Congratulations on the upcoming New Year in prose (in your own words). Congratulations on the new metal rat year in prose Congratulations on the coming year in your own words

I want to wish you a special New Year, magical mood to approach things with inspiration, strength and vigor. Let amazing events await at any turn of fate that will bring you prosperity, well-being and confidence in the future. I wish you health and simple human happiness, so necessary for all of us!

I wish you to reach your old goals and find new ones! I wish you the realization of the most daring ideas and the realization of all plans, and I also wish you strength, energy and impeccable health to accomplish all this! Happy New Year!

May the new year 2019 be better than the previous one. And next to you there will always be sincere, reliable friends, and in your personal life - a loving and devoted person. Meet this holiday with a smile so that it is full of joyful events and good emotions

Happy holiday! Achieve new heights, boldly go forward - you are on the right track! Leave everything unnecessary in the outgoing year, because amazing, wonderful events await you in the new year, which will bring happiness and confidence in the future!

Well friends! The Christmas tree is decorated, the candles are lit, and the champagne is already on the table! You are all elegant and beautiful! I want that all 365 days of the upcoming New Year you feel the same as at this moment! Let the New Year's happiness be enough for the whole year. You still can’t do without problems, but let them be solved by you easily and naturally! Happy New Year and all will be well

Inhaling the winter air, mixed with the aroma of spruce, tangerines and something else wonderful and fabulous, I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year! May all your hopes, all your wildest desires and expectations come true, because this holiday is magical! Good health to you and only happy days in the new year!

May these new 365 days be better than all the past ones, may the new 12 months give hope and confidence in a brighter future, and may every new minute of life be brighter, happier and more fun. Happy New Year to you, in which every new second will be filled only with sincere friendship and mutual love

I sincerely wish that the joyful mood of the holidays new year days kept for the whole year! Happiness and health to you and all your loved ones, love, kindness, harmony and peace! May all the dreams that you did not have time to make on New Year's Eve will surely come true on the night of the Old New Year.

New Year I'm on the road! We are all looking forward to the holiday. On the eve of the celebration, I would like to wish you to feel all the joy from the magic of New Year's Eve. Let it turn into a fairy tale for you, and all adults, together with children, will rush to open new Year gifts to the sound of New Year's chimes. I hasten to say the warmest words in this new year! May your life be colorful, your home be hospitable, may luck and love be your faithful companions!

The coming year ... (whom) is considered a year of good luck, luck and a favorable influence on all aspects of life. Happy New Year! Let the mood be bright, like the lights on a Christmas tree, thoughts - clean and light, like the first snow, and the mood be playful, like champagne bubbles! I would like to wish New year's night brought a charge of optimism for the whole year ahead! Meet the New Year with a smile!

I personally want to wish everyone perfect harmony in the New Year. Harmony in everything - let nothing bother you, let everything that you do be done to you, let all the people with whom you communicate cause only positive things in you. Let all the most beautiful thing that happened to you - there was a black streak of your life, and in the new year there will be a new streak - white. And yet - joy! And faith! And, of course, good luck, and if not, then hope! Happy New Year!

May all be well with the one who reads this New Year's wish! Let dreams come true, and all undertakings bear fruit, so that the heart is warm and the soul rejoices at the wonderful moments that lie ahead. May the most cherished dreams come true with such ease and simplicity, as if they have always been with you!

Every New Year is a renewal and a chance to make everything better than before. May all plans, all desires and all dreams come true in the 20th year! I wish you perseverance, faith in yourself and the strength to do everything that is planned!

New Year is a truly amazing and fabulous time that needs to be appreciated. I wish you happiness and success, the fulfillment of cherished dreams. Let worries remain in the past, and doubts can be overcome. Look to the future only with sincere hope for cherished happiness. I wish you the fulfillment of your plans, which will allow you to believe that success is achievable. Let fate give good health and strong immunity, so that every day brings amazing joy, real inspiration.

Please believe that in the future everything will definitely get better, and all trials will remain in the past. I want to know that you will certainly find the real success that you dream of. Remember that I can give you support and help to reveal the bright facets of being. Congratulations from the bottom of my heart, because I really care about you, dear little man!

So the New Year has come, on which I congratulate you. What would you wish for such a wonderful person like you? Of course, you can only wish for the best and worthy. May the coming year bring many bright and special emotions, everything in life develops as planned. I wish you troubleshooting and hassle that can be confusing. May you have many pleasant, special surprises in your life, and the cycle of affairs causes only inspiration and a surge of energy.

I sincerely hope that the year will be able to please you with the fulfillment of desires that were made during the chimes. Please remain as wonderful a person as you are now, and of course, try to improve, reaching new heights. I believe that my wishes will find an opportunity to come true. Happy New Year, special holiday in a yearly cycle!

Let only good and pleasant memories of the old year remain in our memory, and this will allow us to boldly and joyfully look into the future.

I wish you in the New Year - if you stumble, then about money, if you fall - then into your arms, if you cry - then from happiness!

Happy New Year! We wish that everything that you have in mind will come true! Let the mood be great, and sad moments go into oblivion. After all, the New Year is a wonderful and fabulous holiday that inspires new deeds and good deeds.

The New Year is a time of fulfillment of desires, fulfilled hopes and vivid impressions! We wish that these magical sensations do not leave you all the coming year! Let joy, comfort and fabulous love knock on your house along with its new symbol - the Yellow Earth Pig, under the chiming clock!

Meeting the New Year is a mysterious, exciting, always joyful time. And these simple words"Happy New Year! With new happiness!" we pronounce it with a special feeling, because you can say them only once a year! This is a great opportunity to speak out and congratulate all of you on this charming holiday and wish you good health, good luck and endless happiness!!! Happy new year friends!

On the magical New Year's Eve, it is very useful for us adults to return to childhood ... You remember the agonizing anticipation of the holiday and that amazing feeling when the New Year comes right after midnight ... I congratulate you and wish you to dream and believe in the best like a child on this night , and as an adult to be sure that this year will finally give a well-deserved and long-awaited happiness!

Happy New Year! Joy and happiness to you this year. May luck and success never leave you. Love, good happiness and prosperity. Beautiful, bright, unique impressions from contact with nature. More happy and successful days. Let everything go only for the better.

New Year is wonderful unforgettable holiday spiritual celebration! Let all the plans come true under the chiming clock, and the desired come true. I wish that the magic of New Year's Eve touches each of us and makes everyone happier! New hopes, new aspirations and new life for you in the new year!

With the advent of the new year, we tend to make plans, hope for the best, dream. Traditionally, we make wishes. I would like to wish that the cherished dreams and New Year's expectations come true! Be happy, let love fill your hearts!

Do you know that in Italy on New Year's Eve it is customary to throw away everything old and unnecessary? Therefore, I propose to start with envy, lies, resentment and bad deeds, for which you are ashamed. And all the good things that happened in the outgoing year should be carefully packed and transferred to the next year! Happy New year to you!

There are so many holidays in this world that sometimes there is simply not enough time to celebrate them all. But this holiday is not to be forgotten. And all because he remains in our hearts forever. We can't forget the fresh smell spruce branches and tangerines, as well as a New Year's brightly glowing garland.

All these seemingly unnecessary things make us happier and better. That is why even now, when we have become such adults, we do not even think about forgetting all this. And today, when I came to visit you, we just have to have a good time. I really hope that for us the holiday will be able to pass unforgettably, leaving in the heart the most pleasant feelings that can only exist in this world. And whatever happens, just continue to try to believe in miracles, and then they will definitely happen to you.

Much time has passed since the first time we met. We were all so different back then. But, here the New Year holiday united us again, forcing us to experience the brightest feelings. I really don't want us to be unhappy today. That is why I will try to do everything to ensure that our favorite holiday is the most in the best way. I sincerely hope that this will be the case.

And now, when you smile, I really want to give you that gift that you will like so much. You know, whatever happens, just look at him, and then you will immediately remember me. And finally, when there is no time left at all, I will just try to do everything for you that I can. To see your bright smile as often as possible, and be glad that I have you.

I want to wish you health, happiness, joy and always big salaries! Let everything be new in the new year, but let friends remain old, faithful, kind and dearly loved! Just like you are with us!

Happy holiday! Achieve new heights, boldly go forward - you are on the right track! Leave everything unnecessary in the outgoing year, because in the new year you will find amazing, wonderful events that will surely bring joy, energy, optimism and faith in your happy destiny!

I congratulate you on the New Year. We always associate this holiday with the smell of spruce, the taste of tangerines, the explosion of crackers and a great mood! But the main thing is that it is associated with new plans, ideas and undertakings. I wish that everything you wish for will surely come true in the New Year. Happy holiday to you!

Happy New Year! May it bring each of you not only gifts under the New Year tree, but also happiness from communicating with loved ones, family well-being and material well-being of your families. Let bad weather bypass you in 2019, and all troubles will forever remain in the distant past! Happy Holidays

May you find only benefit and joy in all your affairs in the New Year, and may good luck pursue all 365 days and catch up at the most opportune moment! Let all troubles be bypassed, and only sincere smiles and true friends will be around!

On the eve of the New Year, I wish you sparks of sparklers, crystal dance of snowflakes, beauty and originality Christmas tree, the mysterious luxury of winter! Let the magic break into your house on New Year's Eve and turn your life into a wonderful fairy tale! Happy holiday!

I congratulate you with all my heart on a magical and exciting new year! May the coming year bring many interesting events, adventures, and a sea of ​​vivid impressions. Let it not be forgotten and become special and interesting, attractive and wonderful. Let the most joyful impressions flood you with a wave of happiness.

That evening, everything has changed in the house ... Almost the entire room is occupied by a Christmas tree, spreading its generously decorated green paws, the aromas of treats and invariable tangerines are in the air, gifts are in store and the most dear people have gathered at the table ... In a word, the New Year is coming and I want to wish so that it is better than the previous one, so that your life is transformed into it and becomes truly happy and bright!

Let's say "Thank you" to the old year for all the good and good that was in it. And what was difficult and difficult made us stronger. May the New Year bring even more happiness, joy and success!

May the next year bring prosperity and success to each of us, give new brilliant ideas and help bring them to life. May peace and mutual understanding reign in our families, and the love of loved ones with an unchanging hot flame will warm at any moment. We wish each other professional growth, optimism and self-confidence!

To the clink of glasses and the play of garlands, the joyful laughter of children and adults, I congratulate you on the holiday! I wish you happiness, love and prosperity. Let the New Year be better than the previous one, and the old one will be remembered as another wonderful period in life, as a stage that taught not to make new mistakes and strive for new beginnings!

May your life in the New Year be as bright as a clear sunny day, as full as a glass of champagne, as carefree as the daughter of an oligarch. And may your eyes always shine with joy, positive, optimism!

In anticipation of a wonderful holiday, I wish you patience. In the New Year, success in work, peace in the family, good rest in holidays and no regrets or worries! Let only laughter, joy and smiles of loved ones surround you in the New Year

We wish you and your loved ones in the New Year only goodness, great love and complete mutual understanding! Because the family is the most important place in our life.

I congratulate you on the New Year. We always associate this holiday with the smell of spruce, the taste of tangerines, the explosion of crackers and a great mood! But the main thing is that it is associated with new plans, ideas and undertakings. I wish that everything that you think of will be translated into reality in the New Year. Happy holiday to you!

Just as you make every day special for the people around you, I wish the New Year to be special for you, with good health, abundance of happiness and sunshine, luxury and prosperity, and serenity. I hope my wishes come true and you have the happiest New Year. At this point, you can change your direction, not your dates, change your commitments, not your calendar, change your attitudes, not your actions, and change your faith, your power, and shape your destiny as you please.

There are many surprises ahead of you in the future. Be open to change. The New Year is a time for opening up new horizons and making dreams come true, you can rediscover your power and gain faith and be able to enjoy the little pleasures that fate has to offer. I wish you to spend the eve of this holiday as you have always dreamed of.

I wish you a happy New Year, hoping that you will have many blessings in the coming year. As I think of our friendship and how I tremble with it, I want to wish you happiness in the coming year. Thank you for being my friend, even when I didn't deserve it. You have supported me throughout this year. May you have the brightest, happiest and craziest holiday on New Year's Eve.

I am lucky to have friends who bring so much joy and madness to this life. I can't imagine what would have happened to me if you hadn't encouraged me. I would just like to express what joy you give me, and wish you the same joy multiplied hundreds of times. May the New Year's Eve be full of laughter and joy! There are so many adventures ahead. Let's take only the best from the outgoing year and look forward to new surprises and new joys from the future.

May you have a great year filled with great happiness and good luck! Stay in a good mood and achieve great success. This New Year is the best time to update the vocabulary of life. Remove words like jealousy, hate, revenge, greed from your vocabulary and put words like love, care, compassion, honesty and satisfaction in their places. This ensures that you have a great year ahead of you.

As this year draws to a close, we see that another year in our lives gives us another chance to be there, to support each other. And I just can't get enough of it. There is still much to be seen and experienced in the world. Live your life, explore new horizons, go on new adventures and you won't regret it. This message is to convey my heartfelt greetings to you and your family. I hope you have had a great year and this time will be even better. Spend time with loved ones.

I wish you chic Mondays, fabulous Tuesdays, wonderful Wednesdays, sunny Thursdays, beautiful Fridays, exciting Saturdays and the most romantic Sundays in the New Year! Happy holiday!

As you know, the meeting of the New Year always takes place with a summing up of the outgoing. So, we have something to be proud of! And most importantly, there is something to strive for. And I want to wish love, health and peace to your families

I congratulate you on the New Year and wish you an exciting and wonderful mood. So that the soul is filled with happiness, and emotions beat over the edge! Let only good and pleasant memories of the past year remain in your memory!

This year has been tough for us. And I want to wish that all problems and worries remain forever in the outgoing year. And in the new: happiness, luck and love have become our faithful companions. Happy holiday friends

On this most long-awaited and joyful holiday, I wish you fresh frosty ideas, new discoveries and only the right decisions. May your life be filled with bright and joyful emotions. All the best and brightest to you in the New Year!

New Year is a holiday and a time that everyone on the globe, in every corner of the world, is looking forward to. After all, a truly magical, magical and fabulous time is coming, that is, it is coming to give and receive gifts, to please each other with warm, gentle and affectionate words.

Short wishes for the new year 2017 is a good and most optimal way to congratulate a loved one on the holiday, even if he is far from you. Agree, even small congratulations and warm lines will be a good reason to smile, a person will feel his need and significance, that he is remembered, loved and appreciated. Probably everyone will agree with the opinion that New Year's Eve is the most magical, when the most secret desires come true, and together with the past year, all problems and fuss go away, and hope and faith in the best cross the threshold, that everything will definitely work out and everything will be OK. That's why, new year wishes are a kind of symbol and instruction, that is, parting words. That is why, it is necessary to approach his choice with all responsibility in order to really choose the right and necessary words.

What else is the plus of a short congratulations?

Yes, perhaps, in the fact that such small quatrains and even prose help to congratulate all your friends and relatives, moreover, choosing their own individual lines and wishes for each.

In other words, this is an opportunity to congratulate those around you to the maximum.

    Happy New Year,
    I wish you all the best in the world,
    So that life is like in a fairy tale -
    Long, bright and beautiful!

Congratulations in your own words.

At present, it is also very fashionable to invent your own congratulations, that is, to express in your own words all the thoughts and feelings that are inside you. In other words, prose is at the peak of popularity and demand.

  • On the eve of each New Year, a person always has a lot of hopes for the next year. That is why during the chiming clock we always make our most secret and sincere desires. In the new, 2017, all of them will come true, and even so that happiness becomes limitless. Happy holiday!

As you can see, the words sound and come from pure heart, without any malicious intent and hint, while they sound like a fabulous song and melody, even though they are not written in rhyme. Also, do not lose sight of the fact that prose can serve not only as a congratulation, but also as a good festive toast at the set table, and will also become good option congratulatory lines intended for a large public mass. Don't believe? Let's see.

  • I congratulate everyone on the New Year and wish health to be as strong as Epiphany frosts, love as immense as the Big Dipper, and home comfort as warm as the summer sun. May all your cherished dreams come true and life get better. Happy holiday!

Yes, congratulations can be completely different and different from each other, although, nevertheless, the meaning of wishes, parting words and congratulations does not change from year to year, but is only supplemented by some features. The same can easily be said about the New Year holiday itself, which is famous for its customs and traditions, passed down from generation to generation.

New Year, its customs and traditions.

Perhaps, of all the most significant customs that everyone loves so much, the following can be named and distinguished. Moreover, it is unlikely that anyone today thinks about where they came from, because we have simply become accustomed to them and without them a holiday is not a holiday.

Short wishes for the new year 2017, as well as the holiday itself, are topics that you can talk about for hours, while you will constantly discover something new and interesting for yourself. Let's hope that the traditions of wishing each other happiness and all the best, no matter in what form, will continue to remain fashionable, in demand and popular, as well as the traditions and rituals of the holiday.

In 2020, the year of the Metal Rat is coming. Everyone is waiting for the holiday to come and expect a miracle. On the New Year, you need to congratulate all your relatives and friends. Many people like to congratulate in their own words. Congratulations on the New Metal Rat Year in prose

On this page you will find Happy New Year of the Metal Rat

in prose (in your own words).

Happy New Year of the Metal Rat in your own words.

Congratulations on the New Metal Rat Year in prose

I love this wonderful holiday so much, because it always gives us a lot of pleasant impressions. But first of all, I want to congratulate my dear mother, because no holiday is possible without her. And in general, none of my days can not be imagined without my mother. I want to congratulate you on the upcoming New Year, and also wish you all that can please you. I am incredibly lucky to have such a mommy, so I want you to remain as sweet and kind as you are now. I want the next year to give you a lot of pleasant impressions that will charge you with positive energy. I love you incredibly much, and I also want you to be happy. May everything be at your highest level, my dear mother. You don't even know how much you mean to me. Now let's celebrate in full.

I want to wish a Happy New Year to my dear sister, who always gives me a lot of pleasant emotions and impressions. My girl, you and I have been preparing for this wonderful and such a fabulous holiday for so long, so I have no doubt that today we will have fun and relax. I congratulate you, my girl! May every day of this new year 2020 be filled with the best activities and fabulous moments. May all your dreams and desires come true, and I will help you in everything, because without you I can not imagine a single day of my life. And I also want you to meet the person this year who will make you look at this world differently, it is he who will make you the happiest girl in this world. Well, after your sister, of course. Happy holiday to you! Let everything be at the highest level.

photo: Congratulations on the New Metal Rat Year in prose

I want to wish a Happy New Year 2020 to my wonderful girlfriend who will never leave me in trouble. My girl, you and I started preparing very late this year, but at the same time we managed to do everything, so I hope that all the dishes turn out to be delicious, and the desserts just melt in your mouth. I want to congratulate you on this wonderful and such a magical holiday. Do you remember when we were little, we always said that we were waiting for magic and a miracle, but for some reason it did not happen, and now we already understand that miracles definitely happen. Moreover, they very often happened to us too, but we are only now realizing all this. I want miracles to continue to happen to you. May this upcoming New Year be full of the most beautiful moments and happy moments. Happy celebrating and all the best to you, and good luck!

I remember last New Year, which gave us so many cool moments that we still can’t even remember everything. But I have no doubt that in next year we will have as many memories of this New Year's holiday. I want to congratulate my equally cool friend on this cool holiday, with whom we went through so much that now we can call each other just sisters. I want to wish you a great mood, as well as good health. Believe that everything else can be achieved on your own, and it’s impossible to buy health for sure, so I wish you just that. I want to congratulate you on the upcoming New Year, which will be held under the auspices of the Rooster. Let everything in your life be exactly the way you want it. Happy celebrating to you! Let's relax and have fun, so that later there is something to remember.

Today we have a real holiday, which is primarily associated with magic and miracles. I want to wish a Happy New Year to my most beloved sister, without whom I can no longer imagine a single day of my life. My girl, I want to congratulate you, and also wish you all the most positive and positive, which will help you achieve the highest results. Let everything in your life be at the highest level. In addition, I want us to celebrate this holiday in such a way as to appease and attract the symbol of the coming year to our side. I think that the Rooster will definitely like our dishes, which we cooked with such love. But still I want to say one more thing. I really want you to be happy in the new year, my dear girl! Believe that this is all possible, because you deserve it. Happy holiday!

Well, another year has passed, which was happy for some, sad and unpleasant for others, but everyone is united by the fact that everyone is equally looking forward to the New Year 2020. I want to congratulate you on this wonderful holiday, and also wish you all the brightest and most positive. May everything in your life be exactly the way you want it to be. I have no doubt that this year you will achieve great success in your work. Therefore, I want to wish you even more strength and energy that will help you achieve even greater efficiency and productivity. I am incredibly lucky to have such wonderful people around me, including you. I would like to wish you only good health, because everything else directly depends on this. Happy holidays to you!

In just a few minutes, we will meet the New Year 2020, which will be even better than the previous one. But in any case, we must thank this year, because it gave us a lot of pleasant impressions, as well as positive emotions. On this festive day, I would like to wish you everything that can please you, that will help you always feel confident in yourself. I want to wish you good health, because everything else you can achieve on your own. May your every day be full of the most beautiful moments, happy moments and all the most positive and positive. I would like to wish you also cool moments that will energize you. May the symbol of the coming year be on your side during this year. Happy holiday to you! There are many more happy holidays ahead.

Happy New Year! We wish to find benefit and joy in everything. Let the enemies help you feel the taste of life, and friends help you overcome all obstacles. Let troubles give invaluable experience, and inspiration help make life better. In the New Year, we wish renewal and purity - in everything and always.

The New Year is in full swing. May the year of the Metal Rat bring you a lot of joy, success in all your endeavors, great happiness and everything, everything. May happiness enter your home without interference. May all your cherished wishes come true on New Year's Eve. We wish you beautiful love, caresses, let your life become a good fairy tale. In the coming year, forget about trouble, boredom and sadness. May God bless you with good health, lots of money, good luck and all the best. Great energy to you, enthusiasm and good mood.

The year has come - the most cheerful and joyful in the entire Eastern horoscope. Let it be no secret to you that you deserve all the very best. So let your health grow stronger, material well-being strengthen, personal life pleases!

The New Year of the Metal Rat is a wonderful fairy-tale holiday, with the smell of spruce, the explosion of crackers, the taste of champagne. And on this fabulous night, I would like to wish that all the wishes made under the chimes will come true. Let problems and hardships not touch you and your loved ones, and let the house be filled with happiness and cheerful laughter.

Congratulations on the upcoming New Year in prose

Happy New Year! In the coming year, I want to wish you as many happy, memorable events as possible. To make dreams come true, new peaks were conquered with unshakable determination, and every morning was accompanied by a crazy desire to live and smile sincerely!
Happy New Year. I wish happiness, prosperity, peace and love knock on the door along with the holiday. I wish this year to be successful, kind, prosperous and successful. I wish great luck and wonderful inspiration accompany everywhere.
I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! May it bring you so much joy that it does not fit in your heart, so much money that it does not fit in your wallet, and such peace that makes you live and enjoy! May your most cherished dreams come true in the coming year, may there be no insults and disappointments, but only smiles, inspiration, the greatest successes and the highest achievements both in work and in your personal life!
Happy New Year! I wish that all hardships and worries remain in the outgoing year. May the New Year enter our lives with a storm of positive emotions, joy and fulfilled desires. I wish you all health, love, prosperity and incredible impressions from each coming day!
Happy New Year. With all my heart I wish you to meet this year with great joy and a sincere smile, to spend it happily and beautifully. I wish you new strength, good luck, great success, unearthly love and a wonderful mood in the coming year.
Happy New Year! May your year be joyful. Health and love, as much as possible. Let luck and luck join you in all matters.
The New Year is coming. It's another one new chance for each of us. A chance to correct old mistakes, start life from scratch, forgive insults and let go of negativity. I want to wish everyone ease, patience, peace, family happiness and material well-being! Be sincere, responsive and friendly! Remember that good always comes back and conquers evil. May all your goodness return to you in the coming year and overcome the difficulties and hardships of life! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! I wish you a sparkling mood, a sense of the coming holiday and the implementation of everything planned for the holidays. Fun, surprises, gifts, noisy and kind company, smiles and eyes glowing with joy. May wishes come true, new dreams appear and all plans and deeds develop. With coming!
Congratulations on the upcoming New Year, which is about to knock on the door. May he bring with him warmth and joy, happiness and peace, good luck and good, hope and kindness, love and success, health and prosperity, luck and fun.
We congratulate you on the approach of the most joyful, kind, magical holiday - the New Year! May this year be a series of happy and joyful days filled with love, kindness and faith in the best!

Happy New Year greetings in your own words

Happy New Year! We wish you to leave all anxieties and hardships, troubles and mistakes in the outgoing year. May your most cherished dream come true in the new year. We wish you that everything works out: the work pleases, the family warms and supports, the money multiplies, and the most fantastic ideas come true!
Happy New Year! With new desires and opportunities! With new experiences! May your home always be warm and cozy in the coming year. May your loved ones be healthy. I wish you more happy moments pleasant surprises, delightful surprises and sincere love. With coming!
I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and wish you bright happiness and the fulfillment of your cherished desire on New Year's Eve, good mood and undoubted good luck, success in business and good health for the whole year, sincere love and good respect.
With coming! May the New Year come soon, and Santa Claus will put a bag with health, happiness, financial well-being, new discoveries and achievements, love and joy under the tree!
Happy New Year! I wish in the coming year to live with luck in an embrace, so that wishes come true and dreams come true. So that health is strong, and the source of income is consistently high. I wish you unforgettable impressions and acquaintances with wonderful people!
Happy New Year! Let all the bad things remain in the old year, the lessons of life will be learned with gratitude. May the coming year, entering into legal rights, give: freedom, ease, peace, the opportunity to start from scratch, harmony, peace, love, holiday, faith, magic, new people, warm hugs, health, comfort, joy. Be happy!
Happy New Year! With coming! Let everything in life go well. Good luck in overcoming all difficulties. Joyful days, good companies, true friends, luck and kindness.
Happy New Year to you! May the New Year bring you peace and joy, may there be reliable friends and sincerely loving relatives next to you! I want to wish you that this year will be filled with joyful events and positive emotions for you! May new opportunities open up for you and your undertakings be accompanied by good luck and success!
I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish that together with the holiday happiness and peace knock on the door, that the New Year's atmosphere and joyful mood give a fairy tale for the soul and a real miracle, that all the best and kindest things happen this year, that life goes on on the course of goodness and love.
With the approach of the New Year, extraordinary magic is felt! Bright lights are burning in the windows of the houses, there is an elegant Christmas tree and it blows with comfort and warmth. Therefore, I want to wish that in the New Year your every day is filled with magic, the house is cozy and warm, and life plays with bright colors! May all the dreams made under the chiming clock come true, and happiness never leaves your home!
I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and sincerely wish that along with a wonderful holiday, good luck and kindness, bright good and great joy, good health and eternal love, high prosperity and a bright ray of hope will come to the house.
Interesting adventures, easy roads, successful results and health for all the coming twelve months! May the New Year's Eve be magical, and all the wishes for the chimes will come true as soon as possible. So that Olivier is especially successful, and tangerines create a festive atmosphere with their aroma. With coming!
I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and sincerely wish you new dawns of success and good luck in the new year, amazing ideas and prosperity, true happiness and sincere love, great mood and incredible miracles.
Happy New Year! I wish you happiness and prosperity in the new year. May it bring joy, success in work and in personal life! May the hearth always burn brightly and the wallet be full. I wish that in the new year we can boast of true friends, creative inspiration and strong family! With new happiness to you!
Happy New Year! I wish you a joyful welcome to the coming year and spend it fabulously and prosperously. More goodness to you, peace and order in the house, sincerity and understanding. Let all the troubles remain in the outgoing year, and from now on you will have a happy future.
I wish you an incredible carousel of success and good luck, inspiration and realization of your plans, surprises and gifts, gorgeous weekends and fantastic holidays in the coming New Year! Let faith in miracles not weaken, let complex tasks be solved, the most incredible dreams come true!
In anticipation of the New Year, everyone is waiting for fabulous changes and magical stories, good miracles and great luck. I congratulate you on the New Year and wish that all expectations come true, that the new year is covered with success and prosperity, that all the bad things are left behind, and only the beautiful are waiting ahead.
In the new, coming year, let everyone be happy! Let there be your favorite work, inspiration and good luck, respect and honors, high appreciation of your work! Let every day bring new ideas, and God bless you to put them into practice! And at home in the evenings, weekends and holidays, there will be beloved big and small people with loving hearts and eyes shining with joy!
Happy New Year to all of you and I wish you to always go through life in step with the times, with a smile on your face and faith in your heart. Let the outgoing year take away all worries, problems and failures, and in return give happiness, good luck and luck.
In the coming New Year, I wish colorful days May it be full of vivid impressions and events. I only want to be surrounded loving people and receive from them only pleasant emotions. True friends, personal beauty, stable prosperity and sincere love.
The New Year is coming! And I, congratulating on this event, wish selfless friendship, boundless luck, boundless joy and endless love! Let the outgoing year take all the hardships, and every day of the coming year will be magical and inspiring!
Happy New Year! "No" - to sorrows and hardships. "Yes" - to all the brightest. Faith in the best, health in every home, prosperity and peace of mind!
Santa Claus is on his way, which means the New Year is just around the corner. With coming! I wish this year to be better than the previous one in everything, I wish that loud crackers, bright lights, cheerful smiles, magical moments of the long-awaited New Year's Eve leave pleasant memories and a huge supply of inspiration for the whole year!
With coming! Happy New Year! May this year bring you as much positivity as possible. People will become kinder to each other. We wish you happiness and a life path.
I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and wish you a sweet anticipation of real happiness, a grandiose bright future and increased new successes. And let, while the new year is on the way, a cheerful holiday is already beginning in your house, delicious treats are being prepared and the lights of good hopes are burning.
Happy New Year. May good predictions come true, may bright hopes inspire. I wish that in the new year luck will step in one step with you, so that happiness, joy and love will be present in the coming days.
I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and I want to wish you to have time to get rid of old unnecessary things and insults without unnecessary fuss and worries, in anticipation of New Year's magic and a miracle to have time to do everything that the heart ordered. And may the coming year be happy and kind.
Happy New Year. Let the anticipation of magic and happiness be sweet and kind, let the heart sincerely wait for good miracles and desired gifts. I wish you to live beautifully in the new year, love faithfully, not need anything and enjoy your life.
Happy New Year. I wish you to have time to get rid of unnecessary things and feelings, I wish you to wait with awe for new adventures full of happiness and fun. And may a real miracle happen in your life when the New Year comes into force, may your most important wish come true.
Happy New Year. Along with the coming year, life changes are coming. And may these changes be good for you. Both in winter and in summer, let the Christmas tree be green, and you - happy man. I wish that in the new year every day be part of one big and wonderful story of your life.

Happy New Year wishes in prose

Happy New Year! Let the coming year bring, first of all, family comfort, prosperity and sound spirit. I wish everyone to receive happiness every day in the New Year, love each other and create. May the year be filled with the most beautiful moments in life.
Happy New Year! Let success circle on the crest of a wave. May the whole year be accompanied by good luck and luck. More new impressions, bright colors of life and positive! Let the plans come true on time! And also kindness, love, home comfort and peace of mind.
Happy New Year. May it bring a lot of snow and laughter, a lot of prosperity and acquisitions, travel and aspirations. As well as positive, good mood, cheerful sunrises and unforgettable nights.
Happy New Year! We wish you to celebrate this sparkling and flickering holiday in a good and cozy company. Get a lot of fun and recharge with a great mood for the whole coming year. Happiness to you, mutual love, great achievements and good health!
This holiday is already on the threshold, Happy New Year! May it bring only the best and most pleasant. I wish you the joy of pure snow and winter adventures, spring inspiration and the desired first flowers, amazing summer holidays and enjoying starfalls, cheerful autumn bonfires and soulful leaf fall. May this year be successful and prosperous.
Congratulations and wish you happiness! Happy New Year! Let it shower you with precious emeralds of joy! Be successful, rich and healthy this year. I wish all your problems to be broken on the bright hearth of your home. May all your family and friends be full of positivity and love. May the thirst for life and new victories remain in your hearts!
Happy New Year. Let old grievances and failures remain in last year's snowdrifts, let happiness and prosperity quietly sneak to your doorstep. I wish that all your dreams come true in the new year, so that according to all forecasts and horoscopes, the coming year promises you love, luck, miracles and joy.
Let the coming New Year be full of wonderful events, magical gifts and pleasant surprises! I wish you a festive mood, great happiness and steely health! May all your cherished dreams come true on this fabulous night!
Let this Christmas story will give you only positive emotions and a lot of happiness! I wish that the white snow will cover all sorrows and sadness, the light of the garland will ignite the New Year mood in your soul, and Santa Claus will fulfill your dream!
A little more and the clock will strike twelve, which means that the New Year will come to us! Let all desires and dreams come true this magical night, because Santa Claus knows what your soul wants! I wish you all the best and brightest, true happiness, love and, of course, excellent health! Let this year be one of the best in your life!

New Year's greetings in prose

Snowflakes are flying in a round dance, striving to visit the new year. Open cordial doors and meet on the threshold of the upcoming New Year success, prosperity, wealth, a pile of positive, armfuls of joy, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bsmiles and an ocean of good mood for the whole year. Congratulations on the upcoming!
Congratulations on the upcoming New Year, on the upcoming happy changes and a bright future. I wish the new year to move forward with big and nice gifts so that he takes with him incredible magic and festive mood. May the coming year be full of exciting adventures and joyful events.
Happy New Year. I wish the outgoing year to take away all the sorrows and troubles, so that the new year brings good luck, happiness, prosperity and goodness. May great joy approach your doorstep along with the holiday, may your eyes shine with sparks of hope and love along with the New Year's lights!
Let there come a wonderful moment that everyone is talking about. May your dreams come true with the strike of the clock. Let the white snow allow you to start everything from scratch.
It's great that a new year is coming - a harbinger of new ideas, discoveries, goals and desires! I wish you to fulfill all your cherished thoughts and let nothing interfere with this! May your health be strong and everything else will follow!
There is already snow on the street and a magical night is just around the corner. Happy New Year! May a blizzard never sneak into your house, may only comfort, the light of garlands and the smell of tangerines always reign there. Leave all sorrows and hardships in the outgoing one, and let kindness and happiness follow you all the next year. And remember that a fairy tale is always there. You just need to believe in it with all your heart.
With coming! Happy New Year! We wish to start this year from a new leaf, let go of all grievances and omissions in old year, and will go to meet new sincere feelings. Let all your dreams come true, but for this you need to work hard. So that Santa Claus does not deprive him of a gift, and this New Year's Eve was celebrated in the company of the people dearest to your heart.
Gifts are wrapped, salads are cut, the tree is decorated, champagne is getting cold. A premonition of magic and miracle fills the air with something fabulous. Happy New Year! Let him bring what he wants and take away what he doesn't want. Let it help to come true, to realize and to be realized. happy holiday!
Happy New Year. I wish you full readiness to meet your dream and miracle, I wish you to set foot in the new year with your head held high and your heart open - open to new stories of happiness and love.
Very soon the holiday will come to our house and the New Year will finally come! With all my heart I wish that inspiration and happiness sang in every person, good luck and prosperity contributed in all matters, and peace and comfort reigned in every home!

Congratulations on the upcoming New Year is not in verse

Here comes the New Year, Happy New Year! May Santa Claus bring a bag of good luck and kindness, may an unusual miracle happen on New Year's Eve and joy settle in the soul forever. I wish you a happy year, a successful year, a year of love and prosperity.
I congratulate you on the coming New Year, with the anticipation of new happiness and new joy. May the New Year come rushing with generous gifts and good miracles, may it bring bright hopes and true prosperity, may the house be filled with the New Year's atmosphere of fairy tales and magic, and the soul will once again believe in a miracle and its dream.
I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and wish that along with the holiday joy and good luck will knock on the door, that happiness never leaves your home, that the new year will give great hope and true love.
Just a little bit left before the beautiful and beloved holiday. Happy New Year! May this day be so successful that you will want to repeat it again, and again, and again. Let the festive mood overflow, and let all your dreams come true.
Happy New Year! Let everything that is planned be completed this year, there are no debts, plans are ready, the holiday is in a hurry to enter into legal rights. I wish to see off the outgoing one with gratitude and to meet the coming one with hopes. Unchanging companions: love, kindness, faith, wisdom!
I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and from the bottom of my heart I wish you a bright world and good happiness, the accomplishment of a miracle and the magic of love, good luck and beautiful deeds, incredible success and joy of the soul.
On New Year's Eve, they always say the warmest words, wish you health and happiness, and I want to wish you fun and enthusiasm. Let everyone be able to celebrate the holiday so that later for another year to remember it with a smile. Let the carefree joy and sincere love of those around you be captured on New Year's Eve, because as you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it. With coming!
Happy New Year. On the eve of the holiday, I wish you to leave all unnecessary troubles and empty worries, get rid of all trifles and insults. Let a delicious table be set, let a brilliant outfit await for the holiday, let a cheerful New Year's mood creep into your soul, let new happiness and joy move forward at your address.
On the eve of the upcoming holiday, everyone is waiting for some kind of miracle! So make sure it happens next year! May the New Year bring us good luck, health, prosperity, success in our careers and personal lives. For those who have not yet met their fate, I wish to face it face to face. To all who are sick, healing. Unemployed - a good position. With coming!
Let the outgoing year capture all the problems and troubles and give the new year the opportunity to bestow not hopes, but accomplishments of the goals that you have been stubbornly striving for for a long time. You dreamed of moving to another housing - I wish you to celebrate a housewarming. You wanted a decent salary - get it regularly. Did you hope to find peace of mind and a piece of personal happiness? Get it and be happy!
Happy New Year, with the expectation of good happiness and bright miracles. I wish you to express yourself in the new year in full, I wish you to feel free and easy, I wish you to enjoy the success achieved throughout the coming year and share the joy of great victories with loved ones.
When the New Year is approaching, I so want to bless everyone for bright and glorious deeds, wish the conquest of all peaks and horizons, create warm, strong relationships, not be alone and give sparks of your kindness to everyone around! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year. This joyful and good holiday already on the threshold, which means that soon Santa Claus will knock on the door and bring wonderful gifts. I wish you to celebrate the New Year beautifully and happily, I wish you great luck and great luck in any business, I wish you incredible stories and magical adventures on a beautiful New Year's Eve.
Congratulations on the upcoming New Year, with the expectation of a miracle and magic. I wish you to prepare a good mood, a delicious table, cheerful company and bright hopes for meeting the holiday. May this new year bring a dream come true, the love of relatives and an impregnable fortress for your happiness.
are approaching new year holidays, and I hasten to congratulate you on their arrival. I wish that on New Year's Eve your table is full of treats, the doors are open for guests, and wishes are sure to be made at midnight. Happiness to you in the coming year and something new, long-awaited and amazing.
Happy New Year. I wish that Santa Claus’s sleigh is already warming up and ready to rush to your address, that the new year will set foot on the threshold, illuminating the house with bright hope and a good dream, that great happiness will stomp along with the holiday and true luck will fly.
New Year is on the way! We are all looking forward to the holiday. On the eve of the celebration, I would like to wish you to feel all the joy from the magic of New Year's Eve. Let it turn into a fairy tale for you, and all adults, together with the children, will rush to open New Year's gifts under the sound of New Year's chimes.
I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and with all my heart I want Santa Claus to set off with a full bag of gifts, so that joy and grace come closer and closer to your home, so that luck and fun come along with the holiday, so that this year becomes good and happy for you.
The hour of the New Year is already approaching. Let with its onset your home will have a lot of comfort, fun and love. I wish you good luck in everything and good health. I wish to spend the old year with best friends at a table with tangerines and selected Olivier!
Let the upcoming New Year not crush anything, but only step on the buttons for the fulfillment of desires. Let New Year's Eve find you at a chic table and in the company of wonderful people. I wish you to have time to think of the most cherished and find under

Happy new year greetings in your own words

New Year is on the way! We are all looking forward to the holiday. On the eve of the celebration, I would like to wish you to feel all the joy from the magic of New Year's Eve. Let it turn into a fairy tale for you, and all adults, together with the children, will rush to open New Year's gifts under the sound of New Year's chimes.

I hasten to say the warmest words in this new year! May your life be colorful, your home be hospitable, may luck and love be your faithful companions! The coming year ... (whom) is considered a year of good luck, luck and a favorable influence on all aspects of life.

Happy New Year! Let the mood be bright, like the lights on a Christmas tree, thoughts - clean and light, like the first snow, and the mood be playful, like champagne bubbles! I would like to wish that New Year's Eve brings a charge of optimism for the whole year ahead! Meet the New Year with a smile!

I wish you to celebrate the New Year in the circle of loved ones and relatives. And then 365 days to observe their happy smiles and rejoice with them. After all best gift- this is the happiness of loved ones!

Just a little bit of time left before the New Year. Champagne is already sparkling in glasses and everyone wants to realize their innermost dreams and aspirations in the coming year. So let's make not one but a whole dozen wishes to the chiming clock - one for each beat of the Kremlin's tower clock, and firmly believe that they will all come true, because it simply cannot be otherwise!

I wish you a wonderful Monday, a wonderful Tuesday, an exciting Wednesday, a sunny Thursday, a fabulous Friday, a gorgeous Saturday and a romantic Sunday. And let it be so every week in the New Year! Happy holiday!

Hello! It's Santa Claus that worries me. I brought you gifts, but I stopped in five more places in front of you, they treated me everywhere, it was somehow inconvenient to refuse ... In general, I can’t go any further. The Snow Maiden also lies in the firewood. So sorry, Happy New Year!

The world celebrates the New Year in different ways, but I prefer this holiday with my family to everything in the world. And first of all, I want to wish happiness to each of the people close to me who have gathered today at the same table. Let the coming a year will pass cloudless, remaining in memory as a year of fulfillment of cherished desires - and will end again with our warm meeting!

I personally want to wish everyone perfect harmony in the New Year. Harmony in everything - let nothing bother you, let everything that you do be done to you, let all the people with whom you communicate cause only positive things in you. Let all the most beautiful thing that happened to you - there was a black streak of your life, and in the new year there will be a new streak - white. And yet - joy! And faith! And, of course, good luck, and if not, then hope! Happy New Year!

May all be well with the one who reads this New Year's wish! Let dreams come true, and all undertakings bear fruit, so that the heart is warm and the soul rejoices at the wonderful moments that lie ahead. May the most cherished dreams come true with such ease and simplicity, as if they have always been with you!

Every New Year is a renewal and a chance to make everything better than before. May all plans, all desires and all dreams come true in the 20th year! I wish you perseverance, faith in yourself and the strength to do everything that is planned!

Congratulations on a magical, fantastic holiday, Happy New Year! May all failures, tears, all unfulfilled hopes remain in the past year. And the New Year will bring exciting meetings, welcome gifts, success and happiness. And at the moment when the clinking of glasses merges with the chimes, your smallest, but most intimate desire will come true.