The time has come for the gates of heaven to open. Shamans of Buryatia held the opening of the “heavenly gates” Opening of the heavenly gates

Irina Maschitskaya graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute. Since 2002, member of the International Art Foundation. Her works are in the collection of the Russian Cultural Foundation, the Central State Museum of Contemporary History of Russia, as well as in private and corporate collections in Russia and abroad. Large-scale solo exhibitions of the artist were held at the Central House of Artists (“Cloud of Ignorance”, 2001; “Music of the Spheres”, 2002); at the Russian Cultural Foundation (2002); Moscow Art Fund (2002); Museum of Contemporary History of Russia (“Epidemic of Love”, 2003); Smolny Cathedral in St. Petersburg (2007); at the State Institute of Art Studies (2009). In February - March of this year, the exhibition “Opening the Gates of Heaven” was held at the International Center of the Roerichs. The exhibition featured 32 works, including two programmatic works by the artist: the multi-part composition “Eternal Truth” (2001) and the triptych “Cloud of Unknowing” (2001).

“The effect of an acute angle of a triangle on a circle can be as stunning in result as the image of the finger of God touching the finger of Adam in Michelangelo’s work,” said the famous Russian artist V. Kandinsky.
The Gates of Heaven are always open. But apparently, there are periods when a person is most receptive to the flow of spiritual energy emanating from them. For Irina Maschitskaya, this was the period from 2000 to 2006, when she wrote more than 300 paintings and graphic works. This was preceded by years of intense spiritual search, study of various religions and philosophical systems. But the very turning to painting was spontaneous. She suddenly felt that this was a way for her to reveal her nature. Later, reflecting on her understanding of art, Irina was surprised to discover that her views echoed the Buddhist principles of dharmic art (art corresponding to the teachings of the Buddha). First of all, the artist believes, the creator’s motivation should be selfless. He should not chase fashion, fame or money, focus on the market or try to impress the viewer. “The goal of creativity is dedication, not luck, not success...”, the poet B. Pasternak once said. Of course, mastery of the skill is important, but even more important is the state of mind in which the artist begins to work. There should be no nervousness, anger, envy, or any negative emotions, because they all leave imprints on the picture and are absorbed by the audience through it. It is also necessary to free the consciousness from everyday life: ordinary worries and problems, and from the usual vision of the world. Meditation makes the process of creation spontaneous and contemplative. The world of phenomena is perceived with a sense of original goodness, peace and beauty, the conflict fades away, and this is what allows us to see reality clearly and completely. The artist's "I" disappears. He becomes both creator and spectator. Sometimes even a beginner can pick up a brush and, in the right state of mind, create a masterpiece. “It seems to me that being an artist is not a profession. The scope of the profession presupposes limitation, limitation of one’s development. When we bring our sensitivity and art to perfection, we cannot be anyone! This is the Way. Being an artist is not a type of professional activity, it is life and being.”

Abstract painting does not need to be analyzed. Symbols, shapes, colors are the oldest universal language that our subconscious uses to communicate with what we call our “I”. Triangles and circles, squares and rectangles, spheres and rhombuses, all this can be seen in Christian and Buddhist temples, and on the walls of Egyptian pyramids, and in the pyramids of the Indians of pre-Columbian America. This is proven by the research of the remarkable psychologist and philosopher Carl Gustav Jung. Many of the founders of abstract art agreed with him. In their art they tried to express the inexpressible, to reveal the essence, the “soul” of a thing, and not to reproduce its appearance. Wassily Kandinsky believed that it is best to use colors and shapes for this purpose. “Form, even if it is completely abstract and similar to geometric, has its own internal sound, it is a spiritual being...” Colors affect the viewer physically, causing certain sensations: joy, delight, or, conversely, irritation - this effect is superficial; and mentally, “when upon careful observation the psychic power of paint is revealed and the color reaches the soul.” So, the more attentive the viewer, the more spiritual depths he can discover by following the artist.
Irina Maschitskaya’s paintings are able to convey the unforgettable colors of “The First Kiss”, and “The excitement of the soul” caused by Shostakovich’s symphony, and the alarming, prickly chill of “Loneliness”.
The eternal theme of love sounds unusual and special in Irina’s work. “Connection of Hearts”: in the sphere (symbol of harmony) there are two triangles, the vertices of which are directed towards each other, their contact gives birth to love, a new sphere, a new harmony.
Kandinsky was right: “The effect of an acute angle of a triangle on a circle can be as stunning in its results as the image of the finger of God touching the finger of Adam in Michelangelo’s work.” In its highest manifestation, Love is a force capable of creating and maintaining worlds: the masculine and feminine, Spirit and Matter, united together, create the “North Star” that shines for so many souls seeking a path in our world.
The artist attaches particular importance to the possibilities inherent in the human consciousness, the “Flight of Thought”, which has overcome the framework and limitations of everyday thinking, and soars freely in the celestial spheres.
This theme is developed in the film “Ball of Knowledge. Tunnel of reality." The ball of knowledge is “a spirit that has reached a state where time and space do not exist, thought is material and immaterial, and there is an answer to any question.” The tunnel is the path along which consciousness enters this state, and it also allows it to return back without losing contact with the earth.
The polyptych “Eternal Truth” is Irina’s favorite painting, and the most significant for her. It is a black square of 16 brand squares. In the center is the “Eternal Truth”: “always existing, always unknown, always attractive” spiritual substance, in which “Faith, Hope, and Charity” are united. It contains power, boundlessness and infinity.” The painting was born from a meditation on the crucifixion of Christ. It is He who is Light, in the very heart of Darkness, His hands nailed to the cross are already, as it were, open for flight from darkness to light, from suffering and death to Eternal Life. The empathy for the crucifixion was so strong that the artist felt that her soul was also going through this path. “A breakthrough through the Black Square was so necessary for the Soul that it demanded it - it demanded it persistently and with amazing strength. Passage to another dimension... A long, long corridor, and you are a projectile inside... Light, Light, Light... Nothing more than an uncontrollable desire to move to where the Soul was, and has been repeatedly. The joy of returning. The joy of meeting. Happiness".
But not everyone is interested in the endless possibilities of the human spirit and flights from darkness to light. The triptych “Cloud of Unknowing” shows us an amazing city resting on a huge poppy flower. Poppy is the divine fire of the spirit within a person. In order for it to open, the soul must first be purified by trials and suffering, and show perseverance, perseverance and patience in overcoming difficulties. They are symbolized by the mountains that must be climbed to get to the city. Inside the city we see temples of all religions. There is no leader among them. The task of each temple is to develop in the soul higher love. Only then is the soul able to move into the world of spirit, symbolized by a luminous golden ball. But most people live shrouded in a cloud of ignorance, this possibility is hidden from them. Red poppies - souls that Christians call blessed, Buddhists - enlightened, should remind those who remain that the gates of heaven are open for them too.

On April 29, 2017, the shamanic ritual “Opening the Gates of Heaven” took place on the Belaya River in the Usolsky district. The ritual is held annually, symbolizing the meeting of spring and the awakening of the Supreme Gods. This is how the “shamanic season” opens, when people can again turn to the Gods and Ancestors with their requests, conduct various rituals (ancestral feasts, initiation, acceptance of rank, etc.). It is believed that at this time the celestials wake up from their winter sleep, in which they arrive after the ritual of closing the heavenly gates (held in the fall). After performing the spring ritual, the heavenly gates are considered open, wishes can be made and prayers can be held. Prayer services performed by a group of shamans are called Tailagans. Their main purpose is to convey the requests of the people present to the celestials, Ongons (spirits of ancestors, clan or family) for well-being, happiness in the family and other issues. The time for individual and group ceremonies is from the beginning of May to the end of autumn. Some Tailagans may be dedicated to certain Gods, Ongons or masters of the elements. Rituals such as the opening of the heavenly gates are mandatory and large-scale in Buryatia. Or like us, in a small but strong company, admirers of the shamanic lifestyle and love of nature. The rituals are led by Ekaterina Kharkovets, an officially dedicated shaman who carries the knowledge of our ancestors and their culture. A bright and pleasant moment of such a holiday is the decoration of the birch tree that meets the Gods. It is decorated with blue and white ribbons, symbolizing “silver” and yellow and red – “gold”, as well as animals and “treats” with butter or cereal. Another highlight can be called “setting the table” for the Spirits and Gods, i.e. This is a fire with offerings laid out on it in the form of food, jewelry, fabric, coins, fur. I note that the popular word “shaman” from the Evenk “saman” means furious. In the Buryat tradition, the word “boo” was used - singing. The ritual begins with a ritual to attract the attention of otherworldly forces, then a ritual of “revitalizing” the sacred birch takes place. The next stage of the ritual is a shamanic trance with the infusion of ancestral spirits - Ongons - into the body. Also, deities “descend” into the shaman’s body, usually this is the main of the thirteen Noyons - Buhe-noyon, as well as other Spirits. The Thirteen Noyons are the main deities who patronize the Siberian region, but there are also higher celestial beings. While the Spirit is in the shaman’s body, people can directly contact him with questions, requests, and wishes. .. At the end, the ceremony of “departing the birch” takes place. All those present come up to her and mentally convey their wishes and gratitude. Then the tree is placed on the fire, where the treats were previously “sent” to the celestials. After which the “shamanic season” is considered open! The ritual does not have an exact date, but according to tradition it is held in early or mid-May. I would like to add that the entire ceremony takes place in one breath. When a large number of people turn into one wave. Meetings and farewells of the ancestral Ongons and the Supreme Celestials take place under the chanting of tambourines and joyful exclamations. Many come to such rituals for spiritual cleansing, solving their problems, for wise advice. But we all come here, first of all, to touch something invisible and sacred. Recently, the shamanic cult has been gaining momentum. In my opinion, the main reason for this trend is the fundamental part of the faith of shamans - love for nature and all living things, the spiritualization of the world around us.

Day of opening of Heaven's Gates. Good time everyone!)) December 21st, 2017

Today is also the Day of All Yoga Tantras, the day of Tsiu Marpo (protector of the Samye Monastery), the day of the Five Dakinis (after sunset) and White Tara - before sunset.

Main combination

Earth-wind - "Exhaustion". Possible loss of food, livestock, wealth. Possible theft, robbery, destruction, grief. But it is favorable to perform rituals of attracting well-being and prosperity.

Big combination

5 "Youth". All initiatives are being implemented.

Constellation of the day

(20) Has the great element "earth". On this day it is good to give instructions on the teachings, listen to them, build a house in a new place, become friends based on an oath, cut clothes, erect objects of worship, perform the bride's rite, the funeral rite for the deceased, migrate, sheathe the house. It is forbidden to take things out of the house or go on the road.

Day of the week

Thursday is Jupiter's day. Shows its power if Jupiter is in the constellation Pisces or Sagittarius.

Favorable: to become a monk, to give initiations, to take vows, to do a consecration ritual, to get married, to remember the dead, to sew and put on new clothes, to sow, to perform virtuous deeds, to draw mandalas, to make a fire offering, to give instructions, to enthrone, to do cauterization and bloodletting , make medicinal compounds, practice fortune telling and astrology, build a house, install a fireplace, move to new house, brew beer, recite mantras, put on jewelry, engage in trade, suppress vampires, build a temple, install supports for the Body, Speech and Mind of the Buddha, sew, plant a banner, do work related to wood or precious stones, perform the practice of transferring consciousness, pacifying a horse or bull, riding a horse, hiring workers or servants, concluding a peace agreement, organizing holidays and performances, planting flowers and trees, washing hair, doing the ritual of throwing away obstacles and the fire ritual "Hom", practicing magic , help parents, hold meetings and conferences, invite deities, give people joy, perform virtuous and strong actions, go on the road in any direction except the West.

Unfavorable: causing thunder, burying, taking an oath, conducting military operations, getting sick, giving away livestock, cutting hair and nails, performing the “Dos” or “Sor” ritual, putting in prison, engaging in crafts.

Lunar day

The day is not favorable for small children. The consequences of cutting or shaving your hair today: wealth. Good for poisoning on the road, covering a yurt. It is forbidden to dig a well.

Animal sign of the day

Auspicious: enthroning, performing virtuous deeds, causing thunder, lightning and hail, erecting a support for the Body, Speech and Mind of the Buddha, wrathful rituals, suppressing vampires, making requests to deities, frightening actions, pacifying enemies and evil spirits, becoming a monk , spiritual practices, offerings, consecration, dedication, battle, battle, taking property, holiday, pulling skin on a drum.

Unfavorable: building a boat, a bridge, laying paths in the mountains, bloodletting, cauterization, installing a mill, digging the ground, causing rain, carrying out a dead person, crying, screaming, moaning in any direction of the compass.

Park of the day

Favorable: make a request to the deities, wear jewelry, plant trees, lay the foundation of a house.

Unfavorable: suppressing evil spirits, cutting down trees, taking an oath.

Mewa of the day


Favorable: making a request to the deities, ritual of attracting prosperity, ablution, repentance, moving to a new place, holding a wedding.

Unfavorable: crying, moaning, making sad sounds, dirtying clothes or body, showing anger or malice, darkening oneself with incest

Location of La energy

in men: in the calf muscles of the left leg
in women: in the calf muscles of the right leg
in animals: lower legs of the hind legs

The location of La should not be injured or subjected to surgery, cauterization, bloodletting, etc.

"Defenders of the Teaching"

Today the “Defenders of the Teaching” are moving from southwest to northeast. When performing any angry rituals or actions, rely on the energy of the “Defenders” and follow the direction of their movement, and make offerings turning your face to them.

Today the "Nagas" remain in their abodes.

"Eight Classes"

Today, the Eight Classes are emerging in the northeast and moving to the southwest. When performing wrathful rituals, it is not advisable to meet living beings of the “Eight Classes” face to face.

"The Dragon"

Before noon today, the Dragon is moving from southwest to northeast. When performing angry or violent actions, you should not come face to face with the “Dragon”.

"Black Demoness of the Earth"

Today at midnight, the "Black Demoness of the Earth" - the sister of the "Dragon" - penetrates our world in search of a victim. At this time, you cannot perform funeral or wedding rituals, you cannot carry out excessively cruel actions - otherwise, you will be overwhelmed by the anger of the “Black Demoness” who has risen from under the ground. In particular, all actions related to fire, smoke or coal should be abandoned.

18.05.2015 18:02

Spring tailgan or big celebration shamans. The ceremony “Opening the Gates of Heaven” took place in Ulan-Ude. Almost 50 shamans from Trans-Baikal Territory, Irkutsk region, Buryatia and Mongolia came together to pray to the deities and ask them for help in solving various life issues and general well-being. Details in the next story.

The awakening of nature is always something special for shamans. On this day, Mother Earth and Father Sky wake up. The shamans, together, first open the heavenly gates, then the ceremony of reviving the trees takes place. Birch trees decorated with ribbons represent wealth. A table - takhil - is set for the heavenly deities and a sacrificial ram is prepared.

Bair Tsyrendorzhiev, head of the shamanic center “Khaan Tengeri”:

- Shamans will go into a trance, introduce their ancestral ancestors, explaining the purpose of our tailgan. And after this, the highest deities will descend - this is Burkhan Sagaan Garbal, the divine white principle, which will bless precisely the awakening of nature. And also the governor of the eternal blue sky, Buhe Noyon, who owns our region.

The opening of the heavenly gates, as it were, gives the start to all other prayers, including the worship of the owners of the area. Families came here with their gifts in the form of milk, vodka, sweets and tea to receive prosperity and health in return. Mongolian shamans also came to Tailgan; unlike ours, they use animal skins and bird feathers for rituals, although the principle of ritual is the same.

Members of an ecological expedition from the United States of America also visited the opening of the heavenly gates. They happily shared their impressions with us.

Patrick Robertson, USA, Arizona:

-The thing is that when a drum plays, you feel this rhythm, this special sensation, and it is very strong, this is what I feel now with these drums. For me this is a very strong feeling. Where I come from, we don’t have such a shamanic tradition. But I was in Mongolia and we also have tribes in America, there are American Indians who perform similar ceremonies, also drumming and making offerings to the deities.

Sirafina Nas, Navajo Indian Tribe (Arizona):

-This is my first visit here, to this part of the country, to Russia as a whole. I am so surprised that I found so much in common, in this ceremony, with what we do in the United States in our tribe. We also make offerings, but we usually do it in the morning. From the bag and welcome the deities to the East who descend from heaven.

Such big holidays in shamanism take place twice a year. The opening of heaven's gates in spring and closing in autumn. In winter, the deities retire and fall into sleep.

A prayer service was held in the shamanic center of Ulan-Ude, symbolizing the awakening of heavenly forces
The next annual shamanic prayer-tailgan “Opening of the heavenly gates” took place in Ulan-Ude on May 20, on the territory of the shamanic center “Tengeri” on Komushka. The ritual symbolizes the awakening of the gods, nature and all living things after winter, the opening of the sky to the prayers of people. This is already the thirteenth “opening” ritual since the interrupted tradition was resumed in Buryatia. According to it, on this day shamans pay a sign of respect to the celestials who have awakened from their winter sleep, and from this day on you can pray to heaven for help so that this summer will bring prosperity, peace and harmony to the Buryat land.

The event went surprisingly well, the weather was good and settled. They praised the highest deities, asked for happiness and prosperity for people, and that in 2017 the “season of prayers” would be held at the highest level, says the head of the Tengari center, Bair Tsyrendorzhiev.

At first there was a solemn ceremony, where Bair Tsyrendorzhiev made a solemn speech, the shamans introduced themselves in turn, naming themselves and their clan. After this, the shamans took their places at the “tahil” tables opposite the sacred birch grove, and the ritual began according to the standard sequence of the ritual. They called upon ancestral patron spirits, guardian deities of the region, and thirteen supreme hats. The prayer service was accompanied by sacrifices and shamanic trance sessions. As always, many spectators arrived - both parishioners-shamanists and simply curious guests who wanted to watch the ceremony.

As the shamans of the Tengeri center explain, this prayer service means the “opening of the shamanic season” this year, after which initiations into shamans, treating spirits, and other rituals are considered effective. This period will last until autumn, when the tailgan “Closing the Gates of Heaven” will take place.

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