Congratulations on February 23 to a military man. This page does not exist. Scene "Policemen in the forest"

Today I congratulate all the servicemen,
Today your February holiday has come,
I wish you great love and feminine affection,
So that the girls always have a lot of strength.
I raise my glass to you
For your courage and courage,
So that after a difficult journey a halt awaits you,
Loyalty accompanied you in life.

With a wonderful holiday for men,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
To be in life on a dashing horse,
We sincerely wish you.
You are military, which means
Never hope for luck
Apply all the skills of the army service,
Serve the Motherland, always win.

Defender of the Fatherland - warrior, soldier,
I am glad to congratulate you on February 23,
Good luck be with you
Live with the people all one destiny.
Let fate keep and lead through life,
May you always be lucky in everything
Let the service always be peaceful and calm,
All the best to you, happiness and family warmth.

We say thank you to all the military,
That the glory of the Motherland is multiplied,
And this difficult and dangerous age,
Our peaceful sleep is reliably guarded.
Today is February 23, congratulations,
We wish you good luck, endurance, patience,
Let the rear always be happiness and home,
Let joy and love coexist in it.

To all the military - praise and honor,
The merits to your Motherland cannot be counted,
There are many heroic pages in your life,
Courage and valor know no bounds.
Congratulations on February 23,
We sincerely wish you all the joys of the earth,
May luck always smile at you
May fate reward you in full.

On your shoulders - happiness, joy and peace,
Huge country defense.
Compose songs, read poetry
About people in military uniform.
Thank you for the sun and birdsong
For a clear, clear sky,
For the smell of frost, spring flowers
And the taste of baked bread!

You are the best warrior in the world
Like musketeers - all four!
You are incapable of deceit
You are noble like Athos
And - like the brave d'Artagnan -
Any you will overcome the cross.
You can - like Aramis -
Captivate any of the marquises,
And - like Porthos - you are reliable.
You are a dream come true!

In a heavy cloak with a hood,
Sleepy and gloomy
For all regiments and garrisons
There is a chilled sentry.
And the one who raises a glass
At this festive table,
Knows or remembers
On the experience of his male.
But according to the charter
Drinking and smoking is prohibited.
So for him, by right
Civilians, pour wine!

Everything has its turn, as they say, -
It is not without reason that glasses ringing is heard:
To shine brightly gold
Lieutenant's brand new shoulder straps!
So that from now on in life, as on the march,
Everyone kept the balance like that,
So that a marshal comes out of a lieutenant,
Or at least a general!
Finding polite manners
Making a choice once and for all
Capture good luck - you are an officer!
Hold on tight to the life of the occasion.

An officer! Congratulations
You are the great defender of Russia:
Selflessly and tenderly loving,
You give her life, hope and strength!
We know: through a hurricane, squall and rain,
Heart loyal to the oath and the flag,
You will lead soldiers to victory again,
As once your ancestor - to the Reichstag!
Good luck in big and small
Let's become a general!

No, not for titles and awards
The soldier was the hero in battle.
He defended his country
Children, mother and wife,
Spring through canopy
Birches and lindens relatives ...
We congratulate you on this day
Your defenders!

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, today it is customary to congratulate absolutely all men, but, of course, first of all, this is a holiday for the military. It is they who are the real defenders of the country, women, children, etc. What to give to the military on February 23? Thus, the question sounds relevant on the eve of the holiday.

The Valley of Gifts online store presents a huge selection of interesting gifts for such a significant holiday occasion in the life of a military man.

First of all, reward the military. Presenting an award for such a celebration is the most optimal solution. Everyone knows that they are usually awarded for some merit: personal or professional. In this case, you will also be able to reward your acquaintance, friend, colleague, relative for special human qualities, professional achievements or skills, or maybe just because he is next to you? On our site there is a variety of various award products, these are orders, medals, figurines and cups. All awards have commemorative inscriptions. It is the engravings and designs that make them different from each other. You can choose a souvenir based on our assortment (the order “To the Best Defender of the Fatherland” or the figurine “Behind you like behind a stone wall”, for example), or come up with an original dedication that will be quickly and efficiently applied to the product.

In addition, in the topic of what to give to the military on February 23, it is impossible to ignore the Kalashnikov drink set. Things stylized as weapons will resonate in the soul of a person who is basically close to him, especially when it comes to such legendary weapons as the Kalashnikov assault rifle. From such dishes you can treat colleagues. The original presentation, combined with practicality, allows us to say that such a sign of attention will be very desirable for the hero of the occasion.

When choosing what to give to a military man on February 23, do not pass by the Army Beer Helmet. The unusual headdress is made in the military style, so it seems that it was made specifically for the military. This irreplaceable thing for beer lovers. Even a military man needs to relax sometimes. The helmet allows you to drink beer and at the same time leave your hands free. That is, the owner of the present will not need to hold the bank with them. He will enjoy a drink from two cans at once, and with his hands you can hold the TV remote, or a snack. In such a helmet, you can do a lot of useful things without forgetting, however, about your loved one. A comic sign of attention will cause a lot of positive emotions, by the way, not only among the owner himself, but also among those around him who want to have the same.

The choice presented by the options, of course, is not limited. Best

Employees of the Russian Armed Forces, veterans of the Great Patriotic War and other hostilities are congratulated on Defender of the Fatherland Day, and flowers are laid at the monuments of heroic soldiers.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day in Russia, it is customary to congratulate men of all professions and ages, including young men who will defend the Fatherland in the future.

On the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, Russia and women are honored, as many of them, risking their lives, protect their compatriots from various dangers and cataclysms.

In the cities-heroes on this day are held holiday concerts and fireworks will light up the sky in the evening.

history of the holiday

The holiday originated in revolutionary times - the Civil War and the threat of military intervention flared up in Russia, which demanded the creation of a regular powerful army from the new Bolshevik government.

Therefore, the Council of People's Commissars in January 1918 issued a decree on the creation of a workers' and peasants' Red Army. The call to stand up for the defense of the motherland was published on February 23, and then widespread mobilization began, which helped to resist the enemy troops.

© photo: Sputnik /

It was first planned to celebrate the first anniversary of the creation of the Red Army on the day the decree was signed, then they moved it to the Sunday following February 16, which fell on February 23 that year.

For two years they did not remember the military holiday - they realized it in 1922, and a year later, on February 23, the fifth anniversary of the Red Army was celebrated on a large scale throughout the country.

The holiday has changed its name more than once in its 100-year history - at first it was called the Day of the Red Army, and in 1946 on February 23, by Stalin's Decree, it was renamed the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, all the military were honored, to which almost every citizen could attribute himself after the war. Over the years, they began to congratulate all men on the holiday, even those who had never served in the army.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian authorities did not cancel February 23, but simply renamed the holiday as Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Since 2002, Defender of the Fatherland Day has received the status of an official holiday, and February 23 has become a holiday for all those who defended, defends or will defend the country, and not just a professional day for the military.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated not only in Russia - it is also celebrated in a number of the CIS, including Belarus and Kyrgyzstan.

How to congratulate

Over the past century, February 23 has become a sort of unofficial "All Men's Day".

Everyone honors men on this day - the Internet is full of original and cool congratulations. For example:

On this day we wish all men

Sea of ​​smiles, joy, warmth.

We wish our defenders strength

And an endless bowl of goodness.

Let all hardships become trifles,

And on this day, everyone is proud of you.

Let your family be by your side

Saved from melancholy and all sorts of troubles.

We wish bright blessings to our heroes.

You are the best bright example of courage!

Health to you, success and fearlessness,

Victory in any of all possible areas.

Bold, honest, even brave,

Smart, kind, fearless at heart.

With a woman - gentle, in business - serious,

All tasks are difficult for you.

We congratulate you on the holiday of courage,

Roy kind words let it circle over you:

Happiness, health, love and patience,

Faith, luck, hope, luck!

And also like this:

Dear men, we congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you a peaceful life, without wars, losses and tragedies. Let your strength grow, skills and abilities multiply, achievements exceed all expectations. Let those around you please, the family gives strength and inspiration, work brings the desired results. Courage to you, fortitude and a lot of luck!

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

If you plan to make congratulations on February 23 to the military, then keep in mind that your words will be very critical of them. This is one of the few military holidays, and therefore the people who protect us are eager to receive only the most useful gifts on this day and hear the warmest, most meaningful and grateful words. You don't have to come up with something absolutely amazing. No, no one is telling you to be the discoverer of the perfect greetings. But to ensure that they sound at least good, it is quite realistic.

And then you just have to choose whether to follow this thorny path yourself, or enlist someone's support. We don’t know about you, but we would love to join you in finding the right words. Moreover, the Vlio site itself is entirely devoted to congratulations for different people and on different occasions. Discover the world of charming and touching together with Vlio. Use our help and turn an ordinary holiday into something more!

Together with Vlio you will succeed. Believe me, every congratulation published here has already helped hundreds and thousands of people. So why are you worse? Dare!

Tankman! Congratulations
Happy Day of our strong army!
We live, only loving you -
You are terrible to the enemy with your fire!

You, keeping loyalty to the oath,
You will be the winner again! -
Tank armor keeps you
And our big love!

So that the Winged Guard
Keep the clear sky
We wish the paratrooper
To be very lucky in life!

After all, the elite is a paratrooper,
And of course it's undeniable!
Your service is difficult
But you carry it with dignity!

Congratulations on your holiday -
Defender of Motherland!
Let your rears be
Provided on Earth!

In hot spots, away from home
You defended your homeland to the end.
Homesickness was familiar to you,
How familiar was the sound of steel and lead.

Today is the day of the Defenders of the Fatherland -
Your Day by right, maybe doubly so!
And you look at times with reproach:
We lived at home, you were at war...

So let your path be peaceful from now on,
Raise children, love your wife and mother,
Be healthy and be happy now.
Thank you for being able to fight!

You are an officer, my beloved husband,
kept by my prayer,
You are a kind, affectionate father,
In everything in life, well done.

You yourself are repairing the faucet in the kitchen,
You move a wardrobe, a sofa.
You can easily hammer a nail
In this case, do not nail the finger.

Congratulations, airborne fighter,
Happy Defender of our Motherland Day!
The enemy has no hope in war -
You are stronger and smarter, you are fearless!

Do not get sick from boredom, longing,
Loneliness does not threaten without friends:
Life - flights, jumps, forced marches,
Become stronger, more resilient - you want!

You are a landing force, and all enemies are trembling -
You will doubt them in hand-to-hand combat ...
Take care of the elderly and children
Defending your Motherland!

Aviation Hero Cardio
We congratulate! Happy holiday to you!
Let the sky be clear - and, of course.
Your landing will be soft!
We wish you good luck!

May you be on top in everything!
In solving a complex combat mission
Be an ace! Well, wave your wings to us!

Who is reluctant to fly or swim,
To whom swamps and sands are crayons,
To that kindred - army infantry,
To that mile in the troops - motorized rifles!

We are glad to congratulate you today:
Happy Army Day, our native defender!
You serve not for honors, awards -
You burn with love for the Motherland alone!

Learn: always, everywhere prepare for battle,
Then the last battle will be for the enemy.
Good luck be with you!
Live with the people all one destiny!

For those who do not sleep at night, so that we fall asleep.
For those who hold a machine gun instead of a glass.
For those who do not celebrate the holiday with us,
I raise my first toast to the soldiers!

February 23 is a holiday of real men who defended, defend or will defend our Motherland. And women belonging to this category, too, and this should be remembered! And who keeps the peace and security of the borders of our country here and now? That's right, military! It is they who today first of all deserve congratulations on their, one might say, professional holiday! Therefore, the words of congratulations on February 23 to the military should be addressed first of all! Who better than they deserve them today?

Despite external restraint, stinginess in showing feelings and even some callousness, all warriors are also people and nothing human is alien to them, and congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day will only increase their combat performance (+100 to attack and +300 to defense).

You will find congratulations on February 23 for the military here, in this section of our website portal.

SOLDIER - vocation and work,
Support of humanity!
It so happened, in men's hands
Peace and tranquility of the Fatherland!
We wish you happiness, long years,
Health, sun, joy!
Let the holiday give words again
Love and gratitude!

The tranquility of the borders of the Fatherland and the love of a faithful girlfriend, what else does a real military man need for happiness? So let's wish them exactly this, they deserve it!

May this solemn holiday
Wishes are louder!
Orchestras - beautiful marches
They play more soulful and louder!
May they be comprehended with brilliance
All the secrets of military science!
Support will always be there
Love and care of a friend!

“The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad!” These wise words were spoken a long time ago by Suvorov himself - neither add nor subtract! So we wish the soldier to rise to the rank of general!

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day!
I want to live, love, work,
And if a lucky star smiles at you,
That and to the general to rise.

Today is a holiday, so for today you should forget about feats of arms and just accept congratulations on February 23 for all the military.

Forget the trenches
Postpone the fight for tomorrow.
Gotta drink a little
For men! For you and me!
To be the DEFENDER of the HOMELAND -
Duty, duty of a man!
Service in the army is a profession And a spiritual pinnacle!
Let skills and abilities
Useful in a peaceful life!
There will be a personal contribution to history,
To the prosperity of the FATHERLAND!