Youth and billions: Ksenia Delhi, Liza Adamenko and other young wives of oligarchs. Quarrels on the web

Model Date of birth March 20 (Pisces) 1999 (20) Place of birth Kansk Instagram @lizaadamenkoofficial

There is very little information about Elizata Adamenko. Unknown even exact date her birth. Filling out the questionnaires, the girl always put down only the day and month, hiding the year of her birth. Now all her accounts have been carefully cleaned up: the girl married Valentin Ivanov, a famous and very rich man. The newly-made husband, the head of the Lukoil branch, could well become Elizabeth's grandfather.

Biography of Lisa Adamenko

There is no reliable information about the family in which the girl grew up. Nothing is known about her school years. The veil of secrecy was lifted by Tatyana Matazh, director of the model school, where the girl studied for three years. She said that Elizabeth's parents are businessmen, quite wealthy people. The girl has an older brother who has his share in the family business.

Lisa was brought to modeling school when she was eleven. The mentor considered her a very promising student. Already at this age, Adamenko had many orders and a busy schedule, but she studied well.

At the age of 13, Elizabeth left her native school. She moved to Singapore, studied at an English school for a year and entered an art college. The girl passed the exams so well that she was offered a grant that allows her to study for free. Parents supported the daughter's undertakings, despite such a young age. The first weeks Lisa was accompanied by her mother, then the girl was left to herself.

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06 April 2017

Or is it more correct to say "ex-young wife"? Recently, the model accused her husband, 55-year-old businessman Valentin Ivanov, of beating, and the man, in response, called the girl mentally ill. the site recalls the scandals around Adamenko that arose during the few months of her married life

Quarrels on the web

The wedding of Lisa and Valentine, which took place in the summer of 2016 in a French castle, caused a stormy and controversial reaction. First of all, because of the impressive difference in the age of the lovers. The incessant discussions of the “millionaire-model” pair drove Adamenko out of himself, and the girl turned to her environment and journalists with far from flattering words: “I’m not 14, and my husband is not 55. How can you condemn and write vile dirt about us (family) nonsense and wild lie. Many models - mistresses, kept women, escorts, etc. So you write about them, about how they break up families, sleep with men for something, and they are models, and there are a lot of them, and they all say that they are so cool and do everything themselves.

All this dirt has already crossed all boundaries, we are tired of it and seriously decided to approach this group of pitiful, poor animals without their lives and self-respect. Now you will be dealt with by law enforcement agencies as part of a criminal case for defamation.”

After such a post, attention to the Adamenko-Ivanov couple did not cool down, but only intensified, especially since the young wife herself more than once gave a reason for this.

false beatings

In early February, information appeared that Lisa was her husband. The model held a live broadcast on her personal page on the social network, where she said that the man was spreading his arms: “Let him be ashamed.” Subscribers saw bruises on the girl’s arms and neck, after which they distributed footage and video. Less than a week later, Adamenko denied everything, again threatening others with litigation: “Everything your headlines are about is a lie. I refute all these stupid "facts" (which do not exist) about me, about my husband, about his alleged assault, pictures of my "bruises" and other nonsense. Please note that slander is a criminal offense in our country.” What it was - the fashion model herself changed her mind about being frank or the fans fantasized - it is not clear, but the scandal was a success.

Allegations of treason

At the end of March of this year, hackers hacked Liza Adamenko's social media accounts and compromising photos and videos where the girl kisses an unknown person. young man and lies with him in bed. A long correspondence of the girl with her oligarch husband was also published, in which he accuses her of treason, violation of the contract and practically kicks her out of the house. A few hours later, Adamenko commented on the situation: “I did not cheat on my husband. At that moment, we had already parted, and I had a relationship with one American. The video with him was in my iPad, but it was also hacked, and this video was sent to my mail by my ex-husband". And deciding that the best defense is an attack, she accused her husband in response. Again in the beating.

Beating and reporting to the police

This time everything seems serious: Lisa filed a police report in which she described the men. Ivanov suddenly attacked the girl, beat, kicked - the guards even had to intervene and take him away. According to the model, her legs were injured and her ligaments were injured, because of which she had to stay in the hospital for a day. Adamenko complained that she was afraid to meet her former lover and be attacked again. In addition, Valentine tore out several pages from the girl's passport - now she is home and the United States.

Mental disorder

The oligarch has his own version of the scandal, according to which, of course, he is not to blame for anything, and Lisa simply creates a stir around her name, inventing stories. “But there is another aspect: she has a strong doctor fixed, she takes psychotropic pills that suppress this feeling of rage in her. Well, then she didn't take them all day, which is good, because they can't be mixed with alcohol. I can't imagine what's in her head. I can’t explain her motivation to you, ”the man surprised at the end of his revelation.

The couple has not lived together since last autumn, although the marriage has not yet been dissolved. Perhaps the final point in the scandalous story of a young model and a rich man in his age will be an official divorce.

Celebrity Encounters

Before her wedding, Adamenko turned to - more precisely, to wedding agency"V.A. DAY", co-owned by the singer. Some time later, the model accused the organization of all sins: not only did the curator request an astronomical amount for holding the celebration, she also specifically offered the bride and groom all the most expensive things. And in the end, the organizer Anna Chupris refused to work at all, embezzling the money for herself. Brezhneva's response to criticism was simple and concise: "At the time of the conclusion of the agreement between these customers and Anya Chupris, our agency did not yet exist."

On the set of the video of the graduate of the Star Factory, the ex-spouses met after many quarrels: Adamenko was supposed to star in the video, and Ivanov financed the work. On the site between the girl and the man, a conflict broke out again, which in the end almost thwarted Dakota's creative plans. The singer refused to work with a fashion model. “Rita told me that she would not work with a person with such moral principles, and I understand her in this. I would not want people to consider this serious work from the point of view of comedy,” said Valentin Ivanov.


There was no open clash between the TV presenter and the model, but Sobchak caused heated discussions with her statement. Ksenia was outraged by the difference in the years of the newlyweds, combined with the young age of the model herself. “The 18-year-old model became the wife ... they have been together for three years” ??? And you don’t need to write to me that nothing could have happened before the wedding, and he was seduced by the incredible intellect of a 13-year-old girl whom “he began to court.” Do you even believe it yourself? :)) Excellent material for the investigation of the prosecutor’s office!” Xenia in her microblog. Interestingly, Adamenko did not react in any way to Sobchak's attack, ignoring the open insult.

The tennis player's daughter also decided her opinion on Adamenko's behavior. In the microblog, Lisa often boasted about expensive purchases, branded items, traveling with her husband and other attributes of a beautiful life, which caused Kafelnikova's anger. Under one of the pictures, Alesya left a caustic comment: “Only one thing comes to mind:“ you got out of the rags to riches, but quickly becoming a prince, do not forget, so as not to jinx it, princes are not eternal - dirt is eternal. Well, or what you boast about, you will be left without it. Her fans immediately stood up to Adamenko's defense, and Lesya had to back down, assuring that she just wanted to warn the oligarch's wife against mistakes and disappointments.

The luxurious life of 18-year-old model Liza Adamenko has always been the envy of numerous subscribers on her Instagram. The girl shared with followers photos from yacht trips, expensive cars, talked about shopping, expensive brands and jewelry. The wedding of Adamenko with her husband, 55-year-old oligarch Valentin Ivanov, also became perhaps the most scandalous event of 2016: during the celebration, which took place in the Chateau Saint Jeannet castle in Nice, a young bride standing at the altar with a top manager of Lukoil ", was only 16 years old.

However, the tale of the businessman and his Lolita quickly ended when conflicting photographs and videos of Elizabeth began to surface on the Web, as well as letters allegedly written by her husband. The new cell of society moved to Singapore, where they lived a happy life for several months.

One of these days everything social media Adamenko was hacked, after which the signature Karma is the bitch appeared on her Instagram (“Fate is a bitch.” - Approx. ed.) And several hundred thousand subscribers saw how the model and her husband actually lived. In the video, the model inhales smoke from a dubious can along with a young man, kissing him gently, and then lies with him in bed. As it turned out, Lisa spent most of her time out of the house, having fun with her friends, and from an email, presumably belonging to Valentine, she received threats and accusations of infidelity.

“Liz, come on without childish maximalism. What are you up to? You do not fulfill our agreements, and I see no reason to fulfill my own, no offense. You boast of recent and past intimate photos with your boy on the Internet, in my opinion, is stupid, insulting and humiliating not only me, but also our parents. Didn't we agree otherwise? You insult me ​​in our house, spread your hands and long for my death, according to you, you scream again that you were hit, although the opposite is true, - writes a person who signed as “Your husband”. - The whole world now relishes that you can easily cheat on your husband and sleep with anyone, you don’t value relationships, and the two of you together will earn more dough on a call. This is the opinion on the Internet, you raised this wave. You had a chance with me, but… Now there is no point in even starting.”

According to close friends of the couple, the discord in the family of Adamenko and Ivanov began in the fall, then Elizabeth left home for the first time, not wanting to see her husband.

In the correspondence that ended up on the Internet, the subscriber hints to Liza Adamenko that in the event of a breakdown, her contract with the IMG Models modeling agency will be canceled.

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“Turn on your brains and think again, you yourself are posting pictures with your b-gay to get his attention,” the letter says. - There is a date under each photo, there are rumors on the Internet about your immorality, they say, you constantly cheated on your husband, judging by the photos, and even your correspondence with someone about your anal sex, I can send. Then you won't give up and no one will help you. Did you want this for yourself? If Elena Berkova’s career is more interesting for you than the contract with IMG, then your choice is, of course, the right one.”

Life contacted Elizabeth herself, who confirmed that her social networks and email had been hacked.

This whole scandal with Mr. Adamenko was noisily discussed in the media. Cohabitation with a minor is what is considered a criminal offense in Europe. Therefore, the young people left for Thailand, where everything is possible. It was possible to live in Russia. It's possible here too.

[“Kanskiye Vedomosti”, 03/31/17, “Everything was mixed up in the house of Adamenko and Ivanov”: According to media reports, the fight took place in a New York nightclub, where the couple came to shoot a video. The conflict between the spouses flared up because of jealousy. As a result, Liza Adamenko received a torn ligament in her leg.

“He threatened me, shouted that he would kill me, that I would never see my things, my passports, my documents again. He shouted that I was a whore, only because I talked in this club with my friends and danced with them. These were my familiar photographers, I am a very socialized person and love to communicate with people, ”Lisa said in an interview with Life. After the fight, Lisa wrote a statement to the police.

In addition, Lisa told Life that “the marriage certificate was concluded in Nice, in France. It is not real even in France, and even more so in other countries. Given that Adamenko recently turned 18, it turns out that Valentin Ivanov illegally cohabited with a minor for 2 years.

Lisa and her boyfriend

In the same interview, Elizabeth admitted that she has a relationship with another man, but in her opinion, this is not treason, because. She and her husband separated in November. However, she periodically returned to Valentine. And Ivanov himself, claims that his wife "in November, her consciousness changed a lot", and she is "observed by a doctor."


18-year-old model Liza Adamenko, wife of 55-year-old oligarch Valentin Ivanov, became famous a couple of years ago not for her professional merits, but after she had an affair with an aging millionaire Valentin Ivanov. According to rumors, the couple got married last year, and started dating when Lisa was 13 years old. However, it is believed on the Internet that the top manager of Lukoil arranged a ceremony to divert eyes after it became known about his affair with an underage beauty.

In particular, six months ago, the popular blogger Lena Miro wrote a post in which she accused Ivanov of seducing minors, and published a photo of Adamenko, which confirms that at the time when the couple had already met for quite a long time, Lisa was a minor.

Lisa Adamenko was born in Krasnoyarsk, and the main secret is the date of her birth. On all sites, only the day and month are indicated - March 19, and the year is silent. Rumors about a love affair between Valentine and Lisa have been around for a long time, but no one except me could figure out her real age. In Lisa's account, which, by the way, has been cleaned up quite thoroughly, I found this photo. The photo was taken 169 weeks ago on March 20, 2013. By counting the number of candles on the cake, it is easy to understand that the girl Lisa was born in 1999.

Although Lisa herself denies these accusations.

But the other day, the model in her Instagram account told subscribers that Valentin had beaten her, showed bruises on her arms and neck, burned photos together with Ivanov, and told one of her followers that she had broken up with her husband.

A little later, the girl wrote on her page: “Get a divorce and send everyone away and for a long time.” But after some time, she refuted all her words and stated that everything was, in fact, good with Valentin.

All this time, ill-wishers were worried about another question: how could Adamenko's parents admit that their 13-year-old daughter at that time began dating a man who was 38 years older than her? After all, Ivanov is even older than themselves - Liza's mother is several years younger than her daughter's husband.
  • Valentin Ivanov was born in 1962, his father is the scriptwriter of the film "Seven Old Men and One Girl" Albert Ivanov. Valentin was already married and has a child. Now the managing director lives in Singapore with Adamenko, where his young wife's friends often come - the same models up to 20 years old. For sympathy for young girls, Ivanov was nicknamed the Sultan.
  • Lisa Adamenko was born in the Siberian city of Kansk, after which she graduated from 8th grade there and went to work as a model abroad.

Model Liza Adamenko reunited with businessman Valentin Ivanov, whom she accused of violence.

Netizens found out that model Lisa Adamenko and her husband, top manager of Lukoil, Valentin Ivanov, are together again.

Despite the fact that in the spring of this year, Lisa accused the businessman of allegedly beating her, after which she spent a day in the hospital. Lisa reported that she wrote a statement to the police against her husband and asked the investigators to prohibit her husband from approaching her. According to Adamenko, Ivanov tore out two pages of her passport - a visa and an entry stamp. The ex-lover of the businessman claimed that he seriously feared for his life, as he behaved inappropriately and threatened to kill.

But now, more than six months after the scandalous story, Liza Adamenko provoked rumors of a reunion with Valentin Ivanov. The reason for the public's speculation was the photos that appeared in the model's Instagram stories. The pictures show the legs of a man and a woman with identical tattoos. Lisa's followers remembered that Valentin Ivanov once stuffed such a pattern on his body. According to their version, Adamenko forgave the oligarch and returned to him.

The pictures in which Lisa had fun on a yacht were taken in the Maldives. After some time, Adamenko got on a plane and went to another place. Upon arrival, the model filmed a short video, focusing on the sign with the word "Singapore". It is in this country that the oligarch Valentin Ivanov works.

Meanwhile, the entrepreneur himself is now in Singapore and has begun preparations for the New Year. Valentin's subscribers wish him good luck in his relationship with Lisa. “Let everything be fine,” added one of those who follow the businessman’s Instagram. Ivanov has yet to comment on the proposed reunion with Adamenko.

Earlier on the Web, they discussed a letter that Valentin Ivanov allegedly sent to a former lover. In his appeal to the model, the businessman reproached her for immoral behavior and lies.

“You brag about recent and past intimate photos with your “boy” on the Internet. In my opinion, this is stupid. You insult and humiliate not only me, but also our parents, didn't we agree differently? You insult me ​​in our house, spread your hands and long for my death. Again you scream that you were hit, although the opposite is true, ”the message that received publicity said.