How to wear a watch for a man. How to wear a long sleeve watch? Basic rules for wearing a watch

How to wear wrist watch? This question torments almost all persons who decide to purchase this accessory, which certainly requires attention and careful attitude.
If we delve into this issue more specifically, it is worth noting that a watch is not just an accessory and a tool that allows a person to navigate in time, but also a faithful assistant that helps to emphasize the status and image of a person, and sometimes even create it.
Firstly, before figuring out how to wear a watch, you need to understand the question of what watch to wear, because not everyone will suit this or that color palette, as well as the material from which this or that technique is made.
Let's dwell on this issue in more detail.

Which watch is more comfortable to wear, on a belt or with a bracelet?

To begin with, a person must find out what kind of watch he is going to wear, and only then - how.
Belt watch- quite comfortable, well and tightly sit on the hand, it is convenient to adjust the position. But is everything as good as it seems? Not really. Firstly, the belt is characterized by such an unpleasant feature as a change in color from an unfavorable environment, so before choosing a watch that you would like to wear, first decide for yourself whether it will be convenient for you personally, because they require good care. Among other things, even the highest quality belts can wear out over time, their integrity can be broken and changed.

Bracelet watch- beautiful, status, the color scheme of the dial is preserved and transferred to the product encircling your hand. True, adjusting the width of the bracelet will not be as easy as in the case of a belt, this is firstly. Secondly, these watches tend to ruin the edges of a shirt, sweatshirt or sweater. It is common for this product to fade from time to time due to the same unfavorable environment, they require care.


It is worth dwelling more on the concept of fashion and style. First, when you wear a watch, try to remember that this or that product does not always match the appearance of the owner. So, for example, G-shock watches sports style will simply simply look unacceptable under a classic suit, no matter what their cost is. They are more likely to look more neat in the style of "Smart", "Sport", or in the usual everyday (jeans and shirt).
By the way, it's nice to realize in such situations that a classic watch will fit, in fact, under any appearance. Thus, a classic gray product, for example, the same Casio Steel Back, will look quite decent and expensive in combination with a black suit.

generally accepted rules

It is clear that each person is the creator of his own style and the magician of his life. But if you prefer to follow generally accepted rules and regulations (which, in general, is the right direction), then this item will be just right for you.
Firstly, the most important rule is the rule left right hand". It says that a right-handed person should wear a watch on the wrist of the left hand, and a left-hander on the wrist of the right.
Secondly, a person must correctly adjust the length of the bracelet or strap of his watch.

Thus, they should not hang up and down much, but at the same time they should not pinch the hand. Here it is worth choosing a business middle. Your little finger should fit between the strap (or bracelet).
When you are still buying a watch, note on the case and dial. The case should not be very massive, as it is simply unacceptable for people with a more or less normal wrist, such products are intended for models with a small handle. And a tiny dial on a man with a wide bone would not look very good.
The watch should either half or completely peek out from under the cuff of the shirt. If this does not work out, look for the reason either in one or in the other. It is unacceptable to put them on over clothes and cling to the sleeves.

When a gentleman wants to look the best way, he will often wear a good suit. Choosing for yourself suitable image, you need to pay attention to every detail, from the belt, to socks and shoes. Each costume accessory must be combined with all other elements, uniting into a single ensemble. One of the most important aspects of this look is a stylish watch that every man should have. A watch can tell a lot about its owner, so you should never lose sight of this detail. Always keep your finger on the pulse fashion trends in the world of men's watches. In this article, I'll show you how to pair the perfect watch with the perfect suit.

Watch size

Many of today's expensive watches are oversized, taking up the entire wrist. They may look good, but they won't always be perfect when paired with a suit. The perfect watch for a stylish suit is always a smaller size, fully matching the tailored shirt. The watch should slip easily under the cuff of the shirt and should never be worn over the cuff. If you were to ask the opinion of a large group of watch lovers, most would say that a watch with a diameter of 40 mm would perfect size for the costume.


The most acceptable material for a suit watch is an 18 kt gold case with a black or brown leather strap. Watches like the A. Lange & Sohne Lange 1 have a classic, sleek look that complements a tailored suit perfectly.

However, it is also quite acceptable to wear a watch with a stainless steel case, such as the Rolex Explorer, or the Rolex Air King.

Never wear a watch with a rubber strap under your suit. Watches with rubber straps are intended for diving or other sporting purposes, but are never worn with a jacket.

Watch color

When wearing a black suit, it is better to wear a watch with a black or white dial and a black leather strap. Case material can be anything, whether it is 18 kt yellow gold, or white gold, or even stainless steel. A model like the Piaget Altiplano would be perfect for this look.

By choosing as an accessory a brown leather belt with a brown leather shoes, you should definitely pick up a watch with a brown leather strap. If you need specific watch ideas for a suit, then here are a few options:

Brequet Classique

Any Breguet watch from the Breguet Classique series will be perfect under the road stylish suit. The watch has a beautiful classic design that does not distract attention, but rather complements the perfect image.

Cartier Tank Solo

The sleek, rectangular shape of the Cartier Tank Solo makes it a great dress watch. The model has different sizes, so you can easily choose the option just for you.

Jaeger LeCoultre Reverso

Like the Cartier Tank Solo above, the Jaeger LeCoultre Reverso is rectangular in shape. This watch has a beautiful 18 kt pink gold case and a black leather strap.

Rolex Date Watch

Rolex has a watch for every purpose. This Rolex Date was created specifically for a suit. The yellow gold case and bracelet exude the class and sophistication of a luxury watch.

When choosing the perfect suit and accessories for a formal event, it is important to choose the most appropriate watch. The whole ensemble can depend on them. Use these helpful tips by choosing a watch to match your suit to find your ideal model.

A watch has long turned from a device that measures time into a stylish accessory and an indicator of the status and respectability of its owner.

Therefore, it is especially important to know how to wear a watch correctly and how to match it to the image so as not to look ridiculous, but to create exactly the impression that you want.

Fashion trends 2017

How designers suggest wearing watches in 2017:

Which hand should I wear the watch on?

The point of view is widespread that from men and women the rules good manners require the watch to be worn in a specific hand. But this is absolutely not true. The only thing that should be guided in this matter is your feelings. Consider how comfortable it is for you to wear them on your right or left hand.

However, there are several theories on this.

  • Utility.

adherents recommend that right-handers wear watches on the left hand, and left-handers on the right. This decision is more than justified, because you can specify the time without looking up from the main activity in which the dominant hand participates. If you put a watch on her, then writing, working on a computer, doing housework will be simply inconvenient.

Now the fact that people are divided into right-handers and left-handers is taken into account even by manufacturers. Special models appeared on sale, in which the control buttons and the winding head are located on the left side of the case, which is much more convenient for left-handers. There are also options that, in principle, do not require a plant, universal and suitable for everyone.

  • Mystical.

In accordance with the ancient Chinese philosophical system "Fukuri", on the outside of the wrist, just below the thumb, just in the place where the bracelet or watch strap falls, there are important biologically active points responsible for human health.

The correct impact on them can put in order the liver, bronchopulmonary system, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system.

Wrong - cause significant harm to the body and even serve as a direct cause of premature death.

The most important of these, affecting the heart, is called "Cun" and is located on the left hand of men and the right hand of women. Therefore, the watch, depending on gender, should not be worn on this hand, so as not to accidentally stop your own heart.

  • Psychological.

Your subconscious is also involved in choosing a hand. The right one is more often chosen by people whose all thoughts are directed to the future - they are energetic in implementing their own ideas and plans, are not afraid of possible obstacles, and have an active life position. This hand is also preferred by creative individuals and representatives of relevant professions.

The left is chosen by introverts, deeply immersed in themselves and dreamy natures. This is due to the fact that subconsciously the words "right" and "left" are associated, respectively, with the future and the past.

In the first case, a person thinks more about what he can do with the time he has left, in the second, he sorts through his memories, concentrating on how much time has already been spent.

And yet, on which hand to wear a watch?

For men Business Etiquette in this matter is categorical: only and exclusively on the left.

In addition, men are by nature more conservative, serious and do not like change. Even left-handers, for whom this is not very convenient, prefer this option. The right is chosen by young people with a rebellious mentality, trying to reshape the world for themselves.

Women are more fortunate in this respect. There are no mandatory requirements. The only thing they are guided by when solving this issue is their own taste and sense of style. The only exceptions are ladies who hold a high "male" position or prefer office clothes in a conservative style.

Why is the watch worn on the left hand - video

Certain requirements on how to properly wear a watch with a shirt, etiquette imposes only on a man. You can wear them over your clothes only if you are going to spend time in an informal setting. At work, a business meeting and the like, the watch should definitely be hidden under the cuff of a long-sleeved shirt. It should be loose enough to cover them without causing discomfort. Be guided by the following: when you raise your hand, the cuff easily slides off your wrist and slightly opens the watch.

For ladies, there is no such restriction. Based on the cut of the clothes, they can fasten the watch both on the long sleeve, fitting the wrist, and under it.

In addition, ladies can afford to wear a watch on a glove. It looks especially elegant when worn Evening Dress maxi lengths and lace or satin gloves about the elbow.

Watches and jewelry

Girls are most often interested in how to combine watches and other jewelry. Previously, it was considered acceptable to wear only bracelets, earrings and chains in the presence of a watch, exactly repeating the color of the metal of the watch case and bracelet. Now this rule is relevant only for formal ceremonial events and a business dress code.

Watch on the wrist

Watches with a metal bracelet or leather strap worn on the arm are the most common option.

The model for men must be selected so that it fits to the wrist and does not slip when the hand is raised, but also does not rub, does not tighten, causing inconvenience. It is easy to check this: a finger freely passes under a watch with a bracelet or strap in a buttoned form.

Women wear watches as they like: on the wrist, on the forearm, loosely hanging, tight-fitting, on a dangling bracelet.

The only exception is a strict classic business suit. Here the only way- male, in this case, bright colors, rhinestones, silicone straps, fancy bracelets, hanging key rings are out of place.

watch on a chain

A pocket watch on a chain is a predominantly male accessory. But recently they are also used by ladies who prefer vintage style in clothes. How to wear them:

Long strap watch

A watch with a long strap that wraps around the wrist 2-3 times is a real hit in 2017. A classic thin leather strap is appropriate for a business look, everyone else can choose from the following options.

The watch is an indispensable assistant, a great gift and a good investment. They combine the functions of a personal chronometer, a stylish accessory and even, sometimes, a family heirloom that is inherited.

Almost everyone wears them: some to emphasize the fragility and grace of women's wrists, others to subtly hint at status, and others for purely practical reasons. Despite this prevalence, the watch still raises many questions. How to wear a watch correctly? On which hand is a watch worn according to etiquette? How and why to choose a watch? Let's clarify the situation.

How to wear a watch for a man

According to etiquette, men can afford to decorate their wrist with only one accessory - a watch, moreover, the combination with the style of clothing and the event is very important. The business style does not provide for a deliberate, catchy design, as well as hours with music. An informal friendly meeting is not a reason to wear a strict, official watch model. In this case, you can simply refuse them.

In addition, it is considered bad form to look at the clock while talking or receiving guests. So you make it clear to the interlocutor that he is not interested, and you want to say goodbye to him as soon as possible.

Now about the cost of hours. The unspoken rule of the business world says that the watch must correspond to the two-month earnings of its owner, moreover, it is customary to change the accessory every 5 years.

How to wear a watch on your hand

Wrist size is the main criterion to be guided by. An overly massive watch on a fragile hand looks ridiculous, or vice versa - a tiny watch on a rather wide one. Ideally, the watch case should not exceed the width of the wrist, but also exactly cover it, creating a single whole.

On which hand to wear a watch for men, it mainly determines the convenience and functionality, while women are guided, first of all, by the harmonious combination of watches and other jewelry on their hands.

On which hand is the watch worn?

Community values ​​are a powerful thing. Everyone knows that it is customary to wear a watch on the left hand. Why is that?

The first theory is rational. The habit of wearing watches in free, less working hand, in order to avoid damage to them - it is quite logical. In addition, fasten the strap and bring the mechanism (usually located with right side dial) is more convenient with the right hand. However, now, taking care of 15% of left-handed consumers, it is not difficult to find a watch with a left-hand mechanism.

An interesting fact is that from the middle of the twentieth century pickpockets began to wear watches on their right hands in order to identify each other. Thus, decent citizens who knew about this conspiracy, changing their watches on their right hands, could protect themselves from theft.

Theory two - energy. Ancient Chinese teaching says that there are three extremely important energy points on the wrists of a person. According to the pulsation of these points, healers can learn about the state of various organs and systems of the body. The symmetrical and rhythmic pulsation of these centers is the key to health, longevity, strength and vigor. So - the Cun point is considered the most important, as it is responsible for the work of the heart.

In addition, the Chinese are sure that the male cun point pulsates on the left wrist, while that of women on the right. The conclusion is that wearing a watch at the site of the pulsation of the heart center is harmful, therefore it is recommended for men to use the opposite right hand for watches, and for women - the left.

Of course, one can be very skeptical of this theory, but how can one explain the fact that quite often the time of the stop of the wristwatch mechanism coincides with the cardiac arrest of their owner?

The third theory is psychological. Psychologists have noticed that the hand on which a girl wears a watch can tell about her attitude to life. Independence and purposefulness, clarity of goals and strong-willed character are demonstrated by those who are used to wearing watches on their working hand. It is believed that the development of these traits can also be subconsciously stimulated by wearing a watch on the right hand (respectively, the left hand for a left-hander.) This fact can be explained by the psychology of perception. Looking to the left, we see the past, we focus on the lost time, on what we did not have time to do. Looking to the right subconsciously directs thoughts into the future, stimulates activity and efficiency.

How to actually wear a watch and whether to wear them at all? Whether to listen to theories or trust convenience and intuition is up to you and only you.

Wristwatches, of course, are worn on the arm, and not somewhere in a bag or pocket. They are worn on the wrist and add extras to your look. But, it turns out, not everything is so simple. Even wristwatches need to be able to be worn correctly so as not to get into a mess and not be distinguished by a lack of taste.

On which hand is the watch worn?

Men and women think that they should wear watches different hands, not in vain, because the fasteners in their clothes are made in different ways. But, in fact, the meaning of the sexes has nothing to do with the choice of the hand on which to wear the watch. Each person has the right to choose the hand for the clock, which he considers necessary. True, often, right-handers prefer the left hand, and left-handers, respectively, vice versa. This is due to the fact that if the leading hand is busy with business, then on the free hand it will always be possible to see the time. At least it's really convenient.

Watch bracelet density

You can see that some watches tightly clasp the wrist, while others, on the contrary, the strap move more than freely. But how is it right?

It turns out that a watch should fit tightly on a man's hand. They should completely wrap around the wrist so that they do not ride on the arm when moving. A finger should fit between the strap and the hand, because if traces remain after the watch, this is also not entirely true.

Women can almost always wear watches as they please. They can be fastened to the forearm, can be rolled onto the hand, or they can be fastened as tightly as men.

Watch and long sleeve

Men often wonder if they can wear a watch over a shirt cuff. Sometimes they can afford it, but only if they go to an informal event. And if this is a business style, then the watch should be fastened exclusively on the wrist. Otherwise, others will not understand such a masculine style.

But women can wear watches, both on the wrist and on the cuff. The whole point is that Women's shirts are always cut in such a way that they fit the hand tightly. Hiding a watch under a similar cut will not be too beautiful and completely inconvenient. But, on the contrary, it is quite possible, and indeed, why wear a watch that you have to hide?

Wrist watch design

Previously, it was believed that the color of the watch should completely match the color of the decoration. Now sticking to the rule in everyday life does not make sense. Firstly, watch designers like to experiment and combine several colors in one accessory. Secondly, the choice of watches is now so large that it can be quite difficult to choose one accessory that suits all outfits.

Therefore, if the event is going to be official, it still makes sense to maintain a strict style and pick up a watch that will match all other accessories. If it is work or personal time, you can allow yourself to experiment.