Calculate the correct body weight for age. BMI (body mass index) calculator: calculate for men and women. Body weight formulas for men and women

The body mass index is a measure of the ratio of a person's weight to height. This parameter helps to determine deviations from normal body weight in one direction or another. Being overweight is dangerous human health because they often lead to heart disease. Online calculator body mass index allows you to quickly and accurately find out how your weight indicator corresponds to the norm. To calculate the body mass index, you need to select your height and weight in the presented service.

The body mass index for women is considered normal if the indicator is in the range from 20 to 22. For men, this indicator should be from 23 to 25. Statistics show that people who have this indicator in the range of 18-22 live longer on average than those with weight problems.

If your BMI is over 25, then this is a signal that you need to change your lifestyle. It is important to note that the formula used to calculate the body mass index may overestimate the obesity rate for people of athletic build, since the calculation does not take into account muscle mass.

The body mass index has become especially relevant in Western countries, where the problem of obesity has become quite acute. At the very beginning, the BMI calculation was developed for sociological research, so making a medical diagnosis using these calculations is not entirely correct.
However, the availability and ease of calculation made this calculator very popular among the population. If the index exceeds the number 30, then this most likely indicates obesity.
It must be understood that the body mass index is not suitable for making a diagnosis, but it can help as a control in the process of trying out a new fitness program or diet.
The BMI calculator will give you a starting point and allow you to track changes in body weight.

Formula for calculating body mass index (BMI)

To find out your BMI, you only need to divide your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters.


The formula does not take into account the sex and age of a person, despite the fact that the BMI of men is higher than the BMI of women, as well as the BMI is higher in middle-aged people, and in children and the elderly this figure is lower.

Summary table of values

Interpretation of BMI indicators, in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO)

BMI - body mass index- reflects the state of human health. This indicator depends on the fat resources of the body and may correspond to the norm, be excessive or deficient. Many people have a body mass index that is far from optimal. No wonder BMI appeared in medical records as a key risk factor for morbidity and began to be taken into account in the diagnosis.

What is your body mass index?

According to WHO, half of the people on the planet die today not from dangerous infections, as in past eras. Fast food, overeating, stress, "sedentary" work and "couch" leisure have become the main enemies of man.

A whole generation of obese people has grown up and are doomed to type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteochondrosis and many other dangerous ailments. The asymptomatic period of these pathologies can drag on for years, during which the body's strength will slowly but surely be undermined. About the destructive activity of a hidden disease and will warn an increased body mass index.

In turn, a lowered BMI will signal another deviation from the norm - the painful exhaustion of a person. This state of affairs should also cause concern. An organism with an insufficient mass of body fat is not able to normally cope with its functions and resist diseases. Lack of adipose tissue may be a sign diabetes Type 1, osteoporosis, digestive disorders, breathing or mental problems.

In any case, the body mass index will allow you to catch yourself in time and start restoring your physical form. Of course, on the path to perfection, you will need to pull yourself together, get rid of bad habits, sacrifice destructive addictions. However, the game is worth the candle, because the most precious thing is at stake - your life.

How to calculate body mass index?

To find out this indicator, you need to determine your weight (in kilograms) and measure your height (in meters). Then the number indicating the weight should be divided by the number obtained by squaring the numerical expression for height. In other words, you need to use the formula that conveys the ratio of body weight to height:

BMI = M / R 2

(M - body weight, P - height in meters)

For example, your weight is 64 kg, your height is 165 cm, or 1.65 m. We substitute your data into the formula and get: BMI \u003d 64: (1.65 x 1.65) \u003d 26.99. Now you can turn to official medicine for the interpretation of BMI values:

  • it does not take into account the ratio of muscle and fat mass, so BMI will not be able to adequately reflect the state of health of a bodybuilder involved in building muscle potential: once he calculates the body mass index using the Quetelet formula, and according to the results, he will be in the company of loose fat men;
  • these calculations are not suitable for older people: for 60-70-year-old pensioners, somewhat overweight is not considered dangerous to health, so the BMI range for them can be extended from 22 to 26.

If you are not an elderly person and not a bodybuilder, then the Quetelet formula will quite cope with the assessment of the balance of your parameters. The magnitude of the error in this case does not interfere with understanding whether you are normal or not.

It should be borne in mind that the understanding of the medical community about the BMI norm may change over time. It already happened on the threshold of the third millennium, when the BMI index recommended by doctors dropped from 27.8 to 25. But Israeli scientists proved that a body mass index of 25-27 is optimal for men: with such an index, they are provided with the greatest life expectancy.

How to calculate body mass index online?

Our online calculator is your quick and accurate BMI calculator. You don't have to manually multiply and divide. The automatic program of the electronic calculator will save you from this puzzle.

Its working principle is simple and clear. You only need to take three steps:

  1. Enter your gender (for physiological reasons, BMI for women is usually lower than for men).
  2. Record your height (in centimeters) and weight (in kilograms).
  3. Enter the full number of your years in the appropriate field.

After filling out the entire form of the calculator, you should click the "Calculate" button. Having accepted the data from you, the program will immediately give the correct result with recommendations from experts.

You will learn what to do if your index is far from optimal or starts to move away from it. Even if you still have a normal BMI, do not neglect the wishes outlined here. Then in the future you will not have health problems.

To "blind" perfect figure would require a significant amount of time and effort. However, before embarking on this difficult task, go to the mirror and look at yourself critically, but with love. You can take a centimeter and measure all your circumferences, just don't draw any gloomy conclusions if you don't get 90-60-90.

Most likely, it really will not work out, but there is no tragedy in this. First, there are many things that can be fixed. Secondly, a lot of things may not need to be corrected.

Type of constitution

For example, anthropologists distinguish three main types of constitution (not to mention numerous transitional and intermediate variants). These three types are called: normosthenic, hypersthenic and asthenic.

A person with a hypersthenic constitution, most often of average or below average height, broad-boned, with relatively short arms and legs and a wide chest. Asthenik is tall, long-legged, with a narrow chest, as if directed upwards. Normostenik means “normal”: growth is average and everything else too.

You can quite accurately determine your constitutional type by the so-called intercostal angle, which is formed by the lowest costal arches. Stand in front of a mirror with your stomach in and your chest out, and see what your intercostal angle is (you can even take a large protractor and measure).

If it is approximately 90 degrees, then you are normosthenic. If this angle is sharp, less than 90 - you are asthenic, and if obtuse - hypersthenic. In the latter case, in particular, the successful disposal of excess weight can lead to a not very successful result: thinness will not decorate the hypersthenic, and some “excess” weight, on the contrary, will round off the somewhat square outlines of the figure.

Ideal weight is not a number on the scale, but an integral important component of your life.

Ideal weight

Your weight is ideal if:

  • It does not cause health problems (or potential risks);
  • It does not restrict you in your daily life, desires and needs;
  • You are satisfied with your body as it is, and at the same time you do not feel embarrassed;
  • You like your body and don't compare yourself to the people around you (or actors, singers, athletes, etc.).

There are various indicators and formulas that can determine the approximate weight range in which you may begin to develop health problems, as well as the weight you need to strive for in order to minimize or completely eliminate these problems.

Methods for determining excess weight

1. Determination of excess weight using scales

The simplest (and most approximate): height (in centimeters) minus 110. The resulting number (in kilograms) is ideal weight. However, this does not mean that “everything else” is superfluous.

There is the easiest and most accurate way to determine if you are overweight: just measure the crease on your stomach. For women, the allowable norm is 2-4 cm, but for men it is slightly less - 1 - 2 cm. Experts say that from 5 cm or more is obesity. True, unfortunately, in this case we will not see the exact result of how much we need to lose. This is just a kind of hint that it's time to sit down at the simulators and on a diet.

3. BMI - body mass index (Body Mass Index)

The so-called body mass index (BMI) has received general recognition. His calculation: Divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared. Example: BMI \u003d 68kg: (1.72m x 1.72m) \u003d 23. This formula is good because it works for both “kids” and “giants”.

The following BMI values ​​are distinguished:

less than 15- acute weight loss;
from 15 to 18.5- weight deficit;
from 18.5 to 24 - normal weight;
from 25 to 29- overweight;
from 30 - 40- obesity;
over 40- severe obesity.

4. Online ideal weight calculator

5. Scales that determine the percentage of body fat

But BMI does not speak about the distribution of kilograms on the body. Physique matters. With the same height and weight, one person will be slim and strong, the other full and loose. The ratio of muscle and fat is important, how many percent of the total body weight is fat mass, how much is muscle and bone, how much is water. The normal proportion of fat in the body of men is 12-18%, women - 18-25%.

Recently, devices have appeared to determine the percentage of body fat. In the process of bioelectrical analysis, a weak, absolutely safe electric current is passed through the body. The principle of analysis is based on the fact that an electrical impulse passes more easily through muscles and water than through fat. Now scales have appeared that include this technology, you can use them to regularly and more or less accurately measure at home not only your weight, but also the percentage of fat.

6. The formula for determining the really achievable weight

The formula is applicable for cases when a person begins to lose weight with a fairly large weight.

The calculation is carried out in two stages:

1. First determine your weight, as if you were the owner of a normal metabolism:

(45 kg) + (1 kg for each centimeter of height over 150 cm) + (0.5 kg for each year over the age of 25, but not more than 7 kg).

2. Then carry out a correction for a slow exchange:

Add from 4.5 to 7 kg;

Add another 4 to 7 kg (with an initial weight of about 90 kg);

A few more kilograms are added (with the initial weight, greatly exceeding 100 kg).

An example for a fifty-year-old lady with a height of 158 cm, weighing 90 kg today:

45 kg + 1 kg (158 cm - 150 cm) + 7 kg + 7 kg + 7 kg = 74 kg.

If our lady manages to bring herself up to 60 kg, then she is provided with all sorts of health troubles and an inevitable quick return to her original weight, plus a certain number of cheerful kilograms.

How does body weight affect health?

What does the number on the scale really mean? How does it relate to all the reasons why you want to lose weight? Perhaps you want to look more attractive, improve your health, fit into your favorite jeans or wear Nice dress, hanging in the closet for many years, improve your physical shape, return to your youth, or are you just more comfortable living with fewer kilograms? The number on the scale is not what determines your success or failure. There are so many ways to measure progress and success besides constantly monitoring the scale.

There is only one reason to talk about "normal" or "ideal" weight and that reason is your health.

which may subsequently lead to serious illnesses or even death. Although your specific weight may not be the cause of any diseases, it is definitely known that people whose weight is above or below the "normal" are much more susceptible to various health problems.

At the moment, there are several different formulas that allow calculate weight by height and age . But such tables are conditional, since many different factors influence the determination of the ratio of weight and height.

For example, with the same weight and height, one person may look normal, while the other is overweight.

Therefore, excess fat in the body is estimated not only by the above formulas, but also by the thickness of the skin folds and simply by appearance.

Calculate weight by height and age calculator

In fact, the concept of ideal weight is rather relative, because an indicator of an impeccable physique is not only weight, and there are no unified immutable rules of beauty.

Calculation of weight by height and age

The most accurate weighing result will help determine the electronic floor scales. If you have not yet acquired this necessary attribute for weighing or want to replace your scales with more modern and accurate ones, follow this link. You will find not only a huge range of floor scales, but you will also be able to choose the most attractive price for yourself.

For a long time, Brock's weight formula was popular, which helped to calculate the estimated weight-height ratio according to the following system: Height in centimeters minus 100 is equal to ideal weight.

However, recently these indicators have been revised and it is believed that this formula is more suitable for determining the weight by age of women 40-50 years old.

Women 20-30 years old should weigh 10-12% less than this indicator, and after the age of 50 years, the weight increases by 5-7%.

This is the easiest way to find out your ideal weight by height and age. Today, other formulas and tables that take into account physique are more often used.

To calculate the best indicator of body fat ratio, you need to calculate the percentage of fat and musculoskeletal tissue. For men, 9 - 15% of body fat is considered the norm, for women, the norm is 12 - 20%.

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One of the popular ways to determine the height-weight indicator is the Quetelet index or body mass index (BMI). This index helps to assess how underweight or obese, it is a good indicator of the amount of fat in the body, but does not indicate how this fat is distributed in the body.

The Quetelet Body Mass Index may not be accurate for teenagers, the elderly, pregnant and lactating women, and athletes. Most often, this index is used for adult men and women from 20 to 65 years.

Formula: body weight in kg divided by height in meters squared B / (P * P)
For example: height 180 cm, weight 75 kg. So 75: (1.8 * 1.8) = 23.1

At the same time, the normal figure for men is 19-25, for women - 19-24. Scores from 25 to 29.9 indicate overweight, 30 to 39.9 indicate obesity with a moderate risk of complications (II), and a score above 40 indicates obesity with a high risk of complications (grade III).

Consider another formula to help check the distribution of body fat:

The waist circumference at the level of the navel should be divided by the circumference of the buttocks.

For example: waist 70 cm, hips 105. So 70: 105 = 0.66
The norm for men is 0.85
For women - 0.65 - 0.85.

Weight by height and age

Another method to calculate the ideal weight for height is based on the interdependence of body weight and body type. The physique differs into three main types: aesthetic (thin-boned), normosthetic (normo-bone) and hyperstetic (broad-boned).

To determine your body type, you need to measure the circumference of your wrist. working hand: in normosthenics it is 16-18.56 cm, in anastenics it is less than 16 cm, and in hypersthenics it is more than 18.5 cm.

thin-boned the type differs in that the longitudinal dimensions of the body predominate over the transverse ones. Women of this physique have thin bones, weak muscles and long limbs, they are usually energetic and not disposed to overweight. People of this type are also called ectomorphs.

Normoosseous physique implies the proportionality of the main dimensions of the body, which makes the figure beautiful.

broad-boned the figure type is distinguished by a significantly larger transverse body size than that of normosthenics. Women of this type have heavy bones, chest, shoulders and wide hips, they tend to be overweight.

To calculate your ideal weight by height in grams, you need to multiply your height in centimeters by a weight-to-height factor that matches your age and body type. The recommended weight-to-height ratio (g/cm) is shown in this table.

In addition, age affects the determination of the ratio of height and weight. It has already been proven that with age, the mass of men and women should gradually increase and there is nothing to worry about. “Extra” kilograms may not be such - this is a normal physiological process.

The formula for calculating weight by height and age: Body weight \u003d 50 + 0.75 (P - 150) + (B - 20): 4
In this case, P is height and B is age in years.

Weight, height, age - table for men

In this table, the second and third columns indicate men and women aged 20-29 years, the fourth and fifth - 30-39 years, then 40-49, 50-59, 60-69 years, respectively.

Do you know how to calculate your ideal weight? Yes, you can use complex medical formulas and spend a lot of time. An online ideal weight calculator will do it in just 3 seconds! Enjoy!

You can calculate the ideal weight in kilograms, in each case, using special medical formulas. Why is this needed? Firstly, in order to properly monitor your own health, since extra pounds are not only an aesthetic, but also a medical problem. Secondly, to monitor the progress of weight loss or weight gain.

Online ideal weight calculator

Using a free online calculator, you can determine the weight rate for a representative of any gender and age in a few seconds.

How to calculate ideal weight

For many centuries of existence, mankind has created enough formulas to help you find out your ideal weight. All of them are great for determining the boundaries of underweight and overweight, but they differ in complexity and the set of necessary initial data. The simplest and at the same time informative is the Lorentz formula, which allows you to calculate the ideal weight by height. The people called it the "dream formula".

The Lorentz method was developed in 1929. Suitable for people over 18 years old, height from 140 to 220 cm. It has two options - for women and for men. An undoubted advantage is obtaining indicators close to the results of more complex and time-consuming calculation methods.

For woman

The only indicator that you need to know to calculate the ideal weight using this formula is height in centimeters. It is not difficult to make accurate measurements of growth: you need to stand with your back to the wall, make a mark at the level where the top point of the head (crown) will be located and measure the result with a centimeter tape.

Calculations ideal mass bodies are produced according to the following formula: (height in cm - 100) - (height in cm - 150) / 2.

Example: (170-100) - (170-150)/2= 70-20/2=60.

The ideal weight for a 170 cm tall woman is 60 kg.

For a man

The Lorenz method is quite informative for men as well. Again, in order to determine the norm of its own weight, it is enough for a man to know his height in centimeters exactly. The calculation goes like this: (height in cm - 100) - (height in cm - 150) / 4.

Example: (180-100) - (180-150) / 4 = 72.5.

The norm for a man with a height of 180 cm is 72.5 kg.

How to find out the normal weight of a child

Since there are formulas for calculating weight based on age, it is possible to determine the norm for a small child, a teenage girl, and a young man. Formulas for children are different from adults, since with age there are some changes in the rate of metabolic processes. You can calculate the normal weight of a child using a free one.

Making such calculations is no less important than for an adult, because by identifying the ideal weight of a teenager, you can adjust his diet and prevent weight gain in the future.