» The most famous political slogans. "¡No pasarán!" The most famous political slogans When we are united we are invincible drawings of children

1. "No pasarán" (from Spanish ¡No pasarán! - "They will not pass!") is a political slogan expressing someone's decision to defend their position.

"They won't get through!" Photo: Wikipedia

After its proclamation in 1916 by the French general Robert Nivel the phrase also appeared on propaganda posters after several high-profile battles in the early 20th century.

This slogan was translated into Russian from Spanish. Dolores Ibarruri uttered it during the Civil War, the words became a symbol of the movement against the Nazis. The defense was successful, and then a new, albeit less well-known slogan appeared: "¡Pasaremos!" (“We will pass!”). Another phrase from this series "Hemos pasado" ("We have passed") will see the world later, a few days before the end of the Great Patriotic War.

2. "Liberty, equality, fraternity" (from the French "Liberté, égalité, fraternité") - the slogan of the French Revolution of 1789.

The beginning of the revolution was the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789 (in 2016, just a few days ago, National holiday France was overshadowed by a terrible terrorist attack), and November 9, 1799 is considered the end. Began to use the motto "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" first Maximilian Robespierre. These words are attributed to his speech delivered in December 1790 in the National Assembly. Robespierre proposed the motto "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" as an inscription on a tricolor banner National Guard. Later these words will be considered and discussed in their writings. Marx, Engels And Lenin.

Tympanum of the church with an inscription of 1905, made after the issuance of the 1905 law on the separation of church and state. Photo: Wikipedia

3. "Proletarians of all countries, unite!" (from the German Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt Euch!) is one of the most famous internationalist communist slogans.

This phrase in Soviet time was familiar to every student. The "Manifesto of the Communist Party" was passed by high school students in history, and later by students in any university.

"Proletarians of all countries, unite!" is one of the most famous international communist slogans. The interpretation of this slogan is known: the workers have nothing to lose except their chains, and they will gain, having overthrown the existing system, the whole world.

The slogan "Proletarians of all countries, unite!" was applied to the coat of arms of the USSR and all union republics. It was hung out in the palaces of culture, factories and factories. Another version of the slogan is known - "Proletarians of all countries and oppressed peoples, unite!", But it was not particularly used.

Emblem of the USSR. Photo: Wikipedia

4. "For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland" ("For God, Tsar and Fatherland") - the slogan used during the Russian Empire.

The motto denoted the commandments that a Russian officer in the war had to know: soul - to God, heart - to a woman, duty - to the Fatherland, honor - to no one. Among the Cossacks, a slightly different option was used - "For faith and loyalty!". Today the slogan is used by nationalists and monarchists.

Who was the first to utter these words that have become winged, history is silent. It is generally accepted that the post of priest that appeared in the troops contributed to the spread of the slogan. The slogan was even reflected on the Great State Emblem of the Russian Empire adopted in 1882.

Militia cross with a motto and a monogram on the Militia ticket from the time of Nicholas II. Photo: Wikipedia

5. "One for all, and all for one" - a proverb slogan that was popular in the Soviet Union.

This slogan was used by heads of enterprises or simply work teams to encourage employees to help each other. In political speeches, he symbolized the unity of the Soviet people, the help of everyone and everyone to each other.

Slogan embedded Alexandre Dumas in the mouth of the musketeers, actually appeared a long time before. "One for all, and all for one" - this is the essence of the work of artel workers. This phrase is attributed to barge haulers pulling the rope together. A similar expression was published in the book "Proverbs of the Russian people" Dalia“To stand all for one, and one for all.”

Today, however, like every 10th, caring people have again gathered in the park on Devichye Pole. They are not indifferent to what is happening in the country and what is happening to other people.
Each time new participants come here with their own problems, but the backbone remains the same - everyone is organized by Marina Zlotnikova, who herself suffered from police lawlessness and corruption in government, she is supported by entrepreneur Valery Tsaturov and the Amrakhov sisters.
Today, new faces have also gathered at the rally. Young guys who have already faced the problem of drugs and who blame the police for this in no small part. mothers of many children, whom the state once again deceived, denied the piece of land and subsidies laid down by law.
At these rallies, they usually stand up for the innocent, unjustly offended by the authorities. People are speaking in support of Colonel Kvachkov, Colonel Khabarov and prisoners of May 6th. Today, for the first time, I heard about the criminal case against Yevgeny Klinnikov, an investigator from Korolyov, and I was very surprised, since I rarely met ordinary people defending investigators and judges.

2. Entrepreneur Marina Zlotnikova, former police officer Valery Tsaturov and granddaughter of Marshal Baghramyan Gayane Amrakhova.

3. Before the start of the picket, a police officer carefully examines the posters.
But I want to note that the posters change during the picket.

4. This is a disgrace to any government!
Mothers of many children take part in a picket against corruption.
It’s only on TV that everything is beautiful with us, but in life it’s completely different.

5. Where are these scandalous journalists, who will pay attention to mothers with many children and their problems?!

6. Such a picture is not interesting for news channels, it is better to show problems in Ukraine and push peoples together than to cover our own problems, which we already have enough.

7. Today the police brought fences to the picket place. Next time they will probably drive all the dissatisfied over the fence.
"Boy! And why are you performing here without a cage? Here, boys only in a cage should sing! "

8. Picketers used fences as stands for posters. The work of the police was not in vain.

9. People want to know!

10. Picketers have a very interesting set of chants, here are some of them:
Yesterday they came for them, tomorrow they will come for you!
We are silent - they fabricate!
Not Brussels and not Moscow, only the struggle gives rights!
Linden is a tree, not evidence in court!
We're all in jail until they're free!

11. Judge by law, not by order!
The police are with the people, don't serve the freaks!

12. Bastrykin, do you need footage or a quadrille with crooks and thieves?!


14. Maiden's Field Square - not a very convenient platform for pickets. At this time, there are few passers-by.


16. Khabarov to freedom, Serdyukov to the bunk!

17. Marina Zlotnikova stood with this banner throughout the picket today.

18. See you on May 10!

Tatyana Kulyapina

People's Day Unity(November 4)- Public Holiday,

installed in 2004. This is a revived holiday with its own history.

People's Day Unity its roots go back to 1612, when the people's army led by Minin and Pozharsky liberated the city from foreign invaders.

Russia is a great and powerful country. It is inhabited by many people of different nationalities. There are many forests and fields, mountains and plains, rivers, lakes and seas on our territory. Enemies very often attacked Russia in order to take possession of its expanses and subdue its peoples. More than once, brave Russian soldiers had to defend our beloved Motherland. And who protected? Of course, PEOPLE!

"Who is this people?" - this is you and me - our families, parents, these are our friends when we are all together. "What us all brings together?", - Of course, this is the Motherland! This is a holiday of our people and our country!

As long as we are united - we are invincible -

The slogan is simple but correct!

We congratulate you all on the day Unity -

Holiday necessary and correct!

Let there be peace and let there be harmony

All over the vast country!

We will give our gift to everyone for happiness,

We will always be friends with everyone!

The boys and I prepared wall newspaper made from our favorite palms, and in the center of our palms-handles our planet is the Earth! Our we signed the wall newspaper"IN Our unity is strength!" They glued little men who call us all to LOVE!

We urge you all to be friends and cherish friendship! Always be together, peace and goodness to you!

Happy National Day unity Congratulations to all of you!

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