Backpack for the baby do-it-yourself patterns. Do-it-yourself exclusive: original backpacks from old jeans. Backpack: choose materials

Nowadays, a backpack is absolutely necessary for every inhabitant of the planet. It is not surprising, because for a walk you need to take a lot of things, but it simply will not fit into your purse. Children's needs are no exception, because even for an ordinary walk we often take a lot of things. Our article will help you - here you will learn how to sew a children's backpack with your own hands. Pattern and review necessary materials, tools - everything will be considered as detailed as possible.

Backpack “Cat”

In order to produce such a useful and original accessory For your child, stock up on the following items:

  • Thick material in a nice color.
  • The fabric to be used as the lining.
  • A small piece of lace.
  • Lightning.
  • Buttons and colored threads for decoration.

Let's take a landscape sheet of plain paper. The dimensions of the product will be as follows:

  • Width - 20 cm.
  • Length - 30 cm.

Important! Sizes may be different. It all depends on how old your child is.


Now you need to make a pattern for the base of the backpack, the cat itself and the fish in its paws.

  • Back - one piece each of the base fabric and the lining fabric.
  • The front part is the same situation (you need to cut along the fastener line).
  • The upper straps are two parts, the dimensions of which are 7 by 43 cm.
  • The lower straps are two parts each, however, their dimensions will be 7 by 25 cm.
  • 1 pocket, measuring 17 by 13 cm.
  • Fish - any size.
  • Four paws - sizes are also determined according to your desires.

Master class of doing work

You can sew a backpack for a girl with your own hands with patterns in the following way:

  • Sew the paws of the cat. To do this, you need to make notches, turn them out, then put the synthetic winterizer inside the “bag”, then stitch or embroider the fingers for the cat.
  • Stitch the straps by turning them inside out and stitching them with decorative seams on the sides. Rivets are attached to the edges of the straps.

Important! It is necessary to sew one edge of each strap - this is necessary so that the fabric does not crumble.

  • Make a pocket. To do this, you need to bend the edges of the prepared fish and sew it to the pocket with a zigzag seam. Further, the edges of the pocket are processed with the same seam.
  • Decorate the top edge of the pocket. To do this, you need to sew prepared lace to it.
  • Embroider on the pocket of the cat's paws, with which he holds the fish.
  • Sew a pocket to the bottom of the front finished product, embroider the rest of the kitten's paws, remembering to pay special attention to the toes.
  • Go to the design of the muzzle - embroider his eyes and antennae.
  • The zipper must be swept between the top and bottom of the front, then stitched on.
  • Attach the paws prepared in advance to the cat.
  • Connect the front and back of the backpack with safety pins.
  • Stitch and notch where the seam is rounded off.
  • In order to finish sewing a children's backpack bag with your own hands as soon as possible, you need to make a lining. To do this, you need to stitch it and leave 1 cm for the inside of the backpack pocket.
  • Unscrew the almost finished cat and insert the lining into it, then bend it and pin it to the zipper inside.
  • Hand sew it to the clasp using a blind stitch.
  • Next, on the upper straps, you need to make 3 loops, and on the lower straps, sew on two decorative buttons.

The work is done.

Backpack for a boy with a typewriter

Before you start sewing such an accessory for your son, you need to come up with a detailed sketch, which will take into account his and your wishes.

The process of making a backpack for a boy with his own hands is as follows:

  • Paper pattern making. Measure your child's back and estimate on paper. Consider the option where the bottom turns out to be rounded, and the top will taper (it can also have tucks).
  • Fold the fabric with the pattern down, circle the previously obtained pattern.
  • Circle and cut the workpiece, leaving 1 cm for allowances.
  • Sew on all the desired decorative elements.
  • Seal with dublerin - this is necessary in order for the product to take on a careless look.
  • Sew darts.

Make 2 rectangles measuring 7 by 4.5 cm. Fold in half with a pattern inward, stitch along the edge, then turn out and iron. As a result, you get 2 straps in order to fix the straps of a children's backpack with your own hands for a boy.

  • Start sewing the two main parts of the backpack - measure the identical distance from the top of the bag to the strap and stab with safety pins. It is necessary to connect both parts in such a way that the tucks turn out to be one continuous one, then sew the seams.

Important! Everything needs to be sewn together with straps.

  • It is imperative to process the top of the backpack with an overlock or zigzag.
  • Fold over and baste the top.
  • Cut out rectangles measuring 25 by 7 cm (2 pieces), process their edges.
  • Fold in half right side up, process the bottom.
  • Baste and then sew the strips to the almost finished accessory.
  • To complete the work, it remains to attach the harnesses. Their length is calculated from the height of your child, width - 5-6 cm.
  • Sew the rectangles around the edge, turn them inside out, iron.
  • Push the edges of the straps inside and sew along the edge.
  • Pass the finished straps in a circle, then tie the ends into knots.

A do-it-yourself children's backpack for a boy from 2 years old is ready.

Denim backpack for girls

Accessories from denim fabric very original and practical, and children's backpacks are no exception. It is also worth noting that a hand-sewn backpack will always be original and unique.

You can sew such an accessory by following the algorithm suggested below:

  • Prepare the two lower parts of the denim legs.
  • Align their top.
  • Open the trousers and smooth out.
  • Align the resulting canvases so that the seam is in the center. The excess must be cut so that the width is 35 cm and the length is 32 cm.
  • Take the finishing fabric and threads that fit this fabric.
  • Decorate the front of the accessory with decorative stitches as desired.
  • Connect the two fabrics with the right side inward, leaving an opening to pull the cord through.

Important! For the handles of an almost stitched children's backpack for a girl, it is better to take a thick cord 4 m long (the color depends on the design of the accessory).

  • Take the fabric for decoration and cut out strips 14 by 37 cm. Tuck the edges, stitch, fold the strips in half.
  • Attach the finishing material to the top of the accessory.
  • Insert cord.
  • Fasten the cord at the bottom of the backpack, thread it through the hole, fasten it from the inside out.

Backpack is ready!

Backpack “Nyusha”

This section will describe in detail how to sew a children's toy backpack.

For further work, you need to stock up on the following materials:

  • Fleece in white and three tones of pink.
  • Coarse calico.
  • A piece of any black material.
  • Foamed polyethylene - this is necessary in order for the accessory to keep its shape (such material can be found in construction stores).
  • Two meter belt.
  • Belt adjusters - 2 pieces.
  • Lock.
  • Holofiber - needed in order to fill the arms and legs.
  • Sharp scissors.
  • Color matching threads.
  • Sewing machine.

In order to sew a children's backpack for a girl, you must perform the following steps:

  • Cut out the arms, legs and muzzle of the cartoon character, print it out on a printer.
  • Draw a circle with a diameter of 25 cm, make two pieces from the very light shade pink fleece, leaving 1 cm for allowances.
  • Cut out the same circles from polyethylene and calico.
  • Start making details of Nyusha's muzzle. The eyes are best made from white fleece, the eyelids and hair from dark pink, and the nose and hearts from a medium shade. Leaves do not need to be left.

Important! It is better to draw all the details in advance with chalk - this is necessary so that all the details are evenly spaced.

  • Cut out pupils from a piece of black fabric.
  • Connect circles from all materials.

Important! A synthetic winterizer can be placed between fleece and polyethylene so that Nyusha's eyes and nose are voluminous.

  • Sew two parts of the backpack on the right.
  • Sew a muzzle to Nyusha. All details are sewn in a zigzag - it is better to start with the eyes, then continue with the nose and hearts.

Important! When sewing on the eyelids and hair, it is better to use dark pink threads, and the pupils - black.

  • Embroider glitter on the pupils, mouth, eyelashes and nostrils with zigzag seams so that the pattern on the sewn children's backpack for the girl is better visible.
  • Cut a strip 54 by 6 cm from three materials, where the fleece is light pink. Leave 1 cm allowances.
  • Connect the strips together, sew them along the edge on a sewing machine. If desired, you can cut out the continuation of the hearts and sew them with a zigzag seam.
  • Make two strips 26 by 2.5 cm from the darkest shade of fleece, as well as polyethylene and calico, leaving allowances for the seams.
  • Sew them together along the edge.
  • Sew the lock to the stitched strips.
  • Cut out the legs, handles, ears and Nyusha's pigtail, then sew them and turn them out.
  • Stuff the arms and legs of the character using holofiber.
  • Sew these details to the backpack.
  • In this article, you have learned many ways to please yourself and your child by making him interesting gift. Create and enjoy the work so that the result pleases you!

Yesterday I sewed a backpack for my youngest daughter. Quite roomy, the straps are adjustable, on a magnetic clasp. More simple and easy option than sewed earlier to the eldest daughter ().

To sew a backpack, we need: fabric for the outer and inner sides (I have cotton), synthetic winterizer (or non-woven fabric, doubler to seal the fabric), 1.7 m sling, 4 pcs plastic frame, elastic band 30-33 cm, magnetic fastener, threads , pins, scissors, measuring tape.

From both colors of the fabric, cut out the following details. Given size Patterns are suitable for a backpack for children 2-5 years old. The size of the backpack is approximately 27x27 cm.
For children from 5 years old, the size of the pattern will be 65x40 cm and 20x20 cm.

The fabric for the main side needs to be compacted. I have a lot of remnants of synthetic winterizer and I decided to use it. Sintepon cut off a little bigger size and put the main fabric on it. Then we iron well and steam them (the synthetic winterizer will become thinner and stick together a little with the fabric). Attention! In order not to spoil the surface of the iron, it is better to iron through gauze or a thin cloth, since the synthetic winterizer melts a little.

Now you need to quilt this part (along the edges and horizontal stripes at an equal distance).

Let's start making straps for a backpack. To do this, we use plastic frames (constrictions) and a sling, from which we cut off 2 strips of 9 cm each. Insert the sling into the frame, bend the edges of the sling on both sides and fix it with a pin. The video above shows this process in more detail.

We sew them on both sides to the bottom of the main part at the specified distance (see photo).

Now we cut off 2 more strips of the sling, 60-65 cm each, and take the remaining 2 plastic frames (constrictions).

On middle part we pass one of the ends of the sling through the plastic frame, bend the edge and sew it, where it is marked with a dotted line.

We stretch the empty end of the sling into the frame-constriction (which we sewed to the main part of the backpack) and thread it through the second frame-constriction on the same strap. We check whether the length of the future strap is adjustable. The video above shows this process in more detail.

We sew the ends of the straps to the upper part of the main part at the distance indicated below (see photo).

Now we fold the main part in half and sew it from the wrong side, where it is marked with dotted lines.

We turn it so that the seam is in the middle and sew the lower part of the future backpack, where it is marked with dotted lines.

Now we sew the corners at an equal distance and cut off the excess.

Let's start making a handle for a backpack. We cut off 18 cm of the sling and sew its ends to the top of the backpack at the back seam between the straps.

This is what the back of our future backpack looks like.

We proceed to the lining (inner side).

Backpack flap. We sew both parts from the wrong side.

We cut the edges on the rounds.

Turn right side out, iron and sew at a distance of 5-7 mm from the edge.

We fasten one of the parts of the magnetic fastener.

We put this item on the back of the backpack front sides to each other and sew at the edge, where it is marked with dotted lines.

It turns out like this.

Now let's move on to the main part of the lining. We also fold the fabric rectangle in half and sew it from the wrong side, where it is marked with dotted lines.

We form the lower part in the same way as described above, but leave a small hole in order to turn the backpack on the front side later.

It remains to sew together the outer and inner sides of the backpack. To do this, we turn both parts on the wrong sides and put them with their upper sides to each other.

With the help of pins we connect both parts in a circle and sew.

Turn the bag right side out through the hole in the lining.

We fasten the second part of the magnetic fastener in the right place and sew up the hole.

Now, along the edge of the upper part of the backpack, we make 2 lines at a distance of 1-2 cm (without touching the valve and backpack straps).

We make a small hole in the inside of the backpack between the lines and insert the elastic.

Sew the ends of the elastic together and sew the opening with a blind stitch. Looks like that. In my opinion, this version of the upper part of the backpack (with an elastic band instead of a lace) is more suitable for small children.

Our baby backpack is ready.

The size of this backpack is 27x27 cm. This is how it looks on my youngest daughter. Katerina is 3.5 years old, height is 100 cm.

The need to have a children's backpack is simply obvious - our kids have a lot of very necessary things there that you need to take with you when we are going to visit or go for a walk, or even in kindergarten. So I thought, why not look for a pattern for a roomy and comfortable backpack, since those that are sold do not suit me. For many reasons, such as synthetic material from which the backpack is sewn, often an unpleasant smell (apparently from the dye), not a very convenient pattern, when the backpack itself is quite bulky, but at the same time, not very roomy. In general, the motivation for each of us may be different, but for everyone who wants to sew a children's backpack, I offer a master class with a pattern and a step-by-step description.

To sew a backpack we need:

Dense natural fabric with an interesting pattern (dense linen with a print is ideal);

Cotton for lining;

Thin synthetic winterizer;

Belt tape for straps (a dense wide braid is also suitable);


Sewing pins;

Sewing machine.

Well, about the sewing process itself:

1. Transfer or print the pattern to paper, just do not forget to give an allowance for the seams, then cut it out and pin all the details with pins to the fabric (front and lining) and cut it out according to the pattern.

2. In the same way, we will need to cut out a thin synthetic winterizer, only it is necessary to reduce the size of the pattern by a couple of millimeters. We need a synthetic winterizer so that the backpack is denser and keeps its shape better.

3. We start sewing the details of the backpack from the front pocket and the valve to it, then we sew the back and behind it we sew two parts of the connecting strip for the front and rear parts backpack.

4. Sew a snake into the connecting strip for the backpack.

5. On the wrong side (inner) side of the backpack, sew its main parts together.

6. Turn out the sewn backpack and sew the straps from a dense braid or belt tape to the backpack, and then sew the pads on the straps so that they do not cut into the shoulders.

7. Sew the finished lining to the straps. It will be very nice if you make pads on the straps not only from the inside (for functionality), but also from the outside to close the belt tapes.

Here is our backpack. May it delight you and your child!

If you want to please your child with something exclusive, try sewing a children's backpack with your own hands. Agree, it is much more pleasant to realize that your child wears things made in a single copy. Today we have prepared for you step by step master class and a pattern of a summer children's backpack made of fabric.

Tools and materials Time: 2 hours Difficulty: 2/10

  • fabric 30x80 cm;
  • fabric for the outer pocket 20x30 cm;
  • fabric for the inner pocket 15x20 cm;
  • braid - the length is selected individually;
  • scissors;
  • pin;
  • sewing machine.

The children's backpack offered by us is quite easy to sew with your own hands. The main thing is to have at least basic skills in handling fabric and a sewing machine.

Step by step master class

So, let's quickly get to work.

Step 1: cut the details

The pattern of our backpack will be built directly on a piece of fabric. To do this, we need a piece of fabric measuring 30x80 cm (it can be more, it can be less - it all depends on what size you need). And fabric for pockets - internal and external.

To qualitatively sew a children's backpack with your own hands, it is better to use dense fabric. Firstly, it keeps its shape better, and secondly, it is more practical and durable.

Step 2: Making the Pockets

We tuck the upper part of the details for the pockets three times, sew along the edge. Thus we strengthen the top of the pockets. You can sew a wire into the collar, it will be even better. We turn the edges of the part inward, lay the seam at a distance of 0.5 mm from the edge, do not forget to fix the beginning and end of the seam.

We sew the inner pocket to the wrong side of one half of the backpack, and the outer pocket to outside the other half of the backpack. We sew pockets on three sides - we leave the upper reinforced part free.

Step 3: sew the sides

Fold the piece of fabric in half right side inward. We tuck and sew the sides. We do not finish the seam at the base and in the upper part of the backpack (we leave 3 cm free at the edge).

Step 4: Making the Top

We turn it as follows: by 1 cm, then by 2 cm - just by those 3 cm that we left when sewing the sides. To make it easier to sew, you can iron the fold line with an iron. We sew along the bottom edge (do not forget to fix the beginning and end of the seam).

Step 5: sew the straps

From braid we make straps for a backpack. The length of the straps is selected individually for the child. Therefore, before proceeding with their manufacture, decide on the length

Using a pin, pull one piece of ribbon through the hole (Step 4) in the front of the backpack. The second part of the braid is through the hole in the back of the backpack.

Tie the ends of the ribbon into a knot on each side. Now we stretch the knots through the holes in the lower part on the sides of the backpack (Step 3). It remains only to fasten the straps with a zigzag seam.

A backpack is the most convenient and practical thing. It’s good when there is a bag in the wardrobe in which you can carry sports items to the gym, food for nature, or just school supplies. To do this, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on buying a backpack, because you can sew it yourself.

To learn how to sew a backpack with your own hands, study this article.

Backpack Materials

If you decide to sew a backpack yourself, then you should prepare the following materials:

  • fabric (you can buy / use an old unnecessary thing);
  • scissors, centimeter;
  • needle and thread;
  • buttons or lock.

Other tools are selected depending on the complexity of the selected product model.

How to sew a backpack?

First you need to cut out two identical pieces of fabric - this is the basis of the product. If desired, an additional lining is sewn to the inside of the backpack.

During the stitching of the two pieces, you need to leave cuts on the sides, into which the straps will then be inserted.

The color of the lining should be combined with the color scheme of the entire product. As a tie, laces or straps are used. Depends on preference.

To thread the cord, bend upper part backpack, and sew. If the cord is thin, use a safety pin to help guide the cord through the hole. It remains only to sew on the straps and the product is ready.

Pattern for a backpack

If you are taking up sewing for the first time, then it is better to use a pattern. It will help to sew the desired product correctly.

To build a pattern of backpacks with your own hands, purchase a special graph paper. Place all the details of the backpack on it, leaving room for the seams.

Lay the cut out parts on the fabric and circle the contours. Secure with invisibility so that the paper does not move out and cut out. And then it's up to the needle and thread.


Modern fashion offers wide choose backpack models. They differ in shape, size and material.

The shape can be different: round, rectangular, etc. If you sew a backpack yourself, it is better to start with simple models.

Jeans, suede and leather are good materials.

Depending on the purpose for which you sew a backpack, its size is selected.

Denim backpack

If you have old jeans lying around at home that you don’t wear, then you can turn them into a fashionable backpack. It has long become popular to sew a backpack from jeans with your own hands. It is not only economical, but also convenient and beautiful.

For this you need:

  • old jeans;
  • cord, buttons;
  • needles and threads;
  • metal rings;
  • sewing machine.

For this option, you don’t even need a pattern. Just cut the jeans correctly and take the necessary pieces of fabric. There is an alternative when a backpack is made straight from whole pants. Looks very cool and unusual.

Children's backpacks

Children love to wear bright and unusual things that make them stand out from other children. The backpack is irreplaceable thing for a child at school, outdoors, etc. It is comfortable to wear and very roomy. It is desirable to sew it from durable material that will last a long time.

If you don’t know how best to sew a product, then look at the photos of children’s backpacks made by yourself, and together with your child, choose the model you like and bring the idea to life.

An important point is the tailoring of the handles. They should be wide and not have hard edges so as not to rub the baby's skin.

Decorating: the best ideas

Jeans in itself is a beautiful material that does not require additional decor. But if you want to create a bright and unique thing, there is just a sea of ​​ways to decorate.

The most popular ideas for decorating backpacks (not just denim):

  • independently make scuffs and holes (hooligan style);
  • create an applique of rhinestones or small mirrors;
  • metal rivets;
  • embroidery, bright buttons.

It is also fashionable to decorate a backpack for a girl with drawings of cats and flowers. This is not the whole list of ideas walking on the Internet.


It is not necessary to spend big sums on standard backpacks. After all, creating a unique and inimitable thing is easy. In terms of quality, self-made backpacks are not inferior to purchased ones. Therefore, feel free to take a needle and thread in your hands and create.

DIY backpack photo