Tatting: schemes of the main knots made by shuttle technique, and a master class on making earrings. Tatting: napkin patterns for beginners with step-by-step explanations Technique for knitting napkins

Tatting napkins are unusually airy and thin napkins, which even in historical times adorned the houses of noble nobles. Such products made the apartments cozy, saturating the atmosphere with kindness. soft hands needlewoman who provided this perfection. Lace exquisite tatting napkins are appreciated even today by lovers of openwork art. They come in all sorts of shapes:

  • oval
  • circle
  • square
  • stars
  • flowers and others

Tatting napkins are full of variety.

Look at the photo illustrating the original wickerwork, which will be the best present for a gala event for a friend. The skill of the craftswoman impresses and fascinates with extraordinary beauty. But such charm can be created not only by a professional, wise with great experience, but also by a novice craftswoman. The technique, although complex, is interesting and exciting. So, armed with patience, perseverance and a great desire to create, you can begin to perform such a responsible task. Consider schematic drawings napkins for students

tatting with a needle master class

Napkin knitting technique

All products are round and oval in shape, starting from a round fragment located in the center, braided over time with new rows of circles and ending with a huge number of picots and arcs. I provide for your review a diagram of a napkin in the form of a circle.

To create a square product, you need to weave the fragments separately, connecting them together.

For the ability to weave elegant lace according to the pattern you like, you need to study the abbreviated notation.

There are such abbreviations:

  • double loop - dp;
  • pico - p;
  • pico connecting - cn;
  • pico connecting with beads - bsp;
  • close the ring - close;
  • arch along the inner edge - avk;
  • ring - K;
  • pico with beads - pb;
  • arc - D.

After reviewing the table of abbreviations, you can start knitting napkins. Weaving usually occurs with:

  • long needle;

  • shuttle.

Schematic drawings

I want to offer product diagrams with symbols that you can read and knit your first masterpiece.

Let's start with a small round napkin.

By carefully following the schematic drawing and my step-by-step description below, you will be able to learn how to knit in this technique.

Step 1 and 2- K (8p8p8p8);

Step 3- D (4p4p4p4p4p4);

Step 4- K (4p4p6p4p6p4p4);

Step 5- D (4p4p4p4p4p4);

Step 6- K (4p4p8p8p4p4).

See what a wonderful decoration I found on the pages of the web.

Let's try to weave this small napkin that will decorate your home interior. The thing is only twelve centimeters in diameter. Before its creation it is necessary to prepare thoroughly.

For the workflow, we need the following material:

  • thin thread of white color;
  • hook, 1.2 mm in size;

  • two shuttles.

Weaving master class

We immediately begin to work with two shuttles from the central part of the product.

All fragments of the napkin are designated in Latin letters for ease of use.

In the first part, the details under the letters: B, D, F, and the rest, like them, are woven with the second tool.

We carry out the second part, with two shuttles, and do not forget to connect it in the necessary places with the first part.

We carefully study the diagram provided for your review below.

In the second part, we create parts G, H, M and so on with the second tool.

The numbers marked with a red tint are used to perform the work with the Yang technique, and those drawn in blue are used for the traditional version.

Black numeric values ​​are common to both methods.

If the finished knitted napkin is carefully starched, then it will be possible to decorate the walls of the room with it, transforming the room beyond recognition.

The diameter of the presented masterpiece is thirty-eight centimeters.

For work, we will take:

  • white crochet No10;

  • hook No1 mm;

  • two shuttles.

Step by step description

Stage 1

Let's start creating beautiful thing from the middle with two instruments. Elements in the form of arcs from the central share are knitted with the second tool.

Stage 2

The second part is knitted with two devices. Pay attention to the items marked with “X” - here the shuttles are replaced.

Stage 3

We connect the next share of the knitted thing with the previous one, that is, we knit each subsequent ornament in turn.

Stage 4

We weave the fourth share with 2 devices, as an integral element, fixing to the third part. Remember that the motifs marked with the letters L, N, R, U are performed by the second tool, and in the points marked with “X” we replace the shuttles.

Stage 5

The last, V beat, is performed by one instrument.

I propose to try to knit this unique lace creation, which conveys the fine work of a miracle craftsman.

The napkin is about thirty-three centimeters in size.

In our work we use:

  • two pieces of shuttles;
  • thin white yarn;
  • thin crochet hook.

Let's get started with the complex interesting procedure frivolite napkins.

The napkin provided to our review consists of seven different parts.

The first, third, fifth and fourth parts are created with one shuttle, and the second, fourth and seventh parts are woven with two devices.

Pay attention to the fact that in the second part the fragments E, F, L and L are crossed out, and in the 7th part the details H, J, O, P and similar ones are created by the reception of a turned shuttle, that is, in these elements the motifs are painted green are performed by the second device.

Follow the scheme carefully - and you will succeed.

To view more details step by step master class weave tatting napkins, refer to the demonstration video below.

Having mastered the techniques of weaving, gaining a little experience, novice needlewomen will be able to create extraordinary airy, guipure tatting napkins that amaze with their colorfulness, with which they can decorate their home interior or give them to friends for a holiday. Having learned to create from small, then you can try to weave clothes from royal lace, weaving beads or beads. Thus, you will be able to conquer our modern world with the unsurpassed beauty of high art.

Napkins have long been a decoration of the home interior, they created coziness, and also showed the skill of the needlewoman who knitted this napkin. Today, napkins are not so popular, but the skill of knitters is still highly valued, especially if they knit using the tatting technique, making airy cobwebs with a large number of openwork elements that look incredible: oval napkins, round, shaped like stars, squares, flowers, etc. Napkin schemes in beautiful technique tatting are distinguished by their diversity in work for beginners!

Such an elegant creation will be an excellent gift for any occasion, even for the most demanding person. It is impossible not to appreciate the skill of the needlewoman who managed to create this product. But do not think that the technique is available only to professionals with many years of experience. Indeed, one cannot fail to note the complexity of the tatting technique, but there are napkin patterns that are suitable for beginners, which we will show you.

Learning to work in the tatting technique: napkin patterns for beginners

All round and oval napkins consist of a central round element, which is then braided round by round with new rows, and completed next to a large number of arcs and picot.

Weaving pattern round napkin presented below.

Square napkins are woven from separate elements, which are subsequently fastened together.

Also, in order to knit a napkin according to one of the patterns that you liked, you need to understand the notation. So, in the schemes you can find the following abbreviations:

  • dp - double loop;
  • p - pico;
  • bp - pico with beads;
  • cn - connecting pico;
  • bsp - connecting picot with beads;
  • close - close the ring;
  • avk - an arch along the inner edge;
  • K - ring;
  • D - arc.

Armed with this knowledge, you can start knitting napkins. At the same time, choose what is more convenient for you to knit: with a needle, crochet or shuttle.

We study simple schemes for beginners in needlework

For you, there are several diagrams of napkins with symbols that you can now read on your own.

The knitting pattern for a small round napkin is shown below.

1.2 - K (8p8p8p8)

3 - D (4p4p4p4p4p4)

4 - K (4p4p6p4p6p4p4)

5 - D (4p4p4p4p4p4)

6 - K (4p4p8p8p4p4)

If you prefer square napkins, you can tie a square according to the following scheme.

1,3-K (3p3p3p3p3p3)

2-D (3p3p3p3p3p3)

4,8,9 - D (3p3p3p3)

5.7 - K (3p6p3p3p6p3)

6 - K (3p6p3p3p3p6p3).

By collecting several squares of the same or different patterns, you can come up with your own new napkin patterns, make them large or even huge, or leave them small, depending on the occasion for which such a napkin is knitted.

We knit a napkin quickly and simply with a step-by-step description of the work

Consider step by step how to tie a more complex openwork napkin. The diagram is attached below:

Description of knitting is as follows:

1, 3 ... - to (3p 3p, 3p 3p, 3p 3).

2-d (3p 3p 3p 3p 3p 3).

4-d (3p 3p 3p, 3 (3p, 6p 3p 3p 6p, 3) (3p, 6p 3p, 3p, 3p 6p, 3) (3p, 6p 3p 3p 6p, 3) 3p, 3p 3p 3).

5-d (3p 3p 3p 3).

And now we will explain how to create such airy beauty.

If we look at the scheme of the napkin, we can see a motif consisting of rings and arcs of tatting, and two transitional arcs: this is arc No. 4, the convex side of which is in the form of a trefoil, and arc No. 5, which has a decorative pico.

Knitting Tips:

  1. Start knitting with ring number 1, and do not forget to connect the rings together when weaving, then arc number 2.
  2. At points A, if necessary, you can swap the leading and working threads, if necessary.
  3. For weaving arc number 4, turn the first motive towards you so that it looks down. And weave as follows: three knots, decorative picot, three knots, picot, three knots, connecting picot, three knots.
  4. After you have typed these elements, leave the leading thread, and from the working one lying on the fingers of your left hand, weave a shamrock, which is located inside rapport No. 4 in parentheses.
  5. After the trefoil, put the working thread on all the fingers of the left hand, take the shuttle with the leading thread wound in the right hand and finish the rest of the arc No. 4, not forgetting to connect it with the trefoil and fit it closer to the previous part of the arc.
  6. Now turn the arc with the resulting shamrock down, and weave the first motif and so on.

When the weaving of the napkin is finished, the threads must be cut 6-8 cm from the shuttles, pull the lead thread to the wrong side of the napkin through the base of the first woven ring and tie a knot with the working thread. Hide the ends with a needle between the knots in the nearest napkin motifs.

Such small napkins can be left as independent products, or weaved them into more complex motives and new schemes that you can develop yourself, in the process of creativity.

Video on the topic of the article

If you are new to knitting using the tatting technique, then be sure to watch these video master classes, which show in detail the process of knitting napkins.

Every floral motif created for a specific product, each flower can be used to create a tatting napkin.

Napkin schemes with tatting flowers

A flower of 6 petals with 4 leaves using the tatting technique with two shuttles, using threads of three colors. Any thread color.

1st color: for a flower of 6 petals according to the scheme, connect the petals to each other by the side picot. Connect the sixth petal by performing a “coupling”. Cut the threads and tie with a straight knot.

2nd color of threads: attach threads of two colors between the 1st and 6th petals: pull any thread through the picot with a hook, and thread the shuttle into this loop, tighten. Weave an arc 7, according to the scheme, the thread of the second color is working.

3rd color: make a leaf ring from the leading thread of the arc. Turn over, make ring 9 with the same thread that weaved ring 8.

2nd color: turn over and make an arc 10, the thread from the ring is the leading one.

3rd color: turn over, make ring 11 from the leading thread of the arc. Turn over, make ring 12 from the same thread.

Tatting napkin motif

Run a flower of 6 petals, connect the petals to each other by the side picot.

Connect the last petal of the flower, as in a flower with one shuttle, cut the threads.

Run ring 7, attaching it to the upper pico of ring 2, the flower. Turn over, make ring 8, attaching rings 3 to the upper picot.

Scheme of a tatting napkin from flowers

Ring 1, turn the work over, make an arc 2, the thread from the ring is the leading one. Turn over and make ring 3 from the leading thread of the arc, attaching rings 1 to the picot.

Without turning the work, make ring 4 with a large picot in the middle. Turn over, make an arc 5, the thread from the ring 4 is the leading one. Turn over and make ring 6 from the leading thread of the arc, attaching rings 4 to the picot.

Without turning over, make ring 7 from the leading thread of the arc. Turn over and make an arc 8, the thread from the ring 10 is the leading one. Turn over and make ring 9 from the leading thread of the arc, attach the picot behind the picot of the ring 7.

Do not turn over, make a ring 10 with a large picot in the middle from the same thread. Without turning over, make an arc 11, the thread from the ring is the leading one. Turn over, make ring 12 from the leading thread of the arc, attaching rings 10 to the picot.

Without turning over, make an arc 13, the thread from the ring is the leading one. Turn over, make ring 14 from the leading thread of the arc, attaching rings 10 to the picot. Turn over, and make arc 15, the thread from the ring is leading. Turn over, make ring 16 from the leading thread of the arc, attaching rings 10 to the picot.

Without turning over, make a ring 17 from that thread with a large picot in the middle. Without turning over, make an arc 18, the thread from the ring is the leading one, attaching arcs 8 to the pico.

Turn over and make ring 19 from the leading thread of the arc, attaching rings 17 to the picot. Without turning over, make ring 20 from the same thread, attaching rings 4 to the picot. Turn over, make arc 21, the thread from the ring is leading. Turn over, make ring 22, from the leading thread of the arc, attaching rings 4 to the picot.

Without turning over, we make ring 23 from the same thread with a large picot in the middle. Without turning over, perform arc 24, attaching arcs 2 to the picot, the thread from the ring is leading. Turn over, make ring 25 from the leading thread of the arc, attaching rings 23 to the picot. Weaving tatting was performed according to the scheme, then continue according to the meaning.

Tatting napkin motif "rosette"

Run the inner ring through 3 3 picot knots. Turn over the first arc with 2 shuttles, attaching it for 3 picos of the inner ring only with the leading thread. Fasten the end of the arc to the base of the inner ring: pull the thread from the leading shuttle with a hook, thread the working shuttle into the loop, turn the motif over, swap the threads and weave the next row of arcs in the opposite direction, attaching at the points with the leading thread for the working thread of the previous arc. Perform all work according to the motive scheme.

Continue braiding the rings with arcs 4 times. IN last row perform arcs according to the scheme with pico. Run the edges of the "rose" - attach the thread to any pico and make an arc with two shuttles from any thread. In the middle of the arc, make a ring from the working thread, do not turn the work over and finish the arc on the other side. Attach the end of the arc to the next picot with two threads, then continue to work according to the scheme.

The article answers questions on the topic of tatting in detail, napkin patterns for beginners are also attached. Therefore, if you are looking for quality workshops and explanations, then welcome!

History of creativity

What is this technique with such a melodic name? She came from the East, and translated from French means "frivolous." Probably because there is no special technology, it combines approximately three types of needlework. So if you want to learn how to hand lace, beading and crochet, you can do it at the same time. For products, you do not need to have many tools or materials. The main task is to learn how to read schematics and learn the decoding of abbreviations. After all, working on the picture, you need to understand all the conventions.

Let's try to make a beautiful napkin, which will become an example of a masterpiece in this technique. By the way, earlier they wove not only such products, but also umbrellas, lampshades, made collars and gave fresh appearance dresses. Now everyone is doing the same thing, but accessories have been added to the list - bracelets, pendants, bracelets, etc.

A craft in the form of a napkin will be a great gift for every holiday, you must admit that things created by yourself attract much more attention. After all, it takes a lot of time and a flight of fancy to make a product.

Technology is available to everyone. Even beginners will like it, because there are no difficulties here. Practice on simple products to "fill your hand."

New schemes - there are a huge number of them. They roughly look like this.

There are multi-element napkins that are woven step by step from several fragments.

Let's move on to practice

Now let's try to weave such an openwork craft:

It is advisable to print the knitting description to make it easier to work.

1, 3 ... - to (3p 3p, 3p 3p, 3p 3).

2-d (3p 3p 3p 3p 3p 3).

4-d (3p 3p 3p, 3 (3p, 6p 3p 3p 6p, 3) (3p, 6p 3p, 3p, 3p 6p, 3) (3p, 6p 3p 3p 6p, 3) 3p, 3p 3p 3).

5-d (3p 3p 3p 3).

Let's decipher: p is a pico, d is an arc.

And now let's take a closer look at the stages of working with a needle.

In general, the product will look quite interesting. We see a motif that consists entirely of rings and arches, as well as passing arms. That is, it is arc No. 4, whose convexity is more like a shamrock, arc No. 5, which is made in a decorative pico.

Now let's explain. Let's start with ring number 1.

Remember that when weaving, you first need to connect the rings to each other, and only then the arcs No. 2.

At point A, if necessary, you can swap the working and leading threads, but only if necessary.

In order to weave arcs No. 4, we turn the first motif towards us so that it is from below. Then we weave like this: three knots, pico, three knots, pico, three knots, we will connect and again three knots. Follow the diagram exactly.

After all the elements are typed, we leave the main (leading) thread, and weave a shamrock from the working one. By the way, the thread should be on the fingers of the left hand. The shamrock will be placed inside #4 in brackets.

After him, the shamrock, we will try to put the worker on the fingers of the left hand. We work with the shuttle - we take the tool with the already wound thread in the right hand, weave the rest of the digu No. 4. Do not forget to combine it with the trefoil, adjusting it closer to the last part of the bow.

We turn the bow with the motive down, weaving the first motive further.

Finishing the weaving of the product, the threads must be cut off. Approximately 7-8 cm from the shuttle, with a hook we pull out the leading thread on the wrong side of the craft through the base of the first ringlet. Then we connect it with the worker in a knot. We hide the tips with a needle between the knots in the nearest motifs of the napkin. It turns out such a weaving pattern.

Tip - craftswomen believe that such small napkins can be left as simple products. Or weave into complex crafts and new schemes, which, by the way, you can come up with on your own. But for beginners, it is better to follow the already proven ones.

Making an oval napkin does not take much time. It is enough to have an order of work, in principle, as with other products. You can add beads to improve the work. Do not forget about the quality of the material, it is better to spend money on threads and tools in order to get a beautiful craft.

There are many video lessons where professionals talk in great detail about the work, show the main stages of creation. Try to repeat after them so that you can do the same. Learn notation and read information about tools. You can consult on the forums or in specialized stores. Of course, advice is the most best gift at work.

Video on the topic of the article

Audio materials are not just learning, but also inspiration for the whole process. After all, such products can be made not only by yourself, but also by the whole family! Good luck with your hard work!

Napkins have long been a decoration of the home interior, they created coziness, and also showed the skill of the needlewoman who knitted this napkin. Today, napkins are not so popular, but the skill of knitters is still highly valued, especially if they knit using the tatting technique, making airy cobwebs with a lot of openwork elements that look incredible: oval napkins, round, in the shape of stars, squares, flowers, etc. .d. Napkin schemes in beautiful tatting technique are distinguished by their diversity in work for beginners!

Such an elegant creation will be an excellent gift for any occasion, even for the most demanding person. It is impossible not to appreciate the skill of the needlewoman who managed to create this product. But do not think that the technique is available only to professionals with many years of experience. Indeed, one cannot fail to note the complexity of the tatting technique, but there are napkin patterns that are suitable for beginners, which we will show you.

Learning to work in the tatting technique: napkin patterns for beginners

All round and oval napkins consist of a central round element, which is then braided round by round with new rows, and completed next to a large number of arcs and picot.

The scheme of weaving a round napkin is presented below.

Square napkins are woven from separate elements, which are subsequently fastened together.

Also, in order to knit a napkin according to one of the patterns that you liked, you need to understand the notation. So, in the schemes you can find the following abbreviations:

  • dp - double loop;
  • p - pico;
  • bp - pico with beads;
  • cn - connecting pico;
  • bsp - connecting picot with beads;
  • close - close the ring;
  • avk - an arch along the inner edge;
  • K - ring;
  • D - arc.

Armed with this knowledge, you can start knitting napkins. At the same time, choose what is more convenient for you to knit: with a needle, crochet or shuttle.

We study simple schemes for beginners in needlework

For you, there are several diagrams of napkins with symbols that you can now read on your own.

The knitting pattern for a small round napkin is shown below.

1.2 - K (8p8p8p8)

3 - D (4p4p4p4p4p4)

4 - K (4p4p6p4p6p4p4)

5 - D (4p4p4p4p4p4)

6 - K (4p4p8p8p4p4)

If you prefer square napkins, you can knit a square according to the following pattern.

1,3-K (3p3p3p3p3p3)

2-D (3p3p3p3p3p3)

4,8,9 - D (3p3p3p3)

5.7 - K (3p6p3p3p6p3)

6 - K (3p6p3p3p3p6p3).

By collecting several squares of the same or different patterns, you can come up with your own new napkin patterns, make them large or even huge, or leave them small, depending on the occasion for which such a napkin is knitted.

We knit a napkin quickly and simply with a step-by-step description of the work

Consider step by step how to knit a more complex openwork napkin. The diagram is attached below:

Description of knitting is as follows:

1, 3 ... - to (3p 3p, 3p 3p, 3p 3).

2-d (3p 3p 3p 3p 3p 3).

4-d (3p 3p 3p, 3 (3p, 6p 3p 3p 6p, 3) (3p, 6p 3p, 3p, 3p 6p, 3) (3p, 6p 3p 3p 6p, 3) 3p, 3p 3p 3).

5-d (3p 3p 3p 3).

And now we will explain how to create such airy beauty.

If we look at the scheme of the napkin, we can see a motif consisting of rings and arcs of tatting, and two transitional arcs: this is arc No. 4, the convex side of which is in the form of a trefoil, and arc No. 5, which has a decorative pico.

Knitting Tips:

  1. Start knitting with ring number 1, and do not forget to connect the rings together when weaving, then arc number 2.
  2. At points A, if necessary, you can swap the leading and working threads, if necessary.
  3. For weaving arc number 4, turn the first motive towards you so that it looks down. And weave as follows: three knots, decorative picot, three knots, picot, three knots, connecting picot, three knots.
  4. After you have typed these elements, leave the leading thread, and from the working one lying on the fingers of your left hand, weave a shamrock, which is located inside rapport No. 4 in parentheses.
  5. After the trefoil, put the working thread on all the fingers of the left hand, take the shuttle with the leading thread wound in the right hand and finish the rest of the arc No. 4, not forgetting to connect it with the trefoil and fit it closer to the previous part of the arc.
  6. Now turn the arc with the resulting shamrock down, and weave the first motif and so on.

When the weaving of the napkin is finished, the threads must be cut 6-8 cm from the shuttles, pull the lead thread to the wrong side of the napkin through the base of the first woven ring and tie a knot with the working thread. Hide the ends with a needle between the knots in the nearest napkin motifs.

These small napkins can be left as independent products, or weaved them into more complex motifs and new patterns that you can develop yourself in the creative process.

Video on the topic of the article

If you are new to knitting using the tatting technique, then be sure to watch these video master classes, which show in detail the process of knitting napkins.