How to bleach a washed white thing. How to bleach polyester fabric? Restoring faded fabric

Manufacturers offer a wide range of fabric bleaching products, but a large number of housewives use the usual "Whiteness", the active ingredient of which is sodium hypochlorite, better known as bleach. The active substance can destroy the structure of the fibers of the material, so it is important to know how to use "Whiteness" to bleach clothes without the risk of damaging them.

An aqueous solution of bleach is able, without boiling, to eliminate traces of yellowness or a gray tint that a white fabric acquires after numerous washes with dyed items. "Whiteness" will also help restore the original appearance of faded things.

The aggressive composition must be used correctly, otherwise the dense fabric will become thinner and wear out quickly, and the thin delicate material can simply tear when washed after being treated with bleach. You should also pay close attention to the use of "Whiteness" when machine washable clothes, curtains, tablecloths and other things.

Rules for using the tool

Before using "Whiteness", it is recommended to study the instructions for use of the product in order to accurately observe the proportions when preparing an aqueous solution. Compliance with the rules will help bleach things at home without damaging them. The processing methods described below are suitable for cotton and linen fabrics, fine synthetics.

We maintain the whiteness of the fabric. To keep a white shirt, bed linen or tablecloth in perfect condition, short-term soaking of things in a bleach solution is used. This will require a container, 10 liters of cool water and no more than two tablespoons of bleach.

After thoroughly mixing the solution, prepared things are immersed in it and left for 15-20 minutes, no more. Then things need to be rinsed in plenty of cold water and washed with powder, manually or in a typewriter.

Restoration of the whiteness of the fabric. Dullness, yellowness and stains from faded things are removed in the same way as above, but it will take an hour to soak a shirt, bed linen or tablecloth in the working solution.

Removing stains from thick fabric. Consider how to whiten white things from thick calico, jeans, thick linen and other materials with a similar structure. In this case, "Whiteness" can be applied undiluted to the stains and soaked for one minute. Then the thing is soaked in a solution of standard proportions, kept for another 20-30 minutes and washed.

A bleach-based gel will also help whiten tulle that has turned yellow or gray with age and sun exposure. Nylon tulle, voile curtain or organza should be placed for 5-10 minutes in a gentle solution of "Whiteness" - 1 tablespoon of the product per 10 liters of cool water.

Note! You can not often use bleach, because the solution, even in a gentle concentration, damages the fibers of the fabric - they split, become thinner. Chlorine is an effective remedy, but it can quickly ruin the product.

Jeans bleaching

Many are interested in how to whiten jeans at home in order to refresh them, make them more fashionable and stylish. Bleach will help lighten or decorate the fabric, creating uneven stains on it.

To whiten jeans with “Whiteness”, a few tablespoons of the product are added to a large amount of water (so that the item can be completely immersed and stirred with a wooden stick for uniform exposure to the active substance). The concentration is selected depending on the desired effect, but it should be remembered that the more concentrated the solution, the more the material will be damaged.

If it is planned to make stains on the fabric, knots are tied on jeans with thick white threads or tucks are made, twists are fixed using improvised methods. The solution is prepared in a metal container so that it can be heated on the stove.

After lowering the jeans into the solution and waiting for the boil, you should stir and observe the color change. Upon reaching the desired shade, the item is removed and rinsed well in running water. Boiling in bleach lasts up to 15 minutes.

Another decoration option denim clothing: in "Whiteness" a gauze pad is moistened and the fabric is processed through a stencil to obtain the desired pattern. When processing jeans, a piece of polyethylene is placed inside so that the bleach does not seep through and leave unnecessary whitish spots on the back of the leg.

Machine bleaching

Housewives, choosing a method for bleaching linen, often simply pour the appropriate agent into the tray washing machine. Let's figure out whether it is possible to add "Whiteness" when machine washing things.

Chlorine is a very aggressive substance that has a destructive effect on many types of materials, so you can pour it into the washing machine only in the most extreme isolated cases. Otherwise, the components of the unit, made of rubber, will lose their elasticity and strength. The washing machine will begin to leak and require repair.

  • carefully read the instructions for the washing machine - if it contains a ban on the use of chlorine-containing substances, you cannot use "Whiteness";
  • add the gel in a diluted form, pouring it directly into the drum before laying things so that the bleach comes into contact with a minimum number of elements of the unit, while things must be pre-moistened with cold water;
  • use a program for washing at low temperatures so as not to damage the laundry and the washing machine;
  • Rinse clothes repeatedly, including using conditioner, to remove traces of bleach from the inside of the washing machine and remove unpleasant odors from things.

Precautionary measures

It is important not only to know how to whiten things with "Whiteness", but also to follow the safety rules when working with an aggressive product. Chlorine is one of the substances that can cause serious harm to health if handled carelessly.

All work with the bleaching composition is carried out using a mask (gauze respirator) and protective gloves. It is also recommended to protect your eyes with goggles from accidental splashes. Chlorine, even in diluted form, corrodes the skin, can cause allergies. Contact with mucous membranes causes burns.

If bleach gets on the mucous membranes or skin, immediately rinse the affected area with plenty of cool water. If bleach gets into your eyes or your skin becomes irritated, you should see a doctor.

Bleach must be kept out of the reach of children and animals, since the ingress of bleach into the inside turns into a burn of the esophagus and severe chemical poisoning.

In order not to spoil the thing, "Whiteness" cannot be used for bleaching:

  • colored fabrics;
  • silk;
  • wool;
  • skin.

The bleach solution for bleaching should not be hot, because in this case the damaging effect on the fibers of the fabric increases - the thing will quickly wear out and become unusable.

Pay attention to the storage conditions of "Belizna". The product in a plastic bottle is stored at room temperature - the freezing of bleach leads to a decrease or loss of bleaching properties.

After opening, the container can be stored for six months, since in the future the effectiveness of the composition quickly decreases, and the solution from it has to be made more and more concentrated, which increases the destructive effect on the tissue.

Gel streaks on the neck of the bottle, drying up, make it difficult to unscrew the cork easily. To avoid this, carefully closed plastic containers with bleach are recommended to be stored on their side.

With the help of chlorine bleaches, you can put things in order from white fabrics. If you follow the rules, the risk of damage is minimal.

White color has always been a symbol of purity and freshness. Seeing a person in white clothes, you show him respect. But only real housewives know how to whiten white things at home.

And each time it becomes more and more difficult, because the products of their snow-white fabric get dirty faster, and the stains eat into the structure more and more. Yes, and the problem of yellowness and gray tint also makes you spend a lot of effort and nerves on whitening.

In this article, we have prepared for you some interesting, and most importantly, effective methods whitening whites. For example, you have a need to bleach a white sweater or other wardrobe detail, but you do not have enough experience in this area?

We hope that the knowledge that we provide will help you in the further care of white products.

A word about bleach

One of effective means in the struggle for the purity and whiteness of fabrics, one can rightfully consider simple table salt. White products can lose their original appearance for many reasons.

The main source of yellowness or a gray tint is considered to be improper care, or rather, washing. Remember that white is different for white. It all depends on the fiber from which the material is made.

Always separate colored and dark items from whites before washing. And in order for the product to serve you as long as possible, use high-quality washing products.

It is better to bleach and wash clothes immediately after they are soiled. Otherwise, you also risk getting an unpleasant shade on your favorite things.

Today, the market offers many specialized products that do an excellent job of removing dirt on white things. But many housewives prefer folk remedies, which we will talk about below.

Among the variety of chemical bleaches, chlorine-containing and oxygen-containing ones stand out. A separate type can be called optical whitening agents.

It is not capable of bleaching the fabric, but it does an excellent job of creating the illusion of bleaching, refreshing the appearance. All this happens due to the reflective particles that make up the substance.

Chlorine bleaches differ from all others in their availability. Yes, and efficiency is also worth considering. The only negative is that such products are not recommended to be used too often, as this is fraught with the destruction of the fibers of the material. Which will lead to the appearance of holes in the future.

White things need careful care: dirt, yellowness, all kinds of stains - all this forces housewives to constantly look for a way to effectively whiten a thing at home. To get rid of such a problem, try bleaching clothes with soda - this simple remedy will help you quickly return your favorite things to a snow-white color.

Many housewives have long abandoned popular bleaches in favor of the usual soda powder that is in every home. What is the secret of soda?

  • Hypoallergenic. Soda bleach is safe even for children's things, since sodium bicarbonate does not contain aggressive chemical compounds that often cause severe allergic reactions.
  • Versatility. Homemade soda "bleach" is able to cope with almost all types of pollution.
  • Availability. Soda is easy to buy everywhere, and the price is several times less than that of “fashionable” bleaches.
  • Another advantage of sodium bicarbonate is the ability to prepare a "custom" bleach, depending on the type of fabric to be bleached.

    With the help of soda and vinegar, you can clean the washing machine, try the recipes from the following article.

    Disadvantages of Traditional Whitening Products

    There are many whitening products on the market. However, most of the modern tools have a number of significant drawbacks, so the "grandmother's" soda remedy is still effective and in demand.

    Disadvantages of modern bleaches:

    • Aggressive chemical substances causing allergies. Also, such "chemistry" can seriously damage the fabric.
    • Fading of some materials. If you didn’t guess with the dosage, you can say goodbye to the bright color of your favorite thing.
    • Price. Widely advertised bleaches "please" with a completely undemocratic price, while a soda remedy will cost you a penny.
    • Diversity. Each type of bleach is designed for a specific type of fabric, so to tidy up things from different materials(synthetics, cotton, silk, etc.) will have to pay an impressive amount.
    • Whitening with soda ash

      Whitening with baking soda and soap

      A mixture of baking soda and soap is suitable for things made of cotton or linen fabrics. If you need to bleach your socks, T-shirt, bra or other cotton item, prepare the bleach solution:

      Dip into the prepared solution white thing. Soak it for 4-5 hours depending on how dirty it is, then wash it normally. This method will also help lighten clothes: for example, make too dark jeans lighter.

      According to reviews, some add 3 tablespoons to the solution vegetable oil and bring the temperature up to 90 degrees.

      How to bleach things with soda and salt?

      A good homemade remedy for bleaching things and returning them to a snow-white color is prepared from baking soda and ordinary table salt. This method allows you to put in order not only shirts, kitchen towels or tulle, but also whiten underwear, for example, a bra:

      Bleach with baking soda and vinegar

      Often a stain from wine or sauce becomes the reason for the "exile" of a tablecloth or white shirt. This can be avoided by bleaching things with soda and vinegar. The combination of these components is a good bleach to remove stubborn stains.

      To prepare the remedy at home:

      • Apply a pinch of baking soda to the shirt, then moisten with 9% vinegar essence.
      • To restore whiteness and remove dirt, rub the stain from the center to the edges, let dry. Rinse well.

      Be careful - this method is not suitable for bleaching silk, wool or dyed fabrics.

      How to bleach things with hydrogen peroxide and soda?

      With yellow sweat stains, a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and soda powder will help to cope. If your favorite thing turned yellow from sweat or turned gray, use this recipe:

      You can also bleach things with peroxide and soda like this:

      • Take 10 ml. peroxide and mix with 1 tsp. soda powder.
      • Apply the mixture to contaminated areas.
      • Leave the mixture for 15-20 minutes. After that, the composition must be washed off, and the bleached items should be washed.

      Whitening with citric acid and soda

      Whitening citric acid and soda good remedy to restore linen and cotton to their original look. To properly remove stains:

      Whitening with ammonia

      Another effective method to remove stains from white clothes, bed or table linen, curtains:

      • At 5 l. warm water, stir 5 tablespoons of baking soda and 2 tbsp. ammonia (ammonia).
      • Soak items that need bleaching in the solution for 3-4 hours.

      Also, this solution will help get rid of yellowness. To do this, you need to use it when boiling things:

      • Bring the mixture to a boil, then put things in.
      • Boil for 30 minutes, then let cool and rinse.

      To keep your clothes always snow-white, take precautions when bleaching. Do not bleach delicate fabrics, use soda mixtures with caution on dyed items.

      Before bleaching, examine the tag on the clothes. Instructions for decoding below in the photo.

      Are you spending more and more money on expensive bleach? Watch a video on how to make things lighter without using chemicals.

Clothing in white shades is considered festive, so it is important that it remains snow-white and clean even after prolonged use.

With frequent wear and improper care, things can lose their original appearance and acquire unpleasant grayish and yellow hues. How can you bleach white linen at home?

Rules for bleaching things

For bleaching wardrobe items, there are some rules that must be followed to maintain the color and strength of the fabric. They are mainly related to the type of matter.

  • before washing, you need to carefully study the tag on which the manufacturer indicated the name of the material and the rules for caring for it;
  • bleach and boiling are used only for natural linen and cotton;
  • washing of white things should be carried out separately from colored ones in order to avoid molting and damage to clothes;
  • frequent bleaching can lead to violations of the integrity of matter and its damage;
  • after the bleaching procedure, it is necessary to rinse things very thoroughly in cool clean water.

The return of white clothes can be done both manually and with the help of a washing machine.

Machine wash

To wash clothes in a washing machine, it is customary to use household chemicals designed for this.

For high-quality whitening, the following manipulations must be performed:

  1. Place the clothes in the drum.
  2. Pour washing powder into a special compartment.
  3. Add a stain remover or bleach containing chlorine (be careful and read the instructions on the label carefully). , can be found here.
  4. Turn on the intensive wash mode.

This method is well suited for things that have recently acquired an unpleasant shade.


For heavy soiling, it is preferable to wash things by hand with pre-soaking. You can use the same household chemicals as with machine wash, or you can give preference to folk remedies.

The algorithm for hand washing white things is as follows:

  • a small amount of hot water must be poured into the basin;
  • add active ingredient;
  • soak things for 1-2 hours;
  • wash, applying special diligence to heavily soiled places;
  • rinse in plenty of clean water at room temperature.

Often these manipulations are enough to return things to their original color.

In case of severe pollution, when a homemade streaking does not help, you can seek help from a professional dry cleaning salon, however, this is a rather expensive procedure.

Features of bleaching different types of fabrics

Different materials have their own characteristics of caring for them.

To maintain normal appearance and the quality of the thing, it is necessary to follow some washing and bleaching rules corresponding to the type of fabric:

  1. Cotton is a durable material and easily tolerates aggressive types of bleaching, such as chlorine and boiling.
  2. Natural linen can also be susceptible to chlorine stain removal, however, it is preferable to choose more gentle methods.
  3. Silk and wool can be cleaned with 72% laundry soap, which is used to rub contaminated places, as well as by soaking in a solution of sodium chloride, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Guipure fabric is soaked in a solution of ammonia and washed exclusively by hand to avoid stretching things.
  5. Bleaching of knitwear is done using a soda solution or mustard powder.

Taking into account the characteristics of different materials, it is possible to extend the life of things and rid it of stains and a gray tint that inevitably appears during use.

Stories from our readers!
"This cleaner was given by my sister when she found out that I was going to clean the brazier and the wrought-iron gazebo in the country. I was delighted! I did not expect such an effect. I ordered the same for myself.

At home I cleaned the oven, microwave, refrigerator, ceramic tiles. The tool allows you to get rid of even wine stains on carpets and upholstered furniture. I advise."

What improvised means are used for bleaching?

If you are unwilling or unable to use special stain removers that can be found in household chemical stores, you can resort to "grandmother's" methods, the means for which can be found in every housewife's house:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide is ideal for items that require delicate cleaning. To prepare the solution, you need 2 tbsp. peroxide per 4 liters. the warmth of the water. In the resulting solution, it is necessary to soak things for 40 minutes, then wash with washing powder.
  2. Ammonia is also added to the water. Things are placed in the mixture and left for several hours. The linen can then be washed in the washing machine.
  3. Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), despite pink color also used for bleaching things. To do this, you need to dissolve a few crystals in a basin with water and washing powder or gel, then immerse the clothes there and wait 2-3 hours.
  4. Laundry soap is often used for rubbing heavily soiled areas, soaking for several hours is possible to enhance the effect. Soap has a specific smell, so it is important to rinse the item well.

Improvised means are able to deal with dirt and discoloration of clothes no worse than household chemicals, the main thing is to correctly assemble and apply them.

Professional chemicals

Professional stain removers are used in specialized dry cleaners and laundries. The purchase of such chemistry for the home is impractical, as it has a high cost and large volumes.

The most popular means include:

  • Turbo Oxygenol;
  • ocean oxygen;
  • Ocean Oxy Plus;
  • Ocean Chlorine;
  • Turbo Destainer.

Such products contain a high concentration of active oxygen and chlorine. Use is strictly required in accordance with the instructions. They are very economical and beneficial for washing large quantities of laundry.

Bleach faded items

It often happens that along with colored things white gets into the wash.

This may cause discoloration. Fortunately, in almost all cases this is fixable. The main thing is to start bleaching immediately, while the thing has not yet had time to dry.

To do this, you can use the following substances:

  • chlorine bleaches do an excellent job, but they cannot be used to clean synthetic fabrics;
  • specialized stain removers are suitable for bleaching all types of fabrics. With their help, you can whiten children's white things;
  • table salt can significantly reduce the concentration of foreign color on white clothes;
  • perhaps things with hydrogen peroxide, for this you need to soak clothes in a solution of peroxide, soda and water for 1 hour.

Boiling can also remove unwanted color, however, you should be careful with this method, as woolen and synthetic items can permanently deteriorate. This method is suitable for linen made from natural cotton and linen. Light tissues can lose integrity and tear.

How to return the snow-white look to things?

A guaranteed way to bring things back to a snow-white hue is to use whiteness. Chlorine bleach is a concentrated agent, so when using it, you must follow the dosage indicated by the manufacturer on the package.

Whiteness for bleaching things has an active component - chlorine, which requires certain precautions to be observed:

  • before starting the procedure, it is necessary to remove all colored items, since even the slightest drop of chlorine bleach can form White spot, which will not be removed;
  • it is important to protect children and animals from any contact with bleach, as if it gets into the eyes and mucous membranes, it causes severe burns;
  • before carrying out whitening procedures, it is important to take care of the presence of rubber gloves that will protect your hands from harmful effects.

Whiteness is a rather aggressive agent, therefore it is not recommended to use it on artificial fabrics. Recommended only for linen, cotton, denim and dense knitwear (t-shirts, socks).

When using whiteness, it is important to periodically turn things over to evenly distribute the active ingredient. Upon completion of the procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the clothes in plenty of water. Whiteness has a specific chlorine smell, which can be removed from clothes with fabric softeners.

How to bleach gray, yellowed things?

It is possible to bleach a black and white thing, the snow-white side of which has changed shade, using gentle folk remedies or special stain removers for colored items. An unpleasant shade of white appears with frequent washing with non-compliance with the rules indicated on the tag, as well as with prolonged use of the item.

Most often, grayness and an unpleasant yellow tint can be removed in the following ways:

  • boric acid in the amount of 2 tbsp. for 7 l. water. In the resulting solution, it is necessary to soak the item overnight;
  • tbsp ammonia in combination with 2 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide per 5 liters. water is able to return the original color of a thing a few hours after soaking;
  • grated laundry soap is used to prepare a soap solution; for greater efficiency, you can add a few tablespoons of table salt or baking soda. In soapy water, things are left overnight, then washed by hand or in a typewriter using washing powder.

It is important to choose the product according to the type of fabric. Incorrect selection can lead to thinning of the fibers of the fabric and subsequent tears when trying to rinse, iron or put on.

Rules for washing white clothes

  • you can not combine white and colored things when washing, as the latter can shed; How to wash it can be found here.
  • it is necessary to separate clothes according to the types of fabric, as they have different requirements for washing and temperature conditions (details can be found on the tag for the item);
  • natural fabrics are preferably washed at high temperatures, while wool and cashmere prefer washing at 30 degrees. Changing the recommended temperature range for synthetic fabrics may result in a reduction in clothing size;
  • it is important to use chemicals that are suitable for each type of fabric. Different bleaches are used for white and colored items.

Although it is possible to restore almost all textiles to their original whiteness, frequent use of aggressive bleaching agents can lead to thinning of the fibers - such fabrics are more prone to holes.

Properly applying the tips, you can extend the life of clothes and underwear for a long time.

Only in television advertising do we see snow-white linen that has retained its color after numerous washes. In everyday life, we see something completely different: clothes lose their freshness, become washed out, white linen gradually becomes grayish or acquire yellow hues. Housewives are often interested in how to whiten linen at home effectively without damaging the structure of the fabric?

Previously, linen was boiled in huge pots. Today, there are other ways to help. Indulge in the pleasure of buying lots of whites just because you can't restore them to their original snow-white radiance.

White things are always beautiful

  • whitening hydrogen peroxide. Previously, our grandmothers did not know how to bleach clothes with hydrogen peroxide, but now this is a fairly popular way. In order to return the whiteness to grayed things, you need to dissolve 3% peroxide in several liters of water at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 2 liters of water, lower the linen there and leave for half an hour. For even whitening, you need to occasionally turn the clothes over. For clothes made of wool and cotton, you need to dilute 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with 1 tablespoon of ammonia, salt and 3 tablespoons of washing powder. Leave the laundry also for half an hour and then rinse well;
  • whitening potassium permanganate. Do you know an excellent whitening agent - ordinary potassium permanganate? You need to collect a bucket of hot water, add powder, counting on a large number of things, and dilute a little potassium permanganate so that the water acquires a slightly pinkish tint. Pour the already washed things with a solution and cover with cling film, leave for 3-4 hours and then rinse thoroughly. As a rule, washed linen returns to its original whiteness after one procedure;
  • items made of cotton and linen are bleached in water with ammonia. Strong yellowness is removed by adding 1-2 tablespoons of turpentine to the water;
  • by using hydrogen peroxide and ammonia you can bleach delicate fabrics such as guipure and tulle. Things need to be soaked for half an hour in hot water, adding 2 tablespoons of peroxide and 2 tablespoons of ammonia. Bleaching of linen should be completed by washing in a typewriter;
  • how to bleach clothes at home, which does not want to be washed at all? This will help boric acid. It is used to whiten socks and tights. Start by washing your socks

    Lemon juice removes many stains on whites.

    manually homemade laundry soap, then lowered into hot water with a half spoon of boric acid powder. You need to leave the laundry for a few hours and then rinse. Boric acid is also added in small amounts in normal household washing;

  • soda recommended for use as a mild bleach for baby clothes. You can include the product in the main wash by adding a few tablespoons to the drum of the machine, or dissolve 2 tablespoons of ordinary soda in 10 liters of hot water and soak the clothes in the resulting solution for several hours. Children's things that have become yellow or gray over time will again acquire a fresh and beautiful look. In stores you can also see a special soda for washing - calcined. It is more effective due to the high alkali content. Soda ash for several washes will help restore whiteness to things;
  • instead of bleaching with hydrogen peroxide, you can wash yellowed white things with special tablets " Hydroperite”, which contain hydrogen peroxide and urea. Many housewives think about how to bleach bedding without having to wash it. To do this, dissolve 2 tablets of hydroperite in 5 liters of hot water and lower the linen into the solution for half an hour;
  • it is possible to whiten things at home with the help of tablets aspirin. It can be used for both hand washing and machine washing. In order to return the whiteness to grayed out things, you need to soak the linen overnight in hot water with 4-5 aspirin tablets dissolved. In the morning, wash clothes by hand or in an automatic machine;

    There are many ways to bring back the purity and brightness of white things.

  • white- an aggressive bleach for linen containing chlorine. Many are afraid to use this method because they do not know how to use whiteness. Lightening with this agent can be carried out for dense fabrics such as cotton or linen. Bleaching linen at home with whiteness will help restore shine and pure white to things. You need to add a little bleach, only 1 spoon per 5-6 liters of water. Put things into the solution and leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Such a bleach will help not only in bleaching things at home. Whiteness is an excellent antiseptic, which destroy viruses and bacteria on the tile.

You need to wear gloves when working with bleach, because chemical composition negatively affects the skin, creates allergic reactions in the form of dryness, peeling and redness;

How to whiten baby clothes at home

Whitening children's things at home involves accuracy in the choice of means. In no case should you use aggressive chemical solutions, as they can provoke an allergy in a child.

You can bleach yellowed and tarnished things with soda, boric acid or table salt in the proportions listed above.

Bleaching with hydrogen peroxide or hydroperite can also give a fresh look to linen. Washed with a hypoallergenic baby powder, things are soaked in hot water at about 70-80 ° with the right solution and left for half an hour.

Boric acid acts as an antiseptic, preventing the appearance of fungus.

Clothes to be bleached can be soaked in a special baby bleach solution that is safe for babies.

You can add a solution of brilliant green with each wash of white things

How to wash bed linen

Who doesn't love to sleep on snow-white sheets, sparkling and clean as snow? Before bleaching clothes at home, wash sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers in a washing machine, then pour boiling water into a large basin or fill a bathtub with it to fit a large amount of laundry. Then 4-5 tablespoons are added to the water. whiteness”, 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil and 250-300 grams of washing powder for white things. Don't worry about how to get things white again. This method will return the former freshness to bed linen and dazzling whiteness.

How to bleach white things from guipure

How can you whiten clothes made of delicate fabrics such as silk or guipure? Tar soap and a variety of gentle bleaches based on hydrogen peroxide and sodium hydrosulfite will come to the rescue. Never use bleach containing chlorine for this, as it will instantly ruin delicate lace. Tar soap perfectly copes with stains of any complexity and has a whitening effect. Many do not like its specific smell.

After bleaching white things at home, you need to wash the guipure clothes with conditioner to get rid of the smell of tar.

How to get white underwear back

We wash underwear more often than any other. Panties and bras wear out and wash out, becoming unkempt and staining white underwear. It is impossible to boil underwear, because of this the elastic bands from the underpants and the bones on the bras deteriorate. There is no means at hand than to whiten white things at home? Add when hand wash a little blue and soak for half an hour. In the past, bleach has been successfully replaced with blue. To give your underwear a shine and a pleasant fresh fragrance, soak things in hot water with citric acid at the rate of 10:1.