How peeling works. In what cases is a peeling roll used? Features and operation of the procedure. Overview of professional peeling rolls

Peeling roll for the face - an alternative to the usual methods deep cleaning skin: scrubs and exfoliating masks. How to conduct salon procedure at home? What are the best ingredients to use?

Facial roll

When is it appropriate to use a facial peel?

Human skin has the ability to constantly renew itself. This does not mean that we, like snakes, can shed it. No, it is renewed by the gradual death of its smallest particles (cells) and the formation of new ones.

The renewal process is as follows: the top layer is a kind of multi-layered "pie". In its deep layers, the cells are alive, they divide and move to the surface of the skin, replacing dead particles there. To help the renewal process and speed it up, a wide variety of procedures are carried out to remove the upper dead skin scales.

A facial roll is one such cleansing method. The method consists in applying a special composition to the skin of the face and then rolling it with your hands.

The advantages of this peeling method are as follows:

  • Suitable for all skin types;
  • cleansing is done very carefully;
  • there is no possibility of injury.

The advantages of this method make it possible to apply it independently, without the services of a cosmetologist.

The procedure is necessary to maintain healthy and youthful skin. With its oily type, manipulation should be performed once every two weeks, with dry - once a month. This method is not recommended for rosacea (vascular skin disease) or in the presence of a large number of foci of inflammation.

Facial peeling recipes at home

According to this recipe, you can prepare a roll for a deep cleansing of the face yourself.

"Hollywood Purge"

In a pharmacy, you need to buy a 5% (or 10%) solution of calcium chloride. Pour the contents of the ampoule into a saucer. to clean and dry face sponge or cotton pad it is necessary to apply the solution, avoiding the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes and lips. Let dry, repeat the process five more times. Wet your hands with water and lather them with soap (without fragrances and dyes). Massage the face along the massage lines with soapy hands. "Pellets" will begin to form. Repeat the process until their appearance stops. Wash your face with water, apply moisturizer.

In the presence of a large number of black dots (acne)

Facial skin needs regular and quality cleaning, since the dead layer of cells cannot be washed off only with water and washing gel.

At the same time, improper cleansing causes skin aging, the appearance of blackheads and other not-so-pleasant defects.


A peeling roll can help to cope with high-quality cleansing. The procedure helps to even out and renew the surface of the skin due to its regeneration.

After such a mask or scrub, the skin will smooth, uniform and velvety. There are many types of peeling, but not all of them are suitable for home use.

On your own, you can make such types of rolling as chemical, physical and mechanical.

Depending on the degree of purification, it is divided into superficial, medium and deep.

At home, you can only make the first look, but it will also be a serious help to your skin.

You need to understand that the roll and the standard base are different. known as "Hollywood Purge", the roll has the following features:

  1. It is not applied for a long time - you need to keep it on your face for about 3-4 minutes.
  2. There are no side effects.
  3. Can be used from 15 years of age.

The procedure is safe: it does not provoke severe redness, irritation and other defects. There may be a slight tingling sensation, but this is normal.

The procedure helps to fight against sebaceous plugs and peeling, eliminates fine wrinkles and quality prevention all these defects.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by funds from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

What is required for the procedure?

At home, you can easily do this procedure.

The ingredients are available so no big expenses.

You do not need to spend a lot of time either - the procedure will take no more than twenty minutes.

Modern manufacturers offer and already turnkey solutions for rolling for those who do not want to experiment on their own. Funds from leading brands have a similar effect.

For the procedure, you will need Ingredients:

  • a solution of calcium chloride, which you can buy at a pharmacy (or another product intended for home peeling);
  • baby soap without fragrances and dyes;
  • cotton pads or balls;
  • warm water with which you will wash;
  • instruction for rolling at home.

How to do?

How to make a face roll at home? You can buy a ready-made remedy or cook it yourself. Home peeling roll done quite simply.

You need to grate the soap on a coarse grater, add water and leave for 12 hours, then beat it into a pulp with a mixer.

You can add to the solution chamomile juice. This product perfectly cleanses the skin, tones it and gives it a beautiful uniform shade.

Take care of clean and dry skin.

Using a cotton pad, apply to the surface of the face calcium chloride solution 10% or the rolling solution you bought, avoiding the area around the lips and around the eyes.

To the solution dried up hold it for about three minutes. After that, you need to apply the solution again. It is recommended to repeat the procedure several times.

The next step is a generous application. thick soap suds. As a result of a chemical reaction, there will be soap flakes. Foam is also used several times.

When the soap balls stop rolling and the skin begins to creak wash thoroughly with warm water.

There are also another way use. It involves first applying a dense soapy foam. After the hand, you need to moisten with a solution of calcium chloride and apply it on the face.

Moisturize your hands if necessary. But don't overdo it. It is necessary to wash off the spools that appear with warm water.

Contraindications and precautions

Despite the effectiveness and simplicity of the procedure, it still has certain contraindications. Maybe for someone she doesn't fit at all. Before the procedure, read the following important points:

Skin care after

After you finish the procedure, the skin will tighten and be dehydrated. You can't just leave her. Better make a moisturizer calming or nourishing mask . You can buy ready-made or also make it yourself.

You can use the same chamomile, as well as mint, sage, calendula. Good soothing tea tree oil. You can then use your regular face cream. As we have already said, it is better to carry out the procedure before going to bed.

If you had to do it during the day, do not go outside after the procedure and do not let direct sunlight contact with skin.

If this cannot be avoided, use sunscreen with a high protection factor.

If you have no contraindications, be sure to try this procedure.

Perhaps it will become your personal lifesaver which will help you always look perfect.

Freed from dead particles, the face heals, acquires a fresh color, and most importantly - the skin "breathes more freely". And now we will talk about one of the newest, but already popular cleansers among the female environment. This is a facial peel. What is this product, how is the removal of keratinized particles, what does such a procedure give - let's talk?

Peeling roll for the face: characteristics

This remedy is visually similar to a paste or more often a gel. Peeling roll for the face has a light texture and a uniform consistency. Color - whitish or transparent.

The purpose of the roll is to remove dead particles, remnants of makeup, grease and dirt from the skin. The principle of peeling is akin to a snowball: the gel is applied to the skin, massaged, after which pellets appear on the surface of the face. They look and feel like bits of silicone. In fact, cellulose, which is one of the components of peeling, acquires this form. It is these pellets that collect unnecessary particles from the face. Hence the name "peeling roll".

The main advantages of peeling rolls

The purpose of the roll is to remove dead particles, remnants of makeup, grease and dirt from the skin.

This tool can be called "smart", because it is simply impossible to overdo it using it. That is, when it is completely cleaned and becomes moderately dry, pellets simply cease to form. So, the absence of pellets is a sign that the skin is already clean.

The composition of the product containing fruit extracts and many types of acids is another main advantage that a face peeling roller has. Consumer reviews testify: thanks to these substances, redness on the face is also lightened, the skin is nourished with moisture, and its relief becomes even and smooth.

Skatka has a number of other advantages:

Soft texture gently cleanses and does not harm the skin. And the secret is that here, unlike the usual ones, there are no small solid particles - abrasives - that can injure delicate skin.

Skatka is a great substitute mechanical way cleaning. This is especially true for highly sensitive skin, which is easily injured.

The pellets "produce" a facial massage, and this is an acceleration of blood circulation, cell renewal and a significant improvement in the appearance of the skin.

Fruit acids enhance the synthesis of collagen, due to which the face acquires a “live” appearance and elasticity.

Convenient application. Doing the procedure at home is not difficult and takes only 10 minutes of your time.

Low price and long-term use of one tube.

After application, the products narrow, disappear, and the color on the face evens out and becomes fresh.

Note: Today, Asian-made rolls are especially popular. It is in them that all the necessary components for cleansing the skin are combined. The most commonly consumed is the Korean Tony Moly facial roll. Almost on a par with it are "Mizone" and "Missha".

How to use peeling roll?

In the photo: the sequence of the roll

As we have said, the use of this tool is a pleasure. The procedure is very easy. In addition, you can always find instructions for use on the tube.

The main stages of facial cleansing with peeling are:

Remove make-up from skin with water and regular cleanser.

Drying the surface of the skin with a towel (napkin). You can not rub your face hard, it is better to let it be a little wet.

When the skin is dry, apply the product.

After a minute or two (no more), massage the skin with your fingers. If desired, you can use a cotton pad. The movement should be soft and follow the massage lines. Stretching and rubbing the cover is not recommended.

After the formation of pellets, the roll must be removed with water.

This is how the facial roll is applied. Consumer reviews here often coincide with the opinion of professionals and include the following advice: after peeling, to consolidate the effect, apply a mask to the face that will nourish and moisturize cleansed skin. Or it could be your favorite cream.

We make a peeling roll on our own

In the photo: components for rolling

Peeling roll is a relatively new product in cosmetology. But many women have long possessed the secret of this procedure. After all, a roll can be easily prepared at home from the available ingredients.

And for this procedure, you only need:

Vial or ampoule with (5-10%). You can buy them at any pharmacy. But remember that the drug is stored for only 10 days from the moment it was opened.

Baby soap. It is desirable that it be created from natural ingredients, with a minimum of additives.

Cotton pad.

Next is cleaning. A homemade facial roll is used as follows: a soap foam is applied to the face, then the fingers are moistened in the solution and massaging movements are made. Then - according to the already described scheme - the pellets are washed off, the cream is applied.

A calcium-based remedy is indicated for teenagers with problematic skin - acne, oversized pores - as well as women with oily / combination skin.

Home Roll: Cautions

In the photo: this is how the stingray affects the skin of the face

Many girls, having read the recipe, immediately want to try the product for themselves. But when using a homemade roll, you need to remember the following:

Before applying, it is better to check how the skin reacts to the home peeling roll. To do this, it is better to first apply the product on the wrist. If irritation occurs, application is delayed.

For "beginners" who are trying calcium chloride for the first time, it is better to buy a weak solution, that is, 5%, for a start.

The first use is advised to plan for the weekend, as redness may occur.

If abnormal reactions occur, the skin stings, itching appears, etc. - the product must be removed from the skin and henceforth not used.

Cleansing with calcium chloride is the most effective method. However, he is also the most aggressive. Therefore, after such a procedure, the face must be thoroughly moisturized and soothed.

Beauticians recommend always "listen" to your skin. If the remedy causes discomfort, it is better to refuse it. Or you can try a roll from another manufacturer. Perhaps the skin simply reacts incorrectly to specific components of the composition (allergy).

Also, cosmetologists advise:

Do not use the remedy for inflammation of the skin with the presence of abscesses.

Do not use on very dry skin types.

Oily and requires one to two treatments a week. Dry - once every two weeks.

For the “cleansing plus rejuvenation” procedure, a meso-peeling roll for the face is perfect, the action of which is aimed at exfoliation (deep cleansing) and stimulation of cell renewal.

Peeling roll for the face is an excellent helper for oily and problem skin. Regular cleansing with a roll will return the face to a healthy and blooming appearance.

Asian women are famous all over the world for their porcelain, like those of babies, skin and the mysteries of beauty, passed down from generation to generation. One of these secrets is a peeling roll. The stars adore it, and at least one tube can be found in the boudoir of every modern girl. By what rules are these “miracle remedies” chosen?

The roll boom came in the 1970s. Since then, homemade recipes for Asian peels have spread all over the world. They were also loved in the former USSR, especially since Korean and Japanese facial peels could be done right in the kitchen: that is, about 8 times more profitable than in the salon.


Oriental exfoliants not only exfoliate and cleanse dead cells, but also saturate tissues with moisture, even out complexion, neutralize inflammation and redness, and tighten the oval of the face. It would seem that other exfoliating agents “can do” all this. What then is a peeling roll?

The exfoliant works according to this principle:

  1. Dissolves the dead stratum corneum with acids and viscous components.
  2. Absorbs dead cells through cellulose particles, forming balls.
  3. Together with the lumps, unnecessary particles of the stratum corneum roll down.

That is, the product simultaneously resembles and chemical peels, and mechanical.

What is the difference here?

From mechanical (scrubs)

The rolling exfoliant is similar to how it is applied: in both cases, to exfoliate the face, it must be massaged in a circular motion. However, at the same time, the rolls do not contain any abrasives (crystals, stones, etc.) that scratch the skin, that is, they have a more delicate effect.

For this reason, Asian preparations are preferred by boys and girls with very thin and sensitive skin. Problematic, as well as too, is also not an obstacle to such peeling.

From chemical peels

According to American dermatologist Melanie Palm, the effect of rolling is similar to acid compounds. However, in the case of Korean peeling, you can see with your own eyes how old skin rolls along with lumps of exfoliant, while “chemistry”, as a rule, dissolves the scales of the epidermis imperceptibly to the eye.

Another difference lies in the harmlessness of the rolls: there is no after them.

Contraindications for peeling-skating

However, Korean facial peels also have a number of limitations. Like the classic types of exfoliants, they should not be used for:

  1. Individual intolerance;
  2. herpetic infection;
  3. Damage to tissue integrity;
  4. Capillaries close to the surface of the skin.

Unlike purely acid procedures, Asian preparations can be used for rosacea (pink pimples).

To exclude the possibility of an allergy, you must first do a test for the tolerance of the components of the drug on the skin of the hand. When abnormal itching occurs, the composition is immediately washed off with clean water and refrain from further experiments.

Pros and cons of rolling

The first most obvious plus is how the peeling roll works. The principle of action explains all the main advantages of the exfoliant:

  1. Suitable for any skin type.
  2. Does not require special skills.
  3. Easily available in stores.
  4. Few contraindications.

With a sparing effect, the minus of a less pronounced result is also associated.

The disadvantages are most often complained of by poorly informed patients with high expectations, who counted on the effect of the course application after the first procedure.

Also, someone has discomfort during the treatment, if there is fluff on the face, to which everything sticks.


Peeling rolls for the face differ in several ways:

  1. skin type;
  2. Active ingredient;
  3. Additional components;
  4. Packing form;
  5. Consistency.

For different skin types

Although most of these types of products are universal, if you wish, you can find samples specially designed for problematic and sensitive skin. They include additional wound healing and softening components.

For active ingredients

Most often, beauty products are based on: fruit acids; and salicylic, as well as famous for their natural origin (enzymes from pineapple, papaya and egg protein).

By additional tasks (Table)

Japanese and Korean exfoliators also have "bonus" highly specialized features. For example, supplemented preparations moisturize well, protein preparations nourish, prevent inflammation, brighten, and those containing aloe vera extract soothe and soften (see table):

According to the packaging

Korean drugs are most often produced in tubes, but there are also original packaging: for example, in spray bottles. These unusual liquid exfoliants can be sprayed directly onto the skin.

By consistency

Consistency happens cream, gel, liquid and (on rare occasions) granular, but the particles during the massage dissolve without a trace, so there is no need to be afraid to damage the sensitive epidermis.

The most traditional texture is creamy: it is good because it already implies nutrition and hydration, although this does not negate the use of the cream after the procedure.

Even softer, but no less effective, cosmetologists call gel cosmetic products of this class. During the massage, they turn into foam and do not require additional moisturizers.

And, finally, a separate category is the calcium chloride peeling roll of soapy consistency from Boni, the star of the TV project DOMA-2 and the ex-girlfriend of the Irish billionaire Alex Smerfit.


Wherever Japanese peeling is performed - on the body or on the face - the algorithm of actions will be identical.

How to use peeling roll:

  1. We remove makeup, cleanse and degrease the skin with a facial wash, blot with a towel so that it is completely dry.
  2. Apply the peeling agent in an even layer with a brush or fingers, except for the eyes and lips.
  3. Leave on the skin according to the instructions (for a couple of minutes). Then we carry out a light massage in circular motions for 1-2 minutes, focusing on the T-zone. When cellulose lumps begin to form, this means that the product is working.
  4. Rinse off the excess with purified warm water or a soft towel. You can not rub the skin, so as not to damage and stretch it.
  5. Moisturize with cream if needed.

The algorithm may vary slightly depending on the tool (for example, ).

Care and possible complications

If you follow the instructions for use, the appearance side effects unlikely. For example, if you ignore the allergotest, an allergic reaction may develop.

Also, after peeling, there is a risk of occurrence, therefore, post-peeling care in this case must necessarily include creams with SPF 30+ solar filters. In case of unforeseen complications, do not self-medicate.

How often can you exfoliate

Although positive changes will be noticeable after the first application, lasting results (for example, smoothing the relief) can only be achieved as a result of course therapy.

When it comes to how often you can use the facial peel, it's important to stick to your schedule. An insufficient number of procedures will give a weak effect, and too intensive a procedure will weaken the barrier functions of the epidermis and may cause redness and peeling.

Depends on skin type: owners can exfoliate every 3-7 days, for normal and combination skin, 1 session per week is enough, and they are treated every 10 days.


The modern choice of cosmetic products is so large that you can get confused. In this situation, it is reasonable to prefer proven drugs with positive reviews from our rating.

Korean Oxygen Super Aqua by MISSHA

Oxygen enriched product is intended for deep cleansing and includes extracts of exotic flowers and seeds, as well as fruit acids from papaya and grapefruit. Actively moisturizes and awakens the inner radiance of the skin. Many people like the delicate aroma of the product and the economical 100 ml package (although some had difficulties with the inconvenient dispenser and low exfoliating properties of the drug).

Price: approx. 20€.

Korean apple roll MIZON

Duet of apple and hyaluronic acid suitable even for particularly thin and sensitive skin. Excellent nutrition due to fruit and sugarcane extracts. The dense gel consistency is good for application and prevents the drug from spreading. Among the shortcomings: the exfoliant is powerless against black dots (only lightens them slightly).

Volume - 120 ml, price - approx. 15€.

Italian roll LIMONI

And this remedy, although also based on malic acid, is remembered for its lemon flavor to match the name. The gel consistency forms an airy foam when applied. As a result of the course application, post-acne disappears, the oval of the face is tightened.

A 150 ml peeling costs approx. 10€.

Original Korean peeling TONY MOLY

This exfoliant has gained popularity due to its original "apple" shape and creamy consistency. It softens and nourishes well with moisture, evens out complexion, prevents acne and tightens pores. According to some reviews, some buyers are unhappy that the product, according to them, is poorly washed off.

With a volume of 80 ml, the average price of 10 € seems overpriced to some.

Korean peeling with egg HOLIKA HOLIKA

The brand has previously established itself as non-banal hypoallergenic rolls in the consistency of tonic, which were sprayed with a dispenser on steamed wet skin. And this time, HOLIKA HOLIKA technologists have created a peeling with egg white extract against blackheads, refreshing and exfoliating. Among the advantages - freshness "to the squeak".

A volume of 140 ml will cost 12€.

Korean Stem Cell Exfoliation THE SAEM

And this product is unique in the permissible frequency of use: according to reviews, even 4 times use within 1 week does not entail negative consequences. Stem cells and pine bark extract also have a rejuvenating, toning and brightening effect.

Available in 40 and 160 ml volumes, it costs 6€ and 20€ respectively.

Russian skatka with chamomile LIBREDERM

Not very effective, but suitable even for skin with spider veins. Without artificial colors and flavors, hazy color, with a slight aroma. It has good rolling properties, refreshes the complexion, moisturizes.

The 75 ml tube costs only about 4€.

Japanese matting roll SHISEIDO

Vitamin-rich gel with green tea antioxidants divides users into two camps: some consider the quality to match the price (€2.5 per 100 ml), admire the exfoliating effect on the feet and good matting of the face, others complain about too sticky lumps that injure delicate skin.

Belarusian milk roll BELITA

Acid-based budget gel meso-peeling has a granular structure. During massage, non-abrasive particles dissolve without leaving a trace, without damaging the tissue. It polishes and mattifies well, and since, when applied, it stings slightly and causes blood flow to the face, this allows someone to feel that the product “works”, while for someone, on the contrary, it causes rejection.

A 100 ml tube costs only 2.5€.

Russian salicylic roll PROPELLER

Perhaps the most cost-effective option in the category (1.5€ per 100 ml), while gaining a lot of positive feedback. Not very effective, but for supporting procedures for owners problematic skin it will be enough, if not the best “rolling” and liquefied texture are not embarrassing.

Do you have a favorite Korean roll?

Hi all!

Do you do facial scrubs and peels? Buy ready-made or do it yourself? Usually I try to buy a ready-made Korean-made peeling roll. But it turns out in the days of the USSR means for deep skin cleansing cooked on their own at home. I was interested in this topic and I decided to study it in more detail.

Do-it-yourself peeling roll is a tool that you can prepare at home without spending extra money. But is it effective and safe? Let's figure it out!

Peeling roll is a cosmetic product that is designed to deeply cleanse and rejuvenate the skin, due to exfoliation accumulated old cells. Such a peeling is called a roll due to the fact that the mixture itself cleanses the face by rolling. That is, the peeling itself turns into small lumps, taking dead cells from the skin.

Advantages home peeling rolls as follows:

  • cheap components;
  • quite easy to prepare;
  • suitable for all ages;
  • carried out quickly.

The main component of a home peeling roll is calcium chloride, so this cleansing is called chemical.

It turns out that the former member of "House 2", and now TV presenter Victoria Bonya, actively uses such peeling.

Indications for the use of this remedy are:

  1. mimic wrinkles;
  2. dull skin;
  3. oily sheen;
  4. black dots
  5. acne and pimples;
  6. peeling;
  7. uneven surface of the skin.

Means more suitable mature oily skin with enlarged pores. But it is quite aggressive and it is not advisable to do it more than 2 times a month, since the skin is exposed to this stress.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the evening and during the day, do not forget to use a special sun cream. If you are not afraid of unexpected reactions, then try applying this peeling on your skin.

How to cook on your own?

Components for a peeling roll can be bought at any pharmacy. For peeling need:

  • ampoule of 5% solution of calcium chloride in the amount of one piece;
  • soap (preferably baby, which is without additives and fragrances);
  • cotton pads.

Before applying the procedure, the face must be cleaned and dried with a towel. Nothing needs to be mixed Components applied in turn.

Now let's move on to drawing:

  1. We open the ampoule calcium chloride and abundantly moisten a cotton pad with its solution. We begin to wipe the skin with it several times until all the product is over. But it is necessary to apply the next layer only after the previous one dries.
  2. Now comes into play baby soap. We lather a cotton pad with it and begin to massage the face, in no case should the product get on the area around the eyes and lips. Just at this time, a chemical reaction of soap with calcium chloride should occur. Instead of foam, white pellets appear on the skin, it is they who remove dead cells from the skin and cleanse clogged glands, eliminating black spots and excessive sebum secretion. It is necessary to wipe with a soapy cotton pad for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Upon completion, wash off the peeling roll from the skin with warm water, then be sure to apply sedative, for example, a decoction of chamomile. Do not wipe the skin with a towel, the face can pinch enough. Now you should apply a nourishing or moisturizing mask to the skin of the face to fill it with life-giving moisture and useful vitamins. After all, right now the effect of all additional funds is enhanced several times.

This is how the process is done!

But personally for my skin, such a peeling roll has become simply disastrous. I did not get the desired effect, for the next two weeks I could not get rid of redness and heat, my cheeks were especially affected.

There was literally nothing I could do to soothe my skin, it stinged so badly. As a result, I stopped any care altogether - I applied absolutely nothing to my face for one week, only washed my face with cool boiled water. Trying to recover, the skin began to become covered with a greasy film.

During the procedure itself, of course, I felt tingling and even burning, but I thought that this was in the order of things. I still think it was the fault sensitive skin , because there are also positive reviews on the Internet for home peeling rolls.

But I'm not upset, because now there is such a large choice Asian products that have a more gentle effect on the skin of the face.

Who should not have the procedure?

So, a peeling roll with calcium chloride should not be applied in the following cases:

  • allergy to calcium chloride solution;
  • inflammation present on the face;
  • too sensitive skin;
  • rosacea and other diseases of the skin of the face;
  • dry and dehydrated skin;
  • Availability sunburn and open wounds;
  • pregnancy.

Before use, it is advisable to allergic reaction test to avoid unwanted consequences. But I did such a test, and it didn’t save me, that is, there is no allergy to the component itself, it’s all skin hypersensitivity. But maybe I did something wrong?

The only advantage of this procedure was too smooth skin, as if she was polished in an expensive beauty salon. But unfortunately other shortcomings did not allow me to enjoy this advantage.

For myself, I decided that I would not repeat this again! After all, this procedure was used by women in the last century, and then the presence of a shortage in the market forced them to come up with various means capable of prolonging the youthfulness of the skin.

We are all individual, so I do not force anyone to refuse this procedure if it suits you, but I do not urge you either!

Have you tried this recipe too? How are the impressions?

Good luck with your cleansing! See you!