The scariest mannequin in the world. La Pascualita - the mysterious corpse of a bride from Mexico La pascualita mannequin from Mexico

Every day we pass by the windows of clothing stores in which we see mannequins. Some are funny, some are frankly annoying, some do not cause exactly any emotions. Because they are stamping. There are millions of them. But there is one mannequin in distant Mexico that cannot but evoke emotions.

Moreover, the range of emotions is extremely wide - from simple curiosity to painful, from admiration to disgust and even fear.

This amazing mannequin stands in the town of Chihuahua, the same one where in 1850 a dog was bred (or discovered), the breed of which got its name from the name of the town - Chihuahua.

But we are not interested in the dog, but in the street in the very center of the town - Ocampo y Victoria, on the corner of which there is a store-salon of wedding dresses La Popular. La casa de Pascualita.

A store is like a store, there are millions of them. He attracts the attention of the whole world with the mannequin mentioned above.

Looking at the mannequin, you can immediately determine that this is an old-fashioned mannequin, not one of those that are clogged with modern shopping centers, but strange thoughts creep into your head ... Something is wrong with this mannequin!

The mannequin's name is La Pascualita, from the Spanish word pascuala, meaning "death." Pretty name for a mannequin dressed in Wedding Dress and being a lure for brides! But in Mexico and in general in the culture of Latin American countries, the attitude towards death is not the same as ours, so the lure works.

The history of the mannequin is extremely curious and incredibly mysterious. This mannequin, made in the form of a beautiful girl, appeared in the window of this store exactly 85 years ago - on March 25, 1930. The mannequin was dressed in a wedding dress, sewn for the spring season, and produced the effect of an exploding bomb.

People could not take their eyes off the amazingly realistic doll with glass eyes that are bright, shiny and incredibly alive. They magically enchanted pedestrians who could not easily pass by.

There was a feeling (and it is created - even in photographs) that the eyes are looking directly at you, wherever you are. Such an effect occurs only in a few icons and in some paintings by great painters.

The mannequin has the face of a beautiful girl with a dreamy and somehow detached otherworldly expression. A slight blush plays on the "skin" of the face, and the hairstyle is made of real hair. Even the eyelashes are real.

Twice a week, a new wedding dress appears on Pascualite. But no one has ever seen how these dresses are put on a mannequin - they are changed behind tightly closed curtains. And this has been going on for 85 years!

Shortly after the first appearance of the mannequin in the window, people in the city began to say that the appearance of the mannequin is very reminiscent of the daughter of the owner of the store, Pascual Esparza. What does it look like - one face! The people of Chihuahua remembered that not so long ago the daughter of a shopkeeper died. But how she died!

On the day of his own wedding, from the bite of a poisonous spider Black Widow (according to other sources - from the bite of a poisonous scorpion). This story shocked the inhabitants of the town. They felt sorry for the bride, who died so untimely, her parents and, of course, the groom.

And suddenly they saw with their own eyes a mannequin, like two peas in a pod, reminiscent of the daughter of Pascual Espars. No one remembered her name, so the mannequin was named La Pasqualita. There was a hint of both death and the name of the father in it.

It did not take long for rumors to spread around the city that the mannequin was not a mannequin at all, but ... the embalmed body of Esparza's daughter. Like, the sudden death shocked the bride's parents so much that they decided to keep the daughter's beauty intact and embalmed the body, after which they covered it with paraffin (wax), dressed up in a wedding dress and put it in a shop window.

There are other fantastic versions of the appearance of the "corpse bride" in the store. One of them said that the girl was in love with a taxi driver, whose mother was so unhappy with the upcoming marriage that she killed her son.

The unfortunate bride committed suicide by throwing herself off a cliff. And now, in the form of a mannequin, he disappears at the sight of taxi cars. According to another fantastic version, the girl was stabbed to death at the altar by a jealous rejected lover when she was marrying another.

In principle, the rumors really did not originate from scratch: brides rarely die on their wedding day, especially if they are the daughters of the owners of wedding salons!

So it was hard not to come to the conclusion that there was a mummy in the window, seeing such a skillfully made doll in front of you. And even if you take into account all the little things: real hair, real eyelashes, as if a living face with skin ... And the eyes?

Impressive citizens and even the sellers themselves still continue to spread terrible rumors and legends that Pascualita's eyes are able to move, that she looks at you all the time, that at night, when no one sees, she walks around the store or just changes her position, and also cries real tears at certain times of the year.

The sellers say that Pascualita is changed into a new dress with a shudder. By the way, not every seller is trusted, but only trusted employees.

The store employees aren't too happy, by the way. scary stories. Now the one who is the last one to close the store for the night experiences a powerful adrenaline rush.

Sonia Burchiaga, a bridal shop employee, says: "Every time I walk past Pasqualita, I break out in sweat. She's too realistic, she even has varicose veins in her legs. I think she's a real person." However, Sonya finds it difficult to explain how a living girl is able to maintain youth for 85 years.

And if you consider that the hands of a "live girl" are something beyond, then the picture is very impressive.

Pascualita's hands are really capable of causing chills on the skin! Even in the photographs, which are full on the Web. Real nails are clearly visible, around the nails - cuticles, veins that appear under the skin, and the most detailed reliefs of skin folds. In general, absolutely living hands!

The rumor that there was an embalmed corpse in the window did not please the inhabitants of the town, of course. They began expressing clear disapproval to the store owner. However, by the time P. Esparza issued an official statement in which he categorically denied the rumors and claimed that Pascualita was just a complicated dummy, it was already too late.

No one believed the owner of the bridal salon. As well as a heartbroken mother, who repeatedly said that a mannequin is just a mannequin and nothing more. So the rumors do not stop, and curious citizens continue to press their noses to the window to stare at Pascualita.

The state began to come from all over South America, the United States and Europe. Tourists and even members of the media peered through the window glass, trying to determine if it was real or not.

Most people are confused by her mesmerizing look and too realistic-looking details for a mannequin, so almost everyone leaves, being sure that this is a real corpse of a girl.

Those who do not believe in terrible rumors say that the mannequin was brought by the owner of the store from France, from Paris, where he bought it in the prestigious Port Liverpool store, falling in love with a beautiful doll. According to another version, the mannequin was made in Mexico City.

According to the third, the mannequin was bought by the wife of a wedding dress merchant. Where is not specified. But wherever the mannequin is bought, it impresses with its realism. Especially considering the years of its manufacture.

Yes, in the 30s one could meet wax mannequins as if from a wax museum, but wax is not the most durable material, it needs to be constantly looked after.

For this reason, at one time they abandoned wax mannequins, which did not tolerate temperature extremes very well. It is easier in wax museums - the microclimate is maintained there, but what kind of microclimate can be in a showcase?!

So rumors about the embalmed body of the bride continued to circulate. In the heyday of stories about the "corpse bride" - after all, displaying dead bodies in shop windows is still not supposed to! - The authorities of the city of Chihuahua were checked. The test results are as follows: wax and plastic. However, no checks are able to stop rumors about the embalmed body to this day.

Sellers with their stories and fears also stir up interest in the mannequin and the store. Some passers-by are afraid to look into Pasqualite's eyes, claiming that in this way a ghost can be summoned to follow them.

These fears do not dry out even in connection with the death of the owner in 1967. Many townspeople believe that his spirit moved into their favorite mannequin, and the owner is still present in his store, sometimes appearing in the guise of a ghost and frightening others.

Over the years, the supernatural legends associated with Pasqualita have only multiplied. One of them has a sorcerer who brings a mannequin to life every night, and they dance with her around the city until sunrise. Perhaps it was this legend that inspired the creators of the film "Mannequin", released in 1987.

There are also tales of mysterious lights allegedly seen in the store after closing time, strange noises, footsteps and whispers coming from the store when no one should be there.

Some locals and brides pray to Pascualita and leave gifts for her and store workers, treating the doll as a saint.

Several videos have been shot about Pascualite (you can watch them on the Web) and documentaries. They are mostly in Spanish. But even without knowing the language, you are amazed at the sight of Pascualita.

Especially her hands, taken close-up. One video shows a mannequin being fingerprinted. And they are, these prints! With what skill it was necessary to make this mannequin, so that he even had papillary patterns at your fingertips?!

So is it possible that Pasqualita is indeed a mummified bride? Probably not, though. The human body is very difficult to keep in good condition for a long period of time.

Even today, mummification is a very complex process that causes the skin on the body to change color and shrink. In addition, even if the body could be kept in such an ideal state, it would take a lot of effort and effort to maintain it. Look how everyone is still suffering with grandfather Lenin!

There is a misconception that the mummified body does not decompose, while in fact there are a huge number of different microbes, fungi and insects that can happily feast on the mummy.

Pascualita stands in a shop window, while most of the mummies are stored in special containers, with temperature control.

Most likely, Pascualita is indeed a very well-made wax doll. It was placed on a window display to advertise the store, and even if this was not originally the purpose, the store owners were only too happy to spread the urban legend about their mannequin.

To dispel all the rumors, it is enough for them to take an x-ray of the dummy, but they do not. In the end, if the legend is destroyed, the crowds of curious people outside the window will also end.

Of course, as long as there is the slightest hope that Pascualita is not a skillfully made mannequin, but really the body of the daughter of the first owner of the store, the legend about her will live for the next 85 years, at least.

Behind the glass window of a small bridal shop in the Mexican city of Chihuahua stands a tall, slender figure dressed in a wedding dress. For almost 90 years, this goosebump-like mannequin in La Popular has been welcoming visitors from all over America and Europe. Pale skin, veined hands, folds on the palms and worn nails - all this gives visitors the confidence that Pasqualita, as she is popularly called, is not just a mannequin, but a well-preserved embalmed corpse.

Pascualita, or "little Pascuala", first appeared in the window of this famous bridal shop on March 25, 1930. Wide-open glass eyes, real hair and the blush of a mannequin put both passers-by and employees of the store into a stupor. Soon someone drew attention to the striking resemblance of the mannequin to the recently deceased daughter of the store owner. Rumors spread.

According to legend, Pascuala Esperanza, the owner of the store, had a very beautiful daughter(whose name is lost in history). The girl had to marry her lover. Tragically, on her wedding day, she was bitten by a black widow spider and died. Pascuala Esperanza grieved so much over the death of her daughter that she allegedly mummified her body and installed it in a window so that she would always be a bride in the afterlife, failing to become her on earth.

Rumors spread, local residents were outraged, and threatening phone calls began to come in to the store owner. Pascual Esperanza denied everything. The woman claimed that Pasqualita was just a very well-made and complex mannequin. But it was too late: no one believed her.

As the years passed, the story became more and more incredible. For example, it was said that a French magician in love with a mannequin appeared at night, revived her, and they danced the night away, drank and celebrated their short date. There were also horror stories about the fact that the mannequin follows the eyes of the store visitors and changes position when no one is looking.

“Every time I walk past Pascualita, my palms sweat. She has very realistic hands and even have varicose veins on the legs. I believe that this is a real person,” says one of the employees of the store.

The current owner of the salon, Mario Gonzalez, wants to keep the legend of the dead bride alive. Twice a week she has her outfit changed, behind drawn curtains, as a tribute to her modesty. Only a few trusted store employees can dress up and undress her. One staff member who saw her naked says her body does not resemble that of a mannequin.

True fans of the legend leave flowers, candles and other gifts at the entrance to the store. Some consider Pascualita a saint and believe in miracles that supposedly happen at her feet.

Mario Gonzalez is pleased with the fame and the crowds of customers that Pasqualita brings to the store, and is not going to change anything. On the window, in which the famous bride is installed, is written "La Casa De Pascualita" - "The House of Pascualita".

When asked if the bride was really a mummy, he only smiled and shook his head. "Is it true? Many people believe this, but I can't say,” the owner of the salon replied.

La Pascualita

La Pascualita
- the mysterious corpse of a bride from Mexico

"La Pascualita" or little Pascual is the name of a mannequin in a bridal shop that causes a lot of scary gossip. Pascual is a beautiful and at the same time strange mannequin that has been “living” in the window of a bridal shop in the Mexican state of Chihuahua for 85 years.

Don't you think it's too long for a mannequin, especially in a wedding dress shop? But it's not that. The fact is that this mannequin has a mysterious and even terrible story, which in turn gave birth to a lot of stories and conjectures. Evil tongues in the town say that "La Pascualita" is the embalmed corpse of a girl, the daughter of a shop owner! For many years, this story has attracted curious visitors, journalists to the shop in Chihuahua from all over the planet. The mysterious story still haunts no one.

People frankly stare at Pascualita through the window, trying to understand that this is a mannequin or is it still a corpse. former human. The doll has a really bewitching human look, and the features are almost like those of a living girl. Many people are convinced that she used to be a living beauty.

Pay attention to the hands ... Very human, in order to achieve such a resemblance, a real ace of his craft had to work on the mannequin, but even in this case I doubt that such a resemblance can be achieved, well, unless the mannequin is a magician. Although they seem very human to me. Moreover, the view resembles a hand covered with powder. Look at the photo below... I doubt that there is really a mummy in the window, but when I look at the photo of the mannequin's hand, I think that they belong to a person.

Pascualita was first exhibited in the window of this wedding shop on March 25, 1930, dressed in a wedding dress. It was like an exploding bomb! The girl was alive and looked like a Mexican TV star! People couldn't take their eyes off her! She had dark hair and very expressive eyes. Over time, it became clear that in fact the mannequin looked like the owner of the store, Pascual Esparza.

People talked a lot about it and then decided that the mannequin is deceased daughter Pascual! How did it happen? Shortly before the appearance of the mannequin, the unfortunate girl was bitten by the Black Widow spider on her wedding day. Therefore, the townsfolk immediately decided that the shopkeeper embalmed the dead daughter and put it in the shop, although it’s hard to believe! Locals sharply condemned the owner of the store! The official refutation that this is not a daughter, but a mannequin of an inconsolable father, was not taken seriously by anyone. People have stopped believing in him. What was the name of that poor girl? No one will even remember ... But the name of the mannequin "La Pascualita" is still on everyone's lips.

There is a legend about La Pascualita that one night a magician from France will come and save the girl - he will revive her and take her away from the city. Why French? Unknown. Maybe the magicians there are the most magical?) Another strange fact is that impressionable people often imagine that the doll is watching the visitors in the store, just like in Gogol's "Portrait". There is also an opinion that at night she changes her place behind the glass.

Interestingly, the clothes on the mannequin are changed 2 times in 7 days behind closed curtains.

All this no doubt sounds like some kind of horror movie! Sonia Burciaga, store clerk says:

"When I'm next to her, I get goosebumps. The mannequin's arms are just like human ones, and there are varicose veins on the legs. Is this normal for a doll? I think it's a human corpse."

But such a statement refutes the museum of hoax:

"Even an embalmed corpse cannot be preserved in such perfect condition in the fresh air."
I don’t know which side to take, but my hands do not give me peace of mind. Is it really an embalmed girl?!

To mystical stories can be treated differently: with fear, interest, or even with a touch of light irony. It seems that all the most unusual has already been described in gothic novels, but even today there are secrets that do not cease to excite the imagination of people. One of these mysteries is related to the La Pascualita mannequin, which has been “living” in the window of a bridal salon for 82 years now! There is a legend among the inhabitants of the city of Chihuahua (Mexico) that in fact this is the perfectly preserved corpse of the daughter of the store owner!

The story goes that the mannequin appeared in the shop window on March 25, 1930. Passers-by could not take their eyes off the beautiful girl with regular features until they noticed the amazing resemblance of the mannequin to the owner of the store, Pascuala Esparza. A tragic story was connected with the daughter of Pascuala: on the day of the wedding, the girl died from the bite of the Black Widow spider. The mannequin appeared in the window in a very short time after the tragedy, and the story was on everyone's lips, so the locals immediately decided that the inconsolable father had put the embalmed body of his own daughter in the window! Pascuala Esparza tried to refute the rumors that spread in the blink of an eye, but it was too late...

Over the years, the name of the girl was forgotten, they began to call her by the name of her father La Pascualita. Today, tourists from South America, the USA and Europe come to see it with their own eyes. Despite the fact that so many years have passed, the mannequin still attracts attention with its beauty and incredible realism. Many claim that the eyes of La Pascualita follow the buyer everywhere in the store. The sellers themselves fearfully change her clothes once every two weeks behind closed curtains. They say that you can even see varicose veins on her legs.

Some local residents of the city claim that the mannequin's gaze changes its direction, and at night Pascuala moves from one place to another. Perhaps the explanation for this is the workers who are in the store at such a late hour.

Scientists, of course, deny the version that the embalmed corpse has been in the window for so many years, since special conditions are necessary for its storage. However, according to legend, the beloved Frenchman La Pascualita should appear one night and magically bring the mannequin to life, stealing it from the city.

June 17, 2015, 22:20

Bridal mannequin La Pascualita has been living in the window of a bridal shop in Chihuahua, Mexico for the past 85 years.

The mannequin has a very strange history. According to urban legend, La Pasqualita is not really a mannequin, but the perfectly preserved corpse of the daughter of a former shop owner. Over the years, the story of the death of a beautiful girl has attracted a lot of visitors and members of the press to the store.

Tourists from South America, the United States and Europe began to come to the state to see La Pasqualita. They peered through the glass of the shop window, trying to determine if it was real or not. Most people are confused by her bewitching look and too realistic-looking details for a mannequin, so almost everyone disagrees, being sure that this is a real corpse of a girl.

La Pascualita first appeared in a shop window on March 25, 1930. She was dressed in a wedding dress tailored for the spring season, and made the effect of a bombshell. People could not take their eyes off the mannequin with glassy eyes, real hair and skin with a slight blush.

Soon, rumors spread around the city that the appearance of the mannequin was very reminiscent of the owner of the store, Pascual Esparza. It didn't take long for people to come to the conclusion that this was actually the embalmed body of Esparza's daughter, who died not so long ago on her wedding day from the bite of the poisonous Black Widow spider.

This rumor did not please the locals, who began to express disapproval of the shop owner. By the time Pascuala Esparza released an official statement denying the rumors, it was already too late.

No one believed the owner of the bridal shop. After some time, the name of the girl was forgotten and the mannequin was named La Pasqualita. Residents of the city claim to have noticed how the girl's gaze strangely follows them around the store.

At night, they say, the girl sometimes moves, tired of standing in one position. The mannequin's clothes are changed twice a week behind tightly closed curtains.

Store employees are not too happy about scary stories. Now the one who is the last one to close the store for the night experiences a powerful adrenaline rush. Sonia Burchiaga, a bridal shop employee, says: “Every time I walk past La Pasqualita, I break out in sweat. She is too realistic, she even has varicose veins on her legs. I think she's a real person." However, Sonya finds it difficult to explain how a living girl is able to maintain youth for 85 years.

They say that the mannequin was brought by the owner of the store from France and is really amazing in its realism, especially considering the time it was made. The girl has real hair and eyelashes, on her hands you can see the most detailed reliefs of skin folds, fingers and nails like real ones. During the heyday of stories about the "corpse bride", the city authorities checked and issued a verdict: wax and plastic. However, no checks are able to stop rumors about the embalmed body to this day.