and then trouble would happen to him? Here is a classic example. The son hasn't even been born yet. Maybe even a daughter will be born. Or no one will be born with this man. And she is already worried about a person who is not there yet.

Our restless mind is able to draw something for us and then get scared of it. And instead of here and now, we live in an unknown place. Not even in the past, because we see the past through the prism of our restless mind. Not even in the future, because the mind draws pictures for us, most often those that will never come true (and thank God!).

We live in these fantasies of our inflamed restless mind.

The girl, having barely met the guy, begins to be tormented by doubts whether it is her betrothed or not, whether he likes her the same way or wants to take advantage of her, what kind of children they will have, whether it is worth taking his last name, where they will grow old and what to name the grandchildren. She mentally married him already, and there she managed to quarrel and break up. And he simply invited her to drink tea together.

I often remember different stories, which were told by girls who healed relationships with their parents. How, after many years, they were able to speak out their grievances and found that moms and dads did not know anything about their torment and did not want to hurt children.

For example, as a child, I had a terribly prickly hat that I hated. But my mother asked me to put it on, because it is very cold outside. And my mind then drew different scenarios for me that my mother was torturing me on purpose. And a couple of years ago we remembered this hat, and it turned out that my mother knew nothing about my suffering, because I didn’t tell her anything. For her, it was just a warm hat and that's it. We grow up like this from childhood, we are taught this - and people, and the environment, and habits.

We try in every way to interpret any external signal in relation to ourselves. Although even Freud, beloved by many, said that "sometimes a banana is just a banana."

For example, if a girl heard a whistle from behind, then often she can interpret this as an appeal to an easily accessible woman, project it onto herself, and as a result, she will be offended, angry, and begin to blame herself for what she put on today. But most likely, they whistle not at all to her and with completely different thoughts. In the same way, when someone laughs behind your back, 90 percent of women will decide that they are laughing at her and frantically begin to check if she forgot to wear anything, if her legs are crooked, and so on.

And with clothes the same strange situation. We don't wear what we like, because what if someone thinks. We wear fashion, like everyone else, even if it is uncomfortable and we don’t like it. And constantly at the mirror we evaluate ourselves - how does it look? What signals does it send? Should I lose weight for this dress? Or vice versa, get fat? Am I too old for these shorts?

Is it possible to wear such a dress of a mother of three children? What if people think I'm fat? What if I step on the hem of this skirt somewhere? What if I meet a girl in the same dress? What if other mothers on the site condemn me for showing off? What if your husband doesn't like it? It would seem - put on what you like, and you will feel differently - that's all. But no.

Instead of a stimulus-response, we get a complex chain of stimulus - long throwing of a restless mind - a reaction - and again the torment of the mind.

We spend too much energy on this, trying to understand what they think of us, how they treat us.

We complicate our own life, instead of just living, we think so much that there is no strength left for life.

In relationships, we endlessly fight with non-existent problems and suck problems out of our finger. We really suffer from stupidity more than from karma. We really look like crazy people.

How many far-fetched problems in our life! Because we want to be good, like everyone else, perfect, we do not accept our past and are afraid of the future. We can’t even often understand what we want, where our desires are, and where others’ desires.

Too restless mind, fed by TV, upbringing and rules of conduct, a bunch of useless knowledge that we don’t use, education that, for a crust, but ruffled the nerves and filled the head with nonsense ...

In this place, we have a lot to learn from the Indians or the Balinese. Yes, we sometimes evaluate them as too simple and not knowing the decency of people. But they do not worry about this topic and do not even think about what we think about them. They continue to live the way they feel and be themselves. And we should learn how to calm our restless brains, and this will already be able to bring us closer to a feeling of happiness.

P.S. How they joke - God gave you brains to think what dress to wear, and you are about the fate of mankind. Do not do it this way!

P.P.S. And please, relax your frowned forehead, under which a war of thoughts has already begun on the topic that it is impossible to live without brains at all, that they are all poor, what am I doing here of all the fools. Relax. The article is not about that.

Where do I start my story about the beautiful?
Perhaps from the fact that it is already clear to all of us
How many minutes and hours, even days
We spend on the benefit of beautiful nails!

Abandoned laundry, sour salads
Trousers, shirts, bathrobes not ironed,
But all these sacrifices are insignificant, friends!
Now I'll tell you what I'm doing.

I guess we all do it the same way.
But since it was declared - I will tell too.
First, we'll cut it - not with a chainsaw,
And with a favorite file, no matter what.

But you can take files more fashionable and more beautiful
If you win them in our competition))
And remember, “puff” nails are not in fashion.
We drive in one direction with a nail file.

Taking care of forms in the order of things
Think about the shape of your favorite nails.
Let them repeat the hole in appearance
Let them add charm to our appearance!

So the form is ready, let's start the attack
After all, we all strive for soft cuticles.
No, no, we won't cut it! And gently fix
Thus, we will save the handles from injury.

Did you get the tweezers? wield dexterously
Diligence, patience, skill will prevail.
Little left - color coating
But don't forget about nail protection!

We apply the foundation, enough layer,
And the nails are ready for the final battle!
Let's make up neutral, brighter for someone,
What if they call us this minute?

Suddenly the borscht boils over? Will the baby wake up?
Will you have to give up work on your nails?
Everything will be smeared in an instant - what a shame
And you have to start all over again?!

No, don't be sad. Suddenness? Stop them!
We solve the problem with a top coat.
Ready! Ovation! Goddess hands!
It's not a sin to show any man!

And the husband even shines, but with a stern look
Grumbles “And the cutlets are not ready yet ?!
Trousers not ironed, curbs not washed?
And you're sitting here doing your manicure!!"

Men, you will have to come to terms with this:
Your wife does not part with a nail file???
Let me not pour baseless phrases:
Let it SAW, if it's not YOU!

Now for some prose.

In a playful, poetic form, I tried to state your nail care routine. In short, it looks like this: filing (according to the rules, it should be done only with movements in one direction!) - removal of the cuticle with a special tool and a manicure stick - processing the "barrels" with tweezers - base / varnish / drying.
Here's what I wear the most.
A brighter option (I love red, especially in autumn - very harmonious with nature, in my opinion). Lacquer Aurelia tone No. 102

And more gentle everyday (it seemed that it would be especially "gentle" against the background of a pear)) Varnish Zoya tone Bela ZP315

Here is my usual minimal arsenal for a manicure

Cuticle remover Sally Hansen Instant Cuticule remover - I'm already buying a second bottle, plus I gave it to my friends and mom - everyone really likes it! Drying Orly is a favorite, dries instantly and protects nails perfectly. Johnson and Johnson cream is very worthy, I will take it again. And the nail files are mercilessly bitten by the younger generation

And finally, a few simple tips-secrets that I encountered in my life, and which I consider to be a godsend for lovers of beauty on nails.
1. Keep your elbows on the table. Everyone knows the problem of the “right hand”, which is almost always more difficult to make up. Personally, I am 100% right-handed and wielding my left hand is a real punishment for me. So this will be much easier to do if the elbows of both hands lie on the table. It would seem primitive, but it helps remarkably. Hands do not tremble and applying colored polish is very easy.
2. Oil for exfoliating nails. With exfoliating nails, the so-called “sealing” procedure is very helpful, they talk about it on the Internet, for example, here http://nail-ru.livejournal.com/23207.html. But I will write how I do it. I thoroughly wash my hands with soap until they squeak (if there is more than 1 minute of time - that's how much free time I have now thanks to my active daughter - then I do a scrub, it's not necessary to buy a special one for hands, although it's nice). Then I drip plenty of castor oil on my nails (I have Argo oil, you can buy it in few places, but as I understand it, any castor oil will do). And I just polish from the hole to the edge with polishing. Then I let it soak in a little and apply the cream. The nails then look very well-groomed and the foliation gradually disappears.
3. Hand cream in the plural. Arrange a few tubes around the house and use at any opportunity. One in the bathroom, the other in the kitchen, the third in the bedroom, etc. firstly, this will help diversify your care - when there are a lot of creams, you can compare them at the same time in texture, quality, etc. and choose your favorites. And of course, it will allow us not to forget to use it after each washing of our hands, because often we jump out of the bathroom and rush anywhere, but not where the cream is.
4. And finally- even if you do a great manicure yourself, experts advise go to the salon at least once in a while. The manicure master looks at your nails from the other side (in the literal sense of the word), you can get a number of useful tips or peep some new ideas, you can “try on” a new color for you, if you are afraid to buy at random. And in general, going to the salon is a real female sacrament, because a good manicurist - like "your" hairdresser - is a woman's secret friends who will not let you down, will not deceive and who you can rely on. And a woman with a perfect manicure, whose eyes shine with happiness and pleasure from a pleasant time - isn't she our ideal? ..