How to choose the right shoes? How to choose the right shoes

The ability to choose high-quality and stylish shoes can be compared with true talent. When you go to the store, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what you are looking for and enough willpower to avoid buying shoes based on looks alone.

We decided to find out for sure what nuances you should pay attention to when choosing and buying new shoes. Today we are happy to share the results of this research with you and give you tips to help you find the perfect shoes.

What should you pay attention to?

First of all, when you're looking at your pair, make sure the toe and heel hold their shape. When you squeeze them and then release them, they shouldn't stay deformed. The heel of the shoe should be stiff, as a soft heel can quickly sag, which will bring you a lot of inconvenience when walking.

Secondly, new shoes should be tried on on the foot that has larger size. Believe it or not, many people have one foot slightly larger than the other. Thus, you should try several pairs of different sizes and choose the one that both feet feel comfortable in.

Sustainability should be one of your must-haves when shopping for a new shoe. If you're looking for a pair of high heels, try putting your hand on the middle part feet. In some cases, this can cause the heel to slide backwards. This is a clear sign that such a pair is not worth buying unless you are prepared to face the disadvantages of a wobbly gait and constant loss of balance (which will definitely cost you your nerves).

You should also pay attention to the flexibility of the sole. Take the boots in one hand and try to bend them in half. Insufficiently flexible sole does not allow the joints of the foot to move normally. This can lead to problems with gait, fatigue, and the fact that the body will have to increase energy consumption.

Tight shoes problem

Also, you should not buy shoes that are a little tight for you in the hope that you can wear them. This can lead to problems with circulation and muscle function. In addition, such shoes quickly lose their presentable appearance.

To avoid this situation, stand in socks on a piece of paper and outline the shape of the right and left foot. Cut out these outlines. The next time you go to the store, paste these molds into the shoes you want to purchase. Both should fit into the shoe without flexing around the edges.

We recommend that you buy new shoes at the end of the day. The fact is that in the late afternoon our legs swell a little. This means that a pair of shoes that fit perfectly in the morning will be too tight in the evening. Therefore, it is better to nip this problem in the bud and choose a pair in which you will feel comfortable around the clock!

How to determine the comfort of shoes

Always check new shoes from the inside. The inner surface should be soft, without rough seams. The insole should be flexible and easy to remove. When trying on new shoes, make sure you can walk a few steps on a hard surface. Soft carpets will help to ensure that any boots seem comfortable to you. To get a better idea of ​​whether you're comfortable, walk on the bare floor!

If you are thinking about buying shoes with heels, then their maximum height should not exceed 9.5 cm. An acceptable distance between the sole and the heel should be at least 3 cm. The shorter the distance, the less stable the shoe, and the more weight is transferred to the toes legs.

You have to remember that over time your feet can get a little longer and wider, so you should get them measured every 2 years, especially if you often buy shoes online.

How to choose the right size

If you're shopping for high heels, it's important to make sure your foot doesn't slip. If the foot is already slipping when you buy it, this effect will worsen over time, which can lead to problems when walking.

If you're looking for a pair of shoes with fur lining, keep in mind that fur tends to wear out, resulting in extra empty space inside.

When buying suede shoes, it is important to remember that they wear out quickly. Therefore, when trying them on in the store, make sure that the shoes fit snugly around the foot.

If the boots have an elongated toe, there should be 1-2 cm of free space in it.

Properly selected, comfortable and practical shoes will emphasize the individual style of a person and will serve for many years. Shoes should fit snugly and fix the foot, be comfortable in the instep and practical to use.

Size selection. Right choice size is the key to the health of the musculoskeletal system. Shoes should be measured while standing, as when walking, you can fully appreciate the comfort of a pair. If the shoes have a narrow toe, you should choose shoes 1 cm larger. Small size will lead to poor circulation, deformity of the foot and toes. Also, large shoes have a negative effect - improper placement of the foot on the instep increases the load on the joints and distributes it incorrectly. The choice of fullness is a line passing through the bone of the big toe and little toe of the foot. International standards - from E to I. When choosing a small fullness, the shoes are quickly trampled, presses. With a large fullness, the foot “slips” and the joints quickly get tired. Material. best material for shoes is genuine leather. It adapts to the foot in the process of wearing. Protects from moisture. Thanks to natural pores, it has the effect of thermoregulation. A common material in the manufacture of shoes is suede. These shoes look spectacular and do not go out of fashion, but caring for the material is quite complicated. Suede is impractical, quickly “greasy”, accumulates dirt. Textile shoes do not protect against moisture, they are quickly wiped and lose their appearance, but in summer period such a model will be comfortable and easy. Heels up to 5 cm high are necessary for the correct distribution of weight on the joints and the prevention of diseases of the foot and the entire musculoskeletal system. Heels above 5 cm transfer weight to the toe, there is a violation of the physiological position of the body. Platform shoes lead to flat feet. As dangerous as high heels are to health, a large number of women wear them more than four times a week. To avoid health problems, when wearing high heels often, you need to follow the rules:
  1. Instead of a thin stud, it is better to choose a wide stable heel. Especially this year, this form is very relevant in the fashion world.
  2. If the shoes are with an open heel, then the sock takes over the function of fixing the leg - it must be closed.
  3. To reduce the load on the joints, special shock-absorbing insoles are used.
  4. You can wear high-heeled shoes for no longer than 4 hours in a row.
  5. Pay attention to regular exercises for stretching the legs and feet.
Selection of shoes for the body type. There are some universal tips for choosing shoes for your figure:
  • Women with short stature fit thin heels up to 8 cm.
  • A high heel makes thin legs even thinner.
  • Full ladies are advised to choose thickened heels 6–7 cm.
  • With full calves, high elastic boots are chosen. In summer, platform sandals will visually narrow the leg. You can not choose shoes with decor on the ankle - it will make the leg even thicker and shorter.
  • Flat shoes are suitable for cropped trousers and skirts above the knee.
  • Black colors of shoes will suit any clothes, bright colors can be worn with suits in pastel shades, light color makes the foot heavier and makes it wider.
  • A pronounced horizontal strap visually shortens the leg.
  • Ankle boots are best worn with trousers to create a continuous line.

Selection of shoes for style. To emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws of the legs, you need to be able to choose the right model of shoes for clothes. Even the most fashionable and expensive shoes will look awkward if they are not dressed in style:
  • Under skinny jeans, high heels are best: stiletto heels or wide stable ones. The choice of width and model of the heel depends on the style of the pants.
  • Under the maxi skirt fit sandals with weave in the Greek style. With a skirt middle length Open stiletto heels look great. TO short skirts it is not recommended to wear high heels - the image will turn out to be vulgar. Woven boots with low heels are better suited.
  • For wide trousers (flared, bermuda, bananas, bloomers, riding breeches), you need to choose shoes without a heel with a closed toe.

Properly chosen shoes will protect your feet from overwork, the development of diseases of the joints and blood vessels. This pair will last long time and save your budget. A tastefully chosen model will emphasize the style and complete the current look.

It happens that you see beautiful shoes or boots of the original style and that's it, the mind recedes, leaving room for an insane desire to own this pair, perfect in design and price! It is not without reason that fitting is called a fitting - it gives an approximate result, so to speak, only outlines the first impression of the shoes: at the fitting, we can only say one thing - the shoes fit or are too tight. Everything else will be shown only by a long wear - and then all the shortcomings of the model, execution errors, material features will immediately become clear .... In general, choose proper shoes very difficult, especially if guided by emotions, not reason!

Main criteria

The choice of shoes is a responsible step, because our image, gait, posture, well-being and, of course, foot health depend on it. No wonder they say: "If you want to forget about your problems, put on shoes one size smaller"! This statement is extremely true - you can’t feel completely happy if the shoes are mercilessly tight. And here is another statement: Sophia Loren was once asked what is the secret of her irresistibility? The answer was simple: “I buy clothes one size down and shoes one size up!”

Well, now seriously about the choice of shoes: incorrectly chosen shoes will reward their owner with corns, corns, which is very sensitive. In addition, both problems are quite difficult to treat - due to the fact that they are located in such hard-to-reach places. For the entire duration of treatment, you practically have to exclude your usual shoes, and coming to work in slippers is the height of indecency! But these are still "flowers" - a passion for unstable shoes, exorbitant heels or flat soles often leads to the development of scoliosis, varicose veins and joint problems. That's why you need to choose comfortable shoes in the first place, but it will be great if their design complements this quality.

So how do you choose the right shoes?

It is no coincidence that experienced sellers first offer to try on shoes on the right foot - the fact is that in the vast majority of cases, the right foot is slightly larger than the left. And if the shoes fit on the right foot, then you can try on the left pair.

  • It is best to try on in the morning, as at the end of the day even healthy legs swell slightly.
  • When trying on, you need to pay attention to how the shoes fit the leg - if it is in time, then there should not be any unpleasant squeezing sensations, overhanging the skin over the edge of the shoe.
  • Shoes should sit on the leg not close, but not loose, otherwise wearing it will turn into torment and lead to any complications: an ingrown toenail, curvature of the fingers, bursitis or circulatory disorders. To evaluate how the foot feels in the new shoes, you need to put on both feet and walk around the hall a little, feeling the sock with your fingers, but without squeezing.

A few words about the sole: it should be gutta-percha, that is, it should be easy to bend, returning to its original shape, its thickness should be sufficient so that the legs do not feel all the pavement errors, stones and cracks on the sidewalk when walking. And one more thing: if shoes are taken for every day, then convenience should definitely be a priority, and not a tribute to fashion - so take shoes on a platform with a slight rise, but not with heels.

No need to succumb to provocations and prove to others that real woman should always be on heels - a real woman should be healthy and beautiful, and she does not need such sacrifices. According to orthopedists, a high heel is always an unjustified risk of spinal injury, since heels do not spring when walking, allowing each step to hit the spinal column like a whip. Hence - the occurrence of osteochondrosis, vertebral hernia and scoliosis.

As for the material, it is best to give preference to genuine leather, suede, jeans, nubuck. The fact is that even high-quality leather substitutes are not able to provide air access to the legs, which leads to overheating, excessive sweating, fungus. But more on that below.

How not to make a mistake with the size?

It is also important to know how to choose the right shoe size - there are several tables for determining the size of men's and women's shoes, taking into account whose shoes they are: Russian, American or European.

To determine according to the table, you need to measure the size of the foot by standing on paper and marking the points of the center of the big toe and the center of the calcaneus. Connect these two points with a line and get the length of the foot in centimeters, the correspondence of which must be found in the size table. The health of the feet and the duration of wearing shoes, the beauty of the walk and self-confidence largely depend on how the size of the shoe is chosen correctly.


Ideal for both winter and summer shoes becomes genuine leather. In this material, the skin of the legs will breathe, and you will feel comfortable regardless of the weather. In addition to leather, you can pick up stylish models from nubuck, suede and even textiles. But if you wear shoes from synthetic materials, then please note that this may be unsafe for health. Under the influence of heat, the chemical elements that make up the material can begin to evaporate and be absorbed into the skin of the legs. In addition, the legs in such shoes absolutely do not breathe, and therefore the risk of fungal diseases is high.

If you can’t afford shoes made from natural materials, then put forward increased demands on artificial ones. At a minimum, the insole and interior should be textile or virgin wool. In addition, shoes must be impregnated with an antibacterial composition.

Buying shoes from artificial materials, keep in mind that, unlike natural ones, they do not break in, and therefore it is necessary to accurately guess with the size. In addition, keep in mind that in summer the legs can swell a lot, and therefore it is better not to take closed models for the hot season.

Patent leather is very popular, because. shoes made of this material look incredibly impressive. But wearing it all the time is not recommended, the foot in such shoes does not breathe. It is better if you use this option occasionally, on special occasions.

Pay attention to the labeling of shoes!

If we are talking about the autumn or winter season, it should be borne in mind that the weather at this time is very picky, and therefore the material from which the shoes are made must be waterproof. At the same time, do not forget that the leg must breathe. It is worth paying special attention to the clasp. If it is located too low, then there is a risk of getting your feet wet. Also, make sure that the shoes are not too tight, it is likely that you will need to wear a tight sock.

When buying winter shoes, pay special attention to the sole. Better to be fat. In addition, it must have a relief that will prevent slipping. But as for the boot itself, it is worth giving preference to natural materials, because. they are the best at retaining heat.

Sport shoes

People who play sports probably know how difficult it is to choose the right shoes. If you feel even the slightest discomfort, then all your attention will be directed precisely to this, and not to a productive workout. In addition, choosing the wrong shoes, you risk injury. That is why when buying sneakers you need to be very attentive to your feelings. If the sole is flexible, but the heel is quite stiff, then most likely this is the right option.

  • When buying shoes for training, pay attention to the material, it must be breathable. Genuine leather and Gore-tex have such properties. The insole should also be natural. Also, do not buy too tight models, because. the leg during training can swell and increase in size.
  • If you do aerobics, then pick up sneakers with a high shin. This will help to fix the leg in the correct position and reduce the risk of injury. To ensure good traction during intensive activities, make sure that the toe box is wide and the heel is narrow enough.
  • If you are a runner, then your running shoes should be lightweight to avoid overstressing. In addition, the sole must be resilient enough to absorb the impact of the feet on the ground.
  • For comfortable playing football or tennis, you should choose models that will provide you with stability on the floor or playing field. This can be achieved with a rubber sole with spikes.

The choice of shoes is very important point in building a wardrobe. It should be both beautiful and practical. And given that good shoes is not cheap, then it is worth approaching this issue very carefully.

Often we buy shoes, guided only by them. appearance. We care about how attractive and fashionable shoes look. But the choice of shoes must be approached with all seriousness: your health depends on what you wear on your feet.

Choosing shoes

Poor-quality or simply inappropriate shoes can overshadow life with small but annoying troubles, such as corns. In addition, there may be much more serious problems- diseases of the veins, joints, muscles and even the spine. Therefore, the two main rules for choosing shoes are very simple: 1) it is better not to save money and 2) to refuse beautiful but uncomfortable shoes.

You should not buy new shoes in the morning: by the evening, the feet, as a rule, swell slightly, and the shoes purchased in the morning may seem tight. Make sure the shoes are the perfect fit - snug around the foot, but not squeezing it. Tight shoes can cause poor circulation, ingrown toenails, or crooked toes. Do not buy too tight shoes in the hope that they will break over time - do not force yourself to walk in uncomfortable shoes for a long time. However, one should not wear very loose shoes in which the foot “dangles”. Because of such shoes, corns can also appear, and the muscles of the legs are constantly in tension.

“When trying on, always wear both shoes., experts recommend. - Be sure to walk around the fitting area. While walking, you should feel the toe of the shoe slightly with your fingers, but do not rest against it. Run your hand over the surface of the material and make sure that your toes do not stick out on it with bumps.».

Choose shoes with sufficiently soft, flexible soles. Bend the shoes in your hands. In high-quality shoes, the sole bends easily, and the upper of the boot does not deform too much. On a very thin sole, it is convenient to walk only on a flat floor, walking in such shoes on asphalt can hardly be called pleasant - the foot will feel every pebble.

For every day, it is best to prefer shoes with a small wide heel. Passion for high heels can adversely affect your health.

“High heels are bad not only for the forefoot, but also for the midfoot and hindfoot., - says orthopedic surgeon Andrey Kardanov. - The problem is that in the position of the foot practically “on tiptoe”, the load is distributed absolutely not physiologically - some parts of the foot are overloaded, while others, on the contrary, are too unloaded. In addition, a high heel completely “turns off” the spring function of the foot. Ideally, with each step, the foot should “spring”, softening the load. And when wearing high heels, every step responds with a blow to the spine. As a result - osteochondrosis, herniated intervertebral discs, which manifest themselves at first glance as causeless back pain.

So, a heel higher than 2-4 centimeters is not recommended. Of course, if necessary, you can wear shoes with a 12-centimeter heel, but such shoes should not be casual. It is best that each pair of casual shoes have arch supports (built-in or glued), that is, an insole or a semi-insole. The insole is fully consistent with the shape of the sole, and the semi-insole is located only under the heel. The task of the insole (and semi-insole) is to support normal (or already descending) arches of the feet. This will avoid flat feet. If, after a few days of wearing new shoes, you feel that your feet are uncomfortable, either change your shoes or contact an orthopedic salon to select the appropriate arch supports or insoles.

In the heat and in the cold

The best choice for any season is shoes from natural material, which will allow the skin of the legs to breathe and will not interfere with natural heat transfer. Shoes recommended genuine leather, nubuck, suede, textile. Leatherette shoes can be hazardous to health, especially summer shoes: under the influence of temperature, various chemical components of this material begin to interact with the skin of the feet. In addition, leatherette shoes do not allow air to pass to the feet. As a result, you can "earn" diaper rash or fungal diseases.

If you still buy shoes made of artificial materials, make sure that at least the lining of the boot is made of genuine leather or textiles - for health, first of all, the material with which the foot is in direct contact is important. You should also pay attention to the material from which the insole is made. Ideally, it should absorb unpleasant odors, remove moisture, kill bacteria - it's great if the insole is impregnated with a special antibacterial composition.

Do not forget that natural materials, unlike artificial ones, wear out and take the shape of the foot over time. By the way, in hot weather, the legs swell a little, keep this in mind if you buy summer shoes.

In summer, it is not recommended to wear patent leather shoes that do not allow moisture and air to pass through well. In patent leather shoes you can go to any celebration, and for every day it is better to have open sandals or shoes made from natural materials.

For spring and autumn, it is important that the boots do not let water through and at the same time allow the foot to “breathe”. If demi-season boots or boots are fastened with a zipper, it should not start too close to the sole, otherwise your feet will get wet if you step into even a shallow puddle. Unlike summer shoes, boots should not fit close to the foot (you won’t wear them on bare feet, after all) - you need to try them on a tight sock.

IN winter boots or boots the main thing - sole. It should be thick enough, with a special tread that prevents slipping. It is most safe to wear boots with a variety of tread patterns in ice - for example, one part is in the form of stripes, the other is rounded ledges. The heel of the boot must also have a protector and be rubber, not plastic, otherwise the foot will slip.

Best for keeping warm leather shoes lined with natural fur, such as sheep or zigeyka, and a fur insole. By choosing the right winter shoes, you can not be afraid of severe cold and slippery sidewalks.

fashion victims

Undoubtedly, every woman wants to look fashionable and elegant. The shoe industry offers many ways to make legs visually slimmer and longer. Studs, narrow toes, platforms - it's hard to argue that such shoes are more feminine than rough boots with thick soles. But how safe are these fashionable delights?

The dangers of high heels have already been said. But you should not abuse platform shoes either. Firstly, a high platform (like a stiletto heel) does not exclude injuries: it is easy to twist your leg on it. Secondly, when walking on the platform, the ligaments and muscles of the foot are left without “work” and flat feet can develop. If you do buy such shoes, choose a platform that is wide enough, and therefore more stable. Remember that neither the hairpin nor the platform is completely suitable for driving a car. The heel can cling to the mat, making it difficult to move the foot from one pedal to another, and the thick platform does not allow you to feel the pressure of the foot on the pedal.

Another favorite fashion detail - a pointed toe - is also not harmless. These shoes clench your toes, bringing them closer to each other. In this case, the thumb and little finger are lowered, and the rest are raised. All this threatens with deformation of the fingers, the formation of painful calluses and "bumps". Since the weight of the body presses the foot into the wedge-shaped space (especially if, in addition to sharp nose shoes have a heel 5–6 centimeters high or more), the entire load is transferred to the bones of the middle toes. Because of this, transverse flat feet occur, and painful corns form on the sole.

Children's shoes

Perhaps more important than your own health can only be the well-being of the child. Incorrectly selected shoes are dangerous not only because they cause inconvenience to the child: the baby begins to act up, and sometimes parents do not even understand that it's all about the wrong shoes. While the child's foot is in the process of formation, it is very important that the shoes do not interfere with this process and do not provoke problems such as flat feet.

What should be children's shoes? “In no case should a child wear shoes “for growth”, but they should not be tight either,- says children's orthopedic traumatologist Mikhail Trunev. - A hard, moderately ribbed sole and a hard upper are desirable. Demi-season and winter shoes should fit the ankle joint, that is, be high ".

Experts advise buying shoes for children made of natural material with a small heel, a fixed heel and a soft back, an orthopedic insole and a wide toe. Children's orthopedic shoes are necessary for the prevention of foot deformities and its proper development, so many doctors recommend buying just such shoes for children under 4–5 years old.

In move

Everyone who goes in for sports knows how much the right clothes for training and, of course, shoes mean a lot. Sneakers should be very comfortable so that the feeling of discomfort does not distract you from your workout. It is important that they are suitable for the sport you have chosen and reliably protect the leg from injuries - they protect the foot from “twisting”, ensure the fixation of the ankle and leg stability. When buying sneakers, pay attention not only to the design, but to a greater extent to how comfortable it is for you to move in one or another model. Flexible outsole, rigid heel, lightness are signs of high-quality sports shoes.

It is best to train in leather or gore-tex trainers that allow for normal breathability, with an insole that can be pulled out and dried. When choosing shoes for sports, keep in mind that during training the foot may increase slightly in size, and also remember that there should be a small space between the toes and the toe of the sneaker. In addition to the versatile sneakers suitable for all sports, there are special shoes for specific workouts that the sales assistant of the sports store will help you choose.

Shoes for aerobics and shaping protects against injury with special inserts in the sole area. Such sneakers can be higher than shoes for other sports. This allows you to fix the lower leg and prevent damage to the ankle joint. Since aerobics is very dynamic, you will need shoes that are flexible and lightweight to move easily and comfortably. The wide toe and narrow heel of the shoe provide better grip on the floor.

For running very light sneakers that fit perfectly on the foot are best suited. If the foot slides inside, you risk blisters and scuffs, and the risk of ankle injury will increase. You need a flexible toe box that allows you to better push off the ground, and a reinforced heel. It is important that running shoes have the ability to cushion impacts when they hit the ground. Therefore, sneakers with air pockets - air-filled cavities inside the sole - are suitable for running.

Football shoes should have a wide reinforced toe area, studs for playing on grass or a raised sole for the hall.

When choosing shoes for tennis you need to consider what court you are going to play on - different types coatings fit various models. Tennis sneakers have a fairly thick sole, flexible in the toe area and more rigid in the heel, as well as a special protector that does not allow slipping on the court surface.

Comfortable, “healthy” shoes will provide you with pleasant and effective workouts, allow you to get less tired during work, entertainment and walks, protect you from diseases - in a word, help you to stand firmly on your feet in any situation.

The appearance of new types of shoes in the wardrobe requires a revision of one's views on style, sometimes a cardinal one.

Men's sandals with socks have long been the subject of jokes and anecdotes. But it would be funny if it weren't so sad. With the onset of the summer season, questions about what can be worn on bare foot and what is not become relevant.

The sockless trend took the fashion world by storm and hit the streets pretty quickly. Today, many types of men's shoes are worn without socks, ranging from open slates to derbies, which are close in shape to shoes. Wearing the latter on a bare foot is welcomed by the rules of style, but is puzzling to conservatives. We offer you a guide to men's shoes, some of which are permissible to wear without socks, and some are strictly required.

How to give up socks

Men are less willing than women to sacrifice their comfort for the sake of the image. In response to accusations about sock sandals and the like, they give many reasons why they do it and intend to continue. We offer alternative solutions to the most common problems associated with the rejection of socks.

→ If the shoes rub, you need to buy another one, or seal the problem area with adhesive tape, for example, reliable. Softening the edges and breaking in shoes faster will help.

→ For hygiene purposes, you can use deodorant for shoes or talc for feet.

→ If you are cold, choose closed shoes that can be worn with socks, rather than trying to insulate open shoes with socks.

→ Think feet are not the most attractive part male body? Having a hygienic pedicure “socializes” your feet, but if you still don’t want to open them, then choose closed shoes that are comfortable for you.

8 types of shoes that are worn without socks

No. 1. Sandals

This shoe is more than five thousand years old, it was worn by the ancient Greeks and Romans. It wouldn't even occur to them to wear open sandals with socks (even if you imagine that they were in their wardrobe). Sandals are designed specifically for hot weather, so bare feet are the only logical and appropriate combination.

The ideal company for sandals is linen summer trousers, chinos and shorts. At the same time, long trousers can be casually tucked up to ankle level.

Rule: Strictly no socks.

No. 2. Flip flops and flip flops

Exceptionally beach shoes, the very structure of which does not allow you to wear them with socks. According to the rules of the style, beach shoes are not worn with jeans, trousers, or any other urban clothing. Maximum for slates and flip flops - beach shorts.

Rule: Strictly no socks.

No. 3. Moccasins

This soft leather shoe was invented by the Indians, it was light, flexible and allowed to move silently. Today, real moccasins are still made of soft leather or suede, which seems to wrap the foot in a cocoon. They wear moccasins without socks for two reasons: they are open at the top - once, and they are summer - two. Combinations of moccasins look good both with regular trousers and with cropped ones that open the ankles, as well as with shorts.

It is allowed to wear moccasins with socks, but only if they are hidden by trousers, or with footed socks. The taboo extends to the moccasin-socks-shorts trio.

Rule: socks are allowed if they are hidden by the length of the trousers. Strictly no socks in a combination of moccasins + shorts.

No. 4. Topsiders

The name comes from the English "topside" - the upper deck. Topsiders are a nautical variation on the theme of moccasins, to which they added lacing around the heel and a grooved sole. This shoe was invented specifically for yachtsmen: due to the leather lace around the heel, it kept better on the foot, and the corrugated sole did not allow slipping on the wet deck.

Topsiders are strictly worn without socks, or better with tucked-up trousers, giving the image an elegant casualness.

Rule: Strictly no socks.

No. 5. Espadrilles

Fabric shoes with woven jute soles are more popular than ever. Lightweight, non-rubbing, breathable shoes are indispensable in the heat complete with shorts, breeches, linen trousers, chinos and jeans. This pair definitely does not require the addition of socks, it is worn exclusively on the bare foot.

Espadrilles were invented by Spanish peasants, but later fell in love with the upper class for their lightness, comfort and versatility. Espadrilles were in the wardrobe of Ernest Hemingway, Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali and John F. Kennedy. Agree, worthy company!

Rule: Strictly no socks.

No. 6. Low top sneakers

The trend of wearing shoes without socks has taken over and sports shoes. It is clear that wearing running shoes or high tops without socks is illogical and unhygienic, but the combination of summer trousers or shorts with low tops allows you to abandon socks. If you don't want to break with tradition, opt for a pair of cotton sneakers or low socks specifically to wear with your summer wear.

Rule: short socks and footprints are acceptable, but you can do without them.

No. 7. loafers

There are several varieties of loafers that differ in branded details and their own history. The most common types are penny loafers, tassel loafers, buckle loafers, fringe loafers, Venetian loafers and slippers - and each has its own nuances in dealing with socks. The general rule is that only sets of loafers and a formal suit are subject to: in this combination, socks are required. Loafers are worn without socks in combination with informal suits and casual clothes. Cropped trousers complete with a T-shirt and jacket are ideal.

Rule: Slippers are strictly worn without socks. Socks for penny loafers, buckle, tassel, fringe and Venetian loafers are acceptable but not required.

No. 8. Derby

Derby is a less formal type of oxford, that is, shoes with laces, soles and classic heels. Derby differs from Oxfords in the location of lacing: in Derby it is open, in Oxfords it is closed. It is very easy to demonstrate this visually: unlace your boots and run your finger from the beginning of the tongue to the toe of the boot. If the detail with holes for lacing is integral with the boot, then this is a derby. If the side lacing parts are rigidly sewn in with a transverse seam, then these are oxfords.

Oxfords are not worn without socks, derbies are. Their summer version can be even more informal with a brightly colored sole. For example, navy blue derbies with yellow soles will look great on bare feet with rolled up or cropped jeans.

Rule: It is acceptable to wear both without socks and with socks.