How to wash chewing gum from clothes. What to do if chewing gum sticks to clothes: how to remove chewing gum at home? How to remove chewing gum from a jacket, jeans, trousers, pants, fabric: methods, instructions. How to quickly wipe dried gum from the sofa and other upholstered furniture

Many of us have encountered a solution to the problem - if it accidentally stuck and ruined the look of a favorite thing. Moreover, this can happen in the most unexpected places - for example, in public transport, in a park on a bench, in a cafe. There is not always a spare set of clothes at hand to immediately change clothes. The most important thing is not to panic and try to scrape off chewing gum immediately. The result may not be very good, the chewing gum may stick to the fabric even more, so pretend that nothing happened, be patient until you get to the house, and there already start saving your things.

Choosing a way to remove chewing gum from clothes

There are a few various options how to save your clothes from adhering misfortune. Some of them are quite common, and some are based on knowledge of chemistry and are not so widely used. If you've had an accident with chewing gum, check out the different ways, and there's probably one that's right for you.

How to remove chewing gum in a "freezing" way

Surely many have heard that when frozen, rubber becomes brittle and can break into pieces. This property, which makes it impossible to use ordinary rubber products at very low temperatures, is very useful for us to remove sticky chewing gum.

Fold the clothes with the lump of gum stuck in such a way that it does not end up inside the folds. Place the item carefully plastic bag and put it in the freezer of your refrigerator. Be patient for a few hours, you can leave the thing even overnight. Chewing gum should freeze properly and become brittle. After that, carefully with a knife or tweezers, try to remove a piece of chewing gum from the fabric. As a rule, it crumbles into fragments and they are quite easy to remove.

But there may be such an option that the thing is quite large and does not fit into the freezer, what to do in this case? Then pieces of ice in a plastic bag will come to your aid. After freezing the chewing gum with them, remove it in the same way.

The disadvantages of this method include the fact that if the chewing gum is strongly stuck, it can damage the fabric when splitting, so it is better to use it when a piece of chewing gum is not completely stuck.

How to remove chewing gum with cold water

The principle of removing chewing gum is based on the same cold, only now try not to put the thing in the freezer, but hold it under a stream of very cold water. As the rubber component of the gum hardens, clean it with a spatula or brush.

The "cons" of this method include the need to wet the fabric and its possible deformation.

How to remove chewing gum with dry ice

We continue to use the property of rubber to harden and prick in the cold, but this time we use a product under the general name “dry ice”, which can be bought at hardware or hardware stores. We also put this tool in a bag, freeze the gum and remove it.

By the way, in the store you can buy a special spray, the action of which is based on freezing, and apply it if necessary. But will such a truly “magic” bottle be with you when an unpleasant situation arises?

How to remove chewing gum with chemicals

To use this method, we need gasoline, which is usually used to refuel lighters. Hold the piece of fabric with the gum stuck over the steam to soften the chewing gum a little. Gasoline should be applied to the chewing gum and wait five minutes, then collect the chewing gum from the edges of the stain to the center with a swab or cloth.

When using a chemical solvent, be careful not to damage the fabric! In order to make sure that gasoline is safe for your item, you can apply a little on the lining and look at the reaction of the fabric - if there is no discoloration or destruction of the fibers, then it can also be used to remove chewing gum.

You can also try using acetone, dimethylformamide, dichloroethane, or other solvents, but be sure to test on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing first.

As one of the options chemical substances that have a destructive effect on chewing gum, alcohol can also be recommended. With a cotton swab, try to apply alcohol to the place with stuck chewing gum and then clean it off.

How to remove chewing gum in a "hot" way

In this case, use the property of rubber to become soft when heated up to fluidity. Heat the area of ​​the affected item, for this you can take a hair dryer or hot water. It is better to clean with two people - one heats up, the other cleans with a brush or spatula.

A significant disadvantage of this method is the need to expose the fabric to high temperatures, whereby the fibers, already damaged by the invasion of a hostile rubber component, may suffer.

A variation of the "hot" method is ironing the fabric with an iron through a napkin or paper. The chewing gum should soften, stick to the paper and stay on it. Don't forget to adjust the temperature of your iron according to the type of fabric your garment is made of!

How to remove chewing gum using the method of "folk art"

The method invented by the people can be called “like is removed by like”, that is, we remove the chewing gum with the help of ... chewing gum.

A piece of chewing gum that has already been in use, knead in your hands, achieving such a state when it starts to stick to your fingers. Try sticking to the chewing gum that ruined your things, then peel off, stick again. As a rule, chewing gum tends to stick to the same chewing gum very well, taking large areas with it when cleaning.

What else can you try to remove chewing gum from clothes

When solving the problem of how to remove chewing gum from clothes, you should not remove dishwashing detergents and all kinds of stain removers. Each of them contains very aggressive surfactants - surfactants that can dissolve compositions even more abruptly than chewing gum. If the chewing gum is very strongly eaten into the fabric, soak the clothes in water, apply a detergent or cleaning agent directly to the area with a problem piece of chewing gum and wait a while. After softening the gum (or its decomposition, yes, yes, this can happen!) The ill-fated area must be cleaned, and all clothes should be washed thoroughly.

Finally, the most reliable and proven method, after using which you will not doubt the result, is to take the clothes to the dry cleaner. The specialists of the organization, which is not in vain called “dry cleaning”, will do all the necessary manipulations with your affected clothing at a professional level, taking into account all the features of the composition and structure of the fabric fibers, so this method is also the safest.

You can, of course, treat this problem with a smile, they say, look carefully where you sit, and nothing like this will ever happen to you. But sometimes an insidious sticky lump can be simply invisible on the surface of furniture, upholstery, transport seats. And when you accidentally (accidentally, not on purpose!) sit on the gum, do not forget about our tips, we hope they will help you cope and remove the annoying lump of sticky gum from your things.

There are many ways to remove chewing gum, but only a few are suitable for a particular case. If it was not possible to immediately remove the pollution, you need to continue trying using other methods.

There are many ways to remove chewing gum, but only a few are suitable for a particular case.

The answer to the question of how to remove a stain from clothes depends on a number of factors:

  • the degree of penetration of the adhesive mass between the fibers of the fabric;
  • material type;
  • fresh or old stain.

Methods based on lowering the temperature

To remove chewing gum from clothes, first of all, it is necessary to act on the thing with cold. Apply ice or leave the product in the freezer. More about these methods:

  1. If you need to remove contamination from the surface of a large item, use a small piece of ice from the freezer. It is placed on the stain and left for a while. You need to wait until the adhesive mass hardens, and then try to remove it moderately with a stiff brush or wooden spatula. It is important to remember that it is not enough just to clean the fabric, it is also necessary to keep it in its original form, without damaging the fiber when cleaning. This method is suitable for large items: coats, jackets, fur coats. Even carpeting can be cleaned with a piece of ice.
  2. Another method of getting rid of chewing gum on clothes is based on exposing the entire product to lower temperatures. To do this, put the thing in the freezer. First, the product is folded so that the stain is on top. Then, in order not to spoil the thing, it is placed in a plastic bag. You need to make sure that the chewing gum does not stick to the polyethylene. If it still sticks, the product is placed on top of the package. It is necessary to check that the fabric does not come into contact with the surface of the freezer. When the pollution hardens, it can itself move away from the fibers, it remains only to remove it.

To remove chewing gum from clothes, first of all, it is necessary to act on the thing with cold

Instead of ice, the fabric is exposed to cold water from a tap or freezer (the filled bottle is pre-cooled). Alternative methods: dry ice, Freezer products.

How to wash a feather pillow at home

How to clean clothes from chewing gum (video)

Methods based on temperature increase

To unstick chewing gum from clothes, there are other methods:

  • impact hot water;
  • boiling;
  • using an iron or hair dryer.

To avoid mistakes when removing gum, you need to follow simple tips:

  1. Remove stains from jeans, trousers or other thick fabric possible by boiling. The product is immersed in boiling water. Then turn off the stove. Now you need to wait until the water temperature drops to an acceptable level (40-50 degrees). If you need to clean jeans, then you can use boiling water on the woven material long time. After the water has cooled down a bit, you can remove the stain from the clothes with a sharp object (knife). The stain is then rubbed off with a toothbrush. In this way, the adhesive mass from the fabric is easier to remove, as it will roll.
  2. Using boiling water or hot water from a tap, kettle. In this way, the problem is solved much faster. You just need to bring the contaminated area to the tap, but you can also use a recently boiled kettle. A jet of water is directed to the spot. This method can also remove chewing gum from jeans, but the result may be slightly worse than using the boiling method. This is due to the fact that insufficiently hot water affects the fabric, which means that it will be a little more difficult to clean clothes.
  3. Ironing the contaminated area with an iron. Different variations of this method are used: exposure through gauze, a napkin, but it is best to put the product on cardboard. In this case, the contamination should be from below so that the chewing gum is in contact with the cardboard. The temperature regulator on the iron is set to the middle position and the product is ironed. This takes into account the recommendations of the manufacturer, which means that not every item can be cleaned in this way. If a stain remains after removing the dirt, then it is removed with a stain remover or dishwashing detergent.
  4. When you need to get rid of chewing gum on jeans or other dense fabric, you can use a hair dryer. Set the high temperature mode and direct the air stream to the spot. At the same time, you need to think about how to scrape off the chewing gum - you can use a knife or a toothpick.

How to transfer stickers to clothes

We use aggressive

Gasoline is a powerful substance. With it, you can remove the chewing gum, while the structure of the sticky mass will be destroyed. It is necessary to pour a small amount of gasoline on the contaminated area. It should be borne in mind that not all tissues tolerate the effects of aggressive substances well, sometimes there may be consequences: loss of shape, color. And the smell of gasoline will remain in any case. It can only be removed after washing the product.

Instead of gasoline, it is allowed to use any alcohol-containing agent, dichloroethane.

You can also use vinegar essence. But this method is not suitable for materials that require delicate handling. Instructions for using vinegar:

  1. The essence must be heated, after pouring it into a tin container.
  2. You will need a toothbrush for cleaning. It is dipped in heated vinegar and quickly begin to scrub the contaminated area. This must be done quickly, as it is hot vinegar that works best. The stain should be rubbed until the foreign contamination is completely removed. In this case, the brush should be periodically dipped in vinegar. If the essence has cooled down, it must be warmed up.
  3. The cleaned material is washed in the usual way. This measure allows you to get rid of the specific smell of vinegar.

In addition to the above means, acetone or nail polish remover is also used. The application principle is the same in both cases. So, the contaminated area is treated with the agent, and then the chewing gum is removed. After the end of the procedure, the product must be washed in the usual way using washing powder. This will remove the smell of acetone from the item. This method is not suitable for fabrics that require delicate handling.

Another option is toluene. It is applied to the stain, then the gum is removed and washed.

It is necessary to act correctly: after treating the stain with aggressive means, the chewing gum is collected with a rag. The direction of movement is from the edge to the center. It is also necessary to check how the material will behave when in contact with gasoline, acetone or toluene. The substance is applied to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tissue and the reaction is observed. If there are no changes, you can proceed to the treatment of the stain.

Life hacks you can do with pillowcases

How to remove chewing gum from clothes (video)

other methods

In the fight against chewing gum, you can use not only the considered means, but also other methods. All of them give good results:

  1. Liquid soap. It does not destroy the structure of the chewing gum, but contributes to its lagging behind the fibers of the tissue. Treat the stain and the fabric around it with liquid soap. It is important to rub the product well so that it is absorbed into the material. Without waiting for the soap to dry, it is necessary to proceed to the second stage: the impact of a blunt object on the chewing gum (an unsharpened knife and spatula will do). The mass is rubbed gently, otherwise the thing may be damaged. After removing the chewing gum, the product is washed.
  2. A special spray for cleaning things from chewing gum, which is called "Chewing Gum Removers". You can find it in hardware stores. According to the principle of impact on the contaminated area, the spray resembles the method of freezing gum. You need to treat the stain, wait a few seconds. Then the chewing gum is removed using any improvised means (blunt or sharp knife, etc.).
  3. Any adhesive (remnants of adhesive tape, chewing gum) is removed from the surface of the fabric the same way– you need to reapply the source of contamination. If there is chewing gum left on the clothes, then you need to chew another one and stick it on top of the already existing stain. The new gum will stick to the old gum and pull it along.
  4. Peanut butter. It is applied carefully and only to the area with contamination. If the oil is on the fabric, then you will also have to remove traces of fat. The agent is applied to the stain, after which it is removed along with chewing gum with a blunt knife or spatula. Peanut butter acts like a chewing gum softener. When the procedure is over, the product is washed in the usual way (with washing powder).
  5. You can also try the washing method. It is used last, that is, when none of the methods helped. This is due to the low efficiency of this method. Should be washed by hand. In an attempt to remove chewing gum, use washing powder, dishwashing liquid or stain remover. The stain is generously treated with a cleaning agent and rubbed off.

Many have come across chewing gum stuck to their clothes - they picked it up on a park bench or bus seat. Most often, this Velcro can be found on children's things. That's just removing chewing gum from clothes is problematic, especially if you are away from home.

How to quickly remove chewing gum from clothes

Those who carry a gas cartridge with them to fill the lighter are lucky in terms of fighting chewing gum - you can get rid of it in 5-7 minutes. To do this, a sticky “misunderstanding” is treated with a pressure of gas and they wait until the chewing gum hardens. After that, it is easily scraped off the clothes with any hard object (knife, tweezers, keys, etc.).

The lack of a spray can be compensated (oddly enough) with fresh chewing gum. Having softened it in your fingers, perform several actions similar to ritual ones: they “trampled” the fresh chewing gum into the already ingrained clothes and pulled it out sharply. You need to repeat the procedure several times until there is no trace of the gum on the things.

How to remove chewing gum at home

At home, there are more options on how to clean chewing gum from clothes, but they will all take a certain period of time.

Cold exposure
The structure of chewing gum is such that under the influence of sufficiently low temperatures it hardens and easily loses contact with the thing to which it has stuck. There are several ways to deal with chewing gum, and they are all equally effective.

  1. Send the soiled item (wrapped in plastic) to the freezer. After 3-4 hours, remove and use tweezers to separate the "stuck" from the clothes.
  2. If the freezer does not fit a piece of clothing (such as a coat), the place where the chewing gum has stuck can be covered with pieces of ice.
  3. Those who have radio amateurs in the family are lucky - in the arsenal of the master there will definitely be a preparation for freezing microcircuits. It is also suitable for the fight against chewing gum.
  4. Someone acts on the Velcro with a stream of cold running water, rubbing the chewing gum with a toothbrush.

Some prefer it hot
In addition to cold, chewing gum can also be affected by high temperatures - it can be easily removed if it is too softened. But in this case, after removing the sticky mass from the clothes, a contaminated place may remain there, which should be treated with a stain remover.

  1. If the fabric allows, soak the clothes in hot water and after a few minutes try to clean the gum with a toothbrush.
  2. You can use an iron in the fight against chewing gum in 2 ways: cover the problem area with a gauze napkin or newsprint and walk several times with a hot iron. The soiled thing can be laid on a sheet of cardboard and ironed from the inside out.
  3. A hair dryer will also help out if you act on chewing gum with a stream of hot air. At the same time, scrape it off with a toothbrush.

Improvised tools from the kitchen
Modern housewives are so advanced that they easily use some food ingredients not only in cooking. They also know recipes on how to easily get rid of chewing gum on clothes.

  1. The peanut butter will help soften the gum. And then it will be quite easy to scrape off the fabric. Just apply the oil carefully so as not to stain a clean area of ​​\u200b\u200bclothes (an ear cleaner is great for this).
  2. Dip a toothbrush in slightly heated vinegar and quickly rub it into the gum. This method is especially effective in cleaning denim.


Chewing gum is a certain chemical composition, which can be affected by other chemistry.

  1. Nail polish is a great solution in this situation. It should only be taken into account that acetone-containing liquid cannot be used on shedding fabrics.
  2. On chemical resistant fabrics, toluene, a liquid used for technical purposes, can be used.

Don't "reinvent the wheel"
In order not to be too philosophic about how to get rid of chewing gum, it’s easier to buy a special spray preparation (“Chewing Gum Removers”). It is just designed to fix such problems. The basic principle of aerosol action is freezing. Step by step actions are given in the instructions.

The second option that can alleviate your suffering is a company called Dry Cleaning. Everything there will be done efficiently and accurately. You just have to pay for the service provided.

Whatever method is chosen to remove chewing gum from things, after the procedure, clothes should be washed (by hand or in a typewriter - it does not matter). Before that, if necessary, the place where the chewing gum was previously should be treated with a stain remover or dishwashing solution.

And one more tip: before using chemicals and a hot way to deal with chewing gum, first make sure that the thing itself does not deteriorate.

Video: how to remove chewing gum from clothes

If chewing gum gets on clothes or other surfaces, it creates a lot of problems associated with its removal. How many clothes, carpets and furniture upholstery are spoiled by these colored lumps! How to remove sticky chewing gum? There are many simple and effective ways.

Rules for removing chewing gum stains from hard surfaces

In the case of sticky chewing gum, it is important to consider how long it has been on the material. Some experts believe that the sooner you start clearing the lump, the better. And a number of “experienced” victims have a different opinion: if you start removing the chewing gum immediately, it can be smeared even more. It is better to wait until it hardens.

How to peel off gum from wooden surfaces, floors, tiles, stone and linoleum

The main condition for the complete removal of chewing gum from a wooden table and other furniture is that its surface must be cold and dry.

  1. Wrap the ice cube in a bag.
  2. Run it over the contaminated surface for 2-3 minutes.
  3. When the gum is completely hardened, scrape it off with a spatula.
  4. Wipe the unvarnished surface with warm soapy water.
  5. Treat varnished surfaces with ammonia diluted with water (2 parts water and 1 part alcohol).
  6. Wipe dry to avoid streaks.

To remove chewing gum from granite, marble and tiles, the stain must be frozen. The method described above for cleaning wooden surfaces is suitable. If the chewing gum sticks to the linoleum, it needs to be cooled down a lot, but you will have to use the spatula with great care so as not to scratch the top layer.

This is interesting. In the Forbes magazine ranking of the top ten unusual things in the world, one of the leading places is occupied by quick-decomposing chewing gum. It does not stick to the surface and is easily washed off with plain water.

How can you clean glass, porcelain or faience

Kitchen utensils suffer from chewing gum no less than clothes and shoes. The easiest way to remove sticky lumps is with hot water. If the material allows, then boil the dishes or limit yourself to a stream of hot water. Under the influence high temperature The chewing gum will melt and drip off on its own.

The exception is thin glassware. It is better not to heat this material, but rather cool it (just do not freeze, otherwise it will burst), and then carefully remove the remnants with your fingers.

We remove sticky mass and greasy traces from iron, liquid crystal surfaces and plastic

For iron, you can use the "cold method" (as for wood, stone and linoleum) or "hot". The second is considered more reliable.

  1. Direct the hot jet of the hair dryer at the stuck gum.
  2. After softening, remove the residue with a napkin or brush.
  3. Rinse with cool water and pat dry.

If the gum sticks to a computer monitor or laptop, you need to be careful.

  1. Turn off the fixture and let it cool down to room temperature.
  2. Mix distilled vinegar and distilled water in a 1:1 ratio. Attention! You can not use ordinary tap water - there will be stains.
  3. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle.
  4. Apply it to a lint-free cotton cloth.
  5. When blotting the gum, try to remove it from the surface. Do this carefully, as you can damage the top layer of the LCD film.
  6. Repeat the previous step until you have removed all the gum.
  7. Wipe the screen with a dry cotton cloth to remove the greasy residue.

How to clean the sole from stuck chewing gum: saving sneakers or boots

What could be more unpleasant than stepping on gum, especially if you are in a hurry or wearing a new pair for the first time fashion sneakers. But do not despair: there is a way that helps to quickly tear off the gum from the sole.

  1. soak cotton pad alcohol, acetone or nail polish remover.
  2. Soak the sticky mass for 3-4 minutes, applying and lightly pressing on the swab.
  3. Remove the residue with a knife or an unnecessary toothbrush.

Please note: if the gum sticks to shoes with a bright colored sole, then the above solvents must be mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 0.5.

In order to wipe off a colored or smooth sole, use methods using vegetable oil.

  1. Drop any vegetable oil on sticky chewing gum.
  2. Wait 2 minutes.
  3. Remove the sticky lump with a tissue.

If oil is not at hand, use sand or coffee.

  1. Sprinkle sand or ground coffee on the gum.
  2. Roll it into a ball with your finger and remove it from the sole.

You can also remove chewing gum from shoes using the “cold” method by placing the boot for 15–20 minutes. into the freezer.

How to wash a carpet, rug or carpet

If chewing gum gets on the carpet, there are two ways to remove it. The first is suitable for short pile coatings.

  1. Remove the chewing gum with your hands as far as possible.
  2. Soak a soft cotton cloth with white spirit.
  3. Wipe the remaining trace.

If the pile is long, use scissors.

  1. As in the previous instructions, remove most of the gum with your hands.
  2. Carefully cut off the remaining tangled villi.

These methods are also suitable for cleaning shaggy car mats.

How to quickly wipe dried gum from the sofa and other upholstered furniture

Gum stuck on a sofa or chair is not a reason to get rid of damaged furniture. There is a chance to restore it.

  1. Apply makeup remover to the gum area.
  2. Wipe the problem area with a sponge.
  3. Remove the remaining gum with a tissue.

How to remove old chewing gum stains from the sofa - video

We remove chewing gum from thick clothes: jeans, knitwear, jackets, shirts, down jackets and bed linen

If the gum has hardened on jeans, a cotton duvet, a thick blanket, linen bedding or sheets, a shirt or a down jacket, then it is best to use the cooling method to remove it.

  • freeze the damaged thing in the freezer or put a piece of ice on a lump of gum;
  • wait until the sticky mass is completely frozen;
  • remove the gum with your fingers or an unnecessary toothbrush.

You can also use a special Freeezer cooler, which is sold in radio parts stores.

  1. Apply a freeze spray to sticky gum.
  2. Remove dirt with fingers or a brush.
  3. After processing, it is advisable to wash the item, as an unpleasant odor may remain.

Do not use an iron to remove sticky gum. It does a poor job and leaves stains on clothes that are difficult to get rid of.

Old stains from gum stuck to tight jeans, school jackets or pants can be taken out in unusual ways. For example, another chewing gum.

  1. Apply fresh chewing gum to the sticky one, press it with a knife.
  2. Quickly tear off both rubber bands.
  3. Repeat several times until the lump is completely removed.

Another easy way is to use tape or duct tape.

  1. Attach a piece of tape or duct tape to the gum.
  2. Peel off quickly.
  3. Repeat until all the pieces remain on the tape.

How to remove elastic from cotton trousers, skirts, sweatshirts, t-shirts or synthetic dresses

Thin knitwear, cotton shorts, leggings, stretchy synthetics require special handling. When rubbed, they can stretch a lot and the thing is completely deformed. If the fabric does not shed, use a regular nail polish remover.

  1. Soak a cotton pad in liquid.
  2. Attach to the lump.
  3. Use your fingers or a knife to carefully remove any remaining gum.

Dishwashing liquid will help to remove chewing gum from colored stretchy fabrics.

  1. Pour any dishwashing liquid onto the stain.
  2. Leave on for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Remove gum.
  4. Wash the item as usual.

Dishwashing liquid can be replaced with peanut butter. Put it on the stuck gum, carefully remove it with a napkin and wash the clothes.

Home and professional products for chiffon, silk, leather jackets, briefcases and furniture

Silk, chiffon and others delicate fabrics require special care when removing a lump of gum. One sudden movement can irreparably damage the product. In order to reduce chewing gum, you need warm vinegar.

  1. Heat 9% table vinegar to 40-50 degrees.
  2. Soak an unwanted toothbrush in it.
  3. Remove the gum by gently rubbing the surface.
  4. Wash the item in the usual way.

In order not to damage delicate fabrics, you can use a special Chewing Gum Removers spray. Its action is similar to freezing, only several times faster. With it, the gum is removed easily and without loss.

  1. Spray sticky gum.
  2. Remove the frozen mass with a spatula, spatula or nail file.
  3. Let the fabric dry.

Please note: Light shades may appear darker after applying Chewing Gum Removers Spray.

In order to wipe the sticky gum from the leather surface, you will need saddle soap (a special detergent for leather items). Prepare a dense foam from it and wipe the lump with a sponge until it disappears completely.

There is another way that is suitable for leather furniture - cut off the chewing gum with a knife. After that, you only need to remove the remnants with a stiff brush and lubricate with special oil or ordinary Vaseline.

How to dissolve and remove chewing gum from different surfaces: from old jeans to a leather bag - video

Removing chewing gum from car seats

To effectively clean sticky chewing gum from a car seat, you need to choose a method suitable for the material from which it is made. The most convenient and versatile method is cooling with a piece of ice.

If you need to tear off the chewing gum from the fabric upholstery of the seats, use the option using warm milk.

  1. Moisten sticky gum with milk at room temperature until it begins to crumble.
  2. Remove residue with any cleaning agent.

After removing the chewing gum, a greasy mark often remains on textile surfaces. Any stain remover or dishwashing gel will help get rid of it.

How to clean a car seat - video

How to get rid of gum sticking to fabric: rating of effective ways

Freezing is the first place, this technique allows you to remove the remnants of gum from any fabric. Moreover, after strong cooling, even old, stubborn chewing gum is quite easily removed.

The second position is for solvents such as white spirit or nail polish remover. It should be remembered that these tools are only suitable for dense materials. light shades. As for delicate fabrics, there is an alternative for them - vinegar. The third place is shared by gels for washing dishes and lotions for removing make-up.

Of course, special aerosols are beyond competition, but the question of their versatility remains open. After their use, white traces may remain on colored fabrics of any texture.

How to remove chewing gum from skin or hair

If the gum sticks to the skin, moisten it with warm water and remove it with your hands. H Some experienced "rescuers" recommend wiping the lump with lemon juice, so the chewing gum will come off faster.

Housewives often have to deal with complex clothing contamination. Planted spots are often difficult to remove, but what if gum accidentally sticks to a skirt or jeans? It seems that the thing is hopelessly damaged, and it can no longer be saved. Is it really?

How to remove chewing gum from clothes? There are some home remedies to help deal with this problem. In fact, chewing gum can be removed from any fabric, and without damage to the material. Let's see what can be done in such a situation.

Options for chewing gum

How to remove chewing gum from clothes? You can remove it from trousers or skirts by different ways impact. Depending on the density and nature of the material of clothing, the variation is selected individually.

How to remove chewing gum from clothes:

  • cooling;
  • heating;
  • chemical impact.

It should be noted that thin and delicate materials do not tolerate high thermal effects. This means that heating should be immediately excluded. But a low temperature for cleaning is just right.

How to get chewing gum out of clothes if it has hardened?

Of course, it is better to immediately remove the sticky mass. If it stays on a thing for a long time, then it will become much more difficult to clean the gum from the jeans, or wash it from the fabric on the pants.

In addition, the elastic can also be smeared on the fabric. But it is still possible to do so.

As for the removal of complex pollution through household chemicals, this method is not suitable for bright colored products. This is due to the fact that after such an aggressive impact, a brightened one may remain.

From all of the above, of course, we can conclude that cleansing through cold is the most versatile and effective option for dealing with chewing gum stuck to clothes. But other methods, too, ahead of time should not be discounted.

Well, now more about all the existing methods of peeling chewing gum.

Cold cleaning methods

How to remove chewing gum from trousers or jeans? Cold methods of cleansing will come to the rescue. They are also suitable for delicate, thin, bright and shedding fabrics. There are two effective options that do not require much time and effort.

So, how do you get gum off your pants? A freezer or ice cube will help.


Using a freezer is the most commonly used option when dealing with chewing gum.

How to remove gum from jeans and other things? To clean clothes, you will need to fold them with the dirt out, and then place them in a regular bag. We send it to the freezer for about 1 hour.

During this period of time, the sticky mass will harden, and the chewing gum will no longer stick so firmly, which means that it will become much easier to unstick it from the matter.

Most often, the gum is just enough to pry off and it disappears by itself. But if this did not happen, then you can help yourself with some pointed object. It can be a nail file or a regular knife.

ice cube

How to remove chewing gum from jeans or any other clothing in a faster way? If there is no time at all, and the adhering pollution needs to be urgently removed, then you can use ordinary ice cubes.

Ice wrapped in a plastic bag is simply applied to the attached elastic band. The cubes should be changed as needed until the adhesive mass hardens.

Then it should be scrubbed with a stiff brush or knife. Sometimes sticky pollution can be simply completely torn off.

Instead of ice, it would also be nice to use special freezing agents that are sold in household stores. There are enough brands of freezing sprays - there are plenty to choose from.

Hot cleaning methods

How can you remove chewing gum from clothes? In some cases, if the fabric is dense and does not shed, it is worth trying hot cleaning techniques. On the contrary, unlike cooling, they heat and melt the gum, which helps to clean off the mass without any extra effort.


How to get rid of chewing gum on clothes with an iron? Very simple, first unstick the part of the gum that is well behind, and then put a napkin on top of the stain and at medium heat, in the area of ​​​​contamination.

The remaining trace is disposed of with dish detergent, or removed with a stain remover. The main condition is not to use this method in relation to pure synthetics.

Hair dryer application

How to remove chewing gum from clothes with a hair dryer? As in the previous method, for starters, it is better to try to partially tear off the Velcro. Next, heat the stained area with a hair dryer until the chewing gum is very soft. Now we clean off the dirt with a toothbrush or any other old brush. In conclusion, simply wash the thing in hot water with powder.

Hot water or steam

You will need to boil water. In the case of hot water, you should pull a piece of clothing stained with chewing gum onto the bucket. So it will be more convenient to water the directly soiled area with water. When the pollution begins to move away, it is cleaned with a brush.

How to remove chewing gum with steam? You just need to pour half a bucket of boiling water, also stretch the thing so that the steam passes through the soiled area. The elastic will gradually begin to melt, and it will become easier to remove it from the material.

After removing sticky contamination with heating methods, a trace may remain.But you shouldn't worry. , and the chewing gum itself will help homemade chemicals.

Home dry cleaning

How to wipe chewing gum from pants using chemical treatment? What means in general can dissolve a sticky viscous substance, while not harming the tissue? There are safe home methods, and they will be described now.

And if you're worried about how to get chewing gum stains out of hot-cleaned clothes, these products will also help.


How to get rid of chewing gum on fabric with acetone? You can even use not pure acetone, but nail polish remover.

It is enough to put a few drops of the substance on the sticky area and rub it with your fingers. After 2 minutes, you need to wash the item or dish detergent.

Medical alcohol

How to remove chewing gum from trousers or skirts? Alcohol will help separate the sticky substance from matter. It is better to use it only on plain and dim products, as the thing can shed.

All that is needed is to moisten a cotton swab or sponge in alcohol and saturate the place where the gum sticks with it. Now we wait a couple of minutes, and clean the remnants of the fabric with a knife.

ammonium chloride

Ammonia is able to wash complex stains of various kinds, including traces of chewing gum. How to clean clothes from chewing gum with ammonia? You will need to moisten a cotton swab in the product and apply it to the stain for 1 hour. The adhesive backing comes off easily. It remains just to rub the contaminated area well to get rid of the stain. In conclusion, we wash the pants in the usual way.

table vinegar

How to clean chewing gum from clothes with vinegar? The method is considered one of the most effective. You can use it without fear for colored things.

To achieve a positive result, it is enough to heat the substance a little, and immediately begin to clean the stuck chewing gum. You can use an old toothbrush. They dip it in vinegar, and carefully in a circular motion clean up the pollution. For cleaning jeans, this method is just a godsend.

It turns out that chewing gum sticking to clothes is not so scary. The thing can now always be cleaned, because you already know the methods. Such folk recipes have already helped out a single hostess in difficult situations. And all the magic lies just in the knowledge of little tricks.