What are stylish people called? What rules do stylish people follow? The most fashionable people

Thinking about perfect image, the question often arises: “What is more relevant to be fashionable or remain stylish?

Modern fashion is diverse and changeable, events and trends follow each other like frames from a movie. What was fashionable today is no longer relevant tomorrow. Not so long ago fashion seasons had one common ideology and style, and today virtually everything is fashionable, only fabrics, decor, the name of the fashion house, length, color change. It is impossible to keep up with fashion, since it is very dynamic and arises spontaneously under the influence of dominant social moods and rapidly changing tastes, hobbies, or as a protest against the above. Fashion dictates and imposes images on millions, creating the illusion of unity. Being fashionable means navigating the flow of changing looks, always wearing only original fashion brands from the latest collections, thoroughly following the appearance and changing it in accordance with the latest trends, but this does not mean that all of the above is correctly combined. Such pleasure is incredibly costly and not available to many, and the result may not always be positive, and often dangerous to health. Recall, for example, the fashion for silicone implants and tattoos, for a year now, natural facial features and figure outlines, pale skin without any tattoos, and “silicone ladies” have been in fashion.

Fashion is changeable, chasing after it people often lose themselves, and sometimes endanger their own lives. The fashion industry is selfish and focused only on commercial success. She uses all the achievements of science and technology to create new previously unknown materials that are not always comfortable and hygienic. Sometimes a fashionable female image is a kind of chimera that causes horror and disgust, or a colorful bright clown, at the sight of which you want to laugh, or an image so sloppy and provocative that it makes you want to dress and comb your hair.

Many, in pursuit of fashion, surround themselves with fakes and copies and believe that no one notices this. This is the biggest misconception, a copy and a fake can be seen immediately, since they always differ significantly from the original, and sometimes do not closely correspond to it. A pretentious person looks ridiculous and funny, dressed in branded items, on the logos of which there is a significant spelling mistake, the seams of the products are a little asymmetrical, and the shape and silhouette generally want the best. But it often happens that all brands are original, and the image looks angular and ironic - this is because fashionable and prestigious things do not correspond to the figure and facial features, distort the natural image of a person to an ambiguous one.

Style, on the contrary, does not distort, but only complements natural beauty image, and also clearly corresponds to the internal content of a person. Style is not subject to time and fashion trends, fashion only complements and ennobles it. A stylish person is a holistic work of art, where life position and sphere of activity, body and soul, self-esteem and tact, make-up and facial features, clothing and accessories are organically intertwined. Stylish people are not always dressed in trendy branded items, but they are always harmonious and neat, even in some chaotic negligence.

Style is freedom from imposed stereotypes, it is individuality and originality. Stylish people immediately stand out from the crowd, become some ideals and objects of admiration and imitation, giving creative inspiration to designers. Stylish people have changed entire eras and strongly influenced fashion, for example, Coco Chanel, Marlene Dietrich, Jacqueline Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, Madonna, Elizabeth Taylor, Vivienne Westwood, Dita Von Deese, Lady Gaga. They always adhere to one direction in fashion, choosing from a huge assortment only what will harmoniously complement the image. Individual style is a compass in the fashion world, which makes it possible to stop and curb fashion, choose only the necessary and necessary things from fashion collections, dress not only in branded clothes, but also made-to-measure or vintage. Wardrobe stylish person often not very large, but at the same time practical, durable and unique. To be stylish means to correspond to your essence one hundred percent and not be afraid of your own I, and also not hide behind the tinsel of a feigned and someone else's worldview.

Fashion is changeable - style is eternal!

Many people put aside beautiful things for a special case. Stylish people never do this. They are not afraid to look elegant and luxurious every day. They express themselves through their clothes wherever they go: for a walk with the dog, a party with friends or the theater.

2. You can save on everything except shoes

Every stylish person has a whole collection of expensive and high-quality shoes: from sneakers to elegant shoes. If you omit the fact that such shoes will last you a long time and will look better, who will not feel a surge of pride walking along the main streets hometown in beautiful "", while feeling like in slippers? Never skimp on shoes. Choose it based on your style and inner feeling.

3. Keep it short

Simplicity is the key to excellence. Combining high-quality simple things, you will never go wrong. Minimalistic looks are a great way to look elegant, even if you spent 10 minutes getting ready.

4. Always be yourself

Don't try to be someone else. Clothing should reflect who you are, emphasize your individuality, give you the freedom to be yourself and feel comfortable. Trying to fit into someone else's skin, a person cannot be stylish a priori. Style is a reflection of personality, a reflection of life in appearance.

5. Wear transparent

In fact, this is aerobatics, but all truly stylish people have this technique. There is a classic rule that transparent looks stylish and expensive, not vulgar. Any transparent blouse needs to be combined with strict classic things: a blazer or a classic jacket, pipe trousers, a pencil skirt, etc.

6. Accentuate your waist

Do not expose, namely emphasize. Like it or not, crop tops are not swatches good taste. Choose a belt and jeans with the right fit to properly balance proportions and emphasize the grace of the waist.

7. Forget stereotypes

Experiment, find yourself. Use unexpected combinations in clothes. Although sometimes such experiments may fail, it is still better than to remain without one's own expression in a faceless gray mass. Do not get attached to trends, focus only on your own feelings.

A fashionable person has always been a kind of model, a standard, Everyone aspired to this ideal. Since ancient times, people have been chasing fashion. This has always been the case in all countries. But in different periods and in each state there were their own ideas about fashion.

Consider, for example, the USSR.

Soviet people, who did not want to lag behind fashion, ordered things from tailors, providing them with patterns from the Burda printed edition, as you can find in stores fashionable clothes it was as unrealistic as today to find Yves Saint Laurent products on the Nizhny Novgorod market. Mature and elderly remember that period. Polish printed publications were perceived by the inhabitants of the USSR as a kind of window into the realm of fashion. In general, this country served as a kind of door, entering which one could plunge into the "rotting" West. What are fashionable people called? Previously, one could often hear such words as "dandy", "dandy". And today, fashionable people are called hipsters. They are often found in large cities. Of course, most of them are in the capitals - Moscow and St. Petersburg. It just so happened that it is there that there are many fashionable and stylish people. The province is far behind in this respect. Even in other million-plus cities, it is quite difficult to meet real hipsters.

Some try to be like them, but often it turns out to be very awkward and ridiculous, so that it causes only a smile.

The relevance of voluminous things

What cars were in Of course, first of all GAZ-21. To a person accustomed to traditional sedans, the Volga seems to be very large cars. By the way, the fashion for voluminous and huge things was common in that period in America. There, she has not lost her relevance to the present, but in Russia everything has become smaller: thin cigarettes, tight skirts and dresses, tiny lipsticks and much more. A fashionable person is one who captures even the most seemingly insignificant changes regarding current trends. You need to be very attentive and collected in order to notice all this.

Portrait of a stylish girl

Let's try to imagine, which carefully monitors modern fashion, trying to add literally every newest touch to your image. This, of course, is a bleached blonde with a couple of crimson strands in her hair.

She wears dark-rimmed rectangular glasses and smokes frequently. e-Sigs. She is dressed in a blouse, the inscription on which reads: "I am a fairy", as well as a skirt in which there are as many as 48 pockets, and maybe more. Impressive, isn't it? But in each of them there are two more pockets. And they certainly contain different little things. A fashionable person always carries with him a lot of necessary and not very things.

And a little more about the fashionista

On her feet, the girl has striped stockings and beautifully laced sneakers. In her hand she holds an energy drink or Coca-Cola. There is an earpiece in the girl's ear. She holds a smartphone in the same hand as the cigarette. She's so comfortable. A fashionista is talking on the phone at the moment when it seems to you that she is talking to you. An awkward situation arises. And when a girl answers you, it seems like she is talking on the phone. At the same time, she types a message in ICQ with her thumb. On the right hand of a fashionista, a lot of colored baubles flaunt. On occasion, they can wipe their nose. And on the left hand, a tattoo made in the form of a Chinese character is noticeable. The girl thinks that it translates as "I am the most charming." But in fact, in the salon they decided to joke and drew the hieroglyph "Kick me." This is the fashion...

The most fashionable people

The most fashionable and stylish Russians were recently chosen.

These are people who carefully think over their image. by the most fashionable man turned out to be an athlete Evgeni Plushenko. The skater is sure that he will be awarded more than once for his magnificent appearance. It remains only to wish him good luck. There was also a nomination called "Style Icon" in which the adored actress won. She was really happy about it. A fashionable person is always happy when society recognizes him as such. So, the efforts were not in vain. The most fashionable couple are named and are currently husband and wife. By the way, this is not their first victory. Nikolai Baskov presented them with a prize, but he noted that he considered himself more worthy of this award. most fashionable woman named artist Svetlana Khodchenkova. She did not expect that she would be able to win. The actress said that she does not always follow fashion, but chooses things, focusing on her taste. So she's just lucky. Or perhaps her inner instinct allows her to unconsciously choose stylish clothes and outshine many beauties who specifically study fashion magazines. It is possible that some even envy the actress. A fashionable person usually puts a lot of effort into being fashionable, but for some it comes quite easily and simply. Maybe such people have a talent that, as you know, fate does not bestow on everyone.