Why do we celebrate June 12th? Day of the adoption of the declaration of state sovereignty of Russia. Congratulations on the Day of Russia

The traditional public holiday Day of Russia is already knocking on the doors of Russians. In connection with this holiday, a day off has been declared throughout the country, and mass festivities will delight all residents of Russian cities.

Every year on June 12, a huge country in unison celebrates an important public holiday - Russia Day, or the Day of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia, as this holiday was called until 2002. This is one of the "youngest" public holidays in the country. In our article, we will remember a brief history this holiday. So, let's begin!

A brief history of the emergence of an important patriotic holiday - Russia Day

June 12, 1990 at the first congress people's deputies The RSFSR adopted the Declaration on State Sovereignty of the RSFSR. Since that day, the entire Russian state has been celebrating the Day of Russia on this day.

It is worth recalling that June 12 became a holiday date from June 11, 1992, according to the decision of the Supreme Council Russian Federation as the "Day of the adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of the Russian Federation". On September 25 of the same year, corresponding changes were made to the Code of Labor Laws. It was on June 12, 1998 that Boris Yeltsin, in his television address, proposed renaming the holiday to Russia Day. Officially, this name was assigned with the adoption of the new Labor Code in 2002.

Traditionally, on Russia Day in the Kremlin, the President of the Russian Federation, now Vladimir Putin, presents State Prizes of the Russian Federation. Interesting celebrations take place on Red Square in Moscow, which traditionally end with festive colorful fireworks.

Interesting facts about the unifying holiday - the Day of Russia:

*Did you know that June 12 is often called “Independence Day of Russia”. In the course of a sociological survey conducted by the Levada Center from 1991 to 2016, from 65% of respondents in 2003 (maximum) to 29% in 2016 (minimum) associated this holiday with this name.

* Not many people will remember, but it was on this day in 1991 that the presidential elections in the RSFSR were held, which Boris Yeltsin won.

The importance of June 12 for Russians and all of Russia as a whole

Russia Day, annually celebrated on June 12, is a very young holiday, but its history is no less interesting than that of respectable dates that have been present in Russia for decades. state calendar. How did this holiday appear and why did it become so important for the state and citizens.

In modern Russia, which has already managed to get stronger and gain world recognition, June 12 continues to be one of the main public holidays. This day is always a non-working day, and for the convenience of citizens, the coming weekend is shifted so that people can rest for several days in a row. Warm summer days allow you to celebrate the holiday on a grand scale on the streets of the city. June 12 at concert venues and parks are holiday concerts, demonstration performances, folk festivals and other mass entertainment events in which everyone participates on their own initiative. City streets, public buildings and residential buildings are decorated with state flags, a new Russian anthem is heard from the loudspeakers. In the evenings, large cities and small towns illuminate the fireworks with festive light, and grandiose volleys of salutes illuminate the sky in hero cities.

Festive events are often timed to coincide with the holiday. The Kremlin traditionally awards state awards on this day, and in the regions those who have distinguished themselves by merit at the state level are awarded. It is not uncommon to see a rally held on the streets of cities on this June day by one of the country's political parties.

Unfortunately, polls of citizens show that not every resident of Russia knows how the holiday is called correctly and what its meaning is. Some out of habit call June 12 Independence Day and do not understand the main essence of the celebration. In fact, its meaning is simple - national unity and common responsibility for the future of the country.

Oddly enough, June 12, the Day of Russia, is the youngest holiday in our state. In fact, this is a holiday dedicated to the adoption of the Declaration of Sovereignty of Russia, which was signed on June 12, 1990.


We all know that in the early 1990s the collapse of the Soviet Union took place. That's what the thing was about. Already in the late 80s. it was clear that the Union could not be saved. The republics fled from the USSR, the Soviet Union lived out its last days.

significant day

Today, the day of Russia is given great importance, but it was not always like this, no one especially remembered the holiday on June 12 until 1994.

Officially, this day became a holiday only in 1994, when Boris Yeltsin signed a decree on the appointment of June 12 as the Day for the adoption of the declaration on Russia, at the same time this day became a day off. The name of the holiday - "Day of Russia" - did not take root right away. It should be noted that on June 12, 1991, Boris Yeltsin became the first popularly elected president, so he immortalized not only an important date in the history of the state, but also the memory of himself.

Events for Russia Day

The main joy of the Day of Russia for ordinary citizens of the country lies in the additional rest, because this day is the red day of the calendar. Although a few years ago, not all Russians knew on June 12 what holiday they were celebrating. Many people prefer to spend time in nature, especially if the weather favors it. If it was not possible to get out into nature, then you can take part in recreational activities, which are held every year on this day more and more.

Russia celebrates its own day on June 12th. What is a holiday without folk festivals? As for Moscow, this day traditionally hosts not only entertainment shows and concert programs, but also sporting events. For example, on Pushkinskaya Square. Cultural events are held in cultural and art centers, museums, parks, for example, in Perovsky Park. Athletes, Russian pop stars, numerous folk groups take part in the holiday. On this day, the President of Russia conducts the awarding of state prizes of the Russian Federation. The action ends with grandiose fireworks on Vasilyevsky Spusk, in Izmailovsky Park, on Sparrow Hills and other places.

Popularity among the people

Despite the policy of popularizing the holiday, not all Russians know what holiday June 12 is. The Levada Center conducted a corresponding survey. The opinions of Russians about what is celebrated on June 12 in Russia are divided between acceptances. Some remember that the first Russian president was elected on this day. In general, less than half of Russians know that June 12 is the day of Russia.

Such data was obtained according to the Levada Center:

47% of respondents - chose the correct option - the day of Russia;

33% live back in the early 2000s and voted for Independence Day;

6% - remembered Boris Yeltsin;

8% - did not answer;

4% - said that this is not a holiday at all;

2% - suggested options that stand out from the general list.

At the government level

Russians subconsciously draw an analogy between the day of Russia, calling it Independence Day, and Independence Day in the United States. This is fundamentally not true. If the United States gained independence at the same time, from the moment the Declaration was signed, then Russia has been independent for a very long time, and the date of the proclamation of Russia as a state cannot be specifically named.

However, not only ordinary people do not know what holiday June 12 is, they also find it difficult to determine it at the top. As a deputy rightly noted in 2007, the beginning of the Declaration of Sovereignty declares Russia to be part of the Soviet Union. The exact text is as follows: "Parrying, Alexei Mitrofanov generally stated that with the same success, on a par with a national holiday, June 12 can be considered the day of the Liberal Democratic Party, because on that day Zhirinovsky took 3rd place in the presidential election, which secured himself an influential place in politics." This is such a mess.

history of the holiday

At the state level, this is, of course, today the most main holiday. with which the formation of a new statehood based on the principles of democracy began, civil law, federalism.

At first, the people were not up to the holidays. June 12 - what a holiday! The difficult situation in the country, default after default, crisis after crisis... There is no time to delve into the essence of the political situation - to feed yourself and your family. At that time, polls were also conducted, and the results were not impressive - at the mention of Independence Day, people's eyes did not light up with patriotism, they did not understand the essence of the holiday. The only thing that pleased the Russians was an extra day off, which could be devoted to rest. The authorities, of course, sought to popularize the holiday, held rallies and demonstrations, but this was somehow held without enthusiasm.

All the same B. Yeltsin decided to change the meaning of the holiday by changing the name. In 1998, a proposal was made to rename it the Day of Russia, but the final decision was made only in 2002.

Today is the day of Russia - a symbol of national unity, Motherland, freedom, peace and harmony. The patriotism of the people is growing, perhaps this happened due to the successful winter Olympics in Sochi, the annexation of Crimea. Although we have not yet fully realized the importance of this holiday, but, undoubtedly, we have begun to relate to it much better. Perhaps the whole reason is that life in the country has improved somewhat.

What happened before...

Celebrating the Day of Russia today, June 12, we must not forget about the centuries-old history and traditions of the state, because its formation did not take place in 1990, but much earlier. There were times when the glory of the state burned even brighter. And the fact that today we are independent is not the result of the signing of the Declaration of Sovereignty of Russia, but the centuries-old efforts of our ancestors, who earned this right at the cost of their blood and happiness.

There was an event in the history of Russia, which in its significance is comparable to the signing of the 1990 Declaration. This event is the election of Andrey Yurievich Bogolyubsky as Prince of Rostov and Suzdal. It happened on June 4, 1157. As a result, northeastern Rus' became independent in relation to Kyiv, and Andrei Bogolyubsky became the first elected prince. This is where the parallels need to be drawn.

Later, the Grand Duchy of Vladimir, in which Andrei Bogolyubsky ruled, became the Grand Duchy of Moscow. And already it served as the basis for an independent Russian state. This is how Kievan Rus collapsed, this is how the Soviet Union collapsed. Thank God that we managed to preserve the foundations of statehood at that distant time and in our recent past.

As for the date, without delving into the subtleties of the difference in dating according to the Julian and Gregorian calendars, it can be noted that the election of Andrei Bogolyubsky and Boris Yeltsin happened with a difference of one day. Therefore, on this day it is worth thinking about the historical origins of Russian statehood.

What else happened on June 12

Perhaps not everyone will remember today, but the holidays and events on June 12 are not limited to Russia Day. On the same day that the Declaration of Independence was adopted, another important event took place - censorship was banned. From that day on, freedom of speech was allowed at the government level. Exactly one year later, in 1991, Leningrad was returned to its original name - St. Petersburg.

Of the most significant events on this day, it is worth mentioning the opening of a second front by agreement with England and the United States in 1942; the publication of the constitution of the USSR in 1936, called "Stalin's". In 1798, on this day, the Salt Riot was created and in 1648 broke out. Such is the history of this day.

What is celebrated on June 12 besides Russia Day? Many cities celebrate City Day. As for the global practice, in the UN countries June 12 became the World Day against Child Labor, the purpose of which is to draw attention to the problems of exploitation of child labor, working children. The decision to celebrate this date was made in 1997.

On June 12, the Russian Federation celebrates one of the youngest public holidays in our country - Russia Day.

On this day in 1990, the first Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR adopted the Declaration on the State Sovereignty of Russia, which proclaimed the primacy of the Constitution of Russia and its laws. From now on, when resolving all issues of state and public life, the RSFSR enjoyed full power. The Declaration affirmed equal legal opportunities for all citizens, political parties and public organizations; the principle of separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers; the need for a significant expansion of the rights of autonomous republics, regions, districts, territories of the RSFSR.

Important milestones in the strengthening of Russian statehood were the adoption of a new name for the country - the Russian Federation (Russia), a new Constitution reflecting new political realities, and state symbols.

In different historical eras, Russia has repeatedly changed its borders. RIA Novosti infographics gives a clear picture of the "land gain" and territorial losses of our state under different rulers, zealous and wasteful.

On June 12, 1991, the first nationwide direct open presidential elections were held in the history of the country, in which Boris Yeltsin won.

In 1992, the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation issued a decree on assigning the date of the adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of the Russian Federation the status of a holiday (non-working) day.

By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 2, 1994, the Day of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian Federation was declared a public holiday in Russia.

On June 12, 1998, Russian President Boris Yeltsin, in his address to compatriots on central television, proposed calling the Day of the Declaration of State Sovereignty the Day of Russia.

However official name"Day of Russia" was assigned to the holiday only in 2002, when the new Labor Code of the Russian Federation came into force, in which new holidays and weekends.

Russia Day with mass folk festivals, sporting events and concerts.

In 2003, the main celebrations, timed to coincide with the anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Russia, were first held on the Red Square of the capital.

Another tradition of celebrating the Day of Russia has become the annual award ceremony of the State Prize of the Russian Federation established in 1992 in the field of science and technology, literature and art, and in the field of humanitarian activity.

In 2007, on the eve of the holiday, activists of the youth organizations "United Russia" and "Young Guard" for the first time held an all-Russian action "Russian Tricolor", during which more than a million ribbons in the colors of the national flag were presented to Russians. Since this year, the action has also become a tradition.

Polls conducted in 2012 by the Yuri Levada Analytical Center (Levada Center) showed that 76% of the population is proud that they are citizens of Russia. At the same time, Russians are primarily proud of the country's history (39%), sporting achievements (29%), and domestic art and literature (28%).

More than half of Russians (54%) believe that the adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Russia was good for the development of the country.

However, only 40% of Russians know which holiday is celebrated on June 12th. 36% of Russians continue to mistakenly refer to it as Independence Day. Every tenth found it difficult to answer.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Russia Day is an extremely strange holiday for our country. To say the least, alas, for many Russian citizens this is not a holiday at all. They, for the most part, simply do not know what exactly is celebrated on this day.

For those who know, this is a date marked with negative tones. Until 2002, this date was officially referred to as "The Day of the Declaration of the State Sovereignty of the RSFSR". That is, in fact, this is the day of the collapse of the Soviet Union - the day of the collapse and the "official beginning" of the nightmare of the nineties.

At the same time, over the years it became clear that this holiday cannot be filled with new meanings. He is contentless. Indicative in this sense are even the statements of quite patriotic bloggers on social networks: “Well, right, what to show on Russia Day on Channel One?

Of course, the movie "Crimea". What a holiday the Kins are." Or even more characteristic: "That's the problem with this holiday. Besides the tricolor? On this day, there is nothing to show. “Even” something is connected with November 4, but it’s empty here.” And there are a lot of such sad words on the Web.

Speaking in the language of statistics, then everything becomes not only very sad, but it is finally clear that "the holiday was not a success." For example, according to the Levada Center, "only half of the respondents were able to give the exact name of the holiday. For a quarter of a century, it has not become native - for Russians, June 12 is just another reason not to go to work, relax, drink." And this, for a moment, is Levada, which stands up for all the same "holy nineties" and "liberal values."

However, the data of the latest VTsIOM poll are practically identical: "only 44% of Russians know about the correct name of the holiday." At the same time, sociologists report that about 25% of those surveyed today ... worked tritely.

Of course, it is clear that official events were held today, as well as rallies and processions, awarding state awards. This is right. A holiday is a really beautiful occasion for such things. But, speaking seriously, despite all the efforts of the Kremlin, this date did not become popular.

The problem here, I think, is that the Russians simply do not perceive this date as "the birthday of Russia." As we wrote above, June 12 is too closely connected not with birth new country but with the collapse of the Soviet Union. And if the president, as the head of our great country, "draws out" this date on himself, then the efforts of officials to "make a cheerful hare out of a stuffed animal" have been in vain for many years now.

With other holidays, in this regard, everything is somehow simpler. Even the "day of family love and fidelity", despite the existence of February 14, nevertheless became really festive (not surprising, given the number of those who sincerely believe in God). And even Children's Day. Moreover, the Day of National Unity has become much more popular - this is clearly seen at least in the same sociology.

What is the result? And in the end - another day off (and for some, even a working day), with incomprehensible socio-political fuss, "lowered" by officials from above according to the order. Well, with vodka and kebabs in the country "because another day off happened."

Well, those who get to the bottom of the essence and the context of the date come to disappointing conclusions. For example, the Americanist and media technologist Mikhail Sinelnikov-Orishak wrote succinctly and succinctly in his telegram channel today: “What are we celebrating today? ". It can even be added here that it was such a coup when our state "killed itself." Well, to celebrate the day of suicide, whether it be political or historical, is extremely strange.

Fortunately, Russia nevertheless revived, got out of the deepest crisis and avoided collapse. But it was a historical process diametrically opposed to the notorious "Declaration" and "Day of Russia" with its ideological content.

And the right word, if we talk about history, continuity and statehood, then the real "Day of Russia" could be celebrated in order to fill it with positive meanings on the Day of the Baptism of Rus', or on the day of Victory in the War of 1812, or on the same Day People's Unity.

And finally, we will quote the well-known in telegram and twitter "Stalingulag". "Today, on the day of the so-called holiday, the day of Russia, to all who shed tears for the free country that we lost, I would like to remind you that everything for which you hate the Putin regime so fiercely today, the entire foundation of this system was laid by your freedom-loving Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin," he writes.

“It was your Yeltsin who destroyed the parliament, and in the truest sense of the word, by shooting it from a tank. It was your Yeltsin who began to falsify the elections,” the author adds sarcastically.

“In general, happy holiday to all of you, and that you live up to 120 years in the country whose day you celebrate today, which you yourself built, which is why, perhaps, you hate it even more,” he concludes.

Russia Day - what kind of holiday is it? How did he appear? How much do we know about its history? What events are held on this day and why is it celebrated on June 12? We have collected facts about Russia Day.

Day of Russia: the history of the holiday

Until 2002, Russia Day was called the Day of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia. On June 12, 1990, the first Congress of Deputies of the RSFSR adopted the Declaration on the State Sovereignty of Russia, which proclaimed the primacy of the Russian Constitution. The country became known as the Russian Federation. On the same day in 1992, the first open national elections of the President of Russia took place. Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin won them then. June 12 is considered a holiday date - the Day of Russia since 1992 by the decision of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, as the Day of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia. Sometimes Russia Day, by analogy with the holiday in the United States, is called "Independence Day". In fact, Russia Day cannot be called Independence Day. The independence of Russia has no fixed date. Due to historical circumstances, Russia has long been an independent state and was so even before the adoption of the declaration.

Holiday traditions

On the Day of Russia, festive concerts and events are held in the cities of Russia and in the capital. In Moscow, you can see the poster of events in the Tsaritsyno and Kolomenskoye museum-reserves. All streets will be decorated with national flags and Russian symbols. On this day, the President of the Russian Federation presents State Prizes and speaks to the people.

Red Square also hosts official and festive events ending with fireworks.

Many people travel out of town on this day and cannot take part in social events. But you can always read about.

June 12 is also celebrated City Day in Ufa, Veliky Novgorod, Izhevsk, Kemerovo, Perm, Dimitrovgrad, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Nizhny Novgorod, Penza, Saransk, Surgut, Syktyvkar, Tambov, Ulyanovsk.

Congratulations on the Day of Russia

In June golden days -
Full sun and flowers
New holiday - Day of Russia -
The whole country celebrates.

Over forests and fields
Cities and countryside
The holiday will burst into song
And it will penetrate into every house.

Ah, Russia, dear land,
blue-eyed state,
You live and prosper
All for joy and glory.

Russia is a glorious country
She's just so beautiful:
Wide fields, green forests,
And her beauty cannot be described!

May the sky be peaceful, clean,
Let our thoughts be bright
Be happy every citizen
And remember: we have one native land!

Russia, dear father's house,
Hills, fields and copses…
And everything to tears is close to us in it -
And the first snow, and rain, and songs.

Here is an endless expanse,
Here everything is clear and without words,
In Russia - everything is own, dear,
Like our first love.

national anthem of the Russian Federation

On Russia Day, the Anthem of the Russian Federation is performed.

Russia is our sacred power,
Russia is our beloved country.
Mighty will, great glory -
Yours forever!

From the southern seas to the polar region
Our forests and fields are spread out.
You are the only one in the world! One you are -
Protected by God native land!

Hail, our free Fatherland,
Fraternal peoples age-old union,
Ancestors given the wisdom of the people!
Hail country! We proud of you!

Wide scope for dreams and for life
The coming years open up to us.
Our loyalty to the Motherland gives us strength.
So it was, so it is, and so it will always be!

Hail, our free Fatherland,
Fraternal peoples age-old union,
Ancestors given the wisdom of the people!
Hail country! We proud of you!

Music by A. Alexandrov
Words by S. Mikhalkov

You have read the material Day of Russia: history, traditions. Read also: