Presentation of the lexical theme of clothing in the preparatory group. Presentation on the topic “Clothes. Shoes. Hats. We develop the child's attention to the sound of words, we learn to select words in rhyme

Natalia Vladimirova
Presentation "Objects around us: clothes, shoes, hats"

Presentation for children"Cloth, shoes, hats" intended for the child to learn the names of the most common garments, shoes and headwear. Presentation suitable even for children of all ages - they will meet a lot of familiar elements clothes and they will be extremely happy about it.

Target: Development of children's cognitive interest.


- Educational tasks: specify the name and purpose headwear, shoes, garments, its details; form ideas about the types of clothing according to the season; enrich idea of ​​the environment. Summarize children's ideas about clothes and shoes; clarify the functional significance clothes and shoes in people's lives: need in clothes inherent only to people; teach to differentiate seasonal clothes and shoes.

- Developmental tasks: develop memory, thinking, visual attention, perception. Develop dialogical speech, the ability to actively use a generalizing word « cloth» ;

-Educational tasks: develop the ability to get involved in activities, proposed by the teacher, listen to each other, evaluate their knowledge, the knowledge of their comrades and draw conclusions.

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Clothes Why do people need clothes? She shelters from the rain, the wind, She warms in frosts, protects in the heat, She will relieve the coolness in the morning. Only in order to serve longer clothes, Keep it neat and fresh. Clean, iron, wash and dry, wear and then fold neatly. According to the seasons, clothes are always chosen. In the hot summer, of course, the fur coat is removed. And in the cold winter they go to warm clothes. There is hope in spring not to get wet in a raincoat. Jackets, trousers, coats and pants, Dresses, skirts, a person needs. Everything we wear is called clothing. And you have to remember the name.

What is clothing? What clothes are mentioned in the poem? What other items of clothing do you know? What is the name of the clothes worn in summer? In winter? In autumn! And in the spring? What parts can be distinguished from this or that clothing? How are clothes decorated? Why does a person need clothes? How should you take care of your clothes? For what? Why don't animals wear clothes, but humans do? How are boys' clothes different from girls' clothes?

Classes for preschoolers. Clothes in games, speech exercises, poems and pictures for children.

Dear readers of the Native Path! In this article you will find materials for classes and games with a child on the topic "Clothes in games, speech exercises, poems and pictures for children":

  • What is clothing?
  • What is it like?
  • Tasks and games to develop a sense of rhyme, creative speech abilities, thinking, motor skills,
  • Teaching children to write a description according to a plan.
  • Presentation "Clothes" for classes with preschool children.

I wish you success in developing the speech of babies and familiarizing them with the world around them!

Cloth. Part 1. Tasks and games for children from 3-4 years old

Task 1. Learning to compare, observe, describe objects

Look at the pictures. This is brother and sister. Their names are Tanya and Vanya. See how they smile in the picture. They are happy to meet you!

Yesterday mom and dad bought new winter clothes for Tanya and Vanya. After all, soon it will be winter, it will become quite cold, and it will be possible to walk on the street only in warm clothes. Look at the picture - here are the clothes that Tanya bought. What is this?

What is the difference fur coat And coat ? (The fur coat is made of fur, it is fur, and the coat is made of fabric). How are they similar? (They are warm; we wear both a fur coat and a coat in winter; they have sleeves, buttons, pockets, a collar).

Guess the riddle: “Fluffy, not snow. It heats, not the stove. What is this? (Fur coat). Why do you say that? (The fur coat is fluffy, it warms, it is very warm).

Guess my riddle. What did I think of - a fur coat or a coat? “These are clothes for winter – winter. She is very warm. She's got a big hood long sleeves. It has no pockets. It is made from fur. What is this?" (Fur coat). Well done! Now you give me a riddle. “These clothes… She has… and… They are made of… What are they?” (Help the baby describe a fur coat or coat, giving him the beginning of phrases, prompting individual words). Be sure to praise the child: “What a wonderful riddle you got”, write down the riddle and guess it for dad, grandmother, and friends of the child.

And for Vanya, mom and dad bought other winter clothes. Show the child a picture with Vanya's new clothes. What is this? (Jacket and overalls). How are they similar? (they are warm, winter; they have sleeves, there are buttons on the clasp, there are pockets, a hood with fur). What is the difference? (The jacket is short and the overalls are long. The overalls are worn on the legs and have legs, but the jacket is not. They are different colors. The jacket is black, and the overalls are blue and brown)

Guess what Vanya liked more - a jacket or overalls - “These are winter clothes. She has a hood with fur, fasteners with buttons, many pockets. She is black. She is short. What is this?"

Task 2. What is clothes? We learn the generalizing word "clothes"

Look at the picture. These are the things that Tanya loves to wear. What is this? (dress skirt).

And what Vanya likes to wear you will see in the next picture. What is this? (shorts, trousers, shirt)

How are all these things similar?(Tell the baby with a question - “Why do we need a dress, trousers, shorts, a shirt, a skirt? Yes, we wear them, we dress them. So they look like the fact that we put them on ourselves”) We put on the things that we wear are called clothes. Why do we need clothes? Discuss with your child.

  • Clothes protect us from the cold. We would freeze in winter without a fur coat or overcoat.
  • And in the summer, clothes protect us from the heat and the sun.
  • Also, clothes protect us from mosquitoes and midges so that they do not bite. They will sit on clothes, but they cannot bite us.
  • More clothes are needed for beauty. beautiful clothes gives us a good mood.

Ask your child what clothes they have. Does he have any favorite clothes? What clothes does mom have? What about dad? Have a brother or sister? Look at the clothes that you have at home and name the details of the clothes - cuffs, pockets, button, zipper, collar, sleeves, buttons. For example: “What is this? Cuffs. What other clothes have cuffs? Do the gloves have cuffs? And on the jacket?

Task 3. Speech exercise "What kind of clothes are there?"

Tell the kid that the clothes we wear outside are called "outerwear". Why? (Listen to the child's suggestions.) Yes, because it is worn over other clothes. She's on top, on top, so she's on top. What outerwear does a child, mom, dad have?

What are the holiday clothes? ( Festive). What are the clothes for work called? (Working) What about clothes for men? ( male). Clothes for women - ? ( Women's). What about children's clothes? ( Children's). Clothes for dolls - ? ( puppet)

Listen to any children's answers with attention and encourage them! Word creation, i.e. the baby’s inventing new words (male instead of male, or festive instead of festive, etc.) is a manifestation of the fact that the child is trying to experiment with words, to find ways to form new words on his own. This is very important and very necessary for a full-fledged intellectual development baby! Therefore, praise him for word creation. In no case do not laugh at the mistakes of the child and do not repeat them. Just say: “This word could be in Russian. But people agreed to speak differently. They call such clothes "holiday"

Task 4. Guess where the mistake is in this poem about clothes.

In summer, during hot hours -
Only a T-shirt and shorts.
And in winter we need:
Sweater, warm pants,
Scarf, coat, sandals,
hat and so on.
Hat ..., sweater ...,
However, I...
I'm confused, friends!
A. Shibaev

Read the poem to your child and ask them to find the mistake. What clothes do we need in summer? What about in winter?“And in winter we need a sweater, warm pants, a scarf, a coat, sandals, a hat, and so on.” What is wrong here? What is not clothes? (Sandals - Summer shoes not winter clothes)

Task 5. Guessing riddles about clothes. Learning to invent riddles according to plan

And now I propose to make riddles about your clothes or your baby's clothes. This is a very interesting and very useful game! And the dictionary enriches, and teaches to describe objects according to the plan, and children always like it - after all, guessing is interesting for everyone!

We describe-guess in a certain sequence - according to the plan, for example:

  1. color,
  2. size,
  3. material (thick, thin, fluffy, smooth, etc.),
  4. details.

At first - at 3 years old - the baby just listens to your riddles and guesses them. By the age of 4-5, he will already have experience in guessing riddles and will be able to guess the riddle himself according to such a plan in pictures, that is, describe the object.

Lay out 4-5 items of clothing on a table, chair, or couch and describe one item without naming it. An example of a riddle that can be asked to a child: “This thing is long, it is light, it is made of beautiful thick fabric. This item has a belt, white round buttons, a collar and cuffs. What is this?" Help your child guess by asking questions like, “Do you think these are pants? Yes, the pants are long. But the riddle said - "there is a collar and cuffs." Do the trousers have a collar and cuffs? Do the trousers have white round buttons? So, I didn’t think of trousers. And what? »

Then you can play this game in a more complex version- think of things that hang in the closet or in the hallway. And there are a lot of things - try to guess! You need to listen carefully, memorize the signs, observe, search, think.

When the baby grows up - by the age of five - he himself will begin to make such riddles, but for now he “absorbs” the samples that we give him. Therefore, it is very important that our "adult" examples of riddles-descriptions be built logically, so that details, color, and shape are clearly named in them.

And one more important point. In order for the kids to be interested in this game, it is better to play not with pictures, but with “live” real things that you can touch, iron fabric or buttons, unbutton or fasten pockets - in a word, use all the senses.

Task 6. Fiction

We develop the child's attention to the sound of words, we learn to select words in rhyme

Let's play the game "Give me a word." Guess what word you need to say to make a fable song.

Let the animals go to the market
View new item.
Piglet in a coat
And the dog is in ... (skirt).
cat in a jacket
Mouse in ... (take).
Kitty in earrings
Cow in ... (boots).
Lamb in a caftan
Goat in ... (sundress).

If the baby does not guess which word fits here in rhyme, start trying to add with him different words from the picture: “A pig in a fur coat, and a dog ...? In beret. Is it going to be so difficult? No. Let's try it differently. What is this? That's right, a skirt. What can we do with this word? The pig is in a fur coat, and the dog is ... (the child adds “In a skirt”) It turned out well! In rhyme! At the end of the exercise, read your "fiction" again in its entirety with all the selected rhymes.

Find clothes in the picture(skirt, sundress).

Explain to the baby that the things that we put on our heads are not called “clothes”, but “headgear”, because we put them on our heads, not on our bodies. And those things that we put on our feet are called “shoes”. Shoes and hats are not clothing.

Task 7. We learn to speak without mistakes - the words “put on” and “dress”. Let's play and remember!

A common speech error of children is the incorrect use of the words “dress” and “put on”. The rule here is: “DRESS” we say if we dress someone (we dress our son for a walk, we dress a doll, a bear, a baby, a patient). We always dress in something - in a coat, in a raincoat. And “Put on” is said when we “ON - put” ON ourselves - on our hands, on our feet. Therefore, it will be correct to say “I put on trousers (on myself)”, but “I put the doll on a walk”.

You don't need to remember this rule. You just need to play speech games with your child, and he himself will easily and effortlessly remember him and will no longer be mistaken. And of course, in everyday communication, you need to monitor the correct use of these words (an example for comparison: “Have you already put on a sweater? Well done!” “Have you already put on a bear? Great! Then the bear can go for a walk with us”)

Let's start playing!

Read to your child an excerpt from a poem by Elena Blaginina.

Mom sang a song
Dressed my daughter.
dressed - dressed
White shirt.
white shirt,
Thin line...

Mom sang a song
Mom dressed the girl.
Red dress with polka dots
Shoes are new on the legs.
That's how mom pleased -
Dressed up my daughter for May.
That's what mom -
Golden right!

Who did mom wear? How did she dress her daughter?

Game with the word "dress".

Invite the child to play. You will seem to be dressing a bear or a bunny for a walk (showing these actions with gestures), and the baby will need to guess from your gestures what you are WEARING a toy in. For example, show that you are wearing a sweater (there is no sweater, only gestures) and ask: “What am I dressing Mishka in?”. Or show that you are dressing Mishka in trousers and ask “Now what did I put him in?”. You can show with a gesture how you put Mishka in a shirt, fasten the buttons on your sleeves. Then let the kid guess similar riddles for you. This game will always use the word "dress", and the more often - the better! "What did I put the bear in?" - "Did you put the bear in a jacket?" “No, I didn’t wear a jacket. I dressed him in something different, but similar to a jacket. Well, guess what?" - "Did you put him in a coat?" etc. The repeated natural repetition of the word in the game will be remembered by the baby, and he will not be mistaken.

It’s better to remember the use of the word “dress” and this one will help little rhyme for babies.

Game with the word "put on".

When the kid in the first game will always correctly name the action (“dress” the doll, bear, bunny - what? put on a fur coat, coat, dress, shorts), you can move on to the second game - with the word “put on”.

Show how you put something on yourself, and the kid guesses what kind of action you showed - “Mom, did you put on a coat?” “No, not a coat. But that's what ... (in a mysterious voice and repeat the gesture) ". “Did you wear a coat? “No, not a fur coat. I didn't wear a coat. I put on completely different clothes (we repeat the gesture again) ”, etc. Then we change roles - the child shows what kind of clothing he put on himself (gives us a riddle). And we guess.

Some kids don't want to gesture, but actually start dressing themselves up in this game. Let them wear! It won't hurt at all! And even bring intrigue. Stand with your back to the child, close your eyes (you can blindfold your eyes with a handkerchief) and begin to guess what your baby is wearing at this moment in time: “Are you wearing pantyhose? No? Then you wear shorts? Also no. Mmmmm. Maybe you're wearing overalls?" etc. The natural saturation of this game with the word “put on”, the child’s interest in the game lead to the fact that this word and the situation of its correct use are remembered very simply and quickly. And in the future, the child will not have any problems with the correct use of the words “dress” and “put on”! And boring repetitions of these words in the exercises will not be needed, because in life everything is remembered naturally, easily and simply!

Task 8. We get acquainted with the verbs "sew", "embroider", "knit", we select words, we learn the expression "golden hands"

Listen to a poem about Tanya. Tanya has a favorite doll - Baby. She herself makes clothes for this doll - she sews, knits, embroiders. Here's how.

Skillful fingers

Shila Tanya baby
New clothes:
Fur coat, trousers and coat,
Jacket with a zipper.

Our Tanya baby
Tied mittens.
By their patterns she
Decorated for a long time.

The thread runs merrily
Tanya is embroidering.
The baby looks at her
Nods his head.

Tanyusha sews for a baby
And does not know boredom.
Everyone says about Tanya:
"Skillful fingers". (

Tannin's hands can do a lot of different work, and they do it very well, beautifully. Therefore, they say about Tanya that she has skillful fingers. What can your mother and grandmother do? (Bake pies, cook soup, fry meatballs, grow flowers, embroider ...). Is it possible to say that your mother and grandmother have golden hands?

Find a picture with a girl sews. What does she need to work? (Needle, thread, thimble, scissors, sewing machine). Show the baby his clothes, which were sewn from fabric, show different pieces of fabric. Children are very impressed with the rolls of fabrics in the store - they are always interested in what different fabrics there are, especially if you have the opportunity to touch them. Even boys are always intrigued by where their clothes come from, what they are made of, because they didn’t “grow up” in a store.

What picture is the girl in? embroiders? What does she need to work? (Hoop, needle, embroidery thread, scissors) Look, she holds a hoop with fabric in her hands, and embroiders with a needle and thread. What is she sewing? (Flowers, patterns). What else can you embroider? (Different patterns, beautiful pictures). Show your child the embroideries that you have at home (paintings, embroidery on mittens, on dresses or shorts)

Show a picture that shows how a girl is knits. She has knitting needles in her hands. The thread runs merrily from the ball. The needles are sharp. What else is spicy? (Needle, scissors, knife, thorn, hedgehog). What can be connected? (Scarf, socks, hat, blouse, sweater). Show the baby the knitted clothes that he has (scarf, mittens, socks, blouse)

Task 9. Let's play! Finger gymnastics

Invite the child to depict how mother (or grandmother) sews (put three fingers into a pinch, as if they were holding a needle and thread and smoothly move their hand up and down) and read the words to the song to him.

needle, needle,
You are sharp and sharp.
Don't prick my finger
Shay sarafan (Russian folk song)

Repeat with the baby the words of this folk song, depicting sewing. First, repeat the song slowly (the needle sews slowly), then faster, then very quickly (the pace of the hand also speeds up), slowly again. Thus, we teach the child to consciously change the pace of speech.

Task 10. Let's smile together!

And in conclusion, I want to smile with you and suggest reading a funny story in which clothes play a leading role.

Show your child the picture. “Does this boy know how to dress himself? Why? What did he do wrong? And what can happen to a boy or girl who does not know how to dress themselves? Listen to the story of the boy who couldn't dress himself."

"Stupid Story" M. Zoshchenko.

Petya was not such a small boy. He was four years old. But his mother considered him a very tiny child. She fed him with a spoon, took him for a walk by the hand and in the morning she dressed him.

Once Petya woke up in his bed. And my mother began to dress him. So she dressed him and put him on his legs near the bed. But Petya suddenly fell. Mom thought he was naughty, and again put him on his feet. But he fell again. Mom was surprised and put him near the crib for the third time. But the child fell again.

Mom got scared and called dad on the phone at the service.
She told dad
- Come home soon. Something happened to our boy - he can't stand on his legs.
Here dad comes and says:
- Nonsense. Our boy walks and runs well, and it cannot be that he falls down with us.
And he instantly puts the boy on the carpet. The boy wants to go to his toys, but again, for the fourth time, he falls. Papa says:
“We need to call the doctor as soon as possible. Our boy must have fallen ill.
He probably ate too much candy yesterday.
They called the doctor. A doctor comes in with glasses and a tube. The Doctor says to Petya:
"What news is this!" Why are you falling?
Petya says:
“I don’t know why, but I fall a little.
Doctor says to mother:
- Come on, undress this child, I'll examine him now.
Mom undressed Petya, and the doctor began to listen to him. The doctor listened to him through the phone and said:
- The baby is perfectly healthy. And it's amazing why it falls for you. Come on, put it on again and put it on its feet.
Here the mother quickly dresses the boy and puts him on the floor.
And the doctor puts glasses on his nose to better see how the boy falls. They just put the boy on his feet - and suddenly he fell again.
The doctor was surprised and said:
- Call the professor. Maybe the professor will guess why this child is falling.
Dad went to call the professor, and at that moment the little boy Kolya comes to visit Petya. Kolya looked at Petya, laughed and said:
- And I know why Petya falls down with you.
Doctor says:
- Look, what a learned little one was found - he knows better than me why children fall.
Kolya says:
— Look how Petya is dressed. He has one trouser leg dangling, and both legs are thrust into the other. That's why he falls.
Here everyone groaned and groaned.
Petya says:
It was my mother who dressed me.
Doctor says:
“You don't have to call the professor. Now we understand why the child falls.
Mom says:
- In the morning I was in a hurry to cook porridge for him, but now I was very worried, and that's why I put on his pants so wrong.
Kolya says:
- And I always dress myself, and I don’t have such stupid things with my legs. Adults are always up to something.
Petya says:
"Now I'm going to dress myself."
Everyone laughed at that. And the doctor laughed. He said goodbye to everyone, and also said goodbye to Kolya. And he went about his business. Dad went to work.
Mom went to the kitchen. And Kolya and Petya remained in the room. And they started playing with toys.
And the next day, Petya himself put on his pants, and no more stupid stories happened to him.