The girls punish the man. The guy punished his girlfriend for treason, a real story. Revenge for a small mistake

She knew about all my shortcomings when she met online. I punished my girlfriend for cheating by humiliating her for years to come. Read my real story.

What a vile virtual lie.

Break from the lips beautiful words that betrayal is a sin that a girl will not dare at gunpoint.

Empty oaths and promises, and moral support in the form of an air kiss.

I posted my photos, slightly retouched with a special program.

My nickname is cricket. I am short and skinny.

But I decent guy, and the girl who met me decided, having fun, to laugh.

I wonder what I will feel in the bed of love with an ugly young man?

And all of a sudden there will be a stream? Unlikely.

Nothing flowed between us, but I was hot and pleased.

She punished me with such whirlwind that the seventh sky seemed like a basement floor.

As soon as we finished, leaning back, the girl's phone rang.

She breathlessly answered.

Yes, Max, I did. Today I can't. I'm sorry. Come tomorrow at my place. Relatives will not be at home until 18-00. Yep, that's it, I get it. Bye - Lying in my bed, exhaled the girl.

I ask, who was it?

From impudence, I threw up right on the floor.

Tomorrow I'm meeting someone else. I didn't like you. What was there in the network, you can forget. This is stupid deception. IN real life I imagined you completely different - the girl calmly said, dressed and slammed the door.

I wiped the bitter vomit from the floor and began to think about punishment.

Being a smart kid, I registered on the network under a different name.

He began to act out a virtual romance, putting all his charm into correspondence.

I punished my girl for treason, promising not only mountains of gold, but also a rich marriage in a stuffy capital.

He pretended to be noble, generous, having a high income and a muscular-inflated body.

We often called up.

For about 4 months we “choose” Wedding Dress and me the groom's suit.

I punished my girlfriend for treason, completely replacing her objective reality with fictional images.

Is it really possible to buy? - I thought.

And so our first (sorry, second meeting) happened.

Well hello, "bride without a place." You probably thought that this is how you can mock an innocent young man. Rejoice at the sight of a modest kid, thinking that you are cooler than others. Here's your black wedding dress. Specially made to order. And a "device" that will go much deeper than manhood. And now go and powder your brains to another scribbler - I gritted through my teeth and handed the devil a wedding gift.

You can punish a guy for lying or ignoring with several effective ways. If a girl wants to teach her man a lesson in a vulgar way - chain her with soft handcuffs to the headboard during intimate caresses and spank her soul mate with a leather whip gently and lovingly, make her man change into women's clothing, ask to fulfill a vulgar sexual fantasy or use other methods of intimate punishment.

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Ways of humorous punishment

Punish your young man as a joke in the following ways:

  • If the beloved has forgotten an important anniversary or other significant date, repark his car while he sleeps, after writing and leaving a note on the steering wheel with the following content: “Darling, you have been experiencing memory lapses lately, even forgot that you moved your car to another place, no wonder our date flew out out of your head... But I'm not offended at all and I really hope that you will also like my innocent prank :)”
  • While the beloved is sleeping, make him a bright make-up and paint his toenails and hands in all the colors of the rainbow.
  • If a man has a very strong and healthy sleep, he can also have his legs, abdomen and other parts of the body depilated.
  • play in role-playing games in bed: the girl will be a strict and demanding mistress, and the young man will be an uncomplaining slave who must immediately follow the orders of his mistress. To please yourself and your lover, you can think of doing a foot massage without using your hands, apply cream all over your body, and the guy must lick it off, kiss passionately 10 times on different parts of the body and other punishment options with sexual overtones.
  • Ask to buy a non-existent medicine in a pharmacy, come up with some name, for example, "Shaliben" and say that this is a medicinal herb that will help get rid of a serious illness and is quite rare. You need to be convincing and beg to get your lover this particular medicine.
  • You can make a quest for a loved one with the search for personal items (laptop, phone, address book and other valuable items of a man). For example: “Your cell phone is in the place where we first had sex. To get back your notebook, you will have to remember the date of our acquaintance, since such a combination of numbers is the password to the safe with the notebook.

It is strongly not recommended to use threats and blackmail about the lack of sex and food as a punishment for a delinquent man, since it is likely that a young man will look for an object to satisfy his physical needs on the side.

Is it worth texting a guy first?

Other Methods

Pleasant "punishment": when a lover is at a great distance, you can send him intimate photos or an audio recording with ambiguous languid sighs over the Internet, arrange hot Skype conversations or phone sex.

As punishment for smoking or other frivolous oversights, a message from an unknown number or sent from the Internet is suitable for writing off a large amount of money from his credit or other bank card account. After a few hours, you need to admit that this SMS was a joke, but this amount must be paid as compensation for the deed.

With the help of punishment they bring up not only children, but also their soul mates. If you know how you can punish a girl for her misdeeds, then you can train her so that she will fulfill all your innermost desires and be perfect just for you.

On the other hand, the wrong punishment or even its absence can lead to you as a man.

I decided to give some examples of punishments so that you have an idea of ​​​​how exactly you should behave in order to maintain respect and strengthen relationships. And already you try them on yourself and choose the one that is right for your case. However, about others possible situations and you should also know the options for punishment - it will come in handy.

How to punish a girl: examples of situations

Ignoring is an ugly personality trait. Another thing is if the girl wanted to answer your message, but later, and then she forgot.

It's best not to ask why she didn't reply to your message (at least not until you can claim she's your girlfriend). Since such questions are an indicator of your neediness and lack of moral strength.

Then how can a girl be punished in this case?

I advise you to wait "a couple of days", and if she herself does not write anything, you initiate communication. True, this time your communication should not be as friendly as it was before: do not answer all of her questions yourself and write shorter messages than before.

If, however, she does not respond to your message again, then turn on ignoring for at least a month. With a repeated “jamb” on her part, you simply stop all kinds of contacts and switch to other girls. And you can write this one again in about six months or a year, writing down its number in the place allotted for such “cases”.

  • Raised her voice or insulted.

This is the “jamb” that cannot be forgiven in any case.

I even know a few examples where a guy always punished a girl for something like that, and then ignored the disrespectful conversation. After that, the girl noticeably cooled towards him and lost respect.

And it happens differently when she not only raises her voice, but openly insults the guy. For example, you can harmlessly poke her, and she can call you a jerk.

In such cases with a serious expression ask her why she did it. And if she does not give an answer, then give a warning that you "allow you to do this the first time, the second and never again."

She may also try to rationalize why she raised her voice at you. Then you ask her another question: “Does that give you the right to talk to me like that?”

You don't just ask these questions. You should either get an apology from her, or just see from her expression that she realized her mistakes.

If you see that she is not going to somehow realize her mistakes, then it's important to leave(or just end the conversation in the case of a telephone conversation). You shouldn't be afraid to lose a girl who doesn't respect you. Even if you never see each other again after you leave.

Just waiting and hoping until she herself becomes kinder, or continuing to meet / communicate - it's the same as killing self-respect with your own hands.

  • Didn't listen.

You told her that you don't want her to go to the club with her friends, but she went there to spite you.

Of course, the club is just an example (it should be understood that it still needs a little freedom). In the course of a relationship, there will be many situations when she will not listen to you.

In such cases, there can be no clarification of the relationship. Just turn on ignoring for at least a week. And if he doesn’t understand this either, then decide for yourself whether you want to continue a relationship with a girl who does not obey her man.

  • Arguing with you.

In the case of disputes, you do not need to show that it hurts you.

If the argument is very simple, then just joke with the girl and do not try to punish. If “difficult”, then you need to make a frivolous punishment.

How to punish a girl jokingly loving?

It is enough just to tell her: “I will not communicate with you anymore. You are a pest. ". And make such an expression on your face as if you are offended, but with a smile.

Often girls in this case laugh, and further disputes either disappear or go more gently.

The perfect punishment

Now I will tell you how to punish a girl by giving her the most serious suggestion not to repeat her mistakes again.

Remember the steps of the "technique":

  1. You make a "muzzle with a shovel." Remove all smiles and other nervous facial expressions from your face. Don't be afraid to show your displeasure.
  2. In a slow, rough voice, looking straight into her eyes, you ask her a short question: Why did you do it now?».
  3. At her answer, you continue to silently look at her for about 3 seconds, and then just turn around and leave.

After that, she is unlikely to repeat her mistake or, at least, try to understand what she was guilty of.

It is desirable to use this method live and only in case of serious “jambs” on her part (only the fact that she argued with you a little can be attributed to frivolous ones).

If you want to try to punish her within an SMS conversation, then you also ask her a short question, and then, regardless of her answer, turn on ignore for at least 1 day.

In punishment, your determination is important

Girls are so arranged that almost every time they try to show weakness. Especially when you're trying to punish them.

They may hint that if you continue to behave like this, then she will leave you. Or blame you in that you are “an egoist who thinks only of himself, but does not want to understand her at all.”

But when it comes to your self-respect, your principles, it is important to “keep up the mark” and continue to stick to your line until she realizes her guilt. You must learn to understand whether she is ready to agree to your terms or not. If not, then there shouldn't be a good relationship with her.

Otherwise, you will lose her respect over and over again. Until there isn't any left.

Now you know how to properly punish a girl depending on the “type” of her misconduct. The examples I have given have made you more prepared for difficult situations in dealing with a girl, and you will know how you should behave correctly in each of them.

Punishment- a versatile tool that helps to achieve correct behavior. This applies not only to children, but also to adults. Some even punish themselves - to develop the will, kill laziness, conquer fears. What can we say about such unintelligent creatures as girls. Knowing how to punish a girl, you will correct her behavior the way you need.

This is a powerful tool. It is effective when used correctly, and destructive in the hands of someone who doesn't know what they're doing. Punish her incorrectly and she will stop respecting you and then lose interest in you.

But everything is known in comparison, so in this article I will show you how to punish a girl in order to achieve your own goals and strengthen your union. We will consider the most common situations when a girl cannot be left unpunished, and I will tell you what kind of “prevention measure” should be chosen, so that something like this doesn't happen again.

How to punish a girl: cases when punishment is required

She Not came on date

One of the integral parts of punishment is to show that you are disappointed in the person. In this case, this is enough.

Don't bother calling her, just write a short message that says something like this: "You gave the impression of being brave and confident. Too bad it's not. I could have warned you that I was scared.”

A message like this should hurt her. Here you show that your hopes and reality did not come true, which means she will feel that she turned out to be worse than you thought.

If it doesn't hurt her and she won't prove anything, this will be an indicator that you could not interest her. So you can forget her, because advice on how to punish a girl does not work if she is absolutely indifferent to you.

Method number 2. Returning home, call the girl and ask why she never showed up. Then set up another date. Only now you yourself will not come to him.

When talking with you, she should feel a clear message: you have forgiven her, but you will not be humiliated in order to finally meet.

"Ignore" your messages and calls

When she ignores you a little (we are talking about one or two messages or a call when she did not pick up the phone and did not call back), this is not very beautiful, but not “deadly”. In her eyes. And in the same view, you should not attach much importance to this. True, there are cases when this is done unintentionally - elementary forgetfulness and employment at that time. But when this is repeated - there is a trend.

Don't complain to her. about it (if you're not in a relationship). She will feel her high importance and your weakness.

How then to act, so as not to let her get away with it?

If you are thinking about how to punish a girl in this case, then it is better to forget about it for a few days. For now, don't pay any attention to her. don't show any initiative.

If she does not pay attention to this, you can write to her. But now communicate in a completely different way: actively tease her, ignore some of her questions and messages (just so that it does not look like some kind of petty revenge), answer dryly and briefly.

In such actions, it is necessary to use a kind of ladder: in the event of a repetition of such a mistake on her part, each time increase the time for her to be completely ignored. The second time - up to a month, the third time - for six months. In fact, this can be considered a complete cessation of communication with a girl who has lost confidence. And while you can switch to others.

Yelling/insulting from her side

This can't be forgiven at all.. And here it is important to know how to punish a girl so that she understands everything. Moreover, such cases should never be left unpunished.

Understand that even if you forgive such behavior at least sometimes, you are guaranteed to lose her respect and authority, which should be indisputable. And if you can once, then you can. If not about parting, then we can talk about the cooling of relations for sure.

Worse than raising the tone - insult. Moreover, such an insult may not be very “powerful”: “idiot” or “moron” in response to your joke is enough.

How to punish a girl in this case?

It is necessary to find out from her in a calm and serious tone why she did this. Even if she tries to make a joke of everything. If she cannot answer, say "she did this for the first and last time."

Particularly "intelligent" girls in this case will try to explain their act from the point of view of logic. But whatever she says, you can ask the following question: “Does this give you the right to talk to me in that tone?”.

All these actions of yours are aimed at making her apologize or realize her wrong behavior, which, of course, can be seen from her appearance.

But you can become a witness of the reverse reaction - a complete misunderstanding of your mistake, indifference. In that case, you should stop talking immediately and it's better to leave. If it's a phone conversation, hang up. If she doesn’t take any action after that to make amends, then this is not the girl who will respect you, and it’s worth considering whether you need her at all.


This is a very common situation. You ask her to forbid something - for example, to go somewhere - but she does it anyway.

How to punish a girl if she didn't listen to you?

It is not necessary to start a conversation in this situation. There is nothing to talk about - she simply ignored your request. So you can answer symmetrically: turn on "ignore" for a few days or even for a week. If this measure did not have an effect, it is worth considering the expediency of continuing such a relationship, where your word means nothing.

Arguing with you

Don't let her see that the arguments hurt you in any way.

Simple disputes should not be taken at all with even the slightest degree of seriousness. Use them to easily pin her up. But if she gets involved with you in a serious argument, you need to think about how to punish the girl.

This should be done easily and as if in jest.

Pretend that you are offended by her, but in such a way that she understands that this is clearly a joke with pantomime. You can even say something like this: "I don't talk to vermin."

Usually, in this case, everything is translated into humor, and the subject of the dispute loses its importance or its course is greatly softened.

How to punish a girl the best way

There is a way, or rather a sequence of actions that will allow punish the girl with the maximum effect for her.

What needs to be done:

  1. It is necessary to be able to change dramatically in the face. The standard is a clearly dissatisfied look, the absence of facial expressions.
  2. Look her straight in the eyes. Ask her (the voice should be “heavy”, a little rough and unhurried): “Why did you do this?”.
  3. You listen to what she is trying to answer without taking your eyes off her (this should last at least a few seconds). You leave confidently and decisively.

This will make her seriously think, understand that she did something unacceptable. It is logical that she will try to prevent this from happening again.

But remember that in this way you should not scatter over trifles. Otherwise, it will simply lose its effect. So only resort to it if she really messed up.

This works even when talking remotely in messages (of course, not so powerful). Everything is exactly the same - after a short question, go into a complete “ignore” (at least for one day), scoring any of her answers.

Punishment must be inevitable and unshakable

Girls know how and love to act on men in such a way as to incline us to manifestations of weakness. Most of all, this applies to those cases when a guy tries to be firm in relation to her.

Girls love to be capricious, trying to convince us that this is absolutely normal and we should come to terms with it. Yes, they can make it clear that punishments can. Also often women try to expose attempted punishment in selfishness from the side of the man.

However, if we are talking about behavior that you cannot allow in relation to yourself, then there can be no concessions. It's about your principles.

But everyone understands that a person who often compromises his principles does not command respect. Therefore, be firm until she understands and shows you herself that she is to blame. If a girl is not ready to obey you, then you should think about how to punish her.

The situations that I have given are very common and. But these are just a few of the things that can happen.

However, you have already figured out how to punish a girl, these tips always work. Now the main thing is to take them into service and not follow her lead, otherwise you will not build strong and long-term relationships.

A lot of books by various authors have been published about the "training" of men. They talk about natural revenge and the most caustic ways of punishing the offender. True, all of them relate rather to cases with "ex"-men, since they are unsuitable for further continuation of relations. What to do if the beloved is guilty, but parting is out of the question?

If you let everything take its course and quickly forget the offense, he will feel permissiveness and will be able to easily make a repeated mistake. If you do something in retaliation too tangibly, the union can shake on its own.

The age-old dilemma - how to punish a guy by holding onto him and loving him? Let's take a look at the softest, most neutral, feminine options.

If there has been a change...

Few are able to recover from betrayal. If a person betrayed you, no one can give you a guarantee that this will not happen again. In addition, even if you love very much, “quiet aggression” can lurk in your soul, which will make itself felt at the most inopportune moment. Think hundreds of times whether it is worth forgiving a person for such a low and insulting act towards you.

Union after betrayal is like a glued glass. It is clearly impossible to drink from it, but it is a pity to throw it away. And the owner of the dishes now and then rushes about from the opinion of how to use the container, to getting rid of it once and for all. Any strong union is built, first of all, on trust. This is known to both old and young. And what trust can there be in a person who cynically insulted your dignity and humiliated you, preferring another woman to you?

Even if you attribute all this to male "polygamy", which is the most typical misconception family psychologists, or " purely physical attraction", you must be prepared to repeat this act on his part. Plus, you're almost guaranteed to be suspicious of him all the time, and make life miserable for both of you.

Sincerely loving man does not want to see anyone next to him except his woman. For him, she is the only, unique and adored. " momentary infatuation”from the side of the spouse already says otherwise.

Even if he carefully hides the very fact of infidelity, but you know for sure about it, think about the fact that your lover does not care at all about the last fact. He doesn't care how much it hurts you when you find out about his deeds. This means that he does not value you, or your mental health, or even your physical condition.

However, all these productive arguments are good and correct only if the girl is young and relatively free. In this case, you can leave the person without unnecessary actions and find a more worthy, your man. But what if you live together, share a joint life and property, raise children?

There are only two options - forgive or leave. And in the first case, you will have to make a sincere " absolution' and don't hold a grudge. You must honestly answer yourself the question " am i ready to forgive?».

After all, lies and humiliation of your personality can be repeated at any moment. Are you ready not to return to this topic and not go on deliberate revenge by changing in response? If the answer to these questions is sincerely yes, it is worth considering how to give a good lesson to the culprit.

Option 1 - constructive dialogue

Talk to your loved one, as they say, "heart to heart". Ask why this happened, and what is your fault before him. Tell us about your claims and specify what yours are manifested in. Agree that from now on your common forces will be thrown into the establishment of the union, and not into its further destruction.

Explain to your spouse that you are not going to change in response purely on principle. But immediately indicate that if this ever happens, he will have to forgive you in the same way that you forgave him. A man will constantly be " on the alert", and will do everything not to lose you if he has really serious feelings for you. He will understand that from now on, relationships depend mainly on his behavior, and if he repeats his act, they will collapse like a house of cards.

Option 2 - transparent hint

This a good option of how you can punish the unfaithful guy. But it is relevant only if the husband thinks that you are not aware of anything. Otherwise, such actions will expose you in a very stupid light.

So, if a guy is cheating, and carefully hides this fact, try to act on the contrary. Unexpectedly for him, mark the distance. Rather than spending time with him, prefer doing your own business, delve into your hobby, do something interesting for yourself personally. Your partner, who is almost guaranteed to relax and decide to get away with it, will certainly notice this, even if you do not live together.

If you are officially married or cohabiting, this will show even more. Spend more time with your friends, attend parties and seminars, stay late at work by mysteriously turning off mobile phone. Regularly buy yourself bouquets of flowers and small "gifts" - let him feel that you have a fan, or even several.

But in no case do not go too far and do not try to "sting" him too clearly, talking about your imaginary " betrayals". So you run the risk of making a holy martyr out of him, and out of yourself a fallen woman who turned out to be to blame for everything herself.

When a man begins to be perplexed and feel the danger of loss, he (if he loves) will begin to pay more attention and care to you. Let him get nervous. He may even want to discuss everything, and this will be a great occasion to mark all the dots over the "i".

Remember a smart girl, who punishes her boyfriend for cheating, acts softly and unemotionally.

What should you refrain from?

A list of how you can not punish a guy for an insult in the form of treason:

  • In no case do not roll up loud scandals and tantrums with detailed " debriefing»;
  • Do not feel sorry for yourself in his presence, do not pour out phrases like “Why do I need this? ", "What have I done? "," I'm ugly/fat/stupid, is that the reason?»;
  • Don't cry into your pillow all night long, especially if he sees it. It is optimal to punish him by applying slight rudeness and creating a distance, but in no case making yourself a victim;
  • Do not complain to mutual acquaintances and friends. Before them, he is quite capable of justifying himself, even if he is guilty. But you will remain in an awkward position, especially if the relationship can still be maintained;
  • Don't threaten him with retaliation. It is much better to start a rumor that you have a boyfriend or a worthy admirer than to pour blackmail statements “on the forehead”;
  • Don't involve your parents. Neither him nor theirs. Only you and, at most, your pillow should know about your situation. And then, in his absence;
  • Don't be afraid to leave if you don't feel the strength to forgive and start over. Relationships in which resentment, anger and suffering are constantly present are a priori doomed. Is it worth artificially prolonging what has already died?

If you have no intention to forgive, leave without hesitation, and do it quietly, peacefully and somewhat indifferently. It is desirable and completely hidden. If you live in the same house, find time when he is not at home, pack your things and leave without leaving farewell notes and postcards.

Leaving a person in the dark is the best and noblest revenge, which hits much more painfully than another scandal. A woman who punishes her man with a calm departure also punishes him with the realization that he did not represent anything of value to her. Even if he does not have high feelings for you, your cold-blooded departure will greatly hook his male pride.

Revenge for a small mistake

If your situation is not so catastrophic, and your loved one just offended you with a rash word or action, act even more neutrally, as they say, loving. Punish the guy with quiet barbs and hints towards his obscene behavior.