Rules for greeting introductions and acquaintances. Alla forty basics of business communication. Business conversation rules. Speech etiquette

Teacher. In life you will have to meet many people. We meet and part, get to know each other and introduce ourselves, turn to someone and respond to requests. And how to do it right, so as not to shock anyone with your ignorance, to be pleasant for people and feel confident in any society?

1 student. When meeting the younger ones, they introduce themselves to the older ones, or they introduce themselves.

2 student. The junior in position (subordinate) introduces himself to the senior (boss).

1 student. A woman of any age and position is never the first to introduce herself to a man. The exception is if this woman is a student and the man is an honorary professor.

2 student. When you introduce someone or introduce you, try to look the interlocutor in the face. Smile. A smile always wins over the interlocutor, especially if it is sincere.

1 student. Acquaintance, begun with a friendly smile, will surely have a good continuation.

2 student. The first to give a hand is the person to whom the other was introduced.

1 student. The woman holds out her hand to the man, the elder to the younger (do not forget, if you already know, then this is done the other way around).

2 student. The one who has just been introduced is calmly waiting for the time when he can finally answer with a mutual shake of hands.

1 student. When a man is introduced, he must stand up. The lady gets up only if she meets a much older woman or a man who is very respectable in all respects.

2 student. On a visit, the hostess (owner) of the house introduces people to each other.

1 student. If you're late, apologize. The owner of the house will introduce you to everyone at once and seat you in an empty seat.

2 student. In no case do not greet first of all with your friends, old acquaintances, leaving everyone else unattended.

1 student. The latecomer then himself gets acquainted with the nearest neighbors on the table.

2 student. The wife usually represents the husband. She is also the first to greet the hostess and the owner.

1 student. If there is no one to introduce you, then you should just give a hand and clearly identify yourself.

2 student. They introduce their relatives with the words: "my sister", "my wife", "my son".

1 student. Acquaintance with mother and father is an exception to this rule: acquaintances are introduced to parents, but not vice versa.

2 student. When introducing a person, you should clearly pronounce his first and last name.

1 student. Among peers, it is quite acceptable to name only the first name when meeting.

2 student. Do not say when meeting: "This is my friend." This emphasis on personal relationships can offend others. Just say the name.

Teacher. What are the rules for handling? How you will address the interlocutor depends on the specific circumstances and on what kind of relationship you are with this person.

3 student. Referring to "you" first of all speaks of your own culture. And, of course, it emphasizes your respect for the person with whom you are talking.

4 student. In some countries, including certain regions of Russia, it is still customary to address parents as “you”.

3 student. But most often this polite pronoun is used when communicating with strangers and unfamiliar people, with older people and in a formal setting.

4 student. A really well-mannered person will use this form of address, regardless of whether he is addressing a boss or a subordinate, a person much older than him or younger, a man or a woman.

3 student. The address "you" will in no way humiliate you, even if you use it in a conversation with a person unpleasant to you, with your rival or even enemy.

4 student. Today, like a hundred years ago, hasty familiarity is just as unpleasant for many people as excessive importunity. Therefore, do not rush to switch to "you" with your new acquaintances.

3 student. There are no clear rules on how you can switch to "you". It depends on many reasons.

4 student. Do not rush to turn the acquaintance that has just taken place into friendship. This may look intrusive.

3 student. It's good to have business cards. By presenting a business card, you show your new acquaintance the desire to maintain business and personal contacts in the future. At the same time, it does not oblige him to anything.

4 student. You can address a stranger with the words: "citizen", "sir", "girl", "young man" ...

3 student. To be honest, in today's Russia there is no established form of such treatment. And it must be admitted that some of the words mentioned in specific cases are not entirely successful.

4 student. Therefore, we often turn to a stranger simply with the phrase: "sorry ..." or "let me ..." or "be so kind ...".

Teacher. Let's talk about greetings. How you greet each other can say a lot about your culture. Greeting - wish different ways each other good day, morning or evening, health, success, kindness and well-being.

5 student. Choose the greeting formula that best suits the situation. In greeting, try to express your goodwill and sympathy.

6 student. Speak words clearly, do not rush. Smile at the person you are addressing.

5 student. Hello first:

6 student. A man with a woman.

5 student. Younger - with the older.

6 student. Passing - with standing still.

5 student. A greeting (like a farewell) is usually accompanied by gestures: a handshake, a raise of a hand, a nod of the head, a bow.

6 student. The handshake is a traditional, symbolic gesture. In ancient times, the custom to give the right hand for greeting was dictated by the need to show that there was no weapon in it.

5 student. Nowadays, you can do without a handshake. But if you like this form of greeting, remember: the handshake should not be too strong (especially with a woman), nor too sluggish, lifeless.

6 student. Offer your hand in a free and confident gesture. The handshake should be short.

5 student. If, upon entering a room where there are several people, you want to shake hands with one person, it is etiquette to necessarily extend your hand to everyone else.

6 student. When meeting on the street, a woman, greeting, may not take off her glove, a man must do this.

5 student. When a man is introduced to a woman, she is the first to offer his hand to him. Older people also have priority in this.

6 student. To greet acquaintances, sitting at a table in a restaurant or cafe, you can only nod your head.

5 student. The elders and women bow, bending slightly and rising from the chair.

6 student. If you are in the company of a lady, then you do not need to get up.

5 student. Noisy greetings are considered a violation of etiquette. Do not draw the attention of everyone present to your appearance and greeting.

6 student. Greeting is a perfectly decent and acceptable way to enter into a conversation or make an acquaintance.

Teacher. Have you ever had to change your attitude towards a person just because you saw his inability to behave in society?

There are no trifles in etiquette, so you should always strive to be as polite as possible. In order to get to know someone or introduce someone, you must introduce yourself (introduce), that is, give your last name, first name, patronymic. So the first step to dating is introduction.

If a person visits an institution or official on official or personal business, he must introduce himself before starting a business conversation. Representation is also necessary if you have to contact a stranger on any issue. You should not introduce yourself if one person addresses another with a question about how to get somewhere in an unfamiliar city, or gives way to a woman, an elderly person or a disabled person in the subway, trolleybus, bus or tram.

Greeting etiquette. There are a number of generally accepted rules of etiquette that must be observed when introducing and dating. So, a man, regardless of age and position, always appears to a woman first. Men and women who are younger in age or official position should be presented to older ones, and not vice versa. With an equal position (rank), the younger one is presented to the older one, the subordinate - to the boss, one person is introduced to a couple, group, society, even a woman is introduced married couple first.

When in a society (guests) they introduce one person to several at once, they usually loudly call his last name, first name. The person represented gives a slight bow to the whole society. It is not customary to bow to each separately.

Etiquette of behavior - if someone introduces two people, he must himself name the person being introduced. You can not bring them to each other and say: "Get acquainted", obliging them to name themselves. It is not polite.

If you need to introduce a woman to a man, you should say, referring to a woman, for example: "Nina Ivanovna, let me introduce Philip Konstantinovich to you" or "Let me introduce you: this is Philip Konstantinovich."

When addressing officials with state status or military, diplomatic, religious rank, as a rule, they do without mentioning the name. They say: "Mr. President", "Mr. Prime Minister", "Mr. General" (without naming the full rank, say "major general", "lieutenant general", etc.).

If you have a scientist in front of you, then it is appropriate to simply say "Dr. Warron", "Professor Kapitsa". Etiquette also provides for such a remarkable detail: referring to official, usually he is a little "raised" in his position. So, a lieutenant colonel is called "Mr. Colonel", an envoy - "Mr. Ambassador", a deputy minister - "Mr. Minister".

When introducing military personnel, their military rank is indicated, for example: "Comrade (Mr.) General, let me introduce you to Colonel Kuznetsov."

Etiquette of behavior - in the event that the presenter introduces people of the same age and gender, he must introduce a less familiar person to a more familiar one.

As a rule, they introduce members of their family without naming their names, for example: "Fyodor Stepanovich, let me introduce you to my son Konstantin."

At a party, at parties, dinners and other similar events, it is better to resort to the help of an intermediary from among the familiar guests or members of the host's family for the presentation. However, if there is no person to introduce you, you can introduce yourself. If someone introduces themselves to you, you should respond with your last name.

Conversation etiquette - after the introduction, new acquaintances exchange greetings and in most cases shake hands. The first to give a hand is the one to whom a new acquaintance is introduced. The hand should be given to last moment, walking with an outstretched hand or shaking hands across the table is not accepted.

If a woman or a senior in position does not offer a hand to age, you should bow slightly. Extending several fingers or fingertips instead of a hand is tactless. As a rule, you should extend your right hand for a handshake. If for some reason it is occupied or damaged (in a bandage), you can stretch left hand but after apologizing.

Etiquette of behavior - the handshake should not be too strong or, conversely, excessively weak. Shaking your hand is indecent, not recommended, and shaking it with both hands.

If a man is sitting at the time of the performance, he must stand up. A woman may not get up unless she is introduced to a lady much older than her in age or position.

Any performance is accompanied by a slight bow. Deep bows, jerky movements and clicking heels should be avoided.

After the introduction, the person to whom the new acquaintance is introduced calls his last name and adds "Very nice." "Nice to meet you". The one who is being introduced should not say this at the time of the presentation. New acquaintances, as a rule, exchange a few words, enter into a short conversation. The initiator of such a conversation is a person who is senior in rank and position, or a woman.

It is preferable to address a woman by her husband's last name. In hard-to-pronounce and complex names, you can do without this by using the international form "madame".

In the communication of people, greetings are of great importance as external signs of respect. It is customary to greet at meetings not only with familiar people, but also with strangers, if you need to contact them with any question or request. In this case, handshakes are not exchanged.

There are certain rules of etiquette regarding not only the forms of greetings, but also the conditions in which it is most appropriate to use one form or another. The young are obliged to greet the elders first, just like a man - a woman, persons of a junior rank (official position) - seniors, late - waiting, entering - those present, etc. However, a woman, entering a room where guests have already gathered, should be the first to greet all those present, not waiting for the men to greet her. Men, in turn, should not wait for a woman to come up to them and say hello. Better if the men get up and go to meet her.

When leaving, a woman should also be the first to say goodbye. Persons of equal rank, age, position can be recommended to follow the advice expressed by Count A.A. Ignatiev, author of the famous book "50 years in the ranks"; "Of two officers with the same rank, the one who is more polite and well-mannered is the first to greet." By the way, this provision is contained in the French military regulations of the past.

Entering the room in which the guests invited by the owner are located, a person should greet each person present separately or all at once. Approaching the table, greet all those present and, taking your place, once again greet your neighbors on the table. In this case, it is not necessary to give a hand in both cases.

At official receptions, first of all, the hostess or host is greeted, after them the ladies, first the older ones, then the young ones; after that, older and more senior men, and then the rest of the guests. The hostess and host must shake hands with all guests invited to their home.

Of great importance when greetings is the manner of holding. You should look directly at the person you greet with a smile. An unfavorable impression is made by a person who, while extending his right hand in greeting, keeps his left hand in his pocket, looks away, down, or continues to talk to another person. Such impoliteness is not conducive to continuing the acquaintance.

A seated man, greeting a lady or a person older in age or position, must necessarily stand up. If he greets people passing by without engaging in conversation with them, he may not get up, but only rise.

If married couples meet, then first the women greet each other, then the men greet the women, and only after that the men greet each other.

The first person to greet is a woman walking in the company of a man, with a woman walking (or standing) alone.

The woman is the first to greet the man if she overtakes him.

On the street, a passing man is the first to bow to a standing man.

When greeting a woman he knows on the street, a man should raise his hat or cap (but does not take a winter hat either). If the greeting is accompanied by a handshake, the man must take off the glove, and the woman may not take it off, since gloves (silk, cloth, kid), a bag, a scarf, a headdress are part of the ladies' toilet. However, mittens and warm leather glove it is recommended to remove and a woman.

A woman is never kissed on the street as a sign of greeting: they do it only indoors.

They do not introduce themselves in the elevator, but in the presence of a lady, the men take off their hats.

The handshake accepted here and in the West when meeting or introducing a man and a woman in Muslim countries is absolutely inappropriate. Islam does not accept even the simple contact of people of different sexes, if they are not related by blood ties. It is not customary to shake hands among the peoples of Southeast Asia.

The words with which people address each other as a sign of greeting when they meet should always be friendly and benevolent. But today, in our troubled times, not only greetings, but also the form of addressing people to each other leaves much to be desired. Words such as "citizen", "comrade" are leaving our vocabulary (we will not dwell on the reasons). In the queues, on the street, in the means of transport, a new appeal appeared - "man", "woman". Not from a good life and not from a high personal culture, people began to address each other on the basis of gender.

And the last thing: when referring to a stranger, you should always say "you." You can only address close people, relatives, relatives (if they are younger or your peers), children and friends. In a number foreign languages, in particular, in English there is no appeal to "you" at all.

The requirements of etiquette must also be observed when they do not correspond to the desire of a person, regardless of his mood and psychological state at one time or another. So, for example, having met a friend, you need to say hello to him, regardless of how you feel about him, at a party, first of all, you need to greet the hostess, even if you have a strained relationship with her.


by discipline:

Professional ethics and etiquette

on the topic of:

Etiquette forms of acquaintance, greetings, farewells



- 2010








RESOURCES USED………………………………………………….11


In life, there have always been and will remain relationships that provide the highest efficiency in the performance of professional functions. Participants in any interaction always try to preserve the most optimal forms of this interaction and the rules of conduct. In a company with a well-established image, a newcomer will definitely be required to strictly comply with the tried and tested rules of business communication, as they facilitate the performance of professional functions, contribute to the achievement of goals, regardless of whether the newcomer likes it. In this or that team of business people, certain traditions develop, which over time acquire the strength of moral principles and constitute the etiquette of this group, community, and for proper communication it is necessary to follow the rules of verbal communication.


Speech etiquette is a set of rules, principles and specific forms of communication. The word "etiquette" is of French origin and in translation means a label, label, ceremonial, i.e. order of any ceremony. It entered the Russian language in the 18th century as a set of rules adopted at the courts of monarchs. At present, the concept of speech etiquette is interpreted as cultural norms of communication and behavior accepted in society. Speech etiquette is synonymous with communication culture. Applied to the sphere social work it is a set of norms of cultural business communication.

In speech etiquette, there is a certain technology for conducting a conversation, conversation, negotiations. And it is associated with business manners of acquaintance, address, greeting, farewell. Cultural norms of speech etiquette suggest orderliness of gratitude, wishes, apologies, requests, invitations, advice. The content of a business conversation, in addition to discussing specific practical issues, requires the ability to correctly express consolation, condolences, as well as formulate a compliment, approval and even disagreement.


Place of acquaintance

Good manners (and elementary rules safety!) do not recommend meeting strangers:

· on the street;

· in transport;

in a restaurant, theater, museum;

and other public places.

On the one hand, it is indecent to impose your society on a stranger. He may be completely reluctant to communicate with you.

On the other hand, making acquaintance with the first person you meet is also imprudent, and sometimes dangerous! You never know who this person will be.

How then to meet?

According to the rules of decency, as well as according to everyday norms, in order to get to know someone, an intermediary is needed in the person of a mutual friend. You need to contact him in order to be introduced to the person you want to meet.

When you are introduced (this applies to both men and women), then by the reaction of a new acquaintance, you can understand whether he wants to continue acquaintance. And if you see his coldness, you should not insist on continuing the relationship.

How to introduce people to each other

The basic rules are as follows: with the words "Let me introduce you ...", "Let me introduce you ...", "Olya, get to know ..."

1. A man is introduced to a woman.

2. The younger ones are introduced to the older ones.

3. Guests arriving later to those who arrived earlier.

If guests come one after another, and you do not have time to introduce them to each other, your relative or good friend can take on this responsibility.

After seeing the guest into the room, everyone who is there is called his name, after which this guest is called the names of the others.

If there are few guests, you can introduce everyone separately.

Getting acquainted, the men stand up.

Women may remain seated, unless the guest who enters is much older than they are or is in a high position.

If two women meet different ages, correctly, addressing an older woman, say: "Let me introduce you ..." - and pronounce the name and surname of the younger person, and then name the older woman. In other words, age and authority have an indisputable advantage in this case. The same principle of emphasized respect determines the norm of acquaintance, in which a man is usually introduced to a woman, an employee is introduced to a manager. If you need to introduce peers or people of equal status, it is better to introduce the person closest to you first, for example, your sister - your friend.

When it is necessary to present several persons at the same time a well-known, well-deserved person, then his last name is not pronounced at all (it is assumed that everyone knows it).

Their wife, husband, daughter, son we represent with the words: "My wife", "My daughter". Acquaintance with mother and father is an exception to this rule: we introduce all acquaintances to parents, and not vice versa.

It is very convenient, when introducing your acquaintances, to add, for example, the following clarification: "My friend N is a surgeon, and this Z is my institute friend."

Introducing a person, you should pronounce his last name clearly and distinctly. I especially want to warn against confusing it or making inaccurate stress.

Absolutely unacceptable are clarifications like: "Mr. N is the brother of the famous actor Z!"

For people who are not confident in their memory regarding other people's surnames, it is advisable to offer: "Get acquainted, please ..." And then rely on someone else's initiative. This way of presenting is perfectly acceptable.

If the already assembled society joins new person, say his name out loud; the rest, giving him their hand, themselves call their own.

you are going to public transport with a friend, and at one of the stops your friend enters the car? Is it necessary to introduce your companions? If you exchange only a few words with the person who entered, then you can not introduce him to a friend, but do not forget to do this if the conversation becomes general.

Someone from your family comes to your place of work. Should it be presented to employees? Not necessarily if you have a purely official relationship with them.

At work. The manager introduces the new employee to the team. Old employees bring the newcomer up to date and behave in such a way that the latter feels comfortable in a new place in a few days. In difficult personal relationships between some employees, as well as in mutual insults, a newcomer should not be initiated.

The form of addressing each other among members of the same team depends on the degree of their friendly sympathies and established traditions. But in any case, it is unacceptable to address a friend only by his last name.

Life in a rest home is distinguished by somewhat simplified forms of acquaintance. With the words "Let me see your book" can begin a close communication.

In such an environment, it is best to introduce yourself to roommates and tablemates. Getting to know each other and creating a good atmosphere is facilitated by "get-to-know" parties, which are customary in some holiday homes.

Among peers, young people and girls, it is quite acceptable to name only names when meeting.

But here we are. How to proceed? If the person introducing us has already pronounced our surname, then we should not repeat it when shaking our hand.

The first to give a hand is the person who was introduced to the other, that is, the woman holds out her hand to the man, the elder to the younger, the leader to the subordinate. The person introduced is patiently waiting, ready to lend a hand, but not in a hurry to do so.

When a man is introduced, he always stands up. A woman does this only if she is introduced to a woman much older or to a man of advanced age and position. Girls under 18 always get up when meeting adults.

The hostess of the house always rises to meet the guest, regardless of his gender and age.

If one of the guests arrives late, when everyone is already sitting at the table, the host should introduce him to everyone at once and seat him in an empty seat. A latecomer can then get to know his closest neighbors on the table.

When you happen to meet on the street an acquaintance walking in the company of a woman whom you do not know, it is supposed to bow and leave the acquaintance the right to decide what to do first - to greet you or introduce you to the woman.

But what if there is a need to be represented, and there is no one in society who could help you with this? You just need to give your hand and give your last name - clearly and distinctly.

Since we are talking about surnames, it should be noted that a good memory for surnames often helps out in life. The person whose last name we quickly remember many years later feels flattered. However, there are often people who have other people's names stubbornly fly out of memory. If you find yourself in similar situation, I advise you to glorify in such a way that this vice is not noticed. But if you are not at all lucky and there is no way out, you will have to confess: "Sorry, I forgot my last name." In such cases, it is good to defuse the situation with some kind of joke.

At bad memory on faces sometimes happens to get acquainted a second time. Here it is better not to give your last name, even if it later turns out that you were not familiar with this person, than to risk hearing in response: "We already know each other."

On the other hand, if we joyfully rush towards a friend, and he looks at us with frightened, uncomprehending eyes, it’s better not to ask: “Don’t you recognize me?” The question puts a person who does not recognize us in an awkward position. You can unobtrusively, as if by the way, remark: "We met in Lipki." Such a hint will help your partner find out who he is talking to.

A woman at work does not stop being a woman. Well-mannered man and in the service he will let the woman go forward, hold the door in front of her, exclude the use of sharp expressions and rude words in her presence, stand up if the woman is standing in order to give her a light. But all forms of politeness should not interfere with the main thing - the progress of work. A man can stay busy in order to give a woman a coat when she leaves. But you can’t help but help her get dressed if you ended up in the wardrobe together.

At the same time, a woman should not be offended if the politeness of a male workmate is somewhat "abbreviated" in nature. If a man usually gets up when a woman standing next to him addresses him, then in working conditions he may not do this.

Men! Do not forget that a woman deserves the same attention at work as in any other setting.

Women! Do not abuse the advantage of the fair sex in working conditions. I especially want to warn against arguing with tears of official disagreements.

And one more thing: it does not hurt to remember that the ladies' handbags, nets, hats, and powder boxes do not decorate the desktop. It's better to find another place for them.

picking up the phone, don't ask, "Who's talking?" This can only be done by the secretary, and then in a more polite form, for example: "Can I find out who is asking?". For now, however, one more note to make about telephone conversations at work is to make private conversations on the office phone as little and as infrequently as possible, and if necessary, do it in an undertone and in the most abbreviated form. There is no need to distract colleagues with your worries about a lost key or a meeting with a dressmaker.

The tradition of celebrating the birthdays of employees has become stronger in some work collectives. The tradition itself is good, but the smaller the scale of the celebration, the better. All team members are not required to participate in the clubbing to buy a gift. Only those who want it participate. In this case, no coercion is allowed. Congratulating, you can say: "A gift from Alexander Makeev and me."

Accepting congratulations, the birthday boy gets up. In response to congratulations, you can offer a modest treat: coffee, cake.

Don't feed too broadly. In a working environment, this is inappropriate and, moreover, it obliges the next birthday person to do the same. It's things like this that sometimes turn a good tradition into a disaster.

If sweets are received as a gift, they should be treated to comrades. You can take the box with you only if you have the foresight to bring sweets from home. Flowers received as a gift should be taken home.

The birthday of the head is celebrated depending on the tradition that has developed in this institution. The most suitable shape congratulations to the head - put flowers on his desk. If employees certainly want to present a gift, then “neutral” and inexpensive things look best, for example, sweets (if they are loved), rare fruits, an ashtray or other little things for a desk, an album, books. In small, accustomed groups, gifts such as a wallet, briefcase, and gloves can also be practiced.

head of the institution, especially if he is relatively young, welcomes older employees and women. Although, as already mentioned, well-mannered people bow to each other at the same time.

Entering the department, the head is the first to greet. There are no exceptions to this rule. Employees answer, but no one gets up. The institution is not a school.

In his office, the manager does not get up if a female employee comes to his desk to resolve the current issue. In the case of a long conversation, the boss invites the employee to sit down.


When people who already know each other meet in public places, they exchange greetings.

The man, bowing to the woman, takes his hand out of his pocket and a cigarette out of his mouth. A woman, responding to a greeting, may not take her hands out of the pockets of her coat, jacket (although women rarely have such a habit). When bowing, the man raises his headdress. This does not apply to berets, ski caps, fur hats. The women nod their heads. It is good if a smile is added to the greeting.

It is indecent for a man to stop a woman he knows on the street. An exception can only be an urgent matter. This can be done even in a completely friendly relationship. A woman may stop herself in order to exchange a few words with a man she knows.

When two couples meet on the street, first the woman greets the woman, then the women greet the men, and only then the man greets the man. Strangers can be stopped on the street solely for the sake of short information. You should first apologize for the concern, and, having received an answer, thank you.

It is not good for a man walking down the street in the company of a woman to leave her alone in order to approach a friend himself. If absolutely necessary, he should be introduced to his companion.

The man bows first to the woman, the younger to the older one, who is standing by.

The first to greet is a woman walking in the company of a man, with a woman walking alone or with another woman.

We always join in greeting the person in whose company we are.

In equal conditions, the more polite person greets first.

One of the conditions of the foreign market is the creation in the eyes of a potential partner of the image of a self-confident person who knows how to behave in society, without causing bewilderment and a dismissive smile with his actions.

Therefore, it is necessary to assimilate the code of conduct adopted for well-bred people in all countries. This code includes four basic rules: politeness, naturalness, dignity and tact.

Politeness involves, first of all, a greeting. Since ancient times, people have shown each other special respect through greetings.

Forms of greetings in different countries differ enormously. But with all the variety of greetings, international etiquette is basically the same: when people meet, they wish each other good and prosperity, health, success in work, good morning, afternoon or evening.

Every people, every social group have their own way of greeting. For example, in the East, a characteristic feature of the greeting is the inclination of the body with the simultaneous throwing of the hand forward.

Europeans, greeting, usually slightly raise their hat with their left hand and give a slight bow to the head.

It is necessary to firmly grasp the following rules of etiquette regarding greetings.

Entering the room in which there are people, the person who enters greets all strangers with a tilt of his head and shakes hands with those with whom he is already familiar.

Greetings on the street consist of a slight bow without any exclamations like "Hello". Violation of etiquette are noisy, unrestrained greetings. Don't wave your hat or shout across the street. A simple gesture, a slight smile express respect and respect. A military man, greeting a woman or a man, without taking off his cap, takes his hand under the visor. Both a man and a woman, getting into a taxi, greet the driver first. Do not do this if the driver is a driver of collective transport. The expression of courtesy should come from the client when he enters the hairdresser, atelier, shoe repair shop and other household services.

Sitting at a table in a cafe, restaurant, they greet acquaintances only with a nod of the head. A man, bowing to a woman, rises from his chair. Only a man gets up if a woman approaches him.

People greet each other following the following rules.

A man greets a woman, the youngest - the eldest, the youngest woman - the eldest and the man who is much older than her, the junior worker - the eldest, a member of the delegation - the leader (his own or foreign).

A man should consider it as a sign of special respect for him if the woman greeted him first.

A man first of all welcomes the highest in the hierarchy (official, social or other sign). When greeting a woman on the street, a man takes off his hat and glove. When he greets someone from a distance, he makes a slight bow and touches his hat with his hand, lifting it slightly. If he sits, he gets up and then greets. Headgear - winter hat, ski hat, cap or beret do not need to be touched. A man confines himself to a slight bow if he greets from a distance, and takes off his glove if he shakes hands. In all cases, when greeting, a man must remove the glove from his right hand, for women this is optional. If a woman still takes off her glove - this is a sign of special respect. In relation to women and men of advanced age, this should be the norm. In any case, at the moment of greeting, there should not be a cigarette in the mouth and you should not keep your hand in your pocket. Women tilt their heads slightly and respond to the greeting with a smile; they may not take their hands out of the pockets of their coats or jackets.

It is recommended that men always greet by shaking hands, women - by mutual agreement. If married couples meet, then first the women greet each other, then the men greet the women, and only after that the men greet each other.

A woman's hand is never kissed on the street as a sign of greeting, this is done only indoors. It is customary for us to kiss the hand of a married woman only. Kissing a woman's hand, you should not raise it too high, try to bend over yourself.

When shaking hands, do not shake the hand of the person being greeted too tightly. This rule should be especially remembered by men when they shake hands with women.

Handshakes are not always required. When acquaintances meet on the street or employees in the premises of one institution or enterprise, when visitors enter the heads, it is polite and correct to confine oneself to a greeting " Good morning"," Hello ", etc., while making a slight bow with your head, smile slightly.

The initiator of the handshake should almost always be a woman. But in some cases, women, as well as men, are not the first to reach out to persons much older than themselves in age and higher in official position. There is a general rule: the elder is the initiator of the handshake, the woman shakes hands with the man, the married woman is unmarried, young people should not be the first to shake hands with the older or married women.

The hostess of the house should not forget to shake hands with all the guests invited to her house. A woman at a party is obliged to shake hands to greet even a person with whom she is in unfriendly relations.

More complex etiquette situations

  1. If you notice a friend in the distance (on the other side of the street, on a bus, etc.), and if you also notice you, then you need to greet the acquaintance with a nod of the head, a wave of the hand, a bow, a smile. You don't have to shout at the top of your voice!
  2. If you see a friend approaching you, you do not need to shout "hello!" from afar. Wait until the distance between you is reduced to a few steps.
  3. If you are walking with someone and your companion says hello to a stranger, you should also say hello.
  4. If you meet a friend in the company of a stranger, you need to greet them both. You also need to greet everyone in the group you are approaching.
  5. If you go in a group and meet your friend, it is not necessary to introduce others to him. You can apologize, step aside for a few seconds and talk with a friend.
  6. Be sure to greet those people with whom you often meet, even if you do not know them, for example, with the seller of the nearest store, with the postman, neighbors from the entrance.
  7. If you enter a room where there are a lot of people, you should not greet everyone individually, but say a general “hello!”.


Handshake- a traditional, symbolic greeting gesture. In our time, they have become a little abused. So, for example, colleagues who meet daily at work do not have to shake hands in the morning and evening. When giving a hand, it is useful to remember not to offer it to your friend relaxed, lazily, as if handing over to hold a jellyfish. But you should also not shake your partner’s hand with all your might, shaking it in the air several times. Give your hand in a free, confident gesture. The squeeze should be short.

A woman, greeting, may not take off her glove. An exception may be a meeting with a woman much older than himself. Men, greeting each other, remain in gloves. But if one of them took off his, there's nothing to be done - the other must follow his example.

If a man greets a woman wearing gloves, he may not take off his own either. Exception: thick fur mittens.

The custom of kissing a woman's hand at a meeting is becoming more and more a thing of the past, remaining a national feature of the Poles.

If, when meeting on the street, you extend your hand to greet, remember that in this case, you must have both hands without gloves, or both in them. However, it is not supposed to extend a hand in a glove to a woman who does not have gloves. When greeting a man or someone younger than you, you can not adhere to this rule. You can also deviate from etiquette for a woman who greets a younger woman without gloves.

Entering the room, it is supposed to first remove gloves, and then greet those present. Of course, we are not talking about gloves that serve as an addition to evening dress.

It must be remembered that when introducing - regardless of whether you introduce yourself, or someone introduces you to the audience, you should not be the first to give a hand. Also, do not approach each of those present and shake hands. In this case, limit yourself to a slight bow and you will pay attention to all those gathered.

How to greet acquaintances at a meeting? A man always greets a woman first, the younger with the older. The woman, in turn, should be the first to say hello to the older one. If an older woman gives you a hand while you are sitting, you are supposed to stand up.


Parting- an element of speech etiquette, which completes any type of speech communication. As well as in relation to the greeting, the first person to say goodbye is the one who leaves, leaves the room, or whoever is more comfortable doing so. Forms of farewell, as well as forms of greeting, can be verbal (“goodbye”, “all the best”, etc.) and non-verbal, associated with the addition of what was said words easy bow, hand gesture, etc. Similar requirements apply to the handshake: the elder extends his hand to the younger first. A farewell handshake, in which strength is demonstrated too vigorously, the palm lingers in the palm of your hand - a typical violation of etiquette, but you should not stretch out a sluggish, lifeless palm in a "boat"; All this speaks of a lack of upbringing. The departure of a visitor from the office after solving a particular business issue does not at all imply stretching his hand across the table in parting to the interlocutor. It is good style for a social worker who has interviewed an older person or woman to get up when the visitor gets up to say goodbye and leave. . An elderly visitor or a woman is required to be escorted to the door, opening it to facilitate the interlocutor's actions. As the end of a conversation, farewell performs a number of specific functions. First, it is the usual following of etiquette. Secondly, parting- a certain act that completes a communicative contact. It sort of sums up the conversation and gives a certain guarantee that what was said in the conversation is the subject of further attention. In the absence of such confirmation, the visitor triggers a stable evaluation stereotype: out of sight, out of mind...

When parting and parting, it is customary to say parting words. This tradition originates in ancient times. How the spell sounded "good riddance". “With God,” the neighbors and relatives admonished each other, setting off on their journey. Now they are advising with the words “good luck”, “be healthy”, “goodbye”, “goodbye” (depending on the situation).

The first to say parting words is the one who is in a hurry. But in order not to give the impression that you want to get rid of the person as soon as possible, you should not pronounce parting words in a tongue twister.


Etiquette behavior among the most diverse peoples of the world, despite external, conspicuous differences, has many similarities. Some kind of universals are some gestures of greeting, postures of high and low prestige, certain ways of ritualized expression of emotions, value accentuation of space, as well as such phenomena as hospitality and the exchange of gifts. It seems that this list could be expanded. One of the most important characteristics of universals in etiquette is that they are not only transmitted in space and time, but also reproduced anew independently of each other in different cultures. Ethnic universals make up a very significant, one might even say, basic layer in the etiquette of different peoples, and in a transformed form they continue to exist in modern industrial society.

Many features of everyday behavior, features of everyday communication, as we have seen, have mytho-ritual origins. We can say that etiquette is a ritual, devoid of rigidity and obligation and overturned into everyday life, but at the same time retaining some of its meaningful characteristics. Etiquette, like ritual, organizes human behavior and interpersonal communication, and in such a way that partners, sometimes unconsciously, take part in playing out mythological and poetic scenarios.


1. Babina N. Secrets of etiquette. Publisher: RUSICH, 2001 - 208s.

3. Sheryl E., Eberly S., Encyclopedia of Etiquette Published by: Ripol Classic, 2007. - 256s.



The first step to establishing an acquaintance is introduction. You can introduce yourself personally and through an intermediary. To introduce yourself (to introduce) means to give the name, patronymic and surname. There are a number of generally accepted rules of etiquette governing introductions and acquaintances: a man, regardless of age and position, always introduces himself to a woman first; men and women who are younger in age or position are presented to elders (by age, position, rank); with an equal position, the young man appears to the elderly; one person always introduces himself to a couple, group or society (even a woman introduces herself to a married couple first).

When one person is introduced to the society, his name and surname are loudly called: in this case, there is no need to bring him to each of those present, the person being represented gives a slight bow to the whole society, and not to each separately. When two people get to know each other, the mediator should not only bring them to each other and say “Get acquainted”, but also name the person being represented, referring to the woman who is older in age, rank, position in society, respectively. If people of the same age and gender meet, then the mediator introduces a less familiar person to a more familiar one. Members of their family are introduced (introduced), naming only the first name without the last name.

The introduction and introduction is most often accompanied by a handshake. In this case, the following rules apply: the first to give a hand is the one to whom the person is introduced; woman to man; older - younger in age; boss to subordinate. If the handshake is not given, a slight bow is given. The handshake should not be too strong or too weak. You can not shake your hand, shake it with both hands, or give only fingers for a handshake. A man always gives his hand without a glove, a woman may not take off her glove.

After the introduction, as a sign of establishing an acquaintance, it is customary to exchange a few phrases or engage in a short conversation. The initiative of such a conversation should belong to a woman or a senior in age and position.

The rules of greetings provide not only their form, but also the conditions for the use of one form or another. The first to greet: the younger - the elders, the man - the woman, those who are late - waiting, entering - those present. So, even a woman, joining the society, is obliged to greet those present, without expecting greetings from the audience. When leaving, the woman also says goodbye first.

When greeting a woman or a senior in age and position, a man must stand up or, if the person being greeted only passes by, without intending to enter into a conversation, rise, i.e. mark getting up.

The main requirements for greetings are friendliness, goodwill. The greeting is usually accompanied by a smile.

The obligatory requirements of etiquette implies that they must be observed regardless of the psychological state or other factors of a personal nature. When visiting, the hostess of the house is greeted first of all, even if you have a strained relationship with her, they greet all your acquaintances, including those who are unpleasant to you for one reason or another.

The culture of speech is one of the main indicators of the general culture of a person. Therefore, we all need to constantly improve our manners of communication and speech. The culture of speech lies not only in the ability to avoid mistakes in speech, but also in the desire to constantly enrich one's vocabulary, in the ability to listen and understand the interlocutor, respect his point of view, in the ability to choose the right words in each specific communication situation.

Speech is one of the most important characteristics of a person. The way we communicate affects the impression we make on others. A person's speech can attract people to him or, conversely, repel them. Speech can also have a strong influence on the mood of our interlocutor. The culture of communication consists of the ability to listen to the interlocutor, speech etiquette, as well as compliance with the rules of good manners.

Now with regard to speech culture. According to most people, speech is just a mechanism for putting your thoughts into words. But this is an erroneous assumption. Speech and speech etiquette are important tools in establishing communication with people, in establishing contacts (in particular, in the business sphere), in increasing the productivity of communication, in persuading a mass audience to their side (in public speaking, for example).

Among other things, the culture of speech has a huge impact on the behavior of the speaker himself. The manner of speech and the choice of words in the dialogue not only set the interlocutor in the right mood, but also program our own behavior. We monitor our speech etiquette, weigh every word spoken and heard in response.

In the business sphere, situations often arise when, according to our speech culture, others judge not only ourselves, but also the institution, the official representative of which we are. Therefore, it is extremely important to observe speech etiquette during business meetings and meetings. If you have a bad culture of speech, it sharply lowers your career opportunities. You will have to familiarize yourself with the rules of speech etiquette in order to first get a job in a prestigious organization, and then not spoil the company's image and have a chance for promotion.

Basic rules of speech culture:

1) Avoid verbosity in any communication situation. If you want to convey some idea to the listener, you do not need extra words that distract attention from the main subject of speech.

2) Before entering into a conversation, clearly formulate for yourself the purpose of the upcoming communication.

3) Try to always speak briefly, clearly and precisely.

4) Strive for speech diversity. For each specific communication situation, you must find suitable words that are different from those that are applicable in other situations. The more complexes of various words for individual situations you have, the higher your speech culture will become. If a person does not know how to choose words that meet the requirements of a particular situation of communication, then he does not know the culture of speech.

5) Learn to find mutual language with any interlocutor. Regardless of the manner of communication of the counterpart, follow the principles of the culture of speech, be polite and friendly.

6) Never answer rudeness with rudeness. Do not stoop to the level of your poorly educated interlocutor. Following the principle of "an eye for an eye" in such a situation, you will only demonstrate the absence of your own culture of speech.

7) Learn to be attentive to the interlocutor, listen to his opinion and follow the course of his thoughts. Try to always show the right response to the words of your counterpart. Be sure to answer the interlocutor if you see that he needs your advice or attention. Remember, when you do not respond to the words of the interlocutor, you are grossly violating speech etiquette.

8) Make sure that during a conversation or public speaking, emotions do not overpower your mind. Maintain self-control and self-control.

9) Violation of the rules of speech etiquette is possible in cases where it is necessary to achieve expressiveness of speech. However, in no case should you stoop to the use of obscene words. Otherwise, there can be no talk of any culture.

10) When communicating with the interlocutor, do not adopt his communication style: stick to your positive speech habits. Of course, it is necessary to look for a common language with any interlocutor, but imitating his manner of communication, you lose your individuality.

Compliance with elementary norms of politeness is necessary not only when communicating or going out, but also when meeting and introducing people. This is especially important when it comes to business relationships, however, in other cases, it will not be superfluous to demonstrate knowledge of the intricacies of etiquette.

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How to get acquainted

If you want to get to know another person, try to keep a few important rules. First of all, when greeting, you need to introduce yourself and, if necessary, give a short explanation so that your interlocutor understands who you are dealing with. For example, you can tell who told you about him or explain how you know him.

The exceptions are cases when it comes to a fleeting acquaintance. It is not at all necessary to introduce yourself to find out how to find the right street or what time it is.

Other rules of etiquette should be strictly observed.

If a woman meets a man, she should give him the opportunity to introduce himself first. Juniors should introduce themselves to seniors, subordinates to superiors. In addition, one person always gives his or her name first when meeting a couple or a group of people. When meeting, you should give your right hand. However, a woman has the right not to shake hands with a man, in which case her interlocutor should bow slightly in greeting. Having introduced yourself and learned the name of the interlocutor, it is very important to say one of the traditional phrases: “Nice to meet you”, “Very glad to meet you”, etc. When giving one hand, you should not keep the other in your pocket. The handshake should be neither sluggish nor too strong. Getting acquainted, you need to stay calm and confident, look at the person with a smile. Turning away from him, interrupting, being distracted by conversations with other people is impolite.

How to represent other people

There are special rules of etiquette regarding introducing people to each other. If you want to introduce your friends, colleagues, etc., you should use one of the template phrases: “Let me introduce you”, “Let me introduce you to each other”, “Please introduce yourself”. Then you need to say the names of people. At the same time, if a man and a woman meet, they introduce the man first, and if we are talking about two persons of the same sex, the one who is younger.