How to make a guy with me. How can I get a man to agree with me? Ritual for meeting a guy

I have been living with a man for 2 years. I love him, he says he loves me too. His actions confirm his words. But we have quarrels, and a lot of them, every week or two we quarrel. This is always a trivial reason: I looked wrong, dropped an orange, forgot to buy candy. These are all everyday situations, they also happen to him, I don’t consider this a reason for a quarrel, I can simply correct him and say that I would like him to do differently next time. I think his behavior is largely due to the fact that he grew up in a family where there were only scandals, he did not see a normal family. He only has his mother, and he and she cannot spend even 30 minutes without a scandal, and these are quarrels. When they fight, there is so much hatred, she can insult him, call him names or kick him out. I have an ordinary family, I’m not used to scandals, my parents are trusting, warm and harmonious relationships. Over these 2 years, I have changed a lot in myself in order to become better for my loved one, but it is always not enough. I'm confused. I'm trying to explain to my loved one that if a question arises, you just need to talk and solve it, don't shout right away, don't get angry. But nothing works out for us. During the last quarrel, he said that I don’t understand what he needs, and that our life is a continuous quarrel, and he wants peace, that he doesn’t even know how he met me (he said all this in anger). I don't know what to do with these words of his. Am I forcing myself on him? Does he want to be without me? How to improve the world? How should I behave so that he feels happy next to me?

Katerina, Kyiv, 27 years old / 07.12.12

Our experts' opinions

  • Alyona

    Katerina, you need to think more about how to behave so that you yourself feel happy next to your partner. And, alas, most likely, your current man is absolutely not the person with whom you can relax and enjoy coexistence. Your young man is clearly not in the mood to hurt himself for the sake of your well-being. Moreover, it doesn’t seem at all like he cares at all how comfortable you are living with him. His experiences relate only to his personal comfort, which is what he tries to preserve at any cost. Why do you need such a partner? Do you want to spend your whole life trying to meet his high demands? Live in fear of getting disapproval and a new scandal if you don’t please? Of course, you can make him happy for a while. But who will make you happy? Katerina, you are alone, and even if your roommate is the only guy who fell for you (but I still hope that not everything is so sad), you shouldn’t devote your life to the noble, but completely thankless task of making your roommate happy. Think about what you yourself want and what you don’t have now because of constant quarrels, claims and insults. Honestly, if I were you, I would pack my things after such a revelation from the guy (that he doesn’t even understand how he managed to contact you).

  • Sergey

    Katerina, I personally think that a person who loves conflicts is very difficult to communicate with. And with age, as far as I know, this feature will only intensify. This means that no one in your couple (or, if this happens, in your family) will be immune from outbursts of aggression. For adults, this is still tolerable, well, at least for some time, and “for an amateur.” But such behavior would be very inappropriate for children. After all, you can’t explain to a child that dad just has such an accentuation of his character, but in fact he loves you. Swearing and insults are definitely moral suppression and humiliation, and they will have the most unfavorable impact on children. Besides, romance in your relationship does not last forever. And as soon as it passes, the scandals will intensify. And it’s hard for me to imagine how you can really love a person and at the same time start scandals with him with insults and humiliation. Here, in my opinion, there is more of your desire to present the bad as good, to find at least some explanation and justification. Why do you need this is a separate question. Personally, I believe that such outbursts should under no circumstances be forgiven and everything should be put on hold. He insulted, shouted, and got out. Tell him: “If you come to your senses, you will come back with an apology and you will control yourself in the future. But if you allow yourself to do this again, I will leave for good.” Only this way, and no other way. Otherwise, you only have yourself to blame. And if beatings begin in the future, it will be your personal choice and your fault.

We've been dating a guy for 4 years. At the beginning of our relationship, he deceived me, hiding his common-law wife and two children. Having learned about this, I immediately decided to break up, but he did not let me go. We met, talked with him about a future together, but when two weeks ago I asked him specifically, he said that he had not promised anything, that he already had children and suggested breaking up. Currently lives with his common-law wife, continuing to raise her for the sake of the children who were born. In the end, we agreed to wait another year. I don’t know how to influence the situation in such a way that it is finally resolved, and the guy finally decides who he should be with. If you can, please tell me what should I do? Thank you.


Greetings, Maria!

I am always very upset by questions like yours. As a man, I cannot find any justification for the blatant deception and duplicity of your lover. It is absolutely obvious to me that you love this person if, after his lies and double life, you are still ready to forgive him everything and wait. Girls like you deserve happiness first of all! But, first of all, you should figure out what your happiness consists of! Are you ready to overcome everything to be close to your loved one? Or is your resentment towards him strong enough to finally break with him and start a new life?

If you decide that your personal pride is more important than feelings, I would recommend that you do it for yourself. This is an absolutely safe and painless ritual. You won’t even notice its influence until you realize that the person you loved with all your heart just yesterday has become indifferent to you. It is then that you will be able to let him go and not remember these years anymore. If you want to let go of the past and step into a bright future with your head held high, the lapel is exactly what you need! If your love is really as strong as it seems to me, I can offer you several more options.

As I understand it, the main problem, in your opinion, is children, to whom a man is much more attached than to his own common-law wife. You may feel that children are a serious obstacle to your personal happiness. I assure you, a man’s love for a woman and his affection for children are feelings of a completely different order. Under no circumstances should a man be forced to choose between you and his children. In this case, the choice will never be made in your favor. However, you have every chance of getting what you want! To do this, you need to be patient and resort to magical help.

So what are your options? There are only two of them! It all depends on whether your lover has real feelings for you or not. In order to determine this, I just need to look at your photo together. A person can fool a lie detector, but he will never be able to fool the energy scanner of a professional magician. If a man loves you, it will be enough to slightly push him to the right decision. For these purposes, a lapel ritual from a common-law wife is perfect and, as a result, he will, for example, dream about you. After the magic begins to work, the man will decide to break up and return to you in the shortest possible time. But don’t think that at the same time he will abandon the children. For a man, children are sacred!

If a man doesn’t have love for you, the only thing I can offer you is this! Only this ritual will give you the guaranteed result you want to achieve!

Men meet me everywhere and always. Even if, having caught an interested glance, I make a brick face, I know: the man will gallop towards me with his “hello” as soon as I give the signal.

I do not and never have had a problem meeting a man. At airports, in restaurants, in fitness clubs, on the street, men approach me.

I thought about women who want men to get to know them, but things don’t work out.

Perhaps I'll give you a couple of tips.

For men to follow you like rats follow Nils, you must look not only sexually attractive, but also, to some extent, depraved.

To do this, it is not necessary to wear microscopic shorts or demonstrate the absence of underwear under your blouse. You should have some kind of sexual appeal: in your gait, in your gestures, and most importantly - in your gaze.

Don't dare look away when the man you like is looking at you.

The ability to take a look is very sexy. This means that you are a tigress, not a cow.

And it doesn’t matter how old you are or how long your legs are. Even if it’s 50. Even if it’s short.


Recently I watched the TV series The Fall with Gillian Anderson: her figure is no good, her face is wrinkled, but this old woman, in general, is all about sex, because her whole appearance speaks of her readiness for it.


Precisely for sex. To the penis in the vagina. Not to a shared household. Not for dirty ones men's underpants in the laundry basket. And to sex, which, by the way, you are not obligated to have.

Remember, cows: sexual appeal in appearance and sexual intercourse are things that, if they intersect, then only tangentially.

If you need men to get to know you, demonstrate, first of all, sexual appeal, and not cuteness, good character, reliability and other “nice things”, which, if they are relevant, will come later.

Don't be afraid to appear depraved at the beginning of a relationship. Then, if necessary, you can clean up this image. Be afraid of appearing dull, inhibited and sexually boring. They don't even marry people like that.

They marry those who, at the moment of meeting, were sexually twirling their asses, and then in time they put on masks of piety.

Girls, do people often meet you on the street? Why do you think? Guys, what kind of women do you tend to approach with your “hello”?

There are things that cannot be given in, and men dodge and demand their way. How can I get a man to agree with me?

Name: Svetlana

There is a lot of freely available advice on how to manage a man. How to make a man fulfill, or even better, guess a woman’s desires himself. How to manipulate a man and the like.

Advice like this is given:

Add sexuality to your image - a man will be blown away and he will become easily controlled;

The man is the head, the woman is the neck. Be smarter, more cunning and control a man without him noticing;

Show cunning and flexibility, ask for more - you will get what you need;

and even that

Cry! Men do not tolerate tears and will do everything to prevent a woman from crying;

Well and the like...

It certainly works. Somewhere, with someone, for sure...))

Surely, you can persuade a man to fulfill your desire by wearing lace stockings and a transparent blouse...

You can probably get a ring by first scaring the man with a request for a new car...

Of course, you will get what you want - if you cry long and touchingly...

Once, twice - it will work.

But what to do - if a man and a woman have been living together for several years (months), the relationship is no longer fueled by a feeling of novelty, but on the contrary, there are moments of some periodic fatigue from each other... And the woman’s tears do not cause pity, but irritation. There is a desire not to regret, but to leave home anywhere. And lace stockings and new lingerie - do not surprise.

And the issue on which you want to reach agreement is very important, and it needs to be resolved! But the man doesn’t agree, doesn’t want, doesn’t hear, doesn’t understand... he doesn’t care about your important questions.

What to do?

Good question))

I would like to draw your attention to important point in a relationship. This important point removes many controversial issues with its presence. And creates a lot of problems if absent from your relationship.

This may be called slightly differently in different pairs, but the essence is the same.

Love (mutual). Treat each other with warmth and care. The desire to make your loved one happy (must be present in both partners).

IN real relationship- This is a required ingredient.

Not passion, not dependence (physical/psychological), not desire to possess.

Namely, the desire to give, give, protect, surround with care, make your loved one happy! THIS is what I call real relationship.

A relationship in which there is indifference to a partner, to his problems, troubles, concerns is not a relationship... but rather... a partnership on dubious terms.

There is no doubt about the fact - in order for a man to fulfill some desire of a woman, he must WANT to do it.

In order for a man to agree with something important to you, he must WANT to understand this importance for a woman, and feel a desire to help her by taking care of her.

Lyrics, you say? Is this impossible after 5-10 years of marriage?? Unreal?

If so, these are just your personal boundaries and limitations.

All these frames and restrictions can be broken, expanded and removed from your life if desired.

What to do:

If indifference towards each other has settled in your relationship, you increasingly feel irritated with your “other half”, a growing feeling of dissatisfaction with the relationship and your partner - there are two options: change your partner or change your relationship.

Naturally, I do not call for destroying families, breaking off relationships, or looking for new, fresh feelings and sensations. No.

But you must understand that your relationship has come to this current state - through your efforts (or lack thereof). You made your relationship yourself. Putting your head and hands to it, or leaving it to chance - but on your own. These are your personal results. The two of you.

But now, when you understand that the results are not very satisfying to you, that you would like better and more, start rebuilding your relationship. Reconstruction. Some will need a “major overhaul” of their relationship, while others will need a “cosmetic” one.

So, in order for a man to agree with you, take care of you, fulfill your desires, you need to create conditions so that the man does this with pleasure. All you have to do is intelligently hint at something that is very important to you - and your man will be very happy to show concern for you, agreeing with your opinion, fulfilling your desire. At the same time, he will feel indispensable in your life, his importance for you, he will be proud of himself and happy for his woman, who is so lucky in life with a man.

Believe me, these sensations are extremely important for a man!

What to do specifically?

Relationships are very different. Some relationships just need to be refreshed. Other relationships must be categorically directed in a different, right direction.

If everything is very neglected and it is completely unclear what to do, I strongly recommend individual work. With the help of a specialist, you will see the situation with different eyes, from a different angle. You will see ways out of it and you will be able to change a lot.

If you need to refresh your relationship with a man (husband), make it real, or get as close to this as possible, Svetlana Ermakova’s technique “Don’t stop him from falling in love with you” is also an excellent option. A technique that will revive even your husband! "

The book contains a lot of excellent, clear and simple advice that has already changed the lives of many women. I myself read Svetlana with pleasure, a lot of it is close to me and I know that it works.

Girls! My dears! What's good about your problem? Yes, of course, because it can be solved!

Be happy! :))

See you

With love

How to make roller shutters with your own hands

Hello my dear readers blog! As promised, now I’ll tell you how very simple, easy and fast make roller shutters for windows with your own hands. At first it may seem to you that this is not very realistic, it is not clear how to attach them to the window, and perhaps it is better to entrust the entire installation process to professionals. But we (you and I) have golden hands, which means that sewing our own roller blinds will be a piece of cake for us! And when you finish reading this article, you will definitely want to do something similar for yourself! After all, this is real creativity!

To begin, measure the width and height of your window on which you will sew roller shutters. My window is approximately 130 cm by 80 cm. I specifically write my window size, since I will give an example of the distance between the grommets.

I wanted to make not plain roller shutters, but to combine three colors in them: milky, beige and blue. These colors match my room very well. You choose your own colors for your window.

And I took linen fabric containing synthetics. In its structure, it is a bit like canvas or burlap. You are free to choose any fabric you like, the main thing is that it is not very see-through. And if you want to achieve the effect of complete darkness, you may have to lay the fabric in two layers. All these details need to be thought through in advance.

I cut out pieces of fabric of the desired length and width + 2 cm allowances on each side. And at the bottom you need to take more allowances, depending on the width of the strip that you decide to insert into the bottom of the roller shutter. Take the bottom allowances based on the free flow of the plank, without tension.

We fold the two fabrics face to face, pin them together and sew them together on a machine. But keep one thing in mind: sewing machine The top part may shrink a little (this is the case on my machine), so in order for both parts to be sewn perfectly evenly, without an “accordion,” I have to hold the top part in tension a little while sewing. Then I avoid long, long basting before stitching, and both pieces are sewn perfectly evenly.

When all three colors are sewn into one fabric, cut the allowances to 0.5-0.7 cm and iron them down. It is convenient to iron the seams by placing the product with the bottom facing away from you.

Now let's call sides canvas, trim off the excess fabric on the sides:

Fold in 1 cm allowances wrong side canvas on each side and smooth it.

Now we fold the ironed seam allowance another 1 cm to the wrong side and machine sew it on three sides. And at the bottom we bend it to the required width (for me it’s 3 cm).

This is how all sides of the canvas should be processed:

Now, in order to thread the cord into the fabric that will regulate our roller shutter, you need to make holes in the fabric. And first you need to mark them. Several holes will be made exactly in the center (from top to bottom) and eyelets will be installed.

So we divide the canvas in half. And we retreat from the top edge 3.5 cm. We put a point.

From this point we set aside 12 cm downwards (you can reduce this value, then the number of holes in the fabric will become larger; I do not recommend increasing it, since the finished roller shutter may end up looking rough due to sparse punching).

It is convenient to set aside the desired value using two rulers, then the center will not shift accidentally. It's comfortable.

How to install the eyelets yourself, without having any special devices, except, of course, the eyelets themselves - read here.

This is such a beautiful picture I got:

Where can I get a plastic strip?

I just bought a plastic corner from a hardware store. It cuts and bends easily.

I will insert the strip into the bottom of the roller shutter on both sides. A grommet should be installed between the planks in the center, dividing the bottom allowance into two halves (see photo above). We bend the bar to make it as flat as possible (see photo 1 below). and wrap it with tape (see photo 2 below). so that sharp corners do not tighten the fabric when we insert the slats into the roller shutter.

We place the strips on both sides of the roller shutter and sew our drawstring on the sides.

Installing roller shutters yourself

To install, we need a cord of such thickness that it fits freely into the grommet hole. And a clamp that will compress the cord at the desired height.

Screw it into top part There are two screws in the windows, at a distance of 40 - 50 cm from each other. And we very tightly stretch a nylon thread between them (or fishing line, wire, which is available on the farm).

I’d like to make a reservation right away, it might seem crazy to someone to screw a screw into a plastic window, but I’m never afraid to take risks, and besides, I’m not going to remove the roller shutters from the window, except maybe replace them with others from time to time, and these screws are not under which option they will not be visible.

If you don’t like this method, come up with your own and share it with me in the comments))).

We attach the cord to the holes of the eyelets on the roller shutter and firmly tie the upper edge of the cord with two knots in the middle of the stretched thread between the screws. It is on this place that pressure and the entire weight of the roller shutter will be applied all the time. Therefore, it is necessary to create a strong mount.

We attach the top edge of the roller shutter to the window with double-sided tape.

This is what the finished roller shutter looks like when closed:

And it looks so great when assembled:

Sew such beauty for your windows, I hope my experience will be useful to you!

I also found something useful about how to make Roman blinds yourself:

And see you soon on the pages of the blog “Sheisomnoy.rf”
