Personal hygiene - what is it? Items and a set of hygiene rules. Hygiene items for newborns

Hygiene as a science is a very broad concept, covering almost all aspects of human life. The word "hygiene" comes from the Greek hygiene s, which means "bringing health". There are a lot of definitions of Hygiene, but, perhaps, they all mean the same thing: hygiene is the science of improving and preserving a person.

Hygiene includes many sections, such as: hygiene, hygiene of children and adolescents, occupational hygiene, personal hygiene, communal hygiene, environmental hygiene, military hygiene, etc. Since the subject of the site is fully included in the concept of "Hygiene", then for ease of understanding in this section of the site we will cover only the topic of Personal Hygiene.

Personal hygiene - a set of rules for human behavior in everyday life and at work. In a narrow sense, hygiene is the hygienic maintenance of the body, clothing and household items. Violations of personal hygiene requirements can affect the health of both one person and very large groups of people (groups of enterprises, families, members of various communities, and even residents of entire regions).


1. Body hygiene. Human skin protects the entire body from all kinds of environmental influences. Maintaining the cleanliness of the skin is extremely important, because in addition to the protective function, it performs following features: thermoregulatory, metabolic, immune, secretory, receptor, respiratory and other functions.

  • Wash daily with warm water. The water temperature should be 37-38 degrees, i.e. slightly above normal body temperature. Up to 300 g of fat and up to 7 liters of sweat are released through the skin of a person per week. So that the protective properties of the skin are not violated, these secretions must be washed off regularly. Otherwise, favorable conditions are created on the skin for the reproduction of pathogenic microbes, fungi and other harmful microorganisms.
  • It is necessary to take water procedures (bath, shower, bath) with application at least once a week.
  • Keep your hands and nails clean. Exposed areas of the skin are particularly prone to contamination. Dirt containing pathogenic microbes can get from hands to mouth through food. Dysentery, for example, is called the disease of dirty hands. Hands should be washed before going to the toilet and always after the toilet, before eating and after eating, after contact with animals (both street and domestic). If you are on the road, then you need to wipe your hands with a damp cloth to eliminate at least some of the germs.
  • Feet should be washed every day with cool water and soap. Cold water reduces perspiration.

2. Hair hygiene. normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, and also improves blood circulation and metabolic processes. Therefore, the procedure for washing the head must be treated responsibly.

  • The head must be washed as it gets dirty. It is impossible to say the exact number of times. The frequency of hair washing depends on various factors: hair length, hair and scalp type, nature of work, season, etc. In winter, as a rule, the head is washed more often, because the headdress does not allow the scalp to breathe, which is why sebum is released much more than usual.
  • Don't wash your hair hot water. Hair can become very greasy, as hot water activates the sebaceous glands. In addition, this water helps detergents(soaps and shampoos) settle on the hair in the form of a gray coating that is difficult to wash off.
  • Be careful with the choice of hair care products (shampoos, balms, lotions, etc.). Hair absorbs water very well, and with it substances that can harm the hair, scalp and body as a whole.
  • After rinsing, it is useful to rinse the hair with cool water.
  • Dry your head after washing, preferably with a warm towel, and then let your hair dry in the air. It is undesirable to use a hair dryer, as it dries the hair very much.
  • When combing hair, the use of other people's combs is unacceptable.

3. Oral hygiene. Proper care of the oral cavity helps to keep the teeth in good condition for many years, and also helps to prevent many diseases of the internal organs.

  • You need to brush your teeth every morning and evening.
  • It is unacceptable to use another person.
  • Be sure to rinse your mouth after eating.
  • At the first signs of tooth or gum disease, contact your dentist immediately.

4. Hygiene of underwear and clothing and footwear. An important role in personal hygiene is the cleanliness of our clothes. Clothing protects the human body from pollution, mechanical and chemical damage, cooling, insect ingress, and so on.

  • Underwear must be changed after each wash, i.e. everyday.
  • Socks, socks, stockings, tights are changed daily.
  • Clothes should be washed regularly.
  • It is unacceptable to wear someone else's clothes and shoes
  • Clothing and footwear must be suitable for climatic conditions.
  • It is advisable to give preference to clothes made from natural fabrics, and shoes made from natural materials.
  • The cut of clothes and shoes should take into account the anatomical features and correspond to the size of the person.

5. Sleeping hygiene.

  • Each family member should have their own towel and bed.
  • Bed linen must be changed weekly.
  • The bed should be comfortable.
  • Before going to bed, it is necessary to ventilate the sleeping area.
  • Before going to bed, it is recommended to change underwear for a nightgown or pajamas.
  • Try to keep pets out of bed.

And a little more about hygiene:

Personal hygiene is a set of hygienic rules of human behavior at work and at home. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene contributes to the preservation and strengthening of human health.

Personal hygiene habits include daily routine, work and rest, rational nutrition, hardening, physical culture, skin care, hygiene of clothes, shoes and housing.

A person's culture can be judged, among other things, by how he observes the rules of personal hygiene.

Hygienic habits should be instilled in childhood, consolidated in school years and firmly enter into the daily routine from the beginning labor activity. A prominent place in the dissemination of sanitary and hygienic knowledge among the population, workers and employees, students and military personnel is occupied by hygienic education.

Personal hygiene

Personal hygiene concerns issues not only of an individual plan, but also of a social one. It includes the following sections:

  • Human body hygiene, oral hygiene, skin hygiene, cosmetic issues;
  • Hygiene of sleep and rest - the principles of the correct alternation of work and rest, the optimal daily regimen;
  • Hygienic rules of rational nutrition and the rejection of bad habits;
  • Hygiene of clothes and footwear.

Hygiene of the face, hands and feet

  • Personal hygiene rules include washing the face in the morning and evening, and hands should be washed every time after contact with a dirty surface.
  • Feet should be washed daily with cool water and soap. Cold water reduces perspiration.

Hair care

Hair, both short and long, should not be washed on schedule, but as needed. Usually once or twice a week. It would be useful to rinse your hair with a strong infusion of chamomile.

oral care

Visiting the dentist twice a year is a good idea for timely detection of caries.

Nail and heel care

A huge number of all kinds of bacteria and harmful microorganisms live under dirty nails, so it is especially important to properly and regularly care for your fingernails and toenails. Nails should be cleaned and trimmed or filed.

Our heels also require special care. It is impossible to allow the formation of corns, scuffs and corns.

Cleanliness of clothes and shoes

It is very important to change underwear after washing, so as not to contaminate the skin again with particles of sweat, grease and dirt. Underwear that directly touches the skin of the body (t-shirt, socks, shorts, tights, stockings) must be changed daily.

Shoes also require attention, they should be washed both outside and inside. It is necessary to change the insoles in closed shoes, boots and boots as often as possible.

Personal items

Each person should have their own hairbrush, toothbrush, towel and bedding. Before going to bed, day underwear is recommended to be changed to pajamas or a nightgown.

After use, the toothbrush must be thoroughly rinsed with water. Towels and bed linen should be changed regularly.

Room hygiene

Residential, educational and industrial premises must be kept clean. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the premises. Wet cleaning of the premises should be carried out at least once a week.

Hygiene of sleep and rest

It is necessary to observe the sleep and wakefulness regimen. The duration of a night's sleep should be at least 7 hours, in order to avoid sleep deprivation. Be sure to observe the regime of work and rest, take breaks for rest during work and study, use weekly days off, vacations and vacations.

Hygienic rules of rational nutrition

It is necessary to comply with the diet. The frequency of meals is at least 3 times a day.

The human body needs a balanced diet in terms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Human food should be rich in vitamins.

Do not drink raw water and eat unwashed fruits and vegetables. Cooked meals should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

It is necessary to observe the drinking regime - a person needs to drink 2 - 2.5 liters of water per day.

Personal hygiene rules are a set of hygienic rules of human behavior that are created to maintain the cleanliness of the body and the whole organism. Compliance with the simplest rules of personal hygiene is a necessity that creates protection for the body from various ailments. In addition to keeping the body clean, an active lifestyle and fresh air are an integral part of personal life.

Compliance with personal rules includes: hygiene of the skin, oral cavity, hair, nails, feet, personal care items.

Let's consider everything in more detail.

Personal hygiene items list

That's right, this letter is from Moidodyr.

Here is what he writes: “I am the Great Wash Basin, the Famous Moidodyr. Washbasin chief and washcloths commander My dear children! I am writing you a letter: I ask you to wash your hands and face more often.

You often hear from adults that the most valuable thing in a person is his health.

Many of you may not yet realize how true this saying is. Yes, the most important thing is health. And it must be protected. All of you, of course, want to maintain your health.

But what needs to be done for this?

To be healthy, you need to keep your body clean, eat right and exercise.

Personal care products

Personal hygiene products include: firstly, a toothbrush, paste, towel.

secondly, shampoo, hair balm, soap, shower gel, intimate hygiene gel, washcloth. third, sanitary pads and tampons.

fourthly, deodorant, razor, shaving foam or gel. fifth, ear sticks, napkins. Personal means include those items that help a person keep his body clean and tidy.

These are items such as: each person should have their own, it is not customary to share them with anyone - this is already unhygienic.

What is included in the personal care product

  • for mouth and teeth;
  • hair care;
  • for intimate hygiene;
  • children's accessories;
  • paper products;
  • for skin care.
  • cotton-hygienic goods;

In fact, everything is extremely simple and clear. Hosiery, knitwear and other garments.

Personal Care Product Returns Sanitary Products Disinfectants Disinfectants (DS) are physical or chemical products that contain a disinfectant agent - an active ingredient.

Non-returnable personal care products

In total, the following product classes are distinguished:

  1. for skin care.
  2. men's hygiene products;
  3. paper products;
  4. for mouth and teeth;
  5. hair care;
  6. children's accessories;
  7. for intimate hygiene;
  8. cotton-hygienic goods;

In fact, everything is extremely simple and clear.

But personal care products are different. And you can't return them to the store.

Now let's try to get a little specific.

Therefore, the seller's refusal is lawful and based on the Law.

In total, the following product classes are distinguished:

  • for intimate hygiene;
  • for mouth and teeth;
  • men's hygiene products;
  • for skin care.
  • hair care;
  • paper products;
  • cotton-hygienic goods;
  • children's accessories;

In fact, everything is extremely simple and clear. Hosiery, knitwear and other garments. Personal Care Product Returns Sanitary Products Disinfectants Disinfectants (DS) are physical or chemical products that contain a disinfectant agent - an active ingredient.

Subject: personal care return

What is meant by the words “other similar products” whether replaceable cassettes are sealed and in non-renewable packaging, while the product has not been in use, its presentation and consumer properties have been preserved.

Can it be returned. Shaving cassettes (blades) are undoubtedly personal hygiene items (item 2 55 of the List to article 25). Therefore, the seller's refusal is lawful and based on the Law. Try, with a request for an exchange and (or) purchase of additional shaving cartridges, to contact the seller of a similar product on the market, which are more loyal to buyers. (in ed.

A person grows and lives in society, so it is necessary to reckon with generally accepted norms. For example, with such as: rules of conduct, etiquette, hygiene. Compliance with the norms allows a person to live a full life, while the implementation, for example, helps to strengthen and maintain one's health.

Personal hygiene - what is it? This is one of the sections of general hygiene, the study of which is aimed at maintaining and strengthening human health. Performing hygiene procedures destroys the microbes present, which leads to a decrease in the likelihood of disease.

Sections of personal hygiene

Personal hygiene considers sections such as hygiene:

  • human body and skin;
  • oral cavity;
  • sleep and rest - properly organized sleep and its timely alternation with difficulty;
  • nutrition;
  • shoes and clothes.

Hygiene items

Personal hygiene - what is it? This is a set of rules, the observance of which will help maintain and prolong health. For hygiene procedures, you need to have individual items. These include:

  • towel;
  • soap;
  • washcloth;
  • Toothbrush;
  • razor;
  • manicure set;
  • comb;
  • facial skin care complex: cream, lotion, tonic, scrub, mask;
  • clipper;
  • decorative cosmetics;
  • deodorants, antiperspirants.

The use of the presented items helps a person to easily carry out hygiene procedures that are aimed at keeping the body clean, which will help to avoid possible diseases.

Personal hygiene requirements

Consider the basic principles of each area of ​​​​personal hygiene.

Body hygiene:

  1. Timely shower. In the summer, this procedure must be performed daily. The result will be a reduction in germs and harmful microorganisms on the human body, which will reduce the risk of disease.
  2. Hands and nails must be kept clean. Pay special attention to the nails, as a large number of harmful microbes can accumulate under them.
  3. Keep feet clean, wash daily.

Hair hygiene:

  1. Wash hair when dirty. In this case, it is not recommended to use hot water, since there is a possibility of increased sebum secretion of the head, which will lead to poor rinsing of the shampoo from the hair.
  2. Choose hair products according to your hair type.
  3. At the end of washing, rinse your hair in cool water.
  4. Do not use a hair dryer.
  5. If necessary, make a hair mask.
  6. Have your own hairbrush.
  • A toothbrush is an individual item for everyone.
  • Brush your teeth 2 times a day: in the morning and before bed.
  • Rinse your mouth after every meal.
  • Visit the dentist once every six months.

Hygiene of underwear, clothes, shoes:

  • keep clothes and shoes clean;
  • change underwear daily;
  • do not give anyone your personal clothes and do not use someone else's;
  • dress according to weather conditions;
  • choose clothes from high-quality natural fabrics.

Bed hygiene:

  • change bed linen in a timely manner;
  • have clothes for sleep;
  • the bedroom should have clean and fresh air;
  • maintain an optimal humidity regime;
  • the bed should be comfortable and comfortable.

Child hygiene

The personal hygiene of the child is laid by the parents. At first, adults perform all hygiene procedures for the baby themselves, and as they grow older, the child begins to do them on their own.

When a child becomes a teenager, he should already follow the basic principles of hygiene automatically: wash his face, brush his teeth in the morning and evening, wash himself, keep his clothes and shoes clean. However, you need to know that there is personal hygiene. What's happened? These are the principles that must be adhered to in order to strengthen and maintain your health.

These include:

  • properly organized classes and recreation;
  • a full night's sleep, at least 9 hours;
  • sports;
  • balanced diet.

Differences between hygiene of children and hygiene of adolescents

The hygiene of adolescents is slightly different from that of children, as changes occur in the body at this age. Boys and girls grow up, they begin to show masculine and female signs respectively. Therefore, parents should take the time to explain to the child what changes will occur in him and how this will affect personal hygiene.

In girls, pay attention to the appearance of the first menstruation and explain how to properly hygiene the genitals.

Principles of personal hygiene in adolescents

The child attends school, studies a lot, uses a personal computer. In this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to Parents should limit the time spent at the computer, tablet, TV, monitor the level of lighting during the child's classes.

Since the personal hygiene of a person is aimed at preserving and maintaining his health, one of the main components of this direction is proper nutrition. Parents should supervise the teenager so that he does not consume harmful foods, while monitoring the presence of good nutrition at least three times a day.

We can distinguish the following basic principles of a healthy diet for a teenager:

  • eating at least three times a day;
  • use fruits and vegetables in your diet;
  • avoid snacking, eating chips, fast foods, crackers;
  • limit the intake of flour and sweets;
  • control the intake of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances for the body.

Personal hygiene is the responsibility of every person. AT adolescence there are changes in the usual hygiene procedures. At this age, the hormonal background changes, which causes the appearance of acne on the face in both boys and girls. Therefore, the personal hygiene of adolescents should include proper care for the skin of the face: the use of lotions, tonics, masks, scrubs and other cosmetics that are selected individually for the type of skin.

Boys begin to grow hair on their faces, so parents should buy a teen a safe razor and teach them how to use it so as not to damage the skin of the face. Pay special attention to the hygiene of the genital organs of boys and girls.


Personal hygiene man plays big role in determining his place in society. To achieve success, one must not only have good knowledge, but also observe personal hygiene: keep the body and clothes clean, adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, have proper rest and perform the physical activities necessary to maintain health.

Personal hygiene - what is it? This is a set of rules, following which a person prolongs his life and improves health. Appearance shows how each individual adheres to the principles of hygiene. Neat clothes, shoes, healthy complexion, clean skin, athletic figure - are the key to a successful and long life.

Hygieia is the goddess of health, the daughter of the sage and physician Asclepius. The science of Hygiene is named after this goddess, which studies the influence of work and life on human health.

Gigi'ya was depicted in mythology, and very often on ancient Greek cameos, entwined with a snake, as a symbol of wisdom and holiness, purity and inviolability.

Human hygiene implies purity of life. The snake bites the one who violates the laws of Gigi'i. As the daughter of Asclepius-Aesculapius, who symbolizes medicine for us, Gigi’ya observes the laws healthy lifestyle life and through hygiene instills useful habits in his admirers, these habits bring health and long years of life to the body.

Personal hygiene is understood as a set of hygienic rules that contribute to the strengthening and preservation of human health, increasing the duration of active life. Personal hygiene - an integral part of hygiene, includes the rules of hygienic maintenance of the body, oral cavity, genitals, as well as the use of shoes, underwear, clothing, housing. The issues of rest and work, sleep, nutrition, mental hygiene are considered.

Increasing the body's resistance to various adverse factors, adapting a person to environment contributes to proper nutrition, hardening, physical education, regular exercises and other hygiene measures.

Compliance with hygiene rules is one of the conditions that determine the culture of a person.

Human skin is the outer covering that protects the body from various environmental influences. In addition to the protective function, the skin performs such functions as the regulation of heat generation and heat transfer, respiration, absorption, perception of external stimuli, etc. Its condition is influenced by climatic influences, working conditions. The skin is closely related to the vital activity of the whole organism.

Skin care consists in following some rules:

  • wash every day with warm water using special products (soap, gel, etc.);
  • change underwear, stockings, socks, tights, stockings;
  • do not squeeze pimples, this can lead to inflammation;
  • try to consume enough fresh fruits and vegetables, milk, this will provide the body with a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins, which will contribute to smooth and clear skin;
  • in the cold season, it is necessary to protect the skin from frostbite;
  • do not wear clothes that irritate your skin.

Facial skin care comes down to three points: cleansing, nourishing, protecting. For proper skin care, you need to know its type (normal, dry or oily).

In adults, normal skin is rare. Such skin has a pink-beige tint, it is moderately matte, without acne, smooth and elastic, has sufficient moisture and grease, good tension.

Normal skin needs less care than oily or dry skin. Cold water strengthens and refreshes the skin. Hot - washes away sebum, cleanses well, but with regular use of hot water, blood vessels may expand, flabbiness and lethargy of the skin may appear, so you need to wash your face with water at room temperature or alternately pour cold and hot water on your face. After washing, the skin is wiped dry.

Oily skin has a grayish-yellow color, enlarged pores are visible on it. Most often it occurs in the middle parts of the back and in the middle part of the face (forehead, nose, chin). This type of skin can be characterized by increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. Excess fat expands the mouths of the sebaceous glands, clogging them, as a result of which comedones, black dots, can form. Oily skin is less susceptible to irritation, easily tolerates various environmental influences. With such skin, you can wash your face daily with warm, but not hot water and soap. If the skin is excessively oily, then it is recommended to wash your face 2 times a day. You should periodically clean your face in a beauty parlor with significantly contaminated facial skin.

Dry skin has a yellow-pinkish color, it is thinner, more vulnerable and tender. Expanded capillaries are visible through the thin epidermis. This type of skin is easily irritated by exposure to wind, sun, water, frost, soap, reacting to their action with redness, painful tension and peeling of the epidermis. In youth, care for dry skin is reduced to cleansing it of impurities and softening with a liquid cream, but care should be taken regularly and very carefully, as such skin tends to age prematurely.

At home, the main skin care products are masks and creams. Masks are medical (they should be done only in a beauty parlor), whitening and cosmetic. Masks can be applied two to three times a week.

Most modern creams nourish and protect the skin, supplying it with all the necessary substances. To cleanse and soften the skin, emulsions and liquid creams are used, they are recommended for powder and for rubbing the skin instead of washing.

To nourish the skin special creams for dry, oily and normal skin They are applied to thoroughly cleansed skin. Face creams should be used daily, but it must be remembered that the skin gets used to the same cream and its active effect does not last long, so the cream should be changed periodically. Apply and remove the cream in the direction of the skin lines with light touches of the fingers so as not to displace or injure the skin.

You also need to take care of your skin. It is recommended to wash your hands with mild toilet soap, which contains various additives, dry them thoroughly with a towel and lubricate, if necessary, with an emollient cream. You should also lubricate your hands with cream before doing housework. To slow down the aging process of the skin of the hands, creams with elastin, collagen and vitamins E and A are used, which restore the epidermis, making the skin smooth and elastic. You need to rub the cream from the fingertips, ending with the wrist, while massaging each finger in turn, then the entire palm.

To care for the skin of the legs, foot baths are done, they improve blood circulation and relieve fatigue. If there are abrasions or small cracks on the skin of the legs, then it is useful to take a bath with calendula (1 tablespoon of calendula per 1 liter of water). For the prevention of fungal diseases, it is recommended to wipe the skin of the legs with table vinegar or a special lotion 2-3 times a week. It is also advisable to use emollient gels and foot creams, which significantly improve the condition of the skin of the feet.

Of great importance for human health is the condition of the teeth, so it is so important to take care of the oral cavity. Taking proper care of your teeth can help prevent infection in your mouth. They should be cleaned daily using a toothbrush and paste, and special mouthwash solutions should also be used. After eating, it is necessary to clean the interdental spaces with toothpicks or special threads. At the first sign of diseases of the teeth and gums, you should immediately contact your dentist.

Proper care of the oral cavity and teeth, timely treatment of dental diseases, preventive measures recommended by the doctor and treatment prescribed by the dentist will help keep your teeth in good condition.

Personal hygiene also includes hair care. You should wash your hair with warm water, if the water is hard, then it can be softened with baking soda (add 0.5 teaspoon of soda per 1 liter of water). The frequency of shampooing depends on the type of hair.

With oily hair, washing your hair too often can increase sebum secretion. Dry hair is also contraindicated in frequent washing due to its brittleness and fragility. For this hair, it is useful to periodically use egg yolk or yogurt. Long hair it is necessary to comb, starting from the tips, and short ones - from the root. Dry hair requires especially careful combing. The comb should not have sharp teeth, should be rare. For normal hair fit brush, its use will clean the hair, evenly distribute the fat along the entire length of the hair, improve blood circulation in the scalp. The brush should not be prickly, but hard. It is unacceptable to use someone else's comb.

Strong twisting, pulling, constant tight weaving of hair can cause them to break and fall out. cold, sun, sea ​​water, wind, dust, etc. make hair brittle and dull. Hair loss can be aggravated by wearing tight or heavy hats that put pressure on the skin and make it difficult for air to reach the hair.

As for the clothing of a person, it must correspond to the climatic conditions of the environment, the nature of the work. Shoes are preferred to be worn genuine leather, and its cut should fully take into account the anatomical and physiological features of the foot.

One of important factors that contribute to the preservation of health and related to personal hygiene is internal hygiene.

It is more expedient to include this section of the science of Hygiene in food hygiene, because the internal cleanliness of the organs of the physical body contributes to a better absorption of nutrients, the vital elements of air, water, food, but not only that. Knowledge of internal hygiene could come in as an aid to some branches of medicine. After all, hygiene has been a branch of medical science since ancient times, and only much later than the times of Ancient Greece, where its name came from, stood out as an independent section of sciences, and this is exactly what happened in the second half of the 19th century. When caring for their external integument, they often forget that the stomach, intestines, lungs, trachea, nasopharynx and other body cavities need to be cleaned as well as skin, hair, nails or teeth.

A person uses the apparatus of his body throughout his life, sometimes centuries. If you did not clean the pot in which you cook dinner during its entire service life only because it is used for cooking, you would probably be considered a lazy and dirty, a bad housewife. But how do you feel about your digestive tract, which is the same food boiler that you use not for a year or two, but for 80-100 years? Hygiene of the digestive tract and hygiene of the respiratory tract are two items that must be added to the general section of Personal Hygiene in order to prevent many diseases that occur due to the impurity of these channels of perception of the environment.

Psychohygiene- This is a section related to personal hygiene and social hygiene. Psychological moments in hygiene relate to the purity and health of emotions, imagination and thoughts - all this is determined by the concept of the soul, or Psyche in ancient Greek. Psyche manifested through neuroendocrine and nervous system a person, as a result of which certain substances are produced: crystals of psychic energy and hormones that regulate the activity of the physical apparatus of a person.

Personal hygiene also implies the health and strength of the endocrine glands, because the ectoplasm that is secreted by them creates auric radiations that nourish a person’s clothes, all surrounding objects, the atmosphere of the home, affect our social environment, etc., being an indicator of health or ill health person.