What is karma? Karma of a person, what does this concept mean? What is high karma

0 Beginners getting on the Internet, and starting their first steps here, discover a lot of terms, the meaning of which is not completely clear to them. This circumstance makes people Google in search of the necessary information, hoping to decipher an incomprehensible word or phrase. On our site, fortunately for you, you can find answers to your questions, written in a simple and accessible form. Therefore, I recommend adding this site resource to your bookmarks so that you always " hold"we are at hand. Today we will talk about a rather complex concept, this is Karma, which means you can read a little lower.
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So let's continue Karma meaning? This term was borrowed from the Sanskrit कर्म, which can be translated as " labor", "deed", "action". Today, this concept is mainly used on the Internet in various forums and social networks. For example, " plus to karma"; "100+ to karma"; "1000+ to karma" and so on.

Karma on the Internet- this is an analogue of reputation, some forums have their own karma system, that is, comments can be plus or minus, which directly affects the karma / prestige of the person who left the message.

People are so used to the fact that you can add a comment everywhere that on resources, without the support of this system, they simply began to leave messages, for example " +1 ", which means approval or " +5 ", which shows that the post is very "went".
Accordingly, karma on the Internet is designed for people to write really sensible comments that the majority should like. However, as practice shows, even small and ironic posts can bring a huge plus to a person's karma. Therefore, so that you are not downvoted, just follow the "bazaar", and try to be correct and polite.

Karma in science and religion

Karma in philosophy- this is a certain force that controls everything, and directly supports the law of cause and effect or moral causality.

Karma in religion- this is a Buddhist belief, which lies in the fact that not only the whole fate, but also the character of each person is a consequence of his actions committed by him in a past life.

The law of karma controls the realization of the consequences of a person's actions, both negative and positive, which should encourage the individual to become more responsible for all the pleasures and pains that it brings to him. It is an important part of many religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism.

It is believed that the theory of karma is a continuation of Newton's third law of action and reaction, where every action of any kind, including words, feelings, thoughts, the totality of our being, will eventually have a response, the same type of energy returned to the one who summoned him. This means that absolutely nothing exists that does not follow the law of cause and effect. On the scale of the Universe, this would imply the absolute determinism of all actions, feelings, thoughts and events in the past and in the future, if the current state of the Universe were fully known.

From the point of view of spiritual development, Karma is everything that a person has done, is doing and will do. Karma is not about punishment or reward, it makes a person responsible for his life and how he treats other people.

Karma theory is a great faith in Hinduism, Ayyavazhi, Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism. All living beings are responsible for their karma, their actions and the consequences of those actions.

Karma as action and reaction: if we show kindness, we will reap goodness.
Karma is the universal principle of cause and effect. Our actions, both good and bad, come back to us in the future, helping us learn from life's lessons and become the best people. In religions that include reincarnation, karma spreads through the present, as well as all past and future lives.

Karma is basically energy. One person throws out energy through thoughts, words and actions, and it eventually returns through other people. Karma is the best teacher for making people face the consequences of their actions and thus improve and perfect their behavior or suffer if they don't. Even severe karma, when found in wisdom, can be the greatest cause of spiritual growth. The conquest of karma lies in mental action and non-emotional response.

Examples of Karma

The process of action and reaction on all levels - physical, mental and spiritual - is karma. You need to pay attention to thoughts, because a thought can make karma - good, bad and mixed.

"I tell you good words and you feel peaceful and happy. I speak harsh words to you and you become irritated and upset. Kindness and severity will return to me, through others, at a later time. I give you what will come back to me later."

“An architect thinks creatively and productively when drawing up plans for a new building. But if his thoughts were destructive and evil, he would not be able to quickly complete any positive task, even if he really wanted to.

Karma in Hinduism

Hindus consider time as a circle, because the whole universe goes in a circle. Karma is a very fair law, which, like gravity, treats everyone exactly the same. The law of karma puts a person in the center of responsibility for everything that he does and for everything that happens to him. Understanding how karma works, Hindus try to live a virtuous life. This is called dharma.

There are three types of karma in Hinduism:

sanchita karma, the total amount of past, not yet resolved karmas;

Prarabdha karma is that part of the sanchita karma that is to be experienced in this life;

Kriyamana karma is the karma that people are creating at present and will bear fruit in the future.

The role of divine forces

Karma is considered one of the natural laws of the mind, just as gravity is the law of matter. Just as God created gravity to bring order to the physical world, he created karma as a divine system of justice that is self-governing and infinitely fair. It automatically creates appropriate future experiences in response to current actions.

In Hinduism, there are several different views on the role of divine beings. In this religion, many see that deities or devas play some role. Other Hindus, such as Mimamsaki, reject such notions and see karma acting independently, given the natural laws of causality sufficient to explain the effects of karma.

Some interpretations " Bhagavad Gita offer an intermediate view that karma is the law of cause and effect, but God can mitigate karma for his devoted followers. The Bhagavad-gita says that only karma that is done with a sense of subversion and attachment to the karma itself can cause both positive and negative reactions. Karma that is done with a sense of duty, and without attachment to the results, will not create any effect and will not bring her closer to God.

Another point of view says that the Satguru, acting on behalf of God, can mitigate or work out some negativity from the disciple's karma.

After reading this short but very informative article, you finally figured out what does karma mean on the Internet, philosophy and religion. Now it will be much easier for you, and you will even be able to explain the meaning of this concept to your friends and relatives.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Karma is a very ancient concept that has been present in the beliefs of the peoples of India for centuries.

Over time, the doctrine of karma spread throughout the world and now many are interested in this theory about the cycle of death and birth.

But what is karma, how does it affect people's lives, what types, types and laws of karma are distinguished? We will talk about all this today. Stay tuned, it will be interesting...

Karma is...

In Sanskrit, the word "Karma" or "Kamma" means " action”, “activity”, “duty”.

Karma is a central element in the various religions of India (Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism) - is universal law about cause and effect relationships.

According to him, all events in a person's life are determined by his past actions. Do something good, good and you will receive. He acted badly - expect retribution in the form of various troubles.

The way we live now is predetermined by the past, but at the same time, by our actions, we we shape our future.

The principle of cause and effect works not for one particular life, and beyond. To understand this idea, there are Reincarnations:

  1. Samsara is the cycle of deaths and births of one soul. In Indian religions, for example, in Buddhism, it is believed that a person comes to earth in different incarnations a very large number of times for the purpose of purification.
  2. - rebirth or reincarnation of the soul: it can return from the world of the dead in the form of a person, animal, flower, etc.

In short: the soul has outlived one life as best it could - it has done good and bad deeds, forming karma. In the next incarnation, she is supposed to work off the sins of a past life through good deeds.

But in reality this does not work out: a person can and will correct past misdeeds, but he will certainly make new ones. Wandering around the circle of samsara, the soul strives for complete cleansing from all sins - a state of eternal bliss.

Types of Karma

4 types of Karma

Thus, the first two types of Karma are what is already done and predetermined. The second two are those that allow a person to change his future. It is they help improve karma, gradually approaching nirvana.

12 Laws of Karma

The concept of Karma is sometimes synonymized with punishment, this is wrong.

Initially, there is nothing good or bad in the world: evaluations, the division into black and white were invented by people. There are simply phenomena, events, deeds that entail consequences and all.

If you deliberately pour water on the floor - you get a puddle, stick your hand into the hive - feel the pain. It's simple: cause and effect. If you don’t want to slip on the floor, don’t pour water, don’t want to feel pain, don’t put your hands where you don’t need to.

We found out what Karma is. Let's move on to how to create a good future for yourself. To do this, you need to know about karmic laws - not just know, but also observe. There are only 12 of them:

  1. First Law can be described by the proverb "What you sow, you will reap." Remember that all actions have consequences.
  2. Law of Creation- the karma of an individual person affects the karma of the whole society.
  3. The law of humility Only by realizing and accepting your position can you change it.
  4. law of growth- everyone should strive for internal changes, then the external life will also change.
  5. Communication Law- to understand it, you can watch the movie "The Butterfly Effect". It clearly reveals the idea of ​​how one action or decision can change our lives and the lives of other people.
  6. The law of responsibility - everything that happens to you is the work of your own hands.
  7. Law of focus Where there is attention, there is energy. Focus on one thing.
  8. thanksgiving law– be grateful to the whole world for who you are. Share what you have.
  9. W akon "here and now" The past is no more, the future has not yet arrived. There is only the present moment, realizing which you can truly live and influence the consequences.
  10. Law of change- the desired changes will come only when you learn a lesson from the situation. Otherwise, it will repeat an infinite number of times.
  11. The Law of Patience and Reward- to get something, you need to work and then your diligence will be rewarded.
  12. Law of Significance and Inspiration What matters most to you is where you have invested the most inspiration.

To improve karma, you need watch your thinking- get rid of negative thoughts, eradicate negative emotions and feelings (envy, jealousy, pride, etc.).

You also need to eat healthy food, calm the mind and body with yoga and meditation practices, periodically analyze your life.

Briefly about concepts related to karma

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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Greetings, Oksana Manoilo is with you and the topic of karma - what is it in simple terms.

"Karma" each of us heard at least once in his life. It is found in many religions of the world. But few people think about what it is, what kind of karma is and why this karma is given to us. Let's try to figure it out in the article below.

What does the concept of karma mean in life

Our actions in the past and present entail certain consequences that affect the course of events in.

However, not only actions affect our lives, but also our emotional state. And also what we think about. Nothing goes unnoticed. "Like attracts like."

That is, karma is the universal and absolute law of the Universe, according to which everything has its cause and effect.

Deeds, actions tend to accumulate on the rise and influence the future incarnations of a person (next lives).

Take a look at what surrounds you. If problems, illnesses, failures, and other troubles are constantly haunting, then in past lives you sinned, harmed others. And in the current one - you are responsible for this, work out what you did earlier. Simply put, karma is the result of past actions.

Can karma be changed?

Trying to change our karma for the better, we evolve, develop. We step higher on the steps of our spiritual development.

Themis is a symbolic image of the law of Karma.- the ancient Greek Goddess of law, law, order. Blindfolded, she holds a sword in one hand and a scale in the other. The law, like Themis, is blind. Has no feelings, no heart. You can't pity him.

Karma what is it in simple words? We ourselves create our karma every day, every second, no matter what we do, whatever we do. Whether we sleep, breathe, have fun, work on ourselves or be inactive, lazy. The quality of EVERYTHING that we do depends on whether it is good or bad.

How is Karma created?

Each of us is initially given free will. That is, we are free to do as we see fit. But in addition to the well-known laws of the physical world, there are also spiritual ones. They are obscure, for some even unknown. This is where the human will is revealed: to do it or not.

And it is the lack of knowledge and understanding of spiritual laws that is the cause of human suffering. With each of our actions, thoughts, desires, we change our attitude towards, and Her - towards us.

Where does karma start?

What is karma in simple words? Therefore, Karma begins with a person's thoughts. This is what I focus on in my studies.

With ours, we either lighten it or make it heavier. Scientifically proven fact that thoughts are material. It is they, as well as motives and intentions, that create Karma. And already actions and deeds are secondary.

If a person is very attached to the material, earthly. Or he does good deeds for his own benefit - this slows him down spiritual development and aggravates Karma. Of course, the financial situation, social status, career, play big role in our life. But you don't have to focus on just that. After all, there are things much more important and weightier than the material world. For example, soul.

Life is full of surprises. There are no two identical destinies: some are happy, others have to deal with troubles, Why is this happening? Anyone who was interested in this, inevitably came across the concepts: "karma", "diagnostics of karma". What do they mean? How to work with them to make life easier?

What is karma?

This concept originated in India. Ancient philosophers believed that karma is the law of the universe, according to which a person's actions determine his future destiny. Parapsychologist Sergei Lazarev developed this idea and demonstrated the practical implementation of karmic theory in his own interpretation. The books "Diagnostics of Karma" and others written by him are devoted to a detailed study of the interaction of universal processes, their influence on the fate of a particular person. The author tries to explain why a person sometimes has such a hard time in his life and what to do about it. It follows from the fact that every person is immortal. The body dies, but the clot of energy, more important than the physical component of a person, continues to live. He goes to other worlds, and after a certain process of purification, he returns again in a different shell. This knowledge will help to understand what karma is. Diagnosis of karma is the process of identifying the debts of the soul, the lessons that it must go through in the current incarnation. Any thought is material - it is reflected in the Universe, imprinted there. In addition, mental negativity harms the person to whom it is directed. That is, karmic debts arise not only because of destructive actions. Even thoughts are harmful and, from the point of view of the Cosmos, one has to bear responsibility for each.

Fate on schedule

You should not assume that only sins are taken into account. No, information about all thoughts, actions, feelings is stored so that the soul can process this energy and turn it into goodness and love. She can do this only in earthly incarnation. Before each arrival in our world, the soul independently programs its own destiny. She analyzes the totality of the actions of past incarnations, takes into account the points that require adjustment, and plans a further field of activity. This process is described in some detail by S. Lazarev (“Diagnostics of Karma - 2”). In fate, there are mainly tasks intended for the current incarnation. Some of them are perceived by a person as troubles or serious problems. In fact, this is just a lesson that a spiritual entity has planned to learn. Interestingly, she looks at earthly existence somewhat differently: for our immortal component, such actions are an opportunity for development, growth, and an increase in energy content. The soul incarnates in order to process the negative into a positive substance. The totality of debts for past earthly comings - this is karma. Diagnostics of karma is nothing more than the ability to understand what kind of task the soul is currently facing. It seems that theoretically everything is quite simple, but in practice these actions are implemented much more complicated. Each person has his own lessons and repetitions do not happen. It is problematic to even single out any typical elements. Take, for example, personal relationships. How to figure it out: do you have an unhappy love or work off a spiritual karmic debt? Let's consider in more detail.

Problems in personal life

The soul comes into the world in order to transform energy into a state with higher vibrations. S. Lazarev wrote about this in detail (“Diagnostics of Karma - 1”). In fact, the way of earthly existence is not so important, the chosen activity and the Soul in any case creates the conditions for the previously accumulated negative to be transformed into nodes and blocks located in the casual body, respectively, they can be detected by people who have developed When these energy formations are fixed in the front hemisphere of the aura - this indicates that karma is active. Under its influence, a person finds himself in a situation in which he is forced to go through spiritual lesson. Therefore, we often fall in love with problematic individuals who test our patience, are unfaithful, or tormented by whims. That is, personal life is a tool for the development of the soul, striving to reach a higher level, using the earthly plane for this. In another way, the immortal component of a person wants to become God, from the point of view of energy. Each step of the personality is its movement along the chosen path, and its vector depends on the behavior of the person. If he accepts everything with love, does not experience negative emotions - the lesson was successfully completed, you can proceed to the next one. Otherwise, karma is aggravated by another problem. Sergey Lazarev (“Diagnostics of Karma”) dwells on this in some detail. It should be understood that a person comes to earth in order to learn how to transform everything with which he interacts into positive energy.

What are karmic knots and blocks?

This issue is also discussed in the book "Diagnostics of Karma - 1". We interact with others and every word or deed causes a response. If it turns out to be negative, for example, people are at enmity or take the life of another creature, then an inextricable bond is formed between souls. It is not destroyed when individuals leave this world - they must return to earth and go through this lesson again. This type of connection is called a karmic knot. Souls will come into the world together until they can correctly untie the knot, overcome the block. As S. N. Lazarev says (“Diagnostics of Karma”), we need to learn to accept negative manifestations from another person. If a person is offended, this is necessary for his development, and not for the enemy to assert himself. If there is betrayal, then it should be perceived as working off karmic debts and moving the personality in the right direction. A block is a memory of negative events from past incarnations. It is in until it is activated, and has a certain influence on the fate of a person and his decisions.

Soul Contract

Another postulate underlying the karmic theory is that the world is one. Duality dominates on earth: there is positive and negative, enemies and friends. In the subtle worlds, spiritual entities form a single whole, not divided into factions and camps. In another world, souls love each other and try to help in development. There is no hatred, selfishness, enmity. Therefore, upon returning from earth, the souls analyze their behavior and interaction, identify mistakes and miscalculations. When the time comes for re-incarnation, they agree to meet in the physical world and go through the lesson again. This information is partially available only to psychics. Ordinary people are left to guess why everything in their life is so difficult.

How to identify problems?

Sergei Nikolaevich Lazarev, a diagnostician of karma, deals in detail with the diagnosis of karma in his books. There are different methods:

  1. A hypnotic dream carried out by a specialist returns the person to a past incarnation and demonstrates the situation in which the problem arose.
  2. Clairvoyants can talk about the karmic burden, explaining in detail the task for the current incarnation.
  3. Working with the subconscious leads to similar results. Information about karmic problems is revealed in dreams.

The fact is that the results of these methods have to be taken on faith, and this is not suitable for everyone. The problem lies in the inability to see or feel what is denoted by the concept of "karma". Diagnosis of karma is a process that lies beyond the physical world. At the same time, we all feel the burden, we realize that certain people come into our lives for a reason. However, it is difficult to say for sure whether this is so. The choice of diagnostic method should be based on the personal beliefs of the parapsychologist. If a person does not believe in clairvoyance, then no specialist will be able to convince him that one should act one way or another. Everything is based on unconditional trust.

An easy way to identify karmic knots

There is another way. S. Lazarev also talks about him (“Diagnostics of Karma”). It is desirable for a person, as an earthly being, to reduce the level of dangers and troubles in this incarnation. This is what should be the starting point. It is necessary to analyze the main aspects of life. To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Write down on a piece of paper all areas of life that cause anxiety or, conversely, please.
  2. Rate your progress in these areas.
  3. Record the names of people who are constantly nearby and influence the course of your life (relatives, friends, colleagues).
  4. Assess their impact, considering its nature, degree and intensity.

The basis of the reasoning should be this: we come here to find complete happiness and peace. All points that deviate from this standard should be recorded as “suspicious”. Not everyone, of course, is karmic. But they need to be identified as much as possible in order to delve deeper into the problems. It is recommended to sort your troubles by topic. For example, everything related to relationships goes to one group, wealth to another, health to a third, creativity to a fourth.

Diagnosis results

When a detailed list of personal troubles has been drawn up, it needs to be analyzed. At the same time, keep in mind that the karmic problem is perceived very emotionally. After all, it appears in order for a person to learn to transform negativity into love, to increase the vibrations of their own spiritual incarnation. From the list, you should highlight those situations that caused pain. With a greater degree of probability - these are karmic problems. For example, a girl is constantly pursued by failures in her personal life, relationships do not add up. So she needs to learn:

  • sincerely forgive;
  • trust intuition;
  • love truly, without conditions and obligations.

After analyzing any situation, exactly what a particular person needs to learn will be the result of karma diagnostics. S. N. Lazarev, by the way, is criticized by many for his work. They are considered incomprehensible to the average person. In fact, theoretically, everything is quite simple and interconnected, you just need to devote some time to this issue, acquire patience and arm yourself with the desire to achieve the goal.

Why is knowledge of karma necessary?

The book "Diagnostics of Karma" gained popularity not as a theoretical treatise. First of all, people with bouquets of chronic diseases found out about it and began to use it. After all, illness is also part of karma. He comes to those who in the past incarnation were arrogant, hated or humiliated others, killed, robbed, and so on. The abundance of accumulated sins leads to the fact that in the next incarnation a person is constantly sick. This limits his physical activity, and, therefore, pushes him to a deeper understanding of life priorities. Karma is studied in order to work it out more correctly, since souls come to this world precisely for this.

How to work with karma?

Gratitude for lessons, problems, resentment and betrayal is the only clear and simple way to get rid of a heavy burden. Not one book by Lazarev "Diagnostics of Karma" is devoted to this topical issue. The author analyzes situations in some detail in order to inspire a simple thought: give thanks for everything. This is the mechanism for raising the vibrations of the soul. Take any event, both bad and beautiful, as a lesson planned by the soul before incarnation. If you are happy, then thank and share this state with the world. When trouble knocks on the door, you must say thank you for the experience and this lesson. We must learn to sincerely love those around us, because humanity is one close-knit team working to make the earth even more beautiful and cleaner.

Is it possible to get rid of karma?

People do this all the time. If in past centuries the process of working off karma was delayed, sins had to be worked off in the next incarnation, now everything is happening more dynamically: they thought badly about something in the evening, and in the morning there was already a sore throat - retribution for anger came. Or, they were offended by a fair remark in the morning, and by the evening the money was gone from the wallet. This is karmic punishment for the erroneous manifestation of negativity. Events are moving fast. The souls of children will no longer have to answer for our sins, as it was before. Now everyone works for himself, and during one incarnation. Therefore, getting rid of the karmic burden is not an easy task, depending on the degree of understanding and awareness of the problem. The main thing is that everyone needs to work on their own sins and then the world will become cleaner. There are lucky people who got rid of the karmic burden at the beginning of their lives. They are considered people who are especially zealously guarded by angels, but in fact this is just the right work of the soul. Every person has the opportunity to act in this way, so one should not produce new sins, but correct the accumulated ones.

Is it necessary to work out karma through troubles and experiences?

Agree, you don’t really want to suffer if there are other ways. And they really are. You yourself, having engaged in self-improvement, will face them. When a person continuously thinks about some problem, it manifests itself in the astral world. And if he manages to change the internal settings, then the karmic knot will collapse, and during sleep. This method is considered the most painless. Its complexity lies in the fact that it is impossible to lie in the astral plane. In a dream, a person proceeds from internal attitudes, sincerity rules there. If you were able to forgive the offender on a spiritual level, consider that one karmic knot has been eliminated. Unfortunately, in a dream, parapsychologists recommend working off sins only for those who are actively engaged in self-improvement and work spiritually. But in any case, it is first necessary to forgive even those who offended. This is the first significant step towards the purification of the soul.


In one small material it is impossible to retell all the books of S.N. Lazarev. Yes, this is not necessary. They are designed in such a way that each reader will find individual answers to their questions on the pages. Fates are unique, like karmic knots, and they are created for spiritual work, so that, having learned all the lessons, the invisible substance achieves its goals and planned peaks.

Look at your life: how many troubles have already happened in it (even if it is short). Enemies appeared, loved ones or friends disappeared, money flowed away without promising to return, and so on. Remember all your frustrations and sorrows. Where did they come from? Have you thought? The sages say that this is karma. Surely you have already heard such peremptory statement. And what is karma that explains any misfortune? Interesting?

Where did the "word" and the concept come from

You can’t understand what karma is until you decide on a worldview system,
who created it. And the ancient Indian philosophy gave this concept to the world. This school considered the existence of the planet and everything that is on it, as a whole. That is, in a sense, any being is the whole world and vice versa. Now this idea is present in the systems of many isoteric currents. It is the basis of their worldview. All are connected to the larger universe. There is nothing that does not interact at the field level.

Only the ancient Indian sages were not yet familiar with energy in the sense that we are now investing in this concept. They believed that the actions, thoughts, intentions of the individual are summarized, superimposed, counted and do not go anywhere. They give rise to the consequences that the person receives in the next incarnation. When asked what the law of karma is, they answered quite simply. We have such a saying, analogues of which exist among all peoples: "what you sow, you will reap." It is simply impossible to convey the meaning of the reasoning of the ancient Indian sages more precisely and briefly. Any subject receives exactly what he managed to generate earlier. This applies not only to the individual, but also to small and large communities educated by people.

Different types of karma

If we put aside the ancient Indian treatises and reason within the framework of modernity, then one should be based on energy-informational structures and fields. In this sense, it is easier to define what karma is. There is such a thing as the Akashic records. It is believed that this is a kind of "information bank" in which the past, present and future are recorded. Approximately as a gene that regulates the development of cells and whole organisms.

If we use this concept, then it turns out that karma is the responsibility for what was done by the soul (the field component of the personality) earlier. She created problems, built knots in the past, it's time to "untie" them. However, not only the individual has a field structure, but also the family, clan, community of people, and so on. Each of the large and small human associations has its own egregore. It is a collection of fields of people that form a community. In the Akashic records, “his own protocol” is created for him. That is, not only the individual has karma, but also the community (any). For example, a person often has to answer not only for his own sins, but also for those committed by members of his family, even nations need to cope with the wrong trends of the past that influenced the course of history.

What is human karma

Probably hard common man operate with the concepts that philosophers explain this issue. That is why until now people have not figured out what karma is. Let's write down the main meaning of the phenomenon in a simple language. Let's take education for example. Children go to school, acquire a certain set of knowledge there. It is fixed, that is, the same for everyone. Only some teachers listen and perform tasks, others prefer to soar in the clouds. Who scored higher on the test? This is clear to everyone.

Now let's bring this example to life. The Lord (the Universe, Higher Forces, and so on, depending on the system of values) constantly sets tasks for us. The purpose of this is to give knowledge, understanding. Some of them attentively "listen", reason with concentration, draw conclusions. Others wave it off. Still others prefer to fall into the "great lament" for any reason. The reaction of a person to the “tasks of the Lord” builds his karma. If you do everything thoughtfully, attentively, conscientiously, then the lesson passed "by five". If you consider that it is not worth your work, then you will receive the “task” again, maybe in a more serious version. And when you panic, feel sorry for yourself, your loved one, then you will get a “deuce”. Any thought, emotion, especially the action on the “task” is recorded, analyzed comprehensively and evaluated.

It turns out that the question "what is a person's karma" can be answered: character education. Judge for yourself: if any “task” is thrown up until you master it, then what is it? It is clear: the difficult road of correcting mistakes in order to form a “correct” worldview. This is the way to understand the divine love for the world.

Karma of a person by date of birth

It is believed that we do not come into this world by chance. Everything is important: the personality of the parents, the social and financial situation of the family, the date of birth. This is explained by the law of karma. This means that we are coming into the kind that will most contribute to solving the problems that we created in past incarnations. The family, for example, will “nurture” us with relationships. What parents lay down will in any case affect the rest of their lives. In addition, there is an astrological aspect to this issue. It is known that the stars can more or less correctly calculate the main events that a person will face. In principle, the reliability of the conclusions of astrologers is quite high (general horoscopes are not meant).

This information contains both positive and negative aspects. It turns out that the karma of a person is determined by the date of birth special techniques(one of them is astrology). The only thing that causes irritation and criticism on the part of "non-believers" is the vagueness of the information. That is, one can understand that in this incarnation one will have to solve the issue of relationships or self-realization. A person will have to disassemble and comprehend the nuances on their own.

Is it possible to work with karma

Anyone who begins to deal with the issue, to get acquainted with the concepts, often falls into despondency. Well, here's how to clear a person's karma, if everything is recorded in some unknown "chronicles" (or somewhere else, depending on the chosen system of concepts)? Do not cut down, as they say, with an ax, do not burn out with fire. It's time to hang yourself, and not to enjoy life, astrologers or other "researchers" will sometimes say this. You shouldn't react like that. Since you are faced with “grand tasks,” it means that you have enough strength. It's just that a person sometimes does not realize them.

In fact, karma is what the spirit has chosen for itself. And to a certain extent, we do not associate ourselves with it. The reason for this is education. Not in what parents give, but in general. After all, humanity in certain periods of its development creates standard images that are perceived by each person. At the moment (the last few centuries), thoughts about “little people” are being introduced. That is, each person is weak-willed and dependent. Where is the strength to take on the solution of the “grand tasks” that the soul itself sets for itself. This, by the way, is an element of universal human karma. Everyone is obliged to pass this test and realize himself as a free person, equal to God. Someone realizes this and tries to cope, others leave it “for later”, without even starting a solution.

How to work with karma

This is perhaps the most discussed issue in certain circles at the moment. In fact, his correct decision will open the way to building a different civilization. If a common recipe is worked out on how to correct a person's karma, then this will mean the creation of a different personality, almost divine. You see, the whole point of this phenomenon is in regulating the development of the soul. That is, thoughts (act, intention) are “corrected” by the mechanism of its comparison with a certain standard. If you understand how it works, the process itself will become completely unnecessary. This is probably why the topic “Human Karma and the Way of Liberation” is thorny and confusing. Nevertheless, some fog is dissipated by experience and mistakes.

The first thing you need to know is how to know the karma of a person. A rather serious tool for this is astrology, as already mentioned. But not only she. There are many techniques that provide an opportunity to work on this problem. For example, lucid dreams, hypnosis sessions. All of them have an equal chance of correct results. There is only one criterion: a change in life circumstances in a positive direction. It is not so important to know exactly why the disease was given to us, but how to get rid of it effectively and quickly is what you want in the first place.

View from the outside

Most often, a person who is wondering how to change a person’s karma has something completely different in mind. I want to get rid of those "problems" that are caused by its existence. Do you understand the difference between problem solving and liberation from adverse circumstances?

For example, imagine a person who has a congenital heart defect, karmically conditioned. The doctors can't help. We need to look for another way. He understands that he is within the law of karma. Looking for ways to cleanse. So, success depends on the approach. If he begins to rummage through the "history" of the incarnation, trying to find and correct a mistake, then he may not live to see a happy ending. And if he accepts and “processes” the problem with his soul, then you can expect the “next miracle”, of which there are many on the planet.

Purification of a person's karma depends on the ability to take full responsibility for its existence. Do not shift it to other forces (God, the Universe, laws, and so on). It is recommended to stop, be distracted and "look from the outside" at what is happening. And then realize that we created all this ourselves! Moreover, when inventing a problem, they already put a solution into it. Just forgot. Now you should remember or find again. With this approach, the question "is it possible to change a person's karma" will seem frivolous, childish.

Laughter is a gift from God

Do you know what our common problem is, at least in connection with the realization of the existence of karma? In fear. When we begin to think about its mechanisms, delve into theories, we get scared. And this, do not be surprised, is a karmic sin, which further increases the burden of its pressure. Partially provided knowledge, that is, bare facts, without explanation leads to the winding up of problems, and not to their resolution.

But the ancient Indian philosophers warned about this. They talked about karma holistically. That is, they not only considered its mechanism, but also talked about the possibilities of working with it. And the first thing they believed to be done is to believe in the Higher Powers! Once a task is given, methods of overcoming it are attached to it. There is no other option. And we see in karma only “trouble”, “problem” or something else equally negative. But in fact, this is a kind of game, like in childhood.

For a two-year-old kid, for example, the Lego constructor may also seem like karma until he learns to manage it. Why, then, being able to face the unknown with pleasure in childhood, do we lose this ability when we grow up? Remember how fun and joyful any challenge was perceived! Now they have simply become more complex due to the fact that the personality has increased its scale. But the meaning remains the same. The Lord gave us the tool that helps in any situation. Namely, a sense of humor. This is literally a magic wand for working with karma.


There are few people in the world who have not had to face betrayal to one degree or another. Relationships are the most important element in the development of the soul. Therefore, almost everyone has problems in this regard. Think about it, is it really necessary to know in what life and in what century you offended your partner in order to correct the situation in this incarnation? Maybe there is an easier way to work with karma?

For example, take such a current as simoron. This is a wonderful, super emotional and positive school. They come up with rituals, the main “driving” force of which is humor. And, I must say, it works great. Let's get back to karmic relationships. If you have been betrayed, then look at your opponent from the point of view of God. He did what you asked him to. The karmic knot that was once tied brought this person into your life with a specific task. He did what is necessary for your happiness (although it may not look like it). But betrayal has many consequences.

First, you grow when you learn to deal with your emotions. Second, increase wisdom when you forgive. Thirdly, you find love when you begin to understand the higher plan of the events that have taken place. In fact, karmic knots and problems are gifts to a thinking person. With their assistance, he gains strength, confidence and inconceivable, kind wisdom.

Rod and its karma

It is believed that in our time events are accelerating. That is, if earlier the descendants were responsible for the sins of their parents, they even said that up to the seventh generation, now everything is going at an accelerated pace. Having tied the knot, we solve it in this life, not leaving it to those who come after us. Nevertheless, it is necessary to know what ancestral karma is in order to understand the issue thoroughly. The fact is that we are born in a family whose members have tasks similar to ours. That is, the theme of a person's karma is connected with the one that relatives have.

For example, consider a family in which women lose their husbands. One had claims to men, so they left her. She has a daughter who previously hated the stronger sex. Naturally, the sons of Adam feel this and run away from her "faster than a doe." But one did not have time, and her daughter is born, who in a past life considered herself a "goddess". In this incarnation, she will be “treated” with humiliation and loneliness. In general, each woman in the chain has different problems, but similar in meaning. This is where the birth karma comes in. The personality comes to solve a problem that the ancestors failed to solve. In this example, this is a negative relationship between the sexes.

Karma of humanity

Let's also consider an example. Let's take close - Ukraine. A huge nation suffers for no apparent objective reason. What's the matter? After all, the situation has led to the emergence of such hatred that people are dying. The people also have a common karma. It is not mandatory for everyone. Only for those who associate themselves with this population group. Some argue that Ukrainians at a certain time began to consider themselves an exclusive nation. It is a sin. Some enthusiastically defended this topic, others silently agreed, and others did not resist. And there was one problem for everyone.

In principle, it is quite clear that this concerns not only Ukrainians. Approximately this happens with every nation. Only there are mature communities that cope with such troublemakers on their own, while others succumb to their influence, thereby burdening karma. Wars don't just happen. Historical reasons are a one-sided explanation. There are also karmic ones. If the people reject the divine laws, do not realize their task in the aggregate, then they will have to answer.

By the way, the same applies to all mankind. We can say that the most terrible problems for him will begin when the darkness outweighs the light in people. As long as the majority of the population is drawn to the good, there will be no apocalypse, no matter what they say about it. So we came to a conclusion, quite transparent: it depends on each person how long and happily the whole planet will develop. Work with your karma - save this mortal planet from misfortunes.