How to congratulate a woman on her anniversary in an original way. The best birthday greetings to a woman Ideas for congratulations on an anniversary

Choose good gift best friend's birthday is only half the battle.

It is equally important to choose the right words for him, avoiding hackneyed phrases like: “Health, happiness in your personal life, long years” ...

And so I want to please the hero of the occasion with an original and cheerful congratulation.

Original birthday greetings to a friend: the scenario "Strait Guests"

For this unusual congratulations, you will need costumes in a national style. And from the participants themselves - a creative mood and a little artistry.

The performance is for 5 people.:

Costumes can be rented, but it's easy to make your own. So, the image of a Japanese woman will emerge with the help of a kimono robe, an umbrella or a fan.
The hair on the head should be pulled high into a tight bun and pierced with a thick knitting needle, apply light powder on the face, and black arrows on the eyelids. They will make the look slanted, like a real Japanese.

The national dress of Indian women "sari" is a long piece of fabric wrapped around the body. In our case, a simple curtain is suitable. The main thing is to put on a home-grown Indian woman all the jewelry available in the house at the same time (earrings, rings, beads, bracelets) and put a "bindi" on her forehead - a red dot, symbolizing the "eye of Shiva" among the Hindus.

A black stocking on her head, a curly wig, a bunch of bagels around her neck and a comic image of an African tribe representative are almost ready! For greater importance, you can pick up a pineapple or a bunch of bananas.

A simple Ukrainian lad will help to depict a wide shirt, belted with a wide red braid, a straw hat and a painted mustache.

Congratulations script

It remains only to enter the role and you can start:

Leading: Attention attention! The television and radio company Pour TV speaks and shows! A minute ago, at the airport ... (name of the city, village) a transatlantic airliner of the Born to Crawl, Can Fly company landed with a foreign delegation on board.
Representatives from different continents came to our table to heartily congratulate the dear birthday girl ... (name).

Now I am reporting from the scene, from the landing strip, where the excited ... (name and patronymic of the birthday girl) meets her guests. Here they are on the ground. And I am asking for a welcoming speech to the first foreign guest - Mrs. Tomima Tokoso, who arrived to us from distant Japan!

Japanese: Our company "Sushi Hotsu" to green up ... (name) -san of enlightenment and give the latest development of our specialists - a set for rejuvenation.

At the international exhibition, he made a splash. Selovek, who had it, became a youth right for the lunar day. Those who saw were surprised. He was eighty-five, and now he was twenty-five.

And if I invite Mrs. (name)-san in Tokyo, the firm will set up a look at Fujiyama, bite Japanese cuisine, sniff sakura and drink sake with the best samurai of the country of rising sons!

Leading: We thank Ms. Tomima Tokoso for the kind words. And now let's ask our Indian guest Drani Shobha Chandra. What did you wish for your birthday?

Indian: ABOUT! Great Brahma! The bewitching beauty of the lady ... (name) opens like a lotus flower, a sonorous voice murmurs like the water of the sacred Ganges, a white-throated smile glistens like expensive pearls.

Her eyes are brighter than the stars in the sky, and her skin is softer than the finest silk. In my homeland they say that it's not enough to be beautiful, you have to be happy. For true happiness she needs (pause) an elephant. I will give the lady ... (name) of a real five-ton elephant!

Leading: I can `t believe my eyes! On runway three, a Boeing 747 is unloading a giant elephant, a cage full of parrots, a few monkeys, and a bespectacled cobra.

I hope there is a place for these wonderful gifts in the apartment of the birthday girl! And now the floor is given to a guest from hot Africa, the envoy of the Muchacha tribe.

African: And I give the lady ... (name) a feather from an ostrich tail and a crocodile tooth from an evil spirit!

And my leader wants a strong, smart and beautiful wife. At the council, the tribe decided to make ... (name) the wife of the leader of all Muchach, and therefore after the holiday we fly to distant Africa, where there are many, many wild monkeys. There ... (name) will rule over Muchachy, make Chuchundra war, chop coconut and fry hippopotamus carcasses on fire.

Our leader kindly forgives ... (name of the birthday girl) her husband ... (male name) and lets him go in peace. Yesterday, the shaman will conduct a marriage ritual and announce ... (name) The 148th wife of the leader Muchach.

Leading: And now the word to the guest from neighboring Ukraine.

Ukrainian: Garny lad Ivanko z pid Vinnytsia, tse mean I, a kind of celaga heart, I will give you a dance of good savory vodka.

Apparently, lard was required to gorilka, that axle here was such a fool. I'm afraid of high litati, so from fat and everything was written to calm the nervous system, to relax. Good, the stewardess didn’t give the gorilka to vidkorkuvati, and so the bi and dance wouldn’t be doviz.

And to you, as it seems in Ukraine, goodness in the hut, pennies for the gut, health, love, happiness and a beautiful sensible person, like me!

It would be nice to take a few pictures or video frames of this bright congratulation, although there is no doubt that the birthday girl will remember it for a long time ...

Unusual congratulations from the best friend "Cheerful semi-finished product"

You can often find DIY kits on store shelves. Their idea is simple and ingenious. It is necessary, following the instructions, to bring the semi-finished product to the state of the finished product.

The kit for craftswomen includes all the components necessary for creativity. And who knows better than a friend what hobby set to choose for a birthday present?

If you connect your imagination, assemble such a set with your own hands and approach the matter with humor, you will get a very original surprise.

  • sewing lover you can present a set for needlework "Dosha sama" with scissors, threads and a cut pot holder.
  • For an enthusiastic florist a set of a pot, a bag with earth, seeds and a scoop is suitable. And do not forget to put in a box a comic instruction telling how to grow a wish-fulfilling seven-flower flower. To plant a money tree, instead of seeds, put a coin.
  • If a friend likes to cook will appreciate a set of items with a fun cooking recipe. For example:

    "Having printed gift set Chef, go to the kitchen right away.

    Remove the chicken fillet, cheese, mayonnaise, mushrooms and pineapple from the refrigerator. Cut the loin into 7 mm thick layers using a ruler from the Chef set.

    Pepper, salt and beat them well with a mallet from the Chef set. Then lay in orderly rows on a baking sheet, pre-greased.

    Use the gauze swab that is in the Chef set for lubrication. For each piece, put one teaspoon of chopped mushrooms, pineapples, grated cheese and mayonnaise. Where to get a spoon you already know!

    Remember to put the baking sheet in the oven for 30 minutes before using.

    If the finished product turns out to be more than you can eat, call the numbers from the Chef set. Fans of chicken in pineapple are always ready to help you. When you hear crackling behind the ears of the guests, know that everything is done correctly.

Ditties from a girlfriend

These funny couplets will sound great in the bosom of nature, if the birthday is celebrated in the country, in the village, in a forest glade.

However, for such a musical congratulation, in addition to a painted scarf and rouged cheeks, a sonorous voice and music for ditties are also required. If all this is available, it's time to start rehearsing.

We are good friends
We've been friends together for many years
And in ... th (name of the area) area
There are no girls better than us.

How do we get to nature?
Quiet all around
Because they are resting
Birds if we sing.

Smells like barbecue
And the wine flows like a river.
We light up in earnest
And we don't need rest.

There is a grill, there is karaoke
There are matches, and there is firewood.
And there is water in the well.
What a beauty!

Why is my girlfriend
Mosquitoes don't bite?
Because they were afraid
The terrible power of beauty.

Let's go to the farm
Cheeks will be like beets.
And goodbye ... (for example, Moscow is the capital, beloved Smolensk),
Urban bustle!

Noise of the avenue, smog and traffic jams
On the roads, all down!
Long live galoshes
Milk big milk!

Glossy magazine for best friend

Modern computer technologies make it possible to print photographs, mount films, publish newspapers and magazines without leaving home.

A gift prepared in this way will always be to your liking. After all, so much work, patience, inspiration and time have been invested in it.

Good present for best friend can become a homemade magazine. This will require knowledge of graphics programs and a color printer.

The bookbinding shop will laminate the magazine pages, make a hard cover and give the creation a glossy look.

However, in order for the publication to turn into a spectacular gift of little bright paint, it is important that the content is humorous, which will amuse every reader. So, let's begin.

  • Page 1: "Cover".
  • On the first page of the gloss, you need to place the name of the magazine and a close-up photo of the birthday girl. Processing a picture in Photoshop is a great way to joke. By the way, there are many templates for glossy magazines and booklets on the Internet for this case.

  • Page 2: "Editor's Note".
  • “This entire issue is dedicated to one person - our dear ... (last name, first name, patronymic)! Today we say warm words of love to her and raise our glasses for the health of the birthday girl.”

    Read in our issue:
    Life of the hero of the occasion (photo gallery).
    Is this interesting or the whole truth about ... (name).
    Individual predictions for ... (name) from the winner of the "Battle of Psychics".
    You are congratulated.

  • Page 3: Photo gallery "Life of the hero of the occasion".
  • “The fact that ... (name) lived stormily all these years is unlikely to surprise anyone. With her energy and optimism, one cannot sit in one place, and we can only wish that this continues in the future.

    People say that it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Therefore, we offer photographic materials that tell about the everyday life and holidays of the birthday girl more eloquently than any words!

    Beautiful wife.

    Caring daughter (mother).

    Loving sister.

    Prospective worker.

    A successful businessman (fisherman, mushroom picker, etc.).

    The stronghold of the family.

    The first culinary specialist of the region.

    Hospitable hostess.

    The best friend of four-legged.

    A true connoisseur of cat beauty.

    “And this is not all the advantages ... (name). Behind the scenes were charm, kindness, incredible breadth of soul and much, much more, which is well known to her family and friends ... "

    - these kind words quite enough to beautifully complete the photo essay.

  • Page 4: “Is this interesting or the whole truth about…”.
  • On the page "It's interesting" you can turn around, but you have to puff in search of suitable materials.

    We start like this:

    “Birthday is the most wonderful celebration of all! Do you know why? Because on this day we stop our run to pay attention to those we appreciate and love.

    We prepared so much for this moment that we even conducted our own investigation! ... (name) - who is she? Where? And what can you expect from her? Read the answers under the heading "Is this interesting or true about ... (name)".

    This section provides information on:

    • About the name (which means from which language it is translated).
    • About derivative names (for example: Maria - Marusya, Mashunya, Musya, Manyunya, etc.).
    • About name days (when they are celebrated).
    • ABOUT folk proverbs and sayings (for example: Masha is good, but not ours).
    • About character.
    • About the sign of the zodiac, patron elements, talisman stones, etc.
  • Page 5: "Individual predictions for ... (name) from the winner of the Battle of Psychics".
  • This is a fun and upbeat page.

    “We don’t know if our respected birthday girl believes in fortune telling, but we decided to seek help from the famous owner of the “third eye” ... (any name).

    The "star" of extrasensory perception responded to our request with pleasure and told about the future ... (name of the heroine) a lot of interesting things. Recall that all the predictions of the witch came true and continue to come true ...

    “I made for ... (name) an individual horoscope. For help, I had to turn to the stars, maps and coffee grounds. For ... (name), I have good news, ”the clairvoyant told us.

    “Everything dark, joyless was left far behind her. But ahead are waiting alone pleasant surprises. According to the position of the heavenly bodies, I made a horoscope for the next five years, which you can get acquainted with.

    • Romantic trip to Paris.
    • A stormy romance with Bruce Willis.
    • Big win in Sportloto.
    • Purchasing a mink coat.
    • Discovering the gift of clairvoyance.
    • Buying a villa by the sea.
    • Leading role in a Hollywood movie, etc.

    “When we asked the fortune teller how much you can trust the horoscope, she gave an exhaustive answer. “I give 100% that the predictions will come true, but only under one condition! ... (name) must believe in all this herself ... "

  • Page 6: "Congratulations".
  • Another comic page for which you need to make a selection of photos from the world's "stars" to your favorite owner's cat.

    A small text will be placed in the center of the collage:

    “The editors of our magazine received many telegrams with best wishes ... (name). Unfortunately, our modest publication does not have the opportunity to place on its pages all the mail received these days.

    Bags with correspondence ... (name) can be picked up at any time, but we print in the heading “You are congratulated” photographs of the persons who were the first to send their sincere congratulations to her.”

  • Page 7: "Conclusion".
  • The last page is just as important as the first. A poem or text with emotional lines is well suited for her. For example:

    “Here, dear ... (name), you turned the last page of our magazine. We hope that you were very pleased to receive such a present on your birthday.

    Do not be sad about the past years. Over the years, you have gained invaluable life experience, become a bright constellation in the lives of friends and relatives, took place as a professional in your field, and revealed yourself as a 100% woman! For some, even a hundred years is not enough to do all this.

    You have everything that any person can only wish for: beauty, intelligence, dignity and love of life. People like you are loved and appreciated. Continue to walk through life with a sweeping step and, most importantly, believe that all the best and brightest is yet to come! Your friends ... (names)."

    There may be more pages in such a deluxe edition. It all depends on the creative enthusiasm of its publishers.

    On the "Culinary Side" you can print recipes for the birthday girl's favorite dishes, in the "Trace in History" section you can place materials about famous namesakes, in the "Poetic Room" - a selection of funny poems.
    And, of course, the more colorful headlines, bright pictures, rich photos, the better.

    There is no doubt that reading a colorful magazine will bring a lot of pleasant minutes to the birthday girl and her guests.

    Thus, congratulating a friend on her birthday in an unusual and fun way is not a big deal if you approach the preparation process creatively and with soul.

    The effect of a comic staging, a humorous magazine, cool presentations is always bright, and brings its creators no less pleasure than the hero of the occasion herself.

    And you can see another original idea for congratulating a girlfriend on her birthday in the video:

    - both a joyful and sad event, full of bright colors and unforgettable impressions. Representatives of the weaker sex do not like to advertise their age, but on this day you still have to say a secret figure. You can celebrate the anniversary in different ways - in a noisy cafe, with family or friends, the main thing is that the congratulations are sincere.

    The warmest words

    The best congratulations for any woman will be warm sincere words uttered by the closest people. It is desirable that this be some kind of original poem or a short story that tells about all the virtues of the birthday girl. Be sure to mention the beauty of the lady, her mind, resourcefulness, character and personal qualities.

    You should not be limited to banal things, for example, “Happy birthday, Olga!”. Congratulations should be approached from a creative point of view. An excellent option would be the musical accompaniment of verbal congratulations - a popular hit or a woman's favorite song.

    The best congratulations - tender words and warm hugs from family and friends. They are the most awaited!

    Indispensable attributes of the celebration

    Congratulating a woman, one cannot do without flowers, because they are the symbol of beauty and tenderness. Also, one should not forget about the traditional airy, which will create a cheerful festive atmosphere, as well as sweets and elegant gift wrapping. These pleasant little things will bring a lot of positive emotions to the birthday girl, will become a powerful charge of good mood for the whole day.

    Original congratulations

    If the hero of the occasion is an extraordinary person, it will not be so easy to surprise her. The usual congratulations will not do here. You can congratulate such a woman by laying out an inscription of rose petals on the ground near her window. It is also a good idea to give her a balloon heart or an inflatable bouquet of flowers. If one of the relatives sings well, you can record a birthday song dedicated to the birthday girl.
    On an anniversary, a woman wants to be the center of attention more than ever. You can give her such an opportunity by inviting musicians to the holiday who will perform her favorite songs all evening.

    What to gift?

    You can give anything as a gift. It can be good expensive perfumes, a porcelain tea set, a set of cosmetics, dishes, linen, etc. It all depends on the preferences of the birthday girl. If nothing original comes to mind, it is best to present money, because there is never a lot of it. The main thing is that during the congratulations, as many affectionate, kind and gentle words as possible sound.

    A friend belongs to the category of the closest people and finding something original to congratulate her can be quite difficult. Over the years of close communication, all her desires have become known, many of which have long been realized and all the congratulations that can be said have been said.

    And now, the next holiday is approaching for my beloved friend, but it’s impossible to come up with something interesting. Don't be upset! We have several in stock creative ideas, which you can use to wish your girlfriend a happy birthday in an original way!

    First of all, let's note that there are three components of a bright and interesting congratulation. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

    • The surprise effect. This is perhaps the most important component, since the strongest emotions appear only when a person is absolutely not prepared for what awaits him. Often the first reaction is some confusion, but then there always comes a moment of delight and joy.
    • Creativity. Of course, a bright and original congratulation is unlikely to work without the connection of fantasy. In addition, various Creative skills that will make congratulations for a friend more interesting.
    • Pleasant emotions. Congratulations should cause joy, and not scare or even worse, disappoint the birthday girl. So, if you arrange a scene for a modest and shy girl with the participation of many characters, accompanied by increased attention to her person, she is unlikely to appreciate it. Therefore, when thinking about how to congratulate a friend on her birthday in an original way, consider her nature and temperament.

    10 fun ways to wish your girlfriend a happy birthday

    1. Voice greeting

    This is the easiest and most convenient way to send a funny birthday greeting to your girlfriend. With the help of a special service, you can order congratulations from famous people, stars, politicians. Choose the time of the call to follow the reaction of a friend who will no doubt be shocked, but better capture her at this moment on camera!

    2. Musical or Video greeting

    Choose beautiful pattern and in a couple of minutes we create online original personalized video congratulations, musical postcards and a slideshow with your wishes and photos.

    3. Flash mob

    A congratulation for a friend in the form of a flash mob will be very bright and memorable. In order for everything to go "like clockwork", a good organization is needed. For example, a friend will get a lot of vivid impressions when she looks out the window in the morning and sees a company of dancing friends with umbrellas. Letters must be attached to each umbrella, which will make up a congratulation, and at the end the dancers become so that it turns out “Happy Birthday”. But for such a congratulation, you must first practice or entrust this work to professionals.

    4. Forgotten holiday

    It is necessary to persuade all friends and acquaintances so that no one congratulates the birthday girl on the holiday. When a confused friend is already completely desperate, you need to come to her with balloons, gifts and champagne.

    5. Congratulations in photos

    You will need a camera, posters and markers. Write congratulations, kind words, compliments and wishes to your girlfriend on the posters. Have someone take a picture of you with each of them. Photos can be posted on social networks, or you can put them in a photo album and hand them to a friend.

    6. Portrait from photo

    It will be a great surprise for the birthday girl. You can order it on the Internet. Ask the artist to write a few wishes from you. Such a gift will delight the birthday girl for a long time, and remind you of the past holiday. You can also print a photo with your girlfriend on a T-shirt and write your wishes directly on it with a marker.

    7 Pirate Party

    This congratulation is suitable for a company of girlfriends. Without saying anything in advance to the birthday girl, organize a pirate party: prepare clothes, pirate hats, rum and other paraphernalia. Rush into an unsuspecting friend's house or surprise her on the street. If the birthday is in the summer, you can celebrate the holiday on the banks of a river or lake.

    8. Holiday Quest

    This is not just a congratulation, but an exciting adventure for the hero of the occasion. It is organized quite simply. Prepare gifts for the birthday girl with friends and arrange them in different places, do not forget to attach a note with further instructions and a search route. Where can you hide gifts? Yes, anywhere! In a storage box in a shopping center, in a park under a bench, in a mailbox, etc. Give your friend an instruction with a period of the first paragraph. Let her go on an exciting journey and have fun. At the last destination, you must meet a friend with flowers, balloons and champagne.

    9. Streamer or poster

    You can congratulate your girlfriend in an original way on her birthday using a poster or streamer with a congratulation and a photo of the birthday girl, which can be placed near her house. I'm sure she'll love this surprise.

    10. Gift with delivery

    Order for a friend beautiful bouquet flowers, put in it a card with a congratulation and a signature. Let the bouquet be delivered early in the morning so that it is the first pleasant impression on the holiday. Instead of flowers, there can be any other gift - a dress or beautiful shoes. A lonely friend will be pleased if a handsome young man delivers a present and tells her a few words. nice words and compliments. A positive charge for the whole day will be provided!

    11. DIY

    This is perhaps the most sincere way. After all, what is created with warmth and attention always gives a lot of pleasure. You can make a "book of wishes and desires", using various techniques and the most different materials. In it you need to write your own and leave room for the desires of a friend. In addition, this is the most economical, but not inferior in its originality way. You can also do unusual postcard with your own hands.

    Scene for congratulating a friend "Back to childhood"

    The host brings the birthday girl to the center and says:

    On a wonderful day (date of birth)
    A girl was born
    And the sun on this wonderful day
    The sky is shining bright!

    He puts a cap on the head of the birthday girl, a rattle around her neck and a pacifier in her mouth.

    Everyone loved the girl right away
    They gave her gifts!

    Gives beautiful doll in the box.

    (name) grew to the delight of everyone!
    But it's not without problems!
    For your disobedience
    Received (name) punishment.

    Puts in a corner, jokingly “beats” with a belt.

    Here our (name) has grown up,
    It's time for her to go to school
    Learn and try!

    The teacher comes out with a magazine and reads the subjects:

    Friendship - five,
    Help indication - five,
    Veselology - five,
    Friendship - five!
    For diligent learning
    There will be (name) awards!

    Gives a diploma to "Best friend".

    Well, now (name),
    Already a grown girl
    So now
    Let's have fun!

    And we wish our (name)
    Always stay like this
    And our strong friendship,
    Never break!

    Scene congratulations girlfriend "Ambulance"

    Two men in white coats enter the room - a doctor and a nurse.

    They say: “Did you call an ambulance? Where is the patient? Check it out soon!"

    The birthday girl comes out.

    The doctor feels the pulse:

    “Oh, yes, our pulse is quickened! This is a dangerous sign!

    Listening to breath:

    “And breathing is frequent, which is also a sign of danger!”

    He examines his eyes, ears, knocks with a hammer on his knees:

    “Yes, there is only one diagnosis and there can be no mistake!”

    The nurse is frightened: “What is the diagnosis, doctor?”

    Doctor: “Syndrome of veilism and extensive birthdays in an acute form! The patient can infect everyone with a good mood!”

    Nurse: "What should I do?"

    Doctor: "The case is hopeless! I can only recommend this remedy (takes out champagne) 200 grams inside to all guests right now! For the health of the patient!

    Let the holiday be a carnival

    There are times when you want to replace a banal birthday greeting with something original. Of course, you can buy a very expensive gift and, after reading the congratulations from the postcard, go for festive table. But after all, you can beat everything differently! It is very simple to make the birthday of a close and dear person unforgettable. Approach with imagination and congratulate him in an original way.

    Scenario to choose from - original ideas, how to congratulate

    Arrange a flash mob

    Fashionable fun now

    Flash mob is a popular trend among young people when a large number of people participate in the action. This is a great way to congratulate the birthday boy. It will take preparation. A person will be pleasantly surprised if at work, line by line, suddenly everyone starts singing his favorite song. You can stop the birthday boy on the way home with a cool dance, to which more and more people will connect.

    Forget your birthday

    That same feeling

    Not for long, but forget it. Persuade friends and acquaintances so that they do not congratulate the birthday man on his triumph. Let him be taken aback and upset, and then throw a surprise party with balloons and cake.

    Photos of loved ones

    Congratulations everyone

    It is necessary to write a congratulation on A4 sheets, placing one or more words on each of them. Next, give your friends and acquaintances a sheet and take pictures. By compiling a photo collage, you get an original birthday greeting. It can be issued in the form of a wall newspaper or posted electronically on social networks. In this case, other people will be added to the congratulations.


    For those who love surprises

    An interesting option for congratulations, although we recommend entrusting its preparation to professionals. The idea behind most pranks is that the birthday boy gets into a terrible, stalemate that he can't get out of. This may be related to crime, health, his work, but in any case, it is unpleasant to be in this position on your birthday. When the nerves are running out, a congratulator will appear and say that it was just a joke.

    congratulations on stage

    Expensive and cool

    Invite the birthday boy to a concert, and in the process, take a short break. When he sees you with a microphone on stage, he will be dumbfounded and pleasantly surprised. Of course, you will need to prepare in advance and agree with the organizers of the concert. If a person is congratulated by his favorite performer, it will be doubly pleasant.

    Gifts are everywhere

    Lots of gifts are good.

    Here, too, you have to try. Hide small greeting cards or small souvenirs in different places. You can not sign to keep the intrigue. Let the whole day of the birthday boy enjoy such moments. Beloved girl can beat this version of congratulations with roses, which will meet her all her birthday.

    Unusual gift giving

    Ascetic packaging

    Give an ordinary item in an unusual way. For example, wrap a gift in a giant candy or put it in garbage bag, filling it with additional serpentine for volume. A person must certainly have a healthy sense of humor. You can put a new mobile phone in a frying pan box, and socks, on the contrary, in an iPhone package. Interesting options you can find in the gift shop.

    Congratulations in another language

    Learn a congratulatory verse in a language the person does not know. He will surely appreciate your efforts.

    As you can see, preparing for an original congratulation will bring pleasure even to the donor, let alone the birthday man.

    Specially for the site
    Copying the article is prohibited!

    You were invited to the anniversary and now you are tormented by the question: what to give and how to congratulate beautifully? And, all the more carefully it is worth thinking about this if a woman's anniversary is coming. It must be remembered that congratulations and gifts to lovely ladies should be targeted, taking into account the age, profession and tastes of the hero of the day. After all, most often (contrary to the general opinion) women value not so much expensive gifts how many are those who convince them of a reverent and sincere attitude towards them.

    When choosing original congratulations and surprises for the hero of the day, you need to focus on individual characteristics each: for one, touching and sincere ones are more suitable, for the other - cheerful and perky, for the third - solemn and significant.

    In anniversary congratulatory scenes, close people can afford sentimental confessions or, conversely, spicy jokes that ordinary life they rarely allow themselves, which are served, most often, in musical form or on behalf of some costumed hero.

    original, beautiful and funny congratulations happy anniversary woman

    Scene-congratulations on the anniversary of a woman

    For a mini-scene for the anniversary, a woman will need four people. Prepare copies of texts in advance and distribute roles to guests. Participants can wear special strips of paper with the inscriptions: “Sorrow”, “Laziness”, “Joy” on their heads.

    The roles of the mini-sketch for the anniversary:


    In life, everyone has sorrows, joy, worries, sometimes laziness, we will now recognize all these feelings, they will come to the hero of the day on this day.

    I am the sadness that wears your heart
    I bring you longing and sadness,
    You don't love me, of course
    But I love GOOD people.

    I remind you more and more
    That the years fly, fly, fly,
    Something children are less common.
    Something grandchildren do not want to go.

    I snaked my way into your heart
    Oh, I love good people
    And today I also came to you,
    To spoil this anniversary.

    I'm lazy - I won't hide it (yawns and stretches)
    I suggest you go to sleep
    Guests can sit by themselves
    True, they can also lie down.

    Oh, why did you lay a chic table,
    It's so difficult, and laziness,
    It would be better to lie down, take a nap,
    And now worries for the whole day.

    I prevent people from doing good,
    I do not like successes, plans, and deeds.
    But I rarely visit the hero of the day,
    She is not lazy, but it is in vain.

    I came to say something completely different
    The birthday boy is a cheerful person,
    Yes, she is sad at times,
    But she is sad about everyone.

    Her heart is overflowing with love
    She is mother, grandmother, sister,
    Everyone loves her so much - I will not hide,
    The hero of the day knows herself.

    Why are there so many guests today?
    Because everyone loves her
    Kindness, sincere care,
    The heart that beats so hot.

    Our dear, be loved
    Enjoy this life day by day
    You are so young and so beautiful
    And now as a gift we will sing:

    All together sing a reworked song for the anniversary.

    Congratulations on the photo shoot "Minute of Glory"

    All words belong to the presenter

    What if we take and imagine:
    We found ourselves instantly in a fairy tale?
    And we will bring pleasure to the guests,
    Trying on ... (name of the hero of the day) different masks.
    And if our ... (name of the hero of the day) was
    A dexterous rider? Here she is!

    A horsewoman hat is put on. Music sounds, the hero of the day makes a small circle around the hall.

    And what if you take and imagine timidly,
    That our hero of the day is the queen?

    The crown is put on. Defile to the appropriate music. Further similarly.

    And if you had to live in Hawaii,
    That would be the use of all talents

    The hero of the day is trying on a Hawaiian wreath.

    And if you happened to be born in a Russian village?
    Soul ... (name of the hero of the day) sings, rejoices, has fun!

    They put on a kichka - a Russian headdress.

    The 21st century has long been on the street, friends!
    And our heroine is modern and fashionable.

    Wear a baseball cap or bandana.

    All dresses, hats are good!
    Everything to the face, everything is a holiday for the soul!
    But I so wanted to offer a different dress!
    For the birthday girl, he is the most expensive!

    Guests are given fresh flowers with a flexible stem, and they take turns weaving their flower into the wreath, saying warm wishes. When all the guests congratulate, the wreath is put on the hero of the day.

    We are all amazed by this beauty!
    How does a woman wear an outfit that is woven out of love!
    Only she is truly beautiful and sweet,
    Who is dressed in happiness, whose eyes glow!
    Here is a woman in front of us -
    Beloved, blooming and dear to the heart.

    The guests applaud.

    Congratulations on the anniversary, birthday of a woman " Brownie"

    Scene for the Anniversary or Birthday of a woman “Brownie”. (The brownie comes out - this is a participant in the scene with a shaggy beard and disheveled hair, dressed in a colorful shirt, belted with a rope and short pants with patches. He sings a song to the birthday girl to the motive of "Robin")

    I beg you for courage
    Pour me a glass!
    I will say then in the hour of joy
    Why come to you!

    (the birthday girl pours a glass of brownie, he drinks and sings the next verse):

    Do you like to clean everything in the apartment?
    And cleanliness everywhere you watch specifically!
    Corners trying to sweep better,
    On the pope you whip me imperceptibly!

    Please be kind
    With me, Marina, henceforth,
    In the corner so that, without fear, I
    I could sit until dark!

    Dear birthday girl, now accept a gift from me:

    (takes out a broom)

    I personally steamed this broom,
    To make it softer in circulation! (slaps himself with a broom in different places)
    And you can wave them without rules,
    I declare to you on your birthday!

    I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
    And I want to bloom, bloom!
    Today I promise everyone:
    I will always guard your house!

    Cool congratulations on the anniversary of the woman "Garden pest"

    dora, dora, tomato,
    We caught a thief in the garden
    This is a small worm
    I ate a barrel from an apple!
    And we have a birthday
    Gardener, well, just class!
    She's always fine
    Fruits, vegetables and beds!
    That's why the question
    We call the worm for interrogation:
    Let the guests explain
    Your excellent appetite!

    (a man comes out dressed up as a worm, that is, you can put a very long green cap on your head, he greedily gnaws an apple, then sings a song):

    Pest Gardener's Song
    (to the motive “We are cheerful guys, we are October guys”)

    I, friends, are a signaling device,
    From nitrate indicator!
    If I eat an apple
    So everyone can eat!
    I respect the plum with a pear,
    I just love cherries!
    Don't scold me in vain
    I'm more useful than aphids!

    Dear birthday girl!
    Let me be in your garden
    I'll find a job!
    I am a pest, but not harmful!
    And this vitriol is copper
    I give you in reserve
    From aphids so that he saved the harvest!

    Congratulations on the anniversary of a woman from a singer, actor, fairy-tale heroine

    (congratulations on the example of the group Hands up, Safronov, Cinderella, Gypsy)

    The scene begins with a dim light, you can prepare fabulous scenery in advance.

    Leading: In the Far Far Away Kingdom,
    In a glorious state
    The girl grew up
    Chorus girl.
    She was only a few years old.
    Well, she was beautiful
    That all the boys ran after her,
    And they opened the door for her
    They brought a school bag,
    They treated me to chocolate
    So the girl grew up
    Chorus girl.

    Presenter: And now a few years have passed
    And she became a girl
    Today, just like that
    That everyone envied her.

    Leading: And today in this hall,
    We've all gathered here for a reason
    We are all our little girl Anya,
    We decided to congratulate.

    Presenter: And we invited guests
    For Anya, her own.
    After all, it's her birthday today.
    She just turned 20 years old.
    So dear Anyuta,
    We know everything about you
    What do you love, what do you dream about?
    So come meet me soon! (you need to know in advance about the birthday girl everything that she loves, what she dreams about, who is her ideal, etc.).

    (her favorite group Ruki Vverh comes out with a congratulatory song-alteration).

    Hands up:
    Ayyyyyyyyy girl
    My dear, dear.
    Ayyyyyyyyy girl
    I love you you know.
    Ayyyyyyyyy girl
    Today we congratulate you
    Ayyyyyyyyy girl
    Congratulations on your anniversary.
    We wish you a lot
    To love, kiss,
    They hugged very hard.

    (Sergey Zhukov approaches, kisses Anya and gives her a huge bouquet of roses, and then leaves the hall).

    Leading: We have known for a long time
    Your most passionate actor
    We came to congratulate you
    And give a gift
    You meet him
    Hear promises.

    (Anya's dressed-up groom enters the hall in the role of her beloved, the famous actor Kirill Safonov).

    Kirill Safronov:
    Hello dear Anyuta,
    You are like an angel to me
    You are like a rose, today my dear has blossomed,
    And now today I will offer you
    Marry me.
    After all, for a long time you love me very much.
    Well, I can't find such a beauty anymore.
    Here's a gift just for you
    Give me your finger
    Don't look yet. (puts a gold ring on her finger).
    Well, the answer is "Yes"!

    (The birthday girl should answer).

    Leading: Here is a congratulation today for you,
    After all, Kirill Safonov himself came to us here.
    Well Anyuta dear, did you like the surprise?

    (the hero of the day answers).

    Presenter: So quiet, quiet, silence
    Let's continue for now.

    (Ani's favorite fairy-tale heroine appears in the hall, with her congratulations).

    Cinderella: Oh dear Anya,
    Today is your day,
    Today you are a year older.
    So what do you take from me
    Your congratulations are not in vain.
    I want to be loved
    Be smart beautiful
    Finish college
    And get married here.
    give birth to children,
    And be happy for everyone.
    And here's a gift for you
    I brought a pumpkin here.
    And if you suddenly want to go to disco,
    Then turn you pumpkin into this car.
    Get behind the wheel and go hang out.
    But don't forget to be back by 12
    Otherwise, the car will turn back into a pumpkin.

    (Cinderella approaches the birthday girl and gives a huge round pumpkin).

    Leading: Anyuta, and now only for you,
    Gypsy Aza came to visit us. (Gypsy Aza comes out).

    Gypsy Aza: Ay, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne.
    Give me your hand.
    Call you Anyuta
    Soon you will be happy
    Clever beautiful,
    You will graduate from college
    Become a better wife
    And of course a good mother,
    The one called Mommy.
    Success awaits you in life
    Joy, happiness, laughter.
    That's all.
    Oh yes, congratulations,
    Happy this lovely day
    Happy birthday to you.
    Here, perhaps, that's all.
    For now, everyone, I'll be back.

    Leading: So our holiday was a success,
    Everyone came to congratulate
    Only, something lingered
    Our fireworks, light it up!!!

    (the festive fireworks in honor of the hero of the day begin, the congratulation scene ends).

    Scene-congratulations from the heroes of fairy tales to a woman

    Storyteller: In some kingdom, in a beautiful state,
    Once upon a time there lived a beautiful girl, a long braid,
    Zhila did not grieve, everyone loved her,
    Mom, dad carried in their arms.
    And for this she cooked for them, and washed, and cleaned the house.
    Today we are all happy to congratulate this beautiful girl,
    After all, today is her worthy anniversary,
    25 today to her, this is a wonderful anniversary.
    So let's congratulate her right now.
    Mom and dad, will they say something to their daughter?

    Mother: Dear daughter, beautiful daughter,
    With dad, I once swept in the bottom of the barrel,
    I scratched the box, and in the end
    We blinded you from what was
    You turned out just amazing.

    Dad: They put it on the window to cool you down,
    You lay down a little cold,
    Jump from the window, rolled along the path,
    All the girls in the yard were jealous of you.
    So you grew up with us, became just super, class!

    Mother: 25 to you now, it's just the same atas.
    How you grew up with us quickly very straight away.
    We didn’t have time to look back, you’re big with us.
    So now we want to wish you health, happiness,
    Many joys, kindness, be always good.
    Be smart always, everywhere
    Don't sit on the fox's nose.

    Storyteller: So let's have a drink now
    For the birthday girl that hour.
    (all guests sing for the birthday girl).

    Storyteller: Dear guests, and now,
    Stop feasting this time.
    Stop eating and drinking
    Tsar Gvidon hastens to congratulate
    Our birthday girl, because today is the anniversary,
    Our beautiful girl.

    Tsar Guidon: Hello dear guests,
    Here I came to you
    Just a little late here.
    I was told that you are celebrating your anniversary soon,
    What kind of beautiful girl is celebrating her anniversary,
    Where is she, come quickly.

    (the birthday girl exits).

    You are beautiful and smart, very sweet and modest.
    I want to congratulate you and tell you everything.
    To live and flourish further,
    I've seen a lot of happiness in my life
    She got married and had children.
    I saw a lot of grandchildren.
    Well, for everything to come true,
    You pour a glass,
    The holiday will be more fun.
    So let's visit we now,
    Let's raise our glasses to the anniversary right now.

    (all guests raise their glasses for the birthday girl).

    Well, what about the guests, gentlemen,
    I congratulated the girl
    And now I'm on my way,
    And I'm going home.
    Good fun to all of you!
    Well, I say goodbye!

    Storyteller: Goodbye Tsar Gvidon.
    Well, here we are, dear guests, we will sit down at the table again.
    And the fabulous feast will continue again.

    (there is a knock on the door)

    Storyteller: Someone knocks on our door
    Come don't be shy.

    (Babki Yozhki run in and sing a congratulatory song).

    Grandma Yozhki: Stretch the fur, harmonica,
    Oh, play, play!
    Christina's birthday
    Drink, don't talk!

    First Grandmother Yozhka: Walked along the forest side
    Anniversary ran after me: I spat on his baldness
    And sent to the devil!

    Second Grandmother Yozhka: The drunkest guest
    Whose anniversary is this?
    Speak to me soon
    Who needs to be congratulated.

    Third Grandmother Yozhka: And Christina here is cheerful, sweet, slim,
    Invite people here
    To celebrate an anniversary!


    Storyteller: Wow, we were not waiting for you here,
    Here's a surprise you gave us.
    Well, thanks to grandmother Yozhki.
    So you have now completed the anniversary of Christina.

    Most funny scenes And beautiful congratulations happy anniversary woman

    Cheerful congratulations of the birthday girl "The stars are resting!"

    In order to make this entertainment for the hero of the day more spectacular and comical, you can prepare plates with the names (or photographs) of the stars referred to in the congratulations and a plate with the inscription: "Resting."

    Call 12 guests - each hand out an appropriate poster with a photo or surname, on the back of which is the text of congratulations. And every time, as soon as the guest pronounces the name of “his” star, the presenter, standing next to him, raises a sign with the inscription: “resting”. Depending on the talents and data of a particular birthday girl, you can remove some or add your own composition in the same style.

    1. charm, beauty
      Worth admiring.
      And model Naomi Campbell
      Not good for marks.
    2. Before your image
      I'll get on my knees.
      And from envy tears a scythe
      Yulia Timoshenko.
    3. Bust you so strong
      Until then, I like it.
      Anna Semenovich herself
      Your size will covet. (Option: Very admired)
    4. You dance just class.
      You are ready to dance.
      Wants to take you
      Nastya Volochkova.
    5. You hands just like that
      Break up the clouds.
      Requests a personal meeting
      Monica Belucci.
    6. Your charms are
      Everyone notices.
      Even Jennifer
      That Lopez salivates.
    7. Well, I want a voice
      Make compliments.
      Singer Vitas for a year
      Looking forward to your concerts.
    8. You are always dressed with style.
      I want to admire.
      And Serezha Zverev to you
      Asks for an apprentice.
    9. If the hero of the day sings,
      Grab your guitar now.
      Let him sing along
      Piekha and Rotaru.
    10. You are such a lady
      Everyone notices.
      Queen Elizabeth
      Just resting.
    11. You are the peaks of charm,
      They took it with ease.
      You are Natasha Rostova
      They would have easily.
    12. We would have awards for you
      Important people have been asked.
      To Putin and Medvedev
      They wore it on their hands.

    Touching and beautiful congratulatory moment "Garden of Love"

    To organize such a congratulation, you need to prepare one large flower from thick paper and many small ones - according to the number of guests. Wishes and congratulations are attached to each flower as a stamen. It is better to make ready-made "stamens" with a variety of wishes, and each guest chooses a wish that he would like to say to the birthday girl - this will look more stylish. But you can leave it to the discretion of the guests, then you need to prepare a few pens and felt-tip pens. A piece of double-sided tape is attached at the base of each flower - you can use it to glue your flower to a large flower.

    During one of the breaks, you can invite guests to arrange a “Garden of Love” for the hero of the day (after explaining what needs to be done) Turn on beautiful instrumental music and let the guests slowly make their choice and contribute to decorating the “Garden” for the birthday girl. Then, when all flower composition will be collected, hand it over to the hero of the occasion with wishes to pick a flower and read it in moments of sadness. An additional surprise can be made that the large flower will have the inscription: “We love you!”, Which will open only when all the flowers are plucked by the birthday girl.

    Cheerful congratulations to the hero of the day from girlfriends

    (Performed to the tune of ditties, in chorus or in turn in costumes or shawls on the shoulders)

    Finally got together
    We are on Lizin's anniversary
    Navali -ka us a salad
    Don't feel sorry for the body!

    Happy Anniversary
    And we wish from the bottom of our hearts
    So that there is always health
    And there were pennies!

    Anniversary is a wonderful holiday
    You can sing, make noise, dance,
    And also a ringing ditty
    Congratulations to the jubilee!

    At work Lisa in the first
    And men like:
    Busy, energetic
    And, besides, a beauty!

    We also wish Lisa
    That's how kind to be.
    Fashionable, generous and cheerful,
    To turn us all on!

    And now the last tip
    Liza beauty:
    You love yourself more
    To please men!

    Lisa, dear friend,
    And beautiful and slim
    Laughing, funny
    And the kindest soul!

    We wish the birthday girl -
    Be healthy all year round
    And love your husband more!
    Oh! This gives strength!

    The bear stepped on the ear -
    We are still going to eat.
    If the throat is not wet -
    We will cry and leave / 2 times

    Congratulations on the anniversary of the woman "Portrait of a birthday girl"

    (For this original congratulations which is held at the table, you need to stock up on a frame with a blank sheet of paper and multi-colored markers or felt-tip pens)

    Presenter: I propose not just to say congratulations, but to draw it, because each of us is an artist at heart.

    (The frame with a place for the future portrait and felt-tip pens are passed from guest to guest. It is important for the presenter to unobtrusively manage the process so as not to lose dynamics and at the same time not lose the expressiveness of the presentation of the poetic number)

    Presenter: I ask you to draw in turn, what I will read about. But imagine the composition well - let's start with the face. And the portrait will be full-length, so that everyone complements the work of a neighbor, remembering that each of the guests must contribute to this masterpiece. Started!

    (under the number 1 - a portrait detail for the first guest, under the number 2 - for the second, etc., each draws his own and passes it on to the next. If there are more guests, you can offer to draw one detail in pairs)

    1. We draw Irina's beautiful eyes:
      Brown, sly and funny (pass to neighbor)
    2. Eyelashes shot up, right up to the eyebrows,
      The look of these eyes has become more fun (pass on to a neighbor)
    3. We draw a nose with a curved comma ....
      Funny, looks like a funny question (pass to a neighbor)
    4. And there is a place for a smile in a portrait,
      The sweetest smile in the world (given to a neighbor)
    5. Let's paint a little ruddy cheeks (pass to a neighbor)
    6. Of course, we will decorate the ears with a diamond (pass to a neighbor)
    7. We will cover our heads with a fashionable hairstyle,
      So that Irina becomes like a queen ... (pass to a neighbor)
    8. Then draw beautiful body(given to neighbor)
    9. And skillful hands for every business (pass to a neighbor)
    10. We draw legs for Irina soon,
      Yes, not some, but more slender (passed on to a neighbor)
    11. We put the legs in fashionable shoes (pass to a neighbor)
    12. We will draw a good heart for her (pass to a neighbor)
    13. Still, we will depict a riddle inside her
      Feminine zest - the sweetest! (given to neighbor)
    14. We will reward Ira with a beautiful voice,
      In addition, musical - we want it that way (pass to a neighbor)
    15. We draw a dress, well, very glamorous,
      Top in ruffles, and bottom - openwork (passed on to a neighbor)
    16. Still in the hands of a handbag from a crocodile (pass to a neighbor)
    17. It contains a cosmetic bag and a fashionable mobile phone (pass it to a neighbor)
    18. Another card with a bank account,
      In which zeros, well, simply, without taking into account (pass to a neighbor)
    19. We draw a cool car next to Ira (pass it to a neighbor)
    20. And a dacha by the sea, well, a very large one (passed on to a neighbor)
    21. There is also a convenient garage next to the house (passed on to a neighbor)
    22. And ready luggage for travel! (given to neighbor)
    23. At the top we write: "Happy birthday!" (given to neighbor)
    24. And good wishes - we will not regret! (given to neighbor)
    25. Let's draw flowers and fireworks in the corner! (given to neighbor)
    26. We will hand over the portrait and kiss Irina!

    (They give a portrait as a gift, they offer to take a picture with a portrait)

    Original congratulations "Starfall of wishes"

    (you need paper-cut stars for all guests and pens or felt-tip pens, or cut it out on the spot then colored paper and scissors)

    Presenter:(at the table) Now each of the guests will sign Galina (or another name) his star with his wish (each receives a paper star cut out in advance and a felt-tip pen and writes his wish on it).

    Then everyone, led by the birthday girl, is invited to the hall: the birthday girl in the center - everyone around her.

    This is your starfall of wishes,
    About love and friendship confessions,
    Which of these stars will you catch?
    Perhaps you will know your fate!

    (To the music, for example, “Star Country” “Happy birthday” or “We wish you happiness” - everyone takes turns throwing their stars with wishes, the birthday girl tries to catch them. The stars caught with wishes are read aloud to the hero of the day. collects guests and uses them in the next game moment - "Star Necklace").

    Game moment "Star necklace". The guests are conditionally divided into 2 teams, a star is handed out to each and a relay race is arranged: which of the teams from their stars, beautiful braid and paper clips will quickly collect and hand over their star necklace to the hero of the day.

    Scene for the anniversary of the woman "Advicebirthday girl «

    A scene for a woman's birthday can be played out by friends, work colleagues, relatives, and children. In all cases, preparation and a small rehearsal of the anniversary of the woman are needed.

    To stage a skit, you first need to write a script and words that the participants in the mini-performance will pronounce. The text can be prosaic or poetic. Rhymes are harder to come up with than simple sentences. It's good when there is a talented writer in the congratulatory team. But a rhymed text, especially a comic one, is easier to perceive and is best suited for a congratulatory scene.

    The scenario involves the distribution of roles. The participants in the mini-performance, before learning the text, must decide: who is who. A scene for a woman's anniversary is not a grandiose theatrical performance, so this stage of preparation is easy and fast.

    Costumes are an important part of any mini-performance. You can do without them, but in this case the expected effect of the production will be minimal. Costumes can be bought or made by yourself from paper, cardboard, plastic, fabric and old things from the "grandmother's chest". A mini-performance in costumes made from improvised materials is a truly fun and festive scene.

    On the name day, the beautiful hero of the day is always given flowers. You can present a beautiful bouquet just at the end of the performance. It will be very touching. Or maybe the scene will end with the solemn blowing out of the candles on the birthday cake. You can play anything and even involve the hero of the day in the performance.

    We have already said that a scene for a woman's anniversary can be on various topics. An example of a mini-performance - a gift from relatives, colleagues to their dear birthday girls: a scene for an anniversary.

    In some examples, there are no photos of the possible costumes of the participants, but from the text itself it becomes clear what the “actors” can dress up in. The main thing is that the performance is fun and the hero of the day likes it.

    Choose mini-options for performances, with dressing up and comic rhymes. Prepare also inexpensive gifts that you can give to the hero of the day.

    Feel free to perform with fun props, costumes and masks. A round date is rare, but the holiday should be remembered!

    Cheerful congratulations on the anniversary "Healthy song for the birthday girl"

    Before performing a healthy song, think about what musical composition will suit you best. We can offer the following options: “We wish you happiness”, “Everything that I have in life”, I. Allegrova’s song “Happy Birthday!”, As well as works that mention personal female names, for example, “Anastasia” Yu. Antonova, "Julia" of the group "A-Studio" and so on. Great option songs of the White Day group - “Galina” or “Birthday Girl”, which are easy to beat in Russian folk style.

    Volunteer artists from among the guests will be needed to perform the selected composition. They, of course, will perform the song to the soundtrack. The main thing is to properly dress the volunteers, because everyone has heard the song intended for congratulations more than once, but you don’t often see colleagues, for example, accountants, dressed up in the style of singers of the 70s. Therefore, prepare in advance wigs, various ties of the most unimaginable colors, skirts, shirts and - be sure! - various noisy and blowing musical instruments (similar sets are sold in children's toy stores). So let the guests crackle and play for the glory and fun of the birthday girl.

    Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary "Sand ceremony"

    For the sand ceremony, colored sand is used, painted with dry gouache or school chalk. Several basic colors are chosen that carry a symbolic meaning: green means health, yellow means optimism, red means love, blue means self-confidence, purple means spiritual enlightenment, and so on.

    Salt of different colors is poured into small containers; you can use gravy boats, beautifully decorated glasses, goblets, vases. It is necessary to prepare another, larger container, where, mixing different colors, the congratulation participants will pour colored salt. It can be an elegant bottle, a decorative vase or a flow jar made of transparent material. The main thing is that it is hermetically sealed.

    The sand ceremony itself consists of the fact that the relatives of the hero of the day are invited to choose salt of the color whose symbolic meaning coincides with the main wish of the relative. Beautiful background music is turned on, and relatives take turns pouring salt into a common container for everyone, each in the proportion in which he wishes the birthday man health, love or spiritual enlightenment.

    It turns out very beautifully: inside the glass vessel, peculiar swirls are created from multi-colored salt. Then the result of the sand ceremony is presented to the hero of the day as a keepsake with best wishes.

    Scene for birthday (anniversary) presentation of the medal "Congratulations from the President"

    I was told that you have a holiday,
    Cake, congratulations, bouquets,
    Allow me at least a couple of phrases,
    Insert at your banquet.
    I and the government, we wish you
    Strengths do not weaken,
    We live in a strong country
    Just don't think about moving.
    I am the president, I wish you good luck
    Always be a good family man
    To be young, and not otherwise,
    Let only happiness dizzy.
    And for the courage to live in difficult times,
    The order was issued, and handed over to you,
    I drew with everyone
    Signatures guests have left you.

    (Make a big medal with the signatures of the guests)

    From everyone to whom you are dear,
    And of course from the president,
    Accept modest wishes,
    And today, not for me, but for you, applause!

    Take the medal
    Don't be shy
    There is only one life,
    Don't regret anything.
    Sing louder
    Always smile,
    Enjoy life in our country.

    Comic "heartfelt" congratulations from guests - men

    (For congratulations to two or three men, distribute the words, dividing the text and saying who is behind whom and to give everyone a souvenir heart for the birthday girl, which they will hand over to the culprit at the end)

    amazing thing,
    How the hostess managed everything:
    I assembled a beautiful table,
    Made beauty!

    Hairstyle, like in a parade.
    And mystery in the eyes!
    And take a look at the outfit:
    This outfit just do waste!

    She is beautiful to all of us.
    And it becomes clear to us
    We all have problems!
    Digressing from the topic
    I'll tell you a secret:
    We fell in love, no doubt!

    But reciprocity is impossible
    Our fate is hopeless!

    So we just congratulate
    And almost without toast:
    Happy birthday dear
    You are always like family to us!
    Sun: We give you our hearts
    We give, sadness, shaking off the face!

    (each of the participants in the scene gives the birthday girl a heart-souvenirs)

    Scenes for congratulating a woman on her anniversary for one person

    Antique clock

    The scene is convenient for a single actor. The costume is a large dial with arrows made of cardboard, attached to the belly of the speaker with an elastic band or strings. Suitable for congratulating women.

    Watch: We are an old clock, we have come to the hero of the day.
    So that you make a wish, it’s a pity you can’t turn back time.
    I remember everything, your first cry, how they crawled, sucked on a nipple, and the first word was said, and you stood on the floor with your legs.
    Your first step, then others, like kindergarten, you went to school.
    How you were friends and loved, how your legs carried you to work.
    I remember everything, your every day and hour, all your good deeds and all your actions, believe me, I'm proud of you, I'm not ashamed of you for a single minute!
    And I believe, you won’t let me down further, for a long time I will watch how you will mess around with your grandchildren, water flowers in the garden, meet friends, love, blossom, dream!
    As a reward, I will allow you to look younger again, and turn the arrows back!
    I invite you to translate the clock and bloom again like a rose!

    Everyone applauds.

    Watch: Well, how good, she is 10 years younger, and again she is full of strength and vigor, but I have to go. I ask you not to see me off, I'm leaving, it's time to run ...

    rejuvenating apple tree

    1 person takes the stage. A woman in a green robe decorated with apples can be made from cardboard. One apple - beautiful, real, attach by the leg to the dress stronger in the chest area.

    Apple tree: I came to you from a fairy tale, brought you apples. My fruits are not simple, but secret ones. Whoever dares to taste them will immediately become younger again!

    I don’t feel sorry for the fruits for you, eat, fruit, anniversary!
    Eat and rejuvenate, do not choke on a seed!

    (The hero of the day picks an apple and takes a bite)

    Apple tree: you lightened me, I carried a heavy load. And in ten years, I will come into the world again. I will rejuvenate you again, I will bring beauty to you!

    The hero of the day is a feast for the eyes, to the surprise of all guests!

    Scene-congratulations on the anniversary from Masha from the cartoon "Masha and the Bears"

    One woman in a pink scarf and a bright dress congratulates the birthday girl with a scene on her anniversary, for example, 55 years.

    Masha: I came to you for a holiday, but without an invitation. I love sweets, sweets and jam so much. So, so, and the cake will be? Chur, my rose! I'll make a wish and I'll blow out the candles! And give a tidbit to re-ben-ku! And then I burst into tears and very, very loudly!

    What do you have here quietly? Let's play! Let's jump, run, leave the plates!

    After all, this is for happiness! Do not worry, well, be children, let's have fun!

    (referring to the hero of the day)

    I believe that in your heart you are still a girl, and you love gifts, are you a sweetheart?

    I also brought you something today, I tear it from my heart, you see this is fate ...

    (takes out a gift from her purse - a mug with a picture of Masha, but with the face of a participant in the scene)

    I give a mug as a souvenir so that they remember a girlfriend and invite them to visit and treat them deliciously!

    Greetings to you from Mishka, from Bunny and from Wolf, they couldn’t come, let them rest there from the child!

    It's beautiful here, I guess I'll stay. And I'll live with you, 5 years, what a little.

    Well, now feed the baby! Give me all the best!