How to get rid of psoriasis of the nails of the hands. Nail psoriasis: symptoms and treatment with folk remedies at home. Treatment of nail psoriasis in children

Coach Nutritionist, Sports Nutritionist, Honored Author of Evehealth


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Psoriasis is considered an incurable disease. The patient is concerned about skin rashes on various parts of the body. Sometimes psoriasis can also develop on the nails. They darken, become cloudy and stripes appear on the nail plate. This deals a significant blow to the psychological state of a person.

It should be noted that psoriatic plaques do not appear on the skin and nails at the same time. Often, damage to the nails in psoriasis is the only sign of the development of the disease.

Nail psoriasis. Symptoms

Consider the main symptoms of fingernail psoriasis in order to "know the enemy by sight":

  1. Removal of the nail or its departure from the nail bed.
  2. The shape of the nails is changing. Characterized by concavity inwards.
  3. The nail becomes very thick.
  4. Indentations appear, shaped like a thimble.
  5. Small hemorrhages can be found on the surface of the nail.

Psoriasis can occur for many reasons: from a decrease in a person's immune forces to the addition of a bacterial infection and a fungal one. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor.

The exact causes of nail psoriasis are not fully understood. But there are several diseases associated with psoriasis:

  • genetic component;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • stress, overwork, lack of sleep;
  • infectious diseases;
  • fungal infection;
  • metabolic disorder (with diabetes, obesity).

Psoriasis on the nails of the feet and hands. How to treat?

Such a serious disease is difficult to treat. Only by daily efforts and a set of measures can you finally defeat him. But do not forget that this is a chronic disease that either recedes or gains momentum again.

How to cure nail psoriasis?

Mild nail psoriasis does not require special treatment. It is enough to take a vitamin complex and paint your nails with a special medical varnish. And with an exacerbation of the disease, a consultation with a dermatologist and special tests are required that will confirm the disease and help determine the treatment. But you need to immediately tune in to a long struggle with the disease, which will go with varying success. Most often, the doctor prescribes glucocorticosteroids, which are hormonal drugs and are available only by prescription. In addition, at drug treatment ointments are prescribed: Oxycort, Advantan, Dermazolone and others. Positive dynamics in the treatment of psoriasis was shown by non-hormonal ointment Psorkutan containing vitamin D3.

Nail psoriasis. Treatment at home

  1. Special baths with medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, string, cocklebur, sage) will help to avoid complete removal of the nail from the bed.
  2. In parallel with the main treatment, take a vitamin complex containing calcium. It will strengthen the nails and help to cope with the disease. Vitamins of groups B, E, C, P normalize metabolism, which will speed up recovery.
  3. If the itching is bothering you, take antihistamines. In the pharmacy, they are presented in a wide range.
  4. The main thing in the prevention and treatment of psoriasis is ultraviolet rays. They prevent cells from dividing and stop the course of the disease. Many patients use laser therapy for a speedy recovery.
  5. Daily application of base vegetable oil strengthen the nail plate and enrich the necessary vitamins and minerals. Sunflower oil, olive oil, corn oil are suitable for this purpose.
  6. Nail psoriasis is easier to treat if you follow the rules of a balanced diet. It is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages, strong coffee, tea, smoke and take drugs. You can not get carried away with fatty foods, dairy products, sweets, confectionery and nuts. Drink enough water, enrich your diet with vegetables, fruits, cereals.

  • Egg oil against nail psoriasis. 5 chicken eggs boil for about 15-20 minutes. Remove the yolks, finely chop and fry in a pan without oil for 40 minutes. Remove and squeeze out the oil from the mixture with gauze. Treat damaged areas of nails and skin with this oil daily.
  • Healing remedies for nail psoriasis. Herbal Blend: Dandelion Roots (4 Parts), Leaves walnut(4 parts), purslane grass (1 part), couch grass roots (2 parts), rose hips (4 parts), cyanosis roots (2 parts).

Two tablespoons of this mixture are boiled in a glass of water for 5 minutes. Then insist for half an hour. Drink infusion after meals 2 tablespoons 3 times a day. From the collection of herbs, you can make baths and compresses on the affected areas of the nails.

  • Bay leaf decoction for nail psoriasis. Boil 20 bay leaves in a saucepan for 15 minutes. Drink this decoction 3 tablespoons 3 times a day for a week. Then stop taking the decoction for 3 days, and then again according to the same scheme.
  • Reliable remedy for nail psoriasis. Any baby cream(best of all, it did not contain too many various additives), technical grease, rendered interior fat in a ratio of 1: 10:10. Mix the ingredients and smear the nails before going to bed for a month.
  • Ointment for nail psoriasis based on potassium permanganate and copper sulfate. Mix in a liter of water 3 grams of potassium permanganate, 100 grams of copper sulfate. This tool daily lubricates the affected areas of the nail for a week. Then take a break for 5 days and repeat the procedure. The tool is quite aggressive and can cause pain, but judging by the reviews, nail psoriasis heals in a short time.
  • From nail psoriasis will relieve folk treatment with herbs. The following herbs are taken in equal amounts: string, celandine, lingonberry leaves, black elder flowers, elecampane root. Everything is mixed up. The healing mixture is ready. Now every day you need to add one tablespoon of herbs to a glass of water and boil for 5 minutes. Then insist for an hour. Take 2 hours after eating half a glass 2 times a day. Facilitates the course of psoriasis, relieves fungal infections of the nails, cleanses the skin.

Nail psoriasis successfully treated folk remedies. The main thing is not to stop there and carry out daily treatment, as well as follow the recommendations.

Useful tips to help you avoid the disease or alleviate its course:

  • Take care of your skin and nails. Prevent from drying out by constantly moisturizing with oils and creams.
  • Avoid injuries, wounds, cuts that can give rise to the disease.
  • Strengthen your immune system, go in for sports.
  • Clean the house only with gloves.
  • Nail polish should only be curative.
  • Do not do a manicure either in a beauty salon or with a master at home.
  • Keep your nails short.

Take care of your nails and be healthy!

Video about the treatment of nail psoriasis

Nail psoriasis (onychodystrophy) is one of the forms of chronic dermatosis that occurs, as a rule, in people with plaque-like rashes on the skin (about 50-60%). However, in 10-15% of cases, damage to the nail plates begins long before the rash appears on the body. In this case, the pathology develops as an independent disease, the formation of which is facilitated by various factors (from failures in the immune system to infections and viruses in the human body). If external characteristic signs are found, it is necessary to contact the appropriate specialist as soon as possible.

Symptoms and chronic manifestations of the disease

Onychodystrophy develops over a long period of time and may initially go unnoticed, but later acquires pronounced symptoms. So, with a visual inspection, you can find the following manifestations:

  • Slight thickening and inflammation of the soft tissues around the nail.
  • Growth and rapid keratinization of the subungual epithelium.
  • Small punctate hemorrhages of brown or black color (may be in the form of stripes), as well as large spots of a dark yellow hue (under the nail).
  • Partial or complete separation of the nail from the bed.
  • The presence of small stearin scales on the soft tissues around the nail plate.
  • Ultimately, there is a complete deformation of the nail (it resembles a bird's beak in shape).

At the initial stage of the development of psoriasis or during its exacerbation, slight itching and burning are possible. With the defeat of the deep layers of the nail and soft tissues, the patient feels pain and discomfort.

How to distinguish nail fungus from psoriasis?

Both diseases gradually lead to damage and deformation of the nail plate, so people, when faced with this for the first time, can easily confuse them with each other.

However, if you look closely, there are still distinctive features. Here is some of them:

  • In psoriasis, the surface of the nail takes on a yellow tint (or spots), and in fungus (onychomycosis), hyperpigmentation (dark discoloration) can be observed.
  • Fungal infection, as a rule, spreads from the fingers, gradually moving to the nail plates. With psoriasis, the lesion begins with the nail itself (though not always), without affecting the skin of the fingers.
  • Psoriasis does not have a specific unpleasant odor.
  • With mycosis, the nail plate is deformed, while with psoriasis it is partially or completely separated from the bed.


Psoriasis is often caused by a nail injury or autoimmune disorders in the body, and the fungus is an infectious disease that develops in a warm, humid climate (for example, in people who sweat a lot). But an accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor after an examination and diagnostic examination.

Photo: what does psoriasis of the nails on the hands and feet look like

Which doctor should I contact?

If symptoms of psoriasis are found, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist, preferably in a dermatological and venereological dispensary. Also in the future, consultation and examination by an immunologist and an endocrinologist may be required (depending on the causes of the disease).

If there is no narrow specialist, consult with a local general practitioner or family doctor.

Diagnosis of nail psoriasis

To confirm onychodystrophy, dermatologists take a scraping for a biopsy from the lesion (for example, from the cuticle), collect purulent discharge for analysis (if any). Further, laboratory tests are carried out to identify the nature of the disease (infectious - a fungus, or autoimmune - psoriasis). Also, the patient is prescribed to take a general and biochemical blood test.

Causes of psoriasis on the nails

The causes of onychodystrophy can be very different, but experts identify a number of main predisposing factors of the following nature:

  • Failure in the immune system- leads to the fact that the body's defenses attack healthy cells (which then become pathogenic), thereby forming a disease.
  • hereditary factor- if a person has a relative who suffered from psoriasis of the nails, it is highly likely that the disease will be transmitted to him at the genetic level.

Secondary factors include:

  • Infectious diseases (HIV, HPV, etc.).
  • Climate change (including cold, cloudy, windy weather).
  • Injuries of the nail plates.
  • Stress, nervous and emotional overwork.
  • Abuse medicines or reception long time(antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, etc.).

Attention! Each of the factors leads to a weakening of the immune system, which subsequently serves as a trigger for the development of psoriatic onychodystrophy.

Complications and consequences

Complications of psoriasis are rare and can be caused by both improper treatment and its absence. The main danger is that over time, onychodystrophy can smoothly flow into psoriatic arthritis, which is characterized by damage and soreness of the joints of the fingers, as well as their swelling and limited movement. Therefore, in the absence of timely adequate treatment, a complete deformation of the affected joints is possible, followed by disability (in rare cases, the patient issues a disability).

If we talk about the consequences, then they are of the following nature:

  • Functional disruption of cardio-vascular system(including myocardial infarction).
  • development of atherosclerosis.
  • Aggravation of inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Nervous disorders and depression (and, as a result, alcoholism).
  • Diabetes.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Changes in body temperature.
  • Increased fatigue and weakness.

Despite the efforts of doctors, at present, psoriasis cannot be completely eliminated, but goes into remission. Therefore, the patient not only runs the risk of becoming disabled, but also unsuitable for military service. This can happen if the disease has passed into a severe stage with characteristic external manifestations, as well as existing complications and disruption of the normal functioning of the body.

Classification of nail psoriasis

Specialists distinguish several varieties of onychodystrophy:

  • Thimble syndrome (thimble psoriasis)- characterized by the fact that on the surface of the nail plate, multiple small-pointed depressions are formed in a chaotic manner (in appearance, the nail resembles a thimble).
  • Onycholysis- there is a separation of the nail plate from its bed without any pain. Another distinctive feature is the pink border near the cuticle.
  • Onychomadesis- in a short period of time, the nail exfoliates from soft tissues. This type of psoriasis is almost impossible to treat.
  • Trachyonychia- the nail plate thickens and gradually bends upwards, while its surface becomes rough and rough.
  • Psoriatic paronychia- there is a compaction and layering of the stratum corneum, as well as severe crumbling, destruction and gradual separation of the nail from the bed (it is most difficult to tolerate on the toes).
  • The appearance of hemorrhages- under the nail plate, hemorrhages occur in the form of brown spots or longitudinal stripes of dark shades.

How to treat nail psoriasis?

For the treatment of onychodystrophy, modern pharmaceutical preparations are used, as well as proven folk remedies. But therapy should be started only after a diagnostic examination and consultation with a specialist.

Medical treatment

Creams and ointments for external use

Patients with nail psoriasis are prescribed the following drugs:

  • Beloderm (ointment) - the average cost is 280 rubles (40 g).
  • Daivonex (ointment) - about 1300 rubles for a package of 30 g.
  • Advantan (cream) - from 550 rubles (15 g).
  • Antralin (available in the form of ointment and cream) - about 4000 rubles.


The above preparations are recommended to be used 2 times a day, applied to previously cleansed and dry skin around the nails (until completely absorbed). But for effective treatment, it is necessary to observe an individually selected dosage and application features in accordance with the course of the disease. Therefore, consultation with a dermatologist is required.

Preparations containing vitamin D3

Means with vitamin D3 inhibit the reproduction of pathogenic cells, thereby slowing down the progression of psoriasis. These include the following drugs:

  • Xamiol (gel) - the average price is from 2000 rubles (30 g).
  • Daivobet (ointment) - from 2000 rubles (30 g).
  • Rocaltrol (capsules for oral administration) - about 700 rubles (30 pcs.).

Dermatotropic drugs

Means of this group also have a depressing effect on cell reproduction, but can cause skin irritation and are contraindicated in some forms of onychodystrophy. These include:

  • Salicylic ointment - the average price in the Russian Federation is 30 rubles (25 g).
  • - 40 rubles (30 g).

Dermatotropic preparations can have a slight coloring effect, so they must be used with extreme care during application (so as not to stain clothing).

External retinoid substances

These funds relieve inflammation and inhibit the reproduction of skin and nail cells. These include:

  • Tazorak (cream) - the average price is 2200-2600 rubles.
  • Zorak (gel) - from 2600 rubles.

Other Therapies

For the treatment of psoriasis, the latest biologics and systemic therapy are also used. They have a good therapeutic effect if ointments and creams do not bring relief.

Drugs used in systemic treatment

AT systemic treatment the following means are used:

  • Methotrexate-Ebeve (tablets for internal use) - 240 rubles (50 pcs.).
  • Neotigazon (capsules) - from 1600 rubles (30 pcs. 10 mg each).
  • Metoject (solution for intravenous injection) - from 860 rubles (10 mg).

Application of the latest biological products

In modern medicine, such drugs are used recently and can cause many side effects(in self-treatment are unacceptable). These include:

  • MabThera (concentrate for the preparation of an infusion solution) is an effective immunomodulatory agent. The average price is 28,500 rubles (100 mg / 10 ml).
  • Remicade (for preparing an infusion solution) - from 15,000 rubles.

Folk remedies in the fight against nail psoriasis

In addition to the main therapy, effective folk remedies can help in the fight against onychodystrophy.

For example:

  • Baths with celandine - 2-3 tbsp. l. dry grass, pour 3 liters of boiling water (in a container for washing hands or feet), let it brew for 10-15 minutes and lower the limbs into warm water. After 20 minutes, wipe the skin with a dry towel.
  • A decoction of bay leaves - 10 dried leaves, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and heat over low heat for 30 minutes. Then cool a little and use for compresses on the affected areas.
  • Ointment based - mix 20 g of medical grease with an equal amount of petroleum jelly, mix and apply to the affected areas (the area around the nails) 2-3 times a day, use for 10-20 days.

Video: how to treat nail psoriasis at home


To combat nail disease, the following physiotherapeutic methods have proven themselves well:

  • PUVA therapy is a combination of ultraviolet rays with photosensitizers.
  • Selective therapy - used to normalize the rate of cell mitosis.

Diet for nail psoriasis

The following foods will help speed up the healing process or simply alleviate the patient's condition.

  • Fresh fruits (apples, mangoes, grapes, etc.).
  • Vegetables (carrots, zucchini, cabbage, etc.).
  • Dried fruits (dates, dried apricots, raisins).
  • Cereals and legumes.
  • Almond nuts and seeds.
  • As much clean water as possible (up to 8-9 glasses a day).

Prohibited foods for psoriasis include:

  1. Chocolate and sweet confectionery.
  2. Whole milk with high fat content.
  3. It is worth limiting the use of citrus fruits, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and strawberries.
  4. Minimize salty, spicy and smoked foods.
  5. If possible, avoid fatty meats.


In order to avoid periods of exacerbation of psoriasis, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations (to prolong the state of remission).

  1. Follow a special diet.
  2. Take care of finger and nail hygiene.
  3. Avoid injury and injury.
  4. Avoid contact with aggressive chemicals.

Nail psoriasis is a dangerous disease that, if not adequately treated, can lead to severe (or irreversible) consequences. Therefore, it is important to detect characteristic symptoms in time and consult a dermatologist. It should be remembered that onychodystrophy is practically not amenable to complete cure, so the patient needs to be patient in the struggle for his own health. Often psoriasis is a reflection of internal processes in the body, so it is extremely important to identify the underlying cause of the disease. Only in this case, you can count on a positive result.

Nail psoriasis can be attributed to diseases that are not fully understood and the main causes of their occurrence are not known. This disease is not a consequence of infectious infection, but often acquires chronic forms.

The disease is unpleasant and very often negatively affects the mental state of the patient. What causes can cause pathology, and how to treat nail psoriasis, consider below.

Nail psoriasis is a lesion of the nail plate of the hands and feet, which has not been fully studied in modern medicine and the exact reasons why this happens have not been found. Most often, this disease is classified as an autoimmune disease.

Nail damage is not infectious, but is chronic. That is, the disease will constantly manifest itself and it will have to be treated for a long time and painfully.

People under 25 and men are at risk for nail psoriasis.

The reasons

The main reason why nail psoriasis occurs is not known, and according to experts, there are many reasons for the disease. Basically, the following factors are distinguished:

  • Heredity, as studies have shown, most often (40% of patients) nail psoriasis affects people who had relatives with this disease.
  • A complication after an infectious disease, that is, a lesion occurs as a reaction of the body to inflammatory processes (tonsillitis, influenza, bronchitis, etc.).
  • Nervous strain and stress. “All diseases are from the nerves,” says folk wisdom, and in this case these are not just words, but an unpleasant reality. Constant depression, irritability, fatigue, worries exhaust the body, weakening its protective functions.
  • Change of climate or time zone. Such changes in the familiar world, each person also cause stress and lead to negative consequences in a state of health.
  • Taking certain medications. In this case, the intestinal microflora is disturbed, which can lead to nail psoriasis.
  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol, overeating).
  • Violation of metabolic processes in the body.
  • Injury to the nail plate, with improper care, can be affected by a fungus that will become a provocateur of pathology.

Nail psoriasis on the legs is not as dangerous as the same lesion on the hands, in this case the patient experiences discomfort, not only physical, but also psychological, since the hands are always in sight.


For this disease, the specialist makes a diagnosis, mainly based on a visual examination of the patient. This is due to the fact that psoriasis does not affect changes in normal blood tests.

Exceptions include complex forms of the disease that cause leukocytosis and increase ESR. In some cases, it is recommended to do a biopsy and histological examination of the affected areas.

The main symptoms include:

  • trachyonychia;
  • thimble symptom;
  • onycholysis;
  • subungual hemorrhages.


This type of disease occurs in the form of a change in the texture and color of the plate. Trachyonychia makes the nail rough, dull.

Sometimes there is koilonychia, which presses the nail in its center. The skin under the nail does not change and remains in its usual form.

Thimble symptom

The thimble symptom is called the most common lesion. In this view, various kinds of depressions of small sizes are noticed on the plate, the diameter of which can reach up to 2 mm.

This pathology is associated with improper nail formation. And the name came about because appearance manifestations of the disease is similar to the surface of an ordinary thimble. Sometimes similar pits can be a symptom of other diseases.

The symptom of a thimble can manifest itself in people who are completely healthy.


Psoriasis can manifest itself in the form of onycholysis, this is when the nail plate is separated from the bed (finger), for no particular reason, without causing inflammation and pain. Such a symptom manifests itself, both in full and in partial form.

In this case, the nail begins to peel off from the side, in the center, or from all sides at once.

Such a process is dangerous because dust, dirt, air, particles of exfoliated skin accumulate in the empty space, which leads to a change in the color of the nail from gray to brown.

Damaged nails begin to smell bad over time, and a pink stripe appears on the affected area, which turns yellow after a certain period of time.

Subungual hemorrhages

Dermatologists divide hemorrhages into two types.

  • The first type appears in red and pink spots under the nails, it is called oil spot syndrome.
  • The second type is characterized by the appearance of red, black bruises, which occur due to rupture of capillaries.


The main factor in the treatment is the ability to achieve stable remission and exclude the development of infection.

Unfortunately, in most cases, the final recovery with this diagnosis does not occur.

Before deciding how and how to treat nail psoriasis, you should pay special attention to the statute of limitations of the pathology, the area of ​​​​distribution, the stage and chronic diseases that caused the disease or arose because of it. During therapy, it is worth observing all of the following steps:

Psoriatic onychodystrophy, its treatment consists in an integrated approach and compliance with all the recommendations of the attending physician. It is worth knowing that therapy can last more than one year and will require a lot of patient patience, and sometimes high material costs.

To cure psoriasis of the nails, the entire treatment process must be selected by a highly qualified dermatologist, who must analyze the symptoms as much as possible, individual characteristics the patient and the results obtained.

The first stage of treatment is the use of ointments and creams (topical preparations):

  • Corticosteroid ointments based on the content of hormones: prednisol, Triacort. It is these drugs that can be called the main ones in treatment.
  • Means in the composition, which includes vitamin D3. Such drugs stop the division of affected cells: Tacalcinol, Calcitrien.
  • Dermatotropic drugs: Anatralin, Mikanol.
  • Retinoids are recommended to be used as effective remedy with mild forms of nail psoriasis.
  • Preparations with salicylic acid relieve the sensation of itching, remove scales, and remove plaque.

If the above means do not bring the desired result, then the specialist will recommend moving on to the next course:

  • Cyclosporine is effective in the treatment of nail lesions in any form. This medicine is recommended to be used periodically after the main treatment for two years in small doses.
  • Clobentazole showed itself well in the treatment of nails of the fingers and toes, as it is a good remedy against the fungus, relieving itching and allergies.
  • Antihistamines will help fight itching and relieve all allergic reactions.
  • Vitamins are one of the main points in the treatment of psoriasis of the nail plate. Throughout the course, vitamin complexes should always be present and should include: potassium, zinc.


Proper balanced nutrition is one of the main guarantees of curing psoriasis of the nail form. When sick, it is advisable for the patient to avoid the use of the following categories of products:

  • smoked, salted, fried, fatty;
  • dairy products with high fat content;
  • chocolate;
  • all drinks containing gas, tea and coffee;
  • nightshade representatives;
  • nuts;
  • potato.

For psoriasis of the nail bed, the following products are recommended:

  • cereals cooked in plain water;
  • vegetables, greens;
  • lean fish;
  • eggs;
  • lean meats and poultry;
  • freshly squeezed juices and sweet fruits.


When nail psoriasis appears, many specialists dilute the treatment with physiotherapy. To effective methods can be attributed:

  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • PUVA therapy;
  • phototherapy;
  • selective phototherapy.

All these methods will help slow down the division of diseased cells. It is also recommended to use an innovative method of laser therapy, which has been effectively practiced for ten years.

Treatment at home

Treatment with folk remedies can be used as an additional method to the complex prescribed by the doctor. Alternative treatment help relieve some of the unpleasant manifestations of the disease and alleviate the patient's condition.

  • Retinol acetate containing liquid vitamin A can be rubbed into the plate every day. The course lasts about three months.
  • Various kinds of baths help well, such a procedure based on oatmeal or corn starch is considered especially effective. Dilute the selected component in warm sour cream to the state of sour cream. The fingers are immersed in the resulting composition and held until the bath cools.
  • Compresses from different components are also effectively practiced. It can be decoctions of herbs based on celandine, calendula, chamomile.
  • Solidol, used in folk medicine for psoriasis, shows nice results and is often used as a component that is added to regular creams and rubbed into the affected areas.


To avoid inflammatory processes, infection and even the disease itself, it is recommended to follow simple rules:

  • Apply clear polish to your nails.
  • Don't wear long nails.
  • Avoid injury to the nails.
  • Try to always walk in shoes or socks.
  • Take care of your hands and nails daily with creams.
  • Watch your immunity.
  • Change your lifestyle.
  • Avoid stress, be less nervous.
  • Eat right.

How is nail fungus different?

Many are interested in the question, so what is the difference between nail psoriasis and a fungus. The fungus is an infectious disease and tends to be transmitted when visiting baths, saunas and other public places without socks or slippers. Also, the fungus can appear when wearing someone else's shoes.

The fungus heals much faster with regular antifungal ointments and rarely affects nail changes.


If nail psoriasis has appeared in your life, you should not despair completely. With the right therapy, daily care and following all the rules, the disease can be sent into a long remission, which can drag on for years, which will help get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease for a long period.

Psoriasis of the nails is a disease that can affect people of any age. This disease is a consequence of a violation in the immune system of the body, is chronic, relapses are possible. The development of the disease is facilitated by the human genes responsible for the functioning of the body's immune system. But psoriasis is a disease that can be treated, and preventive measures will prevent its development.

What is nail psoriasis?

Nail psoriasis

This is the name of the disease, the external manifestation of which is visible. These can be small dimples of different diameters, randomly located on the nails, and detachment of the nail, which can be partial, and can lead to a complete loss of the nail plate.

Psoriasis of the nail platinum is accompanied by a change in its color: they may appear, sometimes it comes to. If nail psoriasis affects the blood vessels, red streaks may appear. Any change in the color of the nail plate should be a reason for examination.

With the disease, depressions may appear on the nail plate. Sometimes the edge of the nail noticeably thickens and.

Such symptoms require attention and preventive measures. If the disease of nail psoriasis is confirmed, immediate treatment is necessary, since the disease itself will not go away, and untimely or insufficient treatment can lead to serious complications.

Causes of Nail Psoriasis

Predisposition to psoriasis is noted in people whose relatives suffer from a similar disease. The possibility of transmission at the genetic level for this disease has a high percentage of probability, but is not at all mandatory.

Sometimes psoriasis occurs in people whose relatives did not suffer from this disease. Other factors can also be the reason for its appearance:

Home Treatment for Nail Psoriasis

If nail psoriasis is at its initial stage, only the first signs of the manifestation of the disease are visible, treatment can be started at home.

Treatment of nail psoriasis must begin "from the inside." Be sure to take those containing calcium. They will help strengthen the structure of the nail plate and make it less susceptible to pathogens.
Pay attention to vitamin complexes that contribute to the normalization of metabolism. These are vitamins A, B, C, E, P, which strengthen the body and improve the condition of the nails. Thanks to them, many substances necessary for full growth begin to be absorbed in the body.
Psoriasis is the result of stress and psychological "fatigue", therefore, with complex treatment, pay attention to the intake of sedatives and the necessary rest in this state.
Baths for nails with decoctions of medicinal herbs will be useful(recommended chamomile, calendula, nettle, St. John's wort). You can prepare a decoction in a water bath, the combination of herbs can be arbitrary. Dip your nails in a bath with warm broth and hold your hands for 10-15 minutes until the water cools. Be sure to apply oil on your nails, and a softening cream on your hands.
To resist the manifestation of psoriasis, rubbing and compresses of oils will help (olive, sunflower and coniferous oils are recommended). A small amount of oil is rubbed into the nail plate before going to bed. Oils soften the nail, saturate it with the necessary nutrients, coniferous oils have an anti-inflammatory effect. The procedure does not take much time and does not require additional preparation.

Other ways to deal with the disease can be found in the video:

Home treatment in the initial stages of the manifestation of the disease is quite effective, but if nail psoriasis is in a state of neglect, home treatment should be carried out in combination with medication under the supervision of specialists.

Nail care for psoriasis

Nail psoriasis is a chronic disease that can recur for any reason that provokes its appearance: stress, diseases, malnutrition. In case of illness, you should follow the recommendations of doctors that restrain the manifestation of the disease:
When in contact with household chemicals, do not forget to protect your hands with gloves, as exposure to the products can provoke a relapse of the disease. The substances included in the composition destroy the natural structure of the nail plate, weakening it, which will help lead to the appearance of the first signs of the disease.
Try to avoid injury to the nail plate: even a minor splinter can lead to the formation of an infectious nest.
Follow hand hygiene.

If nail psoriasis has already manifested, it is not recommended to do cosmetic procedures on nails. Building and gel coating is strictly prohibited, since the development of the disease will not be immediately noticed on a closed nail plate, which can lead to complications. The use of even decorative varnish is not recommended.

It is better to cut nails affected by psoriasis short: the appearance of a diseased nail is far from aesthetically pleasing; sick long nails contribute to the development of the disease. It is better to cut off the affected areas.
Do not leave nail psoriasis unattended! Be sure to heal!

Diet for nail psoriasis

If your nails suffer from psoriasis, it is imperative that you organize your diet in such a way that the body receives the necessary substances, and the food does not harm. The recommendations of doctors regarding the diet for the disease are as follows:

  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily, apart from juices and other beverages. The body must be able to “flush out” harmful substances.
  • Eliminate foods from your diet: alcohol, even with minor degrees, smoked and salty foods, coffee, carbonated drinks, chips. Do not add vinegar, flavorings and spices to food. It is recommended to replace sugar with sucrose. Do not get carried away with fruits and berries of red color because the substances they contain contribute to the development of the disease.
  • Maximize the amount of vegetables in your diet: they contain fiber, which will help remove toxins from the intestines.
  • Eat lean beef, liver. Exclude smoked meat, lard.
  • It is recommended to limit the consumption of dairy products. But be sure to eat low-fat cottage cheese and hard cheeses.
  • Introduce legumes into your diet, which can be a side dish for lean meat or turkey.
  • Eat cereal cereals (wheat, corn, buckwheat, millet). It is advisable to cook them not with milk, but with water.

Causes of recurrence of nail psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic disease and relapses are quite possible. Any cause can provoke a recurrence: nervous tension, stress, another disease.

To avoid relapse, you should be attentive to your diet, general health, and stressful situations. Do not eat foods that can lead to malfunctioning of the digestive system. If it is not possible to avoid a stressful situation, be sure to take sedatives.
Resting on the sea coast will help to avoid the recurrence of the disease or increase the intervals between relapses. exposure to sunlight, sea ​​water and warm sand favorably affect the state of the body and the condition of the nail plate.
Be sure to carry out preventive procedures: weekly baths in decoctions of herbs, soften the skin of the hands with a moisturizer. If there are no visible manifestations of the disease, apply medical varnish to the nails.

It is difficult to completely cure psoriasis on the nails, but with regular preventive measures and following the recommendations, frequent relapses and complications can be avoided.

Nail psoriasis turns out to be an unpleasant surprise for most patients. In 93% of cases, onychia serves as an addition to skin rashes, and only in 7% of cases it develops in isolation, without skin symptoms. Nail psoriasis should be treated by the same doctor as psoriatic plaques on the skin, namely, a competent dermatologist who is aware of modern pharmacological innovations.

General and specific symptoms

When faced with psoriatic onychia for the first time, patients make the false conclusion that they are sick with a fungus. Indeed, the picture is similar:

  • the plate is stratified and crumbles;
  • the nail loses its elasticity and becomes brittle, the pieces break off;
  • color changes to hazy yellowish brown or opaque white;
  • voids form under the nail;
  • the plate loses its glossy sheen, becomes dull and matte;
  • the surface of the nail acquires relief, in some it is covered with bumps and folds;
  • depressed marks appear, similar to needle pricks;
  • the cuticle becomes dry, many painful burrs appear

These symptoms are not specific and may indicate fungal infection or thyroid disease. Distinctive feature psoriatic lesions are recognized:

  • pinpoint hemorrhages under the nail plate;
  • hemorrhages in the form of longitudinal or transverse stripes;
  • oval and round hemorrhages, translucent through the nail.

The color of the hemorrhage is at first bright scarlet, and then it fades into darker and more saturated colors: crimson, bluish-red, red-brown. Hemorrhages can pass and occur spontaneously, but at a severe stage of the disease their constant presence is noted.

Advice! In order not to guess what exactly the disease affected the fingernails or toenails, you need to turn to laboratory diagnostics. Any dermatologist can issue a referral for testing.

It is completely useless to treat nail psoriasis with antifungal varnishes. Unfortunately, this is what patients do instead of visiting a dermatologist and getting psoriasis diagnosed. What will delay or improper therapy lead to:

  • the plate will collapse significantly and lose its attractive appearance;
  • the growth zone will suffer;
  • the nail will fall off.

No more than 1% of all victims face a complete loss of nails, however, everyone who avoids treatment for 5 years or more will inevitably get such a result. The speed with which onychia progresses is individual, according to statistics, a delayed-type lesion is more common. With a smooth development of the pathology, you can lose a nail after 10 years or more, and with a sudden one - within a year.

What you need for an accurate diagnosis:

  • visit a dermatologist;
  • make a scraping from the plate;
  • wait for the results from the lab.

Attention! Psoriasis is not transmitted from person to person, unlike a fungus. If 2 or more people fell ill at the same time in the family, then we are definitely not talking about onychia.

The type of psoriatic lesion is of great importance for diagnosis or self-diagnosis, and not for therapy. The course of treatment in all cases will be the same. In dermatology, 4 types of psoriatic lesions are distinguished, and these types have the following features:

  • Paronychia. It comes with advanced pustular psoriasis or occurs simultaneously with erythroderma. In extremely rare cases (less than 1%), it develops on its own, without skin symptoms. In paronychia, the skin around the nail swells, thickens, and turns red. The inflammatory process proceeds rapidly, the patient complains of throbbing pain and subjectively feels an increase in temperature throughout the finger. Infiltration covers not one, but all phalanges, it can even spread to the palm. A large amount of pus is released from the inflamed periungual roller, the nail actively exfoliates and may fall off. The process proceeds with intense pain.
  • Onychomadesis. The main feature of this type of onychia is the rapid and painless loss of the nail. In this case, itching or discomfort in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe periungual roller may be noted. Hemorrhages are either absent or insignificant.
  • Trachyonychia. Not such a severe type of onychia, in which the finger simply becomes aesthetically unattractive. The hole near the growth zone disappears, the plate becomes concave, thick, brittle and cloudy. Dermatologists call this type of onychia - "spoon nails", because if you pour a drop of water on such a nail, it will not roll off, but will linger on it, like in a spoon. The pathological process rarely affects the soft tissues under the nail plate, falling off the nail occurs no more than in 0.5% of cases.
  • Onycholysis. With onycholysis, inflammation proceeds sluggishly, sometimes it may be completely absent. The nail is whitish, dirty yellow or brown, in all cases opaque. As a rule, cracking starts from the edge, in rare cases from the center of the plate. Vast voids form under the plate, in which particles of dead skin accumulate. When cutting a nail, a dry and non-elastic plate crumbles. Psoriasis of this type differs from all others by the presence of a bright pink stripe that borders the area of ​​psoriatic lesions from healthy tissues.

To delay the progress of the disease and avoid the loss of the nail is possible for those patients who responsibly follow the instructions of a competent dermatologist.

Instructions: how to get rid of nail psoriasis

In more than 95% of cases, the patient can significantly improve the condition without hospitalization, at home. Indications for hospitalization are erythroderma or an active inflammatory process, in which swelling and hyperemia extend to the entire phalanx of the finger. For competent therapy, you need only 5 components:

  • Consider onychia in the context of the general course of psoriasis, and not in isolation. Nail psoriasis will stabilize and go into remission when the systemic autoimmune inflammatory process subsides.
  • Choose preparations that are suitable specifically for processing the plate, and at the same time use the usual medical cosmetics for body. Nail psoriasis in mild cases is treated with local remedies (in the form of varnish), in severe cases - with systemic drugs (tablets, injections).
  • Eliminate the influence of food and contact allergens. it required condition for long term remission. An allergy skin test is contraindicated in psoriasis, but a venous blood test can be performed. Then you need to take any classic diet for psoriasis (for example, the author's development of Pegano) and adjust it to your needs.
  • To clarify the clinical picture, it is useful to do a biochemical blood test and exclude pathologies from the endocrine system. Information about existing hormonal disorders will greatly help the dermatologist.
  • Detoxify regularly using a cleansing diet, drinking plenty of mineral water or the Kondakova method.

Another prerequisite for remission is thoughtful care of the toes and hands. Recommendations given by dermatologists:

  • cut the nail short, every 2-4 days;
  • do not do a manicure, do not cut the cuticle, do not file the edge of the plate;
  • do not scoop out dirt and skin particles from the voids under the plate;
  • protect the skin around from dyshidrosis, moisturize with cream every time after taking a shower.

Treatment of psoriasis of the nails on the hands will be successful provided that the patient or patient:

  • washes dishes, works around the house or in the garden always only in gloves;
  • does not use decorative nail polishes;
  • does not whiten the nail;
  • does not wear false nails or shellac;
  • moisturizes hands every time itching and dryness appears;
  • uses only a specialized cream for psoriatics.

Toenail psoriasis requires the following conditions for recovery:

  • refuse tight shoes;
  • do not wear synthetic socks;
  • do not allow the legs to sweat and sweat;
  • use open or breathable shoes;
  • do not walk around the house in sweaty and old slippers, use rubber slippers.

Slippers should be thoroughly washed once a week or more often. Psoriatic lesion does not protect the nail from a fungal infection, but, on the contrary, reduces local immunity and contributes to the development of mycosis.

Fact! In 5% of those affected by nail psoriasis, there is also a fungus at the same time. The fungal infection needs to be treated first.

What to be treated?

At home, you can use more than 40 different recipes that improve the health of nails with psoriasis. Here are 5 popular ones:

  • Tar compresses. For this, high-quality and purified birch tar is suitable. The compress is kept for no more than 30 minutes.
  • Baths with medicinal plants. You can use chamomile, calendula or any antiseptic collection, even celandine. It is advisable to finish the baths with a contrast shower to stimulate microcirculation.
  • Ointments with grease and pure grease. Means such as Magnetopsor or Antipsor are applied not only to the nail, but also to the entire periungual roller. You can also use: Kartalin, Picladol, Psorialam, Psorium, Psoricrem and just grease.
  • Naftalan mud. Sold in a pharmacy, it is essentially a petroleum product, which, due to its toxic effects, slows down the division of skin and nail cells.
  • Irradiation with a UV lamp. First, you should try the procedure in the clinic, and then you can buy a device and treat your nails at home.

To slow down the destruction of the nail plate, you should always cover the nail with an ordinary or vitamin transparent varnish. To wash off the varnish should be means without acetone. At the time of application of therapeutic compresses or ointments, there should be no varnish on the nail.

Dermatologists wish recovery to all who have suffered from nail psoriasis, it is never too late to see a doctor.