The child loves green. What does the child's favorite color say? Choice against environment

You have probably noticed what kind of pencils your child uses. Perhaps even remember what colors you liked as a child. You can mark which toys and items your baby chooses. Some children are very curious about color and ask you what you like or criticize your tastes.

“Mom, why are you all black? Take off this gloomy dress, it is so brown and bad, put on that red one, ”one boy said to his mother. Since the age of five, he has been partial to how his mother looks. Girls generally like to try on the outfits of their mothers and grandmothers and pay even more attention to color. When children grow up, they form the concept of "fashionable" and "unfashionable". Our offspring often force us to dress more fashionably and attractively if they want to see parents in youth style, and democracy reigns in the family.

Scientists have found that as early as three years old, you can offer colored objects or pencils to a child, and he will choose in his own way. At this age, the main favorite colors are already outlined, but the choice is still spontaneous, because the child's attention jumps, and he may hesitate in choosing. The creative nature of children is formed by the age of ten, fantasy and imagination reach their peak. All children are brilliant at 5-7 years old, many experts working with children say. After 10 years, according to the French psychologist T. Ribot, the imagination gradually fades away. Specific images are replaced by an explosion of emotions. In adolescents, a love for verbal creativity is already flaring up. Consider the nature of children in the language of flowers.

Red children

Strong, energetic, lively children. They like to brag, willingly get acquainted with people. Impatient, it is easier for them to start something than to finish. They love to lead in children's games. They love outdoor games, easily switchable. They are restless, productive, they translate a lot of paper, plasticine and other materials in the process of creativity, they grab different hobbies. Assertive in achieving goals, like to be the center of attention. They do large amounts of work, it is not always neat and scrupulous.

orange kids

Orange is a mixture of red and yellow. These children are very excitable, if they are carried away by something, it is difficult for them to stop. They selflessly surrender to games and undertakings. They are called "adventurers". They can captivate anyone with their sparkling energy. But their excitement often finds no outlet. They may be attacked by unreasonable joy or irritability, a causeless cry. They behave defiantly, many things quickly seem boring to them. The task of parents is to protect them from dangers and adventures.

yellow children

More prone to creativity than other children. They are dreamers and dreamers, originals and jokers. They have their own fantasy world. It often happens that fiction is more important for them than reality. They are loose and easy to play. They don't get bored being alone. After all, the invented world is near them. But toys can be anything: pebbles, leaves, cubes, buttons and beads. Each item has its own secret, everything is animated and vivid in their imagination. They believe in their star and luck, but are not always adapted to practical reality. Cheerful and spontaneous children require tact and help from adults, whose task is to fill them to be more persistent, practical and persistent.

green kids

They are smart and intelligent, they find an explanation for everything. Frequently asked questions. More than others, they love computer games and Mind games: crosswords, puzzles. They love logical explanations of what is happening. They like to give orders, are persistent in achieving the goal. Neat, boldly behave in unfamiliar surroundings. Sometimes they are too tense and touchy, for them on the part of their parents it is necessary to show more affection, variety in games and activities, cultivate a sense of openness and interest, and create an optimistic mood.

Blue children

They are free and carefree. Gaiety and carelessness - part of their nature, they are romantic, a little lazy. Their character is close to the blue type of children. Emotional, sociable, naive. They are devoted and loyal friends, most of all they dream of a strong friendship. On the part of parents, it is necessary to encourage their sociability, the development of seriousness and diligence.

blue children

Balanced, slightly phlegmatic children. Just calmness. They are thorough, do everything slowly, start any work hard. Often late, slow. They like to lie on the couch watching TV or reading a book. They like to set the table beautifully, they like table conversations and the charm of communication. Appreciate friends, are often monogamous. They try to slowly resolve conflicts and reconcile people. These are blue angels, they can sacrifice themselves for the sake of loved ones. They like order in everything: in deeds and objects, neat in clothes. Because of their laziness and slowness, they sometimes tend to be overweight.

purple kids

Vulnerable, imaginative, self-centered. They love to make things, in general they love beautiful things, they can create comfort in the house with their own hands. They love music and tend to play, very suggestible. They easily fall into anger, resentment, as well as joy and enthusiasm. All emotions are written on their faces. Over the years, they can become demanding of friends, capricious and whimsical. Violet is a mixture of red and blue, all the contradictions of these colors collide in it. These children are prone to mysticism and everything unusual, they believe in fate. The task of parents is to extinguish the excitability of the child, not to let him fall into despair, to form a circle of communication with mobile and open children, to occupy the child with various kinds of arts. Smooth out their vulnerability and balance egocentrism.
Consider the most common shades of colors. In addition to the fact that there are children who prefer two or more colors, there are children who love certain shades and halftones.

pink kids

Gentle, romantic creatures. They love the whole world. Flirtatious, easily excitable. Dreamy and curious. Easily jump from one hobby to another. This color is called "childish". Whoever preserves it until adulthood, preserves childhood in himself. Naivety, inconstancy, flirting, easy falling in love and the cycle of pink dreams. The task of parents is to manage this fickle child, but with moralizing, and through the game, they teach to bring what they started to the end. In general, pink is one of the favorite colors of all children. In India, it is called the "color of happiness."

blue green children

Sometimes they look like little old people. Inquisitive, persistent, stubborn. Everything has an explanation. Dressed up, their grievances often come up with. Think about why your child is too serious? Where did he get such control and tension? Do not strain him unnecessarily, scold him over trifles, demand from him too strictly. After all, he is already trying to be better and more successful than everyone. Such children benefit from swimming, gymnastics, dancing - everything that can relax them and switch them to positive emotions.

white kids

Most often, teenagers can love this color. Or "yellow" children. Such children have dedication and energy, are open to the world and are ready to compromise. Artistic, sometimes categorical in their actions. Often this color is loved by children when moving to a new place, changing schools, with any fundamental changes in life. You need to feel such children, try to support them in everything, strengthen their relationships with friends.

brown children

Often this color is chosen by children situationally, in difficult material and psychological conditions. For example, when a family gets divorced. These are children who are very tired of conflicts, of overexcitation due to difficult events. The task of adults is to gradually remove the child from stress, to seize his body, to create a healthy regimen and atmosphere.

gray children

Also tired, weakened children. Caught in a stressful situation, lonely and caught in an isolated situation. The isolation of such a child must be overcome, their fears and anxiety must be prevented. Protect from depression and sad mood. Color needs to be introduced into their lives.

black children

Also rarely seen. The choice of black is dictated by a stressful situation, sometimes it is the death of loved ones, dramas and conflicts.
Teenagers often choose this color, they are interested in its secret and categorical, but this is usually temporary.

When reviewing children's color choices, pay attention to what they reject.
Perhaps there is another bright feature of your child lurking here. It happens that children both love and reject the same color at the same time. And this is also a childish trait, situational and quick change of emotions. This sometimes speaks of the artistry of their nature. Artistic children often love yellow and purple. Logic children - blue and green. Try through your children to better know your nature

Children try to make the environment bright, contrasting, to emphasize themselves and what they do in this world as much as possible. That is why they choose black when drawing, because they usually draw on a white background - a sheet of paper. If out of many T-shirts the baby reaches for the black one, this does not mean that he is depressed, experiences negative emotions, or is worried about some reason. Just for his white skin, this is also the most contrasting option. So it is with all the objects in his environment.

In another case, the child's choice is conditioned by logic. Let childish, but logic. You can ask the baby why he chooses black, for example, in drawing. Some will answer things that are surprising for adults, but typical for children: you can paint all other colors with black paint, but you can’t paint it with anything. It turns out that black wins over all other colors.

Another option is when the guys arrange a whole game out of the drawing. In such games, the most unthinkable things can be hidden behind the black color. Here such phrases are typical: “Where is the monkey? The monkey hid behind the black color! Is it really possible to think that a playing and joyful baby is depressed by something?

Choice against environment

Another reason for choosing black over all others is actions against the environment. This can begin with a crisis of 3 years, when negativism and denial first appear, and continue almost until adolescence. And for some, such manifestations generally remain for life.

Here, the following mechanism of action is triggered in children: “I’ll choose the color that annoys the teacher the most”, “I’ll take black because my mother doesn’t like it”, “Everyone will be surprised: everyone is smart, and I’m in black!”. Sometimes it is precisely such thoughts that then lead teenagers to what is inherent in informals, even if they do not agree with them on other issues.

Reaction to what is happening

Children are very dependent on external changes in the world around them. Dirt, slush, rain, bare trees, clouds and wind may well be reflected in the baby's drawing. No wonder he suddenly starts painting in muddy browns, greys, blacks. But as soon as the sun looks out and the sky turns blue, the kid again draws the sun in the corner of the sheet and bright grass.

When to start worrying

Of course, sometimes children use black as an expression of their attitude to what is happening in the family, in kindergarten or at school. If they see the aggression of the environment, hear screams, receive an accidental or special blow, suffer bullying, they may well have negative thoughts that for some reason they do not want to talk about, but at the same time they can express them in drawings.

It is necessary to ask the children around him, the parents of these children, educators, teachers and other adults about the behavior of the baby at a time when his parents do not see him. When certain problems are identified, they need to be addressed, on their own or with specialist psychologists. If everything is calm, the family lives in love and harmony, the child is sociable and friendly with other kids, then there is no reason for concern, and you just need to give the baby the opportunity to choose the colors that he likes.

Our expert - psychologist and art therapist Olga Sapozhnikova.


It happens that at some point, young children - usually boys - begin to color their drawings in mostly black. Parents, especially mothers, are scared. For adults, this color is associated with some cultural concepts that are incompatible with childhood: either with mourning, or with something gloomy and scary. But young children are still deprived of the baggage of cultural associations and perceive colors unconsciously, at a deeper energy level.

In ancient Chinese symbolism, black is the color of the all-consuming energy of water. This is a very strong color. Even if you just start painting with black paint, it is easy to see how much power it has: it is able to interrupt and absorb any other color. And it is also very contrasting, and by drawing it on a white sheet, you can make any image clear and noticeable, which means giving it great significance.


In drawing classes, adults often note that when they draw in black, they feel the joy and strength of daring. Color therapists recommend that people dress in black in moments of weakness and vulnerability to give themselves strength and confidence.

Manifestation of strength

Children intuitively use creativity as self-therapy, and it is important that they have this opportunity. If a child chooses a color, it means that he needs to be nourished by the energy of this color. When a boy prefers black paint, it may indicate that he wants to try his hand. This is not a desire for destruction, but the need to experience the feeling of "I am strong, I can." It can be difficult for mothers to meet with a manifestation of children's strength, but it is important for a child to feel it.

With the help of a strong color, a child can be freed from strong emotions - such as fear or anger. A boy or girl can choose black to represent what they consider important.

How to react?

A child's special love for black is not a reason to be scared and try to do something. However, it is worth looking at emotional state baby. Children need support for their spontaneous actions, approval of the very fact of self-expression, interest in them from adults. Do not forget to show your child that you notice his creativity, that you like his passion for drawing. You can ask some questions about the picture, without fixing on the color. But express your emotions carefully: if the mother is horrified at the sight of a black drawing, the child can catch this horror and perceive it as a prohibition to draw in black. Do not rush to interpret what you saw. And remember: craving for black paint in itself is not a cause for alarm. Moreover, it means that the person knows what he wants. If we are looking for reasons for concern, then the situation is much worse when a child draws a fuzzy daub with mixed colors.

Memo for moms

Let the child paint with whatever paint he wants. Give him other colors at his disposal, but do not persuade him to work with them until he decides himself.

If it seems to you that the dark period in the work of the child has been too long and at the same time something worries you in the state of the child, seek advice from child psychologist.

If everything is fine with the child, but his work with black paint frightens or upsets the mother, then this is a reason for her to sort herself out with the help of an adult psychologist.

First Reader

Vladimir Lyovkin, singer:

All psychologists say that the appearance of black in children's drawings is an alarming sign. I believe that it is necessary to follow the child, and most importantly - to love him. When you love, study with him, show him how dear he is to you, black color will not appear in children's drawings.

For many kids, black color does not express anything bad, and because of its unusualness, it often becomes even the most favorite shade for crumbs. Why does a child choose black, and should young parents worry about this strange thing?

Reasons for choosing black

When a child chooses black for their drawings or clothing, many parents start to sound the alarm. The fact is that adults are accustomed to perceiving this color as something negative, bad, which does not at all fit with the image of childish carelessness and immediacy.

To the kids themselves, dark shades do not seem to be something bad, rather, on the contrary, with their help they try to express their own individuality. While other children are dressed up in colorful costumes, some crumbs show character and demand the appearance of black things in the wardrobe. When drawing, kids also prefer dark shades, believing that with their help it is easier to recreate unusual contrasts on a sheet of paper.

By the way, with the help of black, children sometimes indicate what they do not understand. So, for example, if an adult asks a child to draw some kind of fruit unknown to the baby, he can draw it in black. In a similar way, the baby tries to express the blurry features of a given pattern.

A peculiar children's logic can also cause the choice of black in clothes or when making drawings. For example, if a kid wants to draw something sad or scary, he will definitely depict it with black paint. Some details of the real world that are black (for example, tree trunks or car wheels), the baby will also try to portray in dark colors, and you should not worry about this.

Studies conducted by child psychologists have shown that the most common favorite colors for children are blue, yellow and pink. Much less often, children opt for red, black or green, but none of the options indicates any developmental abnormalities.

Should I forbid my child to use black

After it became clear that the baby does not perceive black as something bad, you can move on to solving another question: is it worth weaning the baby to use it? In fact, psychologists recommend not introducing unnecessary restrictions into the life of a child so that he does not feel excessive pressure from adults.

If parents are really worried about the sympathy of the youngest family member for black, this should be carefully discussed with the child. It is worth asking why the baby prefers dark shades, and why this color is attractive to him. Usually such a conversation clarifies the sympathy of the baby, depriving parents of unnecessary worries.

You should only worry if the child begins to get confused in colors, calling blue, green and red things black. It is possible that the child has disturbances in the work of the optic nerves, and therefore black color predominates in his drawings. If such disorders are suspected, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible.

Sometimes the baby's sympathy for dark shades is associated with the behavior of the parents. For example, if a mother loves black and uses it in every possible way in clothes, a child can copy this style. To change the current childhood habit, adults should add variety to their wardrobe, then the child will want to pay attention to other colors in the palette.

Often the choice of black clothes turns out to be unconscious, and the child himself simply grabs the first T-shirt that he liked. If the baby fundamentally chooses dark things, you should affectionately point out to him the beauty of other colors and the variety of choices.

Many worries of young parents turn out to be unreasonable and unnecessary, and that is why you should not worry about the baby's sympathy for black. Perhaps, with age, the love for such gloomy shades will pass and remain only in the drawings, but in old clothes.

About a month ago, I noticed that my little Dimka likes to draw blue ballpoint pen most of all, also likes blue pajamas, blue jumper, blue jeans. "Argues" with me when I dress him in a different color and refuses to draw green with a pencil. I was wondering why? What does it say? What are the preferences of other children? And I found it on the Internet interesting article about the children's favorite colors.

Have you girls paid attention to the color that your kids love to draw the most? Or what are their favorite clothes? Children often become attached to a certain color, and this preference applies to everything from their favorite treat to a toy.

Psychologists believe that the choice of color reflects personality traits.
Miriam Gershon, child psychologist, educator:
- If you want to know the exact meaning of a child's favorite color, you should take the appropriate test with your child. This is what psychologists - chromotherapists do. One of the most popular color tests is the test of Dr. Max Luscher, who developed the simplest method for determining the psychological state of a person by their preferred colors.

So what do color preferences say about your child?

If the kid rushes to everything blue and blue - he already has an adult worldview, he appreciates the balance in life. Blue is a color that is often "imposed" on boys. Therefore, the child can choose it out of habit. Love for blue shades reflects a peaceful character. As a rule, such children are rarely capricious, like to contemplate and are fond of calm games, for example, with a designer. A toddler who reaches for dark shades of blue may be suffering from melancholy. He is thoughtful and sad. Maybe this choice was connected with the impression of a sad fairy tale that the child read.

And in those cases when a child chooses clothes exclusively in purple tones, be sure: the future actor is growing!
Children who love purple are often fond of drawing, modeling from plasticine. These guys love to play performances with friends, they are happy to participate in New Year's productions in kindergarten. And little lovers of purple are often secretive and cunning. Such a child knows how to transform into an obedient angel, playing pranks.

Blue color is liked by children who love freedom, independence, change of scenery, traveling to new places, playing on fresh air and splashing in the water. A child who prefers the color blue is friendly, well-meaning, easily makes new acquaintances, but at the same time he is quite serious in comparison with other children, prone to thoughtfulness and attentive to such details and nuances of events that other people do not notice.
Just like pink, blue represents carelessness and nonchalance, but that's where the similarities end.
The main qualities of a child who prefers the color blue: carelessness, carelessness, optionality and a tendency to frequent lifestyle changes.
Unlike pink, it is not "assigned" to people of the same sex and a certain age. Boys usually prefer blue. Often such boys grow up as sailors or pilots.

Baby who loves yellow, set for huge victories in life. This color in childhood is chosen by leaders, future businessmen, politicians - influential people. A lover of yellow is smart, he has a rich imagination. Often such children like to fantasize, play strategy games alone. They are obedient, but too dreamy. Sometimes their fantasy takes them far, and they find it difficult to switch to reality. But in the future, fans of yellow are waiting for stunning victories, a serious career and, possibly, power.
Yellow is one of the optimal children's choices, indicating a favorable atmosphere at home and at school. Some children simply cannot stand this paint - often this indicates an uncomfortable situation in the family.

Many girls love pink. This speaks of femininity, awe, emotionality. Girls choose pink because they associate this color with doll outfits, flowers, and children's cosmetics. Pink color is exploited by manufacturers of girls' toys, so girls' affection for it is understandable. But if the boy loves pink color, beware: such a choice usually indicates weakness, uncertainty, search, isolation. Often pink is loved by boys who feel not accepted and not understood in their environment. However, in some cases, boys choose pink because of associations with sweets or from increased emotionality. In addition, pink color calms children.

Red lovers are very expressive. Attachment to this color indicates an independent disposition, leadership, a desire for popularity and praise. Such children are very energetic, mobile, purposeful. They are easily trained, quickly begin to read and write.
However, many guys who love burgundy or scarlet shades are unbalanced. Pay attention to the baby who suddenly fell in love with dark shades of red. Gamma from burgundy to brown in his drawings often means that the child needs rest, peace.

This color is preferred by born optimists. Such children are open, cheerful and talkative. The little lover of orange has a wide circle of comrades, easily makes contact with adults, delights those around him with his bold spontaneity. In some cases, the love of orange is due to nervousness. Such children are impressionable, and the smallest trifle can make them hysterical. In addition, an orange lover, as a rule, has a wide variety of hobbies - drawing, sports, strategy games, and so on. But the list of his interests is changing rapidly, he treats each hobby superficially. By the way, love light shades orange indicates good health and excellent physical shape.

It all depends on the shade. The green color is quite complex. If a child loves a light green shade, this indicates calmness and optimism. Such children are endowed with a deep intellect, they have a developed fantasy and analytical mind. But if the child prefers dark green color, beware: as a rule, closed children who feel misunderstood in their environment love it. Dark green is usually loved by guys who do not feel enough protection and guardianship of their parents. They are afraid of change, of dominating their own personality.
In general, love for all shades of green means idealism, nobility and ambition, up to destructive self-criticism and fear of making a mistake. By the way, many psychologists are sure: green discourages the desire to eat sweets!

White color is loved by observant and at the same time shy kids. Such children have developed emotional intelligence - they sensually analyze everything that happens around them. Often, lovers of white already have their own point of view, their own children's value system, which is not similar to the one that adults impose on them. A child's favorite white color often indicates an innate talent for philosophical reflection. Such children have a rich inner world, they are spiritually developed, but much more reserved than their peers. By the way, dislike for white, a sharp rejection of white can serve as a signal that the child is psychologically losing contact with his mother, accusing her of something, their relationship is not smooth.

Combination yellow and black colors disturbing. It denotes irrational stubbornness and negativism, an unsatisfied thirst for freedom and independence.
The child feels the need for the values ​​embodied in the properties of yellow (see previous posts), but this need is not satisfied.

Small children up to three or four years old (and with mental retardation and longer) prefer to draw in dark colors - black, dark brown, dark blue, since they look most bright and contrast on white paper.

As for the color of the sun and the hut, such coloring is called conventional and is not subject to symbolic interpretation. Conventional coloring means coloring an object in the color that this object really has always or most often. The sun is yellow, trees and wooden houses are brown, grass is green, the sky is blue, carrots are orange, hares and wolves are grey, crows are black, etc.

The preference for such colors and in such a combination as black, gray and brown indicates serious psychological problems.

Brown color is a dark red or orange. The impulsive vitality of red in brown is dimmed, restrained by the darkening. Brown loses the activity and penetrating power of red. Only vitality, which has lost activity, remains in it. That's why Brown color expresses the sensual sensations of the body, the sphere of instincts and simple sensual joys - to eat deliciously, sleep softly, etc. Brown color is more often chosen by little conservatives who value home comfort and family traditions.
The main qualities of a child who prefers brown are: sensual support of sensations, slowness, physical discomfort, often negative emotions.
In brown, orange is drowned out by black, the discomfort of the first is not so noticeable. Down to earth, cozy and even pleasant in small doses, brown in "brown" children becomes a way to create their own world, reliable and closed, a small world that will create a sense of security. There are many causes of "brown" discomfort: poor health, family troubles, participation in dramatic events, and, finally, mental disability.
If the brown color is unpleasant for a child, he is secretive and rather selfish.

Black color symbolizes a gloomy perception of life. A person who loves black perceives life in dark colors, unsure of himself, unhappy, prone to depression, because he has no doubt that his dreams and ideals in life are unattainable. If a child prefers black to all colors, this indicates stress that has turned the child's life upside down. The more preferable this color, the stronger the threat to the psyche, the more dramatic the child's condition.
If a child draws outlines in black without coloring them, this is normal. But if he likes to paint his drawings in black, that's bad. Black color, one might say, is not a color in itself, it simply absorbs all light fluxes.
Therefore, black is the color of denial, protest, negativism, depression, isolation, depression, anxiety, fears.
In addition, it is important that the child paints in black. This something probably gave him a psychological blow.
The main qualities of a child who prefers black: depression, protest, destruction, an urgent need for change.
As a threat color, it is completely contraindicated for children. Children rarely prefer it, but if a child prefers black to all colors, this indicates a prematurely mature complex psyche and stress that has turned the child's life upside down. The more preferable the color, the stronger the threat, the more dramatic the child's condition. Your child is insecure, uncomfortable and unhappy.

Grey colour, also absolutely contraindicated for children, means routine, hopelessness, joylessness, rejection, poverty, fatigue.

Choosing brown as your third favorite color, especially dark brown in combination with black and gray means physical exhaustion, overwork.
The main qualities of a child who prefers gray are: "absence" of color, indifference, detachment, desire to leave, not to notice what worries, prudence.
Contraindicated for children and meaning routine, hopelessness, rejection, poverty. Most often, "gray" children are very quiet, timid, withdrawn. A “gray” situation occurs when a child is fenced off or he himself is fenced off from other children. If a person cannot determine whether he likes the gray color or not, this is the first sign of fatigue.

Striped things are loved by people who clearly know why they live, set specific goals and achieve them, feel strong, able to cope with any everyday problems. They are distinguished by a sober view of things: life - after all, it is also striped, therefore it is more reasonable to treat both success and failure calmly.

Some examples of parenting advice

Elena Logina:“My daughter is 4 years old. Since childhood, she prefers pink, blue and yellow. Red simply rejects. And my son will be 8 in a month. Since childhood, he loved everything red. And now he says: No, I don't like red. I love yellow and blue. Either under the influence of the surrounding opinion that the red color is girlish, or in fact, something has changed in his inner world ... ”

Answer: your daughter has a harmonious character - all the colors chosen by her complement each other. The main features of her character are carelessness, fun, gentleness, goodwill, optimism, love for freedom and independence. You can read more about each of the colors chosen by the girl if you read the topic from the beginning.
Your son, on the other hand, had a change of priorities - the desire for vigorous activity and leadership (choice of red color) was replaced by a desire for freedom and peace (choice of yellow and blue flowers). The child is still in a normal psychological state, but he needs a break from regulated school work. It's good that the holidays and summer holidays are coming soon!
And the red color is not even a bit "girly"!

Girls' favorite colors, usually rejected by boys, are pink and lilac (purple). Red is the color that boys like even more often than girls.

Elena Logina: Thanks a lot! He really gets tired. He has a lot of extracurricular activities. He likes everything, he wants to do everything, if we see that he is tired, we don’t force him to go, but he still apparently gets tired. And about the daughter it is! Thanks again!

Olga Titarova: And my daughter (5 years old) loves bright and different colors! When they signed a card for the holiday in the garden, I drew each letter different color. Somehow I was with her in class, I had to tear multi-colored paper into small pieces and stick it on the background. I tried not to have pieces of the same color next to each other. Does this mean something?

Answer: this situation is absolutely normal for a healthy, harmoniously developing preschooler who perceives the world in all its beauty and diversity. Your daughter's personality has not yet developed, her character has not really been determined, which is normal and usual at the age of five.

Example: My youngest son is 3 years old. He constantly uses only blue, orange, green colors. But then sometimes he paints everything in black. And he says it's so beautiful.
He draws mostly circles, a path with sand, and a bun that rolls.

Answer: children of this age like to paint with contrasting colors. Drawing koloboks by your son is typical, since the first shape that children draw is a circle.
Filling the drawing with black after the drawing process is completed means that the child no longer wants to draw. Black is considered the color of negation. If a child drew and drew, and then took it and smeared everything with black paint, this should be understood as follows: “I'm tired and I'm tired of drawing!”

Question: Son 1 year old 8 months She loves to draw on herself, pulls up her blouse, sleeves, and legs. Already switched to me. At every opportunity, he tries to paint. What is it connected with?

Answer: Your son is a baby. He doesn't draw, he just scribbles. He likes the process of drawing lines, no matter what. Plus, probably, the sensations from the touch of a pencil lead or felt-tip pen to the skin. If I were you, I would ban such “body art”, and set boundaries for the child; “Here’s paper and cardboard for you, if you want, draw on them. If you don't want it, I'll take the felt-tip pens!" If the child continues to paint himself and you, hide felt-tip pens, pens and pencils from him in an inaccessible place for six months or a year. Grow up - grow wiser.

psychologist Dmitrieva Nina Mikhailovna
Moscow city.
Daria Cleo-Mazurkina

When a baby picks up pencils or a brush and paints, it always causes tenderness and delight in parents. Many mothers and fathers keep the first "kalyaki-malyaki" tremulously and tenderly all their lives. But the drawings of the crumbs often raise a lot of questions from relatives who have at least heard something about psychological “color” testing. Especially often worried parents wonder why the baby draws the world in black and what does this mean?

Color selection

The color test, developed by Dr. Max Luscher, is a method for diagnosing a person's psychophysical state. It is based on color preferences. By what color the subject chooses as a favorite, one can determine the level of his stress resistance, mental state at this moment of life, activity, ability to establish contacts and even preferences in professional orientation. Luscher argued that the choice of color is our "unconscious", and his diagnostic method is "deep", that is, coming from the subconscious, and therefore the most accurate.

Features of color perception in children

Max Luscher is certainly an outstanding psychologist, and the test he invented today is one of the most important for professional testing of the military, police officers, etc. But is it applicable to children? How reliable will the results be if, according to the method of Dr. Luscher, we analyze children's drawing?

Let's start with the fact that children see the world a little differently. A newborn does not distinguish colors at all, perceives only contrasting combinations - black - white, for example. From 6 weeks to 2 months old, the baby begins to see the outlines of objects and its first color is red. Gradually, he becomes able to perceive other bright colors. By the age of 3, the baby perfectly distinguishes blue, green, yellow, at 3.5 years - black, gray, brown.

But neither at 1 year, nor at 2, nor at 3 does your baby choose paint purposefully when drawing. In other words, the child does not care what color to paint the house, car or mother's portrait, as long as the paint is contrasting with the sheet of paper. And what color is best seen on white? Right! Black!

The baby begins to change its attitude to the choice of color by the age of 4. That's when he himself tends to paint in red, blue, green and yellow.

Therefore, drawing with black paint until a certain time should not alert parents and cause them concern. And the Luscher test is practically inapplicable to the drawings of kids. Psychologists recommend starting color testing by the age of 8. After all, the final "color vision" of the world around the child is formed at about 8-10 years.


Even the most ingenious psychologist will not undertake to diagnose any problems of a psychological or even worse psychiatric nature in a child only from a drawing. All experts know that a more or less intelligible picture can only be made by combining several methods: the Luscher test and a conversation-description, for example. One child's drawing in black paint is not enough, he must tell what and why he depicted.

What could be the reasons for a healthy child to draw pictures in black?

  • Crisis 3 years. At this age, babies begin to show incredible stubbornness, denial and even negativism. If the baby has previously noticed that his work with black paint does not delight his mother, puzzles or even scares her, he can decide for himself that his mother does not like this color. Then he will deliberately paint the picture exactly black.
  • Incipient illness or inclement weather. Children from 1 to 5 years old have a very developed sensory sphere. But not everything the baby can express with the help of words, as adults do. If a child feels that he is starting to get sick, he has a malaise, he, without really understanding what is happening, can begin to express his well-being in a drawing. And if there is dirt, slush outside the window, and gray, black, brown colors predominate, then he can simply depict everything as it is - dirty, black, gloomy. Neither in the case of an onset of illness, nor in the case of a reaction to the weather, one can speak of violations of the psycho-emotional sphere in a child if he paints in mourning colors.
  • Developed fantasy. Often children, drawing, spiritualize the picture. They sincerely believe that the depicted house is the real one, or something can be stored in a painted box. If the kid paints over the drawing with black paint, he is probably trying to hide something in the house or box. To understand this, it is enough to ask him, what is hidden behind the blackness? For a child, it is not the color that matters, but the informative content of his picture.
  • Dark clothing. Toddlers, for whom their mothers buy practical dark things that get less dirty, most often depict the world in black in their drawings. Why is this happening? Yes, they just like to draw in black, because they are used to associating themselves with the dark, and the drawing for the crumbs is a part of themselves. By the way, psychologists say that children whose wardrobe is dominated by dark colors get sick more often than their brightly dressed peers. There is only one recommendation - change the color of the child's clothes, and the general tone of his artistic delights will definitely become brighter.

When to start sounding the alarm?

  • If, in addition to drawings in black paint, the child demonstrates other odd behavior. For example, a son or daughter draws “blackness”, and at the same time has almost no contact with peers, adults (except parents), suffers from nightmares, and shows aggression towards animals and people.
  • If your child is already 10 years old, and he continues to draw with black paint, this may indicate a violation of the psychological plan.
  • If aggressive plots predominate in the child's drawings - war, dead people, faces crossed out in black, a repetitive combination of black and red.
  • If a child has always painted vivid pictures, and after some certain unpleasant situations in life, he began to use only black in his work, this may be a manifestation of post-stress syndrome.

Psychologist's opinion

Each children's drawing, like its author, is unique and unrepeatable. It is impossible to “comb” all children with the same brush. Adults should understand that there are no good and bad colors in the world. These are just colors. What matters is a combination of factors. To understand why the kid draws this or that, it is important to know in what mood he picked up the pencils, what he thinks about at the time of creating the drawing, how he feels.

Quite often, "smart" and "educated" psychologists with "numerous recommendations" try to carry out color tests in kindergartens. If it were my will, I would ban such experiments at the legislative level. Because everyone who studied developmental psychology at the university knows better than twice that testing preschoolers with the same Luscher method is uninformative. And even more so to draw some negative conclusions based on the black and white creativity of a preschooler!

Video consultation of a psychologist on why the drawing draws black, see below:

The only acceptable diagnosis according to the drawing has the right to exist in preparation for school. A school psychologist might ask a six-year-old child to draw his family, for example, or himself. And the conclusion will be strictly limited - whether the baby knows how to draw proportionally, and whether his hand is well developed for subsequent writing. And no “paints black” for you - that means a maniac!

If a child draws his mother in black, himself, the cat Vaska and the neighbor Aunt Katya, and at the same time remains a cheerful and positive child, loves his mother and the cat, is not afraid of his neighbor, as we have already found out, there is nothing to worry about. He just likes it that way. But if the crumbs have a conflict with one of the family members, and he begins to depict this particular person as black, you should seek the advice of a child psychologist or art therapist.

How to find out what the child meant by creating a black picture? Yes, very simple. Ask him in detail about the plot of the picture. Find out who, why and why are depicted on it. Ask leading questions so that the child can formulate thoughts more specifically. And if the child is able to tell, then you should not worry about the unconscious choice of black paint.

However, if the kid began to draw in black after some kind of stress, do not rush to write him down among the depressed, suffering people. Drawing for a child is a way to release internal energy. It is possible that after a few days the gamma will change to a brighter one. If the “dark period” in creativity has dragged on, and there are physical signs of the baby’s troubles, consult with specialists. With the help of additional techniques, they will be able to find out what happened and how to help the young artist.

Watch a video in which a psychologist expressed one of the opinions about why a child can draw in black:

Since ancient times, mankind has attached symbolic meaning to color. A group of scientists has developed a technique called “Colored Children”, with the help of which, by the colors that a child most often uses in drawings, one can determine the character of a child, his reaction to life situations and the emotional climate in the family, and most importantly, to predict how he will grow up. Depending on what color your child most often uses in his drawings, as well as what color is his favorite, you can distinguish different features of his character.

"Yellow Children"

In the language of color, yellow is the color of spirituality, but at the same time, danger. These are free, original, dissident people, and therefore dangerous for those who put unshakable order and unlimited power at the forefront. Most of all, they are predisposed to creativity. The "yellow" child is a dreamer, dreamer, storyteller, joker. He loves to play alone, loves abstract toys: pebbles, twigs, rags, cubes, enlivening them with the power of his imagination. When he grows up, he will prefer a variety, interesting work. It will always believe in something, hope for something, strive to live in the future. At the same time, he may exhibit such character traits as impracticality, the desire to avoid making decisions, and irresponsibility.

"Red Children"

Red is the color of blood, health, life, energy, strength, power. These children are open and active. It is very difficult for parents with "red" children: lively, naughty, excitable, restless, breaking toys. When they grow up, high performance will be determined by the desire to succeed, get results, deserve praise. Hence the assertiveness, selfishness. The interests of today are above all for them. Among bright politicians, the most common are “red-yellow” (red is the most favorite), among smart ones - “yellow-red”.

"Blue Children"

"Blue" children are the exact opposite of "red" ones. Not without reason, "red" children can be calmed by blue, and "blue" children by red. A "blue" child is calm, balanced, likes to do everything slowly, in detail. With pleasure lies on couch with a book, thinks, discusses everything in detail.He prefers intimate friendship with self-giving and self-sacrifice, because, in contrast to the "red" children, he likes to give, not receive. Often children choose Blue colour not because they are calm, but because at the moment they really need peace.

"Purple Children"

In the language of color, purple means night, mystery, mysticism, contemplation, suggestibility. Children live in a rich inner world and are distinguished by artistry, they are very sensitive. They are easily hypnotized and excitable. They strive to impress, but at the same time they are able to look at themselves from the outside. Very vulnerable, more than others need support and encouragement.

"Blue Green Kids"

In the language of color, "blue-green" means water, ice, cold, depth, pride, prestige, vanity. This color is a status indicator nervous system. The one who likes it, the nerves are strained. Such nervous tension is determined by the character of a person, or can be caused by a situation where a person is afraid to make a mistake, lose the successes achieved, and provoke criticism in his address. It is no coincidence that all officials and administrators are “blue-green”. Therefore, it is very important to protect the "blue-greens" from excessive regulation. It is necessary to give the child more freedom, to encourage initiative, to replace punishment with encouragement, perhaps to reduce requirements (for example, not to demand to study only for five).

"Green Children"

The "green" child considers himself abandoned and is in great need of mother's love. So that he does not grow into a "green" personality (conservative, afraid of change, which she associates with losses), special creative education, the development of openness, interest. Such a child needs a sense of security, reliability.

"Orange Children"

These children are easily excitable, just like the "red" and "yellow", but this excitement has no outlet. And the children are having fun, naughty, screaming for no reason. That's why it's so dangerous Orange color: when an orange sky is added to the orange sun, and even an orange mother - this color becomes shrill, unpleasant, it irritates and devastates.

"Brown Kids"

In brown, orange is drowned out by black, the discomfort of the first is not so noticeable. Down to earth, cozy and even pleasant in small doses, brown in "brown" children becomes a way to create their own world, reliable and closed, a small world that will create a sense of security. There are many causes of "brown" discomfort: poor health, family troubles, participation in dramatic events, and, finally, mental disability.

"Black Children"

Black color, as the color of threat, is completely contraindicated for children. Children rarely prefer it, but if a child prefers black to all colors, this indicates a prematurely mature complex psyche and stress that has turned the child's life upside down. The more preferable the color, the stronger the threat, the more dramatic the child's condition.

"Gray Children"

A different psychological picture is given by the gray color, which is also contraindicated for children and means routine, hopelessness, rejection, poverty. Most often, "gray" children are very quiet, timid, withdrawn. A “gray” situation occurs when a child is fenced off or he himself is fenced off from other children. If a person cannot determine whether he likes the gray color or not, this is the first sign of fatigue.

"Pastel colors"

These are typical infantile tones, and if an adult prefers them, then he has retained the “child” and the character traits associated with this.

Blue speaks of freedom, carelessness, a tendency to change the situation. Boys usually prefer it. Often such boys grow up as sailors or pilots.

Pink color usually preferred by girls. The "pink child" is usually gentle, weak, timid. Such a child is very dependent on others, needs constant support. When a boy prefers pink, he as a person manifests himself more strongly.

purple color also generally preferred by girls. He talks about such character traits as weakness, tenderness, a sense of loneliness, defenselessness. The "lilac" child is often immersed in his own world, as a rule, very artistic.