How to sew a small cloth doll. Slavic dolls - amulets for different occasions with your own hands. selection mk. The goat was usually portrayed by one of the guys. They put on a sheepskin coat turned inside out with fur, smeared his face with soot, put on any hat to which

This MK for sewing a doll from fabric from Elizaveta Titova is suitable for beginner needlewomen, but those craftswomen who have experience can find a couple of interesting points here.


● fabric (when creating the MC, Korean cotton was taken)
● doll pattern
● scissors, thread, sewing machine, pencil
● buttons
● bamboo skewer
● stuffing stick (can be Chinese for sushi)
● stuffing material (holofiber was used here)

According to this pattern, a doll with a height of ~ 24 cm should be obtained. Do not sew up the places marked with a dotted line. The way the equity goes is marked on the pattern with arrows.

Fold the fabric face inward to transfer the pattern onto it. The author of MK made blanks for two dolls at once, a piece of material 45 × 35 cm was enough for her. Leave 5 mm allowances everywhere except for the head and neck - they need 1 cm allowances. Sew all parts of the dolls on a typewriter (stitch length 1.5 mm), excluding the head. Do not forget to leave holes - later you will turn out the details with them.Cut out the parts of the head.

Sew tucks on them, fold front side inside and sew along the contour, leaving an opening for eversion (it is located between the darts).

Cut out the details. You will need zigzag scissors for this. If they are not, just make notches in rounded places. Sew the toe on the legs. Now it's time to turn everything out.

Stuff the head and body as tightly as possible. You need to sew up the stuffing hole that you left in the head. Insert a bamboo skewer into the neck of the doll with the sharp side down, stopping approximately in the middle, break it off, leaving about 2 cm. Leave the chip - it will still come in handy.

Try on the head to the body and make a mark on the back of the head where you will later insert the skewer. Make a small hole like in the photo

1. With a piece of skewer, slide the stuffing to the sides through it. Straighten all seams. You can also add padding if needed, as shown in the photo.

2. Attach the head to the body as shown.

3. Sew it to the neck in a circle with a blind seam - it will not be visible later from under the hair (Figure 4).

Due to its direction of the lobar thread, the head seems to be slightly elongated upwards.

If you cut it the other way around, it will be shorter and wider, as in photo 5. In the 6th photo you can see from the side what the head will turn out to be.

Stuff the toe and heel on your feet. Draw your fingers on them with a pencil. Through the stuffing hole, insert the needle and thread into one of the drawn lines and begin to pull the fabric with a seam back to the needle with tiny stitches.

Do this with all fingers. The legs also need to be stuffed very carefully, sewing up the hole left earlier with a hidden seam.

The same applies to the fingers on the hands. To make it easier to stuff and turn them, you will need a wooden stick. Stuff your hands to the middle. Next, photo 2 shows how to put your hands and make a mark on them where the fasteners will be. Thread the thread in two additions into the needle, tie a knot and insert it into the attachment point, leading out into the stuffing hole, as in picture 3. Sew on the button, Through the stuffing hole, insert the needle into the attachment point from the inside out, as in the 4th photo. Pull the thread and hide the button inside your hand. Cut off the end of the thread where the needle is. Now the button should be inside, and there will also be two ends of the threads on the front side - with and without a knot. Stuff your hands lightly to the end and sew up the stuffing opening with a blind stitch. The result should be like in picture 6.

If this is difficult for you, you can do another option - immediately fill your arms completely and do them with the buttons out, like at the legs.

Set the toy's arms and legs aside - it's time to paint the doll's face.

To do this, you need several materials and tools:

● dark blue, light blue, white and black acrylic;
pencil, eraser;
synthetic brushes No. 4 and No. 1;
red-brown and white pastel pencils, as well as two different sepia light shades, one is lighter than the other;
pastel crayons - white and peach shade;
● sandpaper;
● water;
spray matt varnish.

Lightly mark two circles on your face with a pencil - this will be the iris. To make it smoother, you can circle the buttons, as in picture 1. Next, draw whites, eyelids, arches of the eyebrows, as in photo 2, nose and lips (picture 3). Circle the eyebrows, the middle of the eyelids, the contours of the squirrel, the lips, the nostrils with a sepia pastel pencil (picture 4).

With a lighter sepia pencil, draw the contours of the eyes, lips, nose. Paint over the lips with a red-brown pastel pencil, and draw the top of the nose with it (picture 1). With brush number 4, you need to shade all the lines. Paint over the eyelids with white pastel, the tip of the nose, and outline the highlights on the lips (picture 2).

Draw squirrels with white acrylic, draw an iris with blue, blue can be mixed with blue. Draw the pupils in black. Add some white to the blue acrylic and circle the bottom of the iris. Again dilute the color with white to brighten the iris even more, as in photos 3 and 4.

Dilute Blue colour white but light blue hue and brush number 1, apply thin strokes to the iris (picture 1). Mark the highlights with white acrylic (picture 2). Rub the peach and white crayons on the sandpaper, mix (picture 3) and apply a blush on the cheeks with a large brush. Circle the contours of the eyes with the darkest pastel pencil, draw eyelashes. Using a nearly dry brush, apply white highlights to lips and nose. Fix the result with spray varnish.

Now you need to sew on the legs.

They will need to be sewn on with buttons. Tighten tightly and tie knots, hiding the ends of the threads in the body.

Sew on your hands.

The long end of the thread without a knot must be inserted into one shoulder, the end of the thread from the second hand into the other shoulder. Tie the ends of the threads tightly, tightly pulling your arms close to your body. Hide the ends of the thread inside it.

Since ancient times, folk dolls in Rus' have occupied a special place, because life is impossible without holidays, the performance of rituals, the preparation of national costumes and the use of various objects of applied art. Dolls were made not only for children, their main role was ritual.

A bit of history

The history of the folk doll, which was used on holidays or when performing folk rituals, is rooted in those years when there was paganism in Rus'. Long before the Baptism of Rus', the Slavs celebrated the resurrection of Dazhdbog every spring, baked Easter cakes, which were then sacrificed to him. Even then, pysanka was a magical amulet of the ancient Slavs.

According to historians, with the introduction of the Orthodox religion, each pagan holiday gradually acquired a Christian meaning: the ancient holiday Kolyada ( winter solstice) became Christmas, Kupala ( summer solstice) - the feast of John the Baptist, Christian Easter coincided with the spring Slavic holiday, which had the name Velikden. The tradition of painting Easter eggs and baking Easter cakes also came from the ancient celebrations of the Great Day.

From there, the tradition of making ceremonial Easter dolls and winding dolls, which are considered the most powerful amulets for women, also appeared.

Varieties of dolls

The life of a Russian, and indeed of any other people, is impossible without rituals with national costumes, holidays and folklore. Antique dolls have always been made from various items that were at hand: straw, tree branches, pieces of cloth, rope, moss.

The types of folk dolls in Rus' were as follows:

  1. Ritual - were made to participate in rituals (agricultural, wedding, festive).
  2. Charm dolls were made from ashes, pieces of cloth, birch twigs. The main rule in their manufacture was the lack of tools. Such dolls were made for a specific person or family, usually without a face (it was believed that a faceless doll could not harm people).
  3. A play folk doll was made from materials found in the house (remnants of clothing), no larger than a fist.

play baby dolls

Play folk dolls were made for young children to have more fun with them. They were made only from natural materials: grass, cones, clay, charcoal, moss and fabrics. All dolls had to be faceless so that the soul could not move into them, and they could not be used for witchcraft. Game baby dolls have always been protective to protect the child from evil spirits. Traditional rag dolls made especially for children had their own names:

  • Ash doll - the first baby dolls were made from ash, which was taken from the hearth, then mixed with water and rolled into a ball - a head was obtained; such dolls were considered a strong amulet for a child.
  • A friend doll was made so that the child was not afraid to stay at home alone (for example, a “bunny on a finger”, a bird, twist dolls). Such a doll (folk) is a toy that was made by a grandmother together with her granddaughters, a mother together with her daughters, teaching them and at the same time accustoming them to creativity and hard work.
  • A bird doll was made from a piece of bright fabric in the shape of a square, giving the shape of a bird with the help of tying with threads. Such birds are made small and hung in the corners of the house or above the baby's bed.
  • Swaddling - a doll, swaddled with cloth, was placed in a cradle for a baby to take on all the misfortunes from evil spirits.
  • Senya-Malina - a doll with a red-sunny mane, conveying the image of a handsome peasant in a bright shirt, was popular in the villages of Northern Pomerania, various fairy tales were written about him and called northern Munchausen.

rag dolls

Starting from the age of five, the girls themselves began to “twirl” their dolls under the guidance of their grandmother or mother. A folk rag doll was made from woolen or cotton pieces of fabric, linen and multi-colored ribbons and threads. It was necessary to make a rag doll only with a good mood, love. According to tradition, it was also customary to sing and talk, make a wish.

Twisting dolls (or another name for poles) are made by twisting a piece of fabric or a tube of birch bark, on which clothing details are then put on: a shirt, skirt, sundress, shower warmer, a braid is made of thread or yarn on the head, fixed with a scarf.

In the manufacture of all toys, it was forbidden to use threads and needles, as well as to draw a face on dolls: it always remained pure white.

ritual dolls

Folk ritual dolls were made in compliance with the ancient rules (without a needle and thread) for a certain ritual, in order to then be burned (Maslenitsa, Kolyada), drowned (Kupavka) or buried in the ground (Likhomanka, Kostroma). Sometimes the pupae were then given to children to play:

  • Kostroma - is done for Shrovetide, it was set for the entire festive week, and then burned.
  • Easter doll (head made of egg) and Easter dove (necessarily bright red) - used to decorate the house for Easter.
  • Kupavka - was made on the feast of Ivan Kupala, then it was celebrated on the water, and by the way it swam (it would go into the whirlpool, swim freely or be washed ashore), they predicted what the whole year would be like.
  • Vesnyanka - girlfriends gave each other, calling for the imminent arrival of spring.
  • Fertility - a doll depicting mother of many children attracted wealth to the family.
  • Fever pupae - usually 13 pieces were made to protect the child from diseases, they were put on the stove in a row.
  • Nurse - with big breasted, the bigger, the better.
  • The herbal egg - a useful chrysalis, filled with fragrant medicinal herbs, purifies the air in the hut or over the baby's cradle, driving away the spirits of diseases (the grass must be changed every 2 years).
  • Kuvadka dolls - were intended for men, they provided protection during the birth of their wives with the help of magical rites (kuvads) from evil spirits. Immediately after a happy birth, the pupae were burned during a cleansing ceremony. Starting from the end of the 19th century, folk kuvadka dolls began to be used in a different way: they were hung over the baby's cradle as amulets or placed directly in the crib so that the baby would play in the absence of the mother (often there were several of them different color, they were a replacement for rattles).

Many ceremonial dolls were at the same time protective.

Charm dolls

Traditionally, protective folk dolls were participants in family ceremonies: the birth of children, weddings, amulets against diseases, death and funerals. There were a great many of them:

  • The bell (invented in Valdai) is a doll that brings good news. She has 3 skirts according to the number of kingdoms and types of happiness (copper, silver, gold). Acts as a talisman that creates in the house good mood. Having presented the Bell to his friend, a person adds a joyful mood to him.
  • Girl-woman (Changeling, Spinner) - a doll with two heads, four arms and 2 skirts. Its secret is simple - one doll-girl is hidden under the skirt of another - a woman and appears if she is turned over. It reflects a dual feminine essence: a young girl is beautiful, cheerful and carefree, then, having married, she becomes a woman (economical, caring, protecting her family, children and home).
  • Lovebirds - amulets that protect married couples, are made on one hand as a symbol of the fact that a husband and wife will go through life together in joy and in sorrow. According to the established tradition, such lovebirds are hung up after church wedding at the head of the wedding procession, and after the wedding they are kept in the house as a talisman of family fidelity.

  • Bereginya (keeper of the family) - hung over the front door to protect the house from evil spirits and the evil eye.
  • Grain (Krupenichka) - consists of a bag of grain, symbolizing prosperity and a well-fed life.
  • Plantain - a small (3-5 cm) doll with a knapsack in her hands (there is a pinch inside native land or ash), which is intended to protect travelers.
  • Cleansing doll - helps to get rid of negative energy in the house.
  • Puppet-column "Fertility" (made differently in various Russian provinces and named after their names: Vladimir, Moscow, Kursk, etc.), several Pelenashki were usually tied to her body so that the family would flourish and not fade away - they gave it to young people to the wedding with best wishes.
  • Ten-handled (has many hands) - helps the hostess to keep up with everything around the house.

Motanka dolls

The Slavic motanka doll originates from the Trypillia culture. It is based on a twisted svarga, the prototype of which are motifs presented in many on clay products found during excavations of burials of the Trypillia era.

Svarga - a symbol of movement, spirals and energy vortices, is obtained by twisting and twisting, which has ritual meaning. Instead of a face, she depicted a cross, which testified to her stay outside of time and space. She is the archetype of the Great Goddess.

The winding doll is made without the use of cutting and piercing tools, only natural materials are taken: straw, grass, flowers, corn cobs, grains, pieces of worn fabrics (you just need to make sure that the fabrics are with a “happy” old clothes), which were previously worn by close people.

When making the body of a motanka, no knots should be tied, the only exception is a small knot at the end, symbolizing the tying of the umbilical cord. While tying it, the craftswoman must make a wish and secure it with her strength. Sometimes arms are made separately, which are then attached to the body.

The outfit and headdress are made separately, it can be embroidered, decorated with lace. Each element has its own meaning:

  • the skirt is a symbol of the earth, a wavy line on it is a connection with water;
  • shirt - the trinity of the world;
  • decorations on the head (ribbon, scarf) - a symbol of connection with the sky.

All separately made parts and decorations are manually wound to the body. Our ancestors were sure that if the doll is started, then it must be finished, otherwise misfortunes will come. Not a single woman left work unfinished, as she was afraid that this would bring trouble and illness to her family.

Folk Doll Museum

Starting from the 1990s, museums of folk puppets began to appear in Russia and gained great popularity, telling about Russian puppet culture. Now there are already about 20 such projects in the country, some of which also represent author's and antique copies:

  • Moscow Museum " Dollhouse» was created in 1993 by the efforts of figures of Russian culture (O. Okudazhava), has a collection of old dolls, houses for dolls, an exposition of folk and theatrical specimens.
  • The Museum of Unique Dolls (established in 1996 by Yu. Vishnevskaya) contains a collection of copies of the Russian Empire of the 19th-20th centuries, European dolls, Asian dolls, toy houses.
  • The Zabavushka Folk Toy Museum presents collections of clay, straw, patchwork exhibits, and a Russian folk doll is also presented here.
  • The Toy Museum in Sergiev Posad (founded in 1918 by the collector N. D. Bartram) - exhibits a collection of ancient products made of clay and wood, porcelain dolls in Russian folk costumes, a collection of toys for the children of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II;
  • St. Petersburg Puppet Museum - since 1998, it has been presenting collections of modern and folk exhibits, holding thematic exhibitions (40 thousand items are stored in the museum: dolls, decorations, clothes, ethnographic items, souvenir items in historical costumes of various eras and peoples , author's works contemporary masters and designers).
  • Museum-estate "Bereginya" (village of Kozlovo, Kaluga region) — under the guidance of craftswoman Tarasova collected 2,000 traditional dolls from all corners of Russia; among the exhibits are samples of traditional crafts (Gzhel, Filimonovskaya, Dymkovo, etc.), toys in national costumes of regions of Russia and peoples of the world (40 countries).

Dolls in Russian folk costumes

Since ancient times, the clothes of a Russian woman had distinctive features and features by which her age and class could be determined, what area she came from, her occupation, and whether she was married. Each Russian province was distinguished by its styles and colors in the formation of a folk costume.

The Russian national dress has one main feature - a simple silhouette that does not emphasize the shape of the body. This simplicity was balanced by a variety of colors in different parts of the clothes, in bright finishes, embroidery and multi-color applications. The folk costume, which our ancestors wore until the beginning of the 20th century, was sewn taking into account not to hinder human movements, to be comfortable at any time of the year under various weather conditions. Structurally, the costume was made in such a way that almost no scissors and sewing were used. The main elements of clothing - a shirt ( different lengths: for men it is shorter, for a woman it is almost to the toes), a sundress or a skirt (poneva). All this women embroidered very beautifully and decorated with decorative elements. A headscarf or kokoshnik was always worn on the head.

Also distinguished by their appearance and dolls in folk costumes made by women in a particular region of Russia. Rag dolls were usually given as gifts to relatives to seal blood ties. Often clothes for toys wore features inherent in local costumes. An important principle according to which folk dolls were made was that the costume could not be removed, the toy, together with the clothes, represented an integral image, inherent only to it.

At the same time, the costume determined the ethnically specific type of doll, which could not be changed, assigning a certain role in children's fun. For example, a toy in a sundress Pink colour could not play the role of an adult married woman in the game, and the “wife” doll could not be a bride.

Dolls from the series "DeAgostini"

Of great importance in the popularization of Russian folk costumes is a series that includes dolls in folk costumes, produced by the DeAgostini company. The series consists of 80 issues, each of which contains not only a porcelain toy in the national costume of a certain region of the country, but also a description of clothing details, the history of the location, traditions and customs of the region, and other interesting information.

The traditional Russian folk doll is a holistic view of our Slavic ancestors about the structure of the world and the universe, expressed through folk art and needlework, which supported a person in his spiritual life.

The modern industry of children's goods is developed like never before. However, the tradition of making toys with their own hands still has not gone into oblivion. Many parents consider them more sincere and useful for the development of the child. One of the favorite options for a homemade doll is the Waldorf doll, the features of which cause tenderness and delight in girls around the world, and mothers and grandmothers are forced to remember their own childhood. What is her secret?

How is a Waldorf doll different from others?

The Waldorf doll was developed by Waldorf pedagogy in order to create the required play environment for the child. The philosophy of this school is based on the natural harmonious development of children as individuals, and this spirit permeates all Waldorf toys aimed at the systematic, but not ahead of the development of the crumbs. The main criticism of this direction of study in relation to modern toys expressed in the fact that they are too thought out, technically perfect and leave no room for imagination.

The Waldorf doll has smooth rounded outlines, so it is pleasing to the eye. Her facial features are neutral, without pronounced emotions. This allows the child to endow the toy with any feelings, depending on the chosen game, which stimulates the child's imagination. Despite its apparent simplicity (especially in comparison with modern dolls with their carefully drawn faces) each of them is individual. In addition, it is soft to the touch, so it is pleasant to pick it up, hug it, and even put it to sleep next to you.

Materials for toys

As a prototype waldorf doll traditional folk rag toys were used, made from scraps of fabric, sheep's wool, straw and other natural fillers. Therefore, its undoubted advantage is that it is made only by hand and is completely natural: synthetic fabrics and padding are not applied. In addition to the fact that this eliminates the possibility of allergies and irritations that can occur when playing with plastic and rubber toys (especially of poor quality), the child gets acquainted with natural materials at the level of tactile sensations.

Most often, the body of the doll is sewn from cotton jersey or knitted, and stuffed inside sheep wool. The use of cotton wool for stuffing is not very desirable. Despite its naturalness, it is denser and heavier, so it can roll up inside the toy.

Types of Waldorf dolls for children of different ages

A distinctive feature of Waldorf pedagogy is that certain classes correspond to each age period. Therefore, the Waldorf doll "grows" and changes with the child. This is due to differences in the skills and abilities of the baby at each stage of its formation - the toy should not be ahead of the player's abilities.

In addition, it is known that the child often identifies with the toy, so the Waldorf doll goes through various stages of development: from an infant with a neutral appearance to an adult doll with more pronounced personality traits. This allows the baby to get the right ideas about his own body and its formation.

1.5–3 years

Dolls appropriate for this age have the following features:

  • the shape of a baby, often swaddled in such a way that arms and legs are not always guessed;
  • facial features are also often very conditional;
  • it is better to make clothes that are not removable or in the form of an envelope for a newborn, since fine motor skills a child of this age is still insufficiently developed, and he will not be able to change clothes on a toy;
  • hair is often left out, replacing it with a cap.

4–5 years

At 4-5 years old, the time comes active games into daughter-mothers, when girls play family relationships on toys. The appearance of Waldorf dolls for this age becomes more complex and elaborated:

  • thumbs appear on the handles;
  • the legs are more shaped like a human foot;
  • facial features are still neutral in terms of emotions, but they show a lot of personality;
  • hair is made long so that girls can comb and braid it;
  • clothes are sewn removable, since the child’s motor skills already allow him to fasten buttons, tie strings, etc.

Scheme, instructions and photos of making a butterfly doll for a baby

The butterfly doll is considered the simplest of all Waldorf dolls. It is intended for the little ones, it can be played by 3-month-old babies. This is a wonderful and reliable toy for the baby.

To make a doll you will need:

  • piece of flesh-colored knitted fabric for the head and torso (12x12 cm);
  • natural and pleasant fabric for overalls (42x26 cm) and cap (15x18 cm);
  • a small piece of braid (16 cm).

All details are cut with an allowance of 0.5 cm.

Step 1: head

  1. Fold the square of fabric in half lengthwise along the grooves of the knitted weave and sew the edges along the long side with a seam back with a needle with an allowance of 0.5 cm.
  2. Make a basting seam along the upper edge of the "pipe" and pull it off so that you get a "pouch". The thread must be properly fixed - this will be the crown of the doll.
  3. Separate a long narrow ribbon from the wool and wind it into a tight ball with a diameter of 5 cm.
  4. Separate 3 more strips 20 cm long and fold them crosswise. Put the resulting ball in the middle and tightly tie the ends of the laid out strips with a thread so that they tightly wrap around the ball.
  5. Put the ball in the case and tie it well with a thread over it where the neck will be. The ends of the wool should peek out a little from the cover. The seam should be located on the back of the head, where the cap will be sewn.

Making the head of a butterfly doll - photo gallery

A piece of fabric for the head of a Waldorf butterfly doll A bag that will be the head of a Waldorf butterfly doll Rolling a ball of wool to stuff the head of a Waldorf butterfly doll Ready-made blank for the head of a Waldorf butterfly doll

Step 2: cap

  1. Cut out the cap according to the scheme and sew the side seam with an allowance of 0.5 cm.
  2. Tuck the edge of the cap or sheathe it with braid, attach it to the head with a seam back (for greater accuracy, combine the seam of the head and the seam of the cap), sew it firmly.

We sew a cap - photo gallery

A piece of fabric for a cap for a Waldorf butterfly doll Ready-made cap for the Waldorf butterfly doll

Step 3: torso

  1. Cut out the body-butterfly according to the scheme.
  2. Sew the edges with a seam back with a needle with an allowance of 0.5 cm, leaving only the neckline unsewn.
  3. Roll into 4 small balls and place them in the limbs, wrap tightly with thread and fasten.
  4. Finish the neck with a basting stitch, insert the head, tighten the thread and sew both parts together.

Torso toy - photo gallery

A piece of fabric for the clothes of the Waldorf Butterfly Doll Clothes for the Waldorf Butterfly Doll Decorating the limbs of a Waldorf butterfly doll Finished Waldorf Butterfly Doll

Master class "Waldorf Butterfly Doll" - video

How to sew a large Waldorf doll: a step-by-step master class

Having taken on the difficult task of sewing a large doll, it is very important to know that in Waldorf pedagogy, special attention is paid to the reliability of the proportions of toys. Since dolls completely copy children, it should be remembered that the ratio of head height and body length in them differs from the proportions of an adult:

  • in a newborn, the height of the head is 1/4 of the body length,
  • in 2–4 years - 1/5,
  • at 5–6 years old - 1/6.

The size of the doll pattern can be increased independently, using the following simple rules:

  • the length and width of the body do not increase in direct proportion;
  • an increase in body thickness by 1 cm gives an increase in height of 4 cm, 2 cm of which is the height of the body, and 2 cm is the length of the legs;
  • arms with the same increase in body width of 1 cm increase by 2 cm in length and 0.5 cm in thickness.

Further step by step description will give an idea to beginners on how to sew a Waldorf doll with their own hands. This will require:

  • white knitwear;
  • flesh-colored knitwear;
  • dense threads for constrictions;
  • wool for stuffing;
  • hair yarn.

Step 1: head and neck

The principle of making the head of a large Waldorf doll is the same as that of a butterfly doll. It is stuffed much denser than the body. This echoes the structure of the human body, because due to the bones of the skull, it is the hardest part.

Head sequence.

  1. 4 wide strips of wool (sliver) are laid out on the table in the form of a star, placing a ball in the middle to give the head hardness and volume.
  2. The ball is tightly wrapped with wool and tightened with a thread in the neck area, tightly tying a knot.
  3. A rectangle of white fabric is sewn together in the form of a tube and assembled at the top.
  4. The head cover is turned right side out.
  5. The cover is put on the resulting wool blank.
  6. Tighten the neck, securely fastening the ends of the thread into a knot on the side where the doll's face will be. Do not cut ends!
  7. The ends of the threads are brought up and tightened into a knot at the crown.
  8. The line of the eyes is drawn up with a horizontal constriction, and the knot is fixed.
  9. The horizontal constriction from the back of the head is lowered down and with the help of zigzag stitches, both threads are pulled together on both sides of the head.
  10. A small ball is rolled up or felted from a piece of wool and sewn on as a nose for a future doll.
  11. From flesh-colored knitwear, an upper cover for the doll's head is cut out and sewn together.
  12. The cover is turned inside out, put on the workpiece and the tucks are marked with safety pins.
  13. The cover is turned inside out again, the places of the tucks are marked with chalk and sewn up, and the extra corners are cut off.
  14. The cover is turned inside out and put on the head blank.
  15. The neck is pulled and fixed.
  16. Excess wool is hidden inside the cover and the edges are pulled together with a seam forward of the needle.

Step 2: hair

According to the method of making hair and purpose, Waldorf dolls are divided into "hugs" and "braids". The former are intended for play, and their hair is sewn to the head in the manner of a wig, the hairstyle is fixed. The second is made of strong, reliable strands that can be combed and braided. The hair for the boy doll is made in the same way as for the girl doll, but is made shorter.

This master class shows the process of making a braided doll, so special attention will be paid to the hair.

  1. A line of hair is marked on the head with chalk.
  2. The ends of the threads are left along the drawn hairline and move to the crown, making a bartack after each stitch, as when sewing a needle back. Having reached the crown, they return to the hairline in the same way. Thus, the entire surface of the head is stitched. An important nuance in the manufacture of Waldorf dolls is that the fabric of the head should not show through the hair, so the stitches are made quite dense.
  3. The thread is threaded between the resulting stitches at a distance of 5 mm and the hair of the doll is fixed on the head.
  4. Make out a bang.

Master class "Rag doll: how to make hair from threads" - video

Step 3: arms and legs

  1. Details of the torso, arms and legs are cut out of body jersey and stitched at the seams.
  2. Hands are turned inside out, stuffed with wool, pinned to the bottom of the head blank, as shown in the figure.
  3. The arms are sewn to the body with a strong seam so that they do not come off if the child pulls on them.
  4. The feet are stuffed with wool and a semicircle is marked with chalk, as shown in the figure.
  5. According to the markup, an inconspicuous seam is made to make a foot.
  6. The upper part of the legs is stuffed with wool.
  7. In the place where the legs pass into the body, a seam is made.

Step 4: torso

  1. The body is stuffed with wool and fastened with pins to the head and arms.
  2. The shoulders are stitched.
  3. Sew on the head carefully.
  4. Fasten hands.

The body of the doll is ready!

Step 5: face

Recall that the Waldorf doll is distinguished by neutral facial features. Eyes and mouth should be decorated with simple stitches, embroidering them with floss threads.

Face decoration of a large Waldorf doll - photo gallery

Eye embroidery

Step 6: clothes

Clothes for dolls are varied - simple and elegant. You can make a skirt and blouse, dress or sundress. The basic principles of making Waldorf toys are also observed when sewing a doll wardrobe - only natural fabrics pleasing to the eye colors.

Ideas for designing clothes and patterns - photo gallery

Clothing options for a Waldorf doll
An example of a dress for a Waldorf doll

Making a doll-amulet with your own hands from fabric came to us from ancient times. This craft has been passed down from generation to generation. Slavic thread and fabric amulets have not lost their significance at the present time. It was believed that they protect their owners from adversity and bring happiness.

There are several types of dolls that our ancestors made according to certain rules.


According to its purpose, this doll drives out evil spirits from the house, has the energy of happiness and brings joy. It was made from scraps of fabric. So that the amulet did not lose its strength, it was made without the use of scissors and needles.

Need to prepare:

  1. Pieces of fabric.
  2. Threads.

To create the body, the scraps of fabric must be twisted into a tight roll. The edges won't fray when folded inward. To make the neck and waist, the roller must be pulled with threads from above and in the middle.

To make hands, you need a piece of fabric in the shape of a square. It needs to be bent diagonally. Wrap the resulting triangle to the body. Drag the ends of the triangle - these will be the palms. Fix the free part of the triangle at the waist, wrapping it with threads.

It remains to prepare a sundress for the doll. To do this, take two narrow strips of fabric and fasten them to the shoulders of the pupa. A skirt will turn out of a rectangular flap if it is folded in half, and inside the fold line, pull the thread. Spread the fabric evenly and fasten it around the doll's waist.

At the end of the outfit, it remains to put on a scarf and a belt. The craft is ready.

Since there were herbs inside this doll, it was believed that it could protect against diseases. If there was a baby in the house, the egg-pod was placed over the cradle. The herbal doll was hung over the bed of a person who was sick.

Herbs had to be harvested according to special rules. Currently they are bought in a pharmacy.

Oregano, pine needles, St. John's wort and peppermint were used to make the chrysalis. The composition of herbs could vary depending on the disease of the person.

To keep the amulet medicinal properties, the grass in it was changed at least once every two years. To create a doll, it was necessary to tie six knots with grass of different sizes, which were then connected together. It turned out the torso, head, arms and chest. It was accepted that the material for crafts should be saturated with the energy of a sick person, so shreds of fabric were made from his clothes.

Currently, the egg-pod is created in a simpler way:


A doll resembling a round fat woman was considered to be the guardian of the family's well-being. She helped in the work and brought prosperity to the house. The name of the craft implies its contents - various types of cereals.

The doll began to be made in the spring, creating its base. In autumn, when the crop was harvested, the base was filled with cereals. Krupenichka was placed in a prominent place in the house. When a difficult period came, the groats were taken from handicrafts, therefore, by the degree of filling of the doll, it was possible to judge the prosperity of the family.

Master class on making amulets dolls describes the process of its creation step by step. For this you will need:

Fold the linen square in half and sew to make a bag. Tighten the bottom of the bag, unscrew the workpiece.

Fill the bag with grain and sew up. The basis for the doll is ready. Now you can sew on handles and clothes.

Put on the bottom skirt first, then the top skirt. Next, the sleeves and apron are sewn on. The bottom scarf can be tied, and the top scarf can be fastened with threads. The doll is ready.

On Health

For the manufacture of doll-amulet "For Health" only linen threads are used. It is believed that flax has the ability to take away negative energy and illness. To this end, the sick person had to carry this doll with him at all times. The craft was created without unnecessary decorations, because after the patient recovered, the doll was thanked and burned.

During the manufacture of such a talisman, it is very important to have positive attitude and be in a good mood. At the same time, you need to think about the person to whom the doll will be intended, and say: "To your health."

Materials for manufacturing:

  1. Linen twine.
  2. Red wool thread.
  3. Large format book.
  4. Scissors.

Wrap linen twine around the book. The thickness of the pupa depends on its quantity.

Remove the threads from the book and cut it at the folds. Fasten the threads together, then step back from the edge of 3 centimeters and tightly tie the fibers. Turn the workpiece inside out and pull out a small part of the threads from the middle - this will be the doll's hair.

For shaping the head step back from the base of the hair five centimeters and bandage the product. To make the handles, you need to wind another small piece of twine around the book, cut it along the fold lines and braid it. Divide the fibers of the body into two halves, insert the resulting braid between them, pull the waist.

Now the doll can be braided. Using red thread, make a bandage on the head. Wrap the thread around the chest crosswise and fasten at the waist, make ties on the handles and braid.


Fulfillment of desires has always been of great importance. In ancient times, a rag doll Zhelannitsa was made for this purpose. As a rule, every girl had such a craft. It was customary to give the doll jewelry in the form of beads, ribbons, and then bring it to the mirror so that it could see itself in a new outfit. Then it was necessary to make a wish and hide the doll.

Before you make a chrysalis amulet with your own hands you need to follow some rules:

  1. Do not use scissors and a needle. Scraps of fabric are best torn off by hand.
  2. When connecting the details of the craft, you need to tie an even number of knots.
  3. When creating a talisman, it is very important to be in a good mood.

You will need the following materials:

  1. Any fabric for the base of a 30x12 cm doll.
  2. A square piece of white cloth 20 x 20 cm. This will be used to make the head and handles.
  3. A triangle made of colored fabric 18 × 30 × 18 cm. This will be a scarf.
  4. For the apron, prepare a square piece 6 × 9 cm.
  5. A rectangle of colored fabric 10 × 20 cm. A skirt will be sewn from it.
  6. Sintepon.
  7. Red threads.
  8. Braid, ribbon.

To prepare the base of the pupa it is necessary to make a twist from a rectangular piece of colored fabric. At one end of the base with a thread, attach a synthetic winterizer. Put a square of white fabric on top of it and make a head by tying threads around the neck of the doll. Form handles from the edges of the patch.

Then pull the threads of the base in the waist area. Fold a rectangle of colored fabric intended for making a skirt in half, place a thread inside along the fold line. Put the skirt on the doll, tie the thread at the waist, gently straighten the folds of the fabric. Next, put on an apron, make a beautiful ribbon belt. Tie a narrow ribbon and scarf over your head. Connect the ends of the scarf at the back. The craft is ready.

Name for the doll

After the doll is made, it is given a name. For the ceremony the doll is placed in the middle of the table and repeated nine times: "I call you (name)." Next, read the plot.

It is believed that you need to talk to the doll, and then it will come to life. In order to establish a spiritual connection with the doll, she needs to bring gifts. It can be sugar, bread. Only after these actions will the craft be useful, otherwise it will be just a toy.

Attention, only TODAY!

Doll- one of the favorite toys of girls and plays an important role in the mental and emotional development of the child. With the help of a doll, it is easy to remember the names of body parts and items of clothing. Girls tell the dolls their sorrows and joys, and also play situations from life. If you want your child to grow up emotionally healthy, give him a doll. Today you can find many cartoon characters on the market, but the dolls made still have not lost their value. In this article you will learn how to sew a rag doll with your own hands.


- a piece of plain fabric for the body;

- white cambric;

- floss;

- cotton wool, synthetic winterizer or holofiber:

- scissors;

- fabric for the dress

Rag doll with your own hands. Master Class

Print out a pattern for a rag doll and cut out all the details. After that, attach them to the fabric and cut out taking into account the allowances for the seams. Remember that for the arms and legs you need to make two parts in mirror image.

From a solid flesh or white fabric, cut out 2 parts for the head, 2 for the torso, 4 arms and 4 legs. After that, fold the pieces and sew accordingly. Do not forget to leave unsewn places so that you can fill parts of the body with padding polyester or other filler. Turn the parts inside out, stuff well and sew up the unsewn parts of the arms and legs with a blind seam.

rag doll

After that, you need to insert the arms, legs and head into the torso and sew them on. The basis for the doll is ready, it remains to transform it. Eyes can be embroidered with floss threads or glued ready-made eyes for dolls. To give expressiveness to the facial expression, embroider the eyebrows, nose, mouth and make a blush on the cheeks.

Hair can be made from thread for knitting. To do this, cut many identical pieces of thread and sew the strands to the center of the head. You can make strands of different lengths or then cut the doll as you like. For example, cut bangs, and then form ponytails or weave pigtails.

Now that the doll is ready, you can start sewing the dress. You can also come up with some other outfit for the doll or sew it together with the child. rag doll will be loved soft toy for your girl, as well as a good memory of your care.