Stay in the old year. All you need to leave in the old year: get rid of it and start living life to the fullest! Good luck spell for the new year

Just do not be afraid at the word conspiracy. Conspiracies on New Year 2020 does not carry anything negative, on the contrary, they are aimed at ensuring that all the bad things remain in the outgoing year, and you enter the new year 2020 only with positive baggage.

Be sure to take with you good luck and love, prosperity and health. And how to do all this, you will learn by reading this material.

Of course, there is simply no better time to fulfill wishes than the New Year. Tune in to the festive wave and prepare the most cherished desires. They will definitely come true.

What is the difference between the New Year's time and all the others and why conspiracies at this time of the year bring results. It's all about the accumulation of powerful, bright energy, thanks to a single spirit and people's faith in magic.

A series of various holidays takes place during this period and covers all countries and continents, all religions and denominations. On New Year's Eve, all of humanity demonstrates amazing unanimity. Naturally, the main hopes of people are connected with the future, this is the health of their own and loved ones, and financial well-being, and, of course, love. Do not miss the chance to seize the moment, this happens only once a year, use New Year's conspiracies!

New Year's conspiracy for health and youth

Everyone dreams of eternal youth and health. Perform all actions strictly, as described in the instructions for this health conspiracy.

On December 31, after the hands of the clock start counting the last hour of the year, go to the mirror with three lit candles. It is better if they are consecrated, right in the church. Take a spoonful of honey in your right hand and repeat the magic spell for health and youth:

From three sides day comes, and from the fourth only night, the water runs away and slips away. Let illnesses and ailments also take root and flow away, like water away from my body and soul. Mother earth to help me, and damp water. I will quench my thirst with fresh water and float above the earth like a swan. I will be young for a century.

After the end of the spell, you must immediately eat honey and drink it with water. Try it, perhaps this rite will help you maintain health and youth.

Good luck spell for the new year

This conspiracy must also be done on the very eve of the New Year. Try to collect your thoughts properly, remember all those who were not so kind to you in the past year, maybe even you have enemies or enemies. Forgive them all, leave all grievances in the past, say thank you to God for a great year and ask him for support in the coming year. And most importantly, ask him to support all the people who need it.

Pick up a lit candle and read the plot for good luck:

Dear God, do not leave me in the New Year, I ask the well-being of all my relatives, the needy, and a little me. Gold, silver, miscellaneous goods, I ask for your blessings and your God's patience. Heavenly angels, please give the servant of God (here you need to indicate your own name) silushki in the coming year. To my relatives, to all those in need, well, to me a little. Almighty Lord, I ask for your protection from ailments, ailments, from cold water and burning fire. Be with me God, the whole New Year, and with all people too. Protect from misfortunes and torments, from evil and dashing eyes. Let it be so, all your will.

Conspiracy for the fulfillment of desires

As everyone who has passed this rite says, it works flawlessly! To do this, you need to do the simplest manipulations. Hold a gold or silver ring in one hand. On the very New Year, say a conspiracy to fulfill wishes, when the chimes begin the report of the new 2020, touch the ring to the edge of your left ear and try to imagine what you would like to receive in the future. For the best effect, imagine that you already have it, believe it as a fact. Do not hesitate, when the New Year comes, so it will be.

Conspiracy for mutual love for the New Year

It often happens that we celebrate the New Year in the company of a person for whom we have feelings. But, as a dramatic plot requires, he does not pay any attention to you. Sitting at the table, as if by chance, ask this very person to simply pass you an apple. Just take your time, do not bite him right away. Hide it somewhere, just do it discreetly, and then put it right under the Christmas tree. Waking up in the morning, take this apple, cut the core out of it and stick a note into the wasteland that has formed, on which the name of your loved one will be written.

And then tie the fruit with a dense red thread, hide it in a secluded place. And then watch carefully. The magic will begin to act, and the same person will definitely pay attention to you, or, for sure, call you. Just don't talk about what you're going to do, otherwise the magic will lose its power.

New Year's conspiracy for wealth

Russian people, for the most part, all, like Emelya, lie on the stove and wait until wealth comes into their hands. Let's also turn into New Year's Emelya for a second, and try to earn money without getting up from the stove. Moreover, in the New Year, the power of magic doubles. The second most popular conspiracy for the New Year after love is money. It seems very unfair to many that yachts, mansions and cars belong to some other people, therefore, on New Year's Eve they are urgently asked, and someone even demands that higher powers apply for life.

So, let's say you went to the store on the first of January to restock your groceries. Although, probably, on the table and in the refrigerator is still full of salads. We went, in general, to the store, bought what we wanted, they gave you change. These very small money will be useful to us for our financial ritual. Throw a penny into a clay pot, hide it in a secluded place and cast magic spells over it every night:

The moon has grown in the night sky, which means that my money will grow up. The moon in the night sky calls, stuffs money into my pocket. This method works especially effectively when the future oligarch stamps his right foot on the word "month" and at the same time pours some more trifles into the pot. After the ceremony, bury the money where no one will definitely find it. And wait, soon the money will flow like a river.

Believing in New Year's signs is not as reckless as it might seem. Often there are much more logical things behind them than we used to think. proposes for the first time to consider the rational side New Year's signs.

Perhaps the most popular sign is “How you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it.” There are many more similar signs, for example, “To ensure the well-being of the New Year, he should arrange a joyful, friendly meeting,” etc. They all say that your own mood is the key to the productivity of the coming season. If you are in such bright holiday, like the New Year, you have lost your mood, faith in the future, quarrel with loved ones or do not want to be positive, it is unlikely that you will be able to gain strength and accomplish all your plans in the coming year. Therefore, take this sign very seriously. Think in advance where you will spend the holiday, and do not forget to leave all the bad things in the past year. If you can’t find joy in any way, apply your own chosen principle regarding this day. Take a break and celebrate every New Year in a different country, do what you really like on the night of December 31 to January 1: watch a series or a sports match. Don't let yourself lose the most important thing you have under the tree - your presence of mind. Otherwise, where would such signs come from? “Before the New Year, you can’t take dirty linen out of the hut, otherwise there will be no home well-being for a whole year”, “If the first day of the year is merry, then the whole year will be like that”, “If guests are on New Year’s, then guests are all year”, “If in first day of the new year to do hard work, the whole a year will pass without rest"…

A very true sign "If you put on something new for the New Year, then the year will be successful", "On New Year's Eve with a new thing - walk around in new clothes for a whole year." Shopping is a great way to relieve stress, and when choosing gifts for loved ones, do not forget about yourself. Be sure to wear New Year's celebration new underwear, and possibly everything else.

New Year's signs do not recommend us to save on: "Loaf and salt on New Year's table- to well-being”, “Food and drinks should be in abundance on the New Year’s table, then the whole year there will be prosperity in the family.” Here we apply the law that one who knows how to relax can work well and earn money. Do not limit yourself to pleasant pleasure, let the sign "The last glass on New Year's Eve bring good luck to those who drink it" will come into your hands. Do not be afraid of stereotypes and be sure to cook the traditional Olivier for the New Year. And do not forget about the smell of tangerines, which we associate with childhood. In addition, there is such a sign: “A minute before the chiming clock, you need to take a tangerine (orange), peel it and put it under the Christmas tree. If you have time, then the year will be very happy.”

Folk wisdom contains many New Year's signs about money: “You should not pay debts on this day - otherwise you will pay off all year”, “It is impossible to lend money on New Year's Eve so that the whole next year not to be in debt", "Whoever has empty pockets on New Year's Eve will spend the whole year in need." We don’t know how our ancestors argued such advice, but in modern economic conditions New year's night may be characterized by instability in rates and quotes, which begins to be minimized only a week after the holidays. Therefore, do not rush to implement cash transactions in the New Year, wait until the new financial period comes and you can resolve all issues with a clear head.

In ancient times, people believed that on the New Year they become vulnerable to evil spirits and evil spirits. Therefore, they tried to drive them away with a noisy holiday, and with any other sounds. It was even considered as follows: “If someone sneezes on this day, then to their well-being, the whole year will be happy.”

Today is New Year's Eve, perhaps the only one when, on the contrary, neither neighbors nor the police frighten us. You can scream and rejoice! Therefore, use this opportunity - blow up firecrackers, shout "Hurrah!", Loudly open champagne and clink glasses. Maybe this will really allow you to drive away all evil spirits from your home!

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“Let all the bad things remain in the old year” - such a wish sounds on December 31 more often than the usual “happiness, health”. At first glance, these words seem banal and “just to say”, but if you think about it, you understand: how great it would really be to leave all the negativity in the outgoing year. And we will show you how to do it.

Of course, you won’t be able to get rid of serious mental wounds in a couple of days. But nothing stops you from at least starting.

We have collected several psychological tricks, thanks to which you can free yourself from old grievances and unpleasant emotions and enter the New Year 2017 with a light heart.

1. Direct conversation

Do you know what half of the grievances that have settled in your head are based on? On innuendo. A carelessly thrown word, not in time question asked"what did you mean?", and that's all - you can no longer get rid of the unpleasant sensation that occurs every time you think about your offender.

Photos: 123RF/ Sebastian Gauert

Why not find out right now - before the New Year? Meet, call or write - it doesn’t matter how, but most importantly, talk to the one you hold a grudge against. Tell about your experiences, ask “why?”, listen calmly and try to accept everything that the interlocutor says. You'll see, half of your experiences are not worth a damn. No wonder they say that sometimes only one conversation separates a person from happiness.

2. Out of sight

In many countries, before the New Year, it is customary to get rid of old trash. No "what if it comes in handy." In Italy, for example, people simply throw out unnecessary dishes, interior elements and even small-sized furniture out of the windows. Have you ever thought that this is a great way to free up not only space in the apartment, but also your head from bad thoughts? We're not suggesting that you throw chairs out the window of a high-rise building, but why not finally get rid of things that remind you of your ex and your difficult breakup?

If it's about something expensive, place an ad for sale. If it's old T-shirts or stupid postcards, just throw them in the trash. You'll see, the unpleasant emotions that you experienced when bumping into this or that thing will instantly disappear.

3. Burn the negativity

Psychologists say that this method perfectly helps to get rid of negativity. Take a piece of paper, a pen or pencil and write down all your grievances, fears and doubts. Do not choose words, let thoughts flow freely. Write whatever comes to mind. Offended by a colleague? Are you angry with your husband? Do you blame yourself for rarely calling your mom? Are you afraid you will lose your job? Write everything.

Photos: 123RF/progressman

Ready? Now take matches or a lighter and burn all the negativity written on the piece of paper. Shake out the remaining ashes in the window. Someone is sure that the matter is self-hypnosis. Others say that in this way we actually get rid of the negativity that has been accumulating in us for years. Be that as it may, such a ritual really helps. Not always the first time. Sometimes you have to repeat it over and over again, but you have to start somewhere. The main thing is to follow the fire safety technique so as not to add problems to yourself before the New Year.

4. Empty chair technique

You know that it is very important not to hush up grievances, but what if it is impossible for some reason to talk to the person who hurt you? Then the empty chair technique comes to the rescue. Everything is very simple: you need to stay alone in the room (or even better - in the apartment), put a chair in front of you and imagine that your offender is sitting on it. Sit in front, choose comfortable posture and start the monologue. Tell me about your feelings, cry, scream, throw pillows at the chair, you can even kick it if you want - throw out all the negative emotions that have settled inside. You will see, at some point you will feel tired and empty. This will be a signal that the "session" was not in vain. You may want to repeat the “conversation with an empty chair” more than once or twice, you yourself will feel when enough is enough. The main thing is to allow yourself to release the negative, do not keep destructive emotions inside.

Despite the fact that the days before the New Year will be filled with work, buying gifts and hectic preparations for the holiday, try to devote at least a couple of hours to yourself. Let this time the wish “leave all the bad things in the old year” turn out to be not an empty phrase for you. With a little effort, you can enter 2017 a little happier than before.

Even if you are an ultra decent person, not prone to hoarding, before the new year it does not hurt to conduct an audit so as not to drag anything superfluous into a brighter future, be it things, thoughts or emotions.

1. If, then, perhaps, they could not resist and remembered not only the good. If not, now is the right time. Remember what mistakes you made, what ridiculous situations happened to you.

If the situation has already been worked out, it will not bring you unpleasant emotions. And if not, it's time to work it out and not drag these mistakes and failures into the future.

So, write on paper (this is important!) list of mistakes and failures, problems and troubles. Analyze each situation: how it could have been prevented, what you personally could have done to make the situation more favorable.

Replace the image of an unpleasant moment with a positive one and play it in your head several times until you believe that it happened. So you remove the emotional charge, and get a fixed algorithm of actions for the next time, if this happens to you.

Thank the situation for the lesson and let it go. For a symbolic end, burn the list, blow it in the wind, or flush it down the toilet. In extreme cases, give it to the office "crocodile" or send it to the electronic trash, if you are too lazy to pick up a pen.

2. Look what remains unfinished in the list of tasks for the current year. What else can be done? Russian people tend to overthrow mountains in a limited time. Use the moment to explode your own productivity.

3. Review the list of tasks for long-term tails. Those things that are rewritten from year to year, but not done, require special attention. It is useful to look through them and figure out exactly why they do not go into the category of done (you can use my mini-book). Perhaps they can be crossed out and forgotten without harm. Or do it in the near future, having dealt with the reasons for the downtime.

4. I think that most of my readers have already figured out piles of things, if any . Nevertheless, even the most decent people may not notice how outdated something is in the cycle of affairs. Look at your material possessions with fresh eyes. It's time to get rid of:

  • broken (for example, repair);
  • irrelevant and unnecessary: ​​old-fashioned dresses, obscenely worn underwear, dusty appliances;
  • unclaimed (new trousers that you have not worn even once in 4 years);
  • unloved: that which takes up space in vain, despite the fact that it does not give you joy (of course, you should not throw out the unloved and necessary).
  • Disassemble books, magazines, documents, guidebooks, instructions and warranty cards from non-existent equipment.
  • Send to trash or more suitable places broken pens, dried refills, used batteries, lone keys, and so on.
  • If possible, get rid of everything that has unpleasant memories.

5. Disassemble your electronic treasures:

  • Unsubscribe from newsletters that you never read. If it's a pity, make a list of "good unsubscribes" to come back to when you have the time and mood to read (never really, but let's pretend).
  • Delete temporary files on the desktop and in downloads.
  • Organize your photos:
    • remove duplicates and similar pictures;
    • send poor quality footage to the trash;
    • say goodbye to photos that cause you negative emotions;
    • wave the pen to the pictures where they came out unsuccessfully;
    • structure the rest for easy reference.
  • Demolish programs that you never use. Clean the archives from obsolete boot files.

6. Scan your relationship. Make a list of your moral hooks with other people: insults, omissions, moral and material debts, broken promises. Try to complete what you promised (or at least confirm your obligations and return dates), resolve omissions, apologize for the offenses you have caused and forgive for what you received.

If a conversation with real person impossible, throw out your emotions on paper / in electronic text. You can send this to the addressee only if it improves relations. In most cases, it is enough to write a letter of resentment, throwing out all your negative emotions, thoughts and expectations, burn and close this topic. You can put an end to it by washing away the remnants of resentment in your soul and rewarding yourself with something pleasant.

7. Review your automatisms, obsolete installations. What actions of yours do not bring you benefit, joy, result? What do you do simply because it is accepted or used to? These can be destructive activities such as drinking, smoking, and yelling at loved ones. Or just extra movements that do not affect the result, how to get strawberries out of the jam during the cooking process so that they do not fall apart.

What do you want to leave in the past year? Fold and send to the archive.

Thank you, …, thank you for your service and lessons! Goodbye!