Statement of nagibin we often speak. Statement of the OGE - We often talk about difficulties. Sample Concise Statement

Statements are posted on the FIPI website on February 11, 2020.

This presentation is included in the list of exam presentations 2020.

Sample Concise Statement

We often talk about the difficulties in raising a child and the diminishing importance of the family in his life. If in childhood nothing moral was laid in a person by the family, then later society will have a lot of trouble with him.

The other extreme - overprotection child by parents. This is also a consequence of the weakening of the family principle. Parents did not give the child warmth and strive in the future to pay their spiritual debt with petty care and benefits.

The world is changing. But if the parents were unable to establish inner contact with the child, then one should not be surprised that he acquires cynicism so early that his life becomes impoverished.

Detailed text

(1) We often talk about the difficulties associated with raising a person starting life. (2) And the biggest problem is the weakening of family ties, the decrease in the importance of the family in raising a child. (3) And if in the early years nothing lasting in the moral sense was laid in a person by the family, then later society will have a lot of trouble with this citizen.

(4) At the other extreme is the overprotection of the child by the parents. (5) This is also a consequence of the weakening of the family principle. (6) Parents did not give their child spiritual warmth and, feeling this guilt, they strive in the future to pay their internal spiritual debt with belated petty care and material benefits.

(7) The world is changing, becoming different. (8) But if the parents could not establish internal contact with the child, shifting the main concerns to grandparents or public organizations, then one should not be surprised that another child acquires cynicism and disbelief in selflessness so early that his life becomes impoverished, becomes flat and dry.

(According to Yuri Markovich Nagibin)

I want to get a HIGH SCORE for this presentation!

I want to learn

1. write a summary

2. shorten the text of the presentation

a person starting life. And the biggest problem is weakening
family ties, reducing the importance of the family in the upbringing of the child. And if in
early years in a person, the family did not lay anything lasting in
moral sense, then society will have a lot of trouble with this
The other extreme is the overprotection of the child by the parents. It is too
a consequence of the weakening of the family principle. Parents did not give their child
warmth and, feeling this guilt, strive in the future to pay their
internal spiritual duty belated petty guardianship and material
good things.
The world is changing, becoming different. But if the parents couldn't
establish inner contact with the child, shifting the main concerns
grandparents or public organizations, then you should not
be surprised that another child acquires cynicism and disbelief so early
into disinterestedness, that his life becomes impoverished, becomes flat and dry.
(According to Yuri Markovich Nagibin)


We often face the difficulties associated with raising a child. The biggest problem is the weakening of family ties and the decrease in the importance of the family in raising a child. The other extreme is the overprotection of the child by the parents. If the parents were unable to establish internal contact with the child, then one should not be surprised that some child so early cynicism and disbelief in disinterestedness.

Dz: 1) select the text (one of the three) and compress it. Record, send via comment or print in compressed form
2) write out 9 phrases from the received text: 3 examples of control, 3 examples of coordination, 3 examples of adjacency.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with
I remind you basic compression methods: elimination, merging (generalization), replacement (simplification). Try to use all methods of text compression.

Instruction "How to write a concise summary"

1. Highlight the essential (i.e. important, necessary) thoughts in the text.
2. Find the main idea among them.
3. Break the text into parts, grouping it around essential thoughts, highlight micro topics.
4. Name each part and make a plan.
5. Think about what can be excluded in each part, what details to refuse.
6. What facts (examples, cases) can be combined, summarized in adjacent parts of the text?
7. Consider means of communication between the parts.
8. Translate the selected information into "your" language.
9. Write down this abbreviated, "wrung out" text on a draft, read it, correct the mistakes.
10. Copy the edited text to a clean copy.

TEXT #1. Upbringing
We often talk about the difficulties associated with raising a person starting life. And the biggest problem is the weakening of family ties, the decrease in the importance of the family in raising a child. And if in the early years nothing lasting in the moral sense was laid in a person by the family, then later society will have a lot of trouble with this citizen.
The other extreme is the overprotection of the child by the parents. This is also a consequence of the weakening of the family principle. Parents have not given their child spiritual warmth and, feeling this guilt, they strive in the future to pay their inner spiritual debt with belated petty care and material benefits.
The world is changing, becoming different. But if the parents could not establish internal contact with the child, shifting the main concerns to grandparents or public organizations, then one should not be surprised that some child acquires cynicism and disbelief in selflessness so early that his life becomes impoverished, becomes flat and dry.
(According to Yu.M. Nagibin)

Text number 2. Language.
The greatest value of a people is the language in which they write, speak and think. This means that the entire conscious life of people passes through their native language. All thoughts of a person are formulated by language, and emotions, sensations color what he thinks about.
There is the language of the people as an indicator of their culture, and there is the language of a person as an indicator of his personal qualities. The language of a person is his worldview and behavior. As he speaks, so, therefore, he thinks. Therefore, the surest way to know a person is to listen to what and how he says.
We pay attention to the way a person behaves, to his gait and face, but to judge a person only by these signs is to be mistaken. But the language of a person is a much more accurate indicator of his moral qualities, his culture. Language is the most expressive thing that a person possesses, therefore, one must constantly monitor one's speech - oral or written.

Not so long ago, scientists believed that success in life is directly related to our intellectual abilities. How more people knows and knows how, the more likely it is that he will achieve much in life.
However, it turns out that future professional prospects are determined not only by the volume and quality of everything that we managed to learn in school. According to modern scientists, a head filled with knowledge is not yet a salvation from serious life failures and failures. The intellectual abilities and skills necessary for subsequent work are just the foundation, the foundation. on this foundation, the building of professional success can only be built if a person has certain personal qualities.
And one of these most important qualities is the ability to understand others, feel their mood, empathize with them. Through empathy, a person feels his involvement in those who live next to him, participates in what is happening around him. Therefore, having the ability to understand, feel and empathize, a person will be able to support harmonious relationship with the world, which means that he will be able to succeed in this world.
How to develop this ability? Psychologists have come to the conclusion that the perception of art, in particular, can help this. A person who enjoys picturesque or sculptural images, feels the beauty of a verse or melody, feels the rhythm of a pattern - such a person is capable of emotional experience necessary for life. And that these experiences are vital, scientists do not doubt. You just need to be able to feel. And through the perception of art, we ennoble our feelings, educate them. Cinema, theater, music - everything enriches the personality, because thanks to the perception of any kind of art, we develop the so-called emotional intelligence, that is, the optimal combination of emotional and intellectual abilities our personality.
(According to the materials of the periodical press, 252 words)


Nastya M. - 4-4
Daria R. - 5-4
Anna P. - 4-4
Daria Z. - 4-4
Christina - 4-4
Peter - 3-3
Liliana - 5-4
Masha Grom-5-4
Nastya P. - 4-4
Nastya K.-4-2
Maria M. - 5-2
Lisa O. - 4-4
Maria G. - 4-3
Katerina M. - 5-4
Anna W. - 3-3

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1 Summary 6.

2 Summary 6. TEXT. Education We often talk about the difficulties associated with educating a person starting life. And the biggest problem is the weakening of family ties, the decrease in the importance of the family in raising a child. And if in the early years nothing lasting in the moral sense was laid in a person by the family, then later society will have a lot of trouble with this citizen. Another extreme is the overprotection of the child by the parents. This is also a consequence of the weakening of the family principle. Parents have not given their child spiritual warmth and, feeling this guilt, they strive in the future to pay their inner spiritual debt with belated petty care and material benefits. The world is changing, becoming different. But if the parents could not establish internal contact with the child, shifting the main concerns to grandparents or public organizations, then one should not be surprised that some child acquires cynicism and disbelief in selflessness so early that his life becomes impoverished, becomes flat and dry. (According to Yu.M. Nagibin) Micro-themes: Difficulties in educating the younger generation are associated with a decrease in the importance of the family. If the family has not laid down anything lasting in the moral sense, then society will have a lot of trouble with this citizen. Another extreme is the overprotection of the child by the parents. This is also a consequence of the weakening of the family principle. Parents strive in the future to pay their inner spiritual debt with belated petty care and material goods. The world is changing, but if the parents could not establish contact with the child, they shifted their duties to others, then one should not be surprised that such a child becomes cynical, and his life is flat and dry.

3 1. From the sentences, write out the word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the spelling rule of the short form of passive past participles. (11) Colleagues loved grandmother, they said that music left the accounting department with her: grandmother constantly sang something. (12) Oleg also loved his grandmother, so he agreed to study music. (13) A cello was bought, and Oleg began to go to a music circle.

4 Adjectives formed from nouns Written H 1) In adjectives formed from nouns using the suffixes -an-, -yan-, -in-. Examples: leather, silver, horse Exceptions: glass, pewter, wood 2) Primitive adjectives Primitive adjectives are not derived from any other part of speech. In them, n is part of the root. In such adjectives, one letter n is written. blue, young, green, ruddy It is written НН 1) In adjectives formed from nouns with the help of suffixes -enn-, -stvenn-, -onn-, -ation-, -irovann-. Examples: cranberry, feminine, evolutionary, examination, erudite Exceptions: windy, oily (but calm) 2) In adjectives formed from nouns with a base on n using the suffix -n-. Examples: deep, true

5 Verbal adjectives and participles in the full form There are three conditions, if any of which is met, the full passive past participle or adjective is written nn. 1. The participle (or adjective) is formed from a verb with a prefix (except for the prefix non-, which does not affect the number of n in the word). frightened, loaded, baked But: not frightened, uninvited Exceptions: named (brother; with emphasis on the second syllable), planted (father; replacing the parent of the groom or bride at the wedding), dowry (this is a noun formed by moving an adjective into the category of nouns), smart. Important: the spelling of verbal adjectives in compound words does not change. Compare: freshly frozen (without a prefix, therefore one n is written) freshly frozen (with a prefix, therefore one is written nn) one-colored (without a prefix, therefore one n is written) smoothly-colored (with a prefix, therefore one is written nn) 2. The participle has dependent words (except for words , meaning the degree of manifestation of the trait, very, very, etc.). a wagon loaded with sand, an apple baked in the oven 3. The participle (or adjective) is formed from a perfective verb. abandoned (throw), given (give), bought (buy), deprived (deprive), decided (decide)

6 These three conditions do not cover participles and adjectives without dependent words formed from imperfective verbs without prefixes. There are two rules here, of which there are many exceptions. n is written Rule 1. If the participle (or verbal adjective) ends in -ovanny, -ovanny, it is written nn. Examples: pampered, lined, uprooted But: this rule does not apply if -ov-, -ev- are part of the root (in the words chewed, forged, pecked). Rule 2. If an adjective is formed using the suffixes -en-, -n- from an imperfective verb without a prefix, in the absence of dependent words, n is written. Examples: laden, mowed, baked, baked, frozen, torn, confused, stolen But: In some adjectives formed from unprefixed imperfective verbs, nn is written. Examples: desired, effective It is written nn In some participles formed from an imperfective verb without prefixes, even in the absence of dependent words, nn is written. These are participles seen, written, drawn, seen, heard. Adjectives and participles in short form In the short form of adjectives, the same number of n is written as in the full form. significant change change significantly windy girl girl windy well-mannered girl girl well-mannered In brief passive participles, one letter n is always written. The deed is already done. Mission successfully completed.

7 Short adjectives and short participles must be distinguished by meaning. Compare: His face is excited (adjective) The sea is excited by the wind (participle) This teacher is always restrained (adjective) The oath was kept (participle) In adverbs and nouns formed from adjectives and participles with n or nn, the same number of n is written as in the generating basis. confused confusion, explain confused

8 2. From sentence 9, write out the words whose spelling is determined by the rule: “In noun adjectives formed from the stem on -Н with the help of the suffix -Н-, it is written НН”. (9) Released before the war, by the third military autumn it swelled up from the touch of many hands, the cardboard cover was rubbed off and cracked, as if it were a piece of clayey earth that had dried up from lack of water.

9 3. In what word is the spelling of the suffix determined by the rule: “In the short passive participle of the past tense, N is written”? 1) given 2) without a trace 3) merciless 4) sincere

10 4. In what word is the spelling of the suffix determined by the rule: “In the full passive participles of the past tense, NN is written”? 1) sacred 2) wooden 3) slowly 4) offended

11 5. From the sentences write out the verb in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: “In order to correctly write the suffix of the verb, you need to form the form of the 1st person singular of the present or simple future tense. If the suffix is ​​preserved in this form, then -IVA / -YVA is written. (18) So that there is no dump, I began to say in advance which dove I send to whom. (19) The fact is that I painted each dove with felt-tip pens. (20) On one he painted all sorts of patterns, on the other boats in the middle of the sea, on the third fabulous cities, on the fourth flowers and butterflies.

12 To check, determine the form of the 1st person singular of the present or future tense. If in the form of the 1st person singular of the present or future tense there is uy, yuyu, then write the suffixes ova, eva: I advise, I advise, I command. I am, I am, then write the suffixes yva, willow: late late, consider considering

13 6. In what word is the spelling of the suffix not determined by the general rule (is an exception)? 1) completely 2) glassy 3) domestic 4) rude

14 7. In what word is the spelling of the suffix determined by the rule: “In an adverb on -o (-e), formed from an adjective, as many H are written as were in the adjective from which it is formed”? 1) scrawled 2) cut out 3) especially 4) nested

15 8. From the sentences, write out the word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: “As many Hs are written in the adverb as there were in the word from which it was formed.” (53) Thank you, uncle, I whispered. (54) Vasya moved in the corner, laughed embarrassedly and asked: (55) Why? (56) I don’t know why ... (57) And he jumped out of the hut. (58) With touched tears, I thanked Vasya, this night world, a sleeping village, a forest sleeping behind it.

16 9. From the sentences, write out the word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: "In full verbal adjectives formed from imperfective verbs, one H is written." (30) Probably went back to her wonderful theater. (31) Let her if she likes it there. (32) She was tired, my mother, she had fun for the first time in the whole war. (33) Let him stay a little longer in his distant memory, in a gilded palace where ballet is shown.

17 10. In what word is the spelling of the suffix determined by the rule: “In adjectives formed from nouns with the help of the suffixes -ONN-, -ENN-, it is written НН”? 1) smoked 2) handicraft 3) besieged 4) appointed

18 11. From sentences 8 10 write out the passive past participle in which the spelling of the suffix depends on the presence of an explanatory (dependent) word. (8) Lucy has a neatly cropped back of her head. (9) Her fingers quickly run over the keys, probably in the technical school she always had fives for this speed. (10) I listen to Campanella, look at Böcklin, at the plaster Beethoven, at the string of Ural stone elephants in the buffet, but for some reason it all seems to me alien, distant, as if covered in fog.

19 12. From sentences 7 10 write out the word in which the spelling H is determined by the rule: “In the suffixes -AN- (-YAN-), -IN of nominal adjectives, one N is written.” (7) I asked my dad to buy me a leather punching bag. (8) And mom suddenly took out a hefty teddy bear from somewhere, threw it on the sofa and said: (9) Why not a pear? (10) I made Mishka more comfortable on the couch so that it would be more convenient for me to train on him and develop the power of impact.

20 The materials of the site were used in the presentation Answers: 1. Purchased 2. Cardboard Painted Embarrassedly 9. Gilded Sheared 12. leather

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