Birthday gift for my 18 year old daughter. Best ideas: what to give a girl for adulthood. Is there a perfect gift?

Legal age is significant date, both for the birthday man himself and for his relatives. Therefore, when a daughter turns 18, parents try to choose the most memorable and expensive gift that will delight the child for many years. Not knowing that on the 18th birthday, you should bet on her desires, interests and hobbies. Then it will be possible to truly please and impress her.

IMPORTANT! best gift at the age of 18, the daughter is the one who will then be remembered with tenderness, kept for many years and remind her of her dear parents.

But with the choice of such a presentation, difficulties may arise. It is sometimes difficult to fully guess the desires of your adult child. In this case, you can take advantage of win-win options that offer the most suitable gifts for adulthood. It:

  1. An apartment if your budget allows. The growing young lady begins to lead an adult life. She wants independence and isolation from her parents. Therefore, a small, but her own apartment, will be the most long-awaited and best gift.
  2. A car, especially if the birthday girl has taken driving courses. No girl will refuse a beautiful, glossy car in red, white or emerald color. This will be the first step in her adult life.
  3. New latest smartphone. Modern young ladies prefer the latest gadgets. Therefore, a new phone with many functions and applications, as well as a high-quality camera, will definitely please her on such a holiday.
  4. Notebook. Another useful one necessary thing which the birthday girl will be happy to receive. Moreover, such a present will definitely come in handy for her in her studies.
  5. Vacation or travel in an exotic country. If a girl has long dreamed of visiting some distant place, then such an original gift as a tourist voucher will be the best for her.

Commemorative gifts

For adulthood, it is appropriate to present memorable gifts, which can later be reminded of parents. It could be something exclusive. jewelry with addition precious stones. Such a gift for an 18-year-old daughter is especially suitable for one who loves jewelry and follows fashion.

You can present her with a set of pearl beads, earrings and a bracelet. Moreover, it is better to choose pearls of an unusual color, pink, turquoise or blue. And you can buy a pendant with a zodiac sign, decorated with topaz, diamond, aquamarine or turquoise.

Beautiful jewelry will never be superfluous and will always be able to replenish the collection of a young lady.

If a girl loves coffee, then as a keepsake you can give such a practical and useful gift as a coffee machine. It is with such a surprise that you can congratulate your daughter on coming of age.

When an adult girl proposes to start living separately from her parents, then the best present in gift box made the best master, will be a piece of furniture in ethnic or modern style. It can be a table with openwork legs, a small bright-colored sofa, a ladies' corner and a mirror in a beautiful frame. Such accessories will only decorate the new home of the birthday girl and will remind her of her parents.

From parents wants to receive something unforgettable. Therefore, the birthday girl can be presented with a gift-impression. It may be a tour of European countries, where she has long wanted to go.

A lover of active leisure will like flying on hot-air balloon or in the airfield capsule. If a girl has long dreamed of mastering the skills of a makeup artist, then you can present her with a certificate for basic and professional makeup courses.

ATTENTION! A six-month gym membership or a visit to a luxurious spa can also be taken as an original gift idea.

And you can give a basket filled with fresh flowers and cosmetics. Only choose cosmetics of well-known and branded brands.

Original present

Any girl, especially when she reaches the age of 18 or, tries to follow the latest in the cosmetic industry. Therefore, she will appreciate such an unusual and original present as a suitcase with professional cosmetics and a set of quality brushes.

Another amazing present can be a real glossy magazine made from photographs of the birthday girl. All articles in it will also be devoted to the young lady. Such a gift can truly surprise her.

To present a girl who always gave unusual things, you can give and organize an individual photo session. As an attention, you can order a billboard with a photo of the birthday girl, which is located near the house.

Expensive gifts

If the budget allows and your child wants to make a chic gift for her age, then you can make a modern renovation in her room by inviting a professional designer. The girl will be incredibly happy with such a surprise.

You can give your daughter a plasma TV, especially if she is going to live separately from her parents soon. Moreover, it will be expensive to make such a purchase on your own. And this gift for 18 years old daughter will be truly memorable and expensive.

A great gift would be an expensive piece of jewelry created by an exclusive order. Realizing that no one else has such a product, she will appreciate it even more. In addition to jewelry, engraved watches decorated with stones will also become an expensive present.

Hello dear readers! Recently, a friend of mine asked: what to give his daughter for 18 years? I thought. After all, it is not easy for men to choose a gift for a woman. And then there is the daughter, and such an occasion. Therefore, I decided to write an article on this topic. I would like not only to please my daughter, but to make this day unforgettable and magical.

Does the perfect gift exist?

Of course, parents want to arrange a real holiday. After all, 18 years is not another birthday, but a milestone, the transition of a teenager to adulthood. Some people think that a gift must be remembered for a lifetime and I agree with this. Others do not pay as much attention to this issue. If you are reading this article, then it is important for you to please your child.

I will tell you right away that I will not reveal any secrets and will not tell you the perfect gift. Simply because it doesn't exist. Agree that we are all unique, therefore, it is pointless to talk about some kind of universal way to congratulate.

The bottom line is to fulfill a dream, to fulfill a secret desire. This is what will be remembered, will be appreciated all my life, remembered with tears of tenderness in my eyes and told to friends.

My colleague for 18 years of her son arranged a real quest for a guy. Firstly, he is fond of such games, and secondly, at the end of the quest, tickets for a paragliding jump were waiting for him - his old dream, from his childhood.

Therefore, if you know about such a dream, an unrealizable desire, then try to fulfill it. A person wants to believe in miracles, especially at such a tender age. You can make a surprise that will be inexpensive, but will be remembered for many years.

So, my friend's father baked a real cake for her 18 years. Huge chocolate cake. And when we sat at the table in the evening, his unexpected culinary gift brought tears to the eyes of my girlfriend.


When I began to ask my friends what their parents gave them at the age of 18, I heard the sea different options. Starting from the simple “knitted a sweater”, ending with apartments and cars.

Of course, sending a child into adulthood is difficult. And I want to help, to do a good deed. Therefore, both the car and the apartment are excellent gifts for such an occasion. But not every parent can afford it.

Therefore, I propose to consider the original options. Say, will your daughter remember the next gadget that you buy her? In our time, the phone was comparable to something incredible and such a gift was extremely valuable. But times are changing.

What do you think would be nice to receive as a gift for a girl? Of course, it's jewelry. It's good if you have some kind of family jewel that you can present to your girl. If not, then you can buy. It is better to leave the choice to the wife, because there is nothing worse than not guessing. Or you can choose it together without leaving your computer monitor, I myself choose jewelry here and recommend it to you - jewelry company Adamas.

My friend's parents gave an obscenely expensive piece of jewelry for her birthday. Papa chose. The girl was grateful, but the jewelry is still in her box, because she did not like it at all. Very helpful in this regard. jewelry gift cards.

Some more ideas

Remember about certificates and gift tickets. If your daughter has been dreaming of learning to dance for a long time, but she has some time, then a great surprise would be gift Certificate to dance school. Or she is a sports lover, then you can have something from the inventory (if she is engaged in a certain type) or just a subscription to a fitness club.

She loves to travel? Then you have a huge choice for a gift. It can be a handy bag that she will always take with her and remember you. Or a guidebook and tickets.

Or maybe your daughter has long dreamed of learning how to do her own manicure? Then you can give her a whole set for this activity. And in the future, if she likes it, then she can also earn money on it.

If your daughter is into art, then your gift may be related to her hobby. If this is a photograph, then a new tripod, camera, special flash, light, and so on. Draws? Easel, canvases, paints, pencils...
Turn on your fantasy, try to fulfill her dream. And that's when you'll be able to make the perfect gift. Let it be done with heart.

What did your parents give you when you came of age? What gift in your life will you never forget? What do you usually give children?

Give gifts to each other.
Best wishes to you!

Irina Fokina Reading 5 min. Published on 04/23/2015

18 years is a special event in the life of every person. The school is already over, ahead is an adult independent life. Therefore, it is very important for parents to pay careful attention to choosing a gift for their daughter's coming of age. After all, this holiday is very important for her and will remain in her memory forever.

13 Cool Gift Ideas for Daughter's 18th Birthday from Parents:

1. Bracelet "Pandora"

In recent years, such jewelry as the Pandora bracelet has become incredibly popular among fashionistas. The idea is that various beads and pendants are strung on the base bracelet, with the help of a combination of which you can modify the jewelry every day.

For your daughter's birthday, you can give a gold, silver or leather base with several pendants, and then fill the bracelet with new elements every year.

The original bracelets of this Danish brand are not cheap, so a piece made of gold will cost about $ 1,000, a piece of leather - 70.

A fur coat donated to her daughter for the age of majority will not only protect her from frost, but also increase the status of the girl in the eyes of others.

In exquisite outerwear, she will feel more attractive and confident. The first fur coat in life will definitely be remembered for a lifetime, the main thing is that the daughter should not be a vegetarian and an animal rights activist.

In this case, the gift can only disappoint her.

3. Jewelry "Fry Ville"

Frei Wille is an Austrian jewelry house producing incredible beautiful jewelry with drawings from multi-colored enamel. All products are made only from precious metals - gold, silver and platinum.

Such decorations are considered real works of art. It sometimes takes several years to create one collection.

The women's line includes rings, bracelets, earrings and chains. The cost of products is quite high.

A ring, for example, will cost $ 80 and more, a bracelet - $ 100. But such a gift is definitely worth it. It will make the girl feel unique and unrepeatable.

4. Tourist trip abroad

Unforgettable emotions will give the birthday girl a week-long tourist trip abroad. After all, now the girl is already quite an adult and can even travel on her own.

As a gift, it is better to purchase a group bus tour so that you have the opportunity to meet new people.

Usually such tours capture several countries at once, which makes the trip even more interesting and eventful.

5. Party with friends

An excellent gift would be a parent-sponsored party for a daughter and her friends. You can organize a holiday, for example, in a nightclub or rent an entire private house.

It can be pre-decorated with balloons and garlands. Additionally, it is recommended to hire a disc jockey or host of the evening.

The main thing is that the holiday turned out to be fun and memorable.

6. Precious pendant

A commemorative precious pendant has been one of the most popular gifts for more than one century. Such things are often inherited through the female line.

But if there is no jewelry left from the great-grandmother, it does not matter.
A beautiful pendant can be purchased at any jewelry store. First, it is recommended to ask your daughter which gold she likes more - white or yellow.

A gemstone can be picked up under the zodiac sign of the birthday girl.

7. Good wrist watch

quality wrist watch A great gift for my daughter's 18th birthday. You can buy an expensive watch on a gold strap or a beautiful leather model.

You should buy a present, starting from the style of clothing of the birthday girl.

8. New mobile phone

AT modern world technology is developing so rapidly that recently purchased equipment quickly becomes obsolete.

In this regard, you can give your daughter the latest model of a mobile phone for the age of majority.

It is better to give preference to the brand that the girl used earlier.

9. Car

If funds allow, then on the age of majority of the daughter, if she has rights, you can donate a car by tying it with a gift elegant ribbon.

A used car is fine, not necessarily the latest model.

The main thing is that the girl, thanks to such a present, gain driving experience.

Entering adulthood, many young people dream of living in a separate apartment. If the family is wealthy, then parents can give the birthday girl housing.

For starters, let it be a small and cozy studio apartment. The main thing is to give the child the opportunity to start an independent life.

If there is not enough money to buy, you can rent a house for a long time.

11. Payment for attending foreign language courses

So that in the future the girl could achieve success in her career or travel freely around different countries, you can pay her to attend foreign language courses.

Even if the daughter is already studying some language, then additional knowledge will not interfere with her.

12. Beautiful evening dress

Every woman at any age wants to sometimes feel like a real queen. On the age of majority of the daughter, you can give a beautiful expensive evening dress.

It does not have to be long, you can give preference to the cocktail version.

The girl will be able to wear the dress on the day of the holiday, as well as in the future on other significant dates for her.

Many young girls are very attentive to their weight and figure, visiting all kinds of fitness centers and gyms.

If your daughter dreams of having a home gym, give her a treadmill.

Nowadays, such simulators are produced with a built-in speed switching function and an adjustable load.

It is not easy for parents to choose a birthday gift for children. It is especially difficult to decide on a gift for adulthood. In this case, parents are afraid not to please the child, to give a thing that will not be needed and will not be remembered. Mom and dad know their child best, but even they have big doubts about what their child wants. So what do modern eighteen-year-old “children” need, how to celebrate their 18th birthday and make a gift unforgettable?

How to choose a gift for 18 years old daughter

To choose a gift for an 18-year-old girl, you need to know what she is fond of, what are her weaknesses. Many parents do not even remotely know what they will give their daughter for 18 years. You need to remember: what did you want when you were 18? What did you dream about, what was missing at that moment? What did you expect for your birthday from your parents? Maybe at this moment the daughter needs a thing that she cannot buy herself. It could be:

  • limited edition book;
  • fitness membership;
  • brand clothes;
  • travel tour;
  • cosmetics for face and body care;
  • gold jewelry;
  • modern device.

You need to listen to your child in advance: ordinary phrases can carry a lot useful information on this occasion. To arrange a real holiday, to celebrate an unforgettable 18th birthday, it is not enough to ensure that it is held with friends or in a restaurant. Your attention will be important for the child, which will be reflected in the original gift. Your daughter is becoming an adult. She enters a period of life filled with impressions and experiences. It is important at such a time to remember the care and love of parents. Looking at the gift, she will remember your love.

What can you give a girl for her birthday

You can give a girl on her 18th birthday any gift that is popular today. Advertisements on television, websites, fashion magazine articles and social media posts will help you understand what the youth of today are interested in. Girls pay attention to the style and originality of the performance of things, therefore a good gift there will be a name. It could be:

  • thermo mug;
  • 3D case with photo;
  • personalized flash drive on a cord;
  • bank certificate.

An original personalized plate, a youth poster on the wall or an ordinary personalized chocolate bar and much more, on which you can make an individual inscription or engraving. Such things are often presented in sets, engraved or inscribed on each part, packed in beautiful boxes, bags or packages.

Original present

Original gift can be created by hand. It could be soft toy or a pillow sewn by mother's hands, a pendant around the neck with a favorite photo, or a diary with applications. Based on existing layouts, you can create beautiful postcard with flowers made of felt, with beads and all kinds of inscriptions. Such things cannot be found on the Internet or seen from someone else, this is the whole pleasantness of things created by one's own hands. If there is no way to create, then “with your own hands” you can create a drawing or photo on any gift.

Inexpensive souvenir

If you like to give a lot of different things, then your daughter's 18th birthday gift can be an original souvenir consisting of several gifts:

  • photo magnet;
  • photo calendar;
  • Frame;
  • phone case with printed photo;
  • glossy magazine with a birthday girl on the cover;
  • t-shirt with a pattern.

If your daughter has a soul mate, then you can give paired T-shirts, which will be a very nice gesture. Such gifts can be made by ordering at any photo salon in your city, or you can choose a service in an online gift store, where layouts for photos and inscriptions on gifts have already been created.

Stylish accessory

Young people love stylish things, especially girls. You can give a certificate for shopping to your daughter, or just buy fashionable clothes. If it is not financially possible to provide such a gift, then a shopping bag or an engraved pen will be useful. Such things will become a stylish accessory and a great solution for a birthday present. Stylish accessories can be created with your own hands. It can be:

  • beads;
  • pendants;
  • bracelets
  • rings.

You can create them from combined materials which can be purchased at craft stores. Creating jewelry does not take much time, you just need to trust your taste and use your imagination. Homemade jewelry, which will emphasize the individuality of their owner, will become not only a bright and stylish accessory, but also a memorable thing that is created from the heart.

What a gift to give a daughter on her 18th birthday for the soul

The peculiarity of a parent's gift is that only they know their child like no one else. Therefore, their gift will be the most special. The point is not the price, not even the usual attention, but the fact that a gift made on this date will be special and will be remembered by your child for life. Attentive parents always know what to give a girl for her 18th birthday in any case, what subject the thing should be. A nice addition to the main gift can be cute souvenirs:

  • sweets Delicious help;
  • chocolate postcard;
  • chocolate in a gift box;
  • fortune cookies.

creative nature

A girl who is fond of photography can give a camera or video camera. The person who draws - various art sets. Board games, 3d puzzles, specialized books about artists, writers or with a certain technique of modeling, drawing, etc. will be interesting. It is fashionable now to give a certificate of a site on the moon or a personalized star, but such gifts are not always liked because of their impracticality. A picture painted from a photograph of a girl or a book printed with a personalized review will be memorable. Such gifts will be hard to forget.

Lover of outdoor activities

Girls who are addicted outdoor activities and an active lifestyle, you can pick up very practical presents. The date obliges to make special and expensive purchases such as a sports bike or skydiving. But such gifts can be not only expensive, but also dangerous to life and health. You can always find an alternative, and even then. It will be useful to give a heated mug or a trendy water bottle. The sets will be interesting:

  • for a picnic;
  • for camping;
  • for hikes.

Branded sportswear and shoes will be a great solution, especially if you choose such things with your child. Such purchases can be made not only in specialized stores, which are many in Moscow and other large cities. On the site with gifts, you can explore the catalog with goods and choose what you like, spending a minimum of time and effort. Having studied the range, you will already know what to give your daughter for 18 years.


If your daughter follows the latest fashion trends, treats her beauty and health responsibly and never goes out without makeup, then you can safely call her a fashionista. Beauty for such girls is necessary in this. They carefully take care of their image and ideal should be:

  • makeup;
  • clothes;
  • hairstyle;
  • shoes;
  • accessories.

Any item from this list will be a great gift for a fashionista. It will be nice to receive perfume or expensive cosmetics as a gift. A certificate for going to the salon is an original, pleasant and useful solution in order to please a fashionista. It can be bought in the salon itself, ordered online.

When you have to decide what to give your daughter for 18 years, you inevitably get lost. Of course, you can not think for a long time and give a present with money, but it is much more pleasant when, in addition to a certain amount, you give your beloved daughter something original and unusual, something that you have chosen especially for her. A private, personal gift is always more valuable and more expensive than a plump envelope.

The Valley of Gifts online store presents a rich assortment of products that will give you the idea of ​​a successful presentation. You can please your daughter with funny souvenirs, a premium product or other elegant device.

When thinking about the task of what to give your daughter for 18 years, pay attention to figurines and award-type medals. A figurine with a commemorative engraving can be presented as an original addition to the main offering. Such an inscription on a figurine, such as, for example, *To the First Beauty in the Universe*, will delight the recipient and bring many pleasant minutes to her owner. Also, do not pass by the order * The most charming and attractive * or * Beloved daughter *, medals * In my heart you rightfully occupy the first place *. To these insignia add the Diploma to Beloved Daughter. Inside the gift document you will find a form to fill out, where there is a great opportunity to enter the Surname and Name of the hero of the occasion, as well as your wishes and kind words.

As for other gifts such as

· Car set for girls

· Traveler's globe

· popcorn machine

· Bouquet of toys

Each of these offerings can be a worthy answer to the question of what to give your daughter.

So, the Car set for girls is ideal for a young girl moving in a personal car. If your daughter is just going to take driving courses, such a gift will be a great incentive to bring the job to its logical end. The set is a glamorous set of tools made of pink material. Agree, an extremely stylish and appropriate option for presenting to your daughter.

A traveler's globe will be needed for a young lover of long-distance tourist routes. Markers are attached to this product, which should be used to paint over the continents and countries that the hero of the occasion has managed to visit. As a result, after some time, the globe will become a colored evidence of the bright life of the gifted.

The popcorn machine will please the lover of unusual and cheerful presentations. The retro design of the device, ease of use will not go unnoticed and will attract not only the owner of the device, but also the guests who have come. Now there will always be plenty of your favorite treat. And at parties at home, and at the celebration of any family celebration and when meeting with friends and girlfriends.

Finally delicate bouquet from toys, will cause tenderness and rejoicing in the gifted. An indisputable competitor to ordinary bouquets of flowers, this original bouquet will be a great start to the holiday and a memory for many years, as it will not fade or wither.