How I made a real Darth Vader costume: all my secrets and chips. Star Wars. DIY masks, crafts, accessories How to make a high helmet out of paper

For many, Darth Vader's costume is still a secret with seven seals. What is so unusual about it and why does Anakin even wear this bulky mountain of metal?

Indeed, if you only watch the movies and don't delve into the history of Star Wars, then his purpose remains vague until the very end. So what is a Darth Vader costume and how can you make it at home, for example, for a children's party?


Cloak. An ordinary black cloak without unnecessary frills and lotions.

Helmet. The most complex element, it reflects the whole essence of the dark Jedi, in which Darth Vader reincarnated. A suit without this element will be incomplete in any case, because it is he who maintains life and most of the functions of Vader's suit.

Shoulders. Heavy and more decorative than functional armor element. According to traditional ideas, Darth Vader's costume was made according to the drawings of the ancient armor of the Sith warriors and includes some of their elements.

Bib. The bio-cybernetic component of the suit, which includes life support systems, a closed breathing cycle, as well as a control system for the suit's exoskeleton.

Gloves, handguards, greaves and boots. Fully mechanized components that don't just keep Vader functioning within limits normal person, but also enhancing his physical strength at times.

Belt. The Darth Vader costume is a system that ensures the viability of its wearer no worse than the real one. Accordingly, the belt is not just an accessory, but a functional addition. It includes a medical module, and many diagnostic elements that allow the most accurate and subtle control of the suit wearer.

Light sword. Where without him? This sword is created by a concentrated, finite stream of ionized plasma, which has its own density, due to which it can be used both as a weapon and an auxiliary tool in many areas of life.

How to make?

A Darth Vader costume at home or artisanal is best made from light metal. Of course, some elements, such as a helmet or a sword, are best just bought at any specialized toy store, while a cloak, shoulder pads and other additional components of the kit can be made with your own hands. This is due to the fact that neither a helmet nor a sword can be made with high quality and at the same time at no extra cost at home. In the rest of the costume, there is nothing that would require any special knowledge or skills in the manufacture. The base (bib) is very easy to make by sewing an unnecessary microcircuit from a computer to a black turtleneck. A cloak is simply a piece of dense fabric trimmed around the edges. Greaves and armlets are made elementarily, by gluing and then painting metal components, gloves and unnecessary shoes.

And remember that the main color in the suit is black, which means that any deviation in the color scheme will simply spoil the quality and appearance your product.

A Darth Vader costume is a very good idea, whether it's a costume party, Halloween or gatherings with friends. You can save money and create a unique Vader costume at home.



    Search the internet for images of Darth Vader. Enter a query into a search engine like Google or Bing and look for pictures in which Darth Vader would be depicted in full growth, as well as up close. Consider the parts of the costume (mask, cloak, suit). Use these pictures to help you choose your outfit.

    Make a list of everything you need. You will need to collect all the necessary things, and some of them may not be at home. Break the costume into 6 parts: helmet, dark clothes, black boots, dark gloves, cape and accessories.

    • Decide what kind of costume you want to make: something realistic, something comfortable, or something quick and easy.
    • Think about what things you already have and what you need to buy.
  1. Buy inexpensive black clothes. Black is Darth Vader's signature color, and black clothing is an important element of his image. You can save money by buying clothes in a second-hand store. You will need a jacket or shirt with long sleeve, pants or trousers and socks.

    • When choosing clothes, consider where you will walk in a suit. If you plan to wear it down the street on Halloween, buy a thick warm clothes. If you'll be indoors, choose something light and airy so you don't get hot.
    • If you want to add armor and padding for a beefy effect, buy a size or two larger.
  2. Sew or buy boots and gloves. You will need thick black gloves and boots. Due to injury, Darth Vader does not show skin, including the skin of his hands and feet. Motorcycle gloves and boots are best because they are chunky, thick and usually black. Thick leather or faux leather gloves and/or cheap high top black boots would also work well. You can make overlays that mimic boots and put them on over boots. Below we describe the process:

    Darth Vader helmet

    1. Find or buy everything you need to make a papier-mâché helmet. Papier-mache is ideal for making a voluminous, empty inside, reliable and lightweight helmet. Of course, you can always buy a ready-made helmet in a toy or costume store, but making it out of papier-mâché is more interesting. You will need:

      • Newspaper
      • Papier-mâché mix (1 part flour to 5 parts water)
      • Pot
      • A bowl
      • 3-4 empty boxes from under the porridge
      • adhesive tape
      • Waste plastic container
      • Hot glue and glue gun
      • Black paint in a can
      • Spray varnish
    2. Make papier-mâché paste. Mix some of the flour and five cups of water in a saucepan. Let it boil for three minutes and cool. You will get a homogeneous mass without lumps.

      • You can mix equal parts water and flour and mix them thoroughly in a bowl.
      • Do not salt the mixture, as this will make the bonding process more difficult.
    3. Create the base for the helmet. You will need a balloon. Inflate it and put it in a plastic bucket so it doesn't move. Dip strips of newspaper into the paste and place on top of the ball. Let the first coat dry and then move on to the next.

      • Papier mache leaves a lot of dirt behind. Work on a flat surface (such as a table or kitchen floor), and cover the surface with old newspaper before you begin.
    4. Cut out shapes from the boxes with which you can model the face of Darth Vader. Cut out the most different figures(squares, rectangles, triangles, circles) and secure them to the papier-mâché base with duct tape or hot glue. When you've finished this job, add another layer of papier-mâché and let it dry.

      • Don't forget to make a visor that protrudes above the eyes and on the sides of the face.
      • Darth Vader breathes through a masked triangular respirator that covers his nose and mouth.
    5. Deflate the balloon and cut holes for the eyes and mouth. Carefully remove the bottom and back of the mask and pierce the balloon with a needle. Apply another layer of papier-mâché to even out rough edges and fill in holes. Let the papier mache dry before cutting out holes for the eyes and a hole for the mouth in the respirator.

      • Cut out strips from a discarded plastic container and glue them over your mouth to create breathing holes.
    6. Spray paint the helmet and add the finishing touches. Cover the entire helmet with black paint and varnish. Poke two holes in the back and thread the elastic through to keep the mask on your face.

      • When you're done, use hot glue to attach lenses from old sunglasses to the eye holes.

    Cloak of Darth Vader

    1. Take measurements. Measure yourself in three places: wearing shoes or boots, measure the distance from the neck to the floor; stretch your arms perpendicular to the body and measure the distance between the fingertips; measure the circumference of the neck at the base. With these measurements, go to the fabric store and ask the store staff to help you buy the right amount of fabric.

      • Leave a few centimeters on each edge for seams.
      • Fabric is usually sold by the metre.
    2. Choose a fabric and buy everything you need. You can see what options are available on the website or in the store itself. If you do not know how to use a sewing machine, you can use ready-made pattern options for different levels skill. Darth Vader's cloak differs from other cloaks in that it doesn't rustle. You need dense fabric, which will not flutter. To sew a raincoat, you will need:

      • At least a meter of heavy black fabric (so much fabric will be required to make baby costume, adult tissue will need more)
      • At least a meter of other fabric if you want to make a lining
      • Pattern on paper
      • Universal black thread
      • 5-8 centimeters Velcro
      • Pattern pencil or chalk
      • Sewing machine
    3. Transfer the pattern to the fabric and cut it out. Transfer the pattern to the fabric with a pencil or chalk. Adjust the pattern to fit your measurements (height from neck to floor and width with arms outstretched). Measure the circumference of your neck to determine the size of the collar, and add a few inches to make it comfortable. Then cut out the pattern.

      Overcast the edge of the collar and the bottom of the raincoat and sew on the Velcro. Overcast the edge of the collar and the bottom of the raincoat on sewing machine using a simple stitch. Fold a centimeter of fabric, then another one, secure with pins. Sew the fabric a few millimeters from the edge. When finished, iron the edges.

      • When taking measurements for a raincoat, leave a few centimeters for the seams. A beautiful edge will make the raincoat more durable and prevent the fabric from fraying.
      • Attach the collar by sewing or gluing 5-8 cm of Velcro on each side. If you have a heavy raincoat, you may need a wide velcro.

    Assemble the suit

    1. Give yourself 10-15 minutes to put on the entire suit. Try trying on each piece separately first to make sure they fit you. Adjust your suit before putting it on. Make sure you have everything you need to be Darth Vader: chest and back pads (optional), helmet, black long sleeve top and pants, black cape, black gloves, and black boots.

    2. Put on the pads first (optional). Overlays can be used as desired. They add volume and create the feeling of large muscles. You can use hockey or football equipment (shoulder and chest pads, shin guards and/or belt). In order not to rub the skin, you should put a T-shirt and shorts under the pads. First you need to put on a belt or modeling underwear. Then you need to fasten the shoulder pads so that it is comfortable (you will need an assistant). Finally tighten the shin guards.

      • The pads are quite massive, and they can restrict movement. If you haven't worn them before, try wearing them at home for several hours a couple of days in a row.
      • Use duct tape to secure pads that do not adhere well (attach to clothing, not skin).
      • Sports protection is expensive. If you don't have your own rubbers, ask your friends for them or look for them in second-hand stores.
    3. Put on black pants and a long sleeve shirt. This garment should be close to the body, but not too tight. If you choose not to wear overlays but want to appear bulkier, try wearing a thick top or layering a turtleneck. The same goes for pants: wear two pairs or pull the pants over your jeans.

      • A few layers of clothing will keep you warm if you plan on spending time outside.

A good gift for a fan of any movie is a realistic mask. star Wars- Darth Vader, X-Men - Wolverine, Fantastic Four - Doctor Doom, all these characters are popular, and their costumes are swept off the shelves.

The Dark Lord Darth Vader is perhaps the most popular character from the Star Wars epic. After the screening of this cult film, millions of people began to buy costumes of the master of evil. Of course, such a hype affected the cost of the costume, but why pay money for something that you can do with your own hands? Described below step-by-step instruction how to make a darth vader mask.

Necessary materials

To make a helmet you will need:

  • newspapers;
  • toilet paper;
  • food foil;
  • PVA glue;
  • pencil;
  • tassel;
  • scissors;
  • water;
  • thick cardboard (you can use old boxes);
  • scotch;
  • bandage;
  • lenses from old tinted glasses;
  • primer;
  • sandpaper;
  • black paint.

Making the base

In order for the mask of Darth Vader to be universal in size, it is necessary to make a special base. Ideal for this fit the head of a mannequin or inflated to the size of the head balloon. We wrap the layout with foil and, if necessary, fasten the ends with tape.

The next layers are made according to the papier-mâché method, you need to use single-layer and two-layer toilet paper, newspapers. Strictly adhere to the specified sequence. When all layers have been applied, give the base enough time to dry.

Additional details

The mask of Darth Vader consists of many parts that must be made separately, and then fixed to the base. Draw on cardboard necessary elements. So, if they are small, then you will need adhesive tape to connect them. After they are prepared, you should draw the markup on the basis. To do this, you need a pencil and the exact dimensions of the parts. Using glue, we fasten the prepared cardboard parts, adhering to the markings. In this case, this is the visor of the helmet and the frame in the mouth area.

Fixing additional details

After the cardboard parts are attached to our blank, we cover the helmet with layers of papier-mâché, as at the beginning. But, given that the mask of Darth Vader has a complex structure, the steel parts are attached only at this stage. If you have a gun with silicone glue on hand, then this step will become easier. After the final fixing of the last details, we apply a single-layer toilet paper, and on top of it - a bandage or gauze. Then it is necessary to impose a two-layer toilet paper. Leave the workpiece to dry completely.

The last step in making the base

So, our workpiece is already quite hard, but for greater strength it must be coated with a primer. The layer should not be too thick, otherwise it will dry for a very long time. Putty is suitable for this stage, which must be applied to all closed parts of the helmet.

Holes for the eyes and mesh (at the level of the mouth) should be covered with this substance only at the edges. After complete drying, the future mask of Darth Vader is sanded with sandpaper. It is at this stage that all irregularities and roughness need to be corrected, because it will be too late to do this further.


It may seem that painting is the easiest step, but this is a delusion. The paint from the first application will not be as it should be, you should be patient. If you have chosen a spray can for staining, then you should remember the area of ​​\u200b\u200bit spraying and that the product can get into unnecessary places. The ideal option will choose car paint, as it is denser than ordinary paint, and the service life is longer. If you have ordinary black paint lying around your house, then it will fit without problems. It is advisable to apply no more than two layers, each of which must dry completely before the next application. The final stage of painting is varnishing, which is what we do, the number of layers is also no more than two. So, the helmet is almost ready, it remains to let it dry thoroughly and add a couple of details.

Installing lenses and reticle

We have almost everything ready, and it remains only to fix the lenses and the grid into the prepared holes. Glasses from old glasses are suitable as lenses, the main condition is that they be black or as dark as possible. With the help of glue we fix them in the holes that were cut out in advance and processed at all stages.

We have the last unfinished section left - holes for the nose and a grill for the mouth.

On the inside of the helmet, it is necessary to glue a mesh, preferably a metal one. But in the absence of such, the usual one is also suitable, only it should be painted black in advance. It is necessary to fix from the inside by gluing the corners tightly to avoid scratches. Indeed, in the case of a metal mesh, it will be quite painful. And only after that we can safely say that the mask of Darth Vader, made with your own hands, is ready for use! It remains to try it on, and you can go to the dark side.

Hello dear friends! Elena Rouvier is with you!

The Force is with us today as I share all of my tricks with you to create an awesome Darth Vader cosplay. This is my favorite character from , so despite the complexity of the costume, I would not choose another! And who is your favorite character? Let me know in the comments, I'd love to know!

In 2013 I challenge myself to make 4 high quality cosplays in 6 months!

A few days before New Year's Eve 2012, I suddenly stumbled upon a site where I found out that in July 2013 there will be Star Wars Celebration ! I immediately got the idea to go there! And not just go, but as your favorite character! All the members of my family also wanted to go to Star Wars with me and chose their characters! And now there is even more work! I had to hurry to get started!

Well, what characters did my husband and kids choose, I’ll tell you now: the husband is Darth Maul, the eldest son is a Jedi, and the youngest was still 2 and a half years old, so I chose Emperor Palpatine for him!

I will definitely tell you about the creation of these cosplays in other articles! Stay tuned and subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss out!

Search for information

Come up with a cool project, that's one thing! And then you still need to find all the necessary materials to implement it! Since I had never cosplayed before, there were few ideas. How can I do all this? After all, I only made knightly costumes before! Well, I wove chain mail ... But it didn’t help me in any way!

Fortunately, my faithful friend Google helped me! I was able to find almost all the necessary information on the Internet! Of course, mostly on English-language sites. The best of them was Sith Training Temple , which by the way means "Temple for training the Sith"!

Also, this book is very helpful:

pattern for lengthening gloves. And exactly the same as the one used in the Lucasfilm studio!

Armor of the Dark Lord of the Sith

Creation of a bust for armor

Before I started sculpting, I decided to make bust according to size in order to later have a good support for sculpting my armor.

So, for this, I had to ask my husband to wrap around me. plaster bandages. I had to sit, wait with this terrible kind of mummy until everything dries up! Of course, I did it in two stages: first in front, then behind.

After that, I pinned these two shapes together and filled in all the empty space. mounting foam. That's all ! I forgot the whole thing for 2 days to dry well.

And behold, I received excellent cast of his bust.

Modeling from plasticine

My sculptural work could finally start! To do this, I cut out "patterns" according to the patterns that I found on the English site Sith Training Temple.

Plasticine has one interesting property: when it is cold, nothing really can be molded from it! And since I worked in the winter, then I had to heat it up with a hair dryer.. In the summer, it would be enough to leave the clay for 10 minutes in the sun, and it would immediately succumb to modeling!

So, I put a piece of plasticine on the table and started crush it with a rolling pin like dough! It’s good that the smell of plasticine is mineral, otherwise it would have bitten! I leveled this layer of plasticine about 1 cm thick. It turned out nice and smooth!

After that, I also crushed and leveled another piece of plasticine, but this time thinner, for the details that will be added to the base.

In the middle, I had to do oblong hole, into which I then pasted an oblong leather shape.

And of course, on the back, I also glued a piece of leather, since my products are always made with the greatest accuracy.


Since Darth Vader's boots are simple and don't have any special features, I bought a pair of riding boots. Simple and convenient! All right!


I had to wear Rubies vinyl gloves to the first convention, Star Wars Celebration, in Essen, because I couldn't do everything in 6 months. Hands in them constantly sweat, and it’s not comfortable at all: too big, how something needs to be done, gloves must be removed, ...

So, when I found some time to redo the gloves, I bought a pair of gloves from thin skin and cut out patterns for lengthening, and then pieces of leather. After that, I had to sew parallel lines on the skin and sew the extension to the gloves themselves.

For sewing leather, I bought especially strong threads that cannot be torn with my hands like that! I want everything to be of high quality and for a long time!

Here is the result:

Having tested my new gloves many times, I confirm that there is nothing better than leather gloves that fit true to size! I never had to take them off all day!


One day, I'll make my own lightsaber after I find my crystal! In the meantime, I'm quite satisfied with my sword, the Hasbro Force FX company.

With this, my long article on the implementation of the costume of the most powerful Sith Lord ends. All you have to do is wear it and enjoy! I would be glad if you share your opinion in the comments!

Of course, I also invite you to subscribe to blog updates. And of course, share this article with your friends!

See you soon on elenarou's blog. May the Force be with you.

Well, it's time to make the helmet of Darth Vader with your own hands.

Gather an army of clones, charge your blasters, it's time to go to the dark side and sit on the throne of the entire galaxy! But, for starters, of course, we should have made Darth Vader's helmet with our own hands. This is where we will start, especially to enslave the world, we will still need to assemble an army of clones and other striking force of Star Wars from paper.

The helmet of Darth Vader takes up 21 pages in pepakura, but is this the amount for a mighty emperor, especially since the details in the scan are very compact. Praise to the author of the model! By the way, despite the obvious coolness of the helmet, it is relatively easy to assemble. Although there are some assembly quests there, especially on the last three pages, where there are all sorts of tubes, ends ... but I think valerian is not required. So start the printer soon, sharpen the scalpel, and forward to world domination!

DIY Darth Vader helmet -

By popular demand, we are posting a few more scans so that everyone can choose the option they like and make Darth Vader's helmet with their own hands.

The second version of Darth Vader's helmet made of paper has a higher polygonality and is also more detailed - there is already a relief grille and round tubes. To simplify the strengthening stage, there are spacers (so that the model does not lead). Even though Vader's pdo helmet takes up 28 pepakura pages, it's worth noting that the details are sparingly arranged.

Paper Darth Vader Helmet -

In the third version, the model of Darth Vader's helmet is presented in front of us in separate parts. Some argue that this is the simplest sweep in existence, but whether this is so is up to you. The dimensions of the helmet are adapted to the average head of a person with a good margin for strengthening. If you strengthen from the outside, then you can even reduce the model a little.

The fourth version of the helmet of Darth Vader pdo does not stand out from the rest, except perhaps for the lack of eye sockets. It is also worth noting that if you choose this particular reamer, then most likely you will have to slightly increase its size so that it fits on your head for sure. But before that, it is better to familiarize yourself with how to do this - the articles have two manuals on this topic. Well, for the rest - now you have wide choose and which option to glue - you decide