How to weave baubles in different ways. Learning to use patterns for floss baubles. Direct weaving of floss baubles for beginners

Unusual and cute baubles made of threads have always attracted the attention of others. You won’t surprise anyone with the usual jewelry, but with such bracelets you can easily stand out from the crowd. Moreover, they are attractive not only for their brightness, but also for the fact that they can be made independently. Another important feature is the rather interesting meaning that connects the two friends.

Baubles - what is it?

A bauble is an accessory in the form of a bracelet, made in the form of weaving from threads, ribbons, beads and other materials. Most often, it is woven by hand, and the meaning of friendship between two people is embedded in its creation. But the last point is not necessary, since in modern times, many perceive it simply as an ornament.

The prototype of modern baubles are the jewelry of the natives and Indians, who exchanged similar bracelets to establish a spiritual connection. Later, this idea was borrowed by supporters of the “hippie” movement, who thereby confirmed their attitude towards this brotherhood.

The classic option is baubles woven from floss threads. They can be both monophonic and multi-colored. Also, depending on the type of weaving, various patterns and patterns can be depicted on them. The colors on the baubles have certain meanings, thanks to which it was possible to determine what a person is like.

Now baubles made of threads and other materials are a fairly popular accessory, while you can weave it yourself or buy a finished product. They go great with summer and spring outfits. At the same time, both girls and boys can wear them.

Ways of weaving baubles

The weaving of baubles itself is a tying of knots of four types. There are two main ways of weaving baubles: oblique and straight. Already among them you can find interesting solutions to a pattern or pattern, which will differ not only in complexity, but also in execution technique.

Those who have enough experience can even combine these two weaving methods, creating new original patterns, color mixtures.

Oblique weaving

The principle of oblique weaving is that the knots are knitted in one chosen direction - from left to right or vice versa. The simplest pattern that perfectly demonstrates the principle of oblique weaving is the classic tricolor.

So, you will need threads of three colors, the length of which is at least 60 cm.

  1. The first step will be the creation of a knot, the beginning of a kerchief made of threads. It is attached to the work surface.
  2. Weaving starts from left to right. It is from this side that you need to start tying knots. To do this, the two outermost threads are knitted together into a knot, while the outermost one adheres.
  3. The resulting knot is transferred to the base of the thread baubles, and another knot is made next.
  4. The same must be done with other threads in the direction to the right. That is, the extreme thread will tie two knots on subsequent threads.
  5. After the first row, you can proceed to the next. It is done in the same way as the first one. Only the color of the extreme thread will already be different.
  6. When the weaving of the baubles from the threads fits the size of the wrist, the final part should be fixed.

straight weave

Direct weaving of baubles is more difficult. However, those who have mastered the oblique will also cope with this. The advantage of this weaving method is a greater variety of patterns. Baubles can contain not only multi-colored patterns, but also full-fledged drawings. This can be achieved due to the fact that knots are knitted horizontally.

Weaving moves first from right to left, and then vice versa. It is better to start learning to weave baubles in a direct way with two colors. One will act as a background, and the other as knots. And the second one needs much more.

  1. A beautiful base for a thread baubles is made like this: the threads that will be used as a background must be folded in half.
  2. On the one hand, closer to the fold, a thread is tied, which has the name "leading".
  3. With a leading thread, you need to tie all the threads of the background, so that in the end you get a beautiful uniform loop.
  4. Then you need to tie certain knots on the threads of the background, moving towards the opposite side.
  5. When the first row is completed, you need to move on to the second. Here weaving will be carried out according to the same principle, but in the opposite direction. Therefore, many people call this method "snake".

Having stuffed your hand on weaving baubles of their two colors, you should try your skills on several shades or start creating real patterns.

Patterns of weaving baubles from threads

To begin with, it must be said that there are two types of schemes:

  • a full cycle means that after the weaving of the pattern has ended, it must be repeated again;
  • an incomplete cycle demonstrates the principle of tying knots, that is, there will be some colors on top and others on the bottom.

As for the nodes themselves, they also come in two types:

  • the right one is characterized by the fact that the working thread will be located on the right side of the received node,
  • left means that the working thread will be on the left side of the node itself.

There are also 4 types of nodes:

  • straight - in the diagram is depicted by an arrow pointing in the right-down direction. And for this you need to make two left nodes;
  • the reverse is depicted in the diagram as an arrow that shows the direction left-down. And that means you have to make two right knots;
  • the left tatting appears on the diagram as an arrow in the form of a right angle, looking in the lower left direction. To make it, you need to do the following: first you need to tie the left knot, after which, changing the threads in places, you need to make the right knot;
  • right tatting - on the diagram it has the designation of the direction to the right and down in the form of a right angle. It is performed according to the same principle as the previous node, only in the opposite direction: first the right node, then the left.

Often the diagrams show the colors of the nodes, however, you can replace them with others. At the beginning of the path of weaving baubles from threads, in order not to get confused, you can mark the rows that have already been made.

As for the schemes themselves, there are a huge number of them. Thanks to them, you can create various patterns and patterns on baubles. It is also possible to come up with a pattern yourself, for this special programs have been created that process the intended ornament in the form of a weaving pattern.

In the video below, you will see how diverse thread baubles can be, in which case to use direct weaving, and in which oblique. Get inspired.

To create a multi-colored baubles from threads, you will need floss threads - at least six colors, scissors and a mount.

  1. The threads are cut in half so that each color is doubled.
  2. Then the threads are arranged so that the same colors are mirrored. That is, red will be the last color on the left and right sides, green will be the second, and so on.
  3. Thread fastening is done in any way you like.
  4. Weaving can be started from any side, for example, from the left. To do this, the extreme thread makes two left knots, which must be placed right at the base of the bracelet.
  5. Then, again, the red thread should tie knots on other threads. You need to tie them to the middle.
  6. The same must be done on the other side, that is, repeat the steps, but in the opposite order.
  7. When the red threads converge in the middle, you need to tie a knot with the right leading thread.
  8. You need to start the second row already from the green color. Everything is done in the same way as with the red thread.
  9. At the end of weaving, the bauble can be tied into a knot and weaved a thin pigtail from the remaining threads. The same must be done with the threads that remained at the base.

How to decorate baubles?

The bauble itself is an original accessory, but this does not mean that the bracelet should be made exclusively from floss. It can be complemented with various decorations. The simplest option for decorating baubles are interesting locks. They can be purchased at craft stores. It can be an infinity sign, chain links, a lighthouse and much more. And in the bracelet itself, you can weave beads, spikes, beads, stones, sequins, rhinestones.

To decorate a bauble with beads or beads, they need to be strung on a thread and sewn into a bracelet with a needle.

The decoration in the form of rhinestones looks interesting. They can be glued to the finished bauble, but in this case there is a risk that the glue will leave marks. Therefore, you can buy a thread with ready-made applied small rhinestones.

So, in order to attach a thread with rhinestones, you need to do the following:

  1. In the middle along the thread baubles, you need to lay out a thread with rhinestones of the appropriate length.
  2. Then, with a thread whose color matches the bauble, you need to start sewing on a thread with rhinestones.
  3. Weaving baubles is quite an interesting process, but it can also be difficult. And the first problem for beginners is the incorrect determination of the length of the threads. First, you need to leave a length so that you can wear a bauble on your hand. Secondly, depending on the complexity of weaving, threads with a length of 80 cm or more are needed. Therefore, the more complex the pattern, the longer the thread should be.

    At the beginning of training, you can simply fix the threads in the form simple knot. But to make the work look more neat, you can use one of the suggested methods:

    1. Fixing the threads with a pin. All the threads need to be tied around the pin, and then it can be attached to a piece of fabric or even to your jeans.
    2. Fenechka - great decoration which is suitable for summer. And the weaving process itself can become interesting hobby, because there are many schemes of varying complexity, according to which you can create a beautiful and unusual bracelet. Also, a hand-woven bauble can be a nice present for girlfriends or friends.

      Finally, easy master class on weaving the simplest baubles from threads, which will allow even inexperienced beginners to catch fire with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bweaving.

Do you like to make various decorations with your own hands? The handmade style is now popular in all possible industries where creativity is applied. Read about how to weave floss. You will learn a lot of interesting things. Helpful Hints and recommendations will allow you to quickly master the technique, even if you have never done anything like this before.

What will be required

If you decide to learn how to weave floss bracelets, you should prepare for practical work in advance. You need to have the following:

The colors of the threads combine a variety of. The minimum number of tones is two. It is not very interesting to weave a bracelet from one shade, since its main beauty is precisely in the pattern that the knots form. You can use not only floss, but also other types, such as knitting yarn. Mouline thread is most often taken for weaving, as the skeins are very bright, and the color scheme allows you to choose a variety of shades. In addition, the threads are thin, so the knots are neat. Also, a bracelet on a fork made of rubber bands can turn out to be very effective. When you master the technology of creation and yarn, it will be quite easy to move on to a more modern material.

Design and weaving methods

Before you start learning how to weave floss bracelets, you should familiarize yourself with the possibilities of this type creative activity. Data is also called because it was originally customary to give it to friends. Accordingly, the products had to carry certain information about the owner, the donor, or their relationship. Now the sacredness of things has been largely lost and many make them as decorations for themselves. However, the patterns created on bracelets, also called baubles, are usually chosen not by chance. In part, they are determined by the experience of the needlewoman and the available thread colors or patterns.

There are two ways to weave:

  1. oblique.
  2. Direct.

The first method is simpler and is used by the majority. Ornaments are usually created from knots that follow each other diagonally in different directions. Often chosen motifs are rhombuses, stripes, herringbones.

Direct weaving is more complex, but it allows you to create original ornaments, including writing a certain text into the bracelet. It is thanks to this possibility that direct weaving is popular. Usually they interweave names, initials or phrases that testify to love, friendship.

In this case, most often there is a thread that forms the background. It should be much longer. The main tone is woven with threads of a drawing or text.

Thread attachment options

In order to understand how to make a bracelet out of threads with your own hands quickly and correctly, you should master the main types of knots. And also to make the work as convenient as possible. To do this, it is important to securely fasten the threads before weaving. You can do this in the following ways:

  • on a pin;
  • clamp;
  • tape;
  • on a special tablet.

First of all, you can tie all the threads into a knot so that they do not bloom, and then pin them with a pin to the fabric on a hard surface, such as a tablecloth. In the case of a clip or tape, it is enough to fix the ends of the threads even without a knot. You just need to evenly distribute them at a suitable distance and stick with tape to a table or sheet of plastic. The clip is convenient to fix on the book. When using a tablet for needlework, it is convenient to make the necessary notes on its surface during work. The method of fixing the working threads, choose the one that seems most convenient to you.

As for fixing the threads after the end of weaving, it is enough to make, for example, a pigtail or two, and then fasten it with a knot or immediately tie a knot without braids, leaving an element that looks like a brush. You can make the same elements of the bracelet tie on both sides or provide a clasp.

Symbols on the diagrams

If this is your first time deciding to try your hand at making jewelry, you can start from the very beginning. easy way, where no templates are required. The bracelet is easy to weave in the form of a regular pigtail, as you once did to a doll. Take three threads of different shades or six, connecting in pairs, and weave a regular pigtail. A little more difficult, but also without much difficulty, you can make an element of four threads.

To understand how to make a DIY thread bracelet using knots and getting beautiful patterns, you need to learn the basic ways to create these knots, as well as learn how to read jewelry patterns. All templates use the same notation. The plate is shown in the next photo.

For a knot under each number, one of two designations can be used. Arrows are more common. By remembering these symbols, you can easily understand any pattern.

How to choose the number of threads and their length

If you have chosen the patterns of bracelets that you will work with and understand how the product will be made, you can move on to practice. First of all, calculate how many threads you need. Schemes are found in both even and odd numbers. Moreover, there are options that are designed specifically for even or So, if the width of the bracelet on the template does not suit you, to increase it, you will have to add the number of threads in pairs on the left and right, one at a time.

As for the length of the threads, it is not always possible to accurately determine it immediately. It depends on the size of the bracelet, that is, the thickness of the wrist and the width of the hand, if the jewelry does not have a clasp. If you are using schemes for and all threads will be used evenly, the initial length is usually determined by calculating the length finished product multiplied by four. In general, it is better to cut off immediately with a margin, so that at the end of work you can tie a neat knot and weave a pigtail as a completion.

If you run out of thread in the middle of work or breaks, do not be discouraged. Take a new one of the same color and continue to work in the right place, leaving the beginning of the thread on the wrong side. After a few knots have been made, turn the bracelet inside out and tie the beginning of a new thread to the end of the first. Cut off the excess. As a result, the knot of the connection will be invisible.

Where to begin

Before mastering complex bracelet patterns, you should practice creating knots of different types. You can create a simple bracelet based on knot #1 or #2 from the symbol table. In this case, you will not have a specific pattern, you just get alternating slanted stripes of different colors, directed from left to right or vice versa.

To make a simple bracelet, the surface of which already looks like a picture, use the following illustration. Weaving always starts with the leftmost thread. In symmetrical patterns with respect to the center of the pattern, the left thread is used exactly to the middle, then work begins in a mirror image from the far right. The threads that have become central are tied together with an ordinary knot, and the work begins to repeat again symmetrically, guided by the pattern.

How to weave a bracelet from threads for beginners

Here is the sequence of work when making a decoration with a herringbone pattern. Actions will be as follows:

1. Cut the desired even number of threads of approximately the same length and several shades of paired colors. Tie the elements in a knot and fasten on a pin so that the threads are distributed symmetrically about the center in shades, that is, the pairs of extreme, second, etc. will be the same to the middle.

2. Start with the leftmost thread. Put it in the form of a quadruple on the second from the left and tie a knot. You can also do two nodes. Repeat the same on the right side mirror with two extreme threads.

3. Make such knots from the working thread and the next to the center also symmetrically on both sides.

4. Do the same with the center threads. As a result, those elements that were originally extreme, became average.

5. Tie with a regular knot those threads that are now in the middle. The first element of the Christmas tree is ready.

6. Repeat the entire weaving sequence listed above only using the threads that have become extreme (initially they were second).

7. Repeat all the steps with all the remaining pairs of threads until those that were in these places initially become extreme again.

8. Continue weaving in the same way to the desired length. Fasten the threads and the decoration is ready. These simple bracelets made of threads can be made quickly with your own hands.

Having mastered the technique of weaving in this way, you can create simple patterns yourself. It is enough to use a different number of threads, different combinations of pairs, for example, not four different colors, but only two, that is, place the blue ones along the edges in the previous sample, as they are, the second - pink, and then again repeat the sequence of these colors in the same combination . Get a different drawing. Also, the "herringbone" shown above can be blue on the left, pink on the right, etc. Only due to different combinations of colors it is easy to get a very large number of patterns with one technology.

How to weave bracelets from threads: patterns

If you decide to make something more complicated, use the templates below. In the first option, only four threads are used. If you forgot conventions, refer to the appropriate section label.

The second template allows you to weave a marine-themed decoration. It will already be wide enough, as it consists of thirteen threads.

When all eighteen rows of the template have been completed, determine how many times you still need to repeat the elements of the pattern to the desired length.

Use regular yarn

If you do not have floss on hand and you are thinking about how to weave bracelets from knitting threads, the answer is simple - exactly the same. Use the same patterns, just consider the thickness of the yarn.

For example, for the pattern with diamonds, which is shown just above, it is quite possible to use thick threads, since only four are needed.

Additional decoration ideas

By the way, bracelets made of or floss can not only be woven using the indicated technologies, but also significantly diversify products by weaving beads, beads, chain links and other details that are suitable in style into knots. It is easy to add elements to an already made bracelet, for example, stick a ribbon with rhinestones.

rubber bands

Another very popular weaving material is rubber bands. They are sold in packaging both in one color and in large sets of different shades. For weaving, you will need a special machine, but it is easy to make such a bracelet on a fork. Thanks to the bright colors of the source material and the ease of manufacture, such products will be a great gift idea for girlfriends for any occasion.

So, you have learned how to weave bracelets from As you can see, it is not difficult. And if such material was not at hand, you can use the available - ordinary yarn for knitting or crocheting. In all cases, you can get beautiful and original jewelry.

Baubles (fenki, or, as they are also called, friendship bracelets) are jewelry, the name of which speaks for itself. Usually one of the friends weaves such an ornament for another, and the second one wears it until the thread breaks or frays. They are made, as a rule, from threads, but there are other varieties, for example, from beads, ribbons, laces.

At one time, this tradition was popular among American hippies, who, after the exchange of baubles, were considered named brothers. Well, today fenki are used simply as a decoration, although if you want to say something with this gift, this can also be done: after all, each of the colors used in such decoration or their combinations has its own symbolism, which we will talk about a little further.

In the meantime, consider what baubles are and what they are made of.

From beads- perhaps this is the most difficult type of baubles to make, because it requires perseverance, the ability to correctly choose colors, and great patience. Moreover, beads, unlike threads, do not lie in a calm pile, but constantly crumble ... But the decoration that turns out in the end is no worse than the works of art that were made, say, by bead embroiderers in the 19th century.

Baubles from threads- most often they are woven from iris and floss, however, options are possible, for example, acrylic or wool. Can create different types drawings using various knots. Most often they talk about baubles with oblique weaving or straight weaving.

Baubles from ribbons are made easier and faster than their "brothers" from other materials. Most often they take satin ribbons one color or two, combined with each other.

There are other options such as baubles made of leather or imitation leather, hemp(material that is made from hemp stalk), colored synthetic laces. In general, such decorations are woven from everything from which you can weave something, there is no limit to fantasy 🙂

Today we will talk in more detail about, perhaps, the most common baubles - made of floss threads.

What are floss threads and how best to choose them?

Any threads, before they are sold to you in the store, go through several mandatory processing steps. First, with the help of a twisting machine, several threads are twisted into one, then these threads go through the process of boiling in an alkaline solution, bleaching and dyeing, at the end they are starched and wound on coils or bobbins.

There is a huge variety of threads for weaving and embroidery, but floss or iris are best suited for making baubles. One floss thread consists of six thinner threads, each of which, in turn, is made of even finer fibers: spatula and cotton.

Cotton floss threads are very durable, but they lack a natural sheen. Therefore, they are given it using the mercerization process. The threads of the floss made of spatula fiber are less strong, but they have a beautiful natural sheen.

In addition to these two types, on sale you can find silky floss made from linen and woolen threads. There are also beautiful types of threads with the addition of metallic threads, as well as those treated with a special fluorescent compound that glows in the dark. Using all these different different types, you can almost endlessly put creative experiments!

How to weave baubles from floss threads?

To figure out how to weave floss baubles, we first need to understand how to read bauble patterns - after all, it is on their basis that all masterpieces of threads are created. And for this it is necessary to understand how different types of knots are indicated on the diagrams and how to tie these knots correctly.

Actually, the whole process of fenko weaving is based on two simple, or loop knots - right and left. Right knot - in which the working thread is located to the right of the knotted thread, and in the left, respectively, to the left. Depending on the combination of loop knots that make up a pair (left and left, left and right, right and left, right and right), 4 types of knots are distinguished.

straight knot

This is a combination of two left loop knots. In the diagrams, it is indicated by an arrow that points to the right and down - in the direction where the working thread goes. The color of the resulting knot will match the color of the working thread.

reverse knot

This, respectively, is a combination in one pair of two right loop knots. Its designation is an arrow pointing down and to the left, and the working thread also goes there.

Left tatting

The working thread in it, respectively, is located on the left and goes to the left. It is a pair of left and right loop knots. Here it is already worth analyzing step by step how such a knot is woven.

  1. To begin with, we tie the left loop knot, while the threads change places, and the working thread goes to the right.
  2. Then, with the working thread, we perform the right loop knot. The threads are reversed, returning to their original position.

Therefore, the designation of the node in the diagram is this - an arrow going first to the right, then to the left.

Right tatting

Its designation on the diagrams is an arrow going to the left and then to the right. And it is performed in a mirror image to the left one - first we perform the right loop knot with the right working thread, leading it to the left, and then the left one, returning it back to its original position.

Knowing these basic knots, you can easily read the patterns of baubles, which means you can practice complex patterns.

How to fix the threads for weaving baubles?

In order for the pattern to turn out to be even, and the threads not to fall apart, they must be fixed at the beginning of work. You can do this in one of the following four ways.

Method number 1: we tie each thread with a knot to a pin, and fasten the pin itself to the fabric, for example, a tablecloth, the back of a sofa, or even jeans on the knee 🙂 A very convenient option when you weave a bauble in field conditions.

Method number 2: the thread can be fixed using a tablet - this is a special board with a paper clip that can be used to press the threads, it is sold in stationery stores.

Method number 3: put the threads on the cover of a thick notebook or book and press it with a crocodile clip.

Method number 4: using adhesive tape or adhesive tape, fix the threads at the edge of some fixed surface, for example, a table top.

In any of the methods, the main thing is to pre-distribute the threads in the order in which they should go on the diagram.

How to determine the length of threads for baubles?

Of course, when you gain experience, you can easily determine the required length of thread for a particular pattern by eye. But if you're just getting started with fascinating world fenko weaving, then you should know that when weaving a lot of threads go into knots, and the finished fennec is several times shorter than the original thread. Only one double knot takes on about 8 millimeters of thread. Moreover, on both sides, 5-8 centimeters must be left to make ties.

If the fenka you choose is woven in a bias weave and the pattern is simple (it is a symmetrical pattern, not a complex pattern), the pattern is based on 1-2 knots and no more than 8 threads, you can take threads 80 centimeters long. If the scheme is more complicated, then the length should be taken about 1 meter. You don’t need more - because the longer they are, the more they will get tangled and the more difficult it will be to unravel them, especially if you are weaving a bauble somewhere outside the house, for example, in transport or while waiting in line.

If the thread ends early, you can always bring it to wrong side and add a new one in its place. However, if you do not want such difficulties, then the length can be measured even more than 1 meter, only each thread will need to be wound into a separate skein and secured with something, for example, with a rubber band.

On one of the sites on the Internet, a formula was found by which you can calculate the length of the thread:

Length = wrist circumference x 4.3 + tie length x 2

For reliability, you can add about 10 centimeters more to the resulting figure.

With straight weaving, everything is usually more difficult, because these are more complex knots and patterns. Therefore, if you immediately take up it, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to lengthen the threads (in one of our articles we already wrote about how to add a thread, so we will not repeat ourselves now). Most often, the length is determined by how many knots will be woven with this particular thread. For example, the background (leading) thread should be made the longest, and the extreme threads, as a rule, turn out to be the shortest, and their length can be calculated by adding the estimated length of the fenki and ties.

You can determine the length of the baubles using the formula: number of rows x 2.3. We take the length of the remaining threads at the rate of 0.8 mm (and preferably 1 cm) for each node in the circuit.

However, if you do not want all these mathematical complexities, then it is better to just take 1 meter of thread, master their lengthening to perfection so that there are no extra knots, and add the desired length each time you need it.

The symbolism of flowers in the weaving of floss baubles

When choosing colors for your future work, do not forget that each of them, both individually and in combination, has its own meaning.

So, red symbolizes love, fire, energy, passion, affection, joy.

Orange- also energy, affection, fire, and in addition, sexuality and pacifism.

Yellow- abundance (after all, this is the color of money, gold), summer and the sun, as well as envy, jealousy, insincerity. But it is also a symbol of faith, fate, beauty, longing.

Green– life, hope, harmony, nature; youth, faith, eternity.

Blue- the color of the sky and water - symbolizes peace and infinity, mind and peace, friendship, hope and harmony.

Blue- it is also peace and tranquility, harmony, as well as purity, infinity, openness to new things, a long memory, spirit, love of God, friendliness.

Violet- friendship, originality, as well as wisdom, mysticism, dreams.

White is the Chinese yang energy. This color is a symbol of sophistication, innocence, truth, independence, purity, beginning, path, faith, light, freedom, life, goodness.

Black– its opposite is Yin energy, independence, loneliness, sadness, strong energy, closeness to communication, magic, fearlessness, detachment, purification.

Grey- sadness, modesty, old age, insensitivity, punctuality.

Combinations of colors in weaving floss baubles:

Two colors each:

Green and red- love for nature.

red and yellow- crazy Love.

Red and blue- pacifism.

White and red- free love.

Black and red- unhappy love, anarchy.

yellow and green- Greenpeace.

blue and yellow- the sky and the sun.

purple and yellow- insanity, madness, paranoia.

Black and yellow- evil, black magic.

Green and white- faith in God, white magic.

Blue and white- inner light, harmony in detachment from the world.

White and blue- hope.

White and pink- variability.

Purple and black- black magic.

Black and white- pride, loneliness, the cycle of birth and death, Yin and Yang.

Three colors each:

White, orange and green- hippies.

White, red and black symbolize the path of life (birth, life and death).

Blue, white and black- hope.

Green, blue and yellow- nature, pacifism, naturalness, brotherhood, harmony.

Yellow, green and red- reggae music, rastafarianism.

Yellow, blue and orange- passion for esotericism, the culture of the East.

Orange, green and white- Passion for the culture of Ireland, the Celts, the Druids.

Black, brown and yellow- black magic.

Black, red and white- symbolism of anarchy.

And finally - a color compatibility table that will help you determine which colors are worth using together, and which are categorically contraindicated.

Weaving baubles is a very exciting activity that will appeal to both adults and children. They can be woven from different materials, the most accessible of which are threads. They are in every home in sufficient quantities to create several products.


What threads are baubles weaved from? From any! It can be threads for knitting, embroidery (mulina) or just sewing, folded several times. In addition, you can use thin laces, satin ribbons, synthetic fibers for sewing dolls, or elongated strips of plastic bags.

It is easiest to weave baubles from floss threads. As everyone knows, they are quite smooth, they consist of several non-twisted threads, which contributes to the formation of neat knots, since the threads are evenly distributed over its entire area. In addition, they are thick and durable enough that you can use them without additional additions, and they also have an extensive palette and a low price.

Types of braided bracelets

Baubles can be classified according to several parameters.

By degree of difficulty:

  • simple;
  • medium difficulty;
  • complex.

By volume there are:

  • flat;
  • tourniquet.

By the number of threads used, baubles can consist of:

  • 2 threads;
  • 3 threads;
  • 4 strands, etc.

The more threads in the weave, the wider the finished product will be.

By appointment:

  • decorative;
  • protective;
  • souvenir.

2 strand bracelets

Weaving baubles from 2 floss threads, as in the photo, is very simple. The technique consists in tying the warp thread with a working thread. To do this, you need 1 meter of thread of any color. It can be folded, the main thread should be equal to the girth of the wrist plus a few centimeters for fastening. Before starting work on the thread, tie a knot at the place of addition to form a small loop. If you make the fastening tightening, then the thread must be cut into 2 parts. The main thread should be equal to 3 wrist girths. At its ends, you need to tie knots or fasten beads. Fold the main thread into a double ring so that the ends touch each other.

In the place where the threads turned out to be 2, start tying knots with the second thread. To get a beautiful spiral, the main thread must be taut and straight, and the working thread will braid it, as shown in the photo.

Another type of bracelets for beginners. Weaving baubles from threads, as in the photo below, is very simple. To do this, you need to make knots alternately with both the working and the main thread.

In this case, the working and main threads must be the same length.

3-strand cord bracelet

Baubles made of 3 threads are interesting. Weave, as shown above, them according to the same principle as from 2 threads, however, the knots alternate on the right and left. It turns out a narrow flat bracelet. If you make not one, but two knots with each thread, and also use threads of different colors, you will get such a bauble, as in the photo below.

Baubles "Braid" of 3 threads

A very simple bracelet can be made using the simple braid technique. In this way, both adults and children can weave baubles from threads. When using 3 threads of different colors, you can create a unique decoration in a few minutes.

4-strand cord bracelet

You can weave baubles from floss in 4 threads, as well as from three, tying knots alternately with the left and right working thread. However, in this case, there will already be two warp threads, due to which the width of the bracelet increases.

Another original bracelet will be a bauble in the form of a cord. You can weave it using a round cardboard blank. Notches are made on it. The threads are arranged crosswise, then the threads are alternately thrown from top to bottom, from left to right, from bottom to top, from right to left.

The second way is nodular. All threads from the edge are tied into one knot, then each thread is tied to the next one clockwise by one or 2 knots. It is necessary to move in a spiral until the desired length is woven. In the process of making this bracelet, beads or bells can be woven into the structure of the lace.

Baubles "Braid" of 4 threads

Braid bracelets of 4 threads look unusual. Unlike classic braids, weaving is more dense and interesting.

The technique of weaving such baubles is simple and consists in shifting the extreme threads to the center to the opposite half.

Let's say the bauble will consist of threads 1, 2, 3, 4. They must be tied, forming a loop on top, and then distribute the threads on the plane and start weaving. Put thread 1 between threads 2 and 3, place thread 4 between 2 and 1. Thread 2 between 1 and 3, thread 3 between 4 and 1. Weave a bauble with threads according to the pattern until its length is equal to the girth of the wrist. Tie all the threads in one knot, put on a bead and tie again, carefully trim the excess threads.

Bracelets with 5 or more threads

Another type of thread baubles that everyone loves is flat knotted ones. Depending on the number of threads, the width of the product will vary. To make it more convenient to weave baubles, all the threads are collected in a bundle and a common knot is tied. This makes it possible to work freely with the threads without fear that one of them will stretch. However, if the bauble is with a complex pattern, then it is better to use double-sided tape. It must be attached to the edge of the table, in which case it will be possible to distribute the threads on it in the right order, and the tabletop will not interfere with tying knots. It is also convenient to fix the finished parts of the bracelet on adhesive tape in order to straighten and check the correct execution according to the diagram.

Forward and Reverse Knot Technique

Since it is impossible to weave baubles from threads without properly tying knots, it is better to practice on 2 threads before starting work.

In order for the bauble to look neat, all knots should look the same, regardless of which way they are knitted. In fact, 3 types of nodes are used.

To tie a knot and move the thread from left to right, you need to cross the threads so that the left one is on top of the right one, then bring it behind the thread and thread it into the resulting loop. Pull the left thread up, while the right one must be pulled. The thread that was less stretched forms the knot itself. The next step is almost the same as the previous one. Lower the upper thread, placing it on the left, cross with the right, thread it, thread it through the loop and pull it out. Here, the left thread must be pulled to the right, and the right thread to the left. Thus, the left thread will move to the right, and the knot will turn out neat.

If it is necessary to tie a knot when shifting from left to right, the same actions are performed, only in mirror image.

Some ornaments require that the threads remain in place (pivot knots). In these cases, at the first stage, the knot is tied depending on the location of the thread whose color matches the color of the knot, and at the second stage, depending on where the thread should end up.

For example, there are 2 threads, the left one is red and the right one is green. It is necessary to tie a red knot, retaining the original arrangement of the threads.

First stage. Cross the red thread with the green thread, thread it and thread it through the loop, bring it up.

Second phase. Lower the red thread not to the left, as in the first version of the knot, but to the right of the red thread (as in the second), also cross from right to left, lead under the green thread, thread through the loop and pull to the right. Thus, a red knot will be obtained, but the threads will remain in place.

Bracelets with ornament

This is the easiest and most common way to weave these bracelets. These can be diagonal, parallel lines, angles, rhombuses, etc. Before starting work, you must select a sketch or draw it yourself. To do this, you can use a simple checkered sheet or this blank.

The "Grid" blank is convenient to use when weaving complex ornaments from the center. "Honeycombs" are ideal for straight weaving from one edge or snake. To quickly build a diagram yourself, you can open this image in a standard drawing program and use the fill to fill in the cells with the desired colors. It is worth remembering that out of 5 threads, 4 knots are obtained in a row, that is, there is always one less. Therefore, above the grids there is a strip for distributing threads by color, the number of divisions of which is 1 more than the grid cells in a row.

You can weave baubles from threads, as shown in the figure, by weaving from one edge. To do this, you need to take several threads of different colors, arrange them in any order, and then start weaving. It is necessary to knit knots with the thread shifted to the right, until the first thread becomes the last. Thus, all knots in the row will be the same color. Knit the next row in the same way as the previous one. In such a bracelet, the colors of the horizontal rows will correspond to the original arrangement of the threads.

The second option is a bauble with vertical stripes. In this case, when knitting knots, the threads do not need to be interchanged, they should remain in their places. Such a bracelet can be knitted both from one edge and with a snake.

Another option is knitting from the center. Weaving baubles from floss threads according to the scheme presented below is quite convenient. The threads are divided into 2 parts, the colors are usually mirrored. A central knot is tied, the next knots are knitted in the direction of the arrows with threads of the same color on adjacent threads to the edge. Thus, the central threads will become external. The next row can also be knitted from the center to the edges, then you will get corners of different colors, or you can not touch those threads with which the knots have already been connected, and then return to the center using the colors in reverse order. In this case, you will get rhombuses.

When the main types of knots are mastered and the principle of moving colors becomes clear, it will be possible to proceed to more complex motifs.

Baubles with names

And how to weave baubles with names from threads? Not very easy, but certainly interesting. They are also called a friendship bracelet and are given to dear people. To make such a bauble, you need to make a layout in the "honeycomb" blank, since weaving will be according to the "snake" principle. Next, decide on a color. To begin with, it is better to use threads of two contrasting colors. The edge threads should be the same color as the background, about 1.5 meters each. The rest - about 80 cm and the color of the letters.

All odd rows of the background are knitted with the working thread shifted to the right, even rows - to the left. The knots of the letters must be knitted in the opposite direction. That is, if the background in this row is knitted from right to left, then the nodes of the letters will be offset to the right.

How to weave baubles from threads is shown step by step in the next video.

Charm ornaments on bracelets

In addition to decorative and souvenir baubles, charm bracelets have also recently gained popularity. It is easy to weave the corresponding Slavic or Celtic symbols into their structure.

The most popular among them:

  • dot - rock;
  • inverted triangle - Makosh (goddess of fate);
  • straight or diagonal cross - fire;
  • rhombus - earth;
  • zigzag - wind;
  • Y - chara, inverted Y - Lyubchik;
  • _F - Slavets and many others.

It is necessary to weave protective bracelets with a pure mind and bright thoughts, it must not be interrupted so as not to disturb the energy weaving. Colors for Slavic amulets it is better to choose white and red, for Celtic ones - depending on the belonging of the sign to a certain element.


Before weaving thread baubles, you need to decide what the fastener will be. This is one of milestones bracelet weaving. It can be done in several ways.

  1. Double ring. This type of attachment is suitable for those types of bracelets where there are 1 or 2 main threads on which a working thread is imposed. It is convenient in that it allows you to adjust the bracelet to any size, without tying it in a strong knot. Due to this, such a bauble can be easily removed from the hand. More about this mount is described above.
  2. A loop. Before weaving, the threads are tied into a knot, forming a loop. It can also be formed during the direct weaving of baubles. To do this, after 3 rows, the threads are divided in half and the next centimeter is woven into 2 parts independent of each other, after which they are again woven with a common cloth. At the second end of the bracelet, a bead, a button is attached, or a cord is left, which is then threaded through the loop and tied.
  3. Classic ties. For them, it is necessary to leave threads 20 cm long from both ends of the bracelet, then weave them into a braid or tourniquet, tie a knot at the end so that the ties do not bloom.
  4. Metal fastening for bracelets. It can be bought in the accessories department, as a rule, it is a small carabiner and a chain for adjusting the length.
  5. The wisher is one of the types of charms) is attached to the arm, tying the threads of the beginning and end of the baubles in pairs. Accordingly, how many threads were used in weaving, there will be so many attachment knots. Such bracelets are worn without taking off, there is a belief that he himself will fall off the hand as soon as the desire is fulfilled.

". There are many different theories about where the word came from and what it means. Most research suggests that the word is of English origin.

IN English language the word thing is thing. Everyone who is at least a little familiar with this language knows that the first sound, which consists of two letters -th-, is pronounced in many languages ​​as something between the letters "s" and "f". Thus, we get "sing" and "fing".

Most likely, for the convenience of pronunciation, these words later turned into “fenichka” and “fennec”. Some are inclined to another option, the word "fenka" is a slang word for the hippie language, among which such people were very popular.

For hippies, this word means nothing more than a "gift", since it was customary to give baubles only to give, and not to buy. Be that as it may, it is still very cool that at present we have a unique opportunity to create unique, magnificent floss bracelets. It should be noted that the process of creation has become a whole direction in needlework.

Features of floss bracelets

The main feature of this type is painstaking in their manufacture. The weaving process, although pleasant, still requires a huge amount of energy, concentration and perseverance.

By creating such a person puts a piece of himself, his soul and thoughts into it. Therefore, it is very important to be positive and radiate positive at the time of doing needlework.

Many of the floss threads are made not just, but friendship bracelets, which have a special meaning in a person's life.

Types of floss bracelets

With all the variety of shapes and colors, there are only two types of weaving floss bracelets. And no matter how hard the masters try, but in the end it all comes down to one of two options for weaving, so far it has not been possible to invent something ingenious and completely new. However, to create truly real masterpieces in the world, 2 ways of weaving are quite enough.

So, weaving floss bracelets it can be oblique, or it is also called mosaic. This type of bracelet creation is considered easier, simpler and does not require much effort and skill. In this way, a variety of beautiful geometric patterns are created.

The second option how to weave floss bracelets, is the so-called direct weaving. This type of bracelet creation is considered quite difficult and many do not give in the first time, so some skill, dexterity, honey agarics, patience and accuracy are needed here. However, it is this one that allows you to create not just baubles, but also things of a large scale.

All floss bracelets consist of a huge number of double knots, which, in turn, can be tied in four ways. There are two ways to tie straight knots - right and left, as well as two ways to tie corner knots - right and left.

The beginning of the arrow shows how it is necessary, and with which thread to manipulate, and the end of the arrow indicates the final position of the thread when the knot has already been made. The straight knot is the basis of many bracelets and is used much more often than other knots.

Although at first glance it may seem difficult, but in fact there is nothing impossible here, you just have to practice a couple of times, and everything will certainly work out. To tie this knot, you need to take the left thread, then put it on top of the right one, which you need to keep constantly taut and make a knot, then tie a second knot.

For the right thread, the process is exactly the same. To tie a corner knot, you need to tie the first knot in the same way as in a straight knot, and the second one by passing the main thread under the stretched thread.

If you didn’t understand something according to the description, then you should not despair and renounce the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreation. You can watch visual video tutorials, where everything is shown in detail.

That and all you need to master to create gorgeous floss bracelets. It is much easier than it seems at first glance, besides the process itself is creative and unique. You will certainly get only positive emotions and pleasure from such an activity.

Now that you already know in theory how to weave floss bracelets, you can safely start weaving your first bracelet. Below will be presented oblique weaving bracelets. Where to start? First of all, you need to prepare for work, and for this you will need:

    floss threads

    Tape or pin or clip


    Good mood.

Here is such a small list that you need. Mouline threads are presented in a wide range, so there is no doubt that you can easily pick up exactly those that you like. The calculation of the threads is done as follows: the length of the thread is approximately 4 lengths of the finished bracelet.

Measure the circumference of your wrist and add a couple of centimeters to it so that the bracelet is not close to your hand, and then multiply this result by four. Using scissors, cut the threads to the desired length, usually the thread is about 1 meter long. We need adhesive tape or a pin, or a clip in order to secure the beginning of our bracelet.

The threads are tied together into a knot, after which they are pinned to the jeans with a pin, then the weaving will take place on your leg. Or stick a knot of thread to the surface of the table with tape. Or they are attached with a clip to the cover of a book or a piece of thick cardboard, which will serve as an impromptu weaving machine.

There are many options for floss bracelets for beginners, below will be an example of weaving a bracelet with a herringbone pattern. It's very pretty and bright!

To begin with, you will need 6 colors of threads (although you can take a different number - the width of your bracelet will depend on this), you need to cut 2 threads of each color, then connect them with one common knot and secure the knot itself, in this case this was done with adhesive tape .

Arrange the threads symmetrically, that is, in the middle there are 2 threads of the same color (for example, blue), then on each side a thread of a different color (for example, beige), then the next pair and so on.

The scheme of weaving a floss bracelet called "Rhombus"

The scheme of the floss bracelet called "Herringbone"

On the diagram of the herringbone floss bracelet, the whole process looks like this.

Weaving a bracelet from floss threads in this case begins from the left edge. The first left thread (conditionally No. 1) is intertwined with the second left thread (No. 2). The weaving process is such that you, as it were, draw the number four with a thread, and then thread the tip of the thread No. 1 into the resulting window, so you get the first knot.

The knot must be tightly tightened and the same procedure repeated, that is, tie a second knot on the same threads.

Then you need to go to right side, you are now working with the two outermost threads on the right (#11 and #12). Here you do everything the same, with the only difference that the node is directed in the opposite direction - that is, mirrored.

This procedure must be done with all the threads twice, so the inner colors will be on the outside. After that, you tie two knots on the threads, which at the very beginning of weaving were extreme. The first stage of weaving, the first triangle of the Christmas tree, is completed.

Now your task is to repeat the first step many times until your bracelet reaches the desired length. The main thing is to follow the correct sequence of threads when weaving, when you gain experience, the need for this will disappear by itself. This beauty should turn out at the end of weaving.

You can see floss bracelets video. Here, step by step, step by step, the entire process of weaving is shown from beginning to end.

The process of weaving baubles by direct weaving is very complex and multi-stage, so it is best watch video tutorials. Here you will need to pay attention to all the details, but the result is definitely worth your effort.

The meaning of the floss bracelet

At present, the significance of this kind of decoration is somewhat forgotten and lost. First of all, it is fashion accessory, a trend, a sign of style. Many people decorate their hands with rows of such bracelets, this emphasizes their individuality and uniqueness. To some extent, such bracelets can be called a tribute to fashion.

However, in the days of the hippies, these bracelets had a completely different meaning. They say that before the hippie era, such bracelets were made in Indian tribes. However, both in the first and in the second cases, thread bracelets served as a symbol of friendship and love.

Bracelets were exchanged, it was prerequisite he was a gift. Such an attribute on the human body symbolized his connection with a friend, devotion in a relationship. If the bracelet was worn out and torn, then at that moment it was necessary to make a wish.

If for some reason the bracelet was removed from the hand, then this meant the end of friendly relations, and in some cases the beginning of a war between former friends. Bracelets were pride, the more such jewelry one person had, the richer he was, as he had many friends.

The price of floss bracelets

floss bracelets- This handmade, so by definition these things are expensive. However, it is impossible to compare prices for jewelry bracelets and floss bracelets. Of course, you understand that the cost of the material is completely different.

It should be borne in mind that the complexity of the work when weaving a bracelet is also different. You can list quite a lot of factors that will affect the cost of such a product. The simplest floss bracelet can be bought quite inexpensively, for example, for 50-100 rubles, but more complex works will cost more.