Make a white flower of memory with your own hands. Master class: craft from napkins “White flower. Napkin flowers

Methodical development origami unification classes" White flower"

Age of children 10-12 years old
Compiled by: Dmitrieva Tatyana Mikhailovna teacher of additional education of the gymnasium No. 513 of St. Petersburg

Theme of the lesson: "White flower"

Purpose of the lesson
- acquaintance of children with the action "White Flower", making a flower using the origami technique.
- to cultivate love and compassion for others, the desire to help those in need;
- introduce the concept of "Mercy";
- to form a desire to take part in the White Flower campaign;
- learn how to fold a flower out of paper.
The teacher tells the children about the action "White Flower".
-White color has always been considered a symbol of purity, hope and new life. Almost all people who are engaged in works of mercy in our country, because of the large number of difficulties, at some point give up. And events such as the "White Flower", attracting the attention of a large number of caring people, become invaluable support for them.

The action "White Flower" is held in our beautiful city.

The "Day of the White Flower" was first held in St. Petersburg in the spring of 1911 at the initiative of Nicholas II and his wife Alexandra Feodorovna, who spent large personal funds on works of mercy and were directly involved in them. The holiday was dedicated to raising funds for the treatment of tuberculosis patients and preventive measures. Volunteers who are not indifferent to the health of society offered the townspeople to buy flowers - live or artificial - at a price that was set by the buyers themselves. By common efforts, it was possible to raise significant funds to help people suffering from the disease.

-The main purpose of this promotion- to convey to people the idea that every person, regardless of age and financial situation, should feel and bear personal responsibility for those who are hurt, lonely and hard at this moment. There are many ways to be around those who are suffering. Someone can help with money, someone with time, someone with warmth. Healthy child can make a paper flower and thereby give hope to a sick child ...
- Mercy- Willingness to do good.
- The word itself consists of two words - sweet heart!
- to educate kind heart, you need to do good deeds and read good books.
- And let's remember the merciful heroes from literary works. (Zhenya from the fairy tale "Flower-seven-flower" by Valentina Kataeva, who gives the last petal magic flower to heal a sick boy; Gerda from the fairy tale The Snow Queen» Andersen.)
-And today I invite you guys to take part in the White Flower action and help sick people.
- Let's make white paper flowers using the origami technique.
Let's have some rest before we get to work.
Physical education minute
All the guys stood up together

(straighten up)
And they walked in place.
(Walking in place.)
Stretched on toes.
(Bend back, put your hands behind your head.)
Like springs we sat down
(Sit down.)
And they sat down quietly.
(Stand up and sit down.)

For work we need:
- White paper office A4 format
- scissors
- glue stick


Remember the rules for using scissors

From a rectangular sheet we make a square.

We get auxiliary lines along the diagonals and lines obtained by folding the sheet in half.

We get a double triangle.

We lift the corners of the triangle up to the right angle. We repeat on the other side.

Fold the top triangles together.

We fold the corner of the square diagonally and remove the opposite corner into it. We repeat on the other side.

We open the bud and at the base we see a hole, we blow into it and the bud almost looks like a tulip!

We spread the petals from above and see a tulip flower!

From the rest of the paper, twist the stalk and fix it with glue.

Insert the stem into the flower. If desired, you can cut a leaf and glue a flower.

The white flower is ready!!!


-Guys, were you interested in the lesson?
-What new did you learn today?
-Look at your flower, and wish all people health.
-Let's carefully put our flowers in a box and give it to the volunteers who will work on the day of the White Flower action.
- And I guys, I want to tell you that you are all great, it was a pleasure to work with you. I wish you and all the children on Earth good health! Be healthy!!!

Need to complement the interior of the house or to please loved ones? Paper flowers will do just fine with this, which can decorate your hearth for a long time and will never fade.

This element of decor can decorate both a banquet table and a living room, it will also be a nice addition to a gift.

Let's look at popular examples of making paper flowers and look at photos of paper flowers.

Coffee filter flowers

For this you will need:

  • Colored aluminum wire.
  • Paints.
  • New coffee filters.
  • Pliers.

If there are no coffee filters at hand, corrugated paper in the shape of a circle will come to your aid.

  • To create one instance, you need to take about 5-10 filter sheets, depending on how voluminous flower from paper you want to make.
  • Gather all the papers and fold them in half a few times.
  • The edges of the filter can be wavy cut - this will add similarity to real colors.
  • Then, we divide the filters into two halves, those that will be upper - we shorten them by 2-3 cm, so the bud will be more realistic.
  • We put all the cut out sheets on the table, so that the smaller ones are on top. We pierce the centers of all filters with wire. We stretch it to half, bend it and pierce the filters again at a distance of 5 mm.
  • We fix the wire by twisting it.
  • Each "petal" is twisted, squeezed. We do these maneuvers with each sheet.
  • To prevent the bud from falling apart, we wrap the base with the remnants of the wire.
  • We hide the wire behind the adhesive green tape.

It is not difficult to paint the filters, as they are perfectly saturated with paint. To color the flowers, simply pour any food coloring into the water and dip the bud into it. Your product is ready.

paper rose

Would need:

  • Bamboo sticks.
  • A thread.
  • Corrugated paper (red, pink or yellow).
  • Adhesive green tape.

The complexity of this design is to wrap the edges beautifully and neatly. corrugated paper, while straightening the folds, making them even.

We twist the strip so that the tiers are tightly leaning against each other. Then we string the bud on a bamboo stick, fasten it with a thread, wrapping it around.

If desired, wrap the bamboo stick with duct tape. We make several roses from paper to collect a magnificent bouquet.

Asters from old magazines

For this you need:

  • Bamboo sticks for decorative items (can be green).
  • Glue stick.
  • Unnecessary magazines.
  • Little scissors.
  • Green adhesive tape.

Cut out the brightest and most colorful pages from the magazine. Then we bend them in half, and the halves - to the center. We start cutting the fringe where the folds begin, while leaving 10 mm to the base.

Then we wrap a bamboo stick with the resulting colored strip, and fix the base with adhesive tape. We make the bud voluminous by opening the fringe. Fully wrap the stick with adhesive tape. We repeat the manipulations with each flower.

Corrugated hyacinths

To make this kind of crepe paper flower, you will need:

  • Bamboo sticks or skewers.
  • Glue stick, hot glue.
  • Corrugated paper.
  • Food toothpicks.
  • Scissors.

We cut several colored strips of paper. We make a border on each strip.

We wind the resulting border on a toothpick, make a kind of serpentine.

We make buds and wrap them on sticks and fasten them with glue. We wrap the “stem” with green adhesive tape, if possible, cut out the sheets and fasten them.


Calla with your own hands

You will need:

  • Double-sided colored paper.
  • Stamen (made from polymer clay).
  • Wire.
  • Hot glue.

We cut out a heart from paper, put a homemade stamen in it. We glue the edges of the heart over the stamen.

We wrap the edges so that the calla is more realistic.

Flowers of this style are suitable for decorating a gift, postcard, and a bouquet of such flowers will delight every girl with its beauty.

paper peonies

For a lush peony you will need:

  • Corrugated paper in different colors.
  • Scissors.
  • Sticks.
  • Paperclips.

Stages of work:


  • Cut pieces of paper in different colors. We make an "accordion" out of them. We do this with each color.
  • We make it so that each previous strip is 5-6 mm shorter than the next.
  • We make the corners of each "accordion" triangular.
  • Find the middle of the strip and fold them together.
  • With the help of aluminum wire we connect all the "accordions" in the middle.
  • Bend the edges to form petals.
  • We fasten the buds to the sticks.

paper poppy

You will need:

  • Thin corrugated paper.
  • Bamboo sticks.
  • A thread.
  • Green adhesive tape.

Cut into about 10 teardrop-shaped petals. We stretch the folds so that each petal looks like a fungus.

We wind a small amount of paper on bamboo sticks - the core. We fix the main petals on top of the core. We wrap the resulting bud with a thread. We mask the sticks with adhesive tape.

Photo of paper flowers with your own hands


Paper flowers have become very popular at the moment and are widely used to decorate various cards, boxes and crafts. They are also used as an original decoration of the interior. With the help of this article, you will learn how to make paper flowers.

How to make paper flower: lily

In order to make such flowers with your own hands, you will need some materials.

  • Cardboard to create a template.
  • White paper for flowers.
  • Wire for forming leaves and sticks for creating stems.
  • Ribbons: green satin, not very wide, and pink, organza.
  • Glue, scissors, felt-tip pens and a pencil.

First you need to make a template for lily petals, for this you need thick cardboard.

Take a sheet of white A4 paper and draw 30 petals on it using the template.

Put the wire between the two petals and glue them together. The wire must be longer than the leaf. You should have 15 petals.

It's time for the stamens. To make them, take a wire and put a white bead or beads on its middle, fold in half and twist. As a result, you will get 15 stamens.

Now we begin to collect the flower. Usually, the assembly begins with stamens, they are twisted together in 3 pieces.

Let's take a stem. We fasten it to the flower with the help of wires and wrap it with a green ribbon.

Make two more of these lilies and form their petals, they are very flexible and change shape easily. Gather the flowers together and tie with a pink ribbon - the bouquet of lilies is ready.

How to make a paper flower: carnation

Corrugated paper carnations are easy to make, all you need is the paper itself. suitable color, glue, scissors and floral tape.

Take a strip of paper and cut a 45x8 cm strip from it.

Fold the edge of the paper horizontally 2.5-3 cm down.

Now stretch the paper along its entire length as shown in the photo.

After the flower is ready, it needs to be fixed. This is done under the base with a wire.

Now cut off all unnecessary, that is, the edges, diagonally.

We hide the wire and the base under the floral tape.

The carnation is ready. It's so easy and simple, you can make a whole voluminous bouquet.

Creating a sakura flower using the origami technique

In order to create such an origami flower, you only need pale pink paper, and step-by-step instruction will help you easily create many of these colors.

Cut out a square from the right paper, the smaller it is, the more elegant the flower will look. Fold the sheet horizontally and vertically.

Bend the corners to the center so that the sides lie tightly to each other. Turn over the flower blank.

Fold the figure in half again two times, and then take the opposite corners and connect them in the center, and tuck the ones that remain on the sides inside.

The result is a double square. Lay it down with the corners up. Fold the corners on the sides of the first layer to the center and iron well.

Turn the figure over and also bend the side corners to the center, but already the second layer of paper. The corners need to be tucked inward, to do this, pull the paper back and push the corner inward with your thumb.

Fill the remaining three corners in the same way, you should get a hexagon.

Now bend the corners of the first layer to the center, turn the figure over and do the same on the other side.

Sakura is almost ready, it remains to spread the petals.

Flowers are ready. If you limit yourself to more than one of these, then you can make a sakura branch from an old stick and flowers.

Below is a video that will also help you master this technique.

Paper flowers can be used to decorate the interior, decor, and even as a gift! Let's try to learn how to make voluminous paper flowers with our own hands, see examples and photos of beautiful finished works, and also see a master class for beginners.

simple products

The easiest way to make flowers is from colored paper - it can be corrugated or plain, also if you plan to make strictly decorative flowers, you can take paper with a mother-of-pearl or metallic effect. You should not make a tulip or a rose as a first experiment - try something very, very simple first.

decorative crafts

In order to make simple and spectacular flowers you will need:
  • double-sided colored paper (corrugated is also suitable);
  • thin wire;
  • sharp scissors and a pencil for marking.
Better take colored paper several shades, so your flowers will look spectacular and attractive - for example, it can be shades of yellow or several tones of red. Do not try to mix cold and warm colors if you doubt your taste.

For beginners, the easiest way to do this is to fold colored paper several times in such a way that you get a stack of squares of about 6 * 6. Then, with a pencil, mark the shape of future buds on the upper square with a pencil - it can be a smooth rounded figure, regular circles, or whatever your imagination tells you.

Then, with scissors, you need to carefully cut the stack in the shape of a marked sepal and disassemble it into its components - for each flower you will need three to five blanks. The wire must be cut into pieces of about 15-25 centimeters, twisted on one side so that a decorative center is obtained, then the previously obtained “petals” are put on each wire, after which a stand is made at the bottom of the wire (a stable ring is twisted).

With such crafts, you can decorate a table for a holiday, or use them for a photo shoot or interior decor, or you can simply attach them to the wall in the nursery or in the hall near the mirror - a good mood is guaranteed.

Or this simple one:

From what is at hand

For the manufacture of these products, old magazines or newspapers are used. In this way, you can make large paper flowers - the technique is simple, and paper crafts are quite spectacular.

What you need:

  • unnecessary magazines (absolutely any);
  • green adhesive tape;
  • sharp scissors;
  • large barbecue skewers;
  • paper glue or regular hot melt adhesive.
How to make voluminous paper flowers quickly and easily? I tell you step by step.
By the way, these recommendations can be used for beginners - they are done quite easily. If you want to make these flowers with children, then make sure that they have safety scissors, or cut the fringe yourself.

Decorative flower garlands

Want to make awesome garlands? Use giant paper flowers for them. By the way, making paper flowers with your own hands for garlands is very simple - you only need beautiful spectacular paper and a little skill. Neither color templates for cutting, nor schemes are required, the main task of such large items- look bright, unusual and attractive, large paper flowers do not have to be realistic.

What will be required:

  • scissors;
  • corrugated paper of two or three colors (it is better to take bright and light);
  • thread or fishing line;
  • stapler or glue.
From corrugated paper, you need to cut rectangles, put them in a pile of five. If you want to get flowers of the same color, then fold by color. And if you want to make original flowers out of paper, then put several shades in one pile - pink, white, light red and yellow will look chic.

The size of the rectangles is chosen independently, you just need to remember that the flowers will be of the same diameter as the rectangle on the narrow side.

Each stack is collected in an accordion (look at the photo how to make flowers from such accordions, if the description is not too clear).

Each accordion of five sheets of paper must be stapled in the center or glued with a paper ring. The edges of the accordion are best rounded - cut something like a petal.

Now each blank needs to be turned into a bud - straighten the buds from the accordions you made. You need to straighten the accordions in different directions, and you will see how you get it beautiful flowers from paper in just a few seconds.

Then cut the desired length of fishing line or thread, and string the buds - your garland is ready.

Another version of the garland:

Bouquets for decor

Do you want to make a bouquet of paper flowers? See photo:

Do you want to learn how to make a tulip? Watch the video and below step by step photos how to make tulips different ways.

Useful information and several step-by-step master classes

At the very end of the article, download the sketches and color templates for cutting. By the way, if you want to make origami paper, it is best to use special double-sided paper.

look detailed master class how to make paper origami flowers and plants is not only interesting, but also quite difficult, so don’t expect perfectly made flowers right away, you’ll have to try a little to make paper flowers with your own hands.

Also, flower stencils will come in handy if you make large paper flowers of complex shapes - the same tulip or rosette is more convenient to collect from a special shape of the petals.

Try to make big paper ones - just collect a huge rose bud according to this master class (see below the photo how to make flowers lush and beautiful).

Here are large paper cut flower templates:

And here are the step by step photos:

And how to make flowers for children? Try to minimize any risks - for example, do not let children work with adult scissors, prepare wire in advance and make sure that children are disciplined.

Learn how to make paper flowers with your own hands using coffee filters or napkins - a thin and fragile napkin looks almost like a real petal, you just need to give it a shape and collect a bud.

This video shows how to make paper flowers for beginners.

A few inspiring photos - see how beautifully you can decorate your holiday with camellias or roses.

Try to make voluminous paper flowers with your own hands using cardboard or thick paper - even a child can handle this technique.

Another version of a simple flower:

Leaf patterns:

Learn how to make paper flowers master class on paper soaking technique - such products look almost like real ones!

Now you know several ways to make spectacular and expressive flowers from colored or even ordinary glossy paper, which means you can easily assemble a chic bouquet, make accessories for a photo shoot, or even just decorate a hall for a holiday.

Use the diagrams to make a tulip or other flowers - they need to be printed and cut out, and then circled like a pattern.

Patterns of leaves and petals for different flowers:

If you want to show imagination, then try to tint finished goods with a thin brush in watercolor technique - with veins, the flowers will look even more elegant and interesting.

Olga Netrebina

The annual charity event will be held very soon " White flower"

Getting ready for this day All: both schoolchildren and preschoolers with parents, educators and teachers. And our Child Development Center did not leave this action unattended. After all, love for people, care and compassion must be instilled from early childhood.

I work with the youngest children, 1.5-2.5 years old. Therefore, parents of pupils take part in the action. They willingly responded to my request for help in making white flowers. However, some had to be taught the simplest and fastest way to do this. crafts.

I bring to your attention Master Class"Aster" from napkins.

For work we need: white paper napkins, scissors, stapler, wooden sticks, plasticine (you can color, glue.

Cut out from napkins circle of desired diameter (about 10cm) and stack 12-16 layers of circles on top of each other.

We cut our circle from the edge to the center, not reaching the middle of about 1.5 cm. The more often you make cuts, the more petals the Astra will have.

We fasten the layers of circles in the center with a stapler.

Now, we lift each layer up, giving volume to our flower.

When all the layers are fluffed, we proceed to prepare the stem. To do this, we string a plasticine ball on a wooden stick from the blunt end., The size of a pea, white or yellow colors. It will serve as a binder for flower top.

The next step is to connect the stem and flower. To do this, insert the prepared stick with sharp ends from above into flower.

Now wrap the stick napkins, pre-coated with glue.

Glue the leaves desired shape and our Astra is ready!

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