How to meet a girl in a club? How to meet the hottest girl in a nightclub

As a result, it will come to you that meeting in a nightclub is as easy as shelling pears. But just in case, take into account the following recommendations.

No. 1 . Use the smoking room as a place to meet.

If you don’t smoke, say: “Hello, what’s your name?..”, “Hi, I saw you somewhere…”, “Do you often come here?..”, “Do you celebrate something with your friends?..” , “How are you here today?..”

From such phrases it breathes banality, so you can try to focus on some feature of the girl: “Hi. Show me please. You have such an interesting watch…”, “I think you are very serious girl but you know how to have fun. Am I right?”, “There is one thing about you that many men do not like, but I appreciate it in girls. You may seem cold, but inside you are just a sweetheart.”

Ask not only closed questions that suggest the answer “Yes”, “No” or consisting of one phrase, but also use open questions that are aimed at developing a dialogue: “Why do you think so? ..”, “What do you think ...?” , “Tell me about your studies…”, “Tell me in detail, what do you think about that mysterious girl? I'm interested in your opinion…"

Basically, ask whatever you want. More important is how you speak than what words come out of your mouth. Just don't turn the conversation into an interrogation, share your stories and use humor.

If you smoke, there is no problem at all to start a conversation. You come up with a cigarette: “Hi, do you have a lighter?” And drove to communicate.

No. 2. A great way to get acquainted when you are sitting at a table and there is a girl (s) at the next table.

You go to the next table and say: “Hi. Let's have a drink together." If you agree, you take your alcohol supplies and sit down with the girls. This is a very simple and working scheme.

You can generally go up to the girls at the table and, sitting next to them, say: “Hi. Don't think anything bad, I'm just very tired, my legs hurt unrealistically. I'll sit for a couple of minutes. What is your name?"

No. 3 . You stand behind the bar, and next to you is a girl with a cocktail: “Hi. Let's have a drink together, make a company ... "

The sooner you realize that it is very easy to get acquainted in nightclubs or discos, the less time you will waste. There is only one life, and there is so much to do.


Don't forget that night club- this is a place where you should definitely get acquainted in a more directive style than, for example, on the street. Everything is more than clear and understandable to everyone, so it’s completely natural when a guy comes up to get acquainted.

For the same reason, it will be absolutely normal to start touching a girl both at the first interaction, and later in the process of communicating with her or when she moves.

When your first words sound, you can immediately put your hand on the girl’s waist, take her hand and pull her towards you, put your hand on her shoulder or spin the girl, taking her hand first.

The shame complex has been instilled in girls (in general, as well as in guys) since childhood, so you must neutralize its impact by your actions, at the same time setting a frame of communication not like new friend and girlfriend, as well as a man and a woman.

You must make it clear to the girl that you want her as a woman and are ready to go all the way. Touch the girls, they love it, and you will be pleased, plus the effectiveness of your dating will increase dramatically.

We continue the theme of dating girls in a variety of places. The topic of this article is "How to meet a girl in a nightclub." Although it always seemed to me that a nightclub is a place where dating between guys and girls is very simple and there is no need to describe it. But still, some guys have such a question. Then read on and take advantage!

I'll start right away with the good news: a nightclub is one of those places where ladies of all ages come to meet a guy or a man. There is, however, a small percentage of girls who come there solely to simply relax and take a break from their affairs and worries. They will not rudely reject your attempts to get to know them (everyone in the club is friendly to each other), but it is better not to count on any continuation.
The atmosphere of the nightclub is conducive to easy communication, so dating here is easy and simple. However, there are some things to keep in mind simple rules so that the acquaintance takes place and has a pleasant continuation (after all, you were not going to get acquainted with girls only to communicate in the club, did you dream of further prospects?)

How to meet a girl in a nightclub (preparation)

As in any business, first decide on your goal. You go to a club to meet a girl, that's understandable. But which one and why? Your goal is to find a young lady for a serious relationship? Do you want to "pick up" the beauty in order to show it to your friends? Or are you just interested in an easy and short relationship with sex? Or maybe just intimate for a couple of hours? The last option, by the way, is the simplest and easiest to do - in any nightclub, no matter how youthful or "party" it is, there are ALWAYS 1-2 middle-aged ladies who come to the club in order to get acquainted with a young (or not so) person for carnal pleasures for a couple of evenings.

They usually sit alone at the bar. Come, get acquainted and ... well, finish the sentence yourself. I have already mentioned such young ladies in.

The second point of preparation is your appearance. Yes, in the semi-darkness, the girls will not be able (and will not) look closely at what you are wearing. But in any case, everything you wear should be clean, ironed, preferably new and not washed. Do not forget that many clubs have face control, so it would not be superfluous to find out in advance what requirements are imposed on visitors to such establishments.

Tip: dress in something light, and wear as many white or pastel-colored items as possible. Then you will definitely stand out in the general mass of guys dressed in dark clothes. Do you want girls to notice you? Well, become visually more noticeable than the rest!

How to meet a girl in a nightclub. Let's get her attention.

The surest option for 100% acquaintance with a young lady is to single out among the visitors the one who liked you! If you notice a girl who often looks at you herself, feel free to start dating!
If you don't have one yet, choose another one. Not another, namely “others”, you don’t need to get hung up on one person, then the chances that you will leave the institution in the morning, not in splendid isolation, increase dramatically.

Girls who want to get acquainted with a guy try to attract attention in several ways. They laugh merrily with their friends, try to catch the glances of the guys around, they smile broadly, respond with pleasure to their appeal, flirt - in general, they show with their whole appearance that they came here not just to have fun with their friends and relax, but to get acquainted with new guy.
If a girl came alone, she tries to settle down in a place where it is easy to approach her - at the bar, for example, or next to the aisle. It is unlikely that a young lady dreaming of new acquaintances will hide in the farthest and darkest corner of the institution.

A big plus in this case is the presence of a small (sometimes large!) dose of alcohol in the body of a young lady, which facilitates the process of communication.

Your task after you have chosen a girl is to get into her field of vision. Start catching her eye. Once your eyes meet, smile at her. If she answered you with a smile, that's it! Feel free to get acquainted! If you didn’t answer, don’t be discouraged and try again, maybe she just thought or she was distracted by a call ... If even she didn’t respond to your second smile, then switch to another young lady - there are so many of them around!

How to meet a girl in a nightclub. Start of communication

There is no need to look for reasons. You smiled at her, she answered you, at the “subtle level” you have already met, it remains just to fix it. If she is sitting at a table or bar, you just need to come up to her, say "Hello!"

If the exchange of glances and smiles takes place on the dance floor, then approach her after the dance with the same “Hello!” and add, “You dance very well! My name is Yuri! Come on, I'll buy you a cocktail!"
It's simple, agree.
But do not forget that very loud music is always playing in the club and this makes any communication very difficult. Therefore, long abstruse phrases are not needed here. You need to learn how to communicate in short phrases, accompanying them with expressive gestures. I recommend that you first practice this so as not to randomly wave your hands in front of her nose.

Dating at the entrance to the club

You stand in line at the club and see the girl you like. Great! Don't wait until you're inside, meet right at the entrance! Gallantly open the door in front of her and skip ahead. And inside, help take off your outerwear in the wardrobe.

If you are still standing in line at the entrance, ask her about something. For example: “Do you often come here? It's my first time! How do you like this club in general? or something neutral, like: “Well, today something has piled on the people immeasurably! Don't push!"

Behind the bar

In this place, it is generally easy to make acquaintances!
After making sure that she is alone (and not waiting for a departed companion), just treat her with a cocktail. You can ask the bartender what she drinks and order her the same one. What can I say? Yes, everything is the same as elsewhere in the club. Phrases, by and large, do not matter, the very fact of acquaintance is important.

How to meet a girl in a nightclub. Recommendations

I have already mentioned above that you do not need to give all your attention to only one girl. Get to know several people you like at once and already in the process of communicating with them gradually concentrate on the one that pays more attention to you.

I do not advise you to visit the club if your mood is “not very good”. And don't go there after a hard one labor day. You need to go well rested, slept well and in a good mood, because in such an institution the main thing is your emotions!

And remember, girls appreciate confident men. (Not to be confused with arrogance!)
This rule applies everywhere and always, not only in the club. Behave calmly and confidently, do not doubt success and then everything will definitely work out!

That's all. As you can see, there are no special secrets, so take it into service and use it to your health!
A little humor at the end:

» I am sitting in a nightclub drinking a cocktail. A guy comes up and says: “Girl, let me pay for you?” Well, I was not at a loss - I took out all the receipts for the rent, for electricity, for the phone from my purse ... "

Most guys don't know how meet a girl in the club, how to behave, how to approach, what to say and many more questions. Often because of insecurity, it is difficult for guys to get acquainted with a girl. in club or because of another reason or problem, but if you clearly decide to learn how to get acquainted in clubs, then you can learn.

In the article you will learn how to get acquainted with a girl in a club what you need to know, be able to do and what you need to correct in yourself in order to communicate and get to know girls has become much easier and easier. The most important thing is just to know what you want and go towards your goal.

To meet a girl in a club, you need to learn how to dance beautifully and interestingly, love clubs and girls. If you personally do not like being in a club, then there is no point in getting acquainted there. There are many other places to meet. If you still learn how to dance beautifully and eye-catching, then you will interest many girls so that they themselves will begin to approach you to get acquainted.

Decide what you want

Before you go to a club to meet a girl in a club, you need to decide what you need all this for. According to statistics, only 20% of people after meeting in a club were able to create a successful relationship. If you do not have goals and plans for a serious relationship, then you can safely get acquainted with the girls in the club, especially if you have extra money.

If you want a long-term relationship, then you should not choose a club as a place for dating. Everyone can learn meet with a girl in a club, but you need to understand that time and money do not like to be wasted.

Take courage

To meet a girl in a club, you just need to muster up the courage and approach her. Everyone does it differently, but it’s better to get to know each other sober in order to overcome inner fear forever, and not just for a short period. Courageous guys get the best and most beautiful girls, as modest and shy ones are afraid to be the first to approach and get to know each other.

To meet a girl in club, no need to think about who you are, forget about everything and behave the way you should behave with a girl. Be bold and confident. If your voice is trembling and you are afraid to approach, then it’s better not to approach yet, since such an acquaintance will lead to nothing. But remember, in order to overcome this fear, in any case, you will need to approach more than one girl.

How to meet a girl

Ask a girl to dance

If you don't know how meet a girl in a club, then just go up to her and invite her to dance if the appropriate music for a dance together has started playing in the club. But before that, it is advisable to practice at home and learn to dance. You can make an appointment with a professional to have him or her teach you how to dance beautifully.

If you learn how to dance wonderfully in a club, then getting to know a girl will not be difficult, as often they will come up to you. Remember, girls love guys who dance and move beautifully, because of this, mostly normal girls and go to the club, without selfish goals. Dance for a girl is something more than for a guy and a man.

But do not think that with one dance and your active movements you will force the girl to spend the night with you. The girl needs to be conquered. At any age, for a female, it is important for a man to behave in society - how he is dressed, whether his shoes are clean, how he looks at the girl, then how he will speak to her for the first time, what words he will choose for greeting. All this in total makes the girl understand what the guy is like and whether it is worth starting a conversation with him.

If you dance seductively while looking passionately at the girl or winking at her from time to time, your desire to get to know the girl better may end there. In order for a girl to pay attention to you, you need to stand out from the crowd and show her that you are more interested in her than all the other ladies present here. For this you need to act.

If she says "no" to me?

Most guys are afraid that a girl will immediately say “no” to them. If you approach her without hinting at anything, start a conversation, no one will send you to hell. A very correct action on your part would be a cautious display of interest. You should not put pressure on the girl and force her to drink the cocktail you bought or drag her to the dance floor so that she jumps with you. When a girl becomes interested in you, wants to communicate with you, she will not refuse you to dance or take a walk after the club.

The main goal is to make a first impression. So pay attention to how you leave your apartment when you head to the club. Is everything in order with you - is the T-shirt / shirt / T-shirt ironed qualitatively, are the shoes / sneakers clean and if the hair is not dirty. Everything should be as good as if you are going on your first date. By the way, in some situations, everything happens like this - the first acquaintance takes place in the club, and at the same time the first pastime together.

To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest

Since you came to the club and set yourself a goal - meet a girl, you must admit, it is stupid to return home and understand that you have not achieved your goal. “What will happen tomorrow or the day after tomorrow”, “and will anything happen to her at all.” I liked the girl - act. Why do you need tomorrow if it hasn't come yet? Modern youth lives today, this minute, appreciates every second of life.

How can you meet a girl

Choose Your Dinner Carefully

Girls enjoy smells. Smells mean a lot to women. Therefore, be vigilant during the evening meal before going out to the club, as there are products whose smell cannot be masked by mint "orbit" or even menthol toothpaste. Give up hot spices, onions, garlic, fish in any form, spicy ketchup and similar foods. Whatever you eat for dinner, take a shower and brush your teeth. Bring gum with you to the club.

Guys mistakes

- Don't show how cool you are . Girls do not perceive unnecessary show-off.

- Don't start a conversation with stupid phrases and questions like “What are you doing?” or “Oh baby, hi, how are you?”.

- Taboo - asking her age . Since she's in the club, she's eighteen. And this is the main thing. If you can't wait to find out her age after talking a little, ask her sometime what year she graduated from high school. Or find out how long she has been in university/college.

- Don't be too humble , but unleashed also be out of place in this case. Be polite and respectful.

- Don't use swear words . Yes, someone once decided that swear words are swear words and their use is unacceptable in high society. Swear words are always unpleasant to hear. But these are the norms of behavior, and you should not break them at least in the presence of people you do not know.

- persistence. It is certainly worth taking the initiative, but not so much that the girl begins to be afraid of you and complains to the security of the nightclub.

- Sense of humor. If you have no sense of humor and are too serious, then you shouldn't have come to the club at all. Develop a sense of humor in yourself - this quality will help you not only when meeting girls, but in general in life. You cannot be a serious person who does not care about what is happening around.

- Coarseness. Never confuse rudeness with perseverance. A strong character in men does not mean that you need to communicate with a girl, as if you are seeing her for the last time and you need to show all your bad manners. Be gallant towards the girl. Even if she tells you “no”, you should not be rude to her and call her offensive words, just because “I tried, but she refused me. How could she!

How to meet a girlin club

What should I say?

Actually, dancing is dancing, and the most important thing is what words to choose so that the girl agrees to communicate.

Forbidden greetings:

- Hi dear.

- Hello woman.

- Oh hello.

Say hello normally, like all adequate people - good evening or just hello. This is enough for her to hear your greeting and see you.

Phrases that will scare away a girl:

- Are you married?

- How old are you?

- Are you even eighteen?

- I'm tired of this loud music. Maybe to me?

- My sister asked me to look after the baby, but I don't know what to do with him. Come to me, tell me what to do?

Nowadays it is quite difficult to surprise a girl. Ordinary phrases will not interest her. First, come up with a reason for getting to know each other, the topic of your future conversation (at least three or four questions that will help you not be silent during the beginning of the conversation).

Dialogue options:

- Today is my first time in this club. Is there only music here all night or are there other contests for guests?

- I'm here for the first time today. Can you tell me what time the club is open? And are you here until the end? \ Do you often come here?

- Who is at the controls today?

If a girl is sitting at the bar, you can come up and ask directly - "Can I treat the lady with a cocktail." If anything - you have a good reason - you came here with a friend to share the joy, but the friend needed to leave for a short time on business. There can be many reasons for joy - your favorite football/basketball team made it to the finals/ was promoted at work/ a niece was born.

If you notice that an unpleasant person is sticking to the object of your sympathy, it's time to start acting! Walk up to the girl and act like you're her boyfriend by saying, "Honey, are you all right? Can we go home?" This vile type should lag behind the girl, and the girl, in turn (if she is well-mannered and kind), will definitely thank you for such an act.

Just don't stand next to her and wait for her to start saying "thank you". After you play the role of a caring guy, you can move a little to the side or sit close to the young lady. You don't have to disappear completely from the horizon either.

How to meet a girl?

Ask a girl what she's intowhat he does on the weekends, whether he attends any courses. And, according to the situation, invite her to the place where she happens to be. If the girl is sociable and easy-going (you will immediately understand this), you can offer to go to a new place for her. Do not insist if the girl refuses to go anywhere with you. She may refuse you for her reasonable reasons - you must admit, a rare girl will agree to go for a walk with a stranger.

Continue the conversation in the club, ask how she will get home. Maybe you could walk her home. Ask with whom she will return home and, if possible, order a taxi for her (if you feel reciprocal sympathy and interest).

If a girl comes home alone- say that now is not the best time of day to be calm when returning home. Say that you will be worried if she will go home with one taxi driver. Say that taxi drivers are different and you can not trust all drivers. But don't think horror stories that you heard about someone being raped/murdered/stealed in the club area recently. Feel the measure and do not scare the girl with your fantasies.

If you had a drink with a girlin cocktails/or twos/threes and she let you fool her, ask how you can get in touch with her. After all, you are interested in her well-being.

In any case, ask the girl for contacts, since she allowed to take her home, you are not hopeless, and she trusted you at least a little.

If she will be returning with her friends or friends, ask how you can contact her and if she would like to continue communication during the day and in a less noisy place. During a conversation, you can casually find out about her favorite cafe, and invite a girl to her favorite place on a first date.

Main - Be confident in yourself and your abilities! Don't be afraid to take the first step. It's great to be the first!

psycho- olog. en

From my own experience - dance with her. Just dance adequately, and not what we are used to seeing on dance floors among males. Be courteous with the girl - smile at her during the dance, you can touch her, dance all the time next to her, it will be better if she touches you. The main thing - do not climb "where you do not need to." You can offer to smoke together if the girl smokes, and if not, then just get some air. Chat with her, ask about her interests, discuss something. When you're drunk, it will be easier for you. Offer her a drink and buy her a drink with the words "Listen, this is a great mojito, maybe you can try? I'll treat you, of course, if you don't mind." Just don't offer her beer or vodka. Well, I think that's understandable. Look who she came with. It's generally better to do this in the first place to avoid excesses. If a girl reluctantly agrees to communicate with you, despite the fact that she is either with friends or alone, then either you are doing something wrong, or she is already busy. If she is with her friends or with a friend, then get to know her too. Plan where you would like to have sex with her. The toilet is not the best place, so I will think that you have a free apartment, for example, a two-room apartment, like the best option. After the party, when the girl and her friend or girlfriends are already tipsy, you can offer to go to your place, something like "I have a great whiskey, let's sit and chat some more." Usually they agree. Just do not do this if she has more than 2 friends, ideally - if only one, so the girl will not be scared. Call a taxi, come home, make a bed for them in front of the girls. For example, a sofa. Go to the kitchen. Then try to pay maximum attention to the one with whom you want to spend the night. When drunk, the girl will feel more relaxed, make signs of attention to her, look at her all the time and be "nice", but not particularly intrusive, it's better not to touch her. Maximum - to take over the shoulders. Play some kind of game if you are three, something like "truth or dare" with alcohol, just don't make her do obscene things, let her talk about them better, for example, "what is the most indecent thing you did in your life?" What follows is how the script will go. In an ideal scenario, soon a friend will be tired and say she wants to sleep, you will stay chatting in the kitchen. At the same time, the girl is already very much disposed towards you. And then the matter is small, I think you will not be at a loss.

The answer turned out to be chaotic, because there are many options. But the most important thing I want to say is - forget about any lust, be a gallant gentleman, despite the fact that you only need one thing from a girl. This may not be very good, but you are not forcing anyone, are you?

Very often, men come to the club to get acquainted, but all they can do is watch a sexy woman for an hour, admire how she dances and imagine having sex with her. This problem is due to the fact that the guy cannot dare to approach the young lady and speak. He does not know where to start the conversation, how it will look from the outside. And finally, he is sure that such beautiful girl doesn't want to meet him at the club.
To solve this problem, I wrote this article. In it I will tell you how to meet a girl in a club or disco, how to approach and what to say in order to minimize the number of refusals.

And now let's continue. The biggest mistake a guy makes when meeting at a disco is that he shows himself to be in need of sex. Everyone understands that beauties in the club often dress sexy, and a man who has not had sex for a long time looks with hungry eyes and thinks: “I would have caught you in my bed now.”

The problem is that when a young lady dances, she watches who and how reacts to her. And if a person looks in her direction without a break, then this will show him hungry and in need of sex. This picture can also be traced when a guy walks alone around the club and looks at all the women you can meet at the disco.

Never pretend that you came to the club to find a girl for sex. The hungry never get food. If a young lady notices that you are walking alone, no one needs you, then no matter how confidently you approach there, and what magical first phrase you come up with, the chances of a successful acquaintance with a girl at a disco will be minimal.

Just remember this, and vice versa - show yourself as if you already have a lot of women in your life. You have to show your high status, then the question of how to meet a girl in a nightclub will be funny, and the girls themselves will provoke you into a conversation.

Your appearance also plays an important role when meeting in a club. It doesn't mean you have to be handsome. Not at all. Just dress nicely for your figure. Clothing plays an important role, and a lot has already been written about it on this site. They are greeted by clothes. And this is the first thing any beauty will pay attention to when you want to meet her at a disco.

Also don't forget about good perfume and cool comb. The better you look, the more impression you will make on the young lady.

Do not think that only women need to sit in front of a mirror for half a day. Men also need it. Of course, half a day is not necessary, but it is necessary to set aside some time.

If you came to the club with a group of friends, then, of course, it is a little easier for you, because there is someone to talk to and you will no longer look like a lonely and abandoned boy. But there are times when such a company simply does not exist. Then acquaintance with a girl in a club should be started immediately, as soon as you entered the disco.

If you stand and look at the girl, and then approach her, then the chances of a successful acquaintance will decrease.
The maximum time that you can afford to stand is 2-3 minutes in order to quietly assess where there is cool women and what they are. After that, you can think about how to meet a girl at a disco.

I want to immediately notice that if a young lady came to the club, it means that she wants to meet someone and have sex. Just always remember - she dances so that such a cool guy like you pays attention to her, and finally decides to approach. And no matter how much she assured you that she just likes to dance or cool music, this is not true.

She can turn on music and dance at home. But the club differs from the house in that there are cool guys there. Therefore, one should not think that a woman has a boyfriend or is married. At the disco, usually all the beauties are free and open for dating.

After you see a woman in the club that you really want to meet, confidently go to her and start communication. It is important here that she sees how you approach. The best thing is to catch her eye and immediately go to her.

After you approach, it really doesn't matter what you say to her. Much more important is how you do it and how you look. So when you approach, be sure to smile and speak loudly, depending on the tone of the music. Also, don't forget to look her straight in the eye. This will show you self-confident, and success in a successful acquaintance with a girl in a club will increase several times.

You can start a conversation on topics that surround you with her. You can start talking about how you like it here and ask her about it. You can just compliment the girl on how she dances or looks. But then again, if you give a compliment, the main thing is that it should be really from the heart and truthful.

Also, don't forget to dance. If you can dance well, then This is very good. Can you invite girl to dance. Nothing ignites passion like dancing.

After you have talked to her at the disco, there are two options for the development of events: try to take her home, or just take the phone number, and end your communication there.

I propose to try to achieve the first goal and go home with the young lady in order to have sex. Of course, before that, you need to think about what she will ride with you and where. I already wrote about how to do this competently: “How to invite a girl home? 5 effective ways".

If the first goal was not achieved, then you need to take the number from the beauty and after a while call back and make an appointment.

Further, in order not to waste time, you can go up to another girl and meet in a club. Even if at first you don’t have very successful acquaintances with a girl at a disco, the main thing is not to stop, but continue what you started. Over time, you will learn how to get acquainted without any problems, take numbers from women and invite them home.

Well, that's all about the topic "How to meet a girl in a club." Good luck, dear friend!