What are these signs? “Beautiful people read me! Writing career: success or failure

Who is Lena Miro, not only those who hear this name for the first time, but also regular readers of her blog are wondering. The girl created an aura of mystery around her person, which helped her become popular and recognizable. Versions of their own origin, which Elena herself creates, are refuted from reliable sources.

To say exactly a real man in front of us or the image created by the whole team is impossible. But what can not be taken away is the hard work on creating fame around Lena Miro, no matter how scandalous it may be.

What is known about Lena Miro

The image of the chic life and everyday life of the girlfriend of the oligarch Lena Miro (blogger) was created by herself. Readers received specific information bit by bit: there was an affair with “rich and successful”, the book “Malvina” is an autobiography, there is a personal driver. By the way, "Malvina" is the first "hypostasis" of Elena, whose life story was subsequently refuted by attentive anti-fans.

Of those facts that are not subject to doubt, little is known.

Elena Vladimirovna Mironenko was born in 1981 in Stary Oskol. Subsequently, she moved to Voronezh, where she was educated as a translator-linguist. Then she went to London, where she started organizing discos. How much success Elena has achieved, history is silent. But a few years later, Mironenko returned to Russia, where she began working as a translator.

The girl took the first steps towards the current popularity only in 2010. It was then that the first books written by her for the School project were released. In October 2010, the same publishing house published Lena Mironenko's autobiography "Malvina and cattle". To stir up readers' interest in her work, the girl created the famous miss_tramell blog in LiveJournal (February 2010).

At first, the “writer” pretended to be a native of Moscow and called herself “Malvina”. The real information about who Lena Miro is was found on the Internet by "haters" and kindly published. Mironenko herself tried to deny everything, but when she realized that resistance was useless, she called the creation of a fake biography an attempt to protect her family from the scandalous image of Lena Miro.

The path to glory lies through LJ

A blog in LiveJournal with the nickname miss_tramell was created in February 2010. The popularity grew rapidly. Already in 2013, more than 11,000 people signed up for Miro, and hundreds and thousands of comments were collected under the records.

She gained fame as a brawler from the moment the post appeared, in which she spoke rudely and categorically about older people, in her words, “the most disgusting old women.” Since 2011, the diary regularly hits the top LJ. Lena Miro and now heads many ratings. But, as a rule, they all have the prefix -anti.

As Elena herself later admitted, her task was to hit her sore points. How more people she managed to offend, the more popular the blog gained. Few people know, but before the current scandalous blog, the girl started two more. They published positive and bright entries that were not of particular interest to the public. Nobody wanted to know who Lena Miro was.

The current version of the Internet diary can leave few people indifferent. Lena writes about topical issues, but she does it caustically, cynically, without pretentiousness. Someone likes this approach, and they call Miro a "magic pendel." Most agree on the idea that she is a brawler and a provocateur who is trying to inflate attention around her out of nothing.

The main topics of miss_tramell's posts are intrigues, scandals, other people's underwear. Miro takes the liberty of dictating who should live and how. But there are also many materials on the topic of healthy lifestyle and sports. In addition to posts in LiveJournal, Mironenko has released several books on how to keep your body in shape.

Internet celebrity personal life

The personal life of the “goddess of all LiveJournal” Lena Miro hides much more carefully than the biography and information about childhood and hometown. After she ceased to appear in Mironenko's stories, she began to position herself as a loner.

Nevertheless, here and there, information about the novels of the "star" appears. Moreover, her chosen ones are often absolutely far from that image. perfect man, which Miro describes in his blog.

At the moment miss_tramell lives in America with a 44-year-old photographer. The details of their relationship are, of course, unknown.

Writing career: success or failure

It is worth remembering that initially Lena Miro defined herself as a writer. She used the LiveJournal blog solely to promote her epistolary work. But gradually the girl "went into a rage", and the fame around the Internet diary rose much more than around her books.

At the moment, the writer has released more than 15 books. Several of them are dedicated healthy lifestyle life, weight loss. The rest is just fiction.

Compare 2 photos. A fleeting glance is enough to understand: on the left is the chest of a young woman, on the right is an elderly one.

Photo: Social networks

And, it seems, the women are about the same build. Both have a lush beautiful breasts. Not saggy, not pitted with wrinkles. The skin is well-groomed.

However, by some signs, we unmistakably determine: on the left is a young woman, on the right is a grandmother.

What are these signs?

Dark spots.

Photo: Social networks

They appear with age in the vast majority of people. On hands. On the chest. On the face.

Photo: Social networks

Age spots are as strong a marker of age as wrinkles. Only for some reason it is customary for us to fight wrinkles, and it is customary to score on senile brown bloopers on the skin.

This is silly. Very stupid.

Pricking your face with Botox and fillers, but leaving age-related pigmentation on it, is the same as pumping only triceps in the gym. Yes, your hands in this case will be in order, but everything else will hang as it is. Idiocy.

However, dark spots happen to young people too. Having a couple of freckles on your face is, in my opinion, cute. But excessive pigmentation disfigures even a beauty.

Photo: Epilas

And what's the point of walking like an old woman or a scarecrow today, when you can get rid of age spots very simply?

What is needed for this?

Several laser whitening treatments at weekly intervals. The effect will last for several years with a maintenance procedure every six months.

The laser should be the latest generation, and not second-hand shit from China. This is fundamentally important. Otherwise, you will not only waste your money, but also burn your skin.

In the center laser hair removal Epilas all procedures are carried out on the latest German-made diode laser. This is the best machine to date.

A huge bonus to the procedure for getting rid of pigmentation will be skin rejuvenation. Removing age spots and small vascular formations, the laser simultaneously stimulates the natural synthesis of elastin and collagen, as it penetrates into all layers of the skin.

As a result, along with your nasty brown bloopers, wrinkles will also go away. You pay for one effect, but you get at least two.

In general, with great pleasure and with all my heart

March 4th, 2018 03:00 pm

I was asked what to do with them?

No one will tell you the truth but me. All bloggers are corrupt skins. Especially video bloggers - as soon as I discovered them for myself, I vomited. Journalists are whores. TV is even worse than YouTube.

And the truth is that the state and the authorities do not like you. Should love or should not - the tenth question, that's not the point. The only important thing is that right now the state has you.

In a direct ugly physiological sense.

Photo: Social networks

The state needs you from 18 to 55 years old. Healthy. Dumb. Operable. All the rest didn’t fucking give up, and this is easy to prove if you look at how they collect money for the treatment of sick children on TV, how much the pension is today, and how no one socially protects the sick.

And what to do? I found a way out - revenge. Are we not loved? Great! Let's not love them back!

They want you to die as soon as you stop working so you don't have to pay your pension? Fine, show them the dick - stop smoking, drinking, eating shit and go in for sports.

This will save you from cardiovascular diseases, which means it will allow you to live a few “extra” years. And let them think about where to get money for retirement, and do not pretend that they care about the elderly.

Do they want you to be dumb? Did you go to the polls and rejoice at the victories of the OCR? Great, in return make fools of those who want to see you as an obedient herd!

Read. Travel. Learn languages. Subscribe to my telegram channel where my hands are not censored. Give children a good education. And don't turn on the TV, please!

And let them bite their elbows, breaking off to make a herd of animals out of you!

They will try to bind you with fear, desperate to make fools out of you. And don't be afraid. Laugh at them in full faces. Point your finger at their whores, geeks and spit on them.

Believe me, they can't do anything. I already know what I'm talking about. How many threatened me, what kind of people, and nothing - alive. Do not be afraid of them, there is nothing to be afraid of them, they can do nothing if they are not afraid.

They won't love us, but we can make them fear us. Let them throw in the ballot boxes as many fake ballots as possible in the elections. Let them know how many people they really could not turn into sheep. Let them be afraid to go out into the street, where they and their whores will be poked with fingers. And then, I'm sure, they will begin to behave differently!

And having pissed with fear, seeing that you are not a drunken and stupid herd, they will work, as expected, for us.

Treat children. Pay decent pensions. Invest in education and roads, and not engage in dick-populism such as supporting the OCR and building stadiums for Mundial.

All this is within our power. Start with yourself, don't let yourself be turned into cattle, and only then will we have a chance to live well.