How to choose the right shoes for children. Recommendations for the size of winter children's shoes. What is Gore-Tex

There is little left before the end of winter. Soon the weather will be warm and sunny, so it's time to get the little ones out of the strollers, allowing them to explore the playgrounds on their own legs. Therefore, many mothers are already starting to attack online stores in search of comfortable shoes for their baby. A rich assortment for little fashionistas is downright amazing, but beauty is not all that should be guided in choosing children's shoes. It is about her correct choice that will be discussed in this material.

Children's shoes - which one to choose

It should be noted that children's shoes must be of high quality, not only in terms of the materials used, but in orthopedic terms. After all, children's legs in the process of growing crumbs develop gradually, as functional loads grow on them. From birth, the baby tries to rest against an obstacle with them, then he masters the science of crawling, then hesitantly tries to stand on his feet. Remember the first steps of the kids, they spread their legs wide, as if balancing when walking.

Over time, as numerous muscles and ligaments develop, the child's steps become more confident, and he slowly learns to run, jump, etc. In general, it is very useful for a child to walk barefoot, but this is not always possible, so good children's shoes should provide maximum freedom movements.

For the summer season, the child needs not only closed shoes, but also practical, comfortable shoes in the heat - sandals. For kids under three years old, it is better to choose closed models that reliably protect the leg from damage.

A decent assortment of sandals for girls is offered by the Mamsy Internet club -, where you can buy new clothes for children at a price much less than retail. But it should be remembered that the foot of each child is individual, so it’s good if you buy shoes with the crumbs, having previously examined and measured them. No matter how well you know your little one, the chance to make a mistake in choosing shoes is still big.


Of course, this is the first indicator by which all people choose shoes. Remember that if you overdo it and buy shoes, so to speak, "overhand", then you will not do better for yourself or your baby. His foot will constantly slide on the insole, while walking he will stumble and fall. Shoes "in size" are also not the best option. The baby’s foot may swell when walking (in summer), in winter you need to wear a thicker toe, so it’s best to buy such shoes so that there is a free distance from the child’s toes to the toe of the boot, about 0.7 - 1 cm.

Width and fullness of shoes

To date, the range of manufacturers of children's shoes provides wide choose models with different indicators of these parameters. Usually, in company stores, consultants can help mom measure it with a special device. If you were not offered such a service, then the only right choice for mom it is to try on the models they like for a child. The leg should fit freely into the shoe. Put both shoes on the baby, put it on its legs and feel them on the sides. If the choice is correct, then you will feel the free space between the side seam and the baby's foot. If the material of the shoe looks stretched, and when you felt it, you felt that the surface of the shoe tightly fitted the baby’s leg on the sides, then it’s worth looking at the wider options.


Leather as a material for children's shoes is the best option. This is an environmentally friendly material that can take the shape of a baby's legs, while providing air access, which eliminates sweating of the legs. However, its worthy analogue can be modern high-tech materials that allow you to create favorable conditions for the skin of a child inside the shoe.


The sole of children's shoes should be elastic and soft so that the child's foot can naturally move when walking. "The thicker the better" is not the right approach. Put on traditional Chinese wooden sandals. Comfortable? Likewise with your baby in shoes with thick soles. In addition, there must be a protector on the surface of the sole - a relief pattern that prevents slipping when walking on a smooth surface. This will help protect your little one from unnecessary injury.


This element of children's shoes often causes controversy among parents. Remember that orthopedists advise choosing children's shoes with a heel of about 5 mm high. He is involved in the formation of the correct gait of the child, preventing the baby from falling back.


The heel of children's shoes should be solid and rigid with a rounded top edge. If you come across beautiful shoes with a seam on the heel, it is better to immediately put them aside. The seams on it will injure the delicate skin of the child while walking.


The volume of the child's legs may vary slightly. The leg may swell slightly, or you will put terry socks on the baby. Therefore, it is better if the children's boot has an adjustable fastener.

Here, in principle, are all the main points that should be considered when buying shoes for your beloved baby. Good luck with your choice and have fun!

There is too much cartilage tissue in the bones of babies under six years old, so they are easily susceptible to external influences and deformed. Muscles and tendons are also fragile - weak and too elastic. Doctors do not advise putting the little one on legs and learning to walk earlier than expected. And not because the limbs will become crooked. This characteristic is inherited, another thing is the shape of the foot, which takes on the weight of the body when moving in an upright position. "Pressure" comes from two sides: from above - kilograms press, from below - shoes. If you follow the timing of the development of motor skills and choose the right children's shoes, everything will be fine.

Children's shoes: measurement rules

As soon as the little one sets off on the road (whether on his own or with the support of adults), he should be put on shoes according to the rules. From the age of 10 months to 1.5-2 years, the size of the child's foot changes every 2-2.5 months. Then the pace slows down: at 2–5 years old, the foot increases by 1.5–2 sizes per year. After 5 years - annually stretched by a size and a half.

If the child is very small, then most often they go to the shoe store without him. You should prepare for the purchase: measure all the parameters. It is better to do this at the end of the day, because in the evening the legs increase slightly in size. A sheet of paper is placed on a hard and even surface, the baby is placed on top and the contours of both of his feet are outlined. Then, on each “drawing”, a ruler measures the distance from the edge of the heel to the tip of the longest finger. The sizes of the right and left feet may differ by 5–6 mm. About one and a half centimeters are added to the result obtained, of which 8 mm will “go” for stretching the foot when walking and 5–7 mm for growth. The result is the length of the insole.

Children's shoes: big claims

Proper children's shoes should not only not create new defects in the development of the foot, but also correct those that already exist. This means that it is reliably protected from mechanical damage and provides a feeling of comfort. In order to produce products that comply with such a rule, manufacturers must follow the standards.

1. Sole of children's shoes. A baby pair cannot have a slippery, rigid and non-shock absorbing sole. A thin one that bends effortlessly at an angle of 25 ° will fit, ensuring the foot rolls from heel to toe. This will allow the child to put the leg correctly. In addition, the sole in children's shoes should also bend closer to the toe, more precisely, at the base of the thumb. And do not bend in the middle, the baby will fall on a rigid sole. On excessively soft - it is bad to lean. The weight of the sole is also important: it is he who determines the mass of the shoe. The child takes at least 17 thousand steps every day, if the shoes are light, then the baby does not get tired for a long time.

2. toe necessarily high and wide, so that the fingers are freer and the baby can move them when he wants. The foot of the little ones is fan-shaped, so the best option would be a high, spacious, rounded toe. Narrow shoes deform the foot and compress the blood vessels, providing a violation of blood circulation.

3. Interior decoration certainly made of soft leather and without seams, so as not to rub or press.

4. Hygroscopic properties high: the legs must "breathe", for this a waterproof membrane is sewn into the lining.

Orthopedic advice
It is difficult to choose children's shoes for the rise and fullness of the legs. The exception is sandals with two or three Velcro. A narrow pair is defined as follows: if the foot is difficult to squeeze into a boot or boot, look wider. Too wide will give itself out as a "bubble", which is formed if the boot is squeezed from the sides. This is bad: the ankle joint is poorly fixed.

5. outdoor part definitely waterproof. Acceptable materials are considered only natural leather and textiles (matting, denim fabrics, linen, cloth, drape, wool, felt, felt, etc.). Both materials are soft, flexible, breathable, retain heat and absorb moisture. Over time, leather and textiles adapt to the characteristics of the foot of its owner and "remember" their shape. It is permissible to make decorative details from artificial material. Textile shoes are inexpensive, bright, suitable for walking and playing in the warm season and at home. There are also disadvantages: there is no hard back, it gets wet, gets dirty easily and is difficult to clean.

6. Heel in children's shoes should be high (at least 7 cm) and cover the ankle, with a rounded top and a rigid one that fixes the ankle joint. This will not allow the foot to deviate to the right and left.

7. Insole in children's shoes directly adjacent to the foot and should correspond to its shape, absorb moisture well. Two-layer insoles are inserted into high-quality children's shoes, the upper one is made of leather, the lower one is made of a polymer material that supports and cushions well when walking.

8. Heels in children's shoes obligatory - 0.5–1.5 cm high, stable, wide and at least 1/3 of the sole long. Thanks to him, the child does not fall back while learning to keep balance. When the heel is raised, it is easier for the baby to walk. The heel increases the load on the foot, and its muscles begin to work, which is required for the prevention of flat feet.

9. Arch support in children's shoes- a support pad under the inside of the foot is a must, otherwise flat feet will develop. The maximum height of the arch support in children's shoes is 3 mm. The device should be resilient, but just enough to take the shape of the foot and support it, but flexible, easily flattened when pressed with a finger and straightened without pressure.

It is a fact
Experts do not advise children with healthy feet to wear orthopedic children's shoes. It is necessary for physical defects, for example, if one leg is shorter than the other or the foot has features that prevent it from being placed in a regular shoe. Here we need models that are not sold in ordinary stores, they are made according to individual measurements to order according to the prescription of an orthopedist in special workshops.

10. Clasps- laces, Velcro, straps with buckles. The buckle straps secure the shoes to the foot and do not unfasten accidentally. The laces correctly and firmly fix the foot in the ankle joint, they can adjust the width of the shoe. But kids learn how to properly tie them only by the age of five. The laces can become untied, the baby will step on them and fall. Velcro is easier to handle and can also be adjusted to the width of the foot, but the ankle and instep cannot be secured securely. And besides, Velcro quickly fail and can unfasten, but they, like laces, are easy to replace.

Many parents are extremely picky about the choice of children's shoes. Our article will try to answer the question of how to choose shoes for a child.

Do babies need shoes?

The baby spends the first months of life in his crib, a little later, until he walks, he can be in the arena. If the child is still lying, there is no special need for shoes. It is worth thinking about purchasing the first shoes - booties - when the baby gets on his feet.

Soft boots should fix the leg well, fit the ankle tightly and be in size. Preference when choosing such shoes should be given natural fabrics. It is good if the booties are with a dense heel and toe part.

All decorative details, including buttons and buttons, must be well fixed.

Learning to walk

Poor-quality shoes can affect the incorrect formation of a child's foot. How to choose shoes for a child so as not to harm the legs? Pay attention to:

    stability: a moderately flexible sole with a hard back is more reliable, if the heel is easily crushed and the material is pressed through, such shoes are not suitable;

    sole flexibility: if a fold is formed in the middle of the sole, feel free to put on such shoes for your child, a fold at the toe is a sign of a poor-quality product;

    convenience of the fastener: give preference to Velcro, it is better to refuse laces and zippers;

    toe, choose a pair with a moderately wide toe so that the shoes do not squeeze your fingers, pay attention to stiffness, this will be a good protection for your fingers on impact;

    heel height: for the correct formation of the arch of the foot, choose sandals and boots with a heel of about 0.5 cm.

The leg grows by the hour

At the age of 2-3 years, the foot literally grows every day, and yet the baby needs shoes for all occasions: sandals for the heat, boots for the winter, rubber boots for the rain, shoes for kindergarten and a pair to walk at home. Don't forget the sneakers too. The general selection requirements remain the same, but there are some nuances.

Shoe material may be different, but the insole is certainly leather, artificial material slips, and the foot in such a fully synthetic boot will sweat a lot.

It is better to discuss the presence of an arch support with an orthopedist: not every child needs orthopedic shoes.

You can also do without soft slippers, for home and kindergarten It is better to buy sandals or shoes.

All about children's sneakers

Kids can wear sports shoes from the age of two, but do not abuse and let the child walk in them all day. High-quality sneakers fix the ankle well, due to depreciation they are easy to walk in. But the child's leg must "work" itself in order for the tendons and muscles of the foot to form correctly. put on sports shoes kids just for sports.

Determining the size of the child's shoes

Shoes on the leg - it is by this principle that you need to choose the size. Oversized shoes will lead to incorrect walking, it will rub the foot and cause pain. Tight shoes will also be uncomfortable.

To get the exact size, circle the baby's foot with a pencil, add 7 mm - this will be the exact measurement of the length of the foot. With this option, you can go to the store. A child's foot grows very quickly, up to two years it is worth checking the size every two months, for older children - once every three months.

Choosing winter children's shoes

How to choose shoes for a child for the winter and how many pairs do you need? You need to buy boots or boots for your baby for warm and frosty weather. Boots for sub-zero temperatures should be made of genuine leather or suede and always on natural fur. If the boots are a little too big, cut out the felt insole and you won't have a problem.

For slush, choose snow boots: polypropylene does not allow moisture to pass through, retains heat well. Inside the shoes there is a warm stocking, you can get it and dry it.

We hope that the information on how to choose shoes for a child will help you choose the right new clothes for your kids in online stores of shoes from the TAM.BY catalog.

, (don't worry, not for long), and let's talk about a topic that always arouses great interest. And above all, not professional, but personal. After all, many of you have children, and many are planning to have them, and the question of choosing children's shoes has already been raised by someone, someone will have to.

And the most fortunate are those who are just now asking questions:

  • What should be the right children's shoes?
  • Why do children develop flat feet, and how to avoid it?
  • Is it true that the first shoes for the baby should be "orthopedic"?
  • Should a child wear shoes at home?
  • What should be indoor shoes for a child?
  • Do children's shoes have to have an arch support?

The topic is burning: very often very crumbs are prescribed orthopedic shoes, and often orthopedic doctors contradict each other. One puts a child at 2 years old with flat feet and directs them to get orthopedic shoes, the other says that, they say, your baby is absolutely healthy, and advises mom to drink motherwort, and the child to run, jump and enjoy a carefree childhood. One says that children's shoes must have an arch support, the other categorically disagrees with this.

As you remember, I am not an orthopedic doctor, so in order to understand this issue, I suggest you, as usual, turn on the logic.

Turned on? Then let's figure it out together.

How is a child's foot formed?

Somehow we have already said what a foot is. If you forgot, read here. Let's see how it develops.

So, the first thing to understand: a child is born with a flat foot. Remember, dear mothers, what the feet of your children looked like when they didn’t even walk under the table.

As you can see, the place that will later become the longitudinal arch is now filled with fat. And it is right. After all, the vault is what? This is a spring that springs up when we walk to absorb shock loads and not “bomb” the joints of the legs and spine. And why does such a cub need a spring? Because he doesn't walk yet. Is it logical?

Let's remember one more important point: the arched shape of the vaults is supported by the muscles of the lower leg and foot. But the muscles are not yet developed, because our baby does not yet walk, run, or jump. And when he gets up on his feet and takes his first steps, the fat pad of his feet is very useful to him.

  • Firstly, it increases the area of ​​​​support and increases the stability of our hero so that he understands that it turns out to be cool to walk! And you will see more, and you will feel more, and you don’t have to call your mother, you can stomp to her. First, along the wall, then in short dashes, and now “the bull is walking, swinging.” 🙂
  • Secondly, plantar fat is needed for cushioning, while there is no full-fledged spring yet.

Such a voluminous fat pad remains in children up to 3 years of age, and then begins to gradually dissolve. By the age of 5, a longitudinal arch emerges, and at 7-10 years old, we already see a foot that is very similar to an adult. And the complete formation of the human foot ends at about 20-21 years old, for girls - 2-3 years earlier. This means that by this age, ossification of all cartilaginous structures of the foot occurs.

But while the baby begins to walk confidently, he will go through a difficult school of balancing act. As soon as he gets up on his feet, he rests more on the outer arches of the foot. This is called "varus stopping." It occurs in children up to about 1.5 years.

As the baby learns to walk, he tries to keep his balance by spreading his legs wide. In maintaining balance, it is precisely the same fat pad that we talked about above, and on which he begins to rely, that helps him. It turns out some blockage of the stop inside. This is called hallux valgus. Here's what it looks like:

This condition is noted, as a rule, in 2-4 years. Further, as the musculoskeletal apparatus of the feet strengthens, the shape of the legs usually levels out: the lower leg, knees and thigh line up in one line. And if the normal angle of valgus deviation of the calcaneus at 3 years is 5-10 °, then by 7 years it is 0-2 °.

So, we conclude:

  1. All children under the age of 5 have flat feet.

  2. Valgus installation of feet up to 4-5 years of age is a variant of the norm

So if your two or three year old child has been diagnosed with flat feet, know that everything is going according to plan and there is nothing to worry about. And there is absolutely no need to run for orthopedic shoes. Well, what did the doctor prescribe? Are you a mother or what? It is better to concentrate your attention on strengthening the muscles of the feet and shins of your blood, and you will all be happy: both parents, and the baby, and his feet. 🙂

Back to the past

In the 60s of the last century, employees of the Leningrad Institute of Prosthetics. Albrecht conducted a study in which about 5,000 children participated. They assessed the "maturation" of the arches of the foot.And look what happened: at 2 years old, flat feet were detected in 97.6% of children, and at 9 years old, it remained only in 4% of those observed.Of course, if we conduct this study in our days, the indicators will be more deplorable.

I sometimes think: if we remove all computers, gadgets, phones now, what will children do? What about adults?I wonder if jump ropes are on sale now, or is it already a rarity? Do modern children know the game "dodgeball"? Do they play badminton?

I remember myself in my childhood only with knees smeared with brilliant green. We did not sit at home, especially on the weekend. They ran and jumped all the time, so the diagnosis of flat feet was not stored in my childhood memory.


How are the muscles of the arches of the foot trained?

Have you ever seen Adam and Eve in shoes in pictures? Do you think it was a pity to God for them to bungle up some boots? Or did he not have enough imagination for this?

Nothing like this!

It's just that the foot, in order to be healthy and happy, must work. And for this you need to walk more, moreover, barefoot and on an uneven surface, so that the muscles of the foot and lower leg contract, trying to maintain balance on it, train and fulfill their great mission: to watch over the health of our spring. If you walk all the time on a flat, hard surface, and besides, put your foot in shoes, its muscles will weaken, they will no longer hold the arches, and they will begin to flatten.


It is necessary to create conditions for the child so that the musculoskeletal apparatus of the foot works as much as possible. If possible, let the child, at least at home, walk barefoot.

True, orthopedic doctors disagree on this issue. Some say that children should definitely wear shoes at home, others - so that they run barefoot at home if possible.

I'm leaning towards the second opinion.

  • First, based on my pediatric experience. In children from large families flat feet are much less common. 🙂
  • Secondly, a normal child with an awl in the pope, he does not just walk around the apartment. He sits on his knees, collecting some kind of pyramid, crawls, playing with a typewriter, dances, squats and does a lot of other movements that help the foot to form. And the shoes just get in the way.

If the floor is cold, then put on warm socks for the baby. Now there are even non-slip "soles". For those children who are taking their first steps, ordinary thin booties are ideal (if for some reason it is undesirable for them to move barefoot).

  • Thirdly, from his personal experience. Previously, our parents had never heard of orthopedic shoes, and we walked at home either in ordinary soft slippers or barefoot. And they were healthier.

What else is needed to train the muscular apparatus of the foot?

  1. If funds and space allow, get a Swedish wall and a soft rug nearby in case of a fall. Let the child master it from the age of 2-3.
  2. Buy a bike and let your little one pedal: at home barefoot or in socks, outdoors in soft-soled shoes.
  3. Get a massage mat in an orthosalon or at your pharmacy and put it in the place where the child most often runs. Something like this:

  1. There is also an economy. option: find a piece of fabric in your “bins”, put it on the floor, scatter beads or buttons over it. You can give the task to your baby with his toes to collect the beads in a box.
  2. And you can do it like this:

6. Find exercises for the foot on the Internet and do it with your child. Remember how the teacher used to say in physical education: “We walk on toes, now on the heels, on the inside of the foot, on the outside.” And it's a great muscle workout!

Write, comment, share your experience.

By the way, I posted the correct answers to the drug test from. See bottom of the page.

With love to you, Marina Kuznetsova

You will need:

How does a child's body develop?

From six months to nine months, a sharp jump occurs in the development of the baby - the development of movements in an upright position begins. This is very milestone, influencing the development and understanding of speech, orientation in the world around.

At the age of eight months, transitional movements appear that contribute to the development of independent walking. The child can stand up, sit down, step over from one leg to another.

At ten months, the development of moving forward with any support begins. It is desirable that these were mother's hands, and not walkers and similar devices.

Usually at eleven months, the baby tries to take his first steps.

With normal development one year old baby can walk independently three to five meters without leaning.

Normal development suggests that 25% of children start taking their first steps very early, and 20% of children with a slight delay.


A good outsole is flexible enough in the arch and toes, and stiff elsewhere. If it bends everywhere or, on the contrary, is too hard, it will always be uncomfortable to walk in it.

High-quality children's shoes provide for the presence of a corrugated sole with shock-absorbing inserts, which allows the child to run and jump without negative consequences.

Pay attention to the material. It can be polyurethane, rubber, foam rubber, polyvinyl chloride, thermoplastic elastomer, but in no case plastic, because it is very slippery. Genuine Leather short-lived, but perfect for up to a year, because it sits comfortably on the leg and provides air circulation.

Arch support

A prerequisite, because it is he who prevents the development of flat feet.

For healthy children, you need to choose shoes with a small, prophylactic arch support. It is more pronounced only in orthopedic shoes, which should be worn only on the recommendation of a doctor.

With clubfoot, the arch support is contraindicated.


Protects the heel from bruising, ensures the rolling of the foot, evenly distributes the weight and increases the wear resistance of the shoe. The absence of a heel or a slight elevation invariably leads to a violation of gait and posture.

Shoes for the first steps should have a heel no more than 0.5 cm high. For preschoolers and in elementary grades, 1.5 cm is enough, for teenagers - up to 4 centimeters.


The top fastening happens on flypapers, laces, a lightning, a buckle.

It is believed that the best girth provides, however, the Velcro will allow you to quickly put on a little fidget, and the buckle will securely fix the strap. In this case, the choice is yours.


Natural raw materials are durable, allow you to create an optimal climate inside the shoe, stretch well, taking the shape of a leg and eliminating chafing.

But if you are not ready to buy leather or suede boots every time, you can choose something from modern substitutes, so-called high-tech materials. They also differ in quality and reliability, "breathe", do not let moisture through and retain heat.

It is advisable to choose shoes for winter and demi-season with a natural inner surface - leather and wool. Summer footwear and insulation can be made of textiles. Its drawback is the lack of a solid back, so up to 8 years it must be alternated with models that securely hold the heel.

As for rubber boots, they are the best option for exploring puddles, but nothing more. Rubber does not allow air to pass through and does not provide normal thermoregulation. Such shoes can be worn in the presence of insoles made of cloth or felt and only when necessary.

How to choose shoes by size

Children's feet grow at an astonishing rate. Until the age of 3, shoes will have to be changed at least 2-3 times a year, for preschoolers - twice, for schoolchildren 1-2 times.

But if older children say that the shoes have become cramped, then the kids may not even feel it. Their feet consist of cartilaginous tissue and a fatty layer, which reduce pain, but the leg will begin to deform. Therefore, make it a rule to take measurements every three months in order to purchase shoes one size larger in time. A child up to a year needs to measure the leg every month.

At the same time, it is categorically not recommended to take it back to back and for growth. In the first case, during movement and with swelling in the heat, the shoes will press. In the second, it is uncomfortable when walking, increases the risk of injury due to the lack of necessary support and fatigue.

The margin for children's shoes should be 0.5-1 cm, for winter - 1.5 cm, and the arch support should be located exactly under the arch of the foot.

Sandals to choose the size is quite simple. It is much more difficult to choose the right closed shoes. There are several ways to do this.

Method 1

  1. Outline the foot with a pencil on paper, holding it vertically. The child must stand on a solid surface. For a child under one year old, the foot can be measured with a non-stretch measuring tape or string.
  2. If you are planning to buy winter shoes warm socks must be worn on the feet.
  3. Be sure to measure both legs, sometimes the difference between them reaches a whole size.

Method 2

Draw a long line in the middle of the sheet. Position the child so that this line runs along the foot through the big toe. Measure the extreme points and measure the resulting segment.

Method 3

On a dense sheet, for example, cardboard, you need to stand with wet legs. You will only have to measure the print.

In addition, you will see the fullness of the foot and notice signs of a possible flat foot.

Method 4

Remove the insole from your current shoe and place your foot on it. Measure the length, taking into account the protruding part.

To later choose shoes by size, keep in mind that the inner insole should be longer than the leg.

Method 5

Try on new shoes immediately on the child.

Since few children can withstand long shopping, first visit the store with a footprint cut out of cardboard, comparing it with the insole of the model you like. And the next day, go to try on the best options.

Try to feel the edge of your toe on the toe and make sure there is a small gap.

Put on both shoes at once and ask the baby to walk. If he stumbles, shuffles - the size is too big, if he twists his leg slightly and tries to tighten his fingers - he is cramped.

Size chart of children's shoes

Unfortunately, you will not find universal data anywhere. This is due to the fact that in different countries different sizing systems are used, and most manufacturers leave their own allowance, sometimes as high as 15 mm.

You can more or less navigate using the metric system, which is equal to the length of the foot in centimeters, and the corresponding standard system, which is used in Europe and the CIS countries.

In this case, 1 stitch = 0.66 cm.

Stichmass system Metric Insole length
17 10,5 11
18 11 11,5
19 11,5 12,5
20 12,5 13
21 13 13,5
22 13,5 14,5
23 14,5 15
24 15 15,5
25 15,5 16,5
26 16,5 17
27 17 17,5
28 17,5 18,5
29 18,5 19
30 19 19,5
31 19,5 20,5
32 20,5 21
33 21 21,5
34 21,5 22,5
35 22,5 23
36 23 23,5

Fullness and rise

It happens that the size fits perfectly, but calluses appear on the legs, the child constantly stumbles when walking, or the process of putting on shoes turns into real flour, because you just have to squeeze the foot into the boot. What's wrong? You did not take into account the fullness of the foot.

Determining it is quite simple - measure the widest point of the toe with a ruler. This figure should never exceed the width of the insole.

Often, models for children are universal, with the ability to adjust the fullness with a clasp. In some cases, shoes are produced taking into account three parameters of completeness for each size:

  • Narrow with a slight rise - E and F;
  • medium - G, H;
  • wide with a high rise - J.

The difference between each value is 7 mm, and if the Latin ½ is added to the letter, add another 3.5 mm.

New or used

In families with same-sex children, it is often customary to pass things “by inheritance”. This can only be done if the shoes were used only a few times and remained almost in their original form.

The fact is that with prolonged wear, it adapts to a certain type of foot, and your youngest son will be forced to form a leg for other people's parameters, including microflora. Even worse, if the older child had orthopedic problems, they are very likely to pass on to the younger one.

In new shoes, pay attention to quality. There should be no distortions, wrinkles, folds, crooked lines or elongated threads. The insole is necessarily glued, the lining is stitched.

Shoes, regardless of the season, should be light, especially for a one-year-old child, when he just started taking his first steps. You also need to abandon synthetics, it is allowed only by the age of 13, when heat exchange processes normalize in the body of a teenager.

Do not try to choose shoes blindly following fashion. In such models, manufacturers often narrow the toe or overestimate the heel, which is harmful for children's feet.

And do not buy several pairs at once, because the leg grows quickly. It is better to pick up one pair, but from natural material and from a trusted brand.