National holidays of Mordovia. "Forward". Inzenskaya regional newspaper of the Ulyanovsk region On New Year's Eve in many villages bonfires were lit and people jumped over them. This rite was associated with belief in the cleansing power of fire. On Epiphany they rode horses along the street

Last Saturday in one of the ancient villages of the Ershov region - Chkalovo - the traditional Mordovian holiday "Shumbrat" was celebrated for the third time. Every nation has its own national holidays. Most of these holidays originated in ancient times - several centuries ago, and some even a thousand years. Everything changes in our life: things, cities, villages, professions, clothes, nature, but only folk holidays do not change, which continue to live as long as people live. National holidays are the holidays of the soul and heart of the people. Holding the holiday "Shumbrat" on the land of the Miussky MO is not accidental, since it is here that the Mordovians live compactly.

What does "Shumbrat" mean? It's not just hello, but "be in good health." Hello, Mordovian customs and rituals! Hello, Mordovian forgotten songs of our ancestors! Hello, ancient Mordovian culture!

For the sake of this holiday, many come from afar to once again plunge into the unique atmosphere of the Mordovian village with its hospitality and cordiality.

Among the official guests at the celebration were: the head of the EMR administration Svetlana Zubritskaya; executive secretary of the Interregional public organization of the Mordovian (Moksha and Erzya) people Oleg Dulkin and representative of the editorial office of the newspaper "Mordovskaya Pravda" Vasily Lazarev from Saransk; representatives of the Saratov regional Mordovian public organization "Yalgat" Alexander Alexandrov, Valentina Krivosheeva, Alexander Tverdokhlebov, Vladimir Kudinov, head of the Novorepinsk municipality Sergey Samoilov, as well as heads of structural divisions of the EMR administration. They congratulated all the participants on the holiday and handed the participants of the holiday and activists of the villages Thanksgiving letters and gifts.

Due to rainy weather, the holiday was held in the rural House of Culture. Despite this, all elements of the holiday were observed. A girl in a national Mordovian costume presented the guests with a festive national Mordovian loaf "Tsyukor".

Taisiya Loseva, head of the Miussky Defense Ministry, congratulated all those present on the holiday "Shumbrat". - We must love our native culture and language, - Taisiya Yuryevna noted, - it is gratifying that the self-consciousness of the Mordovian people is growing from year to year, we are starting to be proud that Mordovians live compactly on our territory, and in this the role of people who, over the course of throughout their lives propagandize and popularize the Mordovian culture.

She thanked the Mordovian public organization "Yalgat" and personally Valentina Krivosheeva, Nikolai Golovanov, Maria Karbovskaya, Nina Maksimova for their support and assistance in organizing and holding the event.

Svetlana Zubritskaya, the head of the administration of the EMP, addressed the participants and guests of the holiday with words of welcome.

The main idea of ​​the holiday is a demonstration of the best national cultural traditions Mordovian people, the development of amateur artistic creativity. Today, more than ever, society needs to preserve and strengthen folk traditions. This holiday is important not only for the Mordovian population of the Miussky municipal district, but also for all residents of the region, - Svetlana Anatolyevna noted, and also expressed confidence that this holiday will contribute to the revival and preservation of the national culture of the Mordovian people and the harmonization of interethnic relations in the region.

After the official part, the holiday itself begins. The Mordovians have preserved an ancient tradition before the start of any important business, as well as before the start of any national holiday conduct the ceremony of the sacred generic candle "Shtatol". It was with the lighting of a miniature copy of such a generic candle that the holiday began. Ambassadors were chosen in each village, who came to the celebration with earth from their village and wax. The earth symbolizes that a person is not a guest at this holiday, he is the master on his land. Wax is used to create an ancestral candle. Ambassadors from the villages of Chugunka - Tatyana Shevtsova, Nesterovo - Raisa Morozova, Miuss - Lyubov Kuznetsova, Chkalovo - Fyodor Krivosheev hand in hand with the younger generation pass to the table, pour a handful of the land of their village onto a tray, put a candle and bow low. The right to light the birth candle was granted to Taisiya Loseva. Until the end of the holiday, the light of a candle accompanied the holiday and inspired feelings of inner harmony and inspiration on those present.

What a holiday without Mordovian songs!

took place holiday concert, where creative teams delighted the audience with their talents. Guests could enjoy melodic Mordovian and Russian songs, traditional polyphony.

The folk amateur group "Umarina" from the village of Novopushkino, Engels district, the cast-iron folklore group "Mordovochka" famous in our region, the folk group - the ensemble "Russian Song" of the RDK of Ershov, the Nesterov vocal group "Second Youth", the Mius vocal group "Nadezhda", duet "Revenge" of Chkalovsky SDK and other equally famous amateur artists.

I would like to note the special design of the stage and hall. The stage is a small corner of a rural courtyard with a log well and huge blooming sunflowers. On the walls of the hall there are banners "Conquerors of space - the sons of Mordovia", "Sons of Mordovia", flags, multi-colored balls and a multi-meter carpet with Mordovian ornaments. Exhibitions were arranged in the hall: household items and ethnography of the Mordovian people, a table of national cuisine, an exhibition of Mordovian literature.

And how did the colors of the Mordovian costumes combine with the design of the stage - a concentrate of the female soul! This, after all, is a peculiar secret of the stability of an original culture, in predilection and fidelity to the color and semantic compositions of a woman's whole life. So the hand reaches out to the canvas, to touch, to close the course of time.

The Mordovian people are very hospitable, and when meeting their guests, they always treat them to Mordovian millet pancakes and a Mordovian drink - pose. And this time, those who managed to get enough of spiritual food had something to restore their strength: Shulyum and tea with sweets and pies.

Of course, it is impossible to convey all the emotions that we experienced at the holiday. He charged with his mood everyone who got to "Shumbrat".

You can understand and comprehend the culture of your people only when you feel it in yourself. When towels and tablecloths embroidered by your grandmother become priceless for you. And when you turn to rituals and traditions, not only because it is a storehouse of wisdom, but also because it is your roots. Forgetting them, we break the connection between times and generations.

Nina MAKSIMKINA, Chairman

Public Council of the Ershovsky District

In 2004, Republican national folklore holidays were established in Mordovia: Moksha - "Aksha Kelu" [White Birch], Erzya - "Rasken ozks" [Family Prayer], Tatar - "Sabantuy" [Plow Festival] and Russian "Day of Slavic Writing ". Their goal is to preserve, revive and develop national traditions, national types sports and strengthening interethnic relations. National holidays were held in Mordovia before, but today they have a higher status and funding.

Feast of Aksha Kelu. Photo - "Diagonal"

"Aksha kelu" is traditionally held in the village of Vadovskie Selishchi, Zubovo-Polyansky district, on the feast of the Trinity. Folk festivals, tasting of Mordovian cuisine and a concert program are organized on the right bank of the Vad River. The holiday attracts guests from Mordovia and regions of Russia. The highlight of the “white birch holiday” is the Mordovian belt wrestling. There are several differences between the Mordovian wrestling and similar competitions: the weight category of the wrestlers does not matter, the opponents cannot take their hands off each other's sash. The winner is the one who can put the opponent on the ground three times [if one of the wrestlers throws through himself and touches the ground first, he loses]. Previously, these competitions were called "bear wrestling", now - "Aksha Kelu" in honor of the republican holiday.

Fight "Aksha Kelu". Photo - "Diagonal"

"Rasken (Velen) Ozks" takes place in the village of Tashto Kshumantsya, Bolsheignatovsky district, on the second Sunday of July. Velen Ozks [Village Prayer] is held annually, and once every three years - a larger holiday - "Rasken Ozks" [Family Prayer]. At the festival, guests are greeted not with traditional bread and salt, but with bread and honey: so that the future life is sweet and satisfying. A feature of the holiday is the meeting of the Council of Elders, at which the results of the work for the year are summed up. The holiday begins with the lighting of the shtatol [candle]. At the prayers, the main request of those present is heard - for the preservation of the Moksha and Erzya peoples, so that the native language, traditions, culture live for many centuries and be passed down from generation to generation. The main treat on the holiday is Bukan yam [beef soup]. Soup is boiled in ten cauldrons during the celebration so that none of the guests is left without a traditional treat.

The National Theater at the festival "Rasken Ozks". Photo - MGNDT

The holiday "Sabantuy" is held in Lyambir in late May - early June. Used to be a holiday was held on the central square of the district center, but the square could no longer accommodate all the guests. Therefore, for three years in a row, Sabantuy has been held on the territory of the central flying club of the DOSAAF of Russia named after the Hero of the Soviet Union MP Devyatayev. Sabantuy marks the end of spring field work, so the best workers in the agricultural sector are awarded on the holiday.

Sabantuy is characterized by performances by amateur artists, dishes of Tatar cuisine and performances by paratroopers, motorcyclists and an equestrian club. Traditionally, Sabantuy abounds in sports competitions, to which athletes come not only from many regions of our republic, but from neighboring regions. Most of the spectators are gathered by "köresh" [belt wrestling]. The winner receives the title of "batyr" [strongman, hero] and a live ram as a gift.

Sabantuy. Photo - Eugene Ptushka

The Day of Slavic Literature and Culture is celebrated in Saransk on May 24. On this day, a thematic concert is held, in which students of the music school and children's groups take part. In 2017 festive events were held near the Cathedral of the Holy Righteous Warrior Theodore Ushakov, where 15 choirs performed.

In 2018, the interregional festival of Mordovian culture "Shumbrat" will be held in Saransk for the first time - the idea of ​​​​establishing a republican Mordovian folklore and ethnographic holiday has been ripe for a long time. Concerts of creative groups, a theatrical procession of the peoples of Mordovia "We are all Russia!", an exhibition of products by masters of folk arts and crafts, a competition of national humor and ditties "Kuldor-kaldor" and an ethnic disco will be held at several venues in the city at once. Republican holidays "Rasken ozks" and "Aksha kelu" will retain their status.

After the festival, local authorities assured that it would be the last

The Mordovian national holiday Shumbrat took place in Crimea! Similar events are held in many cities across Russia. This year, Crimea picked up this movement and gathered in Alushta teams from Mordovia, Moscow and the Moscow region, Ulyanovsk, Penza, Nizhny Novgorod, Tatarstan, Tyumen and other cities.
Within the framework of the festival, a round table was held “The impact of the heritage of the Finno-Ugric peoples of Crimea on the socio-cultural and spiritual development peninsulas."

In addition, an exhibition of literature was organized at national languages. The event itself had several important goals. The main thing was to show that in addition to such nations as the Crimean Tatars, Ukrainians, Russians, there are also representatives of the Finno-Ugric peoples on the peninsula, who not only live there, but also work in the public sphere. In addition, common ground was found to support the culture of various peoples. And also, importantly, ties were strengthened between the regions in which the Mordovian peoples live.

The central event of the festival was a festive concert, in which, in addition to numerous national groups, the People's Artist of Russia and Mordovia took part.

“At the request of the audience, they gave another separate concert. Our Kochkur team "Laime" came to the peninsula with their tools and all the equipment. And one woman traveled for five days from the Tyumen region. She came from the Moksha village of Kalinovka to perform at the celebration. By the way, the local Mari even had questions about why their folk groups and representatives of the nation do not come to the peninsula in such numbers as the Mordovians,” said Oleg Dulkin, secretary of the interregional public organization of the Mordovian “Moksha and Erzya” people.

He also noted that until 2014, very little attention was paid to the ethno-cultural heritage on the peninsula. Now everything is in motion, various events are constantly held.

“We still have to work, work and work in this direction. This field has not yet been cultivated. The upcoming census will show how many Mordovians live in Crimea. There are also people interested in this, so the work will continue,” Dulkin summed up.

By the way, two Mordovian public organizations are now operating on the peninsula - the Yalgat cultural center, headed by Nikolai Balashov, and the regional public organization The Mordovian Society named after Fyodor Ushakov, headed by Vladimir Starchkov.

By the way, the authorities of the peninsula have already assured that the holiday will be continued and will be organized in next year. So far, however, it is not completely clear what time it will take place, but the plans are to hold the festival around mid-September.

From the Mordovian language, the word "shumbrat" can be translated as "hello." On this day, it is heard everywhere: “Shumbrat, you have guests!”, “Shumbrat! Peace and health!

We are glad that for the sixth year now our national holiday has been held in Moscow. Every year, our guests are from five to ten thousand citizens. All of them have the opportunity to get acquainted with the culture of the Republic of Mordovia through songs, costumes, music and creativity, - said Oleg Ishutkin, executive director of the Mordovian Community NGO.

And now the area in front of the park stage begins to fill up with people. They look with interest at the stalls with traditional souvenirs and delicacies. What is not here! And carved toys made of wood, mallets, whistles, aprons embroidered with bright threads and beads, decorations.

Here, elegant women and men with musical instruments - an accordion and a tambourine - come out to the middle of the site. They begin to sing funny ditties and invite guests to dance. Children especially appreciated the entertainment - they join the artists, clap their hands and smile.

Here we walked in the park with our granddaughter and decided to see what kind of holiday is so interesting here. Very beautiful and interesting! True, we are on schedule. quiet time, but the granddaughter does not want to leave, apparently it will have to be rescheduled, ”says Tamara Ermakova, a visitor to the park.

The main thing is an accordion

Of course, not a single "Shumbrat", and indeed any Mordovian holiday, can do without songs, music and dances.

Women in national costumes are increasingly flickering around - with multi-colored aprons and richly decorated headdresses. Various bands begin to take the stage to greet the guests and sing traditional and favorite songs for them.

Antonina Artyukhina said that Mordovians like to arrange noisy holidays.

The Mordovian people love to meet, sometimes you don't even need a reason! Each holiday is filled with songs and dances, and most importantly - the sounds of an accordion. I can say that this is our most important musical instrument, - Antonina says with a smile.

Variety of outfits

The outfits of the Mordovian peoples are distinguished by great variety and rich decor. Every woman has a casual and festive costume.

outfits for special occasions lavishly embellished with colorful embroidery. The basis of the festive decoration is "panar" - a comfortable shirt without a collar, on top of which belts, hip adornments and aprons are put on. Decorations also play an important role.

From time immemorial, beaded jewelry has been woven in the villages, and a monisto - a necklace of coins has also been created. The main thing is bright! The larger the monist and beads, the richer the woman, - says Nina Gutareva, a member of the Kolopinsky Voices ensemble, dressed in a purple shirt with a green apron, - For us, this holiday means joy, unification. This is an opportunity to meet fellow countrymen and introduce other peoples to their traditions.

"Shumbrat" unites

In addition to the Mordovian groups, representatives of another people, the Tatars, also visited the holiday. The team of the Tatar cultural center of Moscow "Miras" noted that such holidays serve to unite peoples.

The most important thing is to strive to unite. Peoples are united by culture. The more such holidays we have, the better, - said Tanizya Karmysheva.

The guests of honor of the event were natives of Mordovia, Russian athletes Denis Nizhegorodov, two-time Olympic medalist, world champion, and Irina Stankina, Honored Master of Sports of Russia, world champion in athletics.

Meanwhile, more and more citizens come to watch the performances of groups, take pictures with smart artists, try national cuisine and receive a special gift from Mordovians - sincere joy and smiles.

Holiday "Shumbrat, Mordovia!" Dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the unity of the Mordovian people with the peoples of the Russian state

Holding the holiday "Shumbrat, Mordovia!", dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the unity of the Mordovian people with the peoples of the Russian state

The purpose of the event: -to promote the formation in children of a sense of love, respect for the culture of the Mordovian people;

Arouse children's interest in the past, the history of their region, introduce Mordovian national costume, folk rituals and traditions of the Mordovian people;

To form musical and auditory representations, the skills of intonation of Mordovian folk songs and the performance of Mordovian dances;

Acquaintance with the peculiarities of the national character of the Mordovian people



Matrena Sadykova
Holiday "Shumbrat, Mordovia!" Dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the unity of the Mordovian people with the peoples of the Russian state

Holding the holiday "Shumbrat, Mordovia!", dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the unity of the Mordovian people with the peoples of the Russian state

The purpose of the event: -to promote the formation in children of a sense of love, respect for the culture of the Mordovian people;

Arouse children's interest in the past, the history of their region, introduce them to the Mordovian national costume, folk rituals and traditions of the Mordovian people;

To form musical and auditory representations, the skills of intonation of Mordovian folk songs and the performance of Mordovian dances;

Acquaintance with the peculiarities of the national character of the Mordovian people.

Musical holiday "Shumbrat, Mordovia!"

The music hall is decorated with national ornaments, costumes and household items of the Mordovian people

Host: Shumbratada kelgoma inzhiht! Shumbratada Shabbat! Hello dear guests! Hello guys! Today we have gathered here for a holiday dedicated to our republic, our small Motherland. Children, tell me, what is the name of the republic in which we live?

Children: - Mordovia!

Host: What is the name of the city, the capital of Mordovia?

Children: - Saransk!

Host: Right.

Leading. Guys, what is the name of the city where you were born,

live, go to school?

Children: - Ruzaevka!

Host: Right. This is our little home.


I know there are cities on earth

More interesting, more beautiful, larger,

But bound fate forever

I am with my kind Ruzaevka.


Hello Mordovia, hello,

Hail, native land!

Generous Mordovia, bright Mordovia

My good song!



Your guest is your son and brother

honor him as a friend

"Shumbrat" - all together.


Shumbrat! Shumbrat, Mordovia!

Gayniak! Gainyak, Mordovia!

Kelgoma kraenke-nai panji maenke

Moksheerzyan shachema-kasoma region!

Leading Now Mordovia is a multinational hospitable republic. All the peoples of the republic are aware that the foundations of their good life are in the fraternal family of the peoples of Russia.


My land! Mordovia native!

We were born here, we live here

Your riches are glorifying everywhere

We sing about Mordovian beauty


Here in Mordovia the fields are endless,

Heavenly rich forests

Playing from spring rays -

The Mordovian land has blossomed!


Drops are ringing all around.

Streams sing, rustle.

About sunny Mordovia

The kids want to sing.

Song "Roman Aksyas"

Host: People of different nationalities live in our republic: Mordovians, Russians, Tatars, and others, and they all live very friendly, like in one family.

7th: Mordovia! My land

Homeland of roses and nightingales.

Mordovia! country of singers

Country of poems and brave men!


Here the sky is clear everywhere

And the sun is hot

I know there is nothing more beautiful

My Mordovia!

9ch. And how easy it is to breathe here

What an expanse of forest

Native songs are heard

Over Moksha and Sura.


Our native land - Mordovian land,

To you all our songs and poems

And we love the open fields,

Sura and Moksha are clean ponds!

11 hours

There are more beautiful lands

I don't need another.

You are also Russia,

My Mordovian land!


We are masters of speaking.

We are all Russians and Mordovians.

Russians sang songs

Now let's sing Mordovian.

The song "Luganyas kelunyas" - performed by the middle group


My Mordovia - forests and arable land,

A free country of flowers and birds.

Are the sides of the dear more beautiful

Is there another side to the world?


Happy time

The rivers of friendship - Moksha and Sura!

To ring out the songs of the word

Were related to the Russian Mordovians!

15 hours

Etas tyalos sas tundas

Wanda uli mazy Mays

Sembe narmottne sayht meki,

Konat tushendst lambe kreis.

The song "Narmonyatne Lieda"

Host: Motherland! What a word! Mighty word! From this word it breathes strawberries, baked by the sun, and a river murmuring over pebbles, and hay, and bread, in spring,

which begins with the crackle of swelling buds.


Mordovia! I call you dear

And the dearest side

After all, you have drunk and fed me

And I don't need another land.


Nothing compares to you

Captivated by beauty

The earth is my favorite

I'm proud of your destiny.


In France, in Italy

In America, everywhere!

Mordovian nesting dolls

At a big, big price.

19ch. Mordovian craftsmen

Those miracles work

About wooden dolls

they say everywhere.

Song "Matryoshka"


At Mordovian gatherings

Our grandmothers have

They sang songs and danced

Woven a thin cloth.

Together weaving, embroidering,

Don't forget to play.

Guys! Today we will play the Mordovian game "Atsinyat, atsinyat" ("Okay, okay")

Acinate, acinate

Saraz vatsikht kyadnyanza

Eshinasa shtazen (my in the river)

Parkhtsinyasa nardazen (we wipe our hands)

We carry out finger gymnastics for the hands: Tya surnes - babatse

You are surnes-atyatse, you are surnes-alatse,

You surne - tyatse, cha surne - monts!


In Russia, among the birch expanses,

There is a clearing - Mordovia is mine!

She is like a mother's song with which

He went beyond the mountains and beyond the seas.

On that clearing there is a beautiful city,

My breadwinner and my inspiration.

Willows leaned over Moksha,

The same as next to the Oka.

Rivers connect wave to wave:

And now one stream is murmuring.

Mordovia! Favorite forever!

My clearing is my side.

The song "Shachem extreme" - performed by Nastya Balyasnikova


Gardens are blooming, Ruzaevsky fires are burning,

And a peaceful day walks the planet.

Today is a holiday, joyful such:

Dance, sing, have fun kids!

Dance "Sudarushka"


Our republic is rich in forests where animals live, berries and mushrooms grow. And what beautiful meadows, where lush grass grows, bloom beautiful flowers, bees buzz, grasshoppers chirp, and what delicious Krasnoseltsosky, Arkh-Golitsinsky, and Levzhensky apples, berries and fruits.

Host: And now, guys, guess riddles.

1. Not a tree, but with leaves. Af shufta, but lopav,

Not a shirt, but sewn. Af panar, but staf,

Not a person, but talking. Af loman a korkhtai (book)


2. White field Paksha aksha

The seeds are black. You can see the balance.

Who knows how to sow

He knows how to assemble the scale of the hummock

(Reading a book) (book luvomas)


And now let's listen to the proverbs - valmuworkst

Yalgatne sodaviht ziyantsta - Friends are known in trouble.

Vide kis yin nyurhkyanyas - The truthful road is the shortest.

Shachema vasttoma lomants, code pizoftoma - Without a native place, a person is like without a nest.

Shachema Vastta Pitni Mezge Ash - Nothing is dearer than one's native place.

Es kudsot lazy groans - In your house and the walls help.

Leading: In the old days, and even now, both Russians and Mordovians were very fond of having fun. On all holidays they sang their national songs.

Song "Lime Poras"

Host: Saying goodbye, I would really like to wish you:

"Let the city begin with you,

In his arms you were born

People say for good reason:

Where you were born, where you came in handy!

Among daughters and glorious sons

Learn, grow up and gain strength,

And become the owner of your Ruzaevka.

And pour into the river of life like a stream! »

Leading. And I would like to end our holiday with these words: “Our Mordovian people are very hospitable, and meeting their guests, they always treat them to Mordovian pancakes and a Mordovian drink – pose”

Ozak, ozak, simi shovu pose, yarchtsak suron pachat

Syada malezd get along.