Congratulate on the holiday of the Airborne Forces in prose. Airborne Forces Day: a selection of beautiful congratulations. Short SMS congratulations on the Day of the Airborne Forces in verse and prose

Congratulations to all current and former paratroopers on the day of the Airborne Forces! We are proud of your choice and status, admire your heroism, courage and valor. Thank you for your courage, reliability, and we admire you! Thank you for your courage and heroism, bravery and valor. May your health be impeccable, and the spirit persistent and gravitate towards victories!

Airborne - the pride and strength of the country! From the bottom of our hearts we want to congratulate our heroes on a well-deserved holiday! Assess their courage, which allowed them to join the ranks of the landing troops to defend the Motherland. May the sky above our heads always remain cloudless and peaceful, and the landing on native land- safe and successful. Glorify the Fatherland and be healthy!

On the day of the Airborne Forces, the heroic holiday of worthy men, I congratulate you first of all! For me, you are the standard of a defender, a real paratrooper. Let no life's hardships threaten you under the canopy of the parachute, your nerves will be strong as slings, and the vest of fate consists only of white stripes.

On the day of the Airborne Forces, my congratulations are intended for you. I wish you long-term success, unshakable principles and the same health. May life give victories, glorious memorable moments and do not reduce the circle of close and dear people.

Always stay in excellent physical shape and excellent mood, keep fighting spirit, but be attentive and restrained with loved ones. Let them know that with such a defender and reliable paratrooper, no heights are at all possible, and the sky will always be peaceful!

Our army is already strong and famous all over the world, and the Airborne Forces are just its decoration! On Airborne Forces Day - accept my congratulations! From pure heart I wish your life to develop like clockwork, so that there is love and family happiness, promotion, decent rest and respect for others in it!

A lot is hidden behind the abbreviation VDV. More precisely, one can talk endlessly about these troops! And we will definitely talk to you, because it is very interesting to hear about them firsthand, from a person serving in them! But first of all - I congratulate you on the Day of the Airborne Troops and wish you all the best!

Airborne troops. Their strength is not in some kind of magic, but in courage, excellent training, cohesion of the ranks of the armed forces. last word military equipment ... Congratulations on the Day of the Airborne Forces! I can't even begin to guess what your future will be like! I only know that you will pleasantly surprise us, and even yourself!

Airborne Forces Day is a great occasion to be in shape, like at a parade, and at the same time to relax discipline a little! Today we will support you with special fervor, so that the festive mood will take over you every minute! And you - be patient with our attention and the variety of congratulations and good wishes showered on you!

Congratulations on Airborne Forces Day! You never thought how to slip away from the service, on the contrary - you dreamed about it! Defense of the Motherland is your calling! You know that in it is concern for the good of the country, for millions of people, including those who are not indifferent to you and are dear to you ... And I have a conviction, firm as a diamond, that your fate should be very special and incredibly happy!

Our landing party not only marches boldly on the ground, but also conquers the heavens! Happy Airborne Troops Day! You are satisfied with your life, because you know how to correct it, but still, of course, a little more love, good luck and the fulfillment of a couple of cherished desires will not hurt you, and there - new victories and new horizons!

Once, at a special moment and day, you chose your life path and now you serve in the ranks of the Airborne Forces! You can approve such a choice more than once, but today it is time for a special kind of praise, because we are celebrating Airborne Forces Day! So you, without any excuses, will be at the center of our persistent, but very pleasant attention today!

Airborne Forces Day is a grandiose holiday, and the summer season suits it perfectly! Today you are allowed everything, walk at least until dawn - you deserve it a thousand times! And of course, today additional warmth and lightness will settle in your hearts, because so many people think of you with warmth, and I wish you all the best! Congratulations!

Although I do not serve in the Airborne Forces, I cannot treat this day as a weekday! After all, Paratrooper's Day is your holiday, and you and I are not strangers! Therefore - you can count on my company to mark it so that even such a strong guy like you will be dizzy with joy!

I happened to be interested in military history, and I must admit, the airborne troops are a special force, and the guys serving in them deserve such a holiday as Airborne Forces Day! Let the fireworks sprinkle, let the songs be heard at concerts and not only! Congratulations! I wish you good luck, health and love!

Today, on this great and joyful day for you, I would like to join all the wishes and congratulations on your day of the Airborne Troops! And to tell you that always, at all times and under any circumstances, the strength, courage and reliability of people living by the principle: "No one but us!" We express our admiration to you, because you, guys in blue berets, always have with you willpower, pride in the country, striving for the best and readiness. Willingness to defend the country from all dangers, from enemies. So give you the Lord, good health, courage, patience and happiness.

In a day Airborne troops, I first of all want to congratulate you, our dear airborne troops. To tell you that you have always been considered, are considered and will be considered the pride of our country. Our future, our protectors and pride. I would like to wish you on your day that joy visit your strong hearts. So that courage does not leave you at the most crucial moments, grief bypasses your homes, and happiness, but happiness, so that it regularly comes to you and reminds you of yourself! Let your berets, which symbolize the color of the blue sky, always be visible from afar. After all, mothers, fathers and wives are proud of you! Happy holiday!

Of course, today is a particularly important day not only for you guys, but for the whole country. After all, today is the Day of the Airborne Troops. And this means that today everyone, the whole country, all friends, acquaintances and all relatives will congratulate you. After all, they say that the one who decided to become an airborne officer, his heart hurts not only for himself, but also for his homeland. And for all of us, for our future! You are a true role model. Delight for schoolchildren, heroes for girls, and brave men for relatives. On your day, we dare to wish you happiness. Happiness and inspiration. To wake up every day with a smile on your face. For the airborne forces!

On this bright and beautiful day, I have the honor to congratulate you, our dear airborne paratroopers, on your day. So I wish you the very best. For example, I want to wish you that your courageous and brave hearts never know resentment and disappointment. May your dreams and goals come true soon. After all, you deserve the best in life. You deserve to be on top. Since you are our future, which stands proudly on its feet. And in which case, they are ready to protect us from troubles. On your day, I wish you the very best health and strength. Let everything be as you need it.

Today, I have the honor to congratulate you, our paratroopers, on your holiday all over the country. You differently called in the country. "Winged Infantry", "Blue Berets". And after all, all these names sound proud and emphasize your courage and strength! Your motto, which sounds "No one but us", once again reminds you that you are ready to fight any difficulties, always ready to break through for us, for the sake of the country, for the sake of the future. And nothing stops you. And so our pride for you knows no bounds. Good luck, our eagles! May heaven give you miracles in life.

On the Day of the Airborne Troops, you can usually see a lot of guys on the streets, men in blue berets and vests. You paratroopers deserve today to celebrate your day as you wish. And you know, we are proud of you, because you are ready to fight the dangers in the country. And they are always ready to go ahead, not expecting help and support from anyone. We are glad to congratulate you today and wish you happiness, immeasurable happiness like heaven. So that your hearts never suffer from anything bad and painful. In the eyes so that the fire always shone, on the face there was a smile. The whole country congratulates you guys and wishes you new heights. Conquer all peaks. After all, you deserve the best! For the airborne forces!

For the Airborne Forces, men are shouting everywhere today. Men in blue berets today proudly put on their uniforms and declare their choice to the whole country! The Airborne Forces are people who stop at nothing, who have seen a lot in their lives, but stop at nothing. This is our pride and hope for the best! We congratulate you. And we wish you that your eyes shine as brightly as the sun in the sky. So that your soul always radiates only warmth! So that there are no obstacles and obstacles on your way! After all, you deserve the heights. Good luck our eagles! May the Lord keep you.

Congratulations on Happy Airborne Forces. Be respected, adored, brave, courageous, determined to win, self-confident, open to new dreams, true to your principles and promises, good-looking in any battle and in every situation. health, true love and good luck.

I congratulate you on the Day of the Airborne Troops and wish you not to fall if you fly, but if you do fall, then land successfully. May strength and truth be on your side, may there be many victories on your account.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on the Day of the Airborne Troops and wish you successful landings in life and the indispensable achievement of the tasks set, brave courage and courage, good health and optimism of the soul, confident strength and bright happiness on the way.

Happy Airborne Forces Day to all blue berets and vests! Today is your holiday and let it be extraordinarily fun! We wish your winged souls and fearless hearts to remain forever the pride of the country!

Congratulations on the Airborne Forces Day. For a strong, always cheerful, strong, courageous, brave guy, I wish you to remain so, I wish you never back down from your own, I wish you to end any fight with victory, I wish you to land at the foot of your dreams with every jump.

I congratulate you on the Day of the Airborne Forces and wish the air space happiness in life, great expanses of good luck on earth, incredible strength and vigor of the body, great courage and courage of the soul. Let any task be on the shoulder, let courage, respect, friendship and love be faithful companions in life.

I congratulate you on the Day of the Airborne Forces and sincerely wish you to always be a real brave man, look ahead with good hope and bright dreams, always be able to rely on true friends and find understanding in your loved one. I wish you the eternal glory of the blue berets and real pride in the title of "Paratrooper".

Congratulations on the day of the Airborne Forces to the most courageous, strong-willed people capable of defending our Motherland! Russian airborne troops have great traditions and richest history, and service in them has always been considered a high honor, accompanied by great responsibility. Happy holiday, fighters in blue berets, always remain strong, strong, unshakable, and at the same time peaceful and benevolent, God bless you with health, strength, skills, good luck and victories for the good of our Motherland.

I congratulate you on the Day of the Airborne Troops and sincerely wish you to fly through the clouds of dreams and glory and land on the platform of success and good luck. May heroic deeds color you, may happiness and love inspire you, may any of your business justify your goals and hopes.

Congratulations on the holiday to people strong in spirit and strong in body, for whom the second home is the blue dome of the sky, it is you, real men, who are an example of courage, patriotism and reliability. Health to you and your loved ones, cheerfulness and a peaceful sky above your head!

Airborne Forces Day unites strong and real men who are connected by service to their homeland, by heaven alone. The landing party lives by faith in a state that can be successful and prosperous, so I want to find words to congratulate you on the upcoming holiday and express admiration, gratitude, and support. Airborne troops, you can serve the benefit of the entire state, knowing how much people appreciate labor activity. Thank you for what you are doing, how you strive to support all of Russia. I want to wish strength and courage, confidence in future success. Let the paratrooper by all means find an opportunity to show his character traits only from the best side. I wish you true happiness and success in any endeavors. Let life please only bright colors, which will certainly turn out to be saving for you.

Congratulations on Airborne Forces Day! After all, you, paratroopers, are irreconcilable fighters, keepers of the world. Legends have been composing about you for a long time, therefore, without much confusion, accept our wishes on this solemn, festive day! Be always happy, always loved, always healthy and never lose heart!

For the Airborne Forces, men are shouting everywhere today. Men in blue berets today proudly put on their uniforms and declare their choice to the whole country! The Airborne Forces are people who stop at nothing, who have seen a lot in their lives, but stop at nothing. This is our pride and hope for the best! We congratulate you. And we wish you that your eyes shine as brightly as the sun in the sky. So that your soul always radiates only warmth! So that there are no obstacles and obstacles on your way! After all, you deserve the heights. Good luck our eagles! May the Lord keep you.

On this day of the airborne troops, I want to congratulate the valiant paratroopers on this holiday, wish you fortitude, self-confidence, courage, a peaceful sky above your head, do not forget your comrades and appreciate every day of your life. And we will sleep peacefully knowing that you are protecting us and your country ..

Happy Airborne Troops Day, congratulations to all paratroopers. We are proud of you and admire you! Thank you for your courage and heroism, bravery and valor. I would like to wish you courage, strength, endurance, reliable friends and trusted comrades, as well as impeccable health ..

Today we have the honor to congratulate those who fulfill their duty to their homeland, providing us with a peaceful sky above our heads. Guys in blue berets and vests celebrate their holiday today - Airborne Forces Day. Our dear paratroopers, may faith in yourself, hope for the best, love of relatives and friends always live in your hearts.

Congratulations on the day of the Airborne Forces in your own words beautifully

You, paratroopers, are the shield and sword of the Motherland, the color and pride of the army, and on the day of the Airborne Forces, we wish you great health, optimism, military skills, and excellent combat missions. Let stars adorn your shoulder straps, orders for your chest, and smiles for your faces!

Happy army holiday with Airborne Forces Day, our defenders, our keepers of peace, tranquility and prosperity of our country! We sincerely congratulate you and wish you good, good health, stronger than that of the seven heroes, long life to all of you, your families, your loved ones and relatives. Let your children grow up and take an example from you, because each of you is the best, special. And we know one thing - you are all Heroes!

The mere word "paratrooper" makes an indelible impression on any boy who dreams of becoming like one of the fearless and strong heroes marching in striped vests and blue berets. Continue to be an example and pride for the citizens of Russia, Happy Airborne Forces Day!

On Airborne Forces Day, I want to congratulate you on your holiday. I wish you long life and good health. Let there be good and memorable moments in life, there will always be relatives and friends nearby. Never lose heart, be an example for guys and men and always stay in great shape!

Congratulations on Airborne Forces Day! You never thought how to slip away from the service, on the contrary - you dreamed about it! Defense of the Motherland is your calling! You know that in it is concern for the good of the country, for millions of people, including those who are not indifferent to you and are dear to you ... And I have a conviction, firm as a diamond, that your fate should be very special and incredibly happy!

Congratulations on the Airborne Forces Day! I wish, holding on to the slings of love and joy, soar under the dome of happiness in the air space of success. Let each jump be a long flight towards a dream.

Congratulations on the day of the Airborne Forces in your own words in an original way

Happy Airborne Forces Day to you! Let the fountains cool your ardor and fighting spirit today, but your hearts will never cease to glow with love, and your eyes sparkle with courage, may luck not leave you along the way and let your friend’s shoulder down, and a lucky star leads to victories!

To be a warrior it is not enough to wear nice shape. There must be a steel spring inside a person, which will allow him not to bend under the weight of the tests. The blue beret is a pride for every man. Let good health not let the paratrooper down.

Airborne troops, the whole country congratulates you! For a peaceful sky, for service, she sends a low bow to you. All the girls send you smiles, What are waiting for you at home on earth. They wish you good luck On land, in the sky and in the water!

On Airborne Forces Day, I wish that the parachute always helps to fly away from failures and troubles. After all, in the sky - he is the most faithful friend and comrade. Let it shine like a star - a parachute dome under a blue sky dome!

On this bright and beautiful day, I have the honor to congratulate you, our dear airborne paratroopers, on your day. So I wish you the very best. For example, I want to wish you that your courageous and brave hearts never know resentment and disappointment. May your dreams and goals come true soon. After all, you deserve the best in life. You deserve to be on top. Since you are our future, which stands proudly on its feet. And in which case, they are ready to protect us from troubles. On your day, I wish you the very best health and strength. Let everything be as you need it.

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