How to make a man run after you: effective tips. The psychology of domestication: How to make a man run after you 10 proven ways to make a man run

Perhaps every woman dreams of conquering a man, but not everyone knows how to do it. Brew a love potion? Get rid of all rivals? Do a hundred or two plastic surgeries? Who knows, love is a mysterious thing, and the strangest deeds sometimes help to win it. We present secret recommendations.

1. Be beautiful

Say what you like, but the man pays attention first to the external data of the girl, and only then to her inner world. If you want to attract the attention of the stronger sex, watch yourself. Visit beauty salons, do styling in the morning, do not forget to apply makeup. You must forget the words “and so it will do”: a woman must be impeccable, regardless of whether millions see her or just one person.

2. Be different

Beauty is, of course, good, but do not forget that there are a lot of pretty women. In order for a man to choose you, you must be different from the rest. This does not mean that you need to immediately run to the hairdresser and recolor your hair in green color: just come up with a couple of original gestures.

3. Watch your walk

Perhaps you think that walking is a secondary matter: stunning high-heeled shoes will attract the attention of men on their own. This, of course, is true, but not entirely. The representatives of the stronger sex will notice your slender legs, your desire to please, but they will not see lightness in you. Remember, a woman who can walk beautifully in slippers looks better than a clumsy lady in shoes.

4. Smile

Men love it when a girl has a smile on her face. This can be easily explained: it is pleasant to communicate with a friendly person. It is not for nothing that benevolent people are often compared to the sun: they give light and warmth, like the ancient luminary.

5. Be well-groomed

Never allow yourself to appear in front of a man in a washed-out bathrobe and tangled hair. Whether you're in the mood to dress up or not, don't pull on a stretchy sweater and jeans. Respect others, understand that it is unpleasant for them to see an untidy person. The fact that you spend an extra thirty minutes getting ready will not worsen your bad mood, and maybe even get better.

6. Don't be aggressive

Men are afraid of women who are too active. They do not like to be prey, because they are accustomed to consider themselves hunters. Do not deprive yourself of the pleasure of watching your chosen one try to win you over.

7. Don't be smart

A woman who knows about everything in the world and demonstrates it at every opportunity is not perceived by men as a potential companion. They may respect her, but they are unlikely to decide to start building a relationship with her. For what? She is independent, moreover, she knows more than they do. Understand that it is hard for the representatives of the stronger sex to come to terms with the fact that they are worse than ladies in the affairs of “male” (for “female” matters include caring for a child and maintaining comfort in the house).

8. Don't pretend you don't need men.

Inaccessibility can be attractive, but not always. It is one thing when a woman shows a man that she is not easy to win, another thing is when she demonstrates her indifference to him. In the second case, the person is likely to stop the assault and prefer to retreat. Don't let him go.

9. Know how to be affectionate

Whatever your image, know how to throw off the mask, being alone with a man. He needs a soft woman who knows how to listen and understand, and not a cold, albeit beautiful The Snow Queen. A vamp woman is rarely happy in her personal life: she attracts men, but their passion does not last long.

10. Appreciate yourself

Never hang yourself on the neck of men, do not run to the first person you meet. No matter how much you love a person, let him know that you are not a dog, and if he does not pay due attention to you, just go to another. Believe me, a woman who values ​​herself will always find someone to go to.

Any woman wants to be in demand, however modern world turned in such a way that now not only men have to “hunt” for potential partners. So how do you get a guy to run after you? Now women also have to be glib, despite the long-obsolete habit that initially, the first steps in any relationship should be made by the stronger sex.

As elsewhere, knowledge psychological characteristics in making new acquaintances and keeping attention on yourself, can play a decisive role. Unless, of course, you don’t want to “try on a handkerchief” and wear it until the end of your days, which is now quite possible.

How to make a guy run after you - keeping attention and making contact

The first thing to understand is that you should not despair and wring your hands, even if a man does not reciprocate for a long time. A feature of women is patience, as well as the ability to make plans, the results of which will be strong relationships. But where to start?

Here, the development of contact can be broken down into several simple and understandable stages:

  1. Uniqueness. To attract the attention of a man, there is no need to behave depravedly and wear a neckline to the navel. On the contrary, even long skirt with the right makeup can help keep the interest of the stronger sex. You have to be able to provoke a man's fantasy.
  2. Explore habits and interests. The most important thing that will help you make contact and make him fall in love with you is knowing about his lifestyle, preferences, interests, hobbies, everything. Social networks can be a source of information. As well as acquaintances, who are usually happy to tell almost everything about their friend. But you should be careful, otherwise you can only harm your plans.
  3. "Golden mean" in communication. It is necessary to behave moderately, no need to show excessive confidence or aggressiveness. Such behavior often only repels men.

For men, the inner world of a potential chosen one is of great importance. Therefore, it is advisable to pay attention to raising your erudition, to study new subjects, and do not forget about hobbies.

Here's how to make a guy run after you - you need to be able to keep up conversations on various topics and at the same time always remain a pleasant conversationalist. The ability to smoothly translate the conversation in the right direction can help here.

It should be borne in mind that men try to choose women who have similar interests. Therefore, the guy will be very pleased if his potential girlfriend is fond of the same. However, all this must be sincere.

How to make a guy run after you: the psychology of relationships

A woman should always leave behind a slight understatement in order to remain interesting to everyone. But here another thing comes into play that must be taken into account - relevance. There is no need for banalities, keeping the guy in one place, you just have to start a conversation about common hobbies or a new movie. It should not be stretched, there will be no more pleasure from this anyway. A fifteen-minute conversation is enough to demonstrate your erudition and excellent logical thinking.

Only diplomatic and well erudite girls allow themselves to "play" with a man. To show himself inaccessible and cold (but not too) beauties, whose location he has to achieve. You can agree to a meeting and be too busy at this moment. This will certainly annoy the guy, and he will ask for a date again.

Here are some other tips to help you build strong relationships:

  1. A girl must be unpredictable. She needs to diversify her images. Properly select not only everyday, but also sports, business outfits. Change hair and style, skillfully apply makeup.
  2. Stay independent. Do not adjust your life completely for men, continue to meet with your girlfriends, be aware of their affairs and interests.
  3. Despite all the requests of a man, one should not leave work. Otherwise, you can get into the "golden cage" and be completely dependent on his mood and desires.
  4. You can’t show commercialism and selfishness, “throw tantrums”, show your anger. Guys have slightly different ideas about girls, they won’t even try to adapt to this type of communication.

In order for a guy to treat a girl well and appreciate her personal qualities, she must always do the right thing, be adequate and restrained.

But this is clearly not enough. To better understand how to make a guy run after you, you need to analyze his actions. If necessary, add more tenderness, attention, courtesy, perhaps a little coquetry to the relationship.

10 ways to make a man run after you - video

How to make a man run after you? It's no secret that the desire to feel the most desirable is the secret dream of every young lady. Women want their talents to be appreciated, adored, loved and admired. However, not always a real, female appearance will make the representatives of the stronger sex burn with the desire to care for the lady. What to do in this case? How to make a man "run" for a woman? Practical Tips and recommendations are presented later in this article.

How to make a man run after you - psychology

It is difficult to imagine that woman who would not dream of her beloved chosen one “running” after her, giving flowers, and courting her beautifully. Every woman thought about such relationships in her life, but not everyone managed to be the happy owner of enchanting courtship. This is how the world works, that the more passionately a lady has a desire to receive male attention, the less desired man zeal to do something. It's sad, but it's a fact. Therefore, the chosen one should not know that the femin wants him to achieve it. It is necessary to arrange everything in such a way that he thinks that this is his personal desire, to “run” after a woman.

The psychology of the representatives of the strong half is so arranged that they need to conquer women's hearts and seek women to increase their own self-esteem. And knowing the male psychology and becoming the beloved and the only one for the future chosen one, it will not be difficult at all to make the man “run” after you.

So, how to make a man "run" after you? In order to achieve what you want from a representative of the strong half, you need to win his heart, surprise his mind, delight in the breadth of interests, worldview, and also his feminine nature, and not just play on some primitive instincts of seduction. It is no secret that in the female environment it is customary to believe that intimacy controls the lives of men, however, such an understanding male psychology far from the truth. Representatives of the strong half also strive for love, but they express their own desires differently than ladies.

The advice of psychologists on how to make a man "run" after a woman is to pay attention to the current statement about the emotional coldness of the stronger sex, which must be considered incorrect. Recent studies have found that romantic films are just as appealing to men as they are to women. It's just that a strong part of the population does not have enough courage to admit their own sentimentality. Men always remember the day they met their beloved, remember the details of the first rendezvous and keep long time various souvenirs and trifles dear to the heart. In addition to all this, representatives of the stronger half love to hear affectionate words and gentle “nonsense” in their address. They need touching-sentimental touches.

Therefore, knowing that male coldness and thick skin is another legend invented by offended femins, you need to use sentimental tricks and tenderness in your “arsenal” to charm a man and make him want to “run” after a woman. It should be remembered that the representatives of the stronger sex are constrained only externally in the manifestation of their own feelings because of the fear of seeming sentimental, as well as henpecked. Therefore, the manifestation of female care and tenderness, romance is exactly what will make a man get carried away by a woman, which is important to always consider when building relationships.

It is also important in relationships for young ladies to take into account that representatives of the strong half believe that young charmers and older women need only one thing from them - money. However, in reality, women are looking for a confident and strong partner, as they choose a father for their future children. Unfortunately, the strength of character and confidence of the representatives of the strong half is affected by the absence or presence of significant capital. Therefore, knowing that men do not welcome those ladies who hunt for their wallet, you can avoid mistakes in building the desired relationship. Therefore, to force a man to “run” after a woman will allow the manifestation of calmness and some indifference regarding the financial capabilities of the chosen one.

If you ask a question and find out from the representatives of the stronger half what attracts them to the female field, then the majority will answer a lie, referring to the attraction to the inner world of charmers and the ability to cook excellently. In fact, the male sex first turns its attention to the figure and appearance of its chosen ones, and already in the future, if these parameters are satisfactory, men will honor the inner world of the girl with their attention. Therefore, in order for the chosen one to appreciate the mysterious and beautiful female soul, you must first be interested in a sophisticated and seductive external image. It is important to remember this for every femin, eating various goodies for your favorite series, if the question is “how to make a man “run” after himself?” remains open and unresolved.

Male psychology in relation to women is based on the compliance of the chosen one with generally accepted standards of beauty, and each representative of the stronger sex, choosing his beloved on a subconscious level, relies on the external data of the girl. And only later, when a man is subdued by the beauty of the chosen one, her charm, he will begin to appreciate the inner world and her thriftiness. Therefore, it is possible to make a man “run” after a woman without revealing all the homeliness and depth of his soul on the first dates.

If all the methods are already involved, but nothing happens, and the question remains open “how to make a man “run” after himself?”, Then for this you should really wish to understand the “back streets” and mysteries of male psychology. After all, some women only try to understand the future chosen one in words, but in reality they feel indifference about what is happening in the soul of a man. For such women, the main thing is that their expectations and needs are met. This is a mistake, because it is not uncommon in our time when a smart, beautiful young lady suffers from loneliness, and a girl who does not sparkle with her mind and external data is happy in a relationship.

No definite ideal female beauty, which would be to the taste of all the representatives of the stronger sex. All men are different, so they have different preferences. But numerous surveys have established the existence of three main characteristics that a dream woman must have: seductiveness, femininity and kindness. None of the representatives of the stronger sex wants to have a "hot-blooded" wives. And the stronger their femininity is developed in the ladies, the more attractive and charming they are for the male.

Guy, a man does not write first, but always answers: reasons, psychology of behavior

2 How to get your ex back?

Psychology will help to return a loved one. Men in different situations behave quite predictably. The interest of the representatives of the stronger sex rests on three pillars. It is danger, suspense and intimacy. By behaving accordingly, a woman can easily renew relations with her ex-husband, the main thing is not to force him to return back.

2.1 Conduct yourself with dignity

The fair sex should always be on top. A girl needs to take care of her appearance and try to think positively. After all, the outside world is a reflection of the inside. Highlighting your natural beauty light makeup and keeping herself in great physical shape, a woman makes it clear young man that she is not broken after breaking up with him. A lady who behaves with dignity arouses genuine interest in a man and a desire to return.

2.2 Exude confidence

To interest a former lover, you need to raise your self-esteem. A woman must believe that she is the one and only. She needs to learn to be herself and gain value in the eyes of a partner. Unobtrusively demonstrate to a man his importance and correctly ignore it, showing coldness towards him with all his behavior.

2.3 Show indifference

A woman should not feel sorry for herself. The best thing a lady can do is to show that she is indifferent to breaking up a relationship. In such a situation, the partner will become confused and doubt his own attractiveness. He will do everything possible to win a woman again.

Feelings, if they are not periodically warmed up, can fade away and turn into a routine in any union. If a man suggests a pause in the relationship, the woman should not panic and start a fight. In this situation, you need to show yourself from an unexpected side.

Sometimes a woman wants to return ex-husband back and make him run after him again. After a breakup, there is almost always a chance to start over with some effort.

2.4 Focus on yourself and your development

If a man left, tired of the routine, the relationship can be revived by introducing diversity and novelty into them. A woman can radically change her image and start behaving in a new way.

A woman must understand that the world does not revolve around her husband, and she can perfectly live without him. Only a self-confident and self-sufficient person is able to capture the attention of any member of the stronger sex.

No need to pursue a man after a breakup. The best thing a lady can do is to disappear from his field of vision, even if she wants to make peace. No need to call an ex-lover and sort things out. You should show wisdom and take care of yourself, then the chosen one will definitely make contact after a while.

Video removed.


  1. Osminina, Natalia Resurrection of the face, or an ordinary miracle. Thoughts that create the youth of a woman. Thoughts that create the beauty and youth of a woman up to 100 years and beyond. Ten Secrets of Love (set of 4 books) / Natalia Osminina, Georgy Sytin, Adam.J. Jackson. - M.: IG "Ves", Sofia, 2015. - 564 p.
  2. All data for the site is collected and carefully processed in order to convey all the required information as accessible as possible. Before using what is described on the site, a MANDATORY consultation with professionals is always necessary.

How often can one see a picture when a nondescript “gray mouse”, which has neither a model appearance, nor a sharp mind, nor supernatural talents, is run by a man, from whom many women simply “drool flow”. How does she do it? You can, of course, suspect her of witchcraft, but magical abilities nothing here. Any woman can become the object of adoration of a worthy man, according to psychologists. Among the proven methods, there are no tips on correcting appearance, grooming or healthy way life. Beautiful woman should be a priori, and it's not a pretty face, long legs or big breast. With any appearance, every self-respecting woman is obliged to follow the figure, be stylish, neat and well-groomed. We will talk about ways that will help you be beautiful from the inside. And such beauty will make the most impregnable man run on the heels.

Method 1: Be slightly inaccessible and unpredictable

After getting to know interesting man it is difficult to resist the desire to fill his whole life with himself, to be always there or at least in the online access zone. But total accessibility is one of the main mistakes of women in love. They don't run after them. It makes no sense - they run on their own. Stop looking for meetings with the man you like, immediately answer his messages, phone calls or call first and often. Create a need for a man to solve and achieve you. Go on the first date, and refuse the second one under a good pretext. Disappear for a while, and then appear suddenly and invite him to a meeting yourself, but cut it off on the very interesting place. Let him know that you are unpredictable and will not be available whenever he pleases.

Method 2. Become a person

Men run only after those women who, in addition to appearance, can captivate with strength of character and a rich inner world. fill yourself up interesting hobbies, work on your habits, habits and emotions, love your job and do what you love, get to know the world around you and your own world, analyze, share knowledge and develop in the chosen direction. So you will become a person with whom it is always interesting, you want to know its depths and find the truth in them. Do not be fooled by the myth that men only run after beauties. Beauty is packaging. Do not disappoint a man with content, become an interesting woman in every sense, and he will want to reveal you again and again as the most long-awaited gift.

Method 3. Improve and develop yourself

Like a magnet, men are attracted to women who do not stop in their development, conquer new heights, break stereotypes and know what they want from life. If you consider yourself an already formed personality and perfect woman- Great. But remember, if a person stops developing, he steadily begins to degrade. There is no stable state here. If you have already achieved excellence in your profession, hobbies, or any other direction available to you, look for new ones. But you don't have to go far for ideas of improvement. Take care of your fears, complexes, bad character traits. Here is the widest field for self-improvement and development of positive qualities. But in general, do whatever you want - most importantly, do not stop developing and honing your skills, in whatever it is.

Method 4. Live a full life

Men stop running after women who make them the meaning of their whole lives. A man becomes bored if a woman closes all her interests on him, dissolves in him and turns into his shadow. A man already has a shadow, he needs a woman to match, who sets the bar high and loves herself in her life. It is not worth even for the sake of the most enviable man to categorically cut ties with friends, sharply limit communication with relatives, or sacrifice your favorite work. A man will not appreciate the sacrifice, and sooner or later you will hate him for it. Set the right priorities in your life. Give your man an important place, but not the main thing. Don't let him become more important to you than yourself. Men are not capable of loving and running after those women who renounce themselves and their lives in their name.

Method 5. Be sexy

The strength of a woman is in her sexuality. This instinct is very developed in a person, and it would be foolish not to use it, seeking the sincere attention of a man you like. Being sexy does not mean being a written beauty with magnificent forms, and does not at all imply a change in wardrobe for more revealing clothes. The sexuality of a woman is in her eyes, the curve of her neck, the exciting swaying of her hips, even if she is dressed in a monastic outfit and has a veil on her face. This is a special energy! Develop your sexuality through the knowledge of your femininity, go to sensual dance classes, attend trainings that reveal female sexuality, do yoga, find out the possibilities of your body for pleasure, love it and take care of its health and beauty. No man can resist a woman who understands and knows how to use the power of her sexuality.

Method 6. Learn the art of flirting

Skillful flirting can turn any man from an indifferent macho into a "predator" following the trail. Cunning, but the most natural manipulation encourages a man to take the initiative, call, seek meetings, perform feats. However, it is impossible to learn skillful flirting from instructions or a textbook. Every woman has her own mechanisms of temptation. Listen to your nature, let it control you when you communicate with a man. Intuition will tell you where to give flirtatious notes to your voice, where to make a well-aimed “shot” with your eyes, and where to straighten your hair with your hands or “accidentally” touch a man’s shoulder. We, women, are given these programs of seduction at birth, and if we do not learn how to use them competently, then what happened to mammoths will happen to humanity.

Love rules our world. This great feeling makes our planet rotate. Each of us so wants a big and pure love!

We want to love and be loved. None of us wants to be alone and cry into the pillow at night. However, it's no secret that finding your love can be so difficult!

What to do if you met Him, but he does not love you? many modern women, regardless of their age and social status, they are very worried about the difficult question of how to make a man run after you.

You, probably, also passionately want Him to fall head over heels in love with you, otherwise you simply would not be reading this article.

I am responsible for those whom I have tamed, but not for those who have become attached to me!

Irina Semina. 30 days in the life of a queen.

Do not despair!

Even if He doesn't love you back yet. Wise people They say that nothing is impossible in our life. We ourselves can change a lot, you just need to really want it. As long as we live on this Earth, we must desperately fight for our own. Today's cold ice of male indifference tomorrow may be replaced by the flame of true love.

So, if you desperately type in the search engine “how to make a man run after a woman” and have long re-read all the existing books on psychology, then you will definitely be interested in this article.

Men love with their eyes

Our world is so arranged that men like beauties. Today, everyone is only interested in our cover. If you have at least three higher educations and a PhD in philosophy, few people will be interested in this. Consider this fact, especially if you want to seduce a Cancer man and a Libra man. They value female sexuality and sensuality more than other signs of the zodiac.

Start preparing for a magical meeting with your destiny today. Put aside all your affairs. Open the closet and redefine your wardrobe. Throw away all the gray and black things. Get rid of shapeless hoodies and sweatpants. Go to a good stylist and update your hair, make trendy manicure and pedicure. Then buy new perfume.

If you think that extra pounds do not color you at all, then why don't you go to the stadium or to the fitness club? You can go in for sports there, improve your figure, get rid of excess weight. You will see, you will become much slimmer and much younger.
Always follow the fashion. Buy only the most fashionable and high-quality things.

Forget about the markets and second-hand shops. You want to attract the love of the best man in the world! Do not skimp on buying new shoes or lacy underwear.

Love wearing high heels. If you like sport style, reconsider your views on fashion. High heels are a vivid symbol of female sexuality. Believe that not a single man can resist you when you leave the house in high heels.

In simple terms, make yourself a lady from the cover of a glossy magazine. You must always be dressed to the nines. Your makeup must be just perfect. As Coco Chanel said, it's better to have a wrinkle on your forehead than stockings. This lady certainly knew a lot about fashion and men. We will not argue with this style icon, but rather we will put our wardrobe in order.

The Snow Queen Principle

All men like impregnable beauties. Even if you are ready to faint from the pleasant timbre of his voice, outwardly still do not show that you like him. Let your man always be lost in conjecture, nervous and doubt your interest.

Never call him first and do not send SMS, especially after the first date. Of course, you really want to pick up the phone and dial his number. It’s better to take a break from thoughts about him and take up, for example, your favorite hobby. A man should not be sure whether you liked him or not. Let it be a kind of game of cat and mouse. It turns them on and forces them to develop relationships. If you call him, he will quit, you'll see!

For reference.
All men are gamblers by nature. They are accustomed to independently seek their prey, that is, a woman. Where did you see the prey itself running after the hunter? It will look just ridiculous if you start stalking your man and bombarding him with text messages. He will simply become bored and uninteresting with you. He will avoid you, and then you will definitely not be able to achieve anything.

Don't change the natural course of things. We didn't make these rules, and it's not for us to change them. If you listen to the advice of a psychologist who recommends not to show interest, you can get an unexpected result. A man who yesterday seemed very cold in communication will come running today and ask you for a meeting.
According to the great Marilyn Monroe, if you want to be loved, run away.

Try to make the man see you as a riddle that he will want to solve again and again. Become a distant star for your beloved, for which he will go even to the ends of the world!

Shared hobbies and interests

So, today you finally found out that your beloved man:

  • fisherman;
  • rocker;
  • tennis player;
  • biker;
  • programmer?
Then run to a sports store for a racket or storm forums and websites in search of thematic information related to his hobby!

And also a few tips:

  1. Genuinely take an interest in his favorite hobbies, hobbies and daily interests. It's no secret that spending time together can truly bring a couple closer. Understand, if you hate fishing, he can find a more accommodating lady who will gladly get up with him at four in the morning to go to the pond.
  2. Never criticize his guitar playing, his stamp collection, or his beloved pug. After such attacks in his direction, you may never see him again.
  3. Men are extremely vulnerable and sensitive creatures. They can be easily startled by a careless word or remark. Just show the man more of your sincere interest.
  4. Read sensible articles on the Internet about a particular hobby, buy your man something for his collection, or food for his beloved cat. Believe that he will soon see and appreciate all your aspirations. You will understand that he is also interested in you.

intimate compliments

Praise his sexual abilities more often. Exalt his virtues, but do not talk about his shortcomings. A man is very worried and sometimes even doubts his attractiveness. Young guys are especially prone to this behavior.

Tell him often how divinely beautiful and how sexy he is. Come up with different beautiful and original compliments to repeat them in his ear every day. Let next to you he feels like a real God of sex and a hot hero-lover.

You can tell him the next morning, after a night spent together, that you have never been so good. He then, of course, will want to hear it from you again and again. Men are in awe of their appearance and do not tolerate criticism.

Some men are a little infantile and a little shy. Therefore, make him feel like the hero of an adult film next to you. Just avoid falsehood, and even a hint of insincerity. In the intimate sphere, this is simply inappropriate.

If you give him a sense of importance, self-confidence, and in his masculine sexuality, then he is unlikely to run after other skirts. He will want to stay with you.

And what are the conclusions from all of the above?

Today, there are various effective ways to make sure that your man cannot live without you. Apply our simple methods which are based on recommendations the best psychologists USA and Europe.

You can, using your natural feminine sexuality and attractiveness, easily make him stand under your window all night with a guitar and a bouquet of chic roses. He will want to turn your life into a beautiful fairy tale.

However, as modern psychologists say, no one can ever be forced to do anything. Therein lies the key to the puzzle. You should not force a man to fall in love, get married, run after you, call every minute.

Your task is to make him sincerely want to fall in love, communicate, meet, and eventually spend his life next to you. If you really want love, don't sit back. You need to act today. Armed with our advice, feel free to join the fight for your female happiness.

And finally, think about it. If, after you completely changed your image, re-read everything about Goethe, learned how to skydive, told him a hundred compliments about his manhood, he doesn’t even look in your direction, maybe it’s just not the hero of your novel?

What do you think, ladies and gentlemen, about this? Share with us your thoughts, and perhaps your personal story on winning the man of your dreams. We are very interested!