How to stop loving someone who doesn't love you. How to stop loving a person who does not love you How to accept that he does not love

You have to think about how to stop loving a person whom you can’t let go in any way, in 2 cases - when you make the decision to part ways yourself, and when he leaves. But it always hurts the same way. Often it seems that the soul is torn.

I left on my own, why does it hurt so much?

It is clear that you are painfully experiencing a breakup when he leaves, but why is it difficult to solve the problem: how to stop loving a guy if you were the first to slam the door?

If a person occupied thoughts in the heart, and the relationship of people continued for a long time, then involuntarily you begin to think about him, even if a decision is made - he is not suitable for later life. It just seems like "Out of sight, out of mind".

Memory can stir former feelings and return to the past even after many, many years, if there are grains of a feeling of love in the soul.

Why do people stop loving and break up?

  • They get tired of the routine of relationships;
  • find new more interesting partners;
  • understand that existing relationships are ruining them;
  • feel that the partner suppresses career or personal growth.

"I love a married man..."

Sometimes women fall into the trap of a lonely man. I want a family, children, stability, and the partner only feeds with promises and fairy tales.

When you love married man, most often decides whether or not to be in a relationship, a woman. Men living on 2 or even more fronts are satisfied with everything, and all words about love are just words.

In this case, a woman just needs to understand how to stop loving a married man, since he does not want to change anything, and time is running out ...

Heart breaks

How to stop loving if he suddenly decided that it was time to end the relationship. Good luck, if a man is really a man, dotted the “and”, explained himself, and you don’t have to think what happened when he stopped answering calls and avoids meetings. In most cases, guys try not to explain themselves: they simply hide from former lovers - sometimes they ask friends to “distract” the former lady of the heart for various reasons.

The fact that you need to inform the girl yourself comes to mind, but it's scary to do it. The explanation, if the girlfriend managed to catch him by surprise, is usually stupid: "Didn't mean to upset you", "I don't like it when you cry".

It is even worse when you are still close to your loved one, but you already understand that he has made a decision and is waiting for the initiative from the girl, showing how bad he is with her.

Whatever the reasons for breaking up, you need to think about how to stop constantly thinking about the person you love, and start living your life.

Learn to live on your own

What should never be done:

If the guy even thought about returning, now he will definitely avoid communication - no one wants to communicate with crazy hysterics.

  • You should not pursue a guy with a desire to find out everything - why did this happen? There will be tears, a scandal, but he still will not be able to explain why he fell out of love. That's how it happened.

Sometimes guys give a clear reason for breaking up, and it gets even more painful. Does a suffering woman need this?

  • Coming in company with a mournful face, talking with friends on only one topic, constantly suffering ... Those around you will quickly get tired of this, and friends will talk to each other behind their backs: “I understand him! How did he stay with her for so long?

Also, do not lie in wait for a guy on the street, send SMS, breathe into the phone. Although this method is quite suitable if you want to avenge the breakup and ruin your life.

How to behave

Try to remove him from your own environment: block contacts, do not answer calls, try not to intersect during working hours, etc. There is a very good saying: "Love Requires Presence"- and it was not just folded.

Lots of recipes:

If you do not stop thinking about a person, you can write him long letters - without sending them. You can express all your feelings and emotions in them, and then tear them into small pieces and burn them.

Only such letters should not be typed on a computer keyboard - a pen and a piece of paper. Believe me, the desire to "talk" will quickly come to naught, writing long letters is tiring.

You need to stop saying "I can't live without him", "I can never love" and things like that.

In the first place, you only thwart your own healing. Second, it's not true! There are a huge number of worthy and good partners around, you just need to open your eyes wider and really want to find them!

Very good way- to change yourself. Get a haircut, put on things that were not in the wardrobe before. At new woman other interests and tastes. By the way, can you change the interior so that nothing reminds of the past at all?

Are there things left?

Ruthlessly throw away "memory" in the trash, and transfer his personal wardrobe to friends - let them take it to the owner, there is nothing more for him to do nearby, to remind of himself!

Friendship - apart!

Sometimes a former lover tries to remain a friend - you should not be led to provocations. Why torture yourself with memories or give him vain hopes? The second time out of the relationship will be even harder.

Sometimes they give advice to communicate with those who are worse off: the destitute, the sick, the poor. In this way, you can take time and worries will help you rebuild, but you don’t even need to start comparing your problems and those of others - they are completely different.

And thoughts: “Let her have cancer, but they love her”, will make you feel not only lonely and unhappy, but also selfish.

The best advice that most women for some reason do not want to follow, fearing the condemnation of society, is to enter into a new relationship. It is not necessary to immediately move on to intimacy, but when you involuntarily begin to flirt, flirt, you feel in demand, desired, self-confidence increases. And this confidence in female attractiveness is the best pill for unhappy love.

Nothing can keep you from approaching a happy future as much as an unhealed wound from a past relationship.

It does not matter how the circumstances developed, who was right and who was wrong.

The problem is that the pain that has arisen prevents you from moving forward, which is why it is so important for you to get an answer to the question of how to stop loving a person.

The reason why it is difficult for you to stop loving a person, although you consciously understand that there is no other way out, is due to the state of your subconscious, which has not completely come to terms with the events that have occurred.

Acceptance of the current situation can occur only when the subconscious finally considers the events irreversible.

Most people who have the desire to stop loving do not allow themselves to accept the fact that the former lover is no longer in their life.

1. Visualization of past pleasant memories

Visualization is one of the most popular forms of mind programming.

The more you visualize the person you loved, the longer you will be attached to him.

2. Keeping things that remind you of that person

When you keep things that remind you of your ex-girlfriend (boyfriend), such as gifts, photos, text messages, emails, etc., you are not really signaling your desire to stop loving the person, but the need to restore the relationship.

Your mind has just entered the path of recovery when you begin to take actions that tell your mind to hit pause for now.

3. You indulge yourself in hope.

You can stop loving a person only if you remove all hope that everything will be the same as before.

As long as you console yourself with hope, the process of your recovery will continue for a very long time.

4. Desire to see you again

This mindset programs your mind to make you more attached to the person you broke up with.

5. Tracking a person in order to get information about him

When you follow someone's life, for example through social media, you indirectly make your mind believe that this person is important to you, and as a result, you become more attached to him.

6. Talking about your ex with friends and family

When you talk to a lot of people about the person you loved, you are pushing your mind to love your ex even more without realizing it.

7. Unwillingness to rebuild your social life

Until your social life, and especially communication with the opposite sex, improves, you will continue to be heavily dependent on the person who has been with you for a long time.

How to stop loving a person

1. Repetition and the subconscious

As already mentioned, the main problem that arises when you (a guy) is that your subconscious mind does not actually accept the events that have occurred.

Repetition is one of better ways convince your subconscious mind that it doesn't believe at first.

The more often you repeat the statement about the end of the relationship, the faster this thought will grow into a strong belief.

Therefore, if you really want to stop loving a person, immediately put the following thoughts out of your head:

  • I can't live without this person.
  • I can't stop loving him.
  • This man was one and only.

2. Understand that there are no irreplaceable people

One of the barriers that can prevent you from falling out of love with a person is the belief that this person was the one and only.

Even if until now you have not found someone better, this does not mean that the best person does not exist, and you will not be able to meet him later.

The objective fact is that your ex-girlfriend (boyfriend) is not the most best person in the world, otherwise all people of the opposite sex would love them.

Once you are convinced that your internal assumptions about the “only person” are completely false, you can get rid of psychological addiction much faster.

3. Realize that you can't force someone to love you.

When you find out that a loved one does not love you, your immediate reaction is to make him love again.

This thought is perfectly natural, but at the same time absolutely useless.

You must understand that you can only control your emotions and actions.

At the same time, even your own feelings are sometimes not under your control.

So how do you think it is possible to convince another person to feel what he does not want?

4. Don't be obsessed with your feelings

Don't make this person the center of your life.

Very often people begin to think that their life will end with the end of the relationship, but this is not so. Yes, this is absolutely not true!

And if now your thinking takes the opposite direction, after a while you will laugh at such thoughts.

And if you keep investing in an already ended relationship, taking actions to please your ex, even if it hurts you, or when you feel that if you stop doing it, the ex-partner will leave you forever, you still will not achieve anything.

The only thing you will achieve is an even higher level of obsession with your emotions.

Focus your attention on yourself, because you are the only person who can accept and love you for who you are.

5. Get rid of reminders

If you are wondering how to stop loving a person, then a very important step for you will be to get rid of all the things that remind you of past relationships (they are also anchors, triggers).

Do not waste a second, but immediately get rid of all the things that were given to you by former lovers, joint photos, delete all your chat history.

Otherwise, you will create barriers for yourself on the way to your healing.

In addition, you should not visit places where you spent your free time together.

If you find it difficult to be at home, because even “the walls remind of her (of him)”, rearrange the furniture or organize apartment renovations.

6. Don't try to be friends

“Let’s be friends” is the same as “You are of course a so-so human… But who knows, maybe I can somehow use you for my own purposes.”

To stop loving a person, you have to take all your will into a fist and distance yourself from him.

Do not answer your ex's calls and messages, add their phone numbers to the black list, block their account on social networks and all kinds of instant messengers.

If a person calls from someone else's phone number, you should not develop communication.

Immediately say that you are busy now and call back yourself, then hang up abruptly and, of course, do not call back, do not answer calls.

If you are united by joint children or work, try to limit all your communication only to these topics, and in no case go beyond the established framework.

Thus, speed up your “recovery” and yours.

7. Remind yourself of the shortcomings of your "ex"

Make a list of all the shortcomings of the ex-girlfriend (boyfriend).

Remember how boring, stupid and lack of initiative they were.

Remind yourself of the physical disadvantages of your past chosen ones.

You should not just focus on the negative aspects of the personality, but become completely ruthless towards them.

Write down negative examples of behavior that you can remember.

Once you start, you may be surprised at how many incidents pop up in your memory.

When you are in love, you tend to idealize a person, but now you should do exactly the opposite.

8. Maintain social connections

If it seems to you that it is impossible to stop thinking about this person, you are still able to distract yourself from your unpleasant thoughts, for which you should resume communication with other people.

You need to avoid being at home alone, mourning your grief, which has taken on intergalactic proportions.

The more time you spend alone, the more intense you will feel about your ex.

To overcome feelings, it is important for you to maintain positive social connections.

Call your friends or relatives and arrange a meeting.

Talk to someone who is trustworthy and tell them about your concerns and feelings.

9. Rethink yourself

What happened to you is actually one of the best opportunities to rethink yourself and your values.

When you were infatuated with another person, you may have neglected yourself.

Now is the best time to get to know yourself better.

So make a list of all the qualities that come to your mind.

As a result, you will be able to identify your weaknesses that are worth working on, as well as strengths that should be further developed.

Change, experiment with your hairstyle, find new hobbies, start your own business.

10. Treat your breakup as a learning experience.

And although it is difficult enough to find a positive grain in the events that caused your heartbreak while your feelings have not yet calmed down, you still better conclude for yourself that there are two types of relationships between a man and a woman: successful and training.

Your positive attitude will allow you to use the experience gained to prevent mistakes that have been made in the past.

Remind yourself that you are becoming stronger and more confident, as well as gaining the ability to better understand your feelings and desires.

11. Let Go of Guilt

Feeling guilty about a broken relationship is a completely meaningless and unnecessary emotion.

You are unable to control the other person in you.

And even if now you think that you were to blame for something, at the time of making the wrong decisions you still acted the best way taking into account existing knowledge and experience.

Also, don't try to pin the blame on ex girlfriend(guy), anyway, if you want to stop loving this person.

Any strong emotion, no matter what charge it carries in itself: positive or negative, will act as a reminder of the past, intensifying mental pain, if you do not clear your mind of it.

12. Change your routine

Doing something out of the ordinary, such as visiting an exotic destination or even changing jobs, is one of the best ways to break existing habits and replace them with new ones, as well as spice up your routine with vivid experiences that are sure to help and shift your focus away from seemingly never-ending problems. for a happy future.

If this is a difficult task for you, make simple changes to your daily routine, such as going for a Saturday night walk with friends or visiting a previously unexplored part of your city.

Another way to diversify your life is to find a new hobby, such as cooking, swimming, skydiving, or something else that is new to you.

Focus on things that give you pleasure that can be part of the healing process for you at this point in your life.

13. The emergence of interest in life

One of the signs of your readiness to move on is the emergence of an interest in what surrounds you, as well as in other people.

At the stage of the presence of heartache, you go deep into yourself, but now you are close to being ready to stop loving the person.

The list of objects on which your attention is focused begins to replenish with interests that are not related to past relationships.

Now you again remember that in life there is no most important and most important thing.

14. Understand that this is the end

Nadezhda likes to play tricks on people.

Your mind will not start the process of psychological recovery after a breakup until it is sure that there is no chance of a return to the relationship.

If you want to be as fast as possible, you will have to destroy all expectations.

Most importantly, there should be no expectations that this person will call you or, and it is also necessary to eradicate the hope that one day you will meet somewhere by chance.

The most difficult step is that this person no longer loves you. It's hard to understand how someone who once made you so happy decided to leave your life.

Phenomena in this world are constantly changing, and you should accept the fact that your person's feelings have changed.

Just remind yourself that it's over.

15. Reduce relationship dependency

Many people enter into relationships with the goal of systematically getting a guaranteed boost of positive emotions, because they want to forget about life's problems.

If you have been able to become less dependent on relationships, you will be able to bridge the gap with your loved one much easier.

Learn to decide life problems rather than hiding from them under the cover of a relationship.

It will also give you the strength and courage to endure any disaster in your life.

It is impossible to completely eliminate psychological dependence on people close to you, but by involving a variety of interests and hobbies in your life, you can significantly reduce the significance of someone who, as you think, must be around.

Believe me, your life will become much more fulfilling and interesting.

It is very difficult to stop loving a person, but with constant effort and a little guidance, it can be done. Read these tips to learn how to fall out of love with unrequited love, as well as how to forget your ex.

Reduce contact. If it is within your power, cut off all ties with the object of your affection. It doesn't mean "do it if you want to", it rather means "do it if you can do it without complicating other areas of your life". If you are working with your unrequited love, for example, then categorically refusing to communicate with him or her will only make things worse at work. Just do as much as you can within reason.

Stop calling, texting, or otherwise trying to contact your love. If he or she contacts you, either don't answer or politely decline any offer to talk or spend time together. This will help to quickly build the distance between you that you need in order to start looking past your feelings.

Have excuses handy for turning down offers to spend time together. If you constantly see your love, you may be invited somewhere, for example, to sit in a cafe after work with other colleagues. Refuse these offers by explaining that you are too tired or too busy, when in fact this may not be the case. Again, the goal is to increase the space between the two of you. Eventually, if you don't agree, that person will stop inviting you.

Make a list of weaknesses and problems. When you're already in less contact with the person you love, cement your new distance by exploring the reasons why the relationship would never have worked out anyway. Start with the obvious: The person you love doesn't love you. And no amount of beliefs would ever change that. Emotions trump reason when it comes to love and romance. Start there and add more reasons.

Focus on potential early relationship problems. Think about embarrassment in front of mutual friends, relatives and colleagues. Write down mundane things, including things like schedule mismatches, think about your loved one's friends you don't like, and then imagine having to spend a lot more time with them.

Add flaws to complete the list. It may be tempting to simply list your shortcomings, but now is not the time: it is tantamount to beating yourself up for something that never really started. Instead, think critically about the person you love. It's difficult, but it's good practice. Think of annoying habits, attitudes you disagree with, and times when you were disappointed by his or her words or actions.

Make it your goal to notice others. Now that you're no longer spending your free time in the company of your unrequited love, it's important to start noticing how many other attractive people are around you as well. It's true that you're unlikely to feel a spark for most of them, but that doesn't mean you can't appreciate a nice voice, nice shapes, or great conversation in and of itself. Make a conscious effort to focus on the attractive qualities of other people you see and meet. In the near future you will find that there is a lot of room in your heart for new loves.

Don't worry about finding a new person for your love just yet. At this point, just prove to yourself that you can have your eyes on someone other than the person you were in love with.

Give this thing time and move on. Unfulfilled love dreams have a funny tendency to dry up and disappear when you stop feeding them. But to get to this point… it takes time. Stick to your plan: make room for others, stay away from the person you're in love with, and remind yourself of your flaws and problems when you feel weak. One day you will wake up and realize that thoughts of how things could have been no longer break your heart, and instead you are looking forward to new adventures.

It is likely that in the absence actual relationship with the person you loved, you will eventually look back and realize that you never loved that person—he was just very attracted to you. It's hard to really truly love someone when it's a one-sided love. Take comfort in this fact as you move to the point where you can admit it to yourself.

To love and be loved is wonderful. You are in the 7th heaven with happiness, and soon you cannot imagine your life without it. Until one day you notice that he is no longer the same as before. Maybe he doesn't look at you the way he once did, maybe he doesn't listen to you, or he doesn't notice you at all.

You don't want to admit that your relationship may be coming to an end, but that's exactly what is happening. And although it hurts to leave, it is even worse to continue to love someone who no longer loves you. It's time to free yourself and him. Here are 8 steps for this:

1. Realize that he doesn't love you anymore.

The hardest thing is to realize that he no longer loves you. It's hard to understand why the one who once made you the happiest suddenly decided to leave your life.

But you, too, can remember what you used to love, but now you don’t. Everything changes, and accepting that your man's feelings have changed (and it's not your fault) is the first step.

2. Think about your needs

Why are you so desperate to be with this person? What kind of relationship do you have now that he doesn't love you? What do you feel for him? What do you expect from him? Do you really want him in your life?

These are questions to help you understand why it's so hard for you to let him go. Think about how to make yourself happy, not him.

3. Be an individual

When you lived as a couple with him, your sense of individuality transformed from "I" to "we". And it's been so long that you may have forgotten how to be alone. The good news is that you lived your whole life without this person and fell in love with yourself before they did. And now only you can save yourself, and parting will just help you return to yourself again.

4. Love yourself first

If you don't love yourself, you don't respect yourself. If you don't value yourself for who you are, no one will. You are the most important person in your life, don't forget that.

5. Enhance your beauty and inner peace

One step to let go unrequited love- it is better to know yourself. You can fight your fears, try new things, take life as an adventure. Find your place and focus on the future, not the past.

6. Stop hoping

You have to close the chapter you were in together and move on. You cannot be open to the possibility that he will come back to you. If you keep hoping you will never forget, you will live in the past, imagining a future that will never come. Let life give you what it has in store and live in the present.

7. Be strong

When you feel a lot of pain and think that nothing worse could happen to you, be strong. Be resilient and let the world know that you are ready to handle anything.

8. Fall in love

You are incredible. You are unique, beautiful, and you must go through life with that conviction. Fall in love with life, love, freedom and independence. And most importantly, fall in love with yourself.

Remember that everything will be fine. Your life doesn't end because someone stopped loving you. Everything happens for a reason, and the day will come when you will fall in love again.

In the previous part of the article, namely "", I examined popular myths about ways to get rid of love, and also indicated what you can pay attention to for those who in love unrequited .

In this part of the article, we will take a closer look at how to stop loving at the emotional, rational and behavioral levels, and I will also give a few additional comments about the whole process.

I want to remind you that in the article I will write about partner love, but at the same time, most of the thoughts are quite applicable to other objects of love (relatives, friends, and so on).

Navigation on the article "How to stop loving? Part 2":

Recipe for freedom from love

There is no single recipe for liberation from love!

But there are a number of processes that are important to pay attention to and that can help you survive this feeling and come out of it as a truly more mature person.

Moreover, if these processes are not given enough time, then there is a risk of carrying with you a load of unlived experiences in the next relationship (and in general in life), and this invariably complicates the perception and gaining new experience in relationships (after all, the glass is already full anyway). And also the probability of repeating the scenario of previous relationships is very high.

Answering the question how to stop loving, I am reminded of an important concept in Gestalt therapy: "post-contact". This is the time for assimilation (assimilation) of experience.

On the example of food and the body: we eat something, then the body digests it, absorbing what is important and necessary for life, and throws the rest away. Also, the body usually tells us after some time: whether this food fits into us (pleasant or not aftertaste, mixed).

This is approximately the same way that people need to digest relationships and their love: learn lessons, understand what was important, what was lost and what was gained, express feelings, and so on.

In the question "" it is important to rely on all 3 levels of human existence: emotional, rational and behavioral.

How to stop loving at different levels of human existence

How to stop loving on an emotional level

It is worth being prepared for an “emotional swing”, when it will either pull very strongly towards a partner, or become euphoric.

At these moments, it is worth remembering what is written on the ring of King Solomon: “This will pass” - without resorting to urgent action or extreme conclusions. If actions are performed or conclusions are drawn in one emotional state, then in the other - it will either be ashamed of the actions, or anxious / desperate / guilty for the conclusions: “Why is it pulling again, because yesterday I already understood everything (a)!”

In general, at first there will be just an emotional outburst (affect) of various experiences (tears, pain, anger, and so on). It can be so strong that a person may not even notice to whom and what he is saying. And this is natural for the situation, the maximum immersion in their experiences.

But over time, it is important to find people with whom you can share different emotional experiences noticing that you are understood, supported, accepted.

These are, in fact, the same emotions, but their saturation is already slightly lower than in the first moments, and there is an opportunity to establish emotional contact. Without such work to establish emotional contact and express feelings in it, most emotions will come back in a circle from time to time.

How to stop loving on a rational level

It is important to remember why the relationship ended and to remember that when you return to it, the result will most likely be the same

It is very important! Don't be fooled by the illusion that everything will change.

In addition, an important component of the rational side of letting go is reflection (introspection). It looks like a gradual realization of why you were so drawn to this particular person, where he “completed” you, how you can supplement yourself in a different way without him, what problems outside the relationship the relationship itself hid, and so on.

In this sense, relationships are a bit like a crutch: we begin to stably rely on something in them (we, for example, were regularly supported and accepted in them), but once again, this support disappears. Consciousness at first does not understand how to stop loving, how to let go in this place, how to compensate for the lack, at the expense of what resources. Here it is worth remembering:

If I don’t know what to rely on in a topic now, this does not mean that it will always be like this. Especially if I make an effort to search, even if I make a couple of mistakes in it.

Such a rational process is possible when backed up by emotional living. Without it, the pain does not subside, the injury does not disappear, but is simply "clogged" with the intellect.

How to Stop Loving Behaviorally

For a person, separation is natural, first physical, then psychological (as in childhood from the mother).

At one time, it was more comfortable for me to think that it was normal to communicate with the object of affection, but now I understand that this only stretched the “pleasure” of goodbyes: it activated old experiences, tore up a healing wound, temporarily masked pain and more.

Over time, a couple of meetings with an ex can even be useful - but not in the early stages of a breakup.

Therefore, the first thing you can try to do is to avoid "unnecessary" meetings with the object of affection. This may not be easy, given the emotional swings (and possibly the circumstances), but you can try to be rational here.

You can also arrange with some of your friends / relatives that they will provide you with some special support for some time in case of a strong emotional swing or some other circumstances.

For example, that they will communicate with you when you are strongly pulled towards a completed relationship, remind you why you broke up and that everything can happen again.

I don't think it's wise to avoid all places associated with an object of affection. On the contrary, you can visit certain places on your own, mentally saying goodbye to a person, living and leaving memories associated with these places in the past, or visit there with someone you trust and with whom you would like to share actual experiences.

You will most likely also have some of the behaviors that you "learned" from the relationship. Also, do not be afraid, but simply compare how comfortable they are for you now, and “edit” them as needed and desired.

In general, everything that is described above is the answer to the question of how to stop loving on different levels existence ... However, I would like to add a couple of details about the whole process, which can help to draw a complete picture of parting with a person.

A couple of additions

I find 2 more important observations about the whole process (which is formulated in the question "How to stop loving?"):

1. In this process, a change in loneliness and contact with others is natural.

Without loneliness it is impossible to digest some feelings and thoughts, to understand what happened, to reflect. Without contacts, it is impossible to share the most intense thoughts and feelings, and they can hang like a burden inside - without contact, there is no way to be understood and accepted.

2. Autonomous interests, having friends and hobbies will help in the whole process of letting go and goodbye.

They can become an important support, especially needed in this period of time. If something or all of this is not there, then think about it: isn’t this all that compensates you for your relationship? Usually it is precisely such relationships that are the most difficult to break - where "the whole world is in one person" ...

If you are in a relationship now, and you do not have these areas developed, you can pay attention to them now. So you can feel more whole, and relationships can become richer.

Brief conclusions on the topic "How to stop loving?"

"Parting is a small death"

- I think it's a very relevant idea from the song. And each way of "refining" love, in fact, is also a small death of some particular love.

As for me, for love, the wording “digestion of love” is still more relevant in meaning than “deliverance” or “interruption”, since the latter implies some complete disappearance of something without a trace or leaving it in the past without reflection in the present, and "digestion" involves internal conclusions and a new state that affect.

In the process of "digesting" the feeling of love and falling in love, it is important to maintain a multilateral balance of different processes. It is important to connect the rational, emotional and behavioral aspects of life, to replace loneliness with contact, as well as free time with deeds and worries. This is a complex, ambiguous, and everyone has their own individual way of overcoming falling in love and love.

It's funny, I have already written 3 articles about love and touched on the topics of what love is pain, and how to stop loving ... But I haven't written about what love is yet! And that's what my next article will be about.

In the meantime, if you have questions, feedback, thoughts and ideas about what was written, wishes, you can share them in the comments. If you have a personal situation that requires special attention, you can sign up for a consultation with me, where we will explore how to stop loving you in your life circumstances.