Types of papillary patterns of fingers. Types (types) of papillary patterns

Features of papillary patterns allow them to be classified, which greatly facilitates the registration and search of people. For classification, patterns on the nail phalanges of the fingers are most convenient, they are used in the fingerprint registration of living persons.

In the papillary patterns on the nail phalanges of the fingers, three streams of papillary lines can be distinguished: one is located in the center and determines the type and type of pattern, the other two streams are called peripheral - the upper stream goes around the central one in an arc along the edge of the finger, and the lower one runs parallel to the interphalangeal (flexion) fold . The section of the pattern where all the flows converge is called (because of the external resemblance to the letter of the Greek alphabet) the delta.

There are three types of papillary patterns: arc, loop, curl. In arc patterns, papillary lines are located across the fingertip, bent in its middle part in the form of an arc, which, with its apex, faces the fingertip. This is the most simple patterns and occur in approximately 5% of people. There is no delta in arc patterns. Arc patterns, in turn, are divided into several types. In a simple arc pattern, papillary lines in the middle of the pattern form a small, relatively smooth rise. In the tent arc pattern - the papillary lines in the middle part of the pattern form a sharp bend with several vertical lines in the middle. Varieties of tent arc patterns are fir-tree and pyramidal. Ishchenko E.P., Toporkov A.A. Criminalistics: Textbook. Ed. 2nd, rev. and add./Ed. Doctor of Law, Professor E.P. Ishchenko. M., 2005. - P.84

An arc pattern with an indefinite structure of the center is also distinguished - papillary lines form an indefinite pattern that cannot be attributed to any particular species.

False loop arc patterns - papillary lines form a pattern that resembles a loop, but is not. There are the following false-loop patterns:

Two lines converge at an angle into one, but do not form a semicircular head, characteristic of loop patterns;

Two lines converge at an angle and continue as one without forming a loop head. Between them there may be one or more lines that enhance the effect of falsity;

The head of the inner loop merges with the line that is part of the outer flow and goes into it, bypassing the false delta.

In false-curl arc patterns - the papillary lines of the inner part of the arc form a pattern that resembles a whorl, but is not one due to the absence of features that define whorl patterns.

Rarely found patterns related to arcs are coiled loops or curved loops, the heads of which are located at the edges of the pattern, and the central part is curved. Due to the incomplete display in the trace or on the fingerprint card (with incomplete rolling), they are classified as arc.

The most common patterns are loop patterns. These patterns are found in 65% of the total. Loop patterns are formed by at least three streams of lines. The main flow of lines goes from one side of the finger, bends in the form of a loop and then returns to the same side. The curved part of the loop is called the head, and the lower ends of its lines are called the stem. The lower and upper streams of lines cover the central part of the pattern. At the bottom of the pattern, where these streams diverge, a delta forms at the loop. Loop patterns have one delta. Loop patterns are divided into radial (if the leg of the loop is located towards the thumb) and ulnar (if the leg of the loop is located towards the little finger). Criminalistics / Resp. ed. N.P. Yablokov. 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M., 2001. - S.203

Loop patterns are also divided into types. One type of loop pattern is the simple loop pattern. The papillary lines in this pattern are parallel to each other, the loop head has a semicircular shape.

In a curved loop pattern, the papillary lines forming the head of the loop are curved so that the top of the loop faces the base of the pattern.

Half loop pattern - the legs of one or more loops entering one another on one side merge into a line.

Closed loop pattern - the legs of one or more loops merge or are on the same papillary line.

Parallel loops - the inner pattern consists of two parallel loops separated from each other.

Counter loops - the inner pattern consists of two loops, which are located with the heads to the center, and the legs to the opposite edges of the pattern.

There are also false-curl loop patterns, in which the papillary lines form a pattern that looks like a curl pattern, but does not have signs of closed and half loops and does not form a circle, oval or a system of loop-tangles characteristic of curl patterns;

Rarely found patterns related to loops are ball loops and curved loops, the heads of which are located at the edge of the pattern, and the central part has a loop pattern. Due to incomplete display in the trace or on the fingerprint card (in case of underrolling), they are classified as loopback.

In addition to the listed types, loop patterns are divided into ulnar (the legs of the loops are directed towards the little finger) and radial (the legs of the loops are directed towards the thumb).

Curl patterns are considered the most complex in structure, occurring in approximately 30% of cases. The central part of such a pattern may have a different configuration in the form of an ellipse, curl, loop, circle, etc. The lower and upper flows of papillary lines cover the entire central part and pass from one edge of the finger to the other, forming two deltas. Ishchenko E.P., Toporkov A.A. Criminalistics: Textbook. Ed. 2nd, rev. and add./Ed. Doctor of Law, Professor E.P. Ishchenko. M., 2005. - P.84

Curl patterns are divided into the following types:

Simple circular - in this pattern, papillary lines form an internal pattern in the form of closed circles, ovals, ellipses.

Simple spiral - papillary lines form an internal pattern in the form of spirals that make at least one turn around their axis.

Spiral loops - papillary lines form a pattern in the form of two independent loops, curved in a spiral and enveloping each other.

Ball loops - a pattern consisting of two independent loops. In this case, one of the loops (enveloping loop) goes around the head of the other loop (enveloped). The legs of the loops face either one edge of the pattern (unilateral) or two opposite edges (versatile).

The pattern, consisting of two streams of papillary lines that start at opposite edges and converge, bending around each other, in the middle of the pattern, is called the cochlea.

Curved loop - a pattern in which papillary lines form a loop, the head of which is lowered to the base and located between two deltas.

Incomplete whorl pattern - a pattern in which the papillary lines of the internal flow form incomplete circles (ovals) or spirals. With their convex side, they face the delta (deltas), and in the upper part they bend around the loop or arcuate lines of the external flow. Incomplete circles (ovals) must have a circumference of at least half the circle (oval).

A rare whorl pattern is a pattern in which the papillary lines of the internal flow form circles and loops, spirals and loops, randomly located papillary lines of complex shape.

The classification of papillary lines made it possible to build ten-, five- and one-finger fingerprint systems for registering persons who committed crimes. When identifying persons by their finger prints, the following is taken into account: firstly, the coincidence of common features (type of pattern, its variety, direction of line flows, location of the center and delta); secondly, various, multiple private signs (details), which include: the beginning and end of lines, points, "bridges", "hooks", scraps, etc.

1. Arc papillary patterns. Papillary lines are located across the fingertip, bent in its middle part in the form of an arc, which, with its apex, faces the fingertip. These are the simplest patterns and are found in about 5% of people. One of the main varieties is the herringbone pattern;

2. Loop patterns formed by at least three streams of lines. The main flow of lines goes from one side of the finger, bends in the form of a loop and then returns to the same side. The curved upper part of the loop is called the head, and the lower ends of its lines are called the stem. The lower and upper streams of lines cover the central part of the pattern. At the bottom of the pattern, where these streams diverge, a delta forms at the loop. Loop patterns have one delta. They are the most common and occur in about 65% of people. Loop patterns are divided into radial (if the loop stem is directed towards the thumb) and ulnar (when the loop stem is directed towards the little finger). A characteristic feature is the presence of Delta - the place of convergence and divergence of lines;

3. Curl patterns are the most complex in their structure. They occur in 30% of cases. The central part of such a pattern may have a different configuration in the form of an ellipse, circle, curl, loop, etc. The lower and upper flows of papillary lines cover the entire central part and pass from one edge of the finger to the other, forming two deltas. The papillary lines here have two flows (on one side of the phalanx and on the other), and in the center the classical pattern forms a circle. Classic scroll patterns have two deltas.

The main difference between the patterns by species, in addition to the shapes of the arcs, is the number of deltas on the phalanx.

Drawing. Types of patterns: arc, on the left side of the pattern there is a scar (1), loop (2), curl (3)

Track Detection Rules:

1. General rules for detecting traces from trasology are used.

2. The main means of fixation is the protocol of the investigative action, which describes the place where the trace was found, the number of traces, their size, methods of fixing and removing this trace. It is better not to indicate the type of papillary pattern in the protocol, because it is not always easy enough to determine.

Rules for the removal of traces:

1. If possible, the carrier object in kind is always withdrawn, and if this is not possible, other methods of withdrawal are used. It is very important to properly fix and pack the object.

2. Before processing the trace found at the scene, it is recommended to leave another trace on the same surface and try to remove it so that the original trace is not lost.

3. When working with traces, the contrast of the powder and the surface is observed, i.e. on a dark surface, work is carried out with light powders, and on a light surface, vice versa.

4. Be sure to take into account the surface structure. On smooth surfaces, it is recommended to work with fine powders, and on rough surfaces, coarse-textured, coarse-grained powders are recommended.

5. When working on various surfaces, one should take into account the recommendations that are available in forensic science for working on surfaces (for example, on dry clean glass - aluminum powder and lead carbonate; on porcelain, faience and plastic - lead carbonate, zinc oxide, lead oxide, a mixture copper oxide with soot). Although in practice, as a rule, a universal powder is used - soot or reduced iron oxide (this is a magnetic powder, it is much larger than soot, but it cannot work on metal, and on all other materials it shows good result). Although soot, due to its fat content, can simply “clog” the trail.

6. If the traces are old, then they have a pale appearance, and to increase the clarity of the trace, a solution of ninhydride in acetone is used (it stains the traces in pink color and saturates the trace). Now in practice it is proposed to use a laser complex that excites the luminescence of traces, which makes it possible to show the clarity of the trace.

7. Traces are taken with the help of a fingerprint film, while the principle of contrast between the film and the trace is observed. The film has two layers: gelatin (copying) and safety. Currently, instead of a fingerprint film, regardless of the color and structure of the surface, ordinary transparent stationery tape is used. When working with adhesive tape, it is necessary to take into account some specifics: the trace removed on the adhesive tape is glued to a sheet of white paper. Under the trace is written his number, place and method of seizure. The sheet is signed by all persons participating in the investigative action. For work, two types of brushes are used: flute and magnetic.

Under room conditions, handprints can be preserved for up to 6 months. At an average temperature, but under the influence of unfavorable factors (with a special dryness of the room or drafts), sweat-fat traces evaporate faster and last up to 2 months. At a temperature environment 15-18 degrees, handprints in standing water can last up to two months.

Porescopic studies (studies of pores - stomata, through which the release of sweat-fatty substance occurs).

Pores have the same properties as papillary patterns, i.e. they are individual, recoverable and immutable. Also, disputes are peculiarly located relative to each other. Traces of pores cannot be removed with a powder, because. pores will be clogged. Pore ​​marks can only be seen at 12x (or higher) magnification. Their footprints can only be photographed.

Incredible Facts

It's no secret to anyone that from the palms of a person you can learn a lot about personality and fate, for example, to see what his strengths and weaknesses are, what his preferences are, and even how high he has the potential.

Your hands are like maps that you can read a lot from. The length of your fingers as well as the shape of your nails may tell the truth, however patterns on the fingertips can tell even more and even tell you what zodiac sign you belong to!

Dermatoglyphics- a science that studies the patterns on the tips of the fingers and toes, which are also called papillary patterns.

Every person has unique patterns at the fingertips just like how unique each snowflake is. These patterns are formed in the womb and are one of the features of our physiology that does not change throughout life.

But did you know that these patterns can a lot to tell dedicated person about your personality and your character traits?

The art of divination by patterns on the fingers

The art of divination by finger patterns has thousand years of history. It is believed that it originated in ancient India. Many masters use for reading not only the patterns on the fingers, but also the toes. According to the prints, they make a judgment about the health of a person and his character.

Palmists look at the combination lines and hills on the palms customer, but great attention is also paid to papillary patterns to draw complete picture. The type of print and on which finger it can be found helps the fortuneteller learn a lot of information about a person's personality.

There are three main types of papillary patterns: loop, curl and arc. The variations of these patterns and their location on the phalanx of the finger show some of the features of the individual's personality.

Most people have different types patterns on different fingers : for example, on the thumb there may be an arc pattern, and on the index finger you can already find a loop.

Carefully examine the fingertips on both hands. On each finger, the pattern will be different, but some one type of pattern usually dominated. This type can give an indication of a person of a certain type of character, a certain temperament, and hence the sign of the Zodiac. The more repeating types of patterns, the more pronounced this sign.

Determine the sign of the Zodiac by the patterns on the fingers

Loop or loop knot OR

This type of pattern is the most common. People who have a lot of looped patterns on their fingers have an average level of intelligence, their behavior can be considered within the normal range. They are quite happy when go with the flow, and usually do not complain about life. They are excellent partners and workers and prefer to be doers than leaders.

loops often found in representatives of the sign of Water - Crayfish, Scorpio and Pisces. But there is also a connection with the element of Air, as a mobile and light element. These are receptive and sensitive people who have Creative skills. Their thinking often lacks concentration, because there is a rapid switching of attention. Social connections and friends are very important for such people.

Variations patterns : ulnar loop, double loop

Curl or swirl pattern

The second most common type of pattern is a curl. Those with more of these patterns on their fingers are above average intelligence, independent, and have a dominant personality type. Them easier to follow than to follow others. They are well organized, demanding, like to keep everything under control and are perfectionists.

If you have only one or two curls on your fingers, this is best, because you have clear mind, well organized, but not a perfectionist by nature.

The location of the curl on a particular finger is the most important, since it is it that gives more detailed information.

A curl on one of the thumbs indicates high intelligence and strong will. Curls on both thumbs may indicate that a person knows how to restrain instincts, has an iron will, but he lack of flexibility.

curls- if they are more clearly defined, they are most often found in people of the fiery element - Aries, Lviv and Sagittarius. But also curls with a not very clearly defined structure can be in Air.

Variations patterns : helix, compressed curl, mixed curl, exploded curl, peacock eye

Arcs or arc pattern

This papillary pattern is less common than the others. If a person has this pattern on the fingertips, this is a sign that he has analytical mind He is practical and discreet. This person has traditional values ​​and is not particularly good at accepting change. It is quite difficult to get along with such people, as they are very uncompromising. Them more suitable more routine work and work in which little changes over time.

arcs often characteristic of the signs of the Earth - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. If the arcs on the fingers predominate, this usually indicates loyal and devoted people who strive for stability and security. They can be secretive and cautious and don't get too emotional.

Pattern Variations : simple arc, compressed curl

Compare your designs with the designs below. Which of the 10 patterns below most closely resembles the predominant pattern on your fingers? Remember the number of the picture and read its meaning. Write in the comments how patterns match your zodiac sign.

Papillary patterns of fingers

Now read the description of your type:

1. Simple arc

This pattern represents curved lines and indicates a hard-working and tidy person. These people are good at planning, carefully considering every detail and approach everything they do with soul. They always follow the rules and read the instructions carefully. They are practical and polite, and avoid risks and dangers. They do not tolerate whiners and never make scandals.

Type of character according to the zodiac : Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

2. Hent arch

This pattern is an arc of lines, in the center of which there are one or more vertical lines. If you have such patterns on your fingers, you are most likely impulsive, creative and unpredictable.

This person adapts more easily to the environment and can often change mood and behavior. He is not afraid of any obstacles and difficulties, and he is inclined to take risks.

More options:

Usually people who have this pattern on at least one or two fingers easily excitable and irritable and are often prone to anxiety disorders. Much depends on which finger has such a sign.

For example, a hip arch on the little finger(and this finger is associated with communication and sexual preferences) may indicate some features of speech and even a tendency to perversion.

Type of character according to the zodiac : Twins

3. Ulnar loop

This type of pattern is curved lines in the form of a loop, open towards the little finger. It is also called curved loop pattern. It serves as an indication of a rather imposing and gentle person. These people are usually peaceful and very sweet. They don’t particularly like any schedules, but they know how to use them perfectly. They are very kind and observant, adapt to circumstances more easily and go with the flow.

Type of character according to the zodiac : Pisces, Cancer

4. Radial loop

This type of pattern has opposite direction, and the open part of the loop is directed towards the thumb. People with this pattern are very independent and often go against the majority. They love to ask questions and analyze everything. They are bold and have a rebellious nature, but are generally good-hearted. They can be strong leaders and excellent judges.

Unlike the Ulnar Loop, the Radial Loop gives the person more selfishness, so they can be more determined and have leadership qualities. Most often, this type of loop occurs on the index finger.

Type of character according to the zodiac : Aquarius


Types of papillary patterns of fingers

5. Single center curl

This curlicue is also called simple curl, and the center can be in the form circle or oval. This type of drawing indicates a strong and determined personality. They are competitive and goal-oriented people who always know what they want. They do not tolerate being controlled and commanded, and are not afraid to speak their minds. They can also be called true friends.

Type of character according to the zodiac : Sagittarius

6. Curl-spiral

The center of this drawing does not have a clear circle or oval, as in the previous case, but is twisted spiral. These people are very freedom-loving, they are passionate and follow the dictates of the heart. Since they are very dreamy and creative, they often have their head in the clouds. In addition, they are very sensitive and caring and love animals.

Type of character according to the zodiac : Aries, Leo

7. Compressed curl

This drawing is a line elongated oval. It signals an ambitious person who loves healthy competition. These people are always focused, attentive to details and will always dot the i's. Usually they know how to allocate the budget well and complete all the work on time. They are thorough and always hit the mark.

Type of character according to the zodiac : Leo, Virgo

8. Exploded curl

This pattern does not have a clear center and consists of several dense messy curls and rings. It is also called curved loop curls. People with this pattern are real magicians. They can take on several projects at the same time and take on different roles at the same time, while managing to perform all of them excellently. They have a broad outlook and varied interests. They usually like to think a lot, so they may seem withdrawn, but in fact they are always looking for the company of close friends.

Type of character according to the zodiac : Gemini, Aquarius, Libra

9. Mixed Curl

This pattern is also called curl type ball loops and somewhat similar to rolling sea waves. People with this pattern easily adapt to any situation and are very flexible. They are able to always bring a fresh perspective to any situation and easily spread any information. They work well in a team, although they prefer to lead. They are observant and responsible.

Type of character according to the zodiac : Sagittarius

This pattern also looks like a double Petlyu:

This pattern is very unusual and is often seen in those who have duplicitous nature, that is, this is none other than a pathological liar. By the way, scammers and swindlers often have this sign on at least one finger. These people are emotionally very unstable, and it is difficult for them to enter into a long-term relationship with someone.

In addition, these people are able to see some problem from different angles, so they also make good lawyers. If you are in close contact with a person who has such a sign, be very careful with him!

Type of character according to the zodiac : Twins

10. Peacock eye

This papillary pattern is quite rare, it looks like loop pattern, but has curl in the center, so it is somewhat reminiscent of spots on peacock feathers. This sign indicates a person with artistic talents, especially if he is located on ring finger, which is connected with our creativity and soul.

This pattern also indicates a person who never dances to someone else's tune and who can sometimes look a little strange. Not surprisingly, such people often have your own unusual style and work in a creative environment.

Type of character according to the zodiac : Leo, Scorpio

Of course, these are only the most common types of patterns that can be found on the hands of different people, the meaning of each of them is undoubtedly much greater. It's undeniable that reading from the patterns on your fingertips is amazing field of knowledge, which will help you better understand other people, their behavior, as well as show off erudition in society.

We are waiting for your comments about which patterns on your fingers prevail and which sign of the Zodiac you belong to!

Papillary patterns appear in the human fetus at the time of the formation of the skin and remain unchanged until his death. The structure of papillary patterns is strictly individual. Numerous studies have proven that papillary patterns do not repeat in different people. Even Siamese twins, bodies and souls that are more or less interconnected, have different patterns on their fingers.

In this article, I will focus mainly on the main types of papillary pattern at the fingertips and will not go into an in-depth analysis of all varieties and subspecies (such as: complex, false, abnormal, etc. patterns), since this will already be not a developing article, but a graduate work for a narrow circle of readers. This is boring and does not greatly affect the overall picture of the main sections of the article.

There are three main types of papillary pattern: arcs, loops, curls.

IN different years and in different countries studies were carried out on the proportionality of the capillary pattern on the fingers, and this is what happened:

Arcs are extremely rare - 5-10%,

Loops are found in most people - 60-65%,

Curls appear much less often - 30%

But here I would make one significant and important clarification: when compiling the statistics of arcs or loops, we took into account, basically, those hands on which this pattern is on most fingers, when taking into account curls, hands were taken that have at least one complex pattern. In addition, we can say that people who have either arcs or loops on all fingers have a large number, especially the second ones, but there are not so many people who have at least the majority of curls on their fingers. Therefore, the true "Zavitovites", in fact, are also extremely few, otherwise there would be a dime a dozen brightly gifted people.

Arc (arch)

Arc- indicates quite ordinary and practical people who prefer business to conversations, because, often, they do not know how to express their thoughts, they are emotionally limited. These are very reasonable and economical, even greedy people. Such a person does not like changes in life, is extremely conservative. Once having found his place under the sun, he does not waste his energy in search of a better share, he is content with what he has. You can not expect brilliant abilities from him in science, technology, art, but he is not bad at all in general practical affairs. The nature of such people is heavy, explosive. In everyday life, these people "rod like tanks." A person with an arc goes to his goal in the most direct way, without being distracted along the way by anything superfluous. IN married life such people are distinguished by exceptional devotion, very rarely allow themselves intrigues on the side, but also require absolute fidelity in return. Not possessing good health and endurance, in sex, as in sports, the owners of arcs are sprinters for short distances. Crazy sex, but not long. About three times in a row there can be no talk. It is difficult for them to master the second one, but the first one will certainly be stormy, although somewhat primitive and monotonous.

1. Arc on the thumb- the ability, without wasting energy in vain, to quickly achieve what was planned, using an absolutely direct approach to solving problems.

2. Arc on index finger- a sign of reliability, determination, practicality and seriousness in everything.

3. Arc on the middle finger- a realistic attitude to life, based on material values, independence.

4. Arc on the ring finger- adherence to principles, loyalty to principles, habits and partners.

5. Arc on the little finger- practicality, courage.

A loop

If there are loops on the fingers, then we have a diversified personality, with good mental and spiritual qualities. However, sometimes they lack initiative and determination. Their natural caution and flexibility of character can lead to insecurity. They are friendly, emotional, sensitive. This type is a middle-distance sprinter, so in sex they are good at combining both quantity and quality. "Loops" are windy, unstable and often have several parallel connections. You may have many talents, but to be successful, you need to focus on one thing. With this type of patterns are born " Salieri" and here to become " Mozarts", it is necessary to have “curls”, that is, with loops you can achieve great fame, fame, but only with hard and hard work. The divine gift mostly comes to people with curls.

Back to loops:

There are two types of loops: directed towards the thumb ( radial loop) and towards the little finger ( elbow loop).

radial loop points to the improvement of the personality itself. Such a person is independent, decisive, with leadership qualities. And it is no coincidence, since this loop is often associated with the planet Mars, which has similar characteristics.

1. Radial loop on the thumb- the ability to implement your ideas.

2. Radial loop on index finger- the ability to adapt to circumstances. impulsive nature.

3. Radial loop on the middle finger- analytical mindset, as well as extreme independence. Such a person likes to achieve everything on his own, without anyone's help.

Elbow loop- the ability to adapt to circumstances. In contrast to the radial, a person with an elbow loop is more sociable, versatile, diverse and flexible.

1. Elbow loop on the thumb- flexibility of character and high adaptability.

2. Elbow loop on index finger- a tendency to improvise, versatility.

3. Elbow loop on the middle finger- practical mindset. To achieve success, you need the strong support of the team, partners, friends.

4. Elbow loop on the ring finger- predisposition to artistic creativity, high art.

Curls (I would include all varieties of this type: almond-shaped funnels, spirals, ellipses, "peacock eye", since, in fact, they all have a sign of a bright personality)

Curls, curls! Oh those curls! How I love you! This is my favorite drawing, and not because I myself am the owner of almost all types of curls, but because they have a multifaceted and unpredictable effect on the human psyche, personality development and the use of its unique capabilities. And this is very interesting, not like with banal arcs or loops, where everything is predictable and understandable.

The more complex the curl, the more complex the human psyche. Such a person will never make hasty decisions, but think it over a hundred times. Its motto is: “Measure seven times - cut once” or “God saves the safe.” Curl wearers are extremely susceptible and easily hurt. They have exceptional memory, abstract thinking and a developed subconscious. I would also note: innate self-confidence, ambition, great ambitions, as well as a bright personality, originality and the ability to work alone. But such a person is quite secretive, touchy, distrustful and selfish, and therefore, in combination with other negative qualities of character, he can be dangerous to others. A complex pattern either allows you to reach incredible heights of fame in science, art, or provides nervous breakdowns and constant depression, which often leads to various mental illnesses.

And it is not surprising that among the owners of a large number of curls there are not only outstanding figures of arts and science, but also serial killers, and sexual maniacs. The owner of the "curls" is a controversial personality: either a genius or a villain. Two characters can serve as a good example: Sherlock Holmes And Professor Moriarty.

And even though these characters are collective images, they really had real prototypes.

Here is how Conan Doyle describes his characters:

Holmes - multifaceted personality. He is simultaneously a talented violinist, a good boxer, a skilled actor and an excellent chemist.

Moriarty - the head of a powerful criminal organization, a genius of the criminal world. He comes from a good family, received an excellent education and is naturally endowed with phenomenal mathematical abilities. When he was twenty-one years old, he wrote a treatise on Newton's binomial, which won him European fame. After that, he received a chair in mathematics at one of our provincial universities, and, in all likelihood, a bright future awaited him. But the blood of a criminal flows in his veins. He has a genetic propensity for cruelty. And his extraordinary mind not only does not moderate, but even strengthens this tendency and makes it even more dangerous....

“And then Ostap suffered…..”

The number of personality development options, some behavioral reactions, among the owners of curls is huge: from the poet Yesenin to the maniac killer Chikatilo.

By the way:

The curls played a fatal role in the fate of Chikatilo, or rather, the left type of dermatoglyphic asymmetry, which is found only in the owners of curls. What is the meaning of asymmetry?

And in the fact that when the number of curls on one hand significantly exceeds their number on the other, such a person is extremely unbalanced.

If there are more curls on the right hand, their owner is quick-tempered, but also quick-tempered.

If more on the left hand - notorious, vindictive, secretive and even prone to the appearance of obsessions.
Stop! I'm going back to curls.
In short, the more convolutions in the head, the more curls on the fingers.

1. Curls on thumb- excellent memory, conservatism.

2. Curls on index finger- initiative, restless personality.

3. Curls on the middle finger- people who do not like routine work, prefer creative directions. Public recognition of their talents is very important for them. Often choose unusual professions.

4. Curls on the ring finger- increased susceptibility and sensitivity. Such a person appreciates home comfort, comfort. Artistic ability.

5. Curls on the little finger- professional flair, developed abstract thinking and intuition.

Curls, curls! Everything would be fine, but as practice shows: the more curls, the more difficult it is to make a career. The owners of curls are individualists who are not used to working in a team. They are extremely un-corporate. A large number of curls prevents a person from concentrating on the main thing. They devote so much time to trifles that they often mark time in thought, at a time when the owners of arcs and loops resolutely move forward through the ranks. The optimal number of curls is 3-4.

And finally: with young children who have curls, you need to be extremely patient. The whip method cannot be applied to them, as they are extremely touchy, capricious and vindictive. And it is very easy to turn a gifted person into some psychopathic maniac, because these areas border very closely.

And you can stop a little on interesting and unusual patterns:

Double loop (twin loop)

A double loop consists of two twisted loops, passing one into the other. Such a loop speaks of a versatile personality, a bright talent in many areas, an unpredictable, mysterious, mystical personality. Such a person often combines the incompatible: the logical and the illogical, the realistic and the absurd.

"Peacock eye"

"Peacock eye" - a person has good insight, a developed sense of beauty and bright abilities in creativity, charm, good observation and intuition.

OK it's all over Now!

Fingerprints of a person, in terms of their forensic significance, occupy the first place in the group of traces-displays, which is explained not only by the frequency of their detection at the scene, but also by the fact that with their help it is possible to come to the search and exposure of the criminal in a shorter way. This possibility is due to the structure of the skin on the fingers and the special properties of the papillary patterns present on the terminal phalanges of the fingers.

The traces of fingers, parts of the palm or the entire hand found during the inspection of the scene of the incident, depending on their completeness and clarity, make it possible to:

  • identify a person by displaying papillary lines;
  • limit the circle of suspects in case of a clear discrepancy between the general structure of the papillary pattern of the hands of persons who were previously present at the scene of the incident or touched objects on which traces were found, and highlight the trace left by the criminal;
  • establish the features of the hand that left the mark (absence of fingers, deformity of the hand, the presence of scars and other damage to the surface of the hand);
  • approximately determine the age of the person who left the trace;
  • approximately determine the sex and height of a person by the size of the parts of the brush;
  • based on the analysis of the location of handprints, including those that do not contain a clear display of papillary lines, to determine some elements of the mechanism for committing a crime (how the offender touched any objects, how he held a weapon, etc.).

General information about the structure of the palmar surface of the hand

The scientific justification for identifying a person by handprints is directly related to the anatomical features of the structure of the human skin.

The human skin consists of three main layers: upper - epidermis (from the Greek epi- over, above; derma- leather); dermis (actual skin) and subcutaneous fatty tissue (Fig. 12.1). Skin epidermis outside it is a layer of dead, keratinized cells, which are constantly sloughed off in the form of scales, separated and replaced by new ones. The epidermis provides elasticity, firmness and rapid recovery of the surface layer of the skin in case of damage. Skin dermis has two layers: mesh and papillary. The first layer consists of dense tissue, the second layer is composed of various in shape and size elevations (papillae) or papilla (from the Latin papilla- nipple). The papillae are arranged in pairs in the form of linear rows, interspersed with grooves deeper than the interpapillary depressions. The epidermis accurately copies the relief of the papillary dermis, forming lines in the form of roller-shaped protrusions separated by grooves (papillary lines). The papillary lines are separated from one another by grooves (depressions). Located in the form of streams, papillary lines and grooves form patterns of various shapes and complexity, called papillary patterns.

Rice. 12.1. The structure of the human skin

On the crests of the papillary lines between the papillae are funnel-shaped ducts of the sweat glands - pores. On the papillary line, about one centimeter long, there are from 9 to 18 holes. Perspiration substance, penetrating through the pores to the surface of the skin, upon contact with various surfaces (trace-receiving) forms sweat-fat traces of papillary patterns.

Papillary hand patterns have a number of properties that allow them to be successfully used to solve identification problems in the process of detecting and investigating crimes. The main ones include such properties as individuality, relative immutability and recoverability, the ability to be imprinted on objects, the possibility of classifying papillary patterns, which make it possible to identify a specific person by the traces of his hands. The presence of these properties is explained by the fact that, having finally formed in a three-month-old embryo, papillary patterns do not change, as a rule, until the death of a person. Only some diseases (tertiary syphilis, scleroderma, etc.), as well as severe burns and cuts (depending on the depth of damage) can lead to irreversible changes or destruction of papillary patterns. However, the resulting scars and scars, which are damage to the skin in the form of protrusions and depressions of various depths and configurations, in turn, are individualizing signs that are used to identify a person.

In the practice of crime investigation, there were cases when criminals tried to surgically remove papillary patterns with part of the skin of the nail phalanges of the fingers, however, papillary patterns, as a rule, were restored. When a deeper layer of skin is removed, these patterns may not be restored, but their absence will be a sign that, together with other facts and circumstances, can help to identify the offender.

Individuality determines the uniqueness of the traces of the hands of a particular person. Even in identical twins, the set of details in the structure of skin patterns never repeats. Over the past hundred years, in world practice, not a single case of coincidence of skin patterns in different people has been identified. Moreover, small features of papillary patterns in the aggregate create combinations - a macrostructure that is unique even on different fingers of one person. Therefore, when identifying, criminologists actively use not only the macrostructure of the papillary pattern, but also the microstructure, expressed in the structural features of papillary lines (edgeoscopy) and pores (poroscopy).

Another property of the skin of the fingers and palms of the hands is the ability to imprint on those objects that the human hands have touched. Moreover, the formation of imprints occurs regardless of the desire and will of a person, which is due to the physiological properties of the skin - the fact that the surface of the skin is always covered with secretions of sweat and fat. Passing when touched on an object, they form prints on it that copy papillary patterns.

In addition to morphological information, due to the structural features of the skin of the palmar surface, at least important information about a person who left a trace, the material carrier of which is sweat-fat substance.

Types and types of papillary patterns

Most often in investigative practice, traces of hands are found in the form of traces of various sections of the skin relief of the fingers and palms of the hands. In traceology, a special branch of forensic science, called fingerprinting(from Greek. daktylos- finger and skopeo- I look), which literally means “finger-gazing”.

In a separate section is allocated, which studies the traces of the palms of the hands of a person, called palmoscopy(from lat. palma- palm and Greek skopeo- I'm watching).

The ability to classify papillary patterns served as the basis for theoretical and practical developments that are successfully used in the fight against crime.

Most of the papillary patterns on the nail phalanges of the fingers consist of three streams of lines. One is in the central part of the pattern and forms the inner pattern (center). The other two streams are upper(outer) and lower(basic) - go around the inner pattern from above and below (Fig. 12.2). The section of the pattern where these streams converge resembles the letter "delta" from the Greek alphabet, as a result of which this section of the pattern has received the name delta. Depending on the number of flows of papillary lines, the shape of the internal pattern according to the classification system adopted in Russia papillary patterns of the fingers are divided into three types:arc, loop and curl with an additional division of each type into types in accordance with the structural features of the pattern.

Rice. 12.2. The structure of the papillary pattern: 1 - basic flow; 2 - external flow; 3 - internal (central) flow; 4 - delta

arc patterns the simplest in structure and frequency of occurrence - make up about 5%. They consist of no more than two streams of papillary lines, which originate at one lateral edge of the finger and go to the other, forming arcuate figures in the middle part of the pattern, which curve towards the upper stream. In arc patterns, there is no internal pattern and delta. Among them, the following types are distinguished: simple, hipped and pyramidal (Fig. 12.3).

Rice. 12.3. Types of arc patterns: a) simple; 6) pyramidal; c) tent

Loop patterns occur in about 60% of cases. They are formed from at least three streams of lines. The central pattern consists of one or more loops, the lines of which begin at the edge of the pattern and, rising up, return to the same edge. The loop has a head, legs and an open part. Depending on the shape and number of loops, the relative position of the beginning and end of their legs, loop patterns are divided into simple, curved and closed (racquet loops) (Fig. 12.4).

The direction of the legs of the loops is the basis for distinguishing among the loop patterns ulnar (the legs of the loops are directed towards the little finger) and radial (the legs of the loops are directed towards the thumb).

Curl patterns are diverse in structure, but are somewhat less common than looped ones, in about 30% of cases. Their internal pattern can be formed by papillary lines in the form of ovals, circles, spirals, loops, or a combination of them. A characteristic feature of the curl pattern is the presence of at least two deltas, one of which is located to the left and the other to the right of the inner part of the pattern. Among this diversity, the following main types of curl patterns can be distinguished: simple, spiral and snail loop (Fig. 12.5).

Rice. 12.4. Types of loop patterns: a) simple; b) curved; c) closed

Rice. 12.5. Types of curl patterns: a) simple; b) snail loop; c) spiral

In some classifications, other types of curl patterns are also distinguished, for example, circular, loop-spiral, loop-ball, complex, incomplete, etc., and among loop patterns - half, parallel and counter.

In addition, there are papillary patterns of the nail phalanges of the fingers, which cannot be attributed to any of the three classification groups, the so-called transitional patterns - false (false-loop and false-curl).

Identification features the structures of papillary patterns are usually divided into general and particular. To common features
include: type and type of papillary pattern; direction and steepness of papillary lines flows; the structure of the central pattern of the pattern; delta structure; the number of papillary lines between the center and delta; interposition of deltas, etc.

Particular features (Fig. 12.6) include details of papillary patterns (beginning and ending, merging and branching of papillary lines, island (eye), bridge, hook, fragment, dot, thin papillary line, opposite position of papillary lines) and papillary lines (breaks , breaks, bends, thickenings, configuration of the edges of papillary lines).

Rice. 12.6. Particular signs of papillary patterns: 1 - the beginning of the line; 2 - pores; 3 - branching lines; 4 - bend; 5 - bridge; 6 - oncoming line; 7 - eye; 8 - line merging; 9 - interpapillary lines (scallops); 10 - short line; 11 - the end of the line; 12 - hook; 13 - islet; 14 - line break; 15 - thickening of the line

As for the skin relief of the palmar surface, it consists of papillary lines, skin folds, interphalangeal folds (on the fingers) and flexor lines (on the palm).

On the palmar surface, two main areas are distinguished, the papillary patterns of which differ from each other in the direction, the steepness of the papillary line flows and the shape of the patterns they form: tenar - the area located around the base of the thumb; hypothenar - the area located against the little finger at the outer edge of the palm (Fig. 12.7).

Rice. 12.7. The structure of the human hand

Types of handprints

Handprints, depending on the mechanism of formation, can be voluminous and superficial, colored and colorless, hardly visible and invisible. Volumetric traces are formed as a result of contact of hands with a plastic surface (on oil, fresh paint, plasticine, icy surfaces, etc.). Surface traces are formed on hard surfaces due to delamination or layering of a trace-forming substance. Peel marks are formed as a result of trace-carrier particles sticking to the hands, layering traces - as a result of sticking to the trace-receiving surface of particles of a substance present on the hands (sweating substance, ink, blood, paint, etc.). Surface marks may be colorless, resulting from layering on the trace-receiving surface of a colorless sweat-fat substance, and painted, formed by hands covered in blood, ink, liquid paint, etc. hardly visible handprints are formed on smooth non-porous surfaces (glass; objects coated with varnish, enamel; plastic, etc.), invisible - occur on porous surfaces (paper, cardboard, plywood, raw wood, etc.).

Investigator's work with traces of hands

Detection of handprints. In a residential or other premises, all surfaces that could be touched by criminals should be examined, especially flat, smooth (glass, polished, etc.). First of all, you need to inspect door handles, cabinet doors, dishes and cutlery that criminals could use, electrical switches (if the crime was committed at night), as well as items left at the scene (crime weapons, comb, etc.) . One should not lose sight of the possibility of detecting not only sweat-fat. but also colored prints left, for example, by a bloodied hand. To detect handprints in the car interior, you should examine the inner and outer door handles, door and glass surfaces, the gear lever handle, interior metal parts, rear-view mirror, etc. The possibility of detecting three-dimensional handprints on any plastic material is not ruled out. It is possible to detect sweat-and-fat fingerprints on the skin of corpses and some types of clothing fabric.In a condition suitable for identification, these traces remain for the most dense tissues. Invisible handprints often appear on various objects made of paper that has a fairly dense surface layer (gluing).

It is possible to detect during examination not only traces of open palms and fingers, but also gloves used by criminals to avoid leaving fingerprints. Their most distinct traces are formed on a smooth surface, such as glass. Leather and cotton gloves can leave marks due to the fact that when using them they are gradually covered with dirt and grease. A certain amount of fat is initially contained in the glove material itself. On the surface of many gloves there are characteristic signs in the form of damage, wrinkles, seams, pores, a pattern of weaves of threads.

Modern methods for detecting honey on the objects under study can be divided into three main groups: visual, physical and chemical. The choice of method is carried out taking into account physical properties forming a trace of the substance, the time of its occurrence, as well as the nature (structure, color) of the surface by the objects of the carrier.

TO visual methods for detecting handprints include: inspection of objects with the "naked eye" or with the help of optical magnification devices (loupe, microscope), as well as lighting equipment. At the same time, volumetric and surface traces of hands are revealed, formed by sweat-fat or dye and located on smooth surfaces. This method is based on the difference in the reflectivity of the surface of the trace-carrying object and the trace itself.

Transparent objects are viewed through the light, with the direction of the flow of rays directly into the eye of the observer or somewhat to the side and at the same time changing the position of the object itself. All objects (transparent and opaque) are examined in various lighting conditions, successively changing the angle of incidence of the rays to the smallest (oblique light). At the same time, some opaque background is set behind transparent objects.

Physical methods for detecting traces of papillary patterns are based on the ability of the trace substance to retain the particles of other substances introduced into it without entering into a chemical reaction with them, as well as the possibility of its own luminescence. Such methods include: processing (pollination) with fingerprint powders (magnetic, non-magnetic, luminescent); fumigation with iodine vapor; cyanoacrylate vapor treatment; excitation of the luminescence of the substance of the alleged trace with the help of optical quantum generators (lasers).

In some cases, it is advisable to use sources of ultraviolet and infrared rays - an ultraviolet illuminator and an electron-optical converter to identify sweat-fat traces. This method is used to detect traces that have passed a long time since the formation of which, as well as invisible traces on multi-colored objects.

To detect traces of papillary patterns iodine vapor an iodine tube is used (Fig. 12.8). In order to stain the sweat-fat trace with iodine vapor, a glass tube in which iodine crystals are placed is clamped in the hand. Under the influence of body temperature, iodine is sublimated and its vapors are pushed out of the tube by a rubber bulb. Penetrating into the substance of the trace, the smallest crystals of iodine color it in Brown color. Since this coloration disappears after some time, the identified traces should be fixed in one of the following ways: iron powder reduced with hydrogen, starch solution.

In investigative practice, such a physical method of identifying and fixing handprints is also used, such as pollination with fingerprint powders: non-magnetic(zinc oxide, lead oxide, copper oxide, soot, graphite, manganese peroxide, etc., as well as their mixtures - universal white, universal black, a mixture of copper oxide with soot, etc.); magnetic("Topaz", "Ruby", "Malachite", "Agate", "Sapphire", "Opal", etc.); fluorescent(rhodamine, zinc sulfide, anthracene, chrysan, etc.).

Rice. 12.8. Iodine tube: 1 - spray pear; 2 - connecting hose; 3 - inlet valve; 4 - glass wool; 5 - iodine crystals; 6 - outlet valve; 7 - tube nozzle

Powders are applied to the surface of the object under study in the following way: by pouring and rolling the powder over the treated surface; using a fingerprint brush (flute or magnetic) (Fig. 12.9); using spray guns, aerosols and other sprays.

Chemical Methods detection of handprints are used, as a rule, in expert practice and make it possible to detect traces of a long time ago. These methods are based on a chemical reaction between the components of the trace fatty substance and special chemical reagents.

Fixation of traces of hands. Identified traces of papillary patterns can be recorded in the following ways: photography, measuring dimensions, making large-scale diagrams or drawings, describing in the protocol of the investigative action.

Rice. 12.9. Magnetic brush: 1 - magnetic rod (rod); 2 - plastic cap; 3 - plastic housing; 4 - spring; 5 - rod head

All traces are described in the protocol and in the order in which they were found. At the same time, it is indicated: on which object a trace was found; characteristics of this subject; the location of the trace on the subject; track size; type of trace; type of papillary pattern; the color of the trace, if it was dyed; method of detection, fixation and withdrawal.

Removal of traces of hands. Detected and recorded traces can be seized by the investigator in the following ways:

  • with a carrier trace or part of it (if possible);
  • copying surface marks on a special film (fingerprint film or adhesive adhesive tape on a polyethylene basis (such as "Scotch");
  • making impressions from volumetric handprints using various impression materials and compounds (gypsum, silicone pastes "K", "U-1", "KLT-ZO"; low molecular weight rubbers "SKTN", "SKTN-1"; impression masses "VGO ”, “VGO-4”; trace-copy compositions “Copy-1”, “Copy-2”, etc.);
  • direct fixing of traces on objects by physical or chemical methods, as well as covering them with a protective film or glass.
  • fingerprint palm or finger scanner ()

Preliminary study of handprints.Approximate definition of age. From the prints of the palms and nail phalanges, you can get an approximate idea of ​​​​the age of the person who left the mark. Imprints of flexor folds of the palm (transverse and longitudinal) in persons under the age of 25 years are expressed
weakly and relatively short (significantly do not reach the edges of the palm); in people older than 25 but younger than 60 have average length, slightly not reaching the edges of the palm, and in people over 60 they reach these edges. In the prints of the elderly and old people, there are many displays of small furrows, folds, wrinkles, white lines (gaps). Display lines of their papillary patterns are less distinct, have a significant number of breaks. The number of papillary lines per unit length depends on age. On a line segment 0.5 cm long, in relation to persons of different age groups, there are: 12-13 lines - persons 8-12 years old; 10-12 lines - teenagers; 9-10 lines - adults. This does not apply to very fat people, in which 7-8 lines are placed on a segment of 0.5 cm.

The trace of the palm may be of orienting value for assumptions about the social environment that formed the person who left this trace. The palm of a representative of physical labor, especially those who have been engaged in it since childhood, is usually wider, square shape compared to the narrower, rectangular or oval palm common to many intellectuals.

Establishing the features of the hand that left the mark. Any anomalies that appear in the traces of hands have a certain search value. This, for example, the elevation of the index finger above the ring finger, unusual length, curvature, thickening in the joints, fusion of some fingers, calluses, scars, scars, complete or partial absence of papillary lines of the nail phalanges, which may be the result of their deliberate destruction.

An approximate definition of the height and sex of a person. For this, special tables are used, using which you can set the approximate height or gender of a person along the length and width of the palm or along the length and width of various fingers.

Expert study of handprints

Traces of papillary patterns of hands are submitted for examination together with the object or part of it, on a special film, in the form of casts of three-dimensional traces or photographs placed in photo tables (an appendix to the protocol of the inspection of the scene, to the primary conclusion of the expert).

As a comparative material, experimental prints of papillary hand patterns are presented, checked on the forms of fingerprint cards or sheets of writing paper (their photocopies, photo reproductions).

Most often, when assigning fingerprint examinations, the expert is asked questions about establishing the hand and fingers that left traces, determining the suitability of hand traces for personal identification and identifying the specific person (s) who left traces.

The decision on the suitability of traces of papillary hand patterns for identification depends on their quality. If there are clear and significant areas of papillary patterns with a large number of distinguishable details of the structure (as a rule, at least eight), the traces are recognized as suitable for identifying a person.

If the trace received for examination contains a limited number of clearly expressed signs of the structure of the pattern (2-3), but is approximately determined type of papillary pattern, the expert concludes that the issue of the suitability of a trace for identification of a person can be resolved only by comparing it with the fingerprints of a particular person being checked. As a rule, such handprints are located on rough, embossed, contaminated surfaces.

Grade matching and differing features identified in a comparative study is carried out on the basis of determining the identification significance of each of them, as well as their entire combination. The criterion for this is the frequency of occurrence of features.

A set of eight particular features of the papillary pattern can be considered sufficient for identification. This allows you to make a reliable and reasoned conclusion. However, it is also necessary to take into account the conditionality of the specified quantity, since such a set is evaluated not only by the number of features, but also by their qualitative characteristics (including identification significance, relative position in the pattern, etc.).

If a match is established on common features, as well as on a number of particular features (at least eight), it is necessary to determine whether the combination of these matching features is individual (unique).

The conclusion about the impossibility of resolving the issue of identity is made if the traces are unsuitable for identification or there are no proper comparative samples. The results of the study are drawn up in the form of an expert opinion and photo tables.