Autumn holidays and rituals. Russian calendar and ritual holidays of the autumn cycle and their artistic elements. "Dance of mushrooms and girls"

Nativity of the Virgin

The Blessed Virgin Mary was born in the Galilean city of Nazareth in the family of the holy righteous Joachim and Anna. Her parents, having reached advanced years, were childless - but did not lose hope in God's mercy; they believed that the Lord could give them a child even in old age. Sincerely and fervently praying to God, they made a vow - to dedicate the child born to them to the service of the Lord in the Jerusalem temple.

The prayer of the holy righteous was heard, and the Lord fulfilled the request: the herald of the mysteries of God, the archangel Gabriel, brought them joyful news - they would have a daughter, Mary, through whom salvation would be given to the whole world.

The people called this day: Small Most Pure - Madam rich.

Osenins - the second meeting of autumn. Easter day. They removed bees, collected onions. Onion Tear Day. The earth tends to white matinees.


Amen to every summer (end).

If the weather is good, autumn will be good.

Indian summer quiet scared.

Exaltation of the Lord's Cross

In the 4th century, after a long search, the mother of Emperor Constantine the Great, Tsarina Elena, found the Holy Sepulcher and the Holy Cross. Many people wanted to see the great shrine. In memory of this triumph of the Christian faith, a great holiday Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord.

On this day, the rapid onset of cold weather, the end of harvesting, and the further fading of animal life before winter were noted.

Many sayings are based on the consonance of words: exaltation - movement:

Exaltation - the caftan with a fur coat has moved.

The erection of the caftan will shift from the shoulders, the sheepskin coat will move.

Osenins - the third meeting of autumn.


Exaltation heat shifts, and cold pushes.

The rise of autumn moves towards winter.

On Vozdvizhenie, the bird flew away.

Strings of birds moved over Russia.

On Vozdvizhdeniye, snakes become numb, crawl into heaps, hide in the ground.

At this time, cabbage felling and harvesting for the winter began. And the youth gathered for girls' parties - cabbage, where the girls cooked cabbage for guests, set tables with snacks; The boys were looking for brides.

Protection of the Holy Mother of God

The word "mother" is holy for every person, but the naming of the Mother of God is even more holy ... Mother gives birth to us to earthly life,

from her we receive the great gift of life, and through the Mother of God she has revealed herself to all of us and is granted Eternal Life - Christ. And we have the right to address her as Mother. On this day, they went to church to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos, especially girls who wanted to get married.


Snow Cover does not wait.

Don't be surprised by the snow on Pokrov.

Here is the Veil for you: white flies land on us.

If snow falls on Pokrov - happiness to the young.

Weddings began with the Intercession:

The girl's head will be covered with a scarf - a sign of marriage.

The Pokrov will come and cover the girl's head.

The holiday of the autumnal equinox in Rus' was widely celebrated until the 19th-20th century, because after it, the widest and richest fairs thundered on it. In addition, it was associated with the end of the main field and land economic work - it was time for fun and relative idleness (note that the words idleness and holiday have the same root).

Works for men and women moved from the forest, fields, gardens more and more to the house - it was time to be with the family and raise offspring - you can’t shy away from work under parental supervision! That is why the path to the students in the fall still begins.

And it was also possible for a man to get hired now as workers - at home all the main things are done, you can earn money for the family. But the most important thing is that in the holiday itself there is a connection with the cosmic rhythms of the Universe.

How Slavs celebrate the New Year

Before the decree of Peter 1, the peasants celebrated the beginning of the new agricultural year in the spring - March 21-24 and called this holiday Great day or Maslenitsa. It was associated with a significant visible increase in daylight hours and the beginning of preparations for land work: in the south they were already beginning to prepare the land, and in the north so far only tools, but they were already whitewashing fabrics in the bright sun and snow to sew mowing shirts.

But the beginning of Summer - the astronomical year, was correlated with the birth of a new solar cycle and the end of the longest night of the year - December 21st. - this was the name of the God of the Sun - a baby who was born during this period. And the New Summer began to count from December 24th. It is "summer", because. the word "year" is borrowed and appears in the same Peter's times.

In connection with the ideological struggle against the Old Believers and Old Believers, leading their calculus according to the old style, a split later occurred, and part of the tradition began to be called the New Year of Osenina (21-24.09), and part left the beginning of the calendar counting (after all, its very name comes from the name of God Kolyada ) - from the New Year Kolyada (21-24.12).

But most importantly, the days of the spring or autumn equinox, summer or winter solstice, lunar cycles that have a huge impact on us are astronomical events with which biological time is synchronized, the biorhythms of all life on Earth, including humans.

You will learn from the material "Holidays of the Solstices and Solstice".

So how was this holiday celebrated?

Autumn holiday in Rus'

In many families, when people came to a glade intended for a holiday, or the central square of a village, or to a temple, a temple, they were supposed to be met Guardians. They were dressed differently, because one guard symbolized summer, the second - winter. They gave riddles to people.

A pass to a holiday for children and youth is the ability to solve at least three to five riddles, and for older people - to bring and demonstrate needlework created or started in honor of the Gods. For idlers, the entrance to the holiday was ordered: "Who does not work - that loaf of the holiday does not eat."

Then they were met sisters Zhiva and Lada- for the image of the Goddesses, they chose ahead of time not the most beautiful, but the most needlework, with a good, not grumpy character, women with many children. This holiday was dedicated to the image of the Goddess Alive and Dazhbog: they are the givers of all good, their gifts are the harvest that is in the bins and cellars - the grace that people received for their labors.

On this holiday, the Goddess Lada symbolically says goodbye to people, as summer ends and is replaced by the grace of autumn - the time of the Goddess Alive and Dazhbog. In the family mythological aspect, young spouses turn into a man and a woman, because “Alive”, “Vazhenka”, “horned” (namely, such a headdress at the Goddess Alive) was called a pregnant, belly woman.

So after all, the Great Goddess, one in all her guises, is already heavy with Kolyada. And this is good news: the light and the Gods are leaving for Heaven, winter is approaching and the time of darkness, but the young God is with us, even if not yet born. Therefore, even at this holiday, Rod and Rozhanits were honored - especially those who dreamed of children turned to them.

The amusing texts of the buffoon theater said: “I am leaving, but my sister remains with you, and soon the third sister will come - Mara and will test you during the winter. And just as you did a good job on Mother Earth in the summer, you should also work spiritually.”

People sang honor to the Goddesses Lada and Zhiva, presented them with gifts, thanked Zhiva for the sent down harvest. And on this holiday, it was believed that it was necessary to brag before Zhiva about how much you managed to do over the summer, I demonstrate tables full of dishes, wearing rich clothes, decorating the house with embroidered swearers.

In addition, on this holiday, it was customary to put boys who had reached the age of three on a horse, which were dressed as two men, and seven-year-olds on a real one - as a symbol of the fact that some take an independent path of life, separating from the parental world, and the second embark on an independent path learning.

It was believed that this horse is a symbol of God Ovsen or Tuasen, who is looking for Kolyada and who then brings Kolyada on himself. In addition, the rite was peculiar good health: good to survive the winter.

And the girls usually dressed up a disguised horse, fed, took them to drink. The horse could resist, their task is to persuade, lure, show female ingenuity. And 5-7-year-old girls were ritually planted at the spinning wheel, dedicating Mokosh into spins - after the Osenin holiday, women's and girl's needlework gatherings were just beginning.

After praising the Gods, ritual mysteries, there came a period of festivities, games, where each of them and each round dance had its own symbolic meaning.

For example, one of the most common round dances was "Wattle". He symbolized the unity and cohesion of the family. In addition, it was believed that “it helps to live with dignity, not to be afraid of relatives, to closely unite and intertwine with the whole world, and to protect them from winter and cold. And whoever is offended by whom, he knits with a knot on the tribal power.

And since the fall, the time has come for weddings, but even before the wedding, the young people tried to test each other in round dances: is it okay to go side by side, do you get in time, does the soul pull to meet again in a round dance.

Round dances such as “Brook”, the songs “Vyun over the Water”, “Duck Drake Chased”, “Burners” (songs-games) tested young people for the ability to listen to another person (no matter who by gender), to distinguish their feelings when meeting, to feel the soul of a person, not his mood.

And such games as "Hren", "Cabbage", "Salki", etc. helped to lose different family situations: for young couples - to relieve stress, for not yet family - to wind up a mustache.

With children, not only on this holiday, but throughout the winter, they often played the game "Hare". The image of a hare in the autumn period is very important in folklore - it is the image of the Moon and in the summer it guards the Goddess Mara on it, and in the fall its guard ends and the Goddess of Winter descends to Earth, and in punishment sends “hare” feelings to people - fears. And since the best fight against them is fun and dance, then autumn and winter holidays they abounded. The same goal (the study of fears) was fulfilled by games with the participation of "wolves" and "swans", "goats", "geese", etc.

And since the period of women's gatherings and needlework began in the fall, and this was not just a worldly necessity in clothes and fabrics - working with the canvas, women changed the fate of the family, then women tried embroider patterns of happiness and goodness.

And the image of a good skillful noblewoman-needlewoman was also a black grouse - the wife of a black grouse - they were depicted on boyar belts, brooches, hryvnias. And also in dances and round dances: the dance "Tetera", the game "Weaver", "Thread", etc.

In general, Osenins, like any Russian holiday, was filled not only with fun, jokes, festivities and a feast, but also with a deep meaning of each action.

We are accustomed to modern calendars, so that every holiday has its own date and certainly the exact one. It wasn't like that before. Autumn in Rus' celebrated when the harvest was ripe, the tables were full of dishes, and it was a fine day. The Autumn Festival is associated with the gifts of nature, with Mother Earth, with the Sun, which will now warm the yard, in which there are tables for the whole large family, with the Wind-Stribog, which will disperse the clouds. How, tell me, to make the nature of the North fit in the calendars? So when deciding when to spend the Osenina holiday, do not try to get attached to the calendars!

Autumn - a holiday that falls on warm autumn days

Autumn Festival - what is it?

Just listen to the other name of the Osenins: Spozhinki and Dozhinki, Avsen, Tausen, Savior Day, Last Savior, Women's Christmas, Childbirth Day, Second Meeting of Autumn, Harvest Festival.

Did you notice something unusual? That's right, then different holidays, which today, without thinking, are often called autumn. That is both true and wrong at the same time. It is true, because the Osenins in Rus' are every convoy, guest, autumn holiday. It is not true, because it is impossible to equate the Osenina holiday with other important dates for the Slavs.

What do they say about the Autumn holiday?

We know that the Osenins in Rus' are a holiday that is sure to come. So, relatives from neighboring villages and villages come to visit Osenins. Even today, city dwellers observe this custom without knowing it. Tell me which of you at least once during the warm autumn days haven't been out of town? Who has not stopped by to visit their parents, grandparents? Who has not sat at the same table with relatives, basking in the last warm rays of the autumn sun? That is your Autumn holiday!

For Osenina, the harvest has already been harvested, counted. It is clear how much should be left for the family, how much can be sold or exchanged to good people. Rich autumn fairs have been known since ancient times. Yes, and now in almost every city to the Osenins there is certainly a fair held, where good people they sell their goods: they bring berries and apples, fresh honey, right in the golden honeycombs, and who already managed to prepare jam for the day of the autumn fair.

Rich fairs were held on Osenins in Rus'

On the Osenina holiday, the Slavs honor women, especially their mothers and their grandmothers. It is not for nothing that in other places the Osenins are also called “Indian Christmas”. Today, when the work in the fields is over, and the winter women's help has not yet begun, they thank the women for their work and for raising children - there are some fine guys, taller than their father, and beautiful girls, suitors will soon come to such.

It happens that the Osenina holiday is called the end of the harvest. The holiday is big, it copes with the whole village! Together they harvested rye, now they rejoice together that the bins for the winter are full. On the Osenins in Rus' they gathered brotherhood, therefore, a common feast. The whole village prepared for it, each brought what his court was rich in. They feasted, but did not forget about work. Has the entire crop been counted? Will there be enough for the winter, or what family needs help today? How are we going to play autumn weddings, and to whom will they send matchmakers to the house in winter, if they didn’t have time to woo the girl in the summer? Everyone at the brotherhood discussed, the whole world decided how to continue to live and live.

Celebrate Autumn joyfully!

We are sure that now you will find a way to meet the Autumn holiday well. Whether you go to the autumn fair with your friends, whether you go to your relatives out of town to celebrate the end of the harvest together, whether you cook homemade pickles and jams to keep the strength of summer days for the whole year - everything is fine!

And we, in the country of the North, also worked hard in the summer, and prepared special goods for you, which absorbed the warmth of the short northern summer.

Many folk holidays devoted to seasonal phenomena and events. And even the beginning of autumn and farewell to summer received a separate celebration.

Autumn is a series of holidays that are celebrated at the beginning of autumn. Autumn has long been considered a festive season. Harvesting and work in the field were completed, and the weather allowed for festivities. At this time, it was customary to have fun, gather guests, set the table and cook all the dishes from what the Earth presented this year. It was at the beginning of autumn that the time came for weddings and holidays.

Like many autumn holidays, Osenins were noted for a long time. And, like many folk holidays, except for traditional history They also have a religious, Orthodox component.

history of the holiday

Harvest Festival began to be celebrated in ancient Rus'. Osenina began on September 14, on Semin Day, or on the day of Simeon the Pilot. On this day, the farewell of summer and the meeting of autumn began.

The second Osenins were celebrated on September 21st. In Orthodoxy, this day is closely connected with the Nativity of the Virgin. Thus, folk signs and church traditions intertwined in this holiday. For example, those who wanted to have a child, but could not, prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos on this day.

The last, third Osenin holiday was celebrated on September 27 and was associated with Orthodox holiday Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord. On this day, religious processions were held, and there was a folk ritual when, for expulsion evil spirits people walked around the house with homemade crosses carved or folded from rowan branches.

Holiday traditions

Osenins have old folk and church traditions and rituals.

One of the main traditions at the beginning of autumn is the renewal of the fire. All the old fire in the house was extinguished and a new one was lit. The tradition was associated with the belief that the fire lit in Oseniny was able to fill everything around with new energy, and give people and animals a surge of new strength.

The people of Osenina also called September 21 “Pasekin Day” or “Day of the Onion Tear”. On this date, it was customary to remove the bees, and they also collected onions from the garden. This day was considered the final, completing the summer work in the current year. It was necessary to harvest and prepare for the winter.

Weather signs were associated with the Osenins. It was believed that if the weather is good that day, then the rest of the autumn will be warm.

According to another tradition, on September 21, women woke up early in the morning and went to the river, where they met the Osenins. The oldest woman stood with bread, and the girls danced around her and sang songs. After that, the bread was fed to livestock so that the animals would have offspring.

Young families who lived together for a year invited all their relatives to visit Osenins. According to tradition, the guests spent the bride, checked how the young couple copes with the household. The bride laid a rich table for the guests. The girl showed how she runs the household in the house, and the young man - in the yard.

With the Nativity of the Virgin, an Orthodox holiday on September 21, some church traditions were also associated. On this day, believers could ask the Mother of God for health, family well-being, good luck and a good harvest for the next year. The newlyweds prayed for the birth of a child. A girl who wanted to conceive a child this year laid a rich table and called all the poor to pray for the health of her future children.

In the old days, they honored this holiday and celebrated it cheerfully every year, showed generosity to their guests, thanked the Earth for the harvest, and most importantly, they hoped that in next year they will expect prosperity and well-being. Good luck and success to you and don't forget to press the buttons and

17.09.2017 06:56

Maslenitsa is one of the most beloved holidays of the year. Folk signs about the symbols of the holiday will help better ...

On September 14, or September 1, according to the old style, the beginning of autumn is celebrated - Oseniny - a harvest festival when people thank the earth for its gifts. In 325, the First Ecumenical Council established this day as the beginning of the year. According to the Orthodox Church, it was in September that the world was created.

On Osenina, as it were, nature itself dresses up in bright and festive attire. This holiday was celebrated in Rus' with all possible amusements. Young and old gathered for gatherings with the eldest in the family to meet the new summer, and then went to church for matins. On the eve, the fire was extinguished in the houses, and in the morning, by rubbing two planks, a “new” one was mined, and with this fire they began sit-downs, or gatherings.

In the morning, after the church service, the women went to the shores of lakes and ponds to meet Mother Osenina with kissel and oatmeal. The older woman held bread in her hands, and the young people around her sang songs. Then the bread was broken according to the number of those present and fed to the cattle.

From that day on, autumn weddings began to be celebrated in Rus'. The wedding weeks, which all unmarried women and single men looked forward to with great impatience, continued until).

To that holiday an ancient amusing rite of burial of cockroaches and flies, which pretty much bothered people over the summer, was timed. The annoying insects were buried by the girls who dressed up in best clothes, made coffins from shells of nuts or vegetables and lamented insects out of the hut to bury. It was believed that if you kill a fly before September 14, then seven more flies will be born, and if after that, then seven more flies will die. Participation in the funeral of flies and cockroaches made it possible for the girls to appear in all their glory in front of the gathered guys and, thus, find their future spouse.

Even on this day, they moved to new huts and celebrated housewarming. They believed that this would bring prosperity to the newly-made owners. Be sure to observe the rite of transfer to a new place of residence of the brownie. From the stove of the old house they took out a pot of coals, in which, according to legend, there was a house spirit, and transferred to new house. Only after that was it allowed to sit down for festive table and celebrate housewarming, not being afraid that the brownie will get angry and will take revenge on the forgetful owners.

According to tradition, on the first day of autumn, relatives and acquaintances went to the newlyweds in order to “look at their life and life and teach them to reason”. The young hostess fed the guests a hearty dinner, and showed them all her household in the house. As usual, those who came praised her and gave practical advice. The host took the guests to the yard, showed them the grain in the barns, and winter and summer harness in the sheds, then everyone went to the garden, where they drank wine from a barrel.

At the end of the harvest in the villages, they often arranged a rural brotherhood. The more fruitful the summer was, the more hospitable and longer the holiday was celebrated. On Osenina, boys of 4-5 years old were put on horseback for the first time, and they also carried out the rite of “monsowing” into boys who had reached the age of seven, marking their new role in the community.

September 14 begins Indian summer, which in some places lasts up to three weeks. They noticed that if the day is clear, then the whole Indian summer will be warm, and winter too. Pay attention to the weather of Indian summer:

  1. If during this period of time it often rains, then the autumn will be dry.
  2. A lot of cobwebs on Indian summer - to a clear autumn and frosty winter.

Before this date, you need to remove the spiked crops (otherwise the entire crop will be lost - the grain will fall to the ground) and sow winter rye.

According to an old tradition, on September 14, one should be merciful and do charitable deeds. Our ancestors on this day distributed alms to the poor, treated widows and orphans, visited prisoners in dungeons and gave them gifts.

There are a great many signs dedicated to this day. They judged the near and distant future, the fertility of livestock, the quantity and quality of the crop:

  1. The wind blows from the southern edge - to a warm and damp winter.
  2. If the wind is from under the sun, then in winter the north wind will often blow.
  3. Rainy day - to a rainy autumn.
  4. A lot of cobwebs promise a long and clear autumn.
  5. If wild geese flew away, then winter will be early.

Video: Osenins in Rus'


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