What hair color is young. How to choose the perfect hair color What hair color is suitable if there are rashes

Beautiful well-groomed hair emphasizes the unique female image.

It is good if the curls are naturally lush and there is no gray hair in them.

What should women with dull color or gray hair do?

Naturally, seek help from a stylist or hairdresser, who probably knows how to match the hair color to the face: to make a woman look young, stylish and attractive.

In addition to problems with color, hair coloring will help those women whose hair density leaves much to be desired.

But before you start coloring, you need to figure out which color is suitable for a particular type of face.

Hair color: should it be changed?

Natural hair color does not just look natural, this gift of nature blends perfectly with eye color, facial features. In addition, undyed hair (if healthy) shines, flowing in silk strands, gently falling over the shoulders. Such curls also indicate that everything is in order with the well-being of the woman herself. But that's not all: natural hair does not require the same protection as dyed hair. Recovery procedures, nutrition - these are the disadvantages that hair dyeing entails.

If your hair has turned gray and dyeing has become inevitable, you can never go wrong if you choose a dye color that matches your natural hair color. If you just want to change your image or change your life, starting with a hairstyle, seek help from a specialist who will accurately name colors and shades, tell you how to choose a hair color for your face.

Despite the fact that naturalness is always in fashion, but you feel uncomfortable in your color, you can safely change the color, the main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice, since the wrong tone can emphasize all the imperfections on the face, set off wrinkles and rashes.

How to choose a hair color for your face: general principles

When choosing a hair dye color an important factor there is a skin tone and its features. Blond and black are the favorite solutions of fashionistas, they are far from being for everyone and very often they can visually add several years, and this is not at all what women are striving for, so do not chase after fashion, but adequately sort out according to your color type and hair color. In order to make it easier to navigate in the richest palette of colors, specify who you are - winter, spring, summer or autumn. Based on this, you can safely make a choice in favor of a particular color.


Women of this type are characterized by cold contrast: skin tone can be either very light or very dark. The same applies to the color of the eyes, which can amaze with their burning (black, brown) and be deep cold (gray, blue).

Representatives of this color type can safely choose black, even light-skinned “winters” will look chic, painted in this way. Light brown, ashy shades look good. If you want to look extravagant, you can dilute black curls with bright strands, but in any case, remember that if you choose black, your facial skin should look perfect: it should not have age spots, rashes, freckles.

Taboo for "winter" - all variants of blond, warm golden tones.


The spring woman has light eyes (blue, green) and fair skin, however, she is a warm color type, with natural hair from light blond to brown. Perfect option for coloring - dark red, golden, light brown. Natural hair color: whether it is brown or red, you can transform it by making strands a tone or two lighter than natural, thereby adding volume.

As for unwanted tones, it is blond, ashy, light red. Such options belong to cold colors, and they are not combined with a warm skin tone, making it nondescript.


Cold non-contrasting color type with light eyes and a cool skin tone. Most often, a summer woman is a brown-haired woman, but to make herself brighter, you can experiment with light tones up to blond. Light brown-haired is able to make any “summer mouse” bright.

Don't experiment with dark tones- they will age and make the look heavy and ineffectual. If a woman is the owner of brown eyes - you should not lighten your curls - this is not the best option which will make your eyes look scary.


A warm contrasting color type, which is characterized by light or dark eyes, dark hair (to a brunette) and a brighter skin tone than spring.

All dark options are perfect for coloring hair: black, chestnut, dark blond, rich red. Copper, gold, light colors should not be considered as an option - they will look disadvantageous against the background dark skin.

How to choose a hair color for your face: good options

Good color options for brown eyes

Women with dark eyes and swarthy skin will look good with strands dyed in dark tones: from dark blond to black.

Fair-skinned young ladies with dark eyes can play with bright colors, choosing red, chocolate and copper tones.

Amber and golden colors will make light colors more expressive. Brown eyes.

Good color options for green eyes

Green-eyed beauties are the brightest option that you can imagine. They can experiment with fiery shades, shine with gold and the entire red-red palette. If you are not ready for such experiments and want to look stylish, but restrained, chestnut is your option.

Muddy green, swampy eyes will blend perfectly with dark blond and brown hair.

good options for blue eyes

Depending on the characteristics of the blue color of the eyes, one can consider different variants hair shades. If they have a cold gray or blue color, then the most appropriate would be to dye your hair light blond or ashy. Blue interspersed with brown, will harmoniously look in tandem with red strands, golden, caramel tones.

Bright rich blue eye tones go well with brown, so you should pay attention to light chestnut hair dye options.

Successful color options for the shape of the face

Everyone knows that light colors create volume, while dark ones reduce it. It is very important to remember this rule when choosing a hair color.

If you cannot decide how to choose a hair color for a round face, listen to the advice of experts who will say their unequivocal yes to dark tones: they will reduce the oval of the face by framing it with dark strands.

For thin women with a long oval face, it is best to dye their strands in light colors, moreover, if you do everything short (or middle length) a lush haircut, the face will become more rounded.

How to choose a hair color for your face: unsuccessful options

Young ladies with a round face should not look towards the colors of light colors, and even more so blond. This option will further expand their oval. To aggravate the situation even more, a short voluminous haircut.

Thin women should also beware: experts do not advise them to dye in dark colors, and even more so, you should not make the strands straight: if you are already a brunette, add volume to your hair.

Dark-skinned women with dark eyes should not take risks with warm tones: gold, caramel, copper.

Brown-eyed and fair-skinned ladies should be careful about ashy, graphite, pinkish tones.

Light-skinned and light-eyed Nordic young ladies should pass by counters with dark tones of colors, as they will visually make their delicate face much older.

A woman who wanted to change her image and dye her hair in new color, you should definitely seek the help of a stylist who knows exactly how to match the hair color to the face and not only preserve the natural attractiveness, but also make it even more impressive.

In addition to color, be sure to pay attention to the hairstyle with which this or that hair tone will look most advantageous, as any detail can add or take away the effect.

Choosing a hair color for your face

It is advisable to approach the issue of hair coloring with all responsibility. Be aware that the result that you expect after coloring does not always match the image on the box of paint that you buy in the store. Only a high-class professional can correctly assess the intolerance of various dye components, possible reactions to previous dyeing and what was the initial condition of the hair. Then you can expect a positive result and be sure that your hair is in good hands. If you can't get a stylist, read the recommendations to determine what hair color might suit your face.

If you can't boast of great skin, you have scars on your face, dark spots, freckles, moles, many age-related wrinkles or mimic, then you need to abandon light or saturated shades. Such colors will only emphasize skin imperfections.

If your face often turns red (from sunburn, from embarrassment or from frost), then discard such shades as copper-red, mahogany, red wine, burgundy, from garnet to red-red.

Those who have pale skin can be advised - rich cherry and chestnut shades, ash blond, chestnut, plum, eggplant, dark blond.

If your skin tone is dark, try warm-toned, soft honey colors: ginger, honey blonde, honey chocolate.

There is one win-win option for changing the natural hair color. Buy a hair dye that will match your natural hair color, one tone lighter. If your natural hair color is light, then buy a tone darker. Then in the future it will not be difficult for you to correct. In this case, you do not have to often tint, since the border of the transition from regrown natural hair to dyed hair will be completely invisible.

Each person is individual, these are general recommendations. After you've dyed your hair, shop for more restorative hair care products. They don't need to be used all the time. Ten times will be enough, then you can return to your favorite masks and shampoos.

Be aware that for blond hair, do not use shampoos with a color composition. They will dye your hair greenish or bluish. It would be better to buy shampoos without dyes - white or transparent. Avoid frequent use of natural oils. They will affect the shade of the hair, it will be noticeable at the very roots.

If you saw that your hair gets greasy very quickly, then you overdid it with cosmetics - lotions, balms, masks. Hair masks should be done every 7 days, but not more often. Balms and masks should not be rubbed into the hair roots, so the skin pores will not clog, and the hair will be clean for a long time.

If you have very blonde hair, you can safely lighten your hair. This is not a cheap occupation, you need to regularly maintain color and tint your hair. Very blond hair looks great against the background healthy skin or with daily make-up. Heavily bleached hair will only highlight imperfections.

You can dye your hair dark color, if.

The wrong choice of hair color can not only make your face expressionless, but also give it an inappropriate shade. The right hair color can make you more attractive, hide skin imperfections and visually rejuvenate you. But how to choose the right hair color for your type of appearance? These and other questions FeelGood will give you the answer right now:

Determine your color type

According to the natural shade of the hair, the color of the skin and eyes, the color type is determined: spring, winter, summer or autumn. It is important to know this, since you cannot defy the laws of nature and the fact that the face of "Winter", the color type "Summer" is absolutely not suitable. How to determine exactly your color type:

Winter. Typical brunettes, usually with dark shades of eyes (green or brown), rarely blue. The skin can be both light, pale and swarthy. Thick hair, dark eyebrows, long black eyelashes. Girls belonging to the Winter color type are often the owners of an unusual appearance.

The first sign of the beauties of this color type is golden, slightly curly blond hair. This type is also called Scandinavian, and it is quite rare. Spring woman is always light-skinned, often with freckles, and light shades of eyes, light brown, light green, pale blue.

This is the most common color type - blondes of wheat-blond shades. Light eyes: green, blue, gray. There are very few natural blondes with brown eyes. Light-skinned.

Red-haired beasts, as well as owners of chestnut or copper shades of hair, but always with a red tint. Bright, always unusual type of beauty appearance. Skin freckled or porcelain white. Autumn beauties have brown or green eyes, rarely gray or blue.

Your skin tone, hair and eye color should match perfectly.

Having dealt with the color type, it is important to choose a hair color that will emphasize your facial features. Remember the rule: "cold - to cold, warm - to warm." And according to this principle, combine hair, eyes and skin. For example, if you are swarthy, then a light ash shade of hair is definitely not your option. For happy owners of light gray and blue shades of eyes - cold tones, ashy and platinum blond are suitable.

  • For girls with brown, green eyes and warm skin color, copper, chestnut and golden shades are suitable.
  • Dark brown eyes - dark brown, black or chocolate hair is suitable.
  • If you have a blush on your face all the time, warm shades of hair are definitely not for you, as they will add redness to your face even more, it is better to give preference to a cold brown or ash blonde.

How to choose a shade of hair for problem skin

Problematic skin will not suit radically dark or very light shades. In contrast with the hair, age spots, acne, pimples or bruises under the eyes will be immediately noticeable. It is better to choose intermediate shades, if light - then light brown, if dark - then chestnut.

A few life hacks before you start experimenting:

  • Before you radically change your hair color, keep in mind that the first time desired result you won't get. For one staining, you can change the color by no more than 2 tones.
  • Before dyeing, the hair must be prepared in advance. Any coloring is a stress for your hair. Therefore, before the changes, the hair needs to be treated and saturated with moisture with the help of special masks, conditioners and balms so that they are ready for the application of chemistry. Dry hair absorbs the dye very quickly, but as a result, the staining is stained.
  • If you decide to change your hair color by just a few tones from light to darker, use toning, not dyeing. This is a more gentle method, and the result is even better. After toning, the color looks more natural, and the hair is well-groomed.
  • To paint over White hair It is better to use light shades. The older we get, the more they suit us. With these shades, the skin looks younger and fresher. If by nature you are a brown-haired woman, gray hair should be painted a few tones lighter than your natural color.

Good luck with your experiments!

In order for the color to turn out beautiful and the hair to look healthy, you need to know how to choose the paint.

How to choose the right paint

If you will dye your hair for the first time, you do not need to choose resistant colors. Better test tint tonics and special tools. This experiment will not harm the hair, and if the color is chosen unsuccessfully, it can be washed off after a while.

Before buying paint, look at how the color turns out in the photo. Pick up a photo with the girls of your complexion to see the final result.

Never ignore your natural hair color as nature rarely fails. That is why a radical change in color should be avoided. Choose a shade that is close to natural.

The first shade change should be discussed with your hairdresser. Experts will help you choose the right color and advise on how to care for your hair after dyeing.

When choosing paint, buy ammonia-free formulations to less damage your hair.

What hair color to choose?

This question arises before every woman, sometimes - almost every month, sometimes - at least once every six months. After all, it is so important: not to make a mistake, to choose exactly the shade that best emphasizes our uniqueness and beauty. The choice of hair dye is determined in different ways.

Choosing a hair color depending on skin tone

If your skin is light, somewhat "cool" undertones, and your eyes are green, gray or blue, blond and red hair is perfect for you.

True, owners of very pale skin should avoid golden hues- in this case, the hair will visually "merge" with the face. But you will look amazing with ashy hair.

If the skin is of a “warm” shade, and simply speaking, of the oriental type, besides you have dark (for example, brown) eyes, it is best to choose golden and bronze shades of hair. Make sure your hair color is darker colors skin.

Try to give up too dark hair, black is especially not recommended - it really ages ... Although some people really like it!

Choosing a hair color depending on the usual makeup and hairstyle

If you love warm-toned makeup (eg, green eye shadow, soft peach blush, thin layer of blush) - know that copper, reddish or golden hair pairs best with it. It turns out interesting game on contrasts. We recommend choosing ashy hair for those who are used to doing “cold” makeup (lilac, pink and blue shades).

Dark hair perfectly complements bright makeup, as long as it is not too dark. In addition, the dark color visually gives the hair splendor and density.

Choosing a hair color depending on the characteristics of your skin

Freckles are adorable! They can be emphasized by dyeing your hair in light golden or, conversely, dark chestnut color. And if you do not like these "kisses of the sun" - red or reddish hair color will divert attention to yourself.

Burning black or ashy hair is only suitable for those with a perfect complexion, because these shades will ruthlessly reveal any flaw in the skin.

If your face tends to blush quickly and easily, if you suffer from frequent skin irritations, give up red hair. Better opt for light blond, chestnut and golden.

Will blonde hair suit you?

If this is your natural color, then, without a doubt, they will fit. Nature is rarely wrong. Try to choose a color that is as close to natural as possible. Remember that becoming a bright blonde, you will have to come to terms with the increased attention of the opposite sex. In addition, a stereotype is still alive in the society of men: a blonde means silly and frivolous.

Another caveat: being a blonde is expensive. In the sense that you have to spend a lot of money on maintaining color: paints, balms, shampoos, rinses ...

Choosing very light, almost white hair is a bold step, because this color will emphasize the slightest flaw in the skin: bumps, roughness, specks, wrinkles, etc. If you really want to become a bright blonde with white hair, take care of a thorough daily makeup.

If you need to make your hair lighter by at least two tones, contact the professionals. Coloring your hair at home, you run the risk of achieving a completely different result than you expected.

Will dark hair suit you?

Suitable if you yourself do not understand what color your hair is ... If nature has already stinted on a bright color - we will choose it ourselves!

The main thing is to choose a paint slightly darker than the gray shade that you see every day in the mirror. Dark hair - perfect solution for swarthy. Olive or golden skin color is a direct indication that the hair should be dark (and by no means light red!).

In addition, dark color will be the best option for damaged, thin and weak hair. A dark color will visually make your hair more lush and thick.

If you are used to bright and bold makeup - choose dark hair! Brunettes are allowed what blondes are deprived of - to be bright, because a blonde with bright makeup- it is at least tasteless, and sometimes vulgar.

Having dyed your hair in a dark color, you do not have to spend a lot of time maintaining the image: you can apply dark paint at home, and you will rarely need to paint over the roots.

Finally, dark hair will give expressiveness and mystery to your eyes, and make your smile snow-white.

Is red hair right for you?

Red color causes the most controversial opinions. There is an opinion that a red-haired woman is either an angel or a devil. In any case, bright red hair is guaranteed attention from men, and often this argument becomes decisive for women.

It should be noted that red color goes almost everyone - it is important to choose the right shade. The most difficult to achieve the perfect color for women who have a yellowish or olive complexion. But light, pinkish skin allows you to experiment with red colors as much as you like.

Becoming a redhead, get used to walking with your head held high, and boldly meeting interested glances.

Be wary of dyeing your hair an unnatural red color that doesn't exist in nature, such as bright red or purple.

You will most likely look funny. Of course, there are faces that even the most incredible colors suit, but think about it: do you need it? After all, bold and bright colors, among other things, also add at least a few years, especially if you are over 30. The most natural red tones are the closest to orange.

What else you need to remember if you want to dye your hair red? Such shades fade very quickly, because the molecules of orange and red tones have the largest size, which means that they are most difficult to keep on the hair.

This means that only strong and healthy hair. In addition, along with the paint, buy a special shampoo that maintains color. On sale there are special shampoos designed specifically for red hair. Color enhancers can be used 1-2 times a week, and the rest of the time do not forget to use moisturizing conditioners and shampoos.

See our photo selection and look for ... the very hair color that will emphasize all the advantages of your appearance!

Hair color. Best photos

It is rare to find women who like their natural hair color. And this does not matter at all, because today such a problem can be easily solved by staining. However, then a completely logical question arises: how to choose the right hair color? The selected shade should correctly emphasize natural beauty, and it may not always coincide with the desired, because a lot depends on the color type of appearance. Consider useful advice, which will help you choose the best paint color for staining.

Matching hair color to eye color

If the question arises, how to choose a hair color, then many, without hesitation, will answer that you should choose a shade based on eye color. And there is some truth in this. Eye color is really one of the most basic nuances to consider when choosing paint. Consider the main recommendations of stylists in this regard:

Choose hair color according to skin type

As you can see, for each shade of the eyes there is a palette of colors for the hair. However, when choosing a paint, other parameters of appearance must be taken into account. For example, such as skin color. The skin can be light, dark, olive, swarthy or any other. But when choosing a paint, subtones will matter.

To know how to choose a hair color according to your skin type, you first need to determine the undertone. There are only three of them: warm, cold and neutral. A warm undertone is a skin with a yellowish tint, a cold one with a pinkish tint, and a neutral one can contain both notes.

IMPORTANT! To understand what your skin tone is, you can use different methods. For example, analyze daily jewelry. If gold suits you more, then your skin has a warm undertone, and if silver, then cold.

Owners of warm skin are more suitable for light shades of paint, and for girls with cold skin, masters are more often recommended to paint in dark colors. Neutral undertone skin is versatile. Girls with this appearance can experiment with different shades of paint.

Determine the color type of appearance

Find out how to pick perfect color hair, you can use the definition of the color type of appearance. This is the most important and clear parameter that will allow you to quickly choose a hair color that can perfectly emphasize the natural parameters of your appearance. It is customary to distinguish four color types: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Consider their features.


Spring girls are natural blondes with porcelain skin with freckles. The eyes are usually blue or light blue. This is a rather rare color type, so painting in this case can only do harm. However, if you want to diversify your image, then choose light shades for painting - ashen, caramel or walnut. They ideally emphasize natural data. Girls with such a color type are categorically contraindicated in dark colors. Black or dark chestnut will add ten years to them, and after painting in such shades it will be very difficult to return the natural one.


This is the most common color type. The skin is usually pale in color and becomes only slightly brown when tanned. The hair of such women is blond or light brown, and the eyes are gray, blue or hazel. To find out which hair color to choose summer girls, you need to carefully analyze their type. If the skin is light, then wheat-colored paint is better, and if dark, black.


Autumn girls are distinguished by bright and beautiful skin of a golden or bronze hue. Quite often, moles or freckles are present on the skin. When summer comes, the body is covered with a seductive golden tan. The hair of such girls is usually brown or red, and the eyes are brown or hazel. If you have an autumn color type and you don’t know how to choose the right hair color, then give preference to milk chocolate or a copper shade. They are stressed expressive eyes and make your image unforgettable.


Winter girls are quite rare. They have white skin and dark hair. However, there are exceptions. The winter color type also has ash-blond hair and olive skin. The eyes are usually brown or steel. Girls with such an appearance are perfect for all dark paint colors: from ebony to forest beech. In this case, you should not choose light shades. They will look inconspicuous.

How to choose the right paint?

In order for the result of staining to please you for as long as possible, and the color to blend perfectly with natural data, it is necessary to pay due attention to the choice of paint. Let's look at some recommendations:

IMPORTANT! Don't skimp on paint. This is one of the most important rules! Cheap coloring compounds can lead to very sad consequences. They not only ruin the hair, but can also cause serious illness. Paint needs to be bought only in stores.

Hair coloring rules

  1. It is not worth choosing a paint without taking into account the color type of appearance and other natural data. Such experiments will negatively affect the health of the hair, which will ultimately lead to the need for their treatment. It is very expensive and time-consuming to cure hair after repeated unsuccessful dyeing, so the choice of color should be taken seriously.

  2. When choosing a paint color, you need to consider the time of year. For example, in summer it is better to give preference to milky shades that can emphasize the tan.

  3. If you have a dark eye color, but really want to become a blonde, then do not despair. Light hair colors are not only blue-eyed. At the same time, there is always the opportunity to choose something between a blond and a dark shade of hair, for example, highlighting or ombre.

  4. It is always better to dye your hair in a salon. Only a professional master can make hair color natural and attractive. If this is not possible, then you can ask a friend for help. You should not dye your hair on your own, because it is inconvenient and during the procedure you can easily skip some area.

  5. If you need to dye your hair from dark to light, then you should not do it all at once. In this case, irreparable damage will be done to the hair. It is better to repaint gradually, choosing gentle formulations. You can only change the color by two tones each time. Such clarification will not harm your hair.

  6. To make the paint lay on the hair evenly, you can add any oil to it. For example, olive, almond or peach. Natural oil will not only improve the final result of coloring, but also protect the hair from the harmful effects of modern coloring composition.

  7. Any washes are very harmful to the hair and this should always be remembered. It is for this reason that you should consider the decision to radically change the color of your hair several times. If you are not one hundred percent sure of the chosen shade, then it is better to postpone the staining.

IMPORTANT! Even the most expensive paints contain harmful substances. If you have a sensitive organism or have an allergy, then you should take a test before the staining procedure. The paint must be applied to the bend of the elbow and wait twenty minutes. In the absence of irritation and redness, the staining procedure can begin.