Restoration of suede on boots. Is it possible to return suede to its previous appearance and how to do it correctly? Elementary rules for the care of suede shoes

Suede is a thin, very soft and viscous material that is obtained by fat tanning from the skin of an elk, goat or deer. This is a very delicate and capricious material that requires special care. But even when proper care and high quality suede gradually wears out, loses its color and luster, its original attractive appearance.

Scuffs, stripes, stains appear on shoes. In this article, we will look at how to properly care for products made of natural and artificial suede. Learn how to update suede at home.

How to take care of suede shoes

Proper care guarantees a long life of suede. To keep the color and presentable appearance of shoes for a long time, you should not wear suede shoes, boots or boots in rain and wet weather or in heat at temperatures above 35 degrees.

Due to heat or dampness, suede cracks and deteriorates. Be sure to use various means suede care. You can choose a spray or cream.

Shoes should be cleaned and dried after wearing. To clean suede shoes at home, take a sponge or suede brush with soft brass bristles.

Wait for the dirt on your shoes, boots, or boots to dry. Then brush off dirt and sand, and remove stains and dirt with a damp sponge. Never wash suede products under running water or in a basin of water!

After washing, leave the shoes to dry in a dry place at room temperature. Do not place products near a heater, radiator or radiator! It is also not recommended to leave shoes under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

To keep the boots in shape, you can put crumpled newspapers inside during drying. Treat the surface of your shoes with a suede cream or spray before going outside. Such products will protect products from the negative effects of moisture, salt, dirt and dust. After applying the spray or cream, wait for the product to be absorbed and dry.

Worn and heavily soiled suede shoes

For heavily soiled suede shoes or boots, use a soap solution. Add a little liquid soap, shampoo to the water, or rub a bar of toilet soap on a coarse grater. Stir the composition until soapy foam appears and add ammonia in a ratio of 1 to 5. If the pollution is not very strong, you can do without ammonia.

Dampen a sponge or cloth in the solution and wipe the surface of the products, then rinse with another sponge or cloth soaked in ordinary cool clean water. Wipe your shoes thoroughly to avoid leaving soapy streaks. You can wipe the surface again with a clean, damp cloth.

After the procedure, the products are wiped with a dry cloth and left at room temperature until dry. Before any manipulations to restore and update suede, shoes must be cleaned or washed.

If the dirt is not strong, it is enough to walk on the surface with a dry brush and a damp sponge. For more serious contamination, use a soapy solution with ammonia.

To restore the old look of used shoes, a suede cleaning foam will help, which is sprayed onto the surface of the products and left for several minutes. Then the agent is removed with a dry cloth. Such an aerosol effectively removes dirt, restores its original appearance, while not damaging the structure and color of the soft delicate material.

Suede shoes lost color

Special spray paints for suede, which are matched to the tone of shoes and sold in every shoe store or department, will help restore the previous color. This spray is sprayed on the surface of boots, boots or shoes at a distance of twenty centimeters. The shoes are dried and then the villi are combed with a suede brush.

If you cannot find the right shade, you can use colorless suede paint. There are also alternative options. So, for brown shoes, you can take coffee grounds, and for white - talcum powder.

To paint suede with your own hands, apply the product to the surface, and remove the excess with a dry, soft brush. Then be sure to dry the products. However, the use of such improvised means gives only a temporary effect, so the painting will have to be updated regularly.

Scuffs and stains on suede shoes

Scuffs are the biggest problem with suede shoes. In this case, you need to restore the previous appearance and shape of the villi. You can do this with your own hands using improvised means. Before processing, be sure to wash the shoes in a soapy solution with ammonia, paint the surface if necessary, and dry.

To update suede shoes at home, use the following methods:

  • Soap solution with ammonia perfectly eliminates local greasy spots and stains. Just soak a cotton pad in the composition and carefully wipe the affected area. Then rinse the shoes with a damp cloth, wipe with a dry cloth and let dry;
  • White and light suede can be treated with a solution of milk and soda. Take a glass of fat-free warm, but not boiled milk, put a teaspoon of soda and stir. Apply the composition to a soft cloth and wipe the shoes. The milk will cleanse and soften the material. By the way, this method is also suitable for cleaning and restoring a light suede jacket or bag;
  • For light suede, you can also use hydrogen peroxide. Dissolve a teaspoon of peroxide in a quarter cup of water and stir. Then moisten the sponge in the composition and clean the surface of the products;
  • Clean, dry shoes can be rubbed with fine table salt. Rub the stains or scuffs with salt for two to three hours, and then wipe with a damp sponge. Salt will remove stains and scuffs;
  • To quickly and effectively restore lint, dilute vinegar with water at a ratio of 1 part vinegar to 4 parts water and wipe the frayed areas. Then rinse the surface with a clean, damp cloth. At the end, the shoes are wiped with a weak solution of vinegar, which is made in the amount of a teaspoon of vinegar per liter of water;
  • To give a fresh and presentable look to your new shoes, carefully steam the shoes over a boiling kettle, and then brush the frayed areas with a suede brush.

Spots are also a particular problem. Grease stains can be removed with refined gasoline, but be careful. Soak a cotton pad in gasoline and treat the affected surface, then sprinkle the surface with talcum powder.

After three to four hours, when the talc has absorbed grease and dirt, the residue is removed with a soft brush. Minor stains and streaks can be carefully removed with an ordinary eraser or dusted with starch for a while. In addition, you can buy special stain removers for suede.

How to restore other suede products

Not only shoes are made from suede, but also bags, a suede jacket. Such products also require careful and gentle care. It is advisable to wash a suede jacket by hand in slightly warm water with a temperature of up to 30 degrees, after dissolving the powder well in water.

Choose detergents designed for delicate fabrics, wool or suede. In addition, you can add conditioner to keep the product soft.

Do not soak or twist a suede jacket, otherwise the material may lose its shape and stretch. After washing, rinse the product thoroughly in cool water so that no soapy streaks remain. It is recommended to rinse at least four times.

To dry your clothes, hang the jacket on a coat hanger and let it sit at room temperature. After washing, comb the pile with a soft brush so that it returns to its original shape.

If on leather jacket or a leather bag has greasy or worn places, treat the areas with ammonia dissolved in water. Vinegar solution, milk with soda, or steaming over a kettle and subsequent processing of the pile with a suede brush also helps.

Suede is a soft material that is finely crafted leather with a velvet-like surface. The capriciousness of the material especially appears when dirt, water and sunlight hit the products.

Suede care products

The sequence of measures for the care of suede shoes includes several stages:

  1. Dry cleaning of the product with a dry cloth or soft brush.
  2. Removal of emerging stains.
  3. Damage handling.
  4. Impregnation with protective sprays. A water-repellent spray is especially important.
  5. Coloring suede surfaces with aerosol formulations.
  6. Final brushing.

The main condition for keeping shoes in a presentable form is to store them in a box or in paper. Do not store suede in a plastic bag.

How to restore suede shoes at home? When restoring the appearance of suede, you can do without chemistry. To do this, you can use one of right ways problem solving at home

  • you can hold shoes or shoes over boiling water. After this treatment, you need to carefully comb the surface with a special brush. It is desirable that it be made of natural fibers or with rubberized hairs;
  • the use of a stationery eraser is also common. It helps improve appearance suede. It will not change the color and structure of the surface, but effectively removes small contaminants;
  • If the surface has lost its attractive appearance after a long period of storage, the following steps can be taken:
  1. Wash shoes in solution washing powder or laundry soap. The main thing to know is that you can’t rub it. Wash the surface with gentle movements.
  2. Wipe with a damp flannel cloth.
  3. Then blot with a dry cloth.
  4. The product must be filled with paper (preferably newsprint).
  5. Then leave to dry at room temperature (away from sources of artificial heat).

Be sure to use a suede spray

Having processed the surface of the product, it must be sprinkled with paint and carefully combed out with a brush.

  • another method involves the use of warm soapy water and ammonia. With this solution, you can clean the product, polish it with a soft cloth, steam it and dry it without using a battery and a heater;
  • light-colored suede shoes can be treated with a mixture of unboiled milk, magnesia, talc and turpentine. The surface is treated with it and left to dry. When the shoes are dry, the mixture should be brushed off.

With prolonged use, abrasions appear on the surface. You can eliminate them in various ways:

  • steam treatment over boiling water;
  • coating with a solution of ammonia;
  • exposure to a heated iron. If scuffs have formed on the top of the boots, they can be ironed with wrong side through gauze.


But if the color has changed in scuffs, you need to take care of its restoration.

It is important to know how to restore the color of suede shoes. You can restore the lost color of suede different ways:

  1. You can resort to ready-made paints for suede boots or boots. It is enough to treat with a spray from a can. Aerosol paints effectively restore color and have protective properties. Spraying should be done at an angle. Since small splashes can stain nearby objects, it is better to cover the floor with polyethylene or carry out processing on the street.
  2. A mixture of milk and soda ash is also effective.
  3. For white shoes, white talcum powder for the body is suitable. It not only removes impurities, but also helps to remove oily impurities without much effort.
  4. Brown shades will be restored if you make strong coffee and clean your shoes with the thick of the drink. at home with coffee grounds? You need to apply it in a small layer and rub it in lightly. When it is completely dry, shake it off. cotton pad or with a piece of dry cloth.
  5. You can restore the brightness of black suede with shoe polish or a black marker. This is especially important in places where scuffs appear.
  6. You can restore the whiteness of shoes using an aqueous solution of ammonia with hydrogen peroxide.

Coffee grounds can bring back the color of brown suede

Removing stains on suede

When solving the problem of how to update suede shoes at home, do not forget about removing stains of varying complexity:

  1. Grease stains on suede can be removed with kerosene. After treatment with it, the contaminated place should be sprinkled with talc, and after a few hours combed with a coarse wire brush.
  2. If salt stains appear, a vinegar solution will help to cope with them. It is enough to moisten the brush in it and gently walk on the surface of the shoe.
  3. For elimination greasy spots you can use a swab previously moistened with gasoline. After such cleaning, the shoes must be thoroughly dried and ventilated so that there is no smell left.
  4. You can also remove serious pollution with the help of semolina. Shake the contaminated areas with it and leave to absorb. After that, the surface is brushed.

The best option for removing stains is to use a special stain remover in the form of foam. It penetrates deep between the villi and removes impurities.

The main condition for preserving suede in its original form is timely cleaning of the surface.

Even if one spot is noticed, it must be removed immediately.

Suede shoes are in great demand. She gives a special charm and sophistication to a women's ensemble, and adds elegance and style to a men's outfit.

The disadvantage of this material is the low resistance to damage. With inappropriate care and regular use, shoes are often exposed to aggressive environments, which negatively affects their structure. Many damages can be repaired on their own by applying a few simple methods.

We will tell you how to update suede shoes at home.

What happens to suede shoes during use

Suede fabric is a rather capricious material, and therefore requires increased attention.

Delicate suede reacts to many things and at the same time needs care and attention.

We clean from pollution

Contamination is one of the most common defects in any product. It may not be only stains, but also wool, lint, thread or dust.

You can deal with these with a special brush. It has two surfaces. On the first one there is a special hard pile, which eliminates surface dirt and smoothes the material correctly. The second side has a rubberized brush that will help to cope with stubborn dirt and reanimate shoes or boots. After treatment with rubber material, the shoes should be smoothed with a soft brush.

A similar procedure should be carried out on a regular basis, after each use of shoes.

ADVICE. When buying boots or boots made of suede fabrics, it is recommended to immediately purchase this brush. Regular processing will help extend the life of the products.

Getting rid of stains

Stains occur on every piece of clothing, regardless of the fabric used and the style of the product. Suede is one of the most susceptible materials to stains. They can be formed from reagents that cover sidewalks, due to carelessness from food or dirt.

Soap + ammonia

The simplest remedy for solving the problem is a soapy solution. In the resulting mixture you should add a few drops of ammonia, which will help maintain the length and location of the pile. Shoes are carefully wiped with the prepared solution. Use a soft cloth to remove excess moisture.

ADVICE. When choosing soap, use a liquid cleanser. Soap can also be replaced with powder, which is designed for washing delicate fabrics.

Talc + alcohol

Owners of a personal car may experience oil stains. In this situation, talc is useful.

The powder is applied to the contaminated area. Waiting time - about 20–30 minutes. Then gently shake off the product from the surface.

Use a soft cloth dampened with alcohol to remove residue..

In conclusion, the shoes must be brushed to distribute the correct arrangement of the villi.

REFERENCE: instead of alcohol, many users use kerosene.

Special funds

Modern manufacturers have developed a wide range of care products for fastidious material. They represent special foams or sprays applied to contaminated surfaces.

After the time indicated on the package, the excess must be removed with a paper towel.

Drying is an important step in cleaning suede

Pay special attention to drying products.

It is strictly forbidden to place shoes near heating appliances - suede should dry naturally.

For a faster result, newspapers that are tightly clogged inside the boot are suitable.

Hair restoration and scuff removal

Violations in the structure of the correct arrangement of the villi lead to the fact that on the surface of the products scuffs and shiny areas appear. Such stains significantly spoil both the appearance of the shoe and the whole image of its owner. And they also make you think: do you really have to say goodbye to comfortable shoes, is it possible to bring them back to their original form?

We answer: you can! It is not so difficult to bring suede products in order and return the shoes to their former appearance.

Elimination of deficiencies in this case is more complex than the methods described above. When working, special care and accuracy should be observed so as not to worsen the situation.

Milk and soda

To restore the natural location of the pile and remove scuffs, milk and soda are useful.. Add a teaspoon of soda to a glass of dairy product. We treat problem areas with the resulting solution using a soft cloth. At the end, brushing is required, which will give the pile a natural arrangement. After carrying out such a procedure, the shoes should dry naturally.

Steam treatment

If the villi have just begun to lose their stability, steam treatment is suitable. A steam generator is useful here, which carefully processes the product over the entire surface. After that, the bald patches disappear.

In the absence of a steam generator, a more familiar and common method is suitable - a steam bath.

ADVICE. To maintain the structure after cleaning, treat the shoes with fine food salt. Shake off the rest with a brush.

Restoring color

The loss of color always reduces the attractiveness of any product. On black suede shoes become
slightest damage or contamination is visible. Colored shoes lose their brightness and aesthetic appearance.

To maintain a natural color palette, it is recommended to use special professional products. Many of these solutions also create a kind of protective layer that prevents moisture from penetrating, reduces the occurrence of dirt and maintains a natural shade.

Restoring brown suede

In an emergency, when there is no opportunity to purchase a special tool, proven folk methods will do. You can restore a deep brown tint with coffee grounds.. The agent is applied to the surface of the shoe.

Drying is an important step. In the case of using thick, it should be at least a day.

After the time has elapsed, the products are carefully combed with a brush. It will help remove coffee residue and lift the pile.

Bringing back whiteness to suede

Restoration of white tone is carried out thanks to a special milk mixture.

Required for manufacturing milk, turpentine and talc. All ingredients are mixed in equal amounts and applied to the surface. Exposure time - not less than an hour. After the expiration date, be sure to brush the shoes.

REFERENCE. For a quality result, it is recommended to choose a dairy product with a high fat content.

Prevention and care

Suede shoes deservedly enjoy the greatest popularity. Despite the difficulties that arise during care, she never ceases to delight modern fashionistas and fashionistas with a variety of styles. Following a few simple rules and recommendations will help maintain an attractive appearance, bright shade and structure of the shoe fabric.

The modern market offers a huge range of shoes. Today you can choose for every taste models made of various materials.

Many are attracted to suede products, but buyers do not dare to purchase such a purchase, fearing difficulties in care. Dust, dirt, and wet weather can take a toll on once-beautiful boots.

Knowing how to tidy up suede shoes, you can keep their beauty for a long time. The main rule when caring for suede boots and boots is the timely cleaning of the surface from stains and dirt.

Before you update your suede shoes, you need to get rid of dirt. It is not recommended to restore the structure of the pile without preliminary cleaning - this will harm the material.

For this reason, all abrasions are removed only after the elimination of dirt and dust from the surface of shoes or boots.

Any type of soiling, such as traces of grease or dirt, can only be removed when they are dry. Otherwise, pollution will only “spread”.

To clean suede shoes, you will need a soft microfiber cloth or sponge. If with a dry sponge or cloth it was not possible to completely remove the dirt, it can be slightly moistened under the tap and cleaned again. In no case should a suede product be placed under a tap - this will ruin the material.

So you've removed the traces of dirt and various stains. What to do next? How to return suede to its former appearance and color when it has already been cleaned? Use one of the methods below.

How to restore pile?

An ordinary eraser is a great helper in the care of suede shoes.

After cleaning, you should update suede shoes and start restoring the pile. This can be done in several ways:

  • A school eraser will help lift worn suede villi - it will not spoil the surface.
  • Steam baths have a good effect. You need to hold the boots over the steam, and then lightly rub the surface with a dry cloth or a special brush.
  • If scuffs have formed in the top area, you can iron them from the wrong side, and then “comb” the pile.
  • If you do not trust folk methods for restoring suede shoes, you can use special chemicals that you can find in stores.

After cleaning and restoring the suede, it is advisable to treat the surface with a special water-repellent agent. Do not put on shoes immediately after treatment. They should dry completely at room temperature.

Knowing how to tidy up suede shoes, you can keep its attractive appearance for a long time.

Removing stains from shoes

Not only shoes are made from suede. Accessories like bags and gloves are just as in demand and are highly likely to get dirty.

A major alteration or purchase of new boots or accessories requires an investment that not everyone can afford.

For this reason, it is important to know how to renew suede on shoes, bags, gloves, and boots and remove stains.

Grease stains are especially dangerous for the material, but if you know how to deal with them, they will disappear without a trace. This is done as follows:

  • Soak a cotton swab in refined gasoline.
  • Wipe off dirt and then sprinkle with talcum powder.
  • Wait until the grease dissolved in gasoline is absorbed into the talcum powder and brush it off with a soft brush.

If you need to restore suede shoes and rid them of stains, you can use a special stain remover. When buying, pay attention to the fact that the product is intended specifically for suede!

To clean suede, you can use a special stain remover.

The substance is distributed on the surface of the contamination, and then brushed off with a soft brush. It is important not to overdo it when cleaning and do not rub the stains with force - this will damage the surface of the suede.

In order for suede products not to lose their attractiveness for a long time, they should be cleaned and updated in a timely manner.

How to remove scuffs on suede?

Many are afraid of the appearance of shiny areas and scuffs on the surface of the shoe. But it's just a bunch of fluff. Using the means that every housewife has, it is not difficult to restore suede.

Salt will help clean the suede from dirt.

You can apply one of the following methods:

  • A solution consisting of milk and soda (in the proportion of 1 teaspoon of soda per glass of milk) perfectly copes with scuffs on suede fabric. Wipe the surface with the resulting product, then leave the shoes to dry.
  • If the surface of the boots is noticeably worn, treat the suede with fine salt, and then remove its residues with a brush.
  • You can restore the pile on suede shoes using an vinegar solution (4 parts water to 1 part vinegar). After this treatment, the shoes are wiped with clean water, and then again with a solution of vinegar, but already weaker (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).
  • With caution, you can use the steaming of the surface. To do this, hold the shoes over a boiling kettle or steam generator. After problem areas are treated with a brush.

Remember that you should not immediately put on shoes that have been cleaned, they must be dried by putting crumpled paper inside.

How to restore the color of suede shoes at home

Milk and baking soda will help bring suede shoes back to their original color.

Suede can not only get dirty, but also fade in the sun or fade after using the wrong cleaning methods. How to quickly and correctly restore suede shoes if the product has lost its original color?

You can use special paint, doing the job in accordance with the instructions. But there is also folk ways color recovery:

  • To prepare the remedy, you will need ½ cup of skimmed milk and half a teaspoon of soda ash. The resulting solution treats problem areas. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure.
  • To restore the color of the product, use a solution of ammonia (1 part ammonia to 4 parts water). Treat the surface of the shoes with the product obtained, and then wipe the suede with a damp cloth and leave the shoes to dry.

In order not to harm the boots, test the effect of the selected product on a small area of ​​​​suede before proceeding with the treatment of the entire product.

The shoes are completely suede. How to remake?

You can update suede shoes with rhinestones and stones.

If the shoes are not properly cared for during operation, sooner or later the suede will begin to peel off. It may also happen due to Low quality the material from which your shoes are made.

What to do in this case? The easiest way is to purchase a new pair of shoes, but what if the financial situation does not allow you to make a purchase?

You can solve the problem in many ways, and as a result you will get original shoes. Try doing the following:

  • Glue the shoes with rhinestones. You can choose stones of a wide variety of shades, shapes and sizes and use superglue and tweezers to create a unique model of shoes or sandals.
  • Decorate the toe with bows, buckles or satin ribbons. In sewing accessories stores you will find a huge number of such accessories.
  • "Tie" the shoes with thick threads. To do this, you will need a crochet hook and an awl. In the marked places, you need to make holes, and then use the hook to thread the threads through them. You can create any patterns on the surface of shoes by combining threads of different colors.

Having shown a creative approach, you can give a second life to well-worn shoes or boots.

Not really

Suede shoes have a lot of fans, both from women and men. And this is no accident, because new boots or boots made of this material look not only stylish, but also, to some extent, simply chic.

However, you should not immediately rush to buy suede shoes without knowing the basic rules for caring for them, since this is a rather capricious material.

It has many different disadvantages, the main of which are:

  • color fading;
  • the appearance of scuffs or stains;
  • difficult care.

Therefore, it is extremely important to know how to restore suede shoes yourself.

As a rule, they begin to think about how to return the color of their favorite shoes only after losing it, although with proper care this could have been completely avoided. And all that is required for this, just simply, is to keep it away from direct sunlight, because they are detrimental to suede.

The result of a long stay of such shoes in the sun is a change in the natural color to green or bluish.

In this case, you can return the suede to its previous appearance in the following ways:

How to use special tools correctly

Before proceeding with the restoration of the color of shoes, it must be cleaned of dirt and dried. Only after that you can start painting suede with special means, which include aerosol paints. It is necessary to spray such products at a distance of about 20-25 cm from boots or shoes. After applying the paint, the shoes should dry completely. Knowing how to update suede boots allows you to wear them more than once.

Please note that when spraying, paint can get on nearby objects, as well as walls or floors. In this regard, it is recommended that during this procedure, cover everything within the spray radius with an unnecessary cloth or newspaper.

Spray painting is the best option. on the fresh air . In this case, you will not endanger your health and furniture.

What folk remedies will help restore the previous color of suede shoes?

In addition to special aerosols, other, more affordable means are also used to update the color. As a rule, they begin to think about how to update suede shoes at home without special tools at hand. Everything is very simple here.

White boots can be rubbed with talcum powder, and brown boots with coffee grounds. The excess remaining after the procedure is removed with a soft cloth or brush.

These methods, of course, are not so good, but they are quite capable of improving the appearance of shoes for a while.

Scuffs and stains

It is possible to return the former beauty of suede shoes

Scuffs and shiny spots are nothing more than pile crushed during wear. If desired, it can be lifted, returning the product to its original appearance. However, this must be done very carefully, trying not to damage the texture of the material. You can remove scuffs from suede shoes both with the help of special tools and handy ones available in almost every home.

Special tools for removing scuffs

This can be referred to as various brushes, and aerosols. When using any special tool, you should first take a good look at the problem area.

In the event that the pile is crushed in it, you just need to lift it with the help of rubberized brush. It is sold in specialized stores.

If you can’t understand the pile, you can simply paint over the problem area paint - aerosol. So, in order to find out how to remove scuffs in each case, you need to determine the root of the problem.

Handy materials

Refreshing suede boots at home is easy. They can be returned to their original state.

You can also use a nail file to lift the pile.

by the use of handy means, for example, with the help of ordinary steam. And for this it is best to use a kettle.

Shoes should be held over the spout of the kettle exactly in the place where there is abrasion. After heating, the pile must be lifted with a regular eraser or a special eraser. At the same time, it is extremely important not to allow excessive wetting of the suede surface.

In addition to this method, you can apply the following:

  1. Rubbing attrition special solution. It's so simple that it only takes two ingredients to make it: a glass of milk and a teaspoon of baking soda.
  2. Wiping pre-cleaned and dried shoes fine salt.
  3. Rubbing a shiny spot vinegar solution, which is diluted in a ratio of 1 to 4, that is, 1 part vinegar, 4 parts water. After the first procedure, you need to rinse everything, and then re-treat the problem area with a solution. Only this time the solution should be much weaker.(1 liter of water - 1 teaspoon of vinegar).

Elementary rules for the care of suede shoes

Quite a few lovers of suede boots refuse them because they do not know or simply do not want to observe simple rules caring for them.

So, the main rule is to prohibit the use of such shoes in rainy weather, since they cannot be wetted.

The rest of the rules can be divided into the following groups:

  • drying;
  • tools;
  • storage.

How to dry suede shoes

Special sprays help protect suede shoes from dirt

You can get caught in the rain without even expecting it, because even weather forecasters sometimes make mistakes in forecasts. But what if your favorite pair of suede boots or sneakers got wet as a result? Do not despair, and even more so in no case should you rush to clean it of dirt. These actions can only spoil its appearance.

First you need to assess the degree of wetting shoes. If she got wet through, you need remove the insoles from it for separate drying, and put some old newspapers inside. So after drying, it will not lose its shape. After that, it must be left to dry completely. As a rule, this process takes up to 10-12 hours.

Please note: shoes must be dried at room temperature. When drying near any heating devices, it may dry out and crack.

Shoe care tools

Suede can be updated using the following tools:

  • school or special eraser;
  • various specialized sprays;
  • brushes with different pile (metal, rubber and polymer fiber).

erasers designed to lift the pile, sprays - for painting or protection from moisture, but brushes have

Use brushes for daily care for suede

each with its own purpose.

For example, metallic the brush perfectly revives old, used shoes. rubber and polymeric designed to work with new shoes. Moreover, all of them are intended not only for lifting the pile, but also for cleaning various contaminants.

How to store suede shoes

In order to be able to re-wear suede shoes after some storage, it is extremely important to follow some rules.

First, suede shoes by no means should not be stored in plastic bags. Otherwise, after such storage, the most acute question will be how to restore suede boots.

Secondly, before sending shoes for storage, they must first be cleaned of dirt.

Both shoe cases and boxes are suitable for storing suede shoes.


  • Suede shoes are very beautiful, but very capricious to care for.
  • Before carrying out any activities with it, it is extremely important to know how to restore suede.
  • You can restore the old look of shoes at home by using handy tools.
  • You can remove scuffs from suede with a regular eraser.

You can also update shoes with specialists who can use various fats and oils in their work. This treatment of suede is called suede.